Branksome Park Residents Association Minutes October 2015

Terry Stewart (TS) John Sprackling (JS) Keith Alcroft (KA) Michael Parkin (MP) Carol Parkin (CP) John Gunton (JG)

Cllr Mohan Iyengar (MI)

19 Members/Wardens
Planning Officer Membership Secretary Secretary/Minutes Secretary Magazine Editor Canford Cliffs Ward Councillor


JS welcomed those present, particularly, Cllr Mohan Iyengar.

Apologies: Cllr Mrs May Haines, Ken Sanson (Sandbanks Assn), Stan Alfert &
Wayne Hancock. JS said that it was, with great regret, that he had to inform those
present that Wayne had called to see him the previous week and informed him that,
for personal reasons but coloured by the attitude of certain Western Ave residents to
his involvement in the ’12A’ issue, he wished to step down as the Association’s Vice- JS Chairman with immediate effect.

JS went on to say that he was pleased to report that Wayne had kindly agreed to continue his involvement with the Sunken Garden project and will, also, continue to act as the Association’s representative on the Community Working Group.

Accuracy: JS said would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 09 SEPTEMBER 2015


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported.. JS

Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments
Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto
Old Orchard House – ditto
Land at West Quay Road – ditto
Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update: JS Victoria Education Centre (Landscaping to the new entrance) – No new developments

Martello Corner, Martello Road (also known as 83 Canford Cliffs Road) -(Change of use of residential garage to dentists surgery} – Appeal lodged 14/07/15. Date of site visit not yet announced.

TS said that ‘there should be no commercial ventures in the Branksome Park Conservation Area, other than Doctors’ but JS reminded him that the precedent has already been set by the Children’s Nursery at 2 Lindsay Road.

16 Western Avenue (Erection of Single Storey Garden Room) – No new developments

8 Haig Avenue (TPO tree destroyed (EN/14/00707). Appeal against Tree Replacement Notice dismissed by Planning Inspectorate on 25/09/15.

Community Working Group (CWG): The CWG meeting was held on 24 Sept 2015 WH but, in the absence of WH, it will be necessary to await the publication of the Minutes
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of the meeting. ACTION
The Council is consulting on the change to its planning neighbour notification arrangements. Consultation on a Draft Revised Statement of Community Involvement document is taking place over a six week period commencing on Friday 2 October 2015 and closing on Friday 13 November 2015. The document can be viewed and downloaded from the Borough of Poole website at: involvement/

Council Budget Monitoring report (2014/15) & 2015/16 Budget – In the absence of WM William Mutlow, JS said that an update on the Medium Term Financial Plan (2016/17
to 2019/20) is being presented Tuesday’s (13/10/15) Cabinet meeting.

Public Rights of Way
Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – No new developments RD

Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): In the absence of WH, JS reported that the WH Royal Horticultural Society judge had awarded Level 4 ‘Thriving’. Wayne writes “We
scored 82 points, an improvement on last year’s 77 points, which is great. We need
86 points for ‘Outstanding’, so we are nearly there!

I will be contacting the Council about the mosaics, as it looks as though they are now holding us back.”

Community Engagement: The draft Minutes of the Review of Council Governance TS Arrangements Working Party meeting held on 07 September 2015 have yet to be
posted on the BoP website.

At the last Area Committee meeting on 15 June 2015, it was suggested that the Area Committee boundaries should be reorganised so that Canford Cliffs, Penn Hill & Parkstone were grouped together, as this was a more natural community of interest and Cllr MH said that he said that he could see no reason why this could not be dealt with in isolation,

Cllr MI said that, since the Area Committee meeting, he now has a much broader and deeper understanding of this and cannot guarantee that this will happen.

Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm: Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm: In the RP absence of Roy Pointer, JS said he is not sure if Navitus are lodging an appeal but
believes that this is unlikely.

Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan SPD): that TS the report on Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan SPD):has been deferred to the Cabinet meeting on 08 December 2015.

The item has been deferred pending further editing to reduce the size of the document. This relates mainly to removal of pictures and some re-wording. It is essentially the same content following the consultation last year. The item has been rescheduled for December Cabinet.

Cllr MH said that the document is being strengthened as well as reduced.

TS said that a formal request has been put in that this should be available for public awareness before the cabinet meeting as there have been a number of changes. Chairman’s note: At the Area Committee meeting, some Councillors present supported the call for the document to be posted on the BoP website in advance of the publication of the Agenda & supporting papers for the December Cabinet meeting on 01 December 2015.

