Branksome Park Canford Cliffs Residents Association Meeting July 2014


PRESENT: Terry Stewart (TS) President

John Sprackling (JS) Chairman

Wayne Hancock (WH) Vice-Chairman

Michael Parkin (MP) Membership Secretary

Keith Alcroft (KA) Planning Officer

Carol Parkin (CP) Hon Secretary

John Gunton (JG)  Magazine Editor

Cllr Mrs May Haines (MH) Ward Councillor

Cllr Peter Pawlowski (PP) Ward Councillor

Approx. 30 Members/Wardens


JS welcomed those present, particularly, our two Ward Councillors and Mohan Iyengar, who is standing as prospective Conservative Councillor for Canford Cliffs Ward to replace Cllr Neil Sorton.


Apologies: Apologies received from Cllr Neil Sorton, Steve & Jen Cameron
(Party House Action Group), Martin Heath & William Mutlow


Accuracy: JS said would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 11 JUNE 2014.

Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update:
JS reported..


Victoria Education Centre (Landscaping to the new entrance) No new JS developments

(Overhanging vegetation) – The overhanging hedging has

about allegedly excessive charges imposed by Continental Landscapes for removing branches blocking roads, following storm damage. The resident had been informed that this would be ‘at cost’ but had subsequently received a bill for £2,500. Residents would be best advised to ask for an estimate before agreeing for work to be carried out,

Community Working Group (CWG): Next CWG meeting to be held on 3
September 2014. JS said he would distribute the Minutes of last month’s
All meeting with the Minutes of this meeting.

TS reported that he had taken Steve Cameron (Party House Action Group) to this meeting. Steven Thorne was asked by TS to give the Council’s position on the matter of Party Houses. However, even though requested by TS, Stephen Thorne’s statement of the Council’s planning policy re Party Houses was not included in the minutes of this meeting.

  1. Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments
  2. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
  3. Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto
  4. Old Orchard House – ditto
  5. Land at West Quay Road ditto

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

31 Western Avenue

been cut back.

JS said that, although unrelated to this topic, he had been contacted by a


Wednesday, 09 July 2014


Council Budget Monitoring report: (2013/14): JS said that a 17 page update report on the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2014 to 2018 is being presented to the Cabinet at next week’s meeting with no Executive Summary. The current estimated Cumulative MTFP – Net Funding Gap is 2015/16 £5.0m 2016/17 £10.8m 2017/18 £13.5m

Public Rights of Way

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No new developments.
Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto
Bessborough Road – ditto
Footpaths 82/128 (at the rear of 48 Panorama Road to the small beach) – No new developments.

Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): JS reminded those present that the Royal Horticultural Society’s visit to the garden is to take place on 14 July at 11.30am.

Localism Act/Community Engagement: TS reported that two years ago the Government passed the Localism Act which encourages Councils to devolve power down to the residents of the electorate. Unfortunately nothing much has happened recently.

There has been a lack of communication from Poole Council down to the residents on a number of issues. For example, even though there have been four Council meetings on the subject of ‘travellers’, there has not been a single communication to the resident leaders who have been leading the campaign against the ‘travellers’. TS feels that there should be an onus on the Council that, where there is a major concern/ the results of Council decisions should be communicated to the residents.

There was a meeting with the Council Leader some five months ago, when she promised to have a meeting with residents to improve communication, but this has still not taken place.

Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm: Roy Pointer began by thanking all those who had taken the trouble to register with the Planning Inspectorate’s (PINS) website.

There have been 2,728 people who registered.

This is a record of the number of people who have registered against any windfarm. RP will keep residents apprised of the next steps. There was an article in the Bournemouth Echo when this was announced. Local Authorities now have to produce ‘Local Impact’ reports; PCBA is feeding in information to these. LIRs have to include all impacts that the wind farm would have on the locality; not just planning issues.

