BPCCRA Minutes 9th March 2011





  • John Sprackling Chairman
  • Keith Alcroft Planning OFficer
  • Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer
  • Carol Parkin Secretary
  • Cllr Mrs May Haines Ward Councillor
  • Cllr Neil Sorton ditto
  • Approx 15 Members/Wardens


JS welcomed Cllrs Mrs Haines and Neil Sorton and those present.
Apologies: Apologies received from Terry Stewart & Wayne Hancock who are attending the Community Working Group AGM, Michael Bond, Bob & Phyllis Young, William Mutlow & Ken Sanson, Chairman, Sandbanks Assn.
Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the    JS meeting held on 09 FEBRUARY 2011.


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported…
1.    Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments

2.    Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – ditto.

3.    Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto

4.    Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto

5.    Old Orchard House. 39-61 High Street – The 3rd installment of the Employment Contribution of £150,000 which was due on 01/01/11 is outstanding.
Chairman’s note: The applicant has approached the Council requesting to vary the phased payment schedule, in light of the economic climate. The Local Planning Authority is currently considering the request, but to date no decision has been made.

6.    Land at West Quay Road (Mixed use regeneration and new public quayside to include; the demolition of a listed gate post and all existing buildings on site; the redevelopment of the site with 440 residential units provided in six apartment blocks with basement parking and courtyard) – The Agents have asked for an extension of the determination period until 31/07/11.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:
JS reported…

Current planning enforcement issues

Victoria Education Centre (St Aldhelms Road entrance) – There are a number of contraventions which should be addressed

1 Cliff Drive (Addition of four additional windows where there was one large one before) revised retrospective application registered on 19/02/11.

2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road (Boundary treatment) – An Enforcement Order is to be issued shortly.

19 Mornish Road (Tree replacement) – No new developments.

55 Canford Cliffs Road (Removal of the gates, railings, fence and hedge, and the erection of a low stone wall with planting behind) – ditto

24 Ravine Road (Overhang on right hand side of garage is 800mm but should be 200mm) – ditto

Land adj to 20A Chaddesley Glen (Land be reinstated) –

Community Working Group (CWG): JS said that he will circulate the Minutes of the CWG meeting on 26/01/11 with the Minutes of this meeting.

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: Martin Heath attended the Public Exhibition – Poole Bay, Poole Harbour and Wareham Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy.

MH reported that the exhibition was very interesting, describing the flooding problems That are likely to occur in the future due to climate change if nothing is done to protect the coastline. No specific strategies were described, although from conversations it would seem that more rock groynes might the most effective solution. Information from the exhibition is available on the Environment Agency website at http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/homeandleisure/floods/121331.aspx

Council Tax 2010/11 & Council’s Budget Monitoring report: JS reported that Liz Wilkinson, the Council’s Chief Financial Officer, had given a presentation to the Southern Poole Chairmens’ Liaison Group at its meeting on Monday and JS said that he would include Terry Stewart’s note on this in the Minutes.

•    To understand the Council’s financial position, Liz recommended:

•    Budget Paper: Financial Strategy for Council.

•    Budget Book: Detailed Budget by Department.

•    Transparency Website: for details on what has been spent.

•    Virement is a transfer of budgeted money between Departments or Cost Centres. Above £25,000 needs Portfolio Holder approval.

•    Above £500,000 needs full Council approval.

•    Her role involves looking after the fiduciary interests of both current and future taxpayers. Responsible for Risk Management.

•    Section 114 responsibility : stops Council doing anything illegal.

•    Guardian & conscience of the Council, limiting illegal activity.

•    She personally appointed Sir Michael Pitt, after only 2 weeks in post. Meeting told her that not all Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations implemented :

•    Cabinet Member still sitting as substitutes on Planning Committee.

•    Need for change in Planning Committee Chairman.

•    Councillors not “re-doubling efforts” to communicate.

•    Objective of 2011-2 Budget to protect front line services, mostly achieved.

•    168 full time equivalent posts to be reduced – only about 30 forced redundancies.