Succession planning: No new developments. JS

Uniting the Conurbation (Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch) – TS reported JS that there have been two alternative proposals put forward. Firstly, Poole,
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Bournemouth, Christchurch and East Dorset District Councils are considering the ACTION idea combined council with all the subsequent financial savings and, secondly, Dorset
County Council are proposing for one council for the whole of the county.

Peter Viney pointed out that this almost happened in the early seventies but discussions collapsed, entirely due to the fact that nobody could agree on a name.

Refreshing the Core Strategy and review of Community Infrastructure Levy TS (CIL) – TS said that one element of the revised Core Strategy relates to the provision
for Travellers

An analysis for the draft Core Strategy has confirmed that both Poole and Bournemouth have now considered every possibility for both temporary and permanent Traveler sites and neither authority can find suitable sites. The Councils are now depending on a change in the law that may allow authorities such as Poole and Bournemouth to send Travellers to sites in the rural areas, but of course the rural District Councils are opposed to this.

There have been very few problems this year, compared with previous years. The main problem was on Baiter Car park where a number of caravans had encroached. A formal request has been put in that the access to the car park be narrowed making it too narrow for caravans.

Improving association’s communications – MP said he would chase up why MP distribution of The Village magazine had not gone to every residence in the BH13
area as promised.
It was pointed out that there are not letter boxes for every residence and this may have been part of the problem.


25 Forest Road (Variation of condition 2 of APP/12/01565/F to erect a detached garage for unit 1 and alter parking layout for units 2 & 3 and reduction in 2 spaces for existing nursery) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the Association on 24 September 2015.

16 Western Avenue (Erect a single storey garden room (Retrospective) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the Association on 24 September 2015.

Peter Viney pointed out the Planning Department had told him that the Acoustic report could not be done until after the last date for objections as ‘the owner is away on holiday’ He went on to say that the owner of the property doesn’t live there.

JS asked Cllr MI to look into this for the Association.

Salterns Marina
Chris Stracey asked if everybody had had a card detailing the proposed development at Salterns Marina. This was distributed to residents in BH12, BH13 and BH14.

TS said that he had lodged a letter of objection on behalf of the Southern Poole Chairmens’ Liaison Group. The proposed two buildings are seven storeys high which will be very visible across Poole Bay, it is a very ugly design, all the proposed flats will only be accessible down one small road which is already overloaded.

Chris Stracey said that his main objection was that he could not see the need for 73 more flats in the area.

12A Western Ave & the 3⁄4 rule: At the request of the Chairman, TS took the chair for this item on the Agenda.
TS pointed out that there are tight legal requirements of producing Local Plans and
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the Council has been following these legal requirements in producing multiple documents.

In March 1981, the Conservation Area was created then in November 1981 the Council produced a supplementary planning guidance and in that there was a relevant statement ‘The Bury family divided the estate into large building plots.”

are still in place and are an important factor in shaping the layout and form of the area.

TS went on to say that there is a certain amount of uncertainty as to whether the covenants can be enforced and when an application is approved which breeches the covenant, it is up to the covenant holder to try to enforce those covenants.

JS said that the covenants are still active, and the current owner of the covenants is Stanborough Construction Ltd. However, McCarthy & Stone challenged Stanborough’s claim for £50,000 or so, via the Lands Tribunal, when it built its sheltered housing complex at 14/4A The Avenue, on the grounds that the Covenants had been varied/waived so much over the years that these were, no longer, enforceable. Stanborough did not defend McCarthy & Stone’s claim and this was dismissed by the Lands Tribunal.

In March 2004, the Poole Local Plan First Alteration had two policies – H10 said that plots should not be less than 0.75 of an acre and B23 said that plots should be maintained in the size consistent with the area. Later on, in an alteration, the requirement for those two policies was dropped.

In March 2006, consultation on the Branksome Park Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan commenced and this was was adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) in December 2006). This retained those two policies.

In September 2007, there was a new document – the Poole Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (DPD).

In May 2008. the next document, replacing the Poole Local Plan, was the Poole Core Strategy and the policies H10, BE23, BE24 in the Poole Local Plan were removed.

