BPCCRA Minutes August 13th 2008


John Sprackling Chairman
Keith Alcroft Planning Officer
Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer
Bob Young Magazine Advertising Manager
Val Short Minutes Secretary
Cllr Mrs Carole Deas Ward Councillor
Cllr Neil Sorton ditto
Cllr Peter Adams Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture

15 Members/Wardens

Welcomes JS welcomed Cllrs Neil Sorton, Mrs Carole Deas & Peter Adams and all those present.


Apologies: Cllr Mrs May Haines (Due to a prior engagement) & John Defty (Currently in Poole Hospital but if all goes well he should be out at the weekend.)

Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meetings held on 11th June and 09th July 2008.


Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: JS introduced Cllr Adams & Peter Jackson and invited them to speak before the other items on the Agenda, as PJ had leave the meeting for another engagement.

PJ stated that rock groynes were first proposed six years ago, this proposal was shelved after objections to proposals for rock groynes all the way along the beach from Sandbanks to Branksome Dene Chine and the sand was replenished instead.

In summary, PJ’s grounds for objection are as follows…

  1. There is no proven need for additional structures on the beach.

  1. Even if there were, rock groynes are not appropriate to heavily used holiday beaches. They pose a serious threat to public amenity and public safety. The RNLI in Poole are on record as saying “the important issue of safety has not been adequately researched”.

  1. If consultants have proposed rock groynes then inadequate consideration has been given to amenity and safety issues.

  1. A study by Bournemouth University in 2003 concluded “rock groynes are not appropriate for the present protection and use of the Branksome and Canford Cliffs frontage”.

  1. There has been no consultation with us or the general public on the proposals – despite Poole Council being well aware of past objections of residents to rock groynes.

  1. The proposed groynes would have a significant impact on the whole of Poole Bay and particularly Bournemouth beaches. It seems premature to proceed when the Shoreline Management Plan for the Bay is currently under review.

To expand: No proven need:

  1. The beach is substantially the same width as when replenished three years ago. Sand has covered the promenade in Winter to a depth impeding cyclists and pedestrians and is currently at or close to promenade level. Some loss of sand would actually improve amenity.

  1. Prior to replenishment,there was no evidence of significant expenditure being necessary to maintain the integrity of the promenade and defence structures. This lack of historical data justifying such a large increase in future expenditure was a weakness in studies commissioned by Poole Council and pointed out by this Association in the past. As far as we are aware data is still lacking.

  1. Defences have suffered little damage in the past because waves on these beaches are relatively benign–average wave energy is 1/6th of that at Bournemouth Pier. If DEFRA have funds available we believe they should be spent in areas where there is a proven history of damage/erosion or high cost of maintenance.

Rock groynes are inappropriate:

  1. Amenity The beaches at Branksome are heavily used holiday beaches and rock groynes would seriously reduce amenity.They are visually intrusive, pose a barrier to beach walkers or are difficult to cross and destroy the current unbroken sweep of Poole Bay towards Bournemouth.

  1. Safety Rock groynes are unsafe. After a number of near drowning incidents and injury around the Sandbanks rock groynes the issue of safety was raised with Poole Council in 2003/4. The RNLI data at the time showed that rock groynes accounted for 97% of rescue incidents despite forming only 14% of the total number of groynes.

  1. The research on the safety of rock groynes held by the RNLI to be necessary has still not to our knowledge been carried out.

  1. Consultation—-When proposals to install rock groynes were first raised by Poole Council in 2003 we and the public were consulted on a very different scheme to which there was strong public objection. Since then there has been no consultation at all on the current revised scheme. There are also no notices at the beach advising of the proposed work; this did happen in 2003.

PJ referred to a letter in the Daily Echo in 2004 from a Simon Marcos, a holidaymaker from London voicing his concerns about the safety of the groynes at Sandbanks following an incident with his two children which involved a trip to Poole Hospital.

PJ also quoted from two other items of correspondence he had received…

  • Many thanks for your inquiry and good wishes following my granddaughters’ accident on the beach at Sandbanks, Upon slipping on the stone groyne, it was thought that she had broken her ankle but fortunately, after a long wait at Poole General Hospital, it turned out to be badly sprained and grazed. Of course to a teenage girl, the thought of a scarred leg is terrifying. After treatment, painkillers and crutches supplied, because of her discomfort, they had to cut short’ their holiday in Poole after only one night”
  • “…As a person who likes to keep fit I regularly run along the beach. The rock groynes at Sandbanks are a direct hindrance and hazard to those who would use this facility – so perfect in every other way for such healthy pursuits. The stretch beyond Sandbanks to Bournemouth has none of these significant trip hazards. To add more rock groynes, at a time where the public are being encouraged to take more exercise seems a jarring contradiction. Further I would like to draw attention to an incident a couple of years ago when on seeing a teenage boy in distress and calling for help beyond one of the rock groynes I entered the water and attempted to swim to reach him. I am a strong swimmer but it was impossible to make any progress against the tide swirling around the groyne. Thankfully another beach user set out in a rubber dinghy and approached from the seaward side He was able to bring the boy to shore – scratched from hanging on to the stake and very shaken. Has this danger been fully taken into account/tidal flows in comparison to wooden groynes been undertaken?…”

KA pointed out that the timber groynes are still there buried in the sand.

In reply to the question of comparison of costs between rock groynes and future beach replenishment, which cost approx £2.5m in Bournemouth, NS pointed out that the £2.5m was assisted by material being bought from the Poole Harbour Commissioners at a low cost due to the need to deepen the channel, and that costs of future replenishments would be much higher.

PA gave a presentation informing the meeting that the beach had been eroding at about 1 metre per annum for the past 8000 years. There are records of sea defences being constructed in the 1890s. The deeper/wider existing beach now provides 100 years protection from erosion for the promenade and cliffs, whereas the narrower beach at Branksome Chine affords only 10 years protection. 25% of the replenished sand has already been lost by tidal action carrying it along and depositing it on Bournemouth beaches where there are timber groynes.

PA offered to make the reports by Wallingford, experts with a world wide reputation, available for any members who would like to see them. These reports make a strong recommendation for groynes.

The current proposal is for 5 rock groynes sited between Branksome Chine and the boundary with Bournemouth. These groynes are wider under the water than on the beach, they will be of a similar construction to those at Sandbanks, but with modifications for better access for emergency vehicles, etc. This work will be funded entirely by DEFRA, who have also paid for all the research. Rock has been chosen for its sustainability, it will last much longer than wood and cost less, and for its appearance, following the success of the groynes at Sandbanks, which now look much more ‘natural’ than when new.

Both wood and rock groynes create dangers, with wooden groynes creating deeper scour holes and submerged rocks being potential hazards. PA had discussed the safety issue with the RNLI who have no preference for either rock or wood, both are suitable, although rock groynes are safer as they can be clambered onto if swimmers are in difficulty. The best precaution is proper surveillance and the safe swimming zones which have been introduced by the council are approved by the RNLI.

In response to PJ’s point that there had been no consultation, PA pointed out that there was a public consultation in 2003, open council meetings in 2006 and 2008, a Cabinet Meeting, advertisements in local media and an application for planning permission. Written complaints will be considered before the application goes to the Planning Committee on 23 September.

PA provided copies of a series of photographs showing the groynes, sand, etc. Solutions to the problem of the wind blown sand on the promenade are being investigated, this problem is not connected with the groynes.

The amount of the pole at the end of the old buried groynes which is now showing is a clear indication of the loss of sand from the beach, this loss will be more rapid without protection. The entire project is being fully funded by DEFRA. The cost of wood groynes is £200,000 higher than for rock groynes, for which the total cost is £1.2 / £1.3 millions.

PA offered to put reports to Wallingford if PJ provides references for his allegations.

SA asked if going to the Planning Committee for consent was effectively a decision to go ahead without further consultation?

PA replied that if Planning Consent is received then the work would proceed without much delay as it needs to be completed during the winter.

PA agreed to try, if possible, to arrange a public meeting before the date of the Planning Committee.

Chairman’s Note: The full text of Cllr Adams presentation is being distributed with these Minutes.

Poole Pottery/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that…

  1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – yet another Premises
  2. Licence application for Caffe Mio, Unit D15 Quayside appeared in the Legal and Public Notices section of the last Saurday’s Daily Echo bringing the current number of restaurants/cafés to five (assuming that Marston’s Inns and Taverns have abandoned their plans for Unit D24, Part D15 and D16 Quayside)
  3. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – no further developments.
  1. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
  2. Quay Thistle Hotel site – the current application for the Quay Thistle Hotel site includes 910 sq m of office/retaill, despite the empty units at the adjacent building, Quayside.
  3. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – No further developments

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

JS said that he had heard nothing further regarding the S210(1) unlawful felling summons re 19 Mornish Road.

Andy Dearing, Team Leader of Poole’s Planning Enforcement Unit has reported to JS on the successful prosecution of Mr Paul Kenrick trading as Urban Tree and Landscaping Ltd, for illegally cutting down a pine tree at a property in Haven Road, Sandbanks, on 06/06/07.

Mr Kenrick fined £500 plus 5000 costs. J said that what really is galling is that this was a deliberate attempt to gain a view over the harbour and the paltry fine that the offender gets for felling a tree.

The case was brought to the council’s attention following information from the Assn that an illegal felling was due to take place in or around the area in June last year

Fitzmor Homes Ltd sites at 49 & 49a Haven Road & 7 Balcombe Road -a letter was sent to Fitzmor Homes Ltd last month requesting the removal of the illegal advertisement board and flagpoles at this site.within 14 days.

21 Wilderton Road – It is alleged that this bungalow is in multiple occupation. NS said that he had received some correspondence about this and would forward this to JS.

Council Tax 2008/09 & Financial Monitoring report: JS said that there had been no Cabinet meeting since the Assn’s last meeting and, consequently, there was no Financial Monitoring Report to comment on.

Poole Partnership: JS reported that in his capacity as Poole Partnership Steering Group representative for Residents’ & Tenants’ Assns and Community Groups, he had been invited to a meeting on 03/09/08 which provides an opportunity for members of the LSP partnerships to hear about progress in delivering the current Local Transport Plan and to share ideas which could influence future plans.

Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Speeding: JS reported that at the Transportation Advisory Group meeting on 31/07/08, the go-ahead was given to put in cycle lanes on the southern side of the Penn Hill Ave and ban parking on the northern side of Penn Hill Avenue.

Canford Cliffs Village: JS said that he had received a complaint about the glass surround (to the decking) at ‘Bella Rosa’ (formerly BH13) 37 Haven Road which has been re-instated in a brown smoked glass making even more difficult for drivers to exit from Cliff Drive. JS has been advised that Transportation Services are presently understaffed in their Development Control Section at the moment but have promised to get back to JS as soon as they can.

Skywalk Tower, Sandbanks (Application No. 06/12765/016/F): No further developments.

Local Bus Services: Chris Harris, Public Relations Manager has advised JS that with effect from 22 September 2008 it is intended to re-route the 50 buses travelling inwards towards Westbourne and Bournemouth so that they will run via Tower Road, The Avenue and Western Road between Pinewood Road and Robert Louis Stevenson Avenue.

This will restore an inward service to Westbourne and Bournemouth for people living in Tower Road and in the Ashton Court area

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – no further developments.
Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto
Bessborough Road – ditto

Update re ‘Branksome Park Conservation Area is at RISK’

Branksome Park Conservation Area

31 Western Avenue (Demolish existing house (retain pool complex) and erect 1 no. detached house with integral garage) and Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling) JS reported that the Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/E/08/2067926) is due to be held on 23/09/08 at 10:00 at the Guildhall, Market Street, Poole and encouraged as many members as possible to attend. He said that it would also be an opportunity to see the refurbished Guildhall.

Haig Ave & Lawrence Drive – No further developments.

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS said that he had in mind setting up a small Sub-Committee to look at this issue as, if the Assn is to apply for Charitable Status, there is a need for at least two members to agree to become Trustees.

Action to prevent Travellers accessing Beach Road car park: Cllr Mrs Haines promised to investigate but, as far as JS is aware, there have been no further developments.


KA reported that…

7A Bury Road (Demolish bungalow and build a 3 storey dwelling with basement and parking) – A letter of objection has been lodged on behalf of the Assn on 07/08/08 but the neighbours affected by this developmen would welcome support from members.

21 Bury Road (Demolish existing dwelling and garage and erect a replacement house with integral garage) – Application withdrawn on 25/07/08.

10 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling) – Appeal dismissed on 05/08/08.

140 Canford Cliffs Road (Erect 8 no.3 bed and 1 no.2 bed flats with  underground parking and cycle store) – Application registered on 24/07/08. NB Application for 6 x 3-bed and 1 x 4bed flats was granted with conditions on 24/07/08

146-148 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing and erect three storey block of 9 flats with basement parking) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 06/08/08.

JS reported that…

1, 2 & 3 Alington Close & 2a & 2b Shore Road (Demolish existing and erect 6 x two/ three storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking, accessed off Alington Close and associated works and landscaping) (Amended scheme) granted by Planning Committee on 01/04/08. Awaiting response from Poole Council’s Chief Executive to pre-action protocol letter from Solicitors.

75 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolition of part of existing garage and erect new garage with pitched roof and rooms in roof space. Form new vehicular access and drive) registered on 16/07/08. Team Leader, Development Control (Transportation Services) wrote on 23/07/08 “All I can say at this stage is that on Classified Roads we try to limit access to residential properties to 1 per plot. However we must consider the individual merits of each application before we make our recommendation.

Other current planning issues

16-18 Durrant Road (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with single linked basement garage ) & 1 – 3 Compton Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats & 1 maisonette with basement parking Revised Scheme) – both applications were granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08 and are currently subject to review by the Local Government Ombudsman.

Land rear of 2 Mornish Road (Erect 3-storey house with detached garage to be accessed from Mornish Road) – Application registered on 25/06/08. Local concerns. The application has been ‘Red-carded’.

19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 24/06/08. Last document posted on the website is from Transportation Services who recommend “Defer for amended plans and information address parking, etc…”

12 St Clair Road (Construct 2 detached dwellings with associated parking as amended by plans received 14.07.08 (Revised Scheme) granted by Planning Committee on 24/07/08. Earlier application subject to Planning Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/08/2076118) The date for Final comments was 11/08/08

5 Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect detached house with integral garage) Application withdrawn on 22/07/08. Revised plans expected.

5A Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect detached house with integral garage) Application withdrawn on 22/07/08. Revised plans expected.

1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a detached house with integral garage) – application withdrawn on 27/03/08. Awaiting revised application.

1 Shore Road (Demolish existing and erect 7 apartments on 4 floors with basement parking) – Application registered on 10/06/08

1A-3 Chaddesley Glen (Demolish existing dwellings and erect 2 No blocks of 6 x 2 bed apartments (12 in total) on three floors with new vehicular access) – refused on 07/08/08.

Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2

(a) Construction of 18 new beach huts) – application registered on 22/01/08 but this is still a ‘Current’ application.

(b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. – application registered on 13/02/08 but this is still a ‘Current’ application.

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – subject to Written Representation appeal (GOSW Ref SW/THM/8147/1038)

  1. ACCOUNTS TO DATE In the absence of JD, JS reported that the funds at end of July amounted to £35,142.12

Footpath 82 (Panorama Road to the foreshore) – JS reported that the Sandbanks Assn is in the process of distributing Evidence forms re this access path. Defra are allowing the Assn to Appeal and forms need to be in a.s.a.p.