The next event will be a preliminary meeting called by PINS when the Examining Panel is appointed. They will be appointed by PINS and their job will be to examine the application by Navitus. The earliest date for the Prelim. meeing will be some time in August and all IPs will be able to attend.

As the Government have received a very strong message from UNESCO prior to the determination of the application, RP felt in no doubt that the status of the Jurassic Coast as a World Heritage Site would be lost should the project go ahead.

Road Safety concerns – Burton Road: No objections were received to the advertisement of the proposal to extend the yellow lines at the junctions of Balcombe Road with Burton Road. The yellow lines will be extended very shortly, and drivers should find it much easier to use the junctions once this has been done.





Wednesday, 09 July 2014


Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan DPD)
& Proposal for On-Street Pay & Display on selected roads adjacent to TS beach areas:

A report from the Sustaining Poole’s Seafront Working Party is being presented at Monday’s Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee and some of the key points to have emerged from the recommendations of the working party are:

  •   The purpose of the document should change from that of a financially driven response to the need to invest in the seafront to a strategy for the enhancement of the seafront based on the type of place that it should aspire to be.
  •   Caution has been expressed about adhering to the original ideas where they may actually compromise a more wholesale approach to redevelopment, for instance at Sandbanks.
  •   The provision of additional beach huts is accepted and would help to satisfy demand.
  •   Hotels are considered a more risky and volatile proposal and are not considered the most suitable option.
  •   The provision of a boardwalk between Shore Road and Sandbanks is favoured and it is considered that this should be provided in the short term.
  •   The watersports hub originally proposed to centre on Branksome Chine was considered more appropriate at Branksome Dene Chine
  •   Additionally off street car parking should be considered with the potential for a single deck multi storey car park at Sandbanks to be investigated.
  •   The Working Party is very much against the proposal to reduce the parking in Sandbanks car park, and they have recommended that additional car parking be provided at Sandbanks.
  •   The main ethos is that we move away from this ‘how we make money’ approach that the original plan had, and we need to protect our family oriented venue.
  •   The infrastructure needs to be improved or replaced as it is failing after so many years of use. Cllr. PP hopes that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and then the Cabinet will back the working party. CP pointed out that the Council had paid an awful lot of money for a report by consultants who had little idea of the local needs and pointed out that surely the Council themselves had enough local knowledge of what is needed. Cllr PP agreed with this in principle and said that it is a lesson to be learnt for the future. JG asked if it is true that there is a proposal to sell the Beach Road car park. Cllr PP said that there was indeed such a proposal by the Strategic Car Parking Review, but this had been abandoned. There is, however, a proposal for better use to be made of this Car Park.

    Chairman’s note: Mohan Iyengar advises me that he attended the Economy Overview & Scrutiny meeting on 14 July and writes “During one of the latter items on ‘Safeguarding Poole’s Seafront’, officer, Nigel Jacobs, reported that the council was no longer making any recommendation to introduce parking charges into residential streets near to beaches. Provisionally, good news. But once the minutes emerge, let’s scrutinise that commitment.”

    Gypsy and Travellers’ Sites – TS reported that there were several invasions TS last year and so far there have been three this summer. He pointed out that Bournemouth Council take a much firmer line in dealing with this and they ‘lock
    down’ their parks with guards to stop travelers getting into them. He feels that

    Poole Council should be a little more proactive in dealing with this problem.

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‘Party houses’: In the absence of Steve Cameron, JS reported that the week before last, representatives of the Group met with Zeitgeist Television regarding a potential programme on Channel 4 television. It has now been confirmed that, following its presentation to Channel 4, they have confirmed that they intend to go ahead with the programme.

Cllr Peter Pawlowski said that he had had a meeting with the Head of Legal Services and is trying to push for the use of Planning Contravention Notices to deal with this problem. The Council is still seeking Counsel opinion but this is not likely to be available for at least another month.

Cllr MH reported that Planning Enforcement has now received 40% response to their street survey, which will be used to present to Counsel.

