John Sprackling (JS) |
Chairman |
Michael Parkin (MP) |
Membership Secretary |
Keith Alcroft (KA) |
Planning Officer |
Carol Parkin (CP) |
Secretary/Minutes Secretary |
John Gunton (JG) |
Magazine Editor |
Cllr Mrs May Haines (MH) |
Canford Cliffs Ward Councillor |
10 Members/Wardens |
JS welcomed those present, particularly, Cllr Mrs May Haines
Apologies: Terry Stewart, William Mutlow, Wayne Hancock & Martin Heath
Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 11 NOVEMBER 2015
Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported.. |
JS |
1.Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments
2.Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
3.Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto
4.Old Orchard House – ditto
5.Land at West Quay Road – ditto
Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:
Victoria Education Centre (Landscaping to the new entrance) – No new developments |
Martello Corner, Martello Road (also known as 83 Canford Cliffs Road) – (Change of |
use of residential garage to dentists surgery} – Appeal lodged 14/07/15. Date of site |
visit not yet announced. |
16 Western Avenue (Erection of Single Storey Garden Room) – Application granted |
by Planning Committee at it’s meeting on 03 December 2015. |
Community Working Group (CWG): The Minutes of the CWG meeting held on 25 |
WH |
November 2015 are not yet available and the next meeting will be the AGM on 23 |
March 2016 |
Council Budget Monitoring report (2015/16) – In the absence of William Mutlow, |
WM |
JS reported that the Council Budget Monitoring report (1 April 2015 to 30 September |
2015) presented at the Cabinet meeting yesterday shows an end of year surplus of |
£0.7m. |
WM has sent JS the following note about the Council Budget Monitoring report (1 April |
2015 to 30 September 2015) |
A number of budgets within Children’s Social Care Services have continued to |
overspend with significant mitigation provided from savings in other budgets across |
the People Theme. The small surplus delivered overall is from reduced demand within |
key budgets in the Place Theme, across Business Improvement activity and from the |
receipt of Community Infrastructure Levy to support financing the Twin Sails Bridge. |
The improved forecast outturn includes a saving within central financing of £0.5m over |
the second quarter and a further growth of £0.3m in Children’s Social Care, to give an
annual forecast overspend for this Service of £1m for the year. The increased ACTION pressure is largely offset by savings within Education Services after allowing for two
additional resources agreed by Cabinet in September.
A number of budgets within Adult Social Care (ASC) have moved favourably over the quarter with a net movement of £1.3m, giving a total for the year of £1.6m. The favourable movement includes retention of unspent grant of £0.6m from the postponement to 2020 of the implementation of the Care Act Part 2, reduced budget pressures and additional income of £0.7m.
The net favourable movement in ASC budget variances has been offset by the need to take account of the increased cost of £1.4m from a revised Ordinary Resident claim from Dorset County Council (DCC). The Council’s final accounts for 2014/15 and the June 2015 Council Budget Monitoring report for 2015/16 were prepared on the basis of an agreement with officers from DCC. in July 2015. A creditor of £0.4m was set up for an agreed back-pay element. Poole had begun making payments directly to care providers for the accepted clients from the start of the financial year in good faith that a back pay element was close to agreement. However in October, DCC confirmed that they were not going to abide by the agreement reached in July. A fresh claim was submitted including that Poole should accept funding responsibility for further clients and from an earlier point in time. This higher claim was for £1.8m.
The Council is not accepting the additional £1.4m is now due to DCC, with officers continuing to negotiate a fair settlement and we are required to set aside a provision to reflect the potential liability until the matter is resolved.
Taking into account the above issues, the net forecast pressure across the People Theme is £0.6m. Work is ongoing to establish the extent to which there will continue to be a pressure over the period of the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP).
Other services and central items are forecasting combined net savings of £1.3 million to offset additional costs within the People Theme and deliver the surplus overall. The most significant savings are within Transportation Services (£0.5m), across Business Improvement Services (£0.3m) and growing Community Infrastructure Levy receipts supporting financing of the Twin Sails Bridge to replace payments previously charged to the General Fund (£0.5m).
The current Capital programme is £26m with expenditure in the half year at £10.9m, representing 42% of annual spend. This reflects the profile of individual project expenditure within the overall programme.
The Forecast revenue variance movements June to September 2015 greater than £100,000.
£292k increase for Children – Looked After: Pressures continue to grow for placements of Children.
£145k saving in Children – Education Staff Costs: Vacancies in the Capital Team and other service areas.
£111k saving in Children – Education – Other Savings: Education Services Grant retained due to schools not converting to academy status (£75k) saving plus other net saving (£36k).
£579k saving in ASC – Care Act (Parts 1 & 2) Implementation: Further savings following Government announcement of implementation delay to 2020 of Part 2 and the grant can be retained to support budget pressures.