JS said that he’d agreed to fill a form but if any other member might be willing to do so, could they please let JS know. The odd photo might be helpful as one the Sandbanks Association members, John Newton, is putting together a comprehensive dossier as he did for the Sandbanks car park footpath & Bund.

The Sandbanks Assn has been informed by Sophia Thompson (Poole Council’s Rights of Way Officer) that evidence prior to 2003 (before the notices went up) is required and only leisure pursuits should be mentioned i.e walking, swimming, children etc.

Tesco Store, Poole Road (Extensions to existing store at front and rear Installation of ATM Unit. Alterations to vehicular access and car park & Installation of enclosed entrance lobby) – applications registered on 04/08/08. JS said that it had been suggest that

1) for the safety of pedestrians along Lindsay Road that the Tesco car park entrance/exit should be widened marginally to allow for a central refuge for pedestrians, wheelchair users, pushchairs etc. The crossing here is currently difficult as visibility is poor for pedestrians and drivers do rush to exit the site.

2) for the vehicles exiting the car park onto Lindsay Road that a speed bump is put in the car park just as the cars reach the ‘bend’ immediately before the exit.

3) along Lindsay road there is no longer a right hand lane from which to turn into the car park coming from Westbourne direction thereby slowing the traffic on the main route when cars badly position themselves. This right hand turn lane should be reintroduced if there is room given the cycle lanes now on Lindsay Road.

Football Tournament at Branksome Chine – JS reminder members about this event on 16th & 17th August

Chairman’s note: This event has been cancelled as I understand that the Sponsers have withdrawn their sponsorship.

Canford Cliffs Chine: KA said that he had been asked by a member to raise the issue of the state of this Chine, brambles, pampas grass, etc.. KA had spoken to Cllr Adams about this prior to the meeting and PA had agreed to meet KA to look at this.

In answer to a question from Andy Reed, NS stated that proposals for a playground for young children at the top of Canford Cliffs Chine had received favourable consideration at the most recent Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting.

8 St Osmunds Road – Rose Rogers expressed the concern of Torbay Road residents about the proposed demolition of this house by railway bridge to be replaced with large ‘glass type’ home of the sort seen at Sandbanks. Letters of objection have been lodged by local residents. JS suggested that a local resident should ask for the application to be ‘Red-carded’.

JS closed the meeting at 8.30pm.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is on Wednesday 10th September 2008 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

BPCCRA Minutes July 2008





Terry Stewart President

John Sprackling Chairman

John Defty Treasurer

Keith Alcroft Planning Officer

Bob Young Magazine Advertising Manager

Val Short Minutes Secretary

Cllr Mrs May Haines Ward Councillor

Cllr Neil Sorton ditto

Cllr Peter Adams Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture

25 Members/Wardens

Welcomes JS welcomed Cllr Mrs Haines, Cllr Sorton & Cllr Adams and all those present, especially those attending for the first time.

1. Football Tournament at Branksome Chine – 16th & 17th August

JS introduced Cllr Adams and invited him to speak before the other items on the Agenda as as he had another engagement to go to.

Cllr Adams said that he was seeking the views of residents about the use of that section of the beach from the east of Branksome Chine to the west of Canford Cliffs Chine for a Beach football tournament on 16th & 17th August. This would involve some professional players and between 300 – 600 spectators are expected.

The grandstand is to be built on the seaward side of the beach. There will be some music

The England Beach Soccer Assn organise tournaments around the country, several already held in neighbouring areas. Beach soccer is a fast moving sport, strictly controlled to be suitable for family entertainment. There would be a hospitality area, but the sale of alcohol is not licensed on the beach. The proposed area is a quieter stretch of beach where there are no beach huts in front of the cliffs. The tournament would be of economic benefit to the town, car parking, hotels, restaurants, etc. and it is hoped that this would become a regular event.

Cllr Adams assured the members that there would be no cost to residents for cleaning up after the event and that a Google search on ‘beach soccer uk’ would provide more information.


Chairman’s note: I inadvertently failed to report apologies but only one was received from Chris Stracey. I will also need to seek confirmation of the accuracy of the Minutes of the Assn’s meeting held on 11th June 2008 at our next meeting.


Poole Pottery/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that

1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – No further developments

2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – The Inspector’s decision to dismiss the appeal is subject to a Judicial Review against the Secretary of State (acting through the Inspectorate). The Council is named as second defendents purely because it was party to the original appeal. JS said that the Hearing will be held at High Court later this year and he is hoping to find out the date of the Hearing from James Morton at the Daily Echo as he suspects that Poole’s Legal & Democratic Services will be reluctant to provide this info.

3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site –.No further developments.

4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – Application to “Demolish existing hotel and erect a mixed use development of 260 flats, a 120 bed hotel, commercial space with


5. basement parking accessed from Ballard Road” registered on 20/06/08. The Southern Poole Chairmens’ Liaison Group are calling for a Public meeting about this proposal. JS said that a Public meeting was held regarding the Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development but although there was 99% opposition to this development, this fell on ‘deaf ears’.

6. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – No further developments.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:
JS said that the Hearing at Wimborne Magistrates Court to hear the S210(1) unlawful

felling summons re 19 Mornish Road was adjourned from last month until this month or next.

62 Haven Road – JS reported that this site is subject to a planning application and the arboricultural officer wrote in his report that the proposal “would have a significantly greater impact on the preserved trees on and adjacent to the site than the approved development and the proposal is unacceptable in tree terms” but it seems that there are no longer any trees on the site.

75 Canford Cliffs Road – JS said that last Friday, he received another note from one of the Planning Enforcement team “We are waiting for an application for the works to the drive and garage to be submitted and I am aware that Mr Davis has instructed a planning and an arboricultural consultant to deal with the matter. There is another 2-3 weeks before the deadline is up for the application.” JS said that he despairs.

‘Oakhurst’ 14 The Avenue (McCarthy & Stone) – John Cay of Westerham has written to Planning Design & Control Services for an up-date pointing out that the flagpole had been refused and that the hoarding was to be removed by Jan 2007….The flagpoles have been there for over four years.

Chairman’s note: John Cay writes “The advertising hoardings and flag poles have gone – after all this time!! I shall thank Ruth Charter for rattling their cage and achieving a result.

21 Wilderton Road – It is alleged that this bungalow is in multiple occupation. Cllr Mrs Deas promised to investigate but, as far as JS is aware, there have been no further developments.

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: JS reported that a notice appeared in the Public

Notices section of the Daily Echo dated 19/06/08 informing the public that the Council proposed to carry out coast protection work at Branksome and Branksome Dene Chine. The work will consist of three groynes, 75m, 60m and 45m long. The estimated cost of the work is £1.3 million.

The Planning Application was registered on 04/07/08.

Council Tax 2008/09 & Financial Monitoring report: William Mutlow reported changes to year end forecasts in some portfolio areas. Budgeted Capital expenditure of over £4m not spent last year, but £11m more than last year’s total budgeted for 2008/9. Impact of Job Evaluation and added cost on final salary pension scheme is not yet known. NS said that he sits on the Dorset County Council Pension Board, which manages the Poole Scheme and, at the last Actuarial Valuation the scheme was 93% funded and the independent Actuary advised a contribution of 17.1% of pensionable pay.

Poole Partnership: JS reported he had attended two meetings on 23/06/08 in his capacity as as Poole Partnership Steering Group representative for Residents’ & Tenants’ Assns and Community Groups.

The first meeting was a Joint Poole and Bournemouth meeting and the Agenda included a number of interesting topics. The second meeting was the quarterly Poole Partnership Steering Group meeting and the Agenda included a presentation by Poole’s Chief Executive, John McBride on a new Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA). This replaces the Comprehensive Performance Assessment and is to be introduced next year and will involve input from residents. JS said that he might invite to attend next year’s AGM to explain this.

NS said that it was important that we get a good CAA, as this will affect the amount of the Central Government Grant which the Council receives.


Chairman’s note: The other items discussed at the two meetings included

  • · Bournemouth and Poole’s Local Area Agreements 2008-11
  • · Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Multi Area Agreement
  • · Bournemouth & Poole Third Sector Strategies
  • · Strategic Health Needs Assessment
  • · Healthy Communities Challenge Fund
  • · Welcome pack for Migrant Workers
  • · Safer Neighbourhoods
  • · Annual Review of Poole’s Sustainable Community Strategy and Local Area Agreement 2006/9
  • · Poole’s Place survey
  • · A Time of our Lives – Poole’s Older People’s Strategy
  • · Poole’s Community Engagement Strategy

If any member requires further details of any particular topic, please let me know.

Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Speeding: JS reported that Dr Janet Boaler of St Alhelms Place, Lindsay Road is seeking improvements to the St Aldhelms Road/Lindsay Road junction and more than 100 signatures were collected with an , unexpectedly, good response from the Victoria School. The petitions were delivered to Councillor Gillard at a reception at the Conservative Office on 13/06/08.

Canford Cliffs Village:

JS reported that the Farmers Market will be starting on Friday 25 July from 10am to 1pm and thereafter every 4th Friday of the month for a 6 month trail period. Providing the Market is satisfactorily run during this period the Council will extend the license.

JS said that it was reported in the Daily Echo dated 14/06/08 that the organic and Fairtrade market ran on Sunday mornings in the car park at the corner of Canford Cliffs Road and Leicester Road had closed.

Chairman’s note: Blue River Natural Markets, organisers of the event, wanted to change it to one Saturday a month, but when they discovered it would cost the same for one day a month as four, they decided to close it down instead.

MH commented on the Borough-wide initiative to upgrade bins with ‘rather enormous’ and unattractive new ones, at present there is no alternative option, but MH will speak to Cllr. Collier. Haven Road will be monitored for the number of bins and frequency of emptying. There was no consultation about the siting of the new bins, which have been placed next to the planters outside the travel shop and Mazda Motors. The traders think they would be better sited nearer the Spar shop and the bakers, as this is where litter is more likely.

Skywalk Tower, Sandbanks (Application No. 06/12765/016/F): No further developments.

Local Bus Services: No further developments.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road JS said that it had been reported that a new crop of large stones had recently appeared in Dalkeith Road with one either end having “Private Road” written on them

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – SA reported that the council are investigating evidence that this ‘footpath’ may be a highway. If this proves to be the case, will we want it downgraded?

Bessborough Road – No further developments.

Update re ‘Branksome Park Conservation Area is at RISK’

Branksome Park Conservation Area

31 Western Avenue (Demolish existing house (retain pool complex) and erect 1 no. detached house with integral garage) and Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling) JS reported that the Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/E/08/2067926) is likely to be held in September.


Peter Jackson has up-dated JS following the meeting of the sub-group of Western Ave residents with John Montgomery of Tanner & Tilley on 01/07/08

At the Assn’s last meeting, Roy Pointer asked if we might pick again the proposal to invite an officer from Strategic Planning to speak to the Assn which was ‘put on ice’ at the request of Peter Jackson representing the sub-group of Western Ave residents. PJ has spoken to RP about this.

JS reported that the forthcoming retirements have recently been announced of the Head of Strategic Planning (David Ralph) in Autumn 2008 and the Head of Planning Design and Control Services (Peter Watson) in Spring 2009.

Haig Ave & Lawrence Drive3 Lawrence Drive (Demolish existing and erect a block of 8 apartments with underground parking (Revised Scheme) – JS said that this is subject to a ‘Written representations’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/08/2078484) The date for Final comments is 27/08/08.

JS pointed out that it’s in the gift of the Local Planning Authority to say that they want a Hearing or a Planning Inquiry.

This will be an important test case in advance of confirmation of (iv) of PCS 6 ‘Broad locations for residential developments’ of the emerging Poole Core Strategy. JS gathers that it now seems that the local examination may be held as early as November, in which case it is even possible that the Council might get the Inspector’s binding report by the end

of the year.

Chairmen’s note: For clarification, the reason for refusal relates to the evidence base behind the Core Strategy rather than the Core Strategy itself


KA reported that

21 Bury Road (Demolish existing dwelling and garage and erect a replacement house with integral garage) – Application registered on 16/06/08. Local concerns. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 06/07/08.

10 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling) – Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/E/08/2061620) held on 03/07/08. Awaiting Inspector’s decision.

62 Haven Road (Erect 3 x 4-bed houses) – Application refused by Planning Committee at their meeting on 03/07/08.

17 Over Links Drive (Demolish existing and erect 2 detached houses (Revised Scheme) – Application refused on 20/06/08.

19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Application registered on 29/05/08. Local concerns. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 24/06/08.

JS then invited Mandy Loader to address the meeting about 1, 2 & 3 Alington Close & 2a & 2b Shore Road (Demolish existing and erect 6 x two/ three storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking, accessed off Alington Close and associated works and landscaping) (Amended scheme) granted by Planning Committee on 01/04/08.

ML said that the Luscombe Valley is a SSSI, residents have been fighting flat developments for 4 years, and various applications have been refused. The current application for six blocks of flats is even bigger than those previously refused, but this was recommended for approval. It is an enormous and inappropriate development and residents are looking for support for a Judicial Review.

John Cain of Horsey Lightly Fynn is putting the finishing touches to his report and this will be passed to Lionel Fynn for his approval. Their assessment as to whether or not there is a case for a Judicial Review will be known next week.

If the answer from Horsey Lightly Fynn is positive, JS proposed that the Assn. contribute £1500 + VAT towards the cost of obtaining Counsel’s opinion. Majority in favour. 2 abstentions.

Reg Grimston referred to the case of 12 St Clair Road (Construct 2 detached dwellings with associated parking. (Revised Scheme) where application is subject to ‘Written representations’ Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/08/2076118). (The date for Final comments is


04/08/08) RG suggested that partial removal of the roof (the steelwork is still intact) might be an attempt to ensure the Planning Inspector does not see the full visual impact of the scheme which the LPA had refused. NB Application registered on 21/05/08 is still a ‘Current’ application.

Other current planning issues

1 – 3 Compton Avenue

(a) Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats & 1 maisonette with basement parking

Revised Scheme) – granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08 which is currently subject

to a Stage 2 review with a view to challenging the conduct of the Planning Committee meeting with the Local Government Ombudsman.

16-18 Durrant Road (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with single linked basement garage.granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08 which is currently subject to a Stage 2 review with a view to challenging the conduct of the Planning Committee meeting with the Local Government Ombudsman.

5 Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect detached house with integral garage) – Application registered on 09/06/08. Local concerns. Application has been ‘red-carded’.

5A Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect detached house with integral garage) Application registered on 09/06/08. Local concerns. Application has been ‘red-carded’.

1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a detached house with integral garage) – application withdrawn on 27/03/08. Awaiting revised application.

1 Shore Road (Demolish existing and erect 7 apartments on 4 floors with basement parking) – Application registered on 10/06/08

1A-3 Chaddesley Glen (Demolish existing dwellings and erect 2 No blocks of 6 x 2 bed apartments (12 in total) on three floors with new vehicular access) – amended plans lodged

on 01/05/08.

Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2

(a) Construction of 18 new beach huts) – application registered on 22/01/08 but this is still a ‘Current’ application.

(b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. – application registered on 13/02/08 but this is still a ‘Current’ application.

146-148 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing and erect a three storey block of ten flats with basement parking. (Revised) – Application withdrawn on 02/06/08. An appeal against the LPA’s refusal to grant an earlier application for 12 flats was dismissed on 15/01/08.

