Minutes of monthly meeting held Wednesday March 8, 2017, at 19.30
PRESENT Terry Stewart President
Bob Reid Chairman
Carol Parkin Secretary/Minutes Secretary
Cllr. May Haines and approximately 30 wardens and members.
APOLOGIES Cllr. Mohan Iyengar, Mike Parkin, John Gunton, Paul Fearnley, Roger Alan, Dawn Goodson, Alan and Libby Bentall, Ken Sanson, Tracy Holmes.
The Chairman welcomed those present and was pleased to see some new members.
The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a correct record.
Parking Charges Update
RP reminded members that the Association had objected strongly to the full metering plan on the grounds that:
- It had been overwhelmingly rejected by residents.
- No evidence of congestion had been offered by the Council
- No complaints of lack of parking or congestion had been received by the Council.
- No regard had been given by the Council to the availability of off-road parking ie Beach Road car park.
- The scheme was to cater in part for the 25 years Beach Development Plan and was therefore premature.
The Council had now reduced the impact of the Branksome Park/Canford Cliffs portion down to the East and West sides of Western Road. Following the advertised Traffic Order to which we had also objected, metering of the East side of Western Road, adjacent to Beach Road car park had been agreed on Monday March 6. Proposals to meter the West side of Western Road had been withdrawn to enable a new Order to be advertised for a reduced length between Pinecliff Road Junction and the Southern boundary of No. 9 Western Road, to which we also object.
RP will now discuss the possibility of requesting a formal review of the Council’s decision with the Executive, and remind the Council that we shall still object to any metering on the West side of Western Road, even for the reduced length now proposed.
Closure of Public Toilets
The Chairman attended a call-in meeting. There was quite strong opposition to closing the toilets, especially in Baiter Park but despite this the decision was that the toilets would be mothballed. John Sprackling commented that the closure of the toilets at the ferry to Studland was very important as during the summer when there are long queues for the ferry there will be no provision for a public toilet. There was discussion about the various ways community toilets could operate, but generally this is not finding favour with Traders, with some places even having notices that their toilet facilities are for customers only.
There was a question as to exactly how much money was being saved in the council budget by closing toilets. Cllr MH pointed out that as well as the maintenance costs to the Council, some toilets would need upgrading. TS suggested that CIL money could be made available for this.
Cllr Haines assured the meeting that all options were being looked at and suggestions would be welcome.
Beach Road Car Park Update.
RP reminded members that at the presentation to the meeting in December there were mixed views from the members as to the desirability of the Council developing the car park and he had reported accordingly to the Council in response to the consultation. It would be helpful for the Association to give the Executive a more definite view and he hoped that there may be time to take soundings at the forthcoming AGM. In this way the Council would be of no doubt as to the views of the members on the future of the car park, in the context of the review of the Local Plan due for consultation this year.
Tony Beale is currently researching old covenants on this area. He is ill at the moment and we wish him a speedy recovery.
Canford Cliffs Beach Shelter.
The Council plan is to turn this into a cafeteria/restaurant with extra beach huts built above it, and to demolish the current ice cream kiosk. At our last meeting there was a question as to whether the Council had made a business plan. When this was enquired into, the Council replied that a Business Plan is not needed to submit a planning application. Cllr MH had no knowledge of this. The meeting is questioning whether this plan is viable.
5 Ormond Road Planning Application for alterations and extensions to convert existing house
Into 4 ‘Cluster Houses’ with new vehicular access, parking and bin storage.
There is a lot of neighbourhood opposition to this.
Nick Robinson, from 11 Chester Road gave the meeting his objections to this plan. He currently lives in a flat which has been converted very sympathetically with the area. This Application would massively affect the street scene and undermine the integrity of the area. ‘Cluster Houses’ is a euphemism for flats. The adjacent houses have already disclosed that they intend to convert and extend the properties into more ‘cluster houses’.
This would mean more traffic with all the attendant risks. Mr. Robinson feels that the Council should apply ‘Affordable housing’ in a responsible way.
If the planning application for 5 Ormond Road is passed it will set a precedent. He feels that Poole Council displays a lack of responsibility by not maintaining this area in a sympathetic way; litter, fly tipping etc., and that this area needs to be preserved. He encourages everybody to look at these issues – Mr. Robinson’s e mail address can be obtained from the Chairman.
Cllr MH said that she agreed with everything that has been said and was originally responsible for having this area designated a Conservation Area.
She will have very strong views to put forward to the Planning Committee.
She advised Mr. Robinson on the best way to put his objections to the Planning Committee.
There was general discussion on the Planning that has been allowed by Poole Council.
4 Brackenhill Demolish existing house and garage. Construct two semi-detached houses. Eleven letters of objection have been received.
10 Nairn Road Demolish existing dwelling and construct two replacement dwelling. Some objection letters have been received.
11 Martello Rd. South Demolish existing dwelling and erect three storey block of nine flats. There is neighbourhood opposition to this scheme.
12 DeMauley Road Demolish existing semi-detached dwellings and erect two replacement detached dwellings.
14 Pinewood Road Partial demolition of building and construction of two-storey rear extension to convert to six apartments, and semi-detached house. Continued submissions objecting to this scheme. Amended site plans submitted.
6 Newton Road Demolition of existing building and construction of two semi-detached dwellings.
This has been Granted.
There is currently a sum of £32,467 in the account.
The Chairman was pleased to report that the funds raised from advertising in the Spring
Magazine almost covers the cost of production of the magazine. Roger Allan, who is responsible for
advertising in the magazine had reported that this is going extremely well.
Copies of last month’s accounts are available if anyone wished to take a copy.
The Chairman reported that he attended a meeting last night of the Canford Cliffs Collective
Group. This has been set up to improve the appearance of Haven Road through the Village.
Carol Parkin also attended the meeting as she currently lives in Canford Cliffs. She reported that
Steph Stevenson who owns the hairdressers, HNB, on Haven Road is leading this group. Steph has
quite a few ideas to invigorate Haven Road.
These include Holding a yearly festival – Oyster and Champagne, in September, to be organised
by a company who run all kinds of festivals all over England.
Flag poles for the walls of shops where Christmas trees, flags etc. can be displayed.
Heritage Lighting installed.
Ornamental pear trees provided to shops and business to display in tubs outside
their premises.
A defibrillator could be installed in say the Post Office area.
Funds raised from the festival would be used to improve the appearance of Haven.
This should increase footfall.
All these ideas were agreed in principle.
There was an idea to have a website, but this was shelved for the time being and social media could be used to promote the village.
The Chairman was asked a question as to the current situation of Tesco moving into the empty shops in Haven Road. At the Collective meeting, Matthew Robson from Poole Council had said that he expected a Planning Application to be put in imminently by Tesco. The Chairman expected that when Tesco move into Canford Cliffs they will inject money into helping improve Haven Road.
There is a rumour that Tesco on Sandbanks will close, and if this is the case, it could be that trade in Canford Cliffs increases.
There was discussion on parking in Canford Cliffs.
TS asked Cllr MH what the Council intend for the use of Section 106 money that is still outstanding.
Cllr Haines replied that she would make enquiries.
Steph Stevenson will give a short presentation on the plans for Haven Road at our AGM in April, and it is hoped that Matt Robson and Adrian Trevett from Poole Council will come along too.
Nick Robinson asked Cllr MH for a contact at Poole Council to contact in relation to Fly Tipping.
Cllr MH supplied this.
JS asked about ‘the man in the woods’. This man appears to be living in a den in the wood. Cllr MH will report this to the Council.
There will be no monthly meeting in April as our AGM will be held Saturday 22nd April.
The meeting closed at 8.45 pm