£359k saving in ASC – Residential Care & Community Based Services: Main items: “Reduced over spending on Learning Disabilities from potential service users not taking up care, plus existing clients moving to more cost-effectivepackages (209k saving) Clients aged 18-24 leaving care (£106k saving).”
£171k saving in ASC – Other Income: Client contributions from fairer charges (£77k) plus other income (£94k)
£165k saving in ASC – Ordinary Resident Claims (excluding Dorset): Ordinary resident claims settled without back-pay and with lower on-going
costs than provided.
£1,362k increase in ASC – Ordinary Resident Claim Dorset: Increase in
Dorset claim from position agreed in July 2015. Correspondence in October |
confirmed Dorset are pursuing a higher claim to include additional clients and |
for 6 full years of historic costs. |
£250k saving in ECPS – Waste Disposal: Sustained reduced tonnage over the first |
half year expected to continue. |
£216k increase for ECPS – Street Scene: Additional drainage works and carriageway |
& footway repairs. |
£702k saving in Prudential Borrowing |
£1,200k increase for Poole Bridge Funding Contribution: Community Infrastructure |
Levy receipts applied to replace the forward funding previously used for the Twin Sails |
Bridge. This has allowed the General Fund to be compensated for previous Minimum |
Revenue Provisions (MRP) made. |
Earmarked reserves at the 1 April 2015 was £24.2m, with £3.6m programmed to |
support the 2015/16 Budget. Details of forecast movements greater than £100,000 |
since June 2015 totalling £885k: |
Grant Related £248K saving |
Reserves Supporting the MTFP £255K saving |
Culture and Community £191k saving |
Corporate Maintenance £158k saving |
Corporate Re-organisation Fund £143k saving |
Schools Dedicated Schools Grant £328k increase |
NHS Partnership in ASC £188k increase |
Carbon Management Programme £89k increase |
Street Scene £57k increase |
Preventing Homelessness £0 change |
Reserves to support the 2015/16 budget £0 change |
ICT reserve virement to capital £250k increase |
ASC reserve virement to capital £0 change |
Public Rights of Way |
RD |
Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – No new developments. |
Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): No new developments. |
WH |
Community Engagement: At its meeting on 15 December, the Council is being |
TS |
asked to adopt the revised Statement of Community Involvement, with the provision |
that notification to neighbours by letter remain unchanged and that minor changes be |
delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration including Building Consultancy |
Services in consultation and the Portfolio Holder with responsibility for this area. |
JS reported that he had attended a ‘pilot’ Community Themed meeting at the Civic |
Centre this morning which was attended a wide group of residents representatives |
from throughout the Borough. Notes of the meeting will be circulated as soon as these |
are available. |
Agenda items included the following presentation by Cllrs Mrs Walton and Mrs Haines |
Combined Authority Business Case for new Unitary Authority |
Current position on Council budget for 2016/17 |
Proposal for change to waste collection |
Sustaining Poole’s Seafront Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) |
TS |
(Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan SPD): The Sustaining Poole’s Seafront |
SPD was recommended for adoption by the Full Council at the Cabinet meeting on 08 |
December 2015.. This includes the following proposals for Branksome & Branksome |
Dene beaches… |
6.5 Branksome Beach – A Window on the Beaches |
The height of the cliff and spread of vegetation combine with the curve of the cliffs to present an opportunity for panoramic views from a new café/restaurant projecting from Western Road car park. Subject to full technical reports and identified SNCI
mitigation, this new Sky Café could be a truly iconic addition. Whether a destination
or a family café, an elegant architectural and engineering solution would be |
required. |
Redevelopment of the existing library site for flatted development with provision of |
new community facilities could be proposed. |
Cllr MH said that there would need to be a replacement facility before there could be a |
decision to demolish Canford Cliffs library. |
6.6 Branksome Dene Beach – The Watersports Beach |
Change here could include a new and larger community and leisure venue in an |
elevated position with an enlarged terrace and a handful of rooms for hire. It could |
include new changing space, toilets and showers. A kiosk could be located on a deck |
that projects over the sand in a similar style to the decks at Shore Beach and Canford |
Cliffs. Identified parts of the woodland of the Chine shall be managed and reinforced |
to retain or create ecological habitats. Furthermore the woodland could be accessed |
via a new rope zip wire? adventure activity feature, and watersports should be |
supported here (subject to approval of environmental reports and mitigation) with |
improved facilities and access. |
The beach area is the preferred location for a watersports hub to be built. Storage |
space for small craft and changing facilities for users could combine with training and |
teaching areas, as currently exists for the Branksome Chine Surf Life Saving Club. It |
is possible that it could be managed by a commercial operator. |
Additional 8 beach huts could be constructed, of which all could be capable of |
overnight accommodation. |