5 Westminster Road (Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a part two, part three

storey building comprising six flats with additional basement parking and integral cycle storage area and detached bin store) – application granted by the Planning Committee on


8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. Anentrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – subject to Written Representation appeal (GOSW Ref SW/THM/8147/1038)

4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE JD reported that the funds at end of June amounted to £36,500. Nationwide require the Assn. to close its savings account and open a Trustees Trust Account, instead the Executive have accepted to open an Association Account with Barclays at a better rate of 3.2%. This was approved by a show of hands.


Lakeside Road: JS reported that the the Council have introduced a temporary Order to prevent parking in Lakeside Road between The Avenue and 12 Lakeside Road. This is very unusual but the reason is that delivery vehicles find it difficult to get to the sites because there’s such demand from beach users etc.

Charitable Status: JS proposed that this matter be deferred for the time being, owing to the length of the Agenda, as he was anxious to leave time at the end of the meeting for refreshments.

Request from Church of Transfiguration Gardening Group: Bob Milligan addressed the meeting on behalf of the Church of the Transfiguration Gardening Group. He said that he had spoken to JS after the Residents’ Association AGM about the possibility of the


Association making a donation towards the work of his Group.

BM was asked, several years ago, by the PCC to set up a group to enhance the appearance of the grounds around the church, which is situated in the lower part of Chaddesley Glen and forms a part of the Harbour Heights Conservation Area. Every Tuesday morning up to 10 of men meet, weather permitting, to undertake jobs such as planting, pruning, weeding, clearance etc, and they feel they have achieved a lot. The Group enter each year in the Dorset Wildlife Association’s Living Churchyard competition, and they have been very highly commended for the last few years.

The Group try to avoid drawing on the Church’s resources to fund our activities, relying rather on an occasional plant sales and infrequent small donations. Currently the Group are looking to engage a contractor to remove some troublesome tree roots, which will cost about £200. The Group would be most grateful if the Association could help us to raise this sum.

Although the garden is part of the Church’s territory it is open to everyone and the Group see their work as a kind of community service.

TS proposed donating the £200, majority in favour with 1 abstention. It was also suggested that John Butterworth of FJB Hotels be approached.

Travellers in Beach Road car park – MH reported that the travellers have told the Council that they plan to move on on Saturday but, if this doesn’t happen, the Council will take legal action to remove them.

It was also suggested that the Council should instal height barriers at the entrances to the car park to prevent this happening again.

JS closed the meeting at 8.30pm and invited members to stay for refreshments.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is on Wednesday 13th August 2008 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

BPCCRA Minutes June 11th 2009





Terry Stewart President

John Sprackling Chairman

John Defty Treasurer

Michael Bond Membership Secretary

Bob Young Magazine Advertising Manager

Val Short Minutes Secretary

Cllr Mrs Carole Deas Ward Councillor

Ken Sanson, Chairman, Sandbanks Assn

20 Members/Wardens

Welcomes JS welcomed Cllr Mrs Carole Deas, Ken Sanson and all those present.


Apologies: Cllrs Neil Sorton and Mrs May Haines (Holiday) Keith Alcroft (Holiday) & Stan Alfert

Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 9th April 2008.


Poole Pottery/Quay Thistle Hotel sites exammoon.com update: JS reported that

1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – No further developments

2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – ditto

3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site –.ditto

4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto

5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – ditto

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:
JS said that was unable to attend yesterday’s Hearing at Wimborne Magistrates Court to hear the S210(1) unlawful felling summons re 19 Mornish Road and is waiting to hear the outcome.

An unauthorised two-storey building is under construction at 75 Canford Cliffs Road. The Planning Enforcement Team are aware of the development. An application has been sought and, if it is not forthcoming within 10 days from 02/06/08, the Planning Enforcement Officer is minded to issue a Temporary Stop Notice.

Alleged unauthorised tree work at 83 Canford Cliffs Road, 3 Lawrence Drive & 62 Haven Road has been reported to the Planning Enforcement Officer.

Chairman’s note: The Enforcement Officer has subsequently written to say that “a site visit to 3 Lawrence Drive confirmed that there has been no breach of planning control and the only tree work carried out on the property was the dead branches on a couple of trees along the drive.”

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: JS reported that he had received from from the New Forest District Council Poole & Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan (SMP2) Review. JS has passed this to Peter Jackson who is the member who takes the lead on behalf of the Assn regarding Poole Beaches 700-505 dumps and Coastal Defences.

Council Tax 2008/09 & Financial Monitoring report: William Mutlow reported that the General Fund Summary 2007/08 of the Council Budget Monitoring statement shows an

underspend of £1,742m. There was a Contribution to the General Fund Reserves of £957,000 and a capital programme underspend of £4 million. Budgeted Revenue expenditure for 2008/9 is £90,902,000 – an increase of £6 million over last year. The


Capital Programme Summary 2007 to 2011 shows that there will be significant increases in

future capital expenditure mainly due to Children’s Services (Chairman’s note: relating to the Schools for the Future programme). The ability to move money around within a portfolio enables better targeting of money towards delivery of services. Equal pay will be a big cost in future years. Overall the financial monitoring is good but there is always room for improvement.

JS reported that the new Head of Financial Services has already taken up her position on a part-time basis and will be full-time from next month.

Poole Partnership: JS attended the Stronger Communities Partnership meeting held on 16/05/08 and amongst the topics discussed were

  • · New initiatives in Poole’s Third Sector
  • · Dorset Race Equality Council
  • · Safer Neighbourhoods
  • · Poole’s new Local Area Agreement

Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Speeding in Lindsay Road: JS said that one of the items on the Agenda for the Stronger Communities Partnership meeting mentioned above was a presentation by Jan Thurgood, Strategic Director, Borough of Poole on the Safer Neighbourhoods project. The town has been divided up into eight Safer Neighbourhoods. JS quoted an example of an issue raised by residents and communities with a successful outcome:

• Speeding and residents’ perceptions that speeding is occurring This has been an issue in both Hamworthy and Alderney/Rossmore. Additional mobile cameras have been purchased through the Safer Poole Partnership and Safer Neighbourhood Team staff trained in their use. In our exercise in Alderney, 40

drivers were stopped and verbally warned, cautioned or issued with a penalty notice. Local residents concerned about speeding have been enabled to see the cameras in action and on some occasions have recognised that they are over-estimating the speed of vehicles.

The Assn’s area is covered by the Parkstone, Penn Hill & Canford Cliffs Safer Neighbourhood Team and JS said that he would distribute their latest Newsletter with the Minutes.

Chairman’s Note: I meant to have mentioned that Dr Janet Boaler of St Alhelms Place, Lindsay Road is seeking improvements to the St Aldhelms Road/Lindsay Road junction. In a note from Transportation Services dated 11/04/07, we ere told that this junction would be reviewed “..once alterations (to Station Road through to Lindsay Road via Penn Hill to the south and Ashley Road to the north).…that are programmed to take place…are completed. Dr Boaler is contacting the Head of Transportation Services with her concerns in advance of the Transportation Advisory Group meeting on 31st July.

Canford Cliffs Village:

JS reported that the Farmers’ Market has been approved for a six month trial period starting on 4th Friday of July.

Chairman’s Note: The following item appeared in the Daily Echo dated 14/06/08…

Market shuts up shop

PENN Hill’s weekend market in Poole has been forced to close.

The weekly Green Carrot organic and Fairtrade market ran on Sunday mornings in the car park at the corner of Canford Cliffs Road and Leicester Road.

Stalls and visitors had begun to dwindle and Blue River Natural Markets, organisers of the event, want to change it to one Saturday a month. But when they discovered it would cost the same for one day a month as four, they decided to close it down instead.

Amanda Cook, an independent financial adviser who had a stall at the market, said: “Numbers had been dwindling and the hope was by changing to one Saturday we would increase buying. But it would have cost the same as if we came every weekend.”


Skywalk Tower, Sandbanks (Application No. 06/12765/016/F): No further developments.

Bus Service to serve Lindsay Road & Penn Hill Ave:

JS reported that he had had a number of telephone calls about the withdrawal of the No. 151 bus service.

Shirley Clegg of Fountain Court, 13 The Avenue who had taken up this matter with Wilts &

Dorset quoted from a letter recently received by a local resident from Chris Harris, their Public Relations Manager

“…The changes to the bus network introduced from 25 May were designed to more closely match the service provided with the use that people are currently making of the buses.

The new 50 route from Bournemouth to Swanage does run along The Avenue in a southerly direction between County Gates and Tower Road. Unfortunately there is no equivalent northbound service; buses coming into Bournemouth from Swanage run via Alumhurst Road and R L Stevenson Avenue to avoid traffic delays at County Gates.

Under the terms of the 1985 Transport Act bus services are required to be provided wherever possible on a commercial basis, and unfortunately the amount of use being made of the former 151 route was insufficient to justify its continuation”

The letter went on to say that the route of the No. 50 would be reviewed in the Autumn and

JS said that he hoped that some changes would be introduced.

Roy Pointer asked how a need for buses is generated and it was suggested that lobbying councillors is probably the best way to get the bus services required. JS said that the Council have a ‘Route & Branch’ Review Committee whose task is to specifically look at bus routes and negotiate with the bus companies.

Michael Bond referred to complaints from residents of The Pentagon, 52 Haven Road about the noise, litter and people sitting on walls, etc at the new bus stop opposite Loch Fyne. Mrs Heather Challenger, a resident of The Pentagon, has written to the relevant Council officer and our Ward Councillors about this.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road JS said that the Open Spaces Society are ‘chasing’ the newly appointed Rights of Way officer about this.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto

Bessborough Road – ditto

Update re ‘Branksome Park Conservation Area is at RISK’

Branksome Park Conservation Area

31 Western Avenue (Demolish existing house (retain pool complex) and erect 1 no. detached house with integral garage) and Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling) JS reported that the small sub-group of Western Ave residents had appointed John Montgomery of Tanner & Tilley to represent objectors at the Planning Hearing (APP/Q1255/E/08/2067926 & APP/Q1255/A/08/2067927which is likely to take place in August/September 2007. Mr Montgomery has quoted a fee of £1,500 and the small sub-group are looking to the Assn to meet 50% of this and they will pay the remainder.

Haig Ave & Lawrence Drive

JS reported

3 Lawrence Drive (Demolition of existing and erection of 8 apartments with underground parking (Revised scheme) – application refused on 06/06/08.

4 Lawrence Drive (Demolish existing and erect 1 block of 5 flats and 1 x 5-bed house with associated parking) – amended plans lodged on 02/05/08.

6 Haig Avenue (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments & 1 single detached dwelling with garages (Revised Scheme) – refused on 04/06/08. NB planning consent for Demolish existing dwelling and erect 5 flats with 1 house at rear. As amended by plans received


06.08.07′ granted on 04/09/07.

7 Haig Avenue (a) Outline application to demolish existing dwelling & annex and erect 3 detached houses) & (b) Demolish existing and erect block of 9 flats with underground parking) – both granted with conditions on 06/06/08.

Roy Pointer asked if we might pick again the proposal to invite an officer from Strategic

Planning to speak to the Assn. This idea was ‘put on ice’ at the suggestion of the sub-group of Western Ave residents who were discussing with Strategic Planning the idea of

introduce prescriptive policies with regard to the size of buildings permitted in the

Branksome Park Conservation Area. JS said that he would follow this up with Peter Jackson.

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS said that we seem to have a classic ‘chicken & egg’ situation as we first need a Trust Deed before the Charity Commissioners will consider our case. Stan Alfert wrote to JS to say that he is qualified and prepared to be one of the Trustees.

After some discussion. it was agreed that we should let another Residents’ Assn take the lead and we would keep a ‘watching brief’ on the situation.

JS said our thanks must go to Michael Shaw for the investigative work he has done on this.

Speeding/Drivers using mobile ‘phones: JS said that the issue of speeding in Canford Cliffs village and surrounding area features in the recently published Parkstone, Penn Hill & Canford Cliffs Safer Neighbourhood Team Newsletter mentioned earlier.


JS reported that…

10 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling) – subject

to Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/E/08/2061620) on 03/07/08 at 10.00am at the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Poole. Roy Pointer explained that this is a locally listed building within a conservation area being demolished to be replaced with a large development of 12,000 sq ft of a type already seen in the area and that there is potential for 12 Wilderton Road to be developed in the same manner. RP would appreciate support at the appeal hearing and JS exhorted members to attend.

4 Nairn Road (Erect two detached houses with integral garages. (Revised Scheme) Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/07/2049008) dismissed by Inspector on 29/04/08.

1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a detached house with integral garage) – application withdrawn on 27/03/08.

Roland Cunnell asked for 17 Over Links Drive (Demolish existing and erect 2 detached houses (Revised Scheme) – Application registered on 07/05/08 to be added to the list.

1, 2 & 3 Alington Close & 2a & 2b Shore Road

(a) Demolish existing and erect 6 x two / three storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking, accessed off Alington Close and associated works and landscaping) (Amended scheme) which was granted by Planning Committee on 01/04/08 may be the subject of a Judicial Review. Residents living in the immediate vicinity are seeking offers of financial support. The ‘clock is ticking’ – as a request for a Judicial Review must be lodged within three months from the time the decision was made which was 22nd May.

Ravine Investments appeal (APP/Q1255/A/08/2061709) which was to be subject to a Planning Inquiry on 01/07/08 was withdrawn on 02/06/08.

1 – 3 Compton Avenue

(a) Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats & 1 maisonette with basement parking Revised Scheme) – granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08. Dorset Lake Residents’ Assn have decided to ask for a Stage 2 review with a view to challenging the conduct of the Planning Committee meeting with the Local Government Ombudsman.

An appeal against earlier application which was due to be the subject of a Hearing yesterday was withdrawn..

16-18 Durrant Road (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with single linked basement garage.granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08. A number of residents plan to pursue the conduct of the Planning Committee meeting with the Local Government Ombudsman.

Other current planning issues

4 Brudenell Avenue (Outline application to demolish existing dwelling and erect two 3/4


storey houses) Application withdrawn on 10/03/08

40 Lakeside Road (Demolish existing and erect 1 x 5-bed house and convert garage to office & storage) was granted by Planning Committee on 20/05/08.

57 Haven Road (Demolish existing and erect a block of 14 flats with basement parking and bin store to be accessed from Haven Road. (as amended by plans received

28/11/06) – this development was not constructed in accordance with the approved plans and elevations but a retrospective application was granted on 18/04/08.

1A-3 Chaddesley Glen

(a) Outline application to demolish nos. 1A & 3 Chaddesley Glen and construct 14

apartments with basement parking. Accessed from Chaddesley Glen) – Appeal

(APP/Q1255/A/07/2056180) dismissed on 10/04/08

(b) Demolish existing dwellings and erect 2 No blocks of 6 x 2 bed apartments (12 in total)

on three floors with new vehicular access) – amended plans lodged on 01/05/08.

3 Westminster Road (Demolition of existing dwelling and erect 3 storey block of 8 flats

with basement parking to be accessed from Westminster Road) – Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/07/2047001) allowed on 18/03/08.

Canford Cliffs, Promenades 1 & 2 (Construction of 40 new beach huts) – application registered on 22/01/08 but this is still a ‘Current’ application.

142-144 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolition of existing houses and garages. Construction of 14 No. flats with underground parking) ‘Written representations’ Appeal

(APP/Q1255/A/07/2060701) dismissed on 25/03/08.

146-148 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing and erect a three storey block of ten flats with basement parking. (Revised) – Application registered on 12/03/08 and still a ‘current’

application. An appeal against the LPA’s refusal to grant an earlier application for 12 flats was dismissed on 15/01/08.

