BPCCRA Minutes March 12th 2008





Terry Stewart President

John Sprackling 640-816 Chairman

John Defty Treasurer

Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer

Bob Young Magazine Advertising

Val Short Minutes Secretary

Cllr. Neil Sorton Ward Councillor

Cllr Mrs May Haines ditto

18 Members/Wardens

Welcomes JS welcomed Cllrs Neil Sorton & Mrs May Haines and all those present, especially those attending for the first time.


Apologies: Keith Alcroft, Michael Bond & Ben Hurley

Accuracy: JS apologised for the omission of Stan Alfert’s name from the list of those present. Diana Rogers pointed out that16 Torbay Road should read 14 Torbay Road

WM asked for amendment under Council Tax 2008/09 & Financial Monitoring report – the Council are assuming (rather than ‘predicting’) a 5% increase in Council Tax for 2009/10 and 2010/11.

JS said that, subject to the above amendments, he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 13th February 2008.


Poole Pottery/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that

1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – awaiting Inspector’s decision re Marston’s Inns & Taverns application to use the 1st floor open area in association with use of adjacent unit as a ‘bar/restaurant’ following Appeal Hearing on 28/02/08. Appellants sought award of costs against the Council.

2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Laneawaiting Inspector’s decision re plans to demolish existing and erect a 116 bed care home, day centre and ancillary facilities following Appeal Hearing on 20/02/08.

3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – the ‘Poole guide 2008′ carries an advertisement for Poole Pottery which refers to a “re-building phase in 2008 (and) a brand new building. A firm of Bournemouth architects are working on this.

4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – this site is currently the subject of a Scoping Assessment- the deadline was 28/02/08. It is anticipated that, when the a Scoping Assessment has been agreed, a formal planning application together with an Environmental Assessment will be submitted.

5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – A £330,000 scheme for environmental enhancement in front of the new flats at Old Orchard fronting the Lower High Street funded totally by the development is included in Transportation Services Unit’s 2008/09 Capital programme.

6. Harbour Court (24 one-bedroom flats and 8 two-bedroom flats above the Asda Superstore) and Harbour Sail (32 flats) West Quay Road – Three and a half years after the Asda supermarket opened, the 32 rented units are now occupied. The shared ownership units are currently being marketed. This will be done in phases the first phase being 11 units. Subject to the speed of sale of these, further phases will be released..

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

57 Haven Road (Demolish existing and erect a block of 14 flats with basement parking and bin store to be accessed from Haven Road. (as amended by plans received 28/11/06)


several local residents have pointed out that this development has not been constructed in accordance with the approved plans and elevations. This is now the subject of a revised planning application.

14 Torbay Road – Mrs Rogers advised that an Renault Romania Enforcement Order had been issued. The current building under construction is 3 storeys high.

62 Haven Road – JS said that he had heard anything further about the alleged unauthorised felling of pine trees on this site.

Unauthorised Advertisement Hoardings: A policy leaflet re Hoardings around construction sites was discussed at Local Economy Overview Group meeting on 28/02/08 but

Members were not entirely happy about some aspects of this. It was agreed that a revised leaflet would be circulated amongst Members for their agreement.

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: A report on Beach Control Structures is to be presented at tomorrow’s Environment Overview Group

Council Tax 2008/09 & Financial Monitoring report: WM reported that the Audit Commission’s Annual Assessment for 2008 has been issued – Poole is rated as 4 star authority, one of only three councils in the South West to achieve this top rating.

Poole Partnership: Next meeting of the Steering Group is to be held tomorrow (13/03/08).

Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Speeding in Lindsay Road:

JS reported that the Transportation Services Unit’s 2008/09 Capital programme includes the following schemes which affect the area covered by the Association and JS said that he would include details in the Minutes – see below.


Ashley Road (£95,000)
Consideration of general Traffic Management measures to reduce congestion, avoid delays to buses whilst reducing air pollution and improving road safety. Options being developed by partnering consultant Mouchel Group.

Alder Road/Poole Road (£80,000)
Consideration of general Traffic Management measures to reduce congestion, avoid delays to buses whilst reducing air pollution and improving road safety. Options being developed by partnering consultant Mouchel Group.

Ashley Cross (£105,000)
Alterations to the junction to improve the flow of traffic along the Prime Transport Corridor. Public Consultation of the options is currently being prepared for member consideration in Spring 2008.

Commercial Road/Station Road (£155,000)
An area wide scheme based around Parkstone Park to look at avoiding delays on Commercial Road whilst facilitating turning movements at Church Road and Station Road. Public Consultation of the options is currently being prepared for member consideration in Spring 2008.