21 Canford Cliffs Avenue, which has been used as a party house. has now been sold and will become a family home.

Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Conservation Areas Boundary Review – JS said this seems to be generating a lot of interest and invited Cllr PP to say a few words about this.

Cllr PP reported that the Planning Officers had decided to review all the Conservation Areas. The Planning Inspectorate are obviously not putting the same weight on preserving these areas as the Council, as many planning decisions have been overturned, and the Planning Officers want to get to a state where whatever is published is more defendable.

JS asked if the Association should hold a separate meeting devoted, solely, to this subject – this was agreed;

The Council is organising a A Drop-in event at All Saints Church Hall, Western Road on Thursday 24 July from 3.00 to 7.00pm

The webpage on the the BoP website can be found via conservation/heritage-conservation-areas-and-listed-buildings/.

An extract from the report presented to the Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 5 June 2014 will be included in the Minutes – see below.

Chairman’s note: A Public meeting has been arranged to discuss the Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Conservation Areas Boundary Review on 29 July 2014 at 6.00pm at Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre, 401 Poole Road (Access via Lindsay Road). Aliis Kodis, Senior Urban Design & Conservation Officer, Planning Policy & Implementation Team, Planning & Regeneration Services will attend the meeting to make a short presentation and answer questions

Canford Cliffs/Penn Hill Conservation Areas

Beach Road – It is proposed that the Beach Road Conservation Area be removed. It is not considered that Conservation Area status is the right tool to protect landscape for landscape sake. However, should it be decided that the designation remain then it is considered that the flats and car park should be removed from the Conservation Area as these are not positive features. It is also considered that should it be deemed to retain the status then it would be logical to consult on the creation of a new Conservation Area at Branksome Dene Chine which displays the same characteristics as the other two chines at Beach Road and Canford Cliffs.

Recommendation: to consult on the de-designation of the Beach Road Conservation Area.

Branksome Park – The character of Canford Cliffs Road has been significantly Wednesday, 09 July 2014


eroded and its removal from the conservation area is recommended. The other boundaries were also re-assessed to ensure they reflect the landscape character of the area. It is the trees and soft landscape i.e. the setting that give the area significance rather than the properties themselves.

Recommendation: to consult on proposed changes to the boundary of the Branksome Park Conservation Area.

Canford Cliffs – As with Beach Road it is proposed to remove the designation for the same reason, that Conservation Area status is not the appropriate tool to protect landscape. However, should it be decided that the designation remain then consideration should be given to including those positive buildings within Flaghead Road, St. Clair Road and Cliff Drive.

Recommendation: to consult on the de-designation of the Canford Cliffs Conservation Area.

Canford Cliffs North – The Borough of Poole Characterisation Study 2010 concluded that the current boundaries are ‘irregular and rather arbitrary’, and it recommended that the boundaries are amended to create a more cohesive area.

The conservation area appraisal survey highlighted there was little to distinguish the conservation area from the surrounding streets and it is recommended to rationalise the boundary and include additional positive buildings to give more cohesion to the area.

Recommendation: to consult on the inclusion of additional positive buildings within the Canford Cliffs North Conservation Area and consequent changes to its boundary.

Chester Road – No change.

Compton Acres – As a Grade II* Registered Park and Garden, the landscape and its setting already have more protection than conservation area status provides, so its validity as a conservation area is questionable.

Recommendation: to consult on the de-designation of the Compton Acres Conservation Area.

Evening Hill – The character of this conservation area has been significantly eroded through plot subdivision and the rationale behind its designation has been lost.

Recommendation: to consult on the de-designation of the Evening Hill Conservation Area.

Harbour Heights – It is questionable whether the character of this small group of buildings is of sufficient special character to be a conservation area. However, if it is decided that the conservation area should be retained, the Church of the Transfiguration should be considered for removal from the conservation area as it is of a different architectural style and age than the other buildings.

Recommendation: to consult on the de-designation of the Harbour Heights Conservation Area.