12 St Clair Road (Construct 2 detached dwellings with associated parking. (Revised Scheme – application registered on 21/05/08. The steel framework for the roof of one of the two properties remains and, in the case of the other property, it looks as though the wood is in the course of being removed.

103 Lilliput Road (Demolition of existing dwelling and its redevelopment with a 2½ storey flatted block comprising 7 dwelling units, associated access and parking (revised scheme) – Application granted with conditions on 17/03/08.

Ravine Investments appeal (APP/Q1255/A/07/2058028) was due to be the subject of a Planning Inquiry on 21/05/08 but, as this didn’t appear on the list of Planning Appeal Hearings/Inquiries to be held internally/externally during May 2008, it is assumed that this was withdrawn.

5 Westminster Road (Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a part two, part three

storey building comprising six flats with additional basement parking and integral cycle storage area and detached bin store) – application be determined by the Planning Committee on 19/06/08 and officer’s recommendation is to ‘Grant with conditions)

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An

entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

5 Durrant Road

(a) Erect 5 storey block of 8 flats) – Appeal dismissed on 20/12/07

(b) Demolish existing and erect a 4 storey block of 8 flats with basement garage accessed

from Durrant Road. As amended by information received 02/10/07 and plans received 28/06/07, 11/07/07 and 17/09/07 Appeal dismissed on 17/04/08.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – subject to Written Representation appeal (GOSW Ref SW/THM/8147/1038)


WM reported that there were calls for the proposed changes for the Bournemouth Road-Richmond Road interchange which includes a banned right turn from Bournemouth Road into Richmond Road to be rejected.

Mr Ian Walker of Excelsior Road asked a question on general policy following the Local Government Ombudsman’s Report on 7 Excelsior Road but Cllr. Parker tried to rule IW out of order.

CD commented that IW has a valid reason for wanting this discussed and that she and IW were meeting with the Chief Executive.

CD went on to say that what we are doing in Poole is not in line with Conservative Party


policy/guidelines. The Chief Executive has to acknowledge what happened at the meeting. CD alleged that, although two councillors could recall what was said at the Planning Committee meeting on 31/05/07, officers could not remember. CD feels it was quite a disgrace and will fight and stand up against it. She is speaking out openly on behalf of concerned residents. The Planning Department is guilty of inadequate minutes and recording of votes. Residents have raised a lot of questions that were not answered properly. The Planning Committee Chairman is alleged to have told the committee that

there were already three-storey houses in the street.- giving the impression that the new

development would fit in and that it would lose on appeal. CD therefore voted to approve – that one vote made the difference – actually all other properties were 2 storeys and, if that had been said at the meeting, CD would have voted to refuse. CD has since been taken

off the Planning Committee.

5. ACCOUNTS TO DATE JD reported that funds to end of May amounted to £35,600. There is a further £700 still to come from advertising and subscriptions are quite brisk.

JD had been notified by Nationwide that we have to close our account and take up a Treasurer’s Trust Account at a lesser rate of interest by the 25th July. JD will therefore investigate a better rate elsewhere.


21 Wilderton Road: It is alleged that this bungalow is in multiple occupation. Cllr Mrs Deas promised to investigate.

Chairman’s Note: contrary to Policy BE23 Conservation areas – low density development) of the Poole Local Plan which states that “Within The Avenue, Branksome Park, Brunstead Road, Canford Cliffs and Evening Hill Conservation Areas, residential development should take the form of single household (My emphasis) detached dwellings on sites of a size consistent with that existing in the area”.

House on land at rear of 14 Torbay Road (Access via Wynford Road): Mrs Roger’s complained that the new building overlooked neighbouring properties and that she had tried, unsuccessfully, to contact Cllr. Parker about this.

JS said that planning consent to ‘Construct new house including increase height of ridge by 700mm. (Revised Scheme) was granted with conditions on 29/05/08.

TS commented that Peter Watson had promised to change the notification procedures so that houses opposite new developments will also be notified in future.

Friday’s meeting with Robert Syms MP for Poole: TS reported on this meeting (attended by

Cllr Dr Brian Leverett, Leader of the Council, John McBride, Chief Executive, Jim Bright, Strategic Director, David Ralph, Head of Strategic Planning, Peter Watson, Head of Planning Design & Control Services & Janet Biles, Business Support Manager/PA to Chief Executive and representatives of 14 Residents’ Association plus a number of local residents with particular grievances about specific planning applications)

TS said that positive outcomes included

  • Database of Residents’ Associations held by Strategic Planning, the Local Planning Authority and Legal & Democratic Services will be merged.
  • All Residents’ Associations on the database will be sent details of new policies etc.
  • Peter Watson handed out copies of the LPAs Validation Checklist which residents have been asking for 2 years.
  • John McBride will consider how to improve communication to Residents’ Associations, including an e-mail newsletter including website links to new Council policies or plans.
  • A separate meeting will be held on Friday with John McBride & Robert Syms with ‘aggrieved’ residents who are unhappy with planning applications relating to Lawrence Drive, Alington Close and Whitecliff Recreation Ground.
  • Notification letters re new planning applications will be sent to the houses opposite the site to be developed.

Serious concerns were expressed on CDs sacking from the Planning Committee.

WM asked if there was anything in the emerging Core Strategy about un-minuted pre-planning application meetings between planners and developers. JS said questions about this had been raised at the meeting and he would circulate the Minutes when these had been agreed.


WM said that the Audit Commision’s Corporate Assessment Report and Improvement Plan

recommended that no Cabinet members should sit on the Planning and Licensing Committees. TS said that there had already been a reduction to two Cabinet Members, Cllr Stribley and Cllr White who now sit on the Planning committee but Cllr Leverett had promised that this would be zero by the end of the year.

CD thanked the Residents’ Association for all their support.

JS closed the meeting at 8.40pm.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is on Wednesday 9th July 2008 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

NB Wine & ‘nibbles’ to be served in the Centre garden at conclusion of meeting

BPCCRA Minutes May 3rd 2008





Mr Terry Stewart President

Mr John Sprackling Chairman

Mr John Defty Hon Treasurer

Mr Keith Alcroft Planning Officer

Mr John Gunton Magazine Editor

Mr Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer

GUESTS: Cllr Mrs Carole Deas

Cllr Mrs May Haines

Cllr Neil Sorton

And approx 120 Members/Wardens of the Association


The Chairman thanked everyone for coming along. In particular he welcomed the guests mentioned above. The Chairman also welcomed Cllr Ron Parker, the guest speaker, Cabinet Member for the Local Economy with responsibility for planning.


Apologies were received from Robert Syms, MP, Rev’d John Byrne, Vicar, Michael Bond (Membership Secretary), Bob Young (Magazine Advertising Officer) & Phyllis, Jamie Pride (Chairman, Canford Cliffs Land Society), Madeleine Murphy (Chairman, Branksome Dene Residents’ Assn), Leon Ellis, Philip Gamble, Kim Head, Ben Hurley, & Chris Stracey. Ken Sansom, Chairman of the Sandbanks’ Assn sent a late apology.

JS also reported the sad death of Cllr Adrian Greenwood, former Mayor and Poole Councillor whose funeral takes place on Tuesday at 2.00pm at St Aldhelms Church.

3. AGM 2007 MINUTES: Accuracy & Matters Arising

The Chairman reminded members that the Minutes of the AGM held on 19th May 2007 had been included in the Autumn 2007 magazine. The Chairman said that any issues arising had been covered during the year and, as there were no items of accuracy or matters arising, the Minutes were approved, having been proposed and seconded and the Chairman said that he would sign these as a correct record of the proceedings.


The Chairman proposed to limit his report to the up-dating of items included in the Spring magazine as follows:

Planning Enforcement, Tree Preservation Orders/Tree replacements

JS said that he was still waiting to hear the outcome of Kingsbury Homes 2nd prosecution in March re 118 Panorama Road.

Barrington Homes were also due in Court in March on summonses relating to four sites. Those relating to 15 Westminster Road, 55 Canford Cliffs Road, and 6a Bingham Avenue had been withdrawn and the summons re 19 Mornish Road is due to be heard at Wimborne Magistrates Court in the afternoon of 09/06/08.

Ravine Road car park

JS said that Gerard Gray, the Chairman of Martello House Management Committee had contacted him as he was originally concerned about the safety of the dead trees fronting Western Rd from the car park i.e. the dead branches falling on to footpath/road.

This subsequently developed into a hedgerow matter and it was agreed that the Council contractors reduce this to six ft. I gather that the resultant work ranges from virtually zero to untouched and, to add insult to injury, the contractors have dumped most of the debris into the middle of hedge. The dead branches on the trees remain..

JS said that he knows that Cllr Sorton has strong views about this and has asked him to look into this.

Cllr Sorton commented that he had requested that the hedge be cut no lower than 6ft. Unfortunately, the measurement was taken from inside the car park where the ground level is somewhat lower than on the road side of the hedge. This was a terrible mistake for which Cllr Sorton is truly sorry, but which nature will eventually put right.

Mr Gray commented that when he contacted the council about the debris which had been left in the middle of the hedge he was informed nothing could be done as there was no money available. Mr Gray suggested the contractor should be made to return and clear it up without any further charge.

JS reported that consideration of the use of the Ravine Road car park for the Canford Cliffs Farmers Market has been delegated to the Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting to be held on 28/05/08.

Poole’s beaches and coastal defences

JS reported that the Council has agreed that their preferred option is for up to six groynes at the eastern end of the Bay (between Branksome Chine and Branksome Dene Chine. This is subject to design and an application for Grant Aid has been made to DEFRA (Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs).

Bus Service to serve Lindsay Road & Penn Hill Ave

JS reported on the re-routing of the 150 (to be re-numbered 50) service from 25th May and said that leaflets giving details of the new services were available. The new timetables have yet to be issued.

There is to be a two hourly bus service via Lindsay Road & Penn Hill Ave to Poole.

Prime Transport Corridor – Poole to Bournemouth (A35)

JS said that he meant to have reported in the Spring magazine that a Gap Creation Signals on County Gates at the junction with Seamoor Road is included in the 2008/09 Feasibility Programme.

Speeding in Branksome Park and surrounding area

JS said that he had been approached by a member, on behalf of All Saints PCC, about speeding vehicles in Western Road and he had suggested that he should speak to Sgt Jane Newcombe

Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development, former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn, Old Orchard House, Quay Thistle Hotel & ‘Harbour Sail’

Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – The Appeal against LPA’s refusal to grant Application (To use the 1st floor open area in association with use of adjacent unit as a ‘bar/restaurant’) was dismissed on 09/04/08. JS has asked if this area could be be dedicated as an open space for general public use

Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane The Appeal against LPA’s refusal to grant Application (To demolish existing and erect a 116 bed care home, day centre and ancillary facilities) was dismissed on 08/04/08.

Southern Poole Chairman’s Liaison Group (Chairmen of nine local Associations)

JS reported that there is great concern about certain recent planning decisions and Terry Stewart, on behalf of the Southern Poole Chairman’s Liaison Group is seeking a meeting with the Leader of the Council, Cllr Dr Brian Leverett, Poole’s Chief Executive and the Head of Planning Design & Control Services to be chaired by Robert Syms MP and to be attended by representatives of all Poole Residents’ Assn.



Vice Chairman – we continue to look for someone willing to take on this role but I would take this opportunity to pay tribute to the help and support which I receive from our President. Terry Stewart.


The Treasurer advised that the audited accounts, which were included in the magazine, showed the accumulated fund for year ended 31st December 2007 at £34,500.

In response to a question from Janet Boaler about where this money came from, the Treasurer explained that it was from subscriptions and advertising revenue. Stan Alfert added that the fund was originally built up to cover the legal costs of fighting planning applications, but that no such costs had been incurred lately. Also membership had grown.

The appointment Peter Schofield as auditor for a further year was approved by a show of hands.


The Chairman advised that the existing Executive Committee members were willing to stand for re-election, namely:

President Terry Stewart

Chairman John Sprackling

Vice Chairman Vacant

Treasurer John Defty

Membership Secretary Michael Bond

Planning Officer Keith Alcroft

Secretary Terry Smith

Data Protection Officer Stan Alfert

Magazine Editor John Gunton

Magazine Advertising Bob Young

Minute Secretary Val Short

The Executive was re-elected by a show of hands.


Cllr Parker thanked the Assn for inviting him and presented apologies from Cllr Ann Stribley, who had hoped to attend as the Planning Committee Chairman and also from Robert Syms MP.

RP stated that his role as Cabinet Portfolio Holder for the Local Economy involved working closely with businesses to make the town an attractive place for business. Poole, Bournemouth and Dorset, together with local businesses and the Government have created a partnership to develop a Multi-Area Agreement to tackle the key issues of local transport infrastructure, boosting employment skills, the environment, affordable housing and economic prosperity which will hopefully attract development and funding to the area.

RP reported that the Twin Sails Bridge was not making as much progress as hoped due to problems with developers, but, although it may be delayed for a year or two, he was optimistic that we shall achieve a bridge, thus opening up land for development and relieving the congestion currently experienced around the current bridge.

Tourism creates a substantial amount of employment in the town as well as bringing in money.

Planning and Building Control are essential to ensure developments are built according to the plans and also to reduce the carbon footprint. Recent awards received by Building Control include 5 Nairn Road, the Sunseeker expansion on Poole Quay and the RNLI.

RP then turned to Planning matters. He said that the Regional Spatial Strategy which sets out targets for housing, land use, employment and economic growth for the South West has been the subject to an Examination in Public and the Secretary of State for the Dept for Communities & local Government will make a decision on this later in the year. For Poole, we have been set a target of 10,000 homes by 2026 which Cllr Parker believes is achievable but Bournemouth and Purbeck District Council have been asked for more than they can reasonably be expected to accommodate.

So far, in Poole, we have been able to use brownfield sites but we do need the infrastructure to support growth. Again, there is pressure to use greenbelt but it is essential that we protect this

When planning applications are negotiated developers are expected to make financial contributions under Section 106 agreements towards recreational facilities, new transport infrastructure projects, heathland mitigation and education etc.

RP said that the Local Planning Authority endeavours to see that Residents’ Assns get the level of involvement they desire.

RP gave a brief overview of the staffing and procedures of the Planning Department.

The Planning Committee, comprising 10 members, is a regulatory body and is governed by planning legislation. Approved local and national policies must be applied in determining applications and the applicant has the right of appeal to government. The Committee is increasingly seeking to ensure planning applications to meet eco-policies.

RP provided a number of statistics which he thought would be of interest…

  • · The number of planning applications received is in excess of 2200 p.a.
  • · 9 out of 10 are delegated – officers make a recommendation and, if elected members are unhappy, it can be called to Committee. RP believes that residents receive excellent support from their Ward Councillors.
  • · 150 applications p.a. go to committee
  • · 80% of officer recommendations are accepted by committee
  • · 70% of applications are granted (60% in Canford Cliffs)
  • · 50% of major applications (10 or more dwellings) are refused in Canford Cliffs Ward
  • · 20% of applications are for houses, 70+% for flats, and 3% for bungalows
  • · 70% of flat buyers are from BH addresses
  • · Appeals are now held more quickly, 70% of appeals are dismissed
  • · 800 complaints are received per annum relating to planning enforcement issues. New planning regulations will allow minor household developments with application, this will save 300 – 400 applications p.a., but will also mean work can be undertaken without prior notification to neighbours.
    There are 21 Conservation Areas in the borough and 200+ listed buildings
  • · 700 applications p.a. for treeworks of which 91% are either granted or split decision to grant, with 9% refused.
  • · Overall 34% down on major applications, in general down 13%

JS invited questions to Cllr Parker

Q. What effect does South West Regional Assembly (SWRA) have on Poole?
A. Poole is represented on the SWRA by two members who, RP feels, have always acted in Poole’s best interests. The Regional Assembly is due to lose its powers by 2010 and its role will be taken over by the Regional Development Agency (RDA). RP said that it is Important that Local Authorities are able to hold the RDA to account.