•    Finance Dept. lost 7.8 posts. Govt. has demanded the end of School Advisers. Poole Partnership – There was no report on Monday’s State of the Area Debate (an annual meeting of the Council jointly organised with Poole Partnership) as this clashed with the Southern Poole Chairmens’ Liaison Group meeting.

Roland Cunnell felt that funding should be provided by the Council to promote enterprise and tourism, which will benefit the area. NS pointed out that a fair amount is being done at the moment and it is estimated that Tourism creates about 5,000 jobs in hotels, restaurants, pubs etc., and produces about £200m to the local economy.

Poole Partnership

There was no report on Monday’s State of the Area Debate (an annual meeting of the Council jointly organised with Poole Partnership) as this clashed with the Southern Poole Chairmens’ Liaison Group meeting.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No new developments.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto

Bessborough Road – ditto

Footpath 82 Spur – JS is informed that Sandbanks Boatyard & Marina Co. Ltd. did appeal against the Definitive Modification Order to add Footpath 82 Spur prior to the deadline on 26/11/10. The Sandbanks Assn were not informed of this.
Chairman’s note: The Royal Motor Yacht Club are holding an Extraordinary General Meeting on 26/03/11 to discuss a proposal to buy Sandbanks Boatyard & Marina facilities

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to  look at this.

Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): JS reported that the draft licence agreement in connection with the Sunken garden has been returned to the    JS/WH Council with the Assn’s corrections and comments.
3.8.2 of the Licence requires the Assn to provide Public Liability cover against loss damage or injury to persons or the property of any person arising out of or in connection with the Agreement for a sum of not less than £5m. To move things along, JS said that he had sent an e-mail to join the BTCV (British Trust for Conservation Volunteers) so that the Assn can take advantage of the Zurich insurance scheme which provides the necessary cover. This will cost £191.76, including the membership fee of £35. The application has been processed it and the Assn’s insurance started on Friday 4th March.
SA raised the question of the wording of the Policy being checked to make sure it is suitable. Will the Council be checking it?    JS will ask the Council for confirmation that the Policy is suitable for our needs.
Chairman’s Note: The Head of Leisure Services has agreed to the Daily Echo reporting and photographing the signing of the lease, the first in Poole.

Public Liability Insurance (PLI) – JS is pursuing.

Poole Council’s Efficiency Review Programme: JS said that Liz Wilkinson, Poole’s chief Finance Officer is responsible for this and it is hoped that Members will be up-dated    MH about this at the next Council Efficiency and Effectiveness Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting on 07/04/11.

Localism and Decentralisation Bill: JS reported that a number of changes are being    JS/TS made to the Bill as it works its way through Parliament.


JS reported that Keith Alcroft had, once again, not been contacted about any planning  application during the course of the month.
Land at 8 Buccleuch Road (Creation of 1 No. new dwelling with 2 No. off road parking    All spaces) – To be determined by the Planning Committee at its meeting on 17/03/11. The officer’s recommendation is to ‘Grant subject to Upfront Payment’.

7 Ventry Close (Erection of 1no. dwelling and rationalisation of garage accommodation to no 7 Ventry Close) – To be determined by the Planning Committee at its meeting on 17/03/11. The officer’s recommendation is to ‘Grant subject to conditions’.
The debate about 3 Maxwell Road (Demolish existing building and erect 1 pair of semi- detached 4 bed houses) rumbles on. The Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting on 20/01/11 do not refer to any reasons for overturning the officer’s decision being agreed before the vote. According to Poole Council’s Constitution the correct procedure, which should have been followed, is as follows
“Where a Committee indicates that it intends to make a decision which is contrary to an Officer recommendation, clear, precise and convincing reasons for doing so must be set out in advance of a decision being taken, and a detailed minute of the decision, incorporating these reasons subsequently placed on the application file’.
However, at the Southern Poole Chairmens’ Liaison Group meeting on Monday, members present were advised that the Canford Cliffs Land Society have decided not to pursue the complaint about the decision re 3 Maxwell Road. JS didn’t make a note of what was said but the gist of it was that the Society have taken legal opinion and, whilst the Planning Committee’s decision may be unsafe, there are insufficient grounds to pursue this through the Court.