Bournemouth Road/ Richmond Road (£100,000)
Alterations to the Traffic Signals to ban the right turn except for Buses to improve traffic flow along the Prime Transport Corridor and to carry out mitigation measures to the surrounding residential roads (Courthill Road 20mph Zone). Public Consultation of the options is currently being prepared for member consideration in Spring 2008.

Penn Hill (£120,000)
Completion of the scheme currently being constructed to improve traffic flow along Penn Hill Road and improve road safety on Archway Road


Cycling: Penn Hill (£30,000)
The implementation of a cycle route funded from developer contributions.
Cycling: Sandbanks (£100,000)
The completion of a strategic route along Sandbanks Road to the Beaches and Ferry.


Road Safety Strategy (£30,000) The investigation and potential delivery of schemes that will reduce casualties in line with the Road Safety Strategy whilst delivering LTP Targets. Schemes to be developed include:
– Shore Road/Haven Road.

Canford Cliffs Village: The proposed Farmer’s Market to be held in Maxwell Road has had to be cancelled, owing to objections to the closure of the road by residents living in the road.

It is hoped to hold the event in the Ravine Road car park on 25/04/08.

Skywalk Tower, Sandbanks (Application No. 06/12765/016/F) JS said that he had posted a note on the BoP website to say that the Planning Officer last wrote to the applicant seeking further information as long ago as 08/06/07. Has this information been provided? If not, shouldn’t the applicant be told that this application will be refused in the absence of this information?

Bus Service to serve Lindsay Road & Penn Hill Ave: No further developments.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road Michael Shaw has registered the necessary forms with the Rights of Way Officer.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – No further developments.

Bessborough Road – JS reported that James Pride, the Chairman of the Canford Cliffs Land Society (CCLS), had advised him that the CCLS has had many conversations over the last 2 years with PBC about Bessborough Road and its status. The movable posts allow right of way about which there is no dispute, but discourage it where possible. It has been accepted that the road surface is fragile and, recently, the CCLS successfully won an insurance claim against the council after a refuse lorry got stuck and damaged the surface. We will pursue any other user who damages the surface. The “dead end” signs on the roads leading to Bessborough Road have been erected by the highways department. The CCLS aim to retain this lane as an amenity for all residents, not just car users.

Update re ‘Branksome Park Conservation Area is at RISK’

Branksome Park Conservation Area

Bill Belshaw reported that the application for 31 Western Avenue (Demolish existing dwelling and erect new dwelling with integral garage (Revised Scheme) was now the subject of a ‘Written representations’ The Appeal was lodged on 01/02/08 but the Council can do nothing more until the Start Letter from the Inspectorate at Bristol is received. It will probably be a good idea if objections are lodged again with the Inspectorate. Indications are that it will be a nursing home, in spite of claims that it will be for family use by daughters and their families, which would be multiple occupancy. The Head of Planning Design & Control Services has been asked to provide a definition of multiple occupancy.

JS said that he would investigate this too.

Haig Ave & Lawrence Drive – MH reported that English Heritage is not recommending listing for 7 Haig Avenue and the two applications (a) Outline application to demolish existing dwelling & annex and erect 3 detached houses (b) Block of 9 flats with underground parking are to be determined by Planning Committee meeting on 20/03/08.

The Officer’s recommendation is to ‘Grant’ both applications.


3 Lawrence Drive (Block of 8 apartments with underground parking) – application refused on 11/02/08.

MH went on to say that the Head of Planning Design & Control Services has indicated that he would be willing to consider a Special Character Area Assessment prepared by an external consultant. Residents to decide if they wish to proceed with this.

NS commented that the difficulty is that Conservation Area status cannot be used to stop development. After he had supported residents in Lakeside Road in their opposition to flat development, several changed their minds and sold property for redevelopment!

It is the LPA that makes the final decision.

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: Michael Shaw advised JS yesterday that he had now read, and digested, “The Charity Commission’s general guidance on public benefit”. He recommends that the Assn apply to become a charity. This does NOT mean that Mr Shaw thinks that the Assn will get charitable status but that it is worth applying


JS reported that…

12 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing and erect a two/three storey replacement detached house. (Revised scheme) refused on 07/03/08.

1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a detached house with integral garage) – application registered on 08/02/08. Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 28/02/08. If this application is not refused under delegated authority, this will be decided by Planning Committee at a date yet to be announced.