Q. Denis Riley expressed the concern of many residents relating to various contentious applications granted in the last month or so and mentioned Durrant Road, Alington Close, Haig Ave and the current applications re Lawrence Drive
A. The Planning Committee has to take into account the best use of land. It is governed by legislation. In the case of Durrant Road, Alington Close and Haig Ave, the Committee had no choice but to accept the officer’s recommendation. It was accepted that the questioner would not find this a satisfactory answer, but the issues are being addressed.

Q. A newcomer to area, previously resident in Edinburgh, commented that he was staggered by the Council’s approach to the replacement of perfectly good acceptable homes which provide areas with their special character, i.e. a low density area with attractive amenities, which is one of the main reasons people move here.
A. Councillors understand the frustration in certain areas, but strict legislation is interpreted by government inspectors. Local MP is taking this up.
Cllr Mrs Carole Deas added that PPS3 states the over-riding consideration should be the character of the area and she also will be taking this up.

Q. Andy Reed said the recent Planning Committee decision relating to 16-18 Durrant Road had been referred to the Local Government Ombudsman. The resident was concerned about the officer’s reference in his report to the “emerging character of area”. He said that Pre-application process causes concern with developers and officers meeting and agreeing schemes in advance, and asked if papers from these meetings will be available for public scrutiny?
A. It saves time to discuss schemes with council (developers are charged for their time), it does not always mean that schemes go ahead. There is no guarantee of success with pre-applications.

Q. Paul Fearnley said many developers are mailing/cold calling asking residents to move out of their houses so that they can be redeveloped.
A. This is part of a free economy.

Q. Jan Robins asked why, when a developer does work without obtaining permission, the LPA can’t issue a Stop Notice? Why does the LPA have to go through the ‘due process’, if developers don’t?
A. It is not simple and straightforward, if a Stop Notice is issued without due process and then the work is allowed, compensation may have to be paid to the developer. Retrospective applications have to be judged on whether the development creates demonstrable harm or is contrary to planning policy.

Q. A resident said that Councillors are elected to represent the residents’ views, if councillors cannot control the officers then what is the point of electing them?
A. Not that simple. The Planning Committee cannot refuse applications just because neighbours’ object. The Committee is a regulatory committee governed by policy and legislation, it is not a question of controlling officers, who give professional advice. The elected members must take all this into account in reaching a decision. If applicants take pre-application advice it is a way of avoiding waste of time and money on refused applications. There have been some very disappointing decisions in this area, but they cannot be challenged in law.

Q. John Gunton said residents have the opportunity to speak to councillors, but one of the things that is really needed is for members to attend appeals, etc.
JG also referred to disturbance to residents from noise, especially reversing alarms, which is a large problem. There is a broadband alarm system available which would help with this problem. Could we press for developers to do more to reduce noise?
A. RP will make sure that Environmental & Consumer Protection Services are aware of broadband alarm system is mentioned. It is possible to impose restrictions on working hours, but complaints are still received and parking on roads also causes problems.

Q. Roland Cunnell a resident of Over Links Drive referred to a recent planning application in his road which he was pleased to say had been refused by the LPA with support from Ward Councillors and the Residents’ Assn. This involved the severance of the plot and would have changed the character of the area. RC felt that in the case of some planning applications it is a long time before local residents are aware. RC asserted that some developers put in fundamentally incorrect applications just to get things underway.
A. JS said that yellow site notices are only put up in Conservation Areas or in the case of major developments. JS invited members to contact him if they would like to added to his circulation list to receive the Weekly Planning Lists distributed by the LPA.

Q. Mrs Rogers asked if a restriction could be made against any more homes in severed plots in back gardens? She has a three-storey house nearby causing overlooking and invasion of privacy to surrounding residents.
A. RP thought that enforcement had been taken on this backland development. He will check.

Q. A resident referred to the 16-18 Durrant Road decision and said that officer’s report didn’t say that this involved the felling of a protected tree. She felt that the ‘due process’ was not being followed.
A. RP said that the Council are very anxious to protect trees, but if arboriculturalist says it is dead, diseased or dying, nothing can be done.

JS thanked Cllr Parker for sparing the time to attend the Association’s AGM.


31 Western Ave: JS said that he had been asked to say that if anyone had had problems submitting comments on the Planning Inspectorate’s website between the 23rd and 29th, they are welcome to either post or email comments to the Inspectorate case officer, Mr Adam Hill, at the following addresses. If those to whom this applies, mentions the problems with the website, their letters will be accepted by the Inspectorate.


Mr Adam Hill, The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/19a Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN

William Belshaw reported that around 40 letters of objection were lodged with the Planning Inspector and he was grateful for the support of the Assn.

JS said that, whilst on the subject of Appeals, members may care to attend the following Hearings/Inquiry to be held this month to show their support for residents affected by these developments.

Wed. 7 May (H) 8 Nairn Road The Guildhall, Market St. (Outline application to demolish existing and erect a 2 storey block of 7 flats with rooms in roof, basement parking, cycle & bin storage)

Tues 13 May (H) 55 Haven Road The Guildhall, Market St. (Form new access off Haven Road (Revised scheme) and sever land and erect a chalet bungalow with integral garage)

Tues 20 May (I) 1 Moorfields Road Council Chamber (Demolish existing dwelling and erection of 2 1 or 2 storey building incorporating 7 flats and basement parking, as amended by plans)

Increasing volume of traffic and speed on Lindsay Road: Janet Boaler said that there is an urgent need for traffic lights at the St Aldhelms Road / Lindsay Road junction. Cllr Mrs Deas said that she had already raised this as an issue.


There being no further questions, the Chairman closed the meeting at 11.45am and invited members to stay for refreshments.

John Sprackling


BPCCRA Minutes April 9th 2008





John Sprackling Chairman

John Defty Treasurer

Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer

John Gunton Magazine Editor

Val Short Minutes Secretary

Cllr. Neil Sorton Ward Councillor

Cllr Mrs May Haines ditto

Ken Sanson, Chairman, Sandbanks Assn

15 Members/Wardens

Welcomes JS welcomed Cllrs Neil Sorton & Mrs May Haines, Ken Sanson and all those present.


Apologies: Terry Stewart (Attending a meeting of CPRE, Purbeck Group), Bob & Phyllis Young (Short break) and William & Sarah Belshaw

Accuracy: JS said that NS had thought that the report of the Council`s 4 Stars from the Audit Commission in the last Minutes did not do justice to the high level of service provided by the Council and confirmed by the independent Commission. It was therefore agreed that the following additional sentence should be added… “This is a great tribute to the hard work of the Council and its staff at all levels”.

JS said that, subject to the above amendment, he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 12th March 2008.


Poole Pottery/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that

1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – awaiting Inspector’s decision re Marston’s Inns & Taverns application to use the 1st floor open area in association with use of adjacent unit as a ‘bar/restaurant’ following Appeal Hearing on 28/02/08. Appellants sought award of costs against the Council.

JS said that, intriguingly, he had just been advised that the underlease to Marston’s Inns Plc has not yet been completed.

2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers LaneChairman’s Note: Appeal against LPA’s refusal to grant Application (To demolish existing and erect a 116 bed care home, day centre and ancillary facilities) dismissed on 08/04/08..

3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – No further developments.

4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto

5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – Planning Application (Installation of ground floor shop fronts including ATM. Siting of external refrigeration units at rear. Variation of condition No.4 of planning permission 06/13141/015/C delivery times) registered by Sainsburys on 01/04/08. JS said that Sainsbuys adopted a ‘cavalier attitude’ to planning laws at Sainsbury’s Local, 104-106 Bournemouth Road, where work was carried out prior to planning consent being granted.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

62 Haven Road – JS said that Mr Dearing, the Planning Enforcement Officer, had visited the site yesterday (08/04/08) and the tree in question was classified as DDD (Dead, diseased or dying). A replant has been agreed.

Mr Dearing told JS that the tree surgeon was expecting a visit as he heard that, in so


many words, the Council were ‘hot’ on unauthorised tree work/felling in Poole. JS commented that it’s good to know that the message is getting around.

Unauthorised Advertisement Hoardings: No further developments re policy leaflet.

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: JS reported that the following resolution was agreed at the Cabinet meeting on 01/04/08

“That Cabinet be requested to note the recommendation from the Environment Overview Group that the preferred option for up to 6 groynes at the eastern end of the Bay be agreed subject to design and further details and that an application for Grant Aid to be made to DEFRA (the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs).”

Council Tax 2008/09 & Financial Monitoring report: There was no report as William Mutlow was not present.

Poole Partnership: JS reported on the Steering Group meeting held on 13/03/08 – the Agenda included…

  • · Restructuring of Steering Group including Work Plan for 2008
  • · Update on Poole’s Local Area Agreement 2008
  • · Consider delegation of final agreement of LAA to Performance Management Group
  • · Update from Performance Management Group
  • · State of the Area Debate to be postponed to September 2008
  • · Update on Investing in Children & Young People

Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Speeding in Lindsay Road: No further developments but JS said that TS had sent a note to say that he hoped that a response about the Bournemouth/Richmond Roads junction would be received soon. He is not in favour of the no right turn into Richmond Road, but doesn’t feel strongly about this.

Canford Cliffs Village:

MH reported that the Farmers’ Market would not be held in Maxwell Road as objections had been received from residents of the road.

It was agreed at last Thursday’s Transportation Advisory Group that consideration of the use of the Ravine Road car park for the Canford Cliffs Farmers Market be delegated to the Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting on 28/05/08. This would give the opportunity to establish the number of spare spaces in the car park during May. Lost revenue from the car park will be paid for by the market organiser.

JS recalled that some local residents living in Canford Cliffs Road had had reservations about the use of the Penn Hill car park for the Organic Market before this opened but he has received no complaints since it started operating in September 2005. MH reported that the organisers have applied to move the market at Penn Hill from Sunday to Saturday.

Skywalk Tower, Sandbanks (Application No. 06/12765/016/F): No further developments.

Bus Service to serve Lindsay Road & Penn Hill Ave: JS referred to the Minutes of the ‘Route and Branch’ review group meeting held on 11/03/08 which included a section which will be of interest to residents living in the area covered by our Assn. JS said that he would include an extract in the Minutes – see below.


John McVey, Passenger Transport and Accessibility Manager, referred to the Petition that had been received requesting both earlier and later together with a more frequent service to Lilliput.

Nick Phillips, Accessibility Team Leader, referred to the 151 Service which travelled from Poole to Bournemouth via Pottery Road, Lilliput and Canford Cliffs.

This Service then continued to Swanage so there was a need for step entrance buses that could easily access the Ferry.

Members were advised that Wilts and Dorset were looking at improvements in this area in


order to achieve a better link into the network, including a half hourly, Bournemouth-Swanage (direct) also, a hourly, Poole-Lilliput-Compton Acres-Canford Cliffs-Sandbanks-Poole, and also a off-peak, 2 hourly service to pick up the remainder of the route, Penn Hill Avenue/Lindsay Road-Poole.

In conclusion, Members were advised that regrettably there would be a need to contact the Petitioners to advise that the Local Authority were “tied” until the Wilts and Dorset service changes were known, however, improvements would continue to be sought and revisited.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road The necessary forms had been registered with the Rights of Way Officer.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – JS said that SA would like some more statements to support the Assn’s application to register the rights of way over this path. If anyone is prepared to help please get in touch with SA. Form E (To be circulated separately with Minutes) needs to be completed and SA is very happy to assist completion. The forms should be returned to SA for bulk submission to the Council.

Bessborough Road – MH reported that the Canford Cliffs Land Society is in the process of getting the paperwork together to support their belief that this is a right of way, but not for vehicles.

Update re ‘Branksome Park Conservation Area is at RISK’

Branksome Park Conservation Area

JS reported that the Planning Applications for 31 Western Avenue (Demolish existing house (retain pool complex) and erect 1 no. detached house with integral garage) and Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling) are subject to a Planning Hearing (APP/Q1255/E/08/2067926 & APP/Q1255/A/08/2067927 The deadline for comments is 29/04/08.

William Belshaw was unable to attend the meeting but would welcome support from members in opposition to this application. The small sub-group of Western Ave residents had drafted a letter of objection which members may wish to send to the Planning Inspectorate JS said that he would circulate this separately with the Minutes.

JS said the sub-group were considering appointing a Barrister to act for them and they had been told his fee would be in the region of £10,000 to £12,000.

NS advised that Tim Martin, Head of Legal & Democratic Services, had written to John Buckley advising him against using the services of a Barrister at the Hearing.

Chairman’s note: An extract from the note from Mr Martin reads “…lawyers are rarely present – or indeed welcome – at such hearings. The Inspectors handle these Hearings in as a round table discussion rather than the adverserial nature of a full Public Inquiry.”

Roy Pointer hoped that the Assn would lend similar support in opposition to 10 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling) which is subject to a Planning Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/08/2061619 & APP/Q1255/A/08/206120) The date for final comments was 26/03/08.

Ron Harryman mentioned how important it was for members of the public to attend Hearings/Inquiries in force, to show the strength of local feeling.

JS said that he and his wife had attended today’s Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/2049008) re 4 Nairn Road (Erect two detached houses with integral garages. (Revised Scheme) when eight residents were present. JS was pleased to report

that the LPA had applied for costs and, from JS’ observation. this seemed a more regular occurrence.

Haig Ave & Lawrence Drive – MH reported the two applications re 7 Haig Avenue (a)

Outline application to demolish existing dwelling & annex and erect 3 detached houses


(b) Block of 9 flats with underground parking) had been granted by Planning Committee meeting on 20/03/08.

The residents have lost heart casino online and given up on the attempt to gain conservation status for Haig Avenue.

3 Lawrence Drive – the application which was refused 3 months ago has been resubmitted, but MH had not yet had an opportunity to examine the new plans. MH did not know if residents still plan to go ahead with obtaining professional advice to obtain Special Character Area status for the road.

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: No further developments but Roy Pointer raised the point who would act as Trustees.

BPCCRA AGM & Spring 2008 Magazine: John Gunton reported that the magazine will be with the printers next week and should be available for delivery the week after, in time for the AGM.

Speeding/Drivers using mobile ‘phones: JS said they TS had followed this up with Sgt Jane Newcombe.

Chairman’s Note: Sgt Newcombe wrote to TS on 14/03/08 “We area aware of the problems of mobile phone use while driving. We always stop drivers when seen and will continue to do so. I will make sure patrols pay attention to the area you mentioned, however we will not be in plain clothes as we need to be in a position to stop the vehicles to issue tickets.”


KA reported that…

1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a detached house with integral garage) – application withdrawn on 27/03/08.

4 Brudenell Avenue (Outline application to demolish existing dwelling and erect two 3/4

storey houses) Application withdrawn on 10/03/08.

JS reported…

The application for 1, 2 & 3 Alington Close & 2a & 2b Shore Road

(Demolish existing and erect 6 x two / three storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking, accessed off Alington Close and associated works and landscaping. (Amended scheme) was granted by Planning Committee on 01/04/08.

