John Sprackling (JS) |
Chairman |
Wayne Hancock (WH) |
Vice-Chairman |
Carol Parkin (CP) |
Secretary |
Keith Alcroft (KA) |
Planning Officer |
John Gunton (JG) |
Magazine Editor |
Cllr Mrs May Haines (MH) |
Canford Cliffs Ward Councillor |
Cllr Mohan Iyengar (MI) |
ditto |
15 Members/Wardens |
JS welcomed those present, particularly, the two Ward Councillors |
Apologies: Roy Pointer, Chris Stracey, David & Ann Giles & Ken Sanson (Chairman, |
Sandbanks Assn) |
Accuracy: JS said would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the |
JS |
meeting held on 10 JUNE 2015.. |
Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported.. |
JS |
1.Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments
2.Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
3.Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto
4.Old Orchard House – ditto
5.Land at West Quay Road – the proposed Harris development on the ‘between the bridges’ site is no longer being pursued,.
Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:
Victoria Education Centre (Landscaping to the new entrance) – No new developments
Martello Corner, Martello Road (also known as 83 Canford Cliffs Road) –(Change of use of residential garage to dentists surgery} – Appeal lodged on 19/05/15 but the Planning Inspectorate currently has a 10 week delay in validating appeals, this appeal is currently going through that process.
Cllr MH reported that the initial delay was because Mr. Edwards did not want the appeal to be subject to a Hearing and so it was due to be determined by ‘Written representations’, but the objectors are now petitioning for it to be a Hearing.
16 Western Avenue (Erection of Single Storey Garden Room) – Site visit took place on 24 June 2015.
8 Haig Avenue (TPO tree destroyed (EN/14/00707). Appeal against Tree Replacement Notice to be determined at Hearing on 18th August 2015.
Community Working Group (CWG): Next meeting fixed for 24 Sept 2015. |
WH |
Council Budget Monitoring report (2014/15) & 2015/16 Budget – Nothing to |
WM |
report. |
Public Rights of Way |
RD |
Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No new developments. |
Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto |
Bessborough Road – ditto |
Wednesday, 08 July 2015 |

Pineclif |
Gardens (Sunken garden): WH reported that the RHS judge will visit on |
WH |
Tuesday, 14 July at 11am. He is hopeful of obtaining the new licence from Poole |
Council shortly. WH had sent Cllr MI photographs of the trees obscuring the view |
from the gardens and had suggested it would be nice to have some felled. Cllr MI |
said that this was being looked at currently. |
Community Engagement: JS that he had been invited to meet the Leader of the |
JS |
Council, Cllr Mrs Janet Walton for a discussion on this subject. |
Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm: JS reported on behalf of Roy Pointer that |
RP |
20,000 cards have been delivered around the coast from Swanage to Milford urging |
residents to write to the PM to stop the approval. RP thanks those who helped in the |
patch covered by the Association. Many have received standard replies; this |
suggests that a large number of people have written in, which is good. JS has |
received a reply to the letter sent on behalf of the Association. |
RP asks if anyone is prepared to do another road or two e.g. Lakeside, De |
Mauley/Spencer area, Bingham area, Burton houses end. He thinks these are fruitful |
areas that have not been covered. |
The decision has been delegated to a Junior Minister, Lord Bourne not the Secretary |
of State and the decision is due to be announced on or before 11 September. |
Poole Council Leader has given support along with other local council Leaders to |
encourage ALL Councillors to write in. This will support the efforts of our MPs. |
Recent Adjournment Debate in the House led by Richard Drax MP attended by our |
local MPs. This keeps the case in the spotlight. |
PCBA met with Bournemouth Council and Ashley Fox MEP to explore European |
angles to the process and decision. Mr Fox has taken some questions away, which |
has gained Media coverage. |
The proposal has been getting a lot of media coverage in Echo letters lately. RP |
encourages anyone to write in with their comments as counters to the Greens. See |
recent letter from John Gunton. |
Road Safety concerns: Burton Road, Canford Cliffs Road & Road surface of |
No |
Ravine Road: A resident contacted Poole Council last Monday about the height of |
further |
the ferns and undergrowth on Leicester Road at the junction with Wilderton Road as |
action |
it was at a height where oncoming traffic was no longer clearly visible. This was |
cleared this morning – excellent service. |
Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan SPD): |
TS |
Agenda item 12 at next Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting seeks approval of capital |
expenditure of up to £3.620m for Phase 2 of the Beach Hut Project (see table below), |
and an additional estimated £174K to fund one-off shortfalls in annual beach hut |
rental income during construction. Project scale, construction, phasing and final costs |
are subject to ground and building surveys, planning permission and procurement |
Wednesday, 08 July 2015