Tony Beale asked if, when the area of the Branksome Beach car park and the chine |
was ceded to the council, there were any covenants put on this at that time. JS said |
that this needed to be looked into. |
Succession planning: No new developments. |
JS |
Uniting the Conurbation (Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch) – the Council |
JS |
exploring options for the future of local government in Poole, Bournemouth and |
Dorset |
Option 1 – A Pan-Dorset Unitary Council including all nine councils in |
Dorset |
This option is a single unitary council to provide local government services for the |
whole Dorset county area as well as Poole and Bournemouth. This would bring |
together the current two unitary councils with the County Council and District |
Councils, creating a single tier authority. |
A unitary Council for this area would be the third largest local authority in England, |
smaller than Birmingham and Leeds, larger than Sheffield. |
Option 2 – A Unitary Council for South East Dorset This proposal is to create a |
new unitary Council to provide local government services for Poole, Bournemouth, |
Christchurch and East Dorset to come into effect in April 2019. |
This would bring together the services of five Councils for the South East Dorset area |
i.e. the two unitary Councils (Poole and Bournemouth), the two District Councils |
(Christchurch and East Dorset) and the relevant part of Dorset County Council. |
A new unitary Council for South East Dorset would be bigger, for example, than |
Bristol, Southampton, Reading or Brighton and Hove. |
Given that the proposal affects the Dorset County Council area, it will be necessary to |
consider the costs and benefits of a revised local government structure for the rest of |
the County area comprising the four District Councils and Dorset County Council. |

creation of a new unitary council for South East Dorset would need to be |
The |
balanced by a new arrangement in the rest of Dorset. This could be retention of the |
status quo or a new unitary council for the areas of Purbeck, North Dorset, West |
Dorset and Weymouth& Portland Councils. |
Option 3 – No change – Retain the existing local government structure The two |
unitary councils in Poole and Bournemouth and the two tier structure in the Dorset |
area with a County Council and six district councils would remain as they are. |
Refreshing the Core Strategy and review of Community Infrastructure Levy: |
TS |
(CIL) – No new developments. |
Improving Association’s communications – No new developments. |
MP |
Autumn 2015 ‘Pines & Chines’ magazine – Nothing to report |
No |
further |
action |
Leaning garden wall at (?)25 The Avenue – Cllr MH will follow up. |
MH |
Branksome Park & plot size: In the absence of Tracy Holmes, JS reported that KA |
TH |
had drafted a letter to go to the Planning Inspectorate refuting a number of assertions |
made by Mr Horden in relation to the meeting between, himself, JS and Mr Horden in |
April 2015. |
Chairman’s note: I omitted to report that Terry Stewart has written a letter to Cllr Ian |
Potter, the Portfolio Holder responsible for Planning & Regeneration, seeking the |
requirement that all sites in the Branksome Park Conservation Area be a minimum of |
0.3 hectares be reinstated in the Core Strategy. |
KA reported |
16 Western Avenue (Erect a single storey garden room (Retrospective) – Application |
KA |
granted by Planning Committee at its meeting on 03 December 2015. |
66, 68 & 68A Lilliput Road (Outline planning application for the demolition of the |
existing properties and the erection of two separate apartment buildings containing 20 |
flats in total with associated access, cycle and bin stores) – Application refused by |
Planning Committee at its meeting on 03 December 2015. |
Other current planning issues |
Salterns Harbourside Hotel, 38 Salterns Way (Demolition of the existing buildings |
and the erection of 2 multi-storey mixed use developments containing 73 residential |
units, a 60 bedroom hotel as well as restaurants, offices and marina service facilities) |
– Controversial application |
Ormonde Nursing Home, 12 Pinewood Road (Outline application for alterations, |
extensions and conversion of the building to six flats with associated parking and |
landscaping) – The Association lodged a letter of objection to this application on 13 |
August 2015. Still a ‘current application’. |
5. |
ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS reported that the total Association funds as at 30 |
JS |
November 2015 amounted to £31,420.22 |
6 |
Former Cllr Neil Sorton – JS said he was very sorry to inform those present that Neil |
passed away on 06 December 2015. The funeral will be held at 1.30pm at Canford |
All |
Magna Church, Merley, BH21 3AF on 17 December 2015 followed by a private |
cremation. |
09 |
Projection equipment for Canford Cliffs Village Hall – RP reported that at the |
RP |

Neighbourhood Watch conference in the Canford Cliffs Village Hall, there was an embarrassing amount of trouble with the Power-point presentations. He suggested that maybe the Association could donate funds to be used for some equipment which could be used by all groups needing such equipment. JS suggested that RP liaise with Martin Heath who is a Trustee of Canford Cliffs Village Hall.
The meeting concluded at 8.00pm with Mulled wine and mince pies.
Date of next Meeting: Wednesday – 13 January 2016 – Committee Room (formerly Lounge), Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road.
The meeting closed at 8.20pm..