BPCCRA Minutes April 13th 2011




PRESENT:Parajumpers Sverige

  • John Sprackling Chairman
  • Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer
  • Carol Parkin Secretary
  • John Gunton Magazine Editor
  • Bob Young Magazine Advertising
  • Cllr Mrs Carole Deas Ward Councillor
  • Cllr Mrs May Haines ditto
  • Cllr Neil Sorton ditto
  • Approx 30 Members/Wardens

JS welcomed Cllrs Mrs Carole Deas & Neil Sorton – Cllr Mrs May Haines would be arriving later . Also, David Baker (Liberal Democrat), Susanna Carvell & Ian Walker, standing as Independent candidates at next month’s Local Election.

Apologies: Apologies received from Keith Alcroft, Chris Stracey, Roy Pointer, Anthony Vickery, Rose Rogers Most Popular Prom Dresses and Ken Sanson, Chairman, Sandbanks Association. Also from the following prospective candidates at next month’s Local Election.
Avril King (UK Independence Party) – Ms King only read her invitation when she arrived home today but unable to attend as she has another residents’ meeting this evening.
Peter Pawlowski (Conservative Party) – Mr Pawlowski sent his apologies as he has a prior engagement, which is a long-standing commitment on his part and he is unable to rearrange it.

Accuracy: Parajumpers Jacka Herr JS said that he would sign the Mother of the Bride Dresses Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 09 MARCH 2011.


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported…
1. Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) developmen t – No new developments
2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane (Erect an 80-bed care home) – JS reported that the Council faced a formidable team at last week’s four day Public Inquiry, including a Barrister, Christopher Young of No 5 Chambers, who called five witnesses to give evidence. Mentnor must have spent an absolute fortune on this appeal. At the Inquiry, the Inspector was informed that the appellants only submitted
their evidence to the Council on the Friday before the Inquiry started but she decided that the evidence should stand and that there would be no adjournment for the Council to consider it. This inevitably placed the Council in a difficult position and did not have available someone from Adult Social Services who was able to give evidence. This is ‘bad form’ from the appellant’s side but something that was out of the Council’s control.
3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – No new developments
4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto
5. Old Orchard House. 39-61 High Street – ditto
6. Land at West Quay Road (Mixed use regeneration and new public quayside to include; the demolition of a listed gate post and all existing buildings on site; the redevelopment of the site with 440 residential units provided in six apartment blocks with basement parking and courtyard) – ditto.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:
JS reported that he and his wife had attended the Hearing at Poole Magistrates Court on23/03/11 regarding the damage to four Corsican pines at 147 Banks Road. This case has been adjourned until next Wednesday (20/04/11) when certain other high profile tree cases are due to be heard at the same time. JS encouraged other members to show to the Magistrates that residents fully support Poole’s Planning Enforcement Team in pursuing prosecutions of offenders for the unauthorised felling of trees etc
Victoria Education Centre (St Aldhelms Road entrance) – The school has carried out some suitable planting but nothing else yet
19 Mornish Road (Tree replacement) – This property has been sold ‘subject to contract’. The Local Planning Authority has a charge on the property and the Enforcement Officer has asked that the prospective purchaser be advised of the charge and the legal requirement to plant a replacement tree to a specification detailed in the tree replacement notice
17 Over Links Drive (Application to demolish existing and erect 2 detached houses granted on 31/01/08 but number of conditions should have been complied with before this development commenced) The two new buildings design and scale, including height, accord with the approved drawings, although some additional high level sky lights have been added to both and a window in the dormer features added, also at high level. The Enforcement Officer is inviting a minor amendment application for these additional windows Current planning enforcement issues
1 Cliff Drive (Addition of four additional windows where there was one large one before) – revised retrospective application registered on 19/02/11.
2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road (Boundary treatment) – No new developments.
55 Canford Cliffs Road (Removal of the gates, railings, fence and hedge, and the erection of a low stone wall with planting behind) – ditto
Land adj to 20A Chaddesley Glen (Land be reinstated) – No new developments.

Community Working Group (CWG):

Wayne Hancock is the Association’s representative and will be attending the next Community Working Group meeting on Wednesday 4th May. JS invited members to contact WH, if they had any issues that they would like him to take up.

Council Tax 2010/11 & Council’s Budget Monitoring report:

WM reported that the yearend projected underspend was £523,000 and up to 28th February 2011, 85.7% of the budget had been spent. The pressures are still there for future years and there are still quite a few matters outstanding, which have been outstanding for some months.