seem to be too many double-decker beach huts proposed for Canford Cliffs |
There |
(152 new ones) and JS questioned if is it worth developing the small pavilion at Canford Cliffs into a café because it won’t do much business out-of-season as people can’t drive up to it to park as they can at Branksome Beach and at Sandbanks? Cllr MH suggests that this is perhaps to offer a catering option to walkers, but she is querying this Banquets Catering (South Coast) Ltd currently hold the leases for the beach restaurants and kiosks from Branksome Dene to Sandbanks and this does not permit any other concessionaire to operate along the seafront.
JS said that it is surprising that so few beach huts are being proposed for Sandbanks
– JS asked Cllr MH to query this as Sandbanks is the most popular area. She says this is because they are struggling to find locations to build extra huts at Sandbanks.
Officers will continue to explore further commercial opportunities as part of ongoing work to improve seafront facilities and revenues.
Succession planning: No new developments. |
JS |
Pine Drive – MH said that Steve Dean is looking into this. |
MH |
Uniting the Conurbation (Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch) –No new |
JS |
developments |
Refreshing the Core Strategy and review of Community Infrastructure Levy |
TS |
(CIL): –No new developments |
Use of Poole’s Pop up Shop at 58 High Street – Cllr MH said that there is no |
JS |
charge for the use of this but the shop is only available until the end of August. She |
will send JS contacts of who to approach to book the use of the shop. |
Improving association’s communications – MP is continuing to try to contact |
MP |
blocks of flats which are not members of the Association to invite them to join. |
Capacity of Lilliput Surgery and local Dental practices to cope with additional |
MI |
new residents – JS asked Cllr MI to keep an eye on this situation. |
KA said that he had nothing to report but JS referred to Wateridge House, 5 Burton |
Road (Outline application to demolish the existing building and erection of a 3 ? |
KA |
storey block of 10 no. flats) – Application registered on 09/04/15. Cllr MH thinks that |
this application will be recommended for refusal. |
Other current planning issues |
10 Grasmere Road (Variation of Condition 2 of permission APP/14/00805/F to |
substitute approved plans with the plans submitted under this application) – |
Application registered 21/04/05. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the |
Association on 11/05/15. Granted by Planning Committee at meeting on 18 June |
2015.. |
Compton Acres, Canford Cliffs Road (Erection of building comprising 20 |
Apartments with basement parking; re-arrangement for the existing Compton Acres |
parking area, and demolition of the existing office building set within the current car |
park) – |
This site has been acquired by Ortus Homes a subsidiary of McCarthy & |
Stone. |
This is still a ‘current’ application. |
5. |
ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS reported that Paul Fearnley was currently on |
JS |
holiday and the amount of total Association funds as at 30 June 2015 was not currently available.
Wednesday, 08 July 2015

6 |
Party Houses – Colin Brade reported that there had been a problem with a ‘Poole |
No |
party; at Belmont, 4 Burton Road – this was reported to the Council and there have |
further |
been no problems since. |
action |
Blockage of roadside drains by storms on 03/04 July – JG reported problems with |
ditto |
outside drains that had occurred during the storm last Friday. CB and Cllr MH |
reported their own problems with the drains at that time, but Cllr MH thinks that this |
was, hopefully, a one-off occurrence |
Proposed Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting on 29 July 2015 – This |
has been cancelled. |
Poole Park Life Heritage Lottery bid – The Poole Park Heritage Group have launched |
a fund-raising project to celebrate the park’s 125th anniversary. |
In July, August and September there will be prizes awarded, with the 125th person to |
upload their photo each month receiving a Sony H300 camera worth £149 from the |
Tesco at Branksome. |
And Poole-based telecoms business Grapevine have supplied two tablets to enable |
volunteers to capture and upload images of visitors from anywhere in the park. |
More businesses are also being encouraged to take part. |
WH proposed that the Association should make a donation to this project. JG |
suggested a donation of £500 which will be equivalent to £5,000 as Heritage Lottery |
Fund will match fund donations tenfold. This was put the vote and agreed |
unanimously by a show of hands. |
Date of next Meeting: The next meeting will be on Wednesday – 12th August 2015 at |
All |
Committee Room (formerly Lounge), Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre |
(Access via Lindsay Road) |
The meeting closed at 8.00pm and concluded with wine & nibbles in the side garden