Chairman’s Note: Earlier application (Demolish existing and erect 4×3 storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking and associated works and landscaping (Revised scheme). Amended plans received 10/7/07, 23/7/07, 25/7/07, 6/8/07 and 9/8/07) subject to a Planning Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/08/2061709) and the date for final comments was 27/03/08.

The application for 1 – 3 Compton Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats & 1 maisonette with basement parking (Revised Scheme) – to be determined by Planning Committee at meeting on 17/04/08

Chairman’s Note: Earlier application (Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats and 1 maisonette (total 12) with basement parking and bin store. Accessed from Compton Avenue (as amended by Drawings rec’d on 30.08.07) is subject to Appeal Hearing at a date yet to be announced.

SA reported that the appeal (APP/Q1255/A/08/2062337) re 40 Lakeside Road (Demolish existing dwelling and outbuilding. Sever land and erect 2 detached dwellings with shared access off Lakeside Road) was withdrawn on 04/03/08

The application (Demolish existing and erect 1 x 5-bed house and convert garage to office & storage) registered on 01/02/08 remains ‘Current’.

Other current planning issues

57 Haven Road (Demolish existing and erect a block of 14 flats with basement parking and bin store to be accessed from Haven Road. (as amended by plans received

28/11/06) – this development has not been constructed in accordance with the approved

plans and elevations and is now the subject of a revised planning application.


1-3 Chaddesley Glen

(a) Outline application to demolish nos. 1 & 3 Chaddesley Glen and construct 14

apartments with basement parking. Accessed from Chaddesley Glen) – awaiting

Inspector’s decision following Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/2056180) on 01/03/08

(b) Demolish existing dwellings and erect 2 No blocks of 6 x 2 bed apartments (12 in total) on three floors with new vehicular access) – application registered on 04/03/08.

3 Westminster Road (Demolition of existing dwelling and erect 3 storey block of 8 flats

with basement parking to be accessed from Westminster Road) – awaiting Inspector’s

decision following Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/2047001) on 27/02/08.

Canford Cliffs, Promenades 1 & 2 & Vacant plot of land to the west of Branksome Chine Car Park (Construction of 62 new beach huts) – application registered on 22/01/08.

Land at 140 Canford Road (Demolish house and erect a block of 8 flats with underground garages and secure cycle store) – application granted 14/02/08.

138 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolition of existing and erection of three detached

dwellings with integral garages) – application refused on 23/01/08. NB Outline consent

to demolish existing and erect 3 dwellings and garages was granted on 31/08/07.

142-144 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolition of existing houses and garages. Construction of 14 No. flats with underground parking) subject to ‘Written representations’ Appeal

(APP/Q1255/A/07/2060701) The date for final comments was 05/02/08.

146-148 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing and erect a three storey block of ten flats with basement parking. (Revised) – Application registered on 12/03/08. An appeal against the LPA’s refusal to grant an earlier application for 12 flats was dismissed on 15/01/08

46-48 Tower Road (Erect a 2 – 5 storey block of 14 flats with basement parking) – appeal allowed.

12 St Clair Road (Erection of 2 x 4-bed detached dwellings with associated parking and rear vehicular access from St Clair Road. (Revised Scheme) – application listed for Planning Committee meeting on 20/03/08 but this was deferred for site visit prior to Planning Committee meeting on 17/04/08. The officer’s recommendation is to ‘Grant’.

103 Lilliput Road

(a) Demolition of existing dwelling and redevelop with 2½ storey flatted block of 7 units, associated access and parking (as amended by plans received 18.10.07) – subject to

Planning Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/07/2058028) on 21/05/08.

(b) Demolition of existing dwelling and its redevelopment with a 2½ storey flatted block

comprising 7 dwelling units, associated access and parking (revised scheme).– Application granted with conditions on 17/03/08.

1 Westminster Road East (Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 2 No. four bedroom detached properties with associated vehicular accesses, parking and landscaping)application refused on 16/01/08.

5 Westminster Road (Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a part two, part three storey building comprising six flats with additional basement parking and integral cycle storage area and detached bin store) – application registered 27/02/08. If this application is not refused under delegated authority, this will be decided by the Planning Committee at a date yet to be announced.

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An

entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

6 Tower Road West (Erect a 2-storey side extension to create an additional 4

self-contained flats with associated parking) – Appeal dismissed on 15/02/08.

5 Durrant Road

(a) Erect 5 storey block of 8 flats) – Appeal dismissed on 20/12/07

(b) Demolish existing and erect a 4 storey block of 8 flats with basement garage accessed

from Durrant Road. As amended by information received 02/10/07 and plans received 28/06/07, 11/07/07 and 17/09/07 – subject to ‘Written representations’ Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/08/2062977) The date for final comments is 12/03/08

16-18 Durrant Road

(a) Demolish existing and erect two 4 storey blocks each of 6 x 2 bed flats (12 in total)

with associated access and car parking) – ‘Written representations’ Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/07/2054198) withdrawn.

(b) Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with single linked basement

garage.– Application registered on 24/01/08.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – subject to Written Representation appeal (GOSW Ref SW/THM/8147/1038)

4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE JD reported that the total cash this month was £36,856. The magazine will stimulate income for next month.



House on land at rear of 14 Torbay Road (Access via Wynford Road) – According to the Planning Enforcement Officer, David Edwards, this 3-storey house is 700mm taller than it should be. NS pointed out that this is significant and is the point of contention in the case

of 12 St Clair Road.

Chairman’s Note: In his Enforcement Appeal Decision Letter dated 20/12/05 re 27 Kinson Ave the Inspector says at 8 on page 2 “In the context of the appeal development, I consider that an increase in roof height (over the approved scheme) of around 600mm to be material.”

Polo on beach at Sandbanks – Ken Sanson reported that Poole is to host the British Beach Polo Championships this summer. This will be he first event of its kind in Europe and involve international players in an arena 100m by 50m on Sandbanks beach on 11th &

12th 2008.
ar parking for the event will be provided at the ‘open-air’ car park by the Poole Bus Station in Poole and competitors/spectators will be bussed to Sandbanks.

On the Sunday (13/07/08) there will be a football tournament organised on the beach by the Police at which young people from the more deprived areas of Poole are being encouraged to participate.

It was suggested that Rose growers should attend with buckets on the Friday and Saturday (Preferably before the football)!

21 Buccleuch Road – Jan Wylde referred to the wall around this property and wondered if this had planning consent.

Chairman’s note: I’m informed that the planning consent includes a 7ft high rendered wall and one access.

JS closed the meeting at 8.10pm.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is the AGM on Saturday 3rd May 2008 in All Saints Church Hall

BPCCRA Minutes March 12th 2008





Terry Stewart President

John Sprackling 640-816 Chairman

John Defty Treasurer

Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer

Bob Young Magazine Advertising

Val Short Minutes Secretary

Cllr. Neil Sorton Ward Councillor

Cllr Mrs May Haines ditto

18 Members/Wardens

Welcomes JS welcomed Cllrs Neil Sorton & Mrs May Haines and all those present, especially those attending for the first time.


Apologies: Keith Alcroft, Michael Bond & Ben Hurley

Accuracy: JS apologised for the omission of Stan Alfert’s name from the list of those present. Diana Rogers pointed out that16 Torbay Road should read 14 Torbay Road

WM asked for amendment under Council Tax 2008/09 & Financial Monitoring report – the Council are assuming (rather than ‘predicting’) a 5% increase in Council Tax for 2009/10 and 2010/11.

JS said that, subject to the above amendments, he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 13th February 2008.


Poole Pottery/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that

1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – awaiting Inspector’s decision re Marston’s Inns & Taverns application to use the 1st floor open area in association with use of adjacent unit as a ‘bar/restaurant’ following Appeal Hearing on 28/02/08. Appellants sought award of costs against the Council.

2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Laneawaiting Inspector’s decision re plans to demolish existing and erect a 116 bed care home, day centre and ancillary facilities following Appeal Hearing on 20/02/08.

3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – the ‘Poole guide 2008′ carries an advertisement for Poole Pottery which refers to a “re-building phase in 2008 (and) a brand new building. A firm of Bournemouth architects are working on this.

4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – this site is currently the subject of a Scoping Assessment- the deadline was 28/02/08. It is anticipated that, when the a Scoping Assessment has been agreed, a formal planning application together with an Environmental Assessment will be submitted.

5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – A £330,000 scheme for environmental enhancement in front of the new flats at Old Orchard fronting the Lower High Street funded totally by the development is included in Transportation Services Unit’s 2008/09 Capital programme.

6. Harbour Court (24 one-bedroom flats and 8 two-bedroom flats above the Asda Superstore) and Harbour Sail (32 flats) West Quay Road – Three and a half years after the Asda supermarket opened, the 32 rented units are now occupied. The shared ownership units are currently being marketed. This will be done in phases the first phase being 11 units. Subject to the speed of sale of these, further phases will be released..

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

57 Haven Road (Demolish existing and erect a block of 14 flats with basement parking and bin store to be accessed from Haven Road. (as amended by plans received 28/11/06)


several local residents have pointed out that this development has not been constructed in accordance with the approved plans and elevations. This is now the subject of a revised planning application.

14 Torbay Road – Mrs Rogers advised that an Renault Romania Enforcement Order had been issued. The current building under construction is 3 storeys high.

62 Haven Road – JS said that he had heard anything further about the alleged unauthorised felling of pine trees on this site.

Unauthorised Advertisement Hoardings: A policy leaflet re Hoardings around construction sites was discussed at Local Economy Overview Group meeting on 28/02/08 but

Members were not entirely happy about some aspects of this. It was agreed that a revised leaflet would be circulated amongst Members for their agreement.

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: A report on Beach Control Structures is to be presented at tomorrow’s Environment Overview Group

Council Tax 2008/09 & Financial Monitoring report: WM reported that the Audit Commission’s Annual Assessment for 2008 has been issued – Poole is rated as 4 star authority, one of only three councils in the South West to achieve this top rating.

Poole Partnership: Next meeting of the Steering Group is to be held tomorrow (13/03/08).

Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Speeding in Lindsay Road:

JS reported that the Transportation Services Unit’s 2008/09 Capital programme includes the following schemes which affect the area covered by the Association and JS said that he would include details in the Minutes – see below.


Ashley Road (£95,000)
Consideration of general Traffic Management measures to reduce congestion, avoid delays to buses whilst reducing air pollution and improving road safety. Options being developed by partnering consultant Mouchel Group.

Alder Road/Poole Road (£80,000)
Consideration of general Traffic Management measures to reduce congestion, avoid delays to buses whilst reducing air pollution and improving road safety. Options being developed by partnering consultant Mouchel Group.

Ashley Cross (£105,000)
Alterations to the junction to improve the flow of traffic along the Prime Transport Corridor. Public Consultation of the options is currently being prepared for member consideration in Spring 2008.

Commercial Road/Station Road (£155,000)
An area wide scheme based around Parkstone Park to look at avoiding delays on Commercial Road whilst facilitating turning movements at Church Road and Station Road. Public Consultation of the options is currently being prepared for member consideration in Spring 2008.

Bournemouth Road/ Richmond Road (£100,000)
Alterations to the Traffic Signals to ban the right turn except for Buses to improve traffic flow along the Prime Transport Corridor and to carry out mitigation measures to the surrounding residential roads (Courthill Road 20mph Zone). Public Consultation of the options is currently being prepared for member consideration in Spring 2008.

Penn Hill (£120,000)
Completion of the scheme currently being constructed to improve traffic flow along Penn Hill Road and improve road safety on Archway Road


Cycling: Penn Hill (£30,000)
The implementation of a cycle route funded from developer contributions.
Cycling: Sandbanks (£100,000)
The completion of a strategic route along Sandbanks Road to the Beaches and Ferry.


Road Safety Strategy (£30,000) The investigation and potential delivery of schemes that will reduce casualties in line with the Road Safety Strategy whilst delivering LTP Targets. Schemes to be developed include:
– Shore Road/Haven Road.

Canford Cliffs Village: The proposed Farmer’s Market to be held in Maxwell Road has had to be cancelled, owing to objections to the closure of the road by residents living in the road.

It is hoped to hold the event in the Ravine Road car park on 25/04/08.

Skywalk Tower, Sandbanks (Application No. 06/12765/016/F) JS said that he had posted a note on the BoP website to say that the Planning Officer last wrote to the applicant seeking further information as long ago as 08/06/07. Has this information been provided? If not, shouldn’t the applicant be told that this application will be refused in the absence of this information?

Bus Service to serve Lindsay Road & Penn Hill Ave: No further developments.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road Michael Shaw has registered the necessary forms with the Rights of Way Officer.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – No further developments.

Bessborough Road – JS reported that James Pride, the Chairman of the Canford Cliffs Land Society (CCLS), had advised him that the CCLS has had many conversations over the last 2 years with PBC about Bessborough Road and its status. The movable posts allow right of way about which there is no dispute, but discourage it where possible. It has been accepted that the road surface is fragile and, recently, the CCLS successfully won an insurance claim against the council after a refuse lorry got stuck and damaged the surface. We will pursue any other user who damages the surface. The “dead end” signs on the roads leading to Bessborough Road have been erected by the highways department. The CCLS aim to retain this lane as an amenity for all residents, not just car users.

Update re ‘Branksome Park Conservation Area is at RISK’

Branksome Park Conservation Area

Bill Belshaw reported that the application for 31 Western Avenue (Demolish existing dwelling and erect new dwelling with integral garage (Revised Scheme) was now the subject of a ‘Written representations’ The Appeal was lodged on 01/02/08 but the Council can do nothing more until the Start Letter from the Inspectorate at Bristol is received. It will probably be a good idea if objections are lodged again with the Inspectorate. Indications are that it will be a nursing home, in spite of claims that it will be for family use by daughters and their families, which would be multiple occupancy. The Head of Planning Design & Control Services has been asked to provide a definition of multiple occupancy.

JS said that he would investigate this too.

Haig Ave & Lawrence Drive – MH reported that English Heritage is not recommending listing for 7 Haig Avenue and the two applications (a) Outline application to demolish existing dwelling & annex and erect 3 detached houses (b) Block of 9 flats with underground parking are to be determined by Planning Committee meeting on 20/03/08.

The Officer’s recommendation is to ‘Grant’ both applications.


3 Lawrence Drive (Block of 8 apartments with underground parking) – application refused on 11/02/08.

MH went on to say that the Head of Planning Design & Control Services has indicated that he would be willing to consider a Special Character Area Assessment prepared by an external consultant. Residents to decide if they wish to proceed with this.

NS commented that the difficulty is that Conservation Area status cannot be used to stop development. After he had supported residents in Lakeside Road in their opposition to flat development, several changed their minds and sold property for redevelopment!

It is the LPA that makes the final decision.

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: Michael Shaw advised JS yesterday that he had now read, and digested, “The Charity Commission’s general guidance on public benefit”. He recommends that the Assn apply to become a charity. This does NOT mean that Mr Shaw thinks that the Assn will get charitable status but that it is worth applying


JS reported that…

12 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing and erect a two/three storey replacement detached house. (Revised scheme) refused on 07/03/08.

1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a detached house with integral garage) – application registered on 08/02/08. Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 28/02/08. If this application is not refused under delegated authority, this will be decided by Planning Committee at a date yet to be announced.

150 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing building and erect 1 No block of 9 x 3 bed flats with associated parking, bin and cycle storage – Appeal Hearing

(APP/Q1255/A/07/2045273) on 04/03/08 cancelled at last minute.