Haven Road – No Change.

The Avenue – Properties to the east of the existing conservation area between Cassel Avenue and the boundary of Bournemouth Borough Council were appraised together with those along the north side of Mountbatten Road, and considered to be of sufficient quality to be included in the conservation area.

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It is therefore proposed to treat those remaining conservation areas in Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill as one. In addition, other than for Haven Road, it is proposed that an article 4 Direction be considered to manage gates, fences, driveways and boundary treatment.

Recommendation: to consult on changes to the boundary of the conservation areas and to introduce an Article 4 Direction to manage gates, fences, driveways and boundary treatment.

Succession planning: No new developments 3 NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENT

JS said that the Association had not made any representations on any Planning KA Applications since its last meeting.

Other current planning issues

146 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing and erect 3 – 5 storey building with rooftop garden; and surface level and basement parking to form 10 self contained flats) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Association on 20/05/14.

Compton Acres, Canford Cliffs Road (Erection of building comprising 20 Apartments with basement parking; re-arrangement for the existing Compton Acres parking area, and demolition of the existing office building set within the current car park) – This site has been acquired by McCarthy & Stone Retirement Lifestyle Ltd. Despite the demolition of the former office at Compton Acres, “there are several other ‘prior to commencement conditions that have not been discharged at this time“.

Norfolk Lodge Hotel, 1 Flaghead Road – There is to be a Public Consultation All about the proposal to redevelop this site to provide 20 later living apartments at Harbour Heights Hotel on 23 July 2014 2.00pm to 7.00pm

4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS was unable to report the total Association
funds as at 30
th June 2014 as Paul Fearnley is currently away. JS


Pine Drive – JS said that a resident has raised the issue of the double-yellow
lines at the Western Road junction of Pine Drive. He is informed by
MH Transportation Services that Pine Drive is not Public Highway (Council records
show this as a private road). Cllr MH to investigate.

Itinerant in Chaddesley Glen – JS is in contact with Poole’s Housing and Community Services who are the lead service for this situation. The relevant officers are looking into the issues JS has raised and will consider the best way forward including JS proposal of a meeting.

Uniting the Conurbation (UTC) – JS reported that he had attended a UTC Steering Group meeting on 30 June. He said that he would include the Chairman’s Press Release in the Minutes.

Uniting the Conurbation welcomes the government’s recently announced a £66.3m investment in our local economy which Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (DLEP) says could result in the creation of 25,000 jobs, the building of more than 3,000 homes and the generation of up to £500m in public and private investment.

It is nevertheless odd to see that such a large injection of public funding was not secured directly by our elected local government authorities but by a

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“partnership” which is dominated by a small group of unelected business people.. It is also very strange that, although the original invitation to our conurbation to bid for a City Deal stipulated that it must “contain proposals for stronger governance” across our “economic area,” the DLEP Strategic Economic Plan (the basis of the bid) says nothing of substance about this.

We must have on-going and meaningful dialogue between our representatives in local government and the businesses community which drives economic growth. Queen Victoria’s day was the heyday of municipal enterprise, whose initiative and breadth of vision created an infrastructure which allowed industry to prosper. Unfortunately the view from Whitehall seems to be that such dialogue was not taking place and Indeed, today’s fractured structure of local government in the South-east Dorset Conurbation is clearly not up to such a mighty task. Does that make it right to hand the purse-strings of public funding to an unelected body such as DLEP?

This is a time of very expensive and disjointed local government. The challenge for Whitehall is to grasp the nettle and give our conurbation a single unitary authority which will provide stronger governance for our economic area and meaningful dialogue with the business community. That is the democratic way forward and the need is truly urgent.

There was no other AOB – The meeting closed at 8.00pm and adjourned to the Parish Centre garden for Wine & ‘nibbles’.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting will be on Wednesday 13th August All 2014 at Committee Room (formerly Lounge), Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms
Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road)

Wednesday, 09 July 2014

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