150 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing building and erect 1 No block of 9 x 3 bed flats with associated parking, bin and cycle storage – Appeal Hearing

(APP/Q1255/A/07/2045273) on 04/03/08 cancelled at last minute.

1-3 Chaddesley Glen

(a) Outline application to demolish nos. 1 & 3 Chaddesley Glen and construct 14 apartments with basement parking. Accessed from Chaddesley Glen) – awaiting

Inspector’s decision following Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/2056180) on 01/03/08

(b) Demolish existing dwellings and erect 2 No blocks of 6 x 2 bed apartments (12 in total) on three floors with new vehicular access) – application registered on 04/03/08.

Roy Pointer hoped that he could rely on the Assn’s support in opposing 10 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling) is subject to a Planning Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/08/2061619 & APP/Q1255/A/08/206120) The date for final comments is 26/03/08.

Other current planning issues

18 Buccleuch Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect 2 detached dwellings with

integral garages) – application withdrawn on 14/02

1 Brudenell Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a 2 storey block of 5 x 2 bed flats)

application withdrawn on 28/02/08.

4 Brudenell Avenue (Outline application to demolish existing dwelling and erect two 3/4

storey houses) Application registered on 22/01/08. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 14/02/08.

3 Westminster Road (Demolition of existing dwelling and erect 3 storey block of 8 flats

with basement parking to be accessed from Westminster Road) – awaiting Inspector’s

decision following Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/2047001) on 27/02/08.

4 Nairn Road (Erect two detached houses with integral garages. (Revised Scheme)

Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/2049008) fixed for 09/04/08.

Canford Cliffs, Promenades 1 & 2 & Vacant plot of land to the west of Branksome Chine Car Park (Construction of 62 new beach huts) – application registered on 22/01/08.

Land at 140 Canford Road (Demolish house and erect a block of 8 flats with underground garages and secure cycle store) – application granted 14/02/08.

138 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolition of existing and erection of three detached

dwellings with integral garages) – application refused on 23/01/08. NB Outline consent

to demolish existing and erect 3 dwellings and garages was granted on 31/08/07.

142-144 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolition of existing houses and garages. Construction of 14 No. flats with underground parking) subject to ‘Written representations’ Appeal

(APP/Q1255/A/07/2060701) The date for final comments was 05/02/08.


1 – 3 Compton Avenue

(a) Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats & 1 maisonette with basement parking

(Revised Scheme) – Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 14/02/08.

(b) Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats and 1 maisonette (total 12) with basement parking and bin store. Accessed from Compton Avenue (as amended by Drawings rec’d on 30.08.07) subject to Appeal Hearing at a date yet to be announced.

40 Lakeside Road

(a) Demolish existing and erect 1 x 5-bed house and convert garage to office & storage) A previous application a few years ago for a chiropractic surgery was refused, but concerned that change of use from garage to offices may open up possibilities for this type of use. New building is also very close to boundary of adjacent properties..

(b) Demolish existing dwelling and outbuilding. Sever land and erect 2 detached dwellings with shared access off Lakeside Road – subject to ‘Written representations’ appeal. Date for final comments is 31/03/08.

46-48 Tower Road (Erect a 2 – 5 storey block of 14 flats with basement parking) – appeal allowed.

12 St Clair Road (Erection of 2 x 4-bed detached dwellings with associated parking and rear vehicular access from St Clair Road. (Revised Scheme) – listed for next Thursday’s Planning Committee meeting and the officer’s recommendation is to ‘Grant’. An extract from the officer’s report reads…


Planning Considerations

Character and appearance of the streetscene

• The proposed ridge height of the dwellings has increased by 1.03 m from the approved plans with a hipped roof and a dormer window. Whilst the additional height excess that as originally anticipated the only areas for concern related to the perception of height brought about by the front gable. The amendments now proposed reduce the apparent mass of the roof as the roof slope will slope away from the front elevation and the dormers will be read as a subservient addition.

• The proposed alterations to the ridge height and roof form including lowering the eaves height (from what has been already built on site) on the front elevation will not be materially harmful to the character or appearance of the streetscene.

• The proposed alterations cause no additional harm to the neighbouring properties.


103 Lilliput Road

(a) Demolition of existing dwelling and redevelop with 2½ storey flatted block of 7 units, associated access and parking (as amended by plans received 18.10.07) – subject to

Written Representations appeal (APP/Q1255/A/07/2058028). The date for final comments was 16/01/08.

(b) Demolition of existing dwelling and its redevelopment with a 2½ storey flatted block

comprising 7 dwelling units, associated access and parking (revised scheme).– Application

registered on 23/01/08.