1-3 Chaddesley Glen

(a) Outline application to demolish nos. 1 & 3 Chaddesley Glen and construct 14 apartments with basement parking. Accessed from Chaddesley Glen) – awaiting

Inspector’s decision following Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/2056180) on 01/03/08

(b) Demolish existing dwellings and erect 2 No blocks of 6 x 2 bed apartments (12 in total) on three floors with new vehicular access) – application registered on 04/03/08.

Roy Pointer hoped that he could rely on the Assn’s support in opposing 10 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling) is subject to a Planning Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/08/2061619 & APP/Q1255/A/08/206120) The date for final comments is 26/03/08.

Other current planning issues

18 Buccleuch Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect 2 detached dwellings with

integral garages) – application withdrawn on 14/02

1 Brudenell Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a 2 storey block of 5 x 2 bed flats)

application withdrawn on 28/02/08.

4 Brudenell Avenue (Outline application to demolish existing dwelling and erect two 3/4

storey houses) Application registered on 22/01/08. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 14/02/08.

3 Westminster Road (Demolition of existing dwelling and erect 3 storey block of 8 flats

with basement parking to be accessed from Westminster Road) – awaiting Inspector’s

decision following Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/2047001) on 27/02/08.

4 Nairn Road (Erect two detached houses with integral garages. (Revised Scheme)

Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/2049008) fixed for 09/04/08.

Canford Cliffs, Promenades 1 & 2 & Vacant plot of land to the west of Branksome Chine Car Park (Construction of 62 new beach huts) – application registered on 22/01/08.

Land at 140 Canford Road (Demolish house and erect a block of 8 flats with underground garages and secure cycle store) – application granted 14/02/08.

138 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolition of existing and erection of three detached

dwellings with integral garages) – application refused on 23/01/08. NB Outline consent

to demolish existing and erect 3 dwellings and garages was granted on 31/08/07.

142-144 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolition of existing houses and garages. Construction of 14 No. flats with underground parking) subject to ‘Written representations’ Appeal

(APP/Q1255/A/07/2060701) The date for final comments was 05/02/08.


1 – 3 Compton Avenue

(a) Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats & 1 maisonette with basement parking

(Revised Scheme) – Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 14/02/08.

(b) Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats and 1 maisonette (total 12) with basement parking and bin store. Accessed from Compton Avenue (as amended by Drawings rec’d on 30.08.07) subject to Appeal Hearing at a date yet to be announced.

40 Lakeside Road

(a) Demolish existing and erect 1 x 5-bed house and convert garage to office & storage) A previous application a few years ago for a chiropractic surgery was refused, but concerned that change of use from garage to offices may open up possibilities for this type of use. New building is also very close to boundary of adjacent properties..

(b) Demolish existing dwelling and outbuilding. Sever land and erect 2 detached dwellings with shared access off Lakeside Road – subject to ‘Written representations’ appeal. Date for final comments is 31/03/08.

46-48 Tower Road (Erect a 2 – 5 storey block of 14 flats with basement parking) – appeal allowed.

12 St Clair Road (Erection of 2 x 4-bed detached dwellings with associated parking and rear vehicular access from St Clair Road. (Revised Scheme) – listed for next Thursday’s Planning Committee meeting and the officer’s recommendation is to ‘Grant’. An extract from the officer’s report reads…


Planning Considerations

Character and appearance of the streetscene

• The proposed ridge height of the dwellings has increased by 1.03 m from the approved plans with a hipped roof and a dormer window. Whilst the additional height excess that as originally anticipated the only areas for concern related to the perception of height brought about by the front gable. The amendments now proposed reduce the apparent mass of the roof as the roof slope will slope away from the front elevation and the dormers will be read as a subservient addition.

• The proposed alterations to the ridge height and roof form including lowering the eaves height (from what has been already built on site) on the front elevation will not be materially harmful to the character or appearance of the streetscene.

• The proposed alterations cause no additional harm to the neighbouring properties.


103 Lilliput Road

(a) Demolition of existing dwelling and redevelop with 2½ storey flatted block of 7 units, associated access and parking (as amended by plans received 18.10.07) – subject to

Written Representations appeal (APP/Q1255/A/07/2058028). The date for final comments was 16/01/08.

(b) Demolition of existing dwelling and its redevelopment with a 2½ storey flatted block

comprising 7 dwelling units, associated access and parking (revised scheme).– Application

registered on 23/01/08.

1 Westminster Road East (Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 2 No. four bedroom detached properties with associated vehicular accesses, parking and landscaping)Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 22/11/07.

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An

entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

6 Tower Road West (Erect a 2-storey side extension to create an additional 4

self-contained flats with associated parking) – Appeal dismissed on 15/02/08.

5 Durrant Road

(a) Erect 5 storey block of 8 flats) – Appeal dismissed on 20/12/07

(b) Demolish existing and erect a 4 storey block of 8 flats with basement garage accessed

from Durrant Road. As amended by information received 02/10/07 and plans received 28/06/07, 11/07/07 and 17/09/07 – subject to ‘Written representations’ Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/08/2062977) The date for final comments is 12/03/08

16-18 Durrant Road

(a) Demolish existing and erect two 4 storey blocks each of 6 x 2 bed flats (12 in total)

with associated access and car parking) – ‘Written representations’ Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/07/2054198) withdrawn.

(b) Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with single linked basement

garage.– Application registered on 24/01/08.

1, 2 & 3 Alington Close & 2a & 2b Shore Road

(a) Demolish existing and erect 4×3 storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking and associated works and landscaping (Revised scheme). Amended plans received 10/7/07, 23/7/07, 25/7/07, 6/8/07 and 9/8/07 – subject to a Planning Inquiry

(APP/Q1255/A/08/2061709) and the date for final comments is 27/03/08.


(b) Demolish existing and erect 6 x two / three storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking, accessed off Alington Close and associated works and landscaping. (Amended scheme) – to be decided by officers on 10/03/08. If the officer decide to recommend approval, the application will then go to the Planning Committee for a final decision.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – subject to Written Representation appeal (GOSW Ref SW/THM/8147/1038)

4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE JD reported that the accumulated fund stands at £36,871.


BPCCRA AGM & Spring 2008 Magazine – JS said that the AGM is to be held on 03/05/08 at All Saints Church Hall. Cllr Ron Parker, the Portfolio Holder for the Local Economy including responsibility for Planning, has agreed to be the Guest Speaker. JG said that it is hoped the magazine would be available for distribution around 15th April.

Party in the Park in Canford Cliffs – JS reported that this event is due to take place again. This year a little later on 29th June from 12.00 noon through to 7.00pm. Local restaurants are keen to participate and they will be providing a hog roast, barbeque and tapas, plus beers, wine, cider and soft drinks for the children.

The event is free for all to attend and is run on a village fete style theme with the intentions of bringing the local community together. The day will support the local charity TENOVUS.

16 Torbay Road – Mrs Rogers asked if there was anything she could do regarding this property which is now on the market again with new specification. JS replied not much could be done but just hope that the next purchaser completes the building.

Temporary closure of The Avenue between its junction with Western Road and its junction with Tower Road West – SA reported that this section of The Avenue is going to be closed for 6 weeks after Easter for resurfacing.

Chairman’s note: I see that the official notice about this closure appears in this week’s Advertiser (see below). In my experience, the Council always specify a longer period than is usually necessary, to be on the safe side.

Borough of Poole


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Borough and County of the Town of Poole, the Highway Authority is satisfied that traffic on the said Road should be prohibited and has made an Order in exercise of its powers under Section 5, 14(1) and IS of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers as detailed above, the effect of which is that no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to proceed along The Avenue between its junction with Western Road and its junction with Tower Road West

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all limes. Emergency vehicles will be accommodated on a one off basis.

The proposed closure is required for the replacement of kerbs and road re-surfacing.

A diversion will be signed via Western Read and Tower Read West.

The proposed Order is effective between 25 March and 3 May 2008. The Order is operative for the period mentioned above but will continue in force for the statutory
period of eighteen months if required.

If the works are not completed within the statutory period the Order may be extended with the approval of the Secretary of State for Transport

Any person who uses or permits the use of a vehicle In contravention of the order will be

liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £400.


Head of Transportation Services, Borough of Poole, St John House. 5 Serpentine Road, Poole BH15 1DX

13 March 2008

Speeding – TS reported that the police now have trained officers on using laser speed guns and they are operating in the area and issuing penalty notices.

Drivers using mobile ‘phones – A member reported that drivers are frequently seen using mobile phones whilst driving in the Haven Road area, usually between 9 and 10 am. TS said that he would contact Sgt Jane Newcombe about this.

JS closed the meeting at 8.10pm.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is on Wednesday 9th April 2008 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

BPCCRA Minutes February 13th 2008





Terry Stewart President

John Sprackling Chairman

John Defty Treasurer

Keith Alcroft Planning Officer

John Gunton Magazine Editor

Bob Young Magazine Advertising

Val Short Minutes Secretary

Cllr. Neil Sorton Ward Councillor

Cllr Mrs May Haines ditto

18 Members/Wardens

Welcomes JS welcomed Cllrs Neil Sorton & Mrs May Haines and all those present, especially those attending for the first time. JS said that NS had rushed from an interviewing Committee meeting starting at 5.00pm short-listing candidates for the post of the Council’s Head of Financial Services – the highly-regarded Bob Jackson will be leaving Poole for promotion at New Forest D.C.


Apologies: Michael Bond & Bill Belshaw

Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 9th January 2008.


Poole Pottery/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that

1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – Marston’s Inns & Taverns application to use the 1st floor open area in association with use of adjacent unit as a ‘bar/restaurant’ is subject of an appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/2045557) on 28/02/08, in the Conference Room, Civic Centre at 10.00am.

2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – Plans to demolish existing and erect a 116 bed care home, day centre and ancillary facilities is subject to an Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/204437) on 20/02/08 in the Council Chamber at 10.00am.

3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – No further developments

4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – TS provided JS with a letter dated 08/02/08 from Planning Design & Control Services to say that the Borough of Poole has received a Scoping Assessment, for this proposed development. The letter goes on to say that “It is anticipated that a formal planning application with the finalized Environmental Assessment will be submitted following the Scoping Assessment. As such you are invited to offer your opinion and observations with regard to the Scoping Assessment”.JS has asked for a copy of the Scoping Assessment.

5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – No further developments.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

JS reported that, following a fine of £2000 (plus costs) for wilful damage to 11 mature pines on land adj. to 2 Mornish Road, Kingsbury Homes face a 2nd prosecution next month re 118 Panorama Road (Wilful damage to protected tree)

Barrington Homes are also due in Court next month on a s210(1) unlawful felling Summons re 19 Mornish Road and a s210(1) unlawful destruction Summons re 15 Westminster Road.

They also face prosecution for further offences including…

55 Canford Cliffs Road (s210(1) wilful damage and destruction to protected trees)

6a Bingham Avenue (Damage to roots to TPO trees damaged whilst carrying out works to lower drive)

It was agreed that, in view of the series of offences, the Assn should write to the Council requesting that it asks the Magistrates to refer these cases for hearing by the Crown



Unauthorised Advertisement Hoardings: TS has requested a copy of the final version of Policy on Advertising Hoardings around residential construction sites before this is presented at the Local economy Overview Group (LEOG) meeting on 28/02/08. JS said that the Agenda and supporting papers for the meeting should be posted on the BoP website next Wednesday 20/02/08 (i.e. at least five working days before the meeting).

NS referred to the latest Planning Notice Log (Enforcement Activity report) which accompanied the Agenda and supporting papers for the following day’s Planning Committee meeting and listed a number of cases where individuals had been successfully prosecuted with fines ranging from £100 to £2,500 plus costs..

NS also referred to the Head of Design & Control Services Report on the award of costs in Planning Appeals which refers to costs awarded in the case of 6 Birds Hill Road (Demolish existing and erect a block of 7 flats over 3 floor with associated parking) and 19-21 Munster Road (Demolish existing pair of detached houses and erect two 3-storey blocks of 7 flats each (14 total) with basement parking, cycle & bin stores)

NS said that Members need to have strong planning reasons for refusing an application.

A discussion ensued about whether Planning Officers should make a recommendation to ‘Grant’ or ‘Refuse’ in their report to the Planning Committee as it made it more difficult for the LPA to argue a case before an Inspector with conviction when the Planning Officer’s recommendation had been over-turned by the Committee. It was suggested the reports should go to the Planning Committee without a recommendation either way but NS said that Members needed to be guided by the professional advice of officers.

JS said that he would write the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government for guidance.

Chairman’s Note: By co-incidence, Cllr Graham Wilson raised this issue at the following day’s Planning committee meeting and said the situation wasn’t helped by the fact that officer’s report was stamped in large letters “DECISION OVER-TURNED”. The Chairman, Cllr Mrs Stribley, said that this was a debate for another day” MH said that she knows the Vice-Chairman of Planning in Bournemouth and will ask him about their procedure

JS said that he would include details of various unresolved complaints relating to the area covered by our Assn in the Minutes – see below.

Compliance Date

05/02/07 15 Haig Avenue – Replacement trees required, following unauthorised felling Tree Replacement Notice issued and replant was due to have been pursued last October.

04/06/07 31 Western Ave – Change of ground levels damaging TPO trees. The

Enforcement Notice is being monitored by the Council’s Arboricultural team

Date unknown Plot 2, 20 Flaghead Road (Relief of Condition 16 of Planning Permission 04/29819/001/P granted 28.04.05, concerning fixing and obscure glazing on Plots 3, 4 & 5) – Appeal dismissed and Breach of Condition to be followed up by Planning Enforcement Team.

Date unknown 82 Haven Road – 210(1) TPO Prosecution – date to be fixed

03/08/07 1 The Glen, 166 Canford Cliffs Rd – Unauthorised engineering works Enforcement Notice Engineering works levelling site, which was previously sloping in

character. TPO issues also.

12/12/07 6 Flaghead Road – Temporary Stop Notice Sought Prosecution file passed to legal 07/01/08

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: JS said that he had been contacted about the deep sand blown on to the Promenade from the beach.

JS has also been told that there is serious sand erosion on the beach in front of the houses/apartments on the narrow stretch of Banks Road, prior to reaching the Pavilion

when heading towards Sandbanks. The beach front is now very close to those dwellings.


This has been discussed by the Sandbanks Assn they will pursue the matter with Capital Works Manager. NS said that he would follow-up.

JS said that he would include the text of a note about the sand on the promenade which he had received from the Waste Services Manager on 04/02/08 in the Minutes – see below.

“Please be advised that we have been working on the promenade over the last few weekends including the Christmas and New Year periods to from a clear pathway where possible, similar to the one your correspondent has suggested. In fact we cleared the promenade on Saturday morning the 2nd February, only to incur the storms yesterday, which replaced the sand that had been removed with more dunes.

We accept this is a continual seasonal issue and we will look to rectify this where possible, but it is not possible to clear the promenade on a continual daily basis at this time of year, due to the weather conditions that exist. In terms of resources, we also only bring our main beach cleansing operations on line in advance of the Easter period each year, which is earlier this year than normal, with Good Friday being on the 21st March 2008.

We will endeavour to keep the promenade as clear as possible during this interim period and we also work with our collection crews who have already made us aware of the position you highlight.

Council Tax 2008/09 & Financial Monitoring report: JS said that the 2008/09 Council

Tax rate is expected to be 4.9% but this has still to be ratified by the Full Council at their meeting on 21/02/08.