Poole Partnership – JS reported that at the Cabinet meeting on 16/03/11, Members approved the following allocations from the residual Poole Partnership resources:
(a) £52,800 towards the setting up of a Poole Communities Fund by the Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Community Foundation;
(b) £15,000 to set up a separate fund hosted by the Council to support the voluntary and community sector during 2011/12. It is proposed that this be administered through the Council’s Grant Panel process on the advice of officers from Poole Council for Voluntary Service and the Council.

Public Rights of Way:
Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No new developments.
Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto
Bessborough Road – ditto
Footpath 82 Spur – At its Extraordinary General Meeting on 26/03/11, the The Royal Motor Yacht Club members voted overwhelmingly in favour of purchasing the Sandbanks Boatyard and Marina Company for a price up to £1.5m. There is some commercially sensitive ground still to cover before the purchase can be completed, and the representatives of the RMYC will be trying to sort out a number of issues that the SBMC Ltd has with its neighbours.
Possible Charitable Status for Assn:

JS said that Paul Fearnley, the Association’s Hon Treasurer, has recently written to him to say that the registering of the Association as a Charity has been on the rolling agenda for some time. The main advantage in doing so is that we could reclaim the basic rate income tax paid by the donor on all our subscription income. This would increase our revenue significantly. If the Association did this, it would have to have a declaration from each member willing to Gift-Aid the subscriptions. If, as is planned, the Association will be asking members to fill out a new application form and post it to us in the Autumn, it would be very sensible to cover this aspect at the same time. Tony Clayton has offered to help with the Sub-Committee, when this is set up.

Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden):

WH reported that he had now received the signed and sealed licence from the Borough of Poole. Simon Legg has just returned from holiday and WH will arrange a meeting at the sunken gardens, to discuss responsibilities etc. Then, with the assistance of the Victoria Education Centre, the Association can begin the clearance of the eastern rockery. JS pointed out that this effort is a ‘feather in our cap’ as we are the first Resident’s Assn. to
take on a project involving council land – the sunken garden in Pinecliff Gardens which, at the moment, does not looks particularly attractive. CD interposed at this point and stated that she and WH had been working hard on this with the help of the Victoria Education Centre. Simon. Legg has agreed to try to get some press coverage for this. CD also said that she has been speaking with the officer at the Council dealing with the
Canford Cliffs Play Area and he said that extra money will be available for exercise equipment for adults. She ended by thanking WH for working so hard on this and Daphne Howell, who first mooted the idea.

Public Liability Insurance (PLI) – JS is pursuing.

Poole Council’s Efficiency Review Programme:

JS said that he had advised MH that he was disappointed that the entry for the Efficiency Review Programme Monitoring report in the Council Efficiency and Effectiveness Overview and Scrutiny Committee Forward Plan simply says ”TBA’.

Localism and Decentralisation Bill: The first 17 communities to test neighbourhood planning, a key feature of the Localism Bill, have been named and includes Cerne Abbas.

Hedge at Kenilworth Court

JS reported that the hedge had been cut back but looked rather unsightly because the hedge on Haven Road now consisted of dead branches.

In the absence of Keith Alcroft, JS reported…
Land at 8 Buccleuch Road (Creation of 1 No. new dwelling with 2 No. off road parking spaces) – Application granted by Planning Committee on 17/03/11, subject to conditions.
7 Ventry Close (Erection of 1no. dwelling and rationalisation of garage accommodation to no 7 Ventry Close) – Application granted by Planning Committee on 17/03/11, subject to Upfront Payment’.
Rear of 16 Haven Road (Demolish existing extension and erect 1 No 2 bed house with associated parking) – Application registered on 16/03/11
47A Lindsay Road (Erection of a Class C2 care home for the elderly with associated car parking) – Application registered on 31/03/11

Other current planning issues
63 Haven Road (Outline application to erect four detached houses with parking/garaging provisions and formation of vehicular accesses (existing dwelling to be demolished)- subject to ‘Written representations’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/11/2145209). Interested party comments were required by 14/03/11.
8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property. This property is up for sale at ‘offers’ in excess of £2m.
60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.


JS reported that the topics discussed at the meeting included…
· Transportation budget 2011/12
· Planning Obligations (Recreational contributions) update
· Local Development Framework Public Consultations (A few copies of the two
Development Plan Documents were available at the meeting.
A lively discussion also took place about possible increases in admission numbers at Courthill School from September 2013.