1 Westminster Road East (Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 2 No. four bedroom detached properties with associated vehicular accesses, parking and landscaping)Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 22/11/07.

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An

entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

6 Tower Road West (Erect a 2-storey side extension to create an additional 4

self-contained flats with associated parking) – Appeal dismissed on 15/02/08.

5 Durrant Road

(a) Erect 5 storey block of 8 flats) – Appeal dismissed on 20/12/07

(b) Demolish existing and erect a 4 storey block of 8 flats with basement garage accessed

from Durrant Road. As amended by information received 02/10/07 and plans received 28/06/07, 11/07/07 and 17/09/07 – subject to ‘Written representations’ Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/08/2062977) The date for final comments is 12/03/08

16-18 Durrant Road

(a) Demolish existing and erect two 4 storey blocks each of 6 x 2 bed flats (12 in total)

with associated access and car parking) – ‘Written representations’ Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/07/2054198) withdrawn.

(b) Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with single linked basement

garage.– Application registered on 24/01/08.

1, 2 & 3 Alington Close & 2a & 2b Shore Road

(a) Demolish existing and erect 4×3 storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking and associated works and landscaping (Revised scheme). Amended plans received 10/7/07, 23/7/07, 25/7/07, 6/8/07 and 9/8/07 – subject to a Planning Inquiry

(APP/Q1255/A/08/2061709) and the date for final comments is 27/03/08.


(b) Demolish existing and erect 6 x two / three storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking, accessed off Alington Close and associated works and landscaping. (Amended scheme) – to be decided by officers on 10/03/08. If the officer decide to recommend approval, the application will then go to the Planning Committee for a final decision.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – subject to Written Representation appeal (GOSW Ref SW/THM/8147/1038)

4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE JD reported that the accumulated fund stands at £36,871.


BPCCRA AGM & Spring 2008 Magazine – JS said that the AGM is to be held on 03/05/08 at All Saints Church Hall. Cllr Ron Parker, the Portfolio Holder for the Local Economy including responsibility for Planning, has agreed to be the Guest Speaker. JG said that it is hoped the magazine would be available for distribution around 15th April.

Party in the Park in Canford Cliffs – JS reported that this event is due to take place again. This year a little later on 29th June from 12.00 noon through to 7.00pm. Local restaurants are keen to participate and they will be providing a hog roast, barbeque and tapas, plus beers, wine, cider and soft drinks for the children.

The event is free for all to attend and is run on a village fete style theme with the intentions of bringing the local community together. The day will support the local charity TENOVUS.

16 Torbay Road – Mrs Rogers asked if there was anything she could do regarding this property which is now on the market again with new specification. JS replied not much could be done but just hope that the next purchaser completes the building.

Temporary closure of The Avenue between its junction with Western Road and its junction with Tower Road West – SA reported that this section of The Avenue is going to be closed for 6 weeks after Easter for resurfacing.

Chairman’s note: I see that the official notice about this closure appears in this week’s Advertiser (see below). In my experience, the Council always specify a longer period than is usually necessary, to be on the safe side.

Borough of Poole


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Borough and County of the Town of Poole, the Highway Authority is satisfied that traffic on the said Road should be prohibited and has made an Order in exercise of its powers under Section 5, 14(1) and IS of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers as detailed above, the effect of which is that no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to proceed along The Avenue between its junction with Western Road and its junction with Tower Road West

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all limes. Emergency vehicles will be accommodated on a one off basis.

The proposed closure is required for the replacement of kerbs and road re-surfacing.

A diversion will be signed via Western Read and Tower Read West.

The proposed Order is effective between 25 March and 3 May 2008. The Order is operative for the period mentioned above but will continue in force for the statutory
period of eighteen months if required.

If the works are not completed within the statutory period the Order may be extended with the approval of the Secretary of State for Transport

Any person who uses or permits the use of a vehicle In contravention of the order will be

liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £400.


Head of Transportation Services, Borough of Poole, St John House. 5 Serpentine Road, Poole BH15 1DX

13 March 2008

Speeding – TS reported that the police now have trained officers on using laser speed guns and they are operating in the area and issuing penalty notices.

Drivers using mobile ‘phones – A member reported that drivers are frequently seen using mobile phones whilst driving in the Haven Road area, usually between 9 and 10 am. TS said that he would contact Sgt Jane Newcombe about this.

JS closed the meeting at 8.10pm.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is on Wednesday 9th April 2008 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)