William Mutlow reported that the Council’s Financial Monitoring Report shows an overspend of £579,000 as 31st Dec.; 50% of the funds earmarked for Capital expenditure had been spent and some had been transferred into next year. The Council’s Financial monitoring is much improved and appreciated. Central Government have announced the amount of their financial support for the next 3 years and the Council are predicting a 5% increase in Council Tax for 2009/10 and 2010/11. There are some new resources available from Central Government, but also new demands and efficiency savings have to be found to get the new resources. Equal pay will cost another £0.5m a year. Funds can be raised by disposal of assets, but once sold cannot be recouped. The current deficit is likely to be offset by higher than expected interest rates.

Poole Partnership: Next meeting of the Steering Group is to be held on 13/03/08.

Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Speeding in Lindsay Road: It was reported in

yesterday’s Daily Echo that the work on the traffic lights at Penn Hill is due to be completed on 28/02/08.

JG asked if anything could be done about speeding in Links Road. TS said that Beat Officers had been provided hand-held laser speed guns. At the moment, motorists are only being issued with a warning notices but the Police plan to get tougher shortly. TS suggested that JG should contact Acting Sgt. Jane Newcombe.

Canford Cliffs Village: JS reported that the planter on the corner of the Southern end of Ravine Road and Haven Road had recently been removed as a result of a motor accident. It seems that a car came out of Ravine Road and crashed into the centre of a Bedford van travelling along Haven Road. The van spun round and hit the planter which was bolted to the ground and pushed it across the pavement to the front of Berkleys Estate Agents. Luckily no pedestrian was injured as the van stopped dead at the kerb. It is now the subject of a Insurance claim.

JS said that he has been informed that Transportation Services checked the lines of sight before the CCTA were allowed to put the planters on the footpath and agreed their current positions.

Skywalk Tower, Sandbanks (Application No. 06/12765/016/F) & proposed Solar Pyramid: JS reported that the demise of the proposed Solar Pyramid was announced at the Cabinet meeting on 10/01/08.

Bus Service to serve Lindsay Road & Penn Hill Ave: Cllr Parker wrote to JS on 13/01/08 “We want a service from Penn Hill Avenue and Lindsay Road into Poole.”


Mobile ‘Phone Masts/Telecommunications masts roll-out procedure: JS said that he would include details of the amended procedures agreed at the Cabinet meeting on 29/01/08 in the Minutes – see below.

• To arrange an invitation for Mobile Operators (or their representative) to attend Area Committee meetings to discuss proposed installations, update on case law and other informative advice relevant to proposed applications.

• To produce a guidance leaflet which explains the broad principles of PPG8, permitted development rights, health considerations and answers commonly asked questions.

• To require a summary table of comments received from consultees, along with a response to those comments and copies of the actual letters to be submitted with an application seeking full planning permission or prior approval.

• To produce and maintain an ‘up-to-date’ mast register.

• To require Operators to submit an electronic map version of the Roll Out plans.

• To require Operators to submit ‘scaled’ photomontages or other illustrations that show the context, appearance and impact of proposed installations.

• To cross reference proposals within the Operator’s Roll Out to ensure consistency and other Operator’s plans to establish where mast sharing opportunities arise.

• To require Operators to submit cell coverage plans which are easy to read and understand.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road No further developments.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – No further developments.

Bessborough Road – MH reported that the moveable bollard probably should not be there, but that there is a need to clarify the matter with the Land Society. It depends on the definition of a Right of Way, the present arrangement allows walking, but not cars.

Update re ‘Branksome Park Conservation Area is at RISK’

Branksome Park Conservation Area JS said that Bill Belshaw had copied him into the letter from the Head of Strategic Planning to a former member of the Assn dated 18/01/08. BB comments that the letter gives some re-assurance but we will keep trying for prescription. JS said that he would include the text of the letter in the Minutes – see below.

Haig Ave & Lawrence Drive – MH is to contact the Head of Strategic Planning to find out if a Special Character Area assessment for Haig Ave & Lawrence Drive carried out by a consultant is acceptable. There is a need to establish this before Lawrence Drive residents approach Phil Smith, who was Poole Council’s Conservation Officer until Sept 2007, who MH believes now works for the Matrix Partnership

The application for 8 flats at 3 Lawrence Drive has been refused. The application for 9 flats in Haig Avenue is being held in abeyance waiting to hear from English Heritage.

Branksome Park Residents Meeting -17 December 2007

I refer to the meeting attended by Peter Jackson, Bill Belshaw and yourself, together with Members and officers, on 17 December 2007. In addition, John McBride has passed me your letter of 19 December and I have attempted to respond to some of the points you make in that.

At the meeting it was agreed that I would write to you, setting out the relationship between

general and site-specific Local Plan policies and confirmation of the Council’s commitment to protection of Conservation Area character. Your loophole concern arises from what you perceive as a conflict and I hope that my explanation below puts your mind at rest.

Local Plan policies essentially fall into two categories; general and site-specific. Site-specific policies relate to sites or areas of land identified on the Proposals Map of the Plan. They are used when:

• The Plan is making specific development proposals for an area; or

• Site-specific policies need to be applied to an area(s) should planning applications be submitted. This usually, but not always, means that designated areas require some form of protection, whether that be of their use or character.


General policies are used when Borough-wide coverage is required and in circumstances where the future submission of planning applications cannot be predicted.

I can confirm that where there is a potential for conflict between a general and a site-

specific policy it is the latter that will take precedence. At the meeting you cited Local Plan

Policy H32 as generally allowing conversions of building to rest and nursing homes, subject to certain character and environmental safeguards. Policy BE23, on the other hand, indicates that for the Branksome Park and other named Conservation Areas, development should be restricted to single household detached dwellings, with supporting reasoned justification in paragraph 5.89. In this case, it is Policy BE23 that would take precedence.

At the meeting, John McBride also confirmed the Council’s continued commitment to the necessary protection of the Borough’s Conservation Areas as stated in the Poole Local Plan. You acknowledge this commitment in your letter. Necessary policy protection will of course vary from case to case, depending on the character of the Conservation Area concerned. We agreed at the meeting that ft would not be appropriate to have blanket Conservation Area policies because what might be acceptable in the Quay Conservation Area might not be acceptable in Branksome Park.

I have also indicated that the Council will be reviewing policies through the emerging Local Development Framework and that the Site Specific Local Development Document is the appropriate vehicle for revised Conservation Area policies. As part of that process we will engage with you in looking at the potential for greater policy prescription, assessing

whether that is practical and desirable. Again, you welcome this engagement. However, I cannot offer the hope of an interim policy; we have a reasonably up-to-date Local Plan and with the LDF now underway, an interim policy would be untested and would carry very little weight. Whilst I understand that you would prefer the greater certainty that you consider would follow prescription, the existing policy already gives Members and case officers the ability to refuse proposals that would adversely affect the character of the conservation area.

I note your comments about the relative merits of prescription and flexibility but, under the new Planning system, these will be weighed by an independent Inspector and his conclusions will be binding.

You refer to two other issues in your letter: the relative size of existing and proposed dwellings in the Conservation Area; and the question of demolition in advance of a planning permission for a replacement proposal. With regard to the former, my understanding is that Peter Watson is doing a piece of work on this. In respect of the latter, your interpretation is correct and I can only assume that your colleague must have misinterpreted Peter’s advice.

I hope this is the assurance you required.”


Possible Charitable Status for Assn: No further developments.


KA reported that…

3 Lawrence Drive (Block of 8 apartments with underground parking) – This application has been refused due to tree concerns and privacy issues relating to the neighbour at 4 Lawrence Drive. The applicant will either re-submit or appeal… so watch this space.

18 Buccleuch Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect 2 detached dwellings with

integral garages) – Letter of objection on behalf of Assn lodged on 14/01/08.

17-19 Torbay Road (Outline application to demolish existing and erect a

terrace of 7 houses and 1 detached house with parking and access from Torbay Road) – & 19 Torbay Road (Outline application to demolish existing and erect a terrace of 7 houses and 1 detached house with parking from Torbay Road)applications refused on 31/01/08.

31 Western Avenue (Demolish existing dwelling and erect new dwelling with integral garage (Revised Scheme) application refused on 10/01/08.

4 Brudenell Avenue (Outline application to demolish existing dwelling and erect two 3/4

storey houses) Application registered on 22/01/08. KA has drafted a letter of objection..

3 Westminster Road (Demolition of existing dwelling and erect 3 storey block of 8 flats

with basement parking to be accessed from Westminster Road) – Application granted by Planning Committee on 27/09/07. Earlier application for 9 flats subject to Appeal


Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/2047001) on grounds of Non-Determination to be held on 27/02/08 in the Council Chamber at 10.00am.

4 Nairn Road (Erect two detached houses with integral garages. (Revised Scheme)

Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/2049008) provisionally fixed for 12/03/08.

Canford Cliffs, Promenades 1 & 2 & Vacant plot of land to the west of Branksome Chine Car Park (Construction of 62 new beach huts) – The application registered on 22/01/08 is still for a two storey block which is contrary to NE25 which states that “Development or redevelopment of beach huts or chalets on existing raised sites behind

the promenade shall not exceed one storey in height”. A Poole resident has written to JS “I hope your Association will give consideration to this and the ward’s Councillors will investigate the position concerning the costs arising out of what appears to a further flawed application by our Local Authority.” MH will investigate.

TS asked about 12 St Clair Road. JS said that it was his understanding that the “Stop Notice” expired on 31 January 2008, but there is a voluntary agreement with Ravine not to work on site until their current Application as been considered by the Planning Officer.

TS also referred to

150 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing building and erect 1 No block of 9 x 3 bed flats with associated parking, bin and cycle storage – subject to Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/2045273) on 04/03/08.

1 – 3 Compton Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats & 1 maisonette with basement parking (Revised Scheme) – Letter of objection lodged by Southern Poole Chairmens’ Liaison Group on 08/02/08. KA has drafted a letter of objection on behalf of the Assn and JS will lodge this in the next day or two.

Roy Pointer referred to 10 & 12 Wilderton Road. No 10 (Demolish existing dwelling and

erect replacement dwelling) is subject to a Planning Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/08/2061619 & APP/Q1255/A/08/206120) The date for final comments is 26/03/08. Revised application No: 08/39726/001/F) re No. 12 (Demolish existing and erect a two/three storey replacement detached house. (Revised scheme) registered on 18/01/08.

SA referred to 40 Lakeside Road (Demolish existing and erect 1 x 5-bed house and convert garage to office & storage) A previous application a few years ago for a chiropractic surgery was refused, but concerned that change of use from garage to offices may open up possibilities for this type of use. New building is also very close to boundary of adjacent properties..


Other current planning issues

7 Haig Avenue

(a) Outline application to demolish existing dwelling & annex and erect 3 detached houses – Application registered on 20/03/07 and was due to be determined at the Planning

Committee on 24/01/08 but deferred at last minute..

(b) Block of 9 flats with underground parking Application registered on 12/12/07 and was due to be determined at the Planning Committee on 24/01/08 but withdrawn.

46-48 Tower Road (Erect a 2 – 5 storey block of 14 flats with basement parking) – awaiting Inspector’s decision following Planning inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/07/2055901) on 12/02/08.

12 St Clair Road (Erection of 2 x 4-bed detached dwellings with associated parking and rear vehicular access from St Clair Road. (Revised Scheme) – application registered on 28/01/08. Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/07/2049975) against earlier refusal withdrawn on 14/01/08.

9 Ravine Road (Erect 2 detached dwellings with basement floors (as amended by plans received 15.01.08) – application granted 24/01/08.

19 – 21 Munster Road (Erect two 3-storey blocks of 7 flats each (14 total) with basement parking, cycle & bin stores) – Appeal allowed and costs awarded against the Council.

103 Lilliput Road

(a) Demolition of existing dwelling and redevelop with 2½ storey flatted block of 7 units, associated access and parking (as amended by plans received 18.10.07) – subject to

Written Representations appeal (APP/Q1255/A/07/2058028). The date for final comments was 16/01/08.

(b) Demolition of existing dwelling and its redevelopment with a 2½ storey flatted block

comprising 7 dwelling units, associated access and parking (revised scheme).– Application


registered on 23/01/08.

138 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolition of existing and erection of three detached

dwellings with integral garages) – application refused on 23/01/08. NB Outline consent

to demolish existing and erect 3 dwellings and garages was granted on 31/08/07.

146 & 148 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing dwellings and erect a 3-storey block

of 12 flats with basement parking) ‘Written representations’ Appeal dismissed on 15/01/08.

18 Balcombe Road (Demolish existing and erect a part 2/part 3-storey block of 7 flats

with basement parking and bin store. As amended by plans received 09.11.06.) – appeal dismissed on 08/01/08.

27 Chaddesley Glen

(a) Erect 12 beach huts and create access to Public Right of Way. (Amended Plans altering the application site received 7.12.06) – application withdrawn.

(b) Add a rooftop bedroom to top flat – Appeal allowed.

1 Westminster Road East (Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 2 No. four bedroom detached properties with associated vehicular accesses, parking and landscaping)Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 22/11/07.

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An

entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

6 Tower Road West (Erect a 2-storey side extension to create an additional 4

self-contained flats with associated parking) – Awaiting Inspector’s decision following Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/2038901) on 05/02/08.

5 Durrant Road

(a) Erect 5 storey block of 8 flats) – Appeal dismissed on 20/12/07

(b) Demolish existing and erect a 4 storey block of 8 flats with basement garage accessed

from Durrant Road. As amended by information received 02/10/07 and plans received 28/06/07, 11/07/07 and 17/09/07 – subject to ‘Written representations’ Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/08/2062977) The date for final comments is 12/03/08

16-18 Durrant Road

(a) Demolish existing and erect two 4 storey blocks each of 6 x 2 bed flats (12 in total)

with associated access and car parking) – ‘Written representations’ Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/07/2054198) withdrawn.

(b) Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with single linked basement garage.– Application registered on 24/01/08.

1, 2 & 3 Alington Close & 2a & 2b Shore Road (Demolish existing and erect 6 x two / three storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking, accessed off Alington Close and associated works and landscaping. (Amended scheme) – Application registered 17/12/07. Considerable opposition.

1-3 Chaddesley Glen (Outline application to demolish nos. 1 & 3 Chaddesley Glen and construct 14 apartments with basement parking. Accessed from Chaddesley Glen) – subject to Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/07/2056180) – date to be announced. The date for final comments was 28/12/07.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – subject to Written Representation appeal (GOSW Ref SW/THM/8147/1038)

4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE JD reported that the audit for 2007 had been completed. Year end funds £34,535. Cash position to end of January £36,463.50.


BPCCRA Spring 2008 Magazine – JG said that material required by the end of this month.

Meeting with representatives of You Home – JS reported that Terry Stewart, Keith Alcroft and JS had met Adrian Black and Jeremy Priestley of You Home on 31/01/08.

KA introduced this item by advising members that You Home are Estate Agents and have recently opened an office in Bournemouth. They do not currently have an office in the area covered by the Assn and KA suggested that their approach to the Assn might be simply to get a foothold in this area.

You Home would like to advertise in our magazine and include an ‘Advertorial’ It was felt that this might cause problems with our existing Estate Agent advertisers, namely

Berkeleys and Key Drummond who have always had the front and back inside cover pages. You Home would be willing to pay for these pages, if necessary, and pay a commuted sum to cover the next few years. KA said that it was not entirely clear how the Assn would benefit from information that was not already available.


AB stated that he believed that You Home had a lot to offer the residents of Canford Cliffs by trying