JS reported that the total funds as at 31st March amounted to £34,684.16


BPCCRA AGM on 14/05/11 in Canford Cliffs Village Hall – John Gunton said that he hopes to distribute the Spring Magazine at the beginning of next week. JS has invited Liz Wilkinson, Poole’s Chief Finance Officer, to be the Guest Speaker at the Association’s AGM and is currently awaiting confirmation that she will attend.
24 Ravine Road (Overhang on right hand side of garage is 800mm but should be 200mm) –
Carol Parkin reported that a retrospective Planning Application had been lodged on 24/03/11.
This has been lodged as the house has not been built according to the plans which were
passed and the conditions were not fulfilled.
Presentations by the prospective candidates standing in Canford Cliffs Ward – JS said that each candidates would be allowed to speak for two minutes in order to outline their hopes/aims and that there would be no follow-up questions, although would be an opportunity for members to meet candidates at the end of the meeting, Each candidate was introduced in alphabetical order.
David Baker – Liberal Democrat.
David began saying that he joined the Liberal Democrats as he thought they offered the fairest view towards people and people are what he is interested in. He is a member of BPCCRA and Chairman of one of the blocks of flats in the ward. He has served as a Councillor on Essex County Council for four years, prior to moving here. He is concerned that Poole Council are cutting services to both young and old, and wishes to ensure that residents’ money is spent wisely.
Susanna Carvell – Independent
After introducing herself, Susanna went on to say that just over one year ago she attended a Planning committee meeting. The application was refused by a margin of one vote, due to Carole Deas’ presentation, her hard work and commitment. She now supports Carole and that is why she is standing as an Independent candidate. She cares about people and seeks to change the climate at the Town Hall.
Carole Deas – Independent
Carole said that, although she is a Conservative, she is standing as an Independent candidate and has represented the Ward for the last eight years. She is particularly keen on Planning, especially in the Ward as she believes this is one of the nicest areas in Poole. She believes that the Planning Department have let down the residents of this Ward, and we have seen many applications which should never have happened. Precedents have been set and she has been fighting very hard to stop this from happening in the future. She would like change now and appeals for votes for the Independent candidates and promises that they will not let
us down.
May Haines – Conservative
May began by thanking the Chairman and members for giving her the opportunity to address the meeting. Since being elected in 2007 she has worked very closely with this Association and others dealing with local authority matters. A survey sent out last year to residents showed that the top issues concerning people were litter, dog fouling, speeding, congestion
and parking. Planning remains a major issue and she works with the Associations to resist any inappropriate planning. She pointed out that she has experience of this. She seeks to retain weekly black bin collections, as bi-weekly collections or less which some areas have are not popular. To sum up she said that she, Neil Sorton and Peter Pawowski are the Conservative team for this Ward and she would like the support of the residents.
Neil Sorton – Conservative
Neil introduced himself saying that he had been a Canford Cliffs Ward Councillor since 1999. Over the years he has acquired a deep knowledge of the problems and aspirations of the Ward. Last year he took over responsibility for Housing and Leisure, which includes open spaces and beaches and being a Ward Councillor he takes a special interest in this. He went on to say that his first priority is to keep down the level of Council Tax. Along with Councillor Haines he has an excellent record for attending Council meetings, Residents’ meetings and other groups such as Neighbourhood Watch. He has a large case load, much of which relates to Planning which he knows is of great interest and concern to residents. He points out that ultimately Poole’s planners are not masters in their own house as planning refusal by the council can be overturned by government appointed Planning Inspectors. He ended by saying that he and his fellow Conservative Ward Councillors will continue to endeavour to solve the problems in the Ward such as speeding, traffic congestion and anti-social behaviour, while seeking to protect front-line services, and he asks for support for himself, May Haines and Peter Palowski.
Ian Walker – Independent
Ian began by saying that he was very pleased to be able to address the meeting directly and to tell us the reason he is standing as an Independent candidate. As a resident for many years, he has become increasingly concerned about the grotesque over-development of our area. He accepts that this is a very beautiful place to live and that there is a need for additional housing stock, but finds it totally unacceptable that quality housing is being
demolished to allow for the building of hideous properties and blocks of flats which are out of character with the area. He finds it difficult to reconcile Poole Council’s policy of using resources carefully with the demolition of houses that are less than 10 years old. He went on to say that, whilst he welcomes the Localism Bill, he is concerned that more power will be given to a small elite of Councillors who have served far too long. He ended by showing the residents a flyer for an Open Day for a block of four flats built in-between two houses. He said that this is happening all the time and we must put a stop to it.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45 pm.

Date of next Meeting: AGM on Saturday 14th May 2011 in Canford Cliffs Village Hall at 10.30am