Chairman’s note: At the Association’s AGM on14 May 2011, I pointed out that the public consultation on the Poole Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) closed on 27 May 2011, and said ‘that there is some concern that policies H10, BE23, BE24 in the Poole Local Plan are being lost and these are not adequately covered by policy PCS 23 in the Poole Core Strategy’.

TS attended the Public Examinations with Planning Inspectors into the Site Specific Allocations and the Core Strategy and, at that time, raised the question of the size of plots, but the Planning Inspector did not ask for these policies to be retained.

Revision of Poole’s Core Strategy is in progress and, although this has been subject to public consultation, so far, nothing has been said about this issue.

This whole matter is complicated and would require detailed investigation into the Poole Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document.

TS then asked those at the meeting with concerns about this issue to tell the meeting about their concerns and what they required the Association to do about them.

One member was concerned about maintaining standards in Branksome Park and did not want to see developments which are unsuitable for the area.

TS advised that a group of those concerned could make formal recommendations to the Planning Department to reinstate these policies, as the Core Strategy is in the process of being revised.
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Secondly, any concerns could be raised, formally, at the forthcoming Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting. JS will send the contact for the Area Committee meeting to Nick Holmes, who asked how to have an issue raised on the Agenda. Chairman’s note: Tracy & Nick Holmes attended the meeting, and whilst Cllr MI was supportive, Cllr Peter Pawlowski said that he felt that current policies were adequate.

TS answered Tracy Holmes’ questions about 12A Western Avenue.

John Edwards is concerned that a precedent will be set making it difficult to raise objections in the future.

TS pointed out that a number of plots have been changed in size over the last twenty years in the Conservation Area.

Nick Holmes said that, although plots had already been subdivided. they were still in excess of 0.75 of an acre.

Peter Viney related some history of previous subdivisions of plots where Planning Officers insisted in the plots remaining were more than 0.75 acre and maintained that a precedent would be set with the subdivision of 12A.

TS suggested looking at the document Branksome Park Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan SPG which refers to policies H10 and B23. These policies are still in the document protecting the Conservation Area.

Nick Holmes raised all the concerns as to why this matter has been dragging on since April 2015. TS suggested a detailed request to Stephen Thorne personally, putting forward all the points he raised, asking for an explanation.

TS suggested putting forward any objections as a ‘community issue’ by way of a petitions. He suggested a meeting with Cllr Peter Pawlowski, who is a Ward Councilor for forward all the points he raised, asking for an explanation.

TS, also, suggested putting forward any objections as a ‘community issue’ by way of petition. He suggested a meeting with Cllr Peter Pawlowski, who is a Ward Councilor for the area and also Chairman of the Planning Committee.

Nick Holmes asks the Association if they would be willing to lend their support to this issue in the form of a financial contribution towards the costs involved. JS said that this is what has been done before and asks Mr. Holmes to put together a list of projected costs and then the Committee would vote on the amount the Assn. would be willing to donate.

Cllr MI agreed to try to find out what exactly is holding things up with this issue. excess of 0.75 of an acre.

Other current planning issues

2 Dalkeith Road (Sever land and construct a detached house with integral garage) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the Association on 02 September 2015.

66, 68 & 68A Lilliput Road (Outline planning application for the demolition of the existing properties and the erection of two separate apartment buildings containing 20 flats in total with associated access, cycle and bin stores) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the Association on 26 July 2015.

Ormonde Nursing Home, 12 Pinewood Road (Outline application for alterations, extensions and conversion of the building to six flats with associated parking and landscaping) – The Association lodged a letter of objection to this application on 13 August 2015.

Compton Acres, Canford Cliffs Road (Erection of building comprising 20 Apartments with basement parking; re-arrangement for the existing Compton Acres parking area, and demolition of the existing office building set within the current car park) – No new developments
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Autumn 2015 ‘Pines & Chines’ magazine – the magazines for distribution on Friday ACTION this week or early the following week.

Leaning garden wall at (?)25 The Avenue – Cllr MH will follow up.


JS said that it was too early for the Treasurer to JS produce his report of the Association’s funds to 30 September 2015 but as at 31
August 2015 the total funds were £33,404.46


Canford Cliffs Village Christmas Lights – JS proposed a donation of £750, as in
previous years, towards the Christmas lights and this was approved. All

Date of next Meeting: Wednesday – 11 November 2015 – Committee Room (formerly Lounge), Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road

The meeting closed at 8.40pm..
Saturday 17 October 2015

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