17 Over Links Drive (Application to demolish existing and erect 2 detached houses granted on 31/01/08 but number of conditions should have been complied with before this development commenced)

Roland Cunnell asked had there been any developments, i.e. conditions being compliedwith before the development commenced, as no conditions had been complied with and the development has already been built.    The two houses that have been built have an extra floor. Nobody from the Council appears to have taken any action regarding these contraventions and RC asks how has this been allowed to happen?    JS said that this was a matter for one the Penn Hill Ward Councillors that he would contact Cllr Ron Parker saying that this matter had been raised at our meeting. The site also falls within the area covered by Dorset Lake Residents’ Assn.

3 Eaton Road (Tree works application to fell mature trees) – Mr and Mrs Hairsine of 10 Ormonde Road sought the Assn’s support in opposing this application and MH reported that this application had been refused.

Other current planning issues

63 Haven Road (Outline application to erect four detached houses with parking/garaging provisions and formation of vehicular accesses (existing dwelling to be demolished)- subject to ‘Written representations’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/11/2145209). Interested party comments were required by 14/03/11.

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application.    An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property. This property is up for sale at ‘offers’ in excess of £2m.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

6.    ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS reported that the total funds as at 31st February amounted to £34,529.09

Ralph Dymond – JS said that he was sorry to report that Mr Dymond, who was Chairman of the Assn from (?)1993 until May 1996, passed away on 21/02/11. Mr Dymond was previously Hon Sec.
SA said that he remembers Mr. Dymond well and, in fact, once he was no longer Chairman of the Association he regularly attended the AGM.

Hedge at Kenilworth Court – MH reported that she has not been able to get hold of the Officer dealing with this. She drives past Kenilworth each week and reports that nothing has yet happened regarding the hedge.

BPCCRA AGM on 14/05/11 in Canford Cliffs Village Hall – It is planned that the Spring Magazine will be available for collection on 14/15th April, John Gunton would like to have copy for the magazine by Friday 18th March at the very latest.
JS has invited Liz Wilkinson, Poole’s Chief Finance Officer, to be the Assn’s Guest Speaker at our AGM to give a talk about the areas of uncertainty and risk which are likely to add further pressures into the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan from 2012/13 onwards.
Roy Pointer suggests that she addresses the cuts that the council has faced and explains what the impact is on various areas.

Next Tuesday’s Health & Social Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting – JS said that Members of the Committee are to receive a verbal report on the NHS changes.
One of the Assn’s members feels that, with all the changes in NHS services to its patients in the pipeline, our elected representatives are being inadequately appraised of the changes and wonders if the Assn is of the same opinion about the tabling of verbal reports on such important matters. JS said that he had, subsequently, received a note from Cllr Charles Meachin saying that he is “on the case”.

Car Parking Charges – John Defty pointed out that car parking charges around the harbour appear to have been increased to £1.50/hour which he feels is fleecing the tourists to the area. He went on to say that there had been a Government instruction(?) that on-street car parking charges were not to be generated for revenue, and asked MH to comment on this matter. MH replied that she has no personal experience of this as she does not sit on the Transportation Advisory Group and it something she will have to look into, but at this point she has nothing to comment.    She pointed out that the proposed introduction of parking meters on the Sandbanks peninsula had not gone through.
JS suggested sending a note to Cllr Ron Parker who is the Cabinet Member responsible for Transportation Services about the increase in charges of on-street parking saying that concerns had been expressed at our meeting that these charges may have a detrimental effect on our tourist industry.
Roy Pointer refutes that this will be so. SA thinks that the car parking charges are levied at the rate that the Council feels the market will bear, and feels that tourists should make a contribution for using the facilities which we, in the form of Council Tax, pay for.
It was agreed that the Assn ask Liz Wilkinson to address the subject of car parking charges at our AGM.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm.

Date of next Meeting: Wednesday 13th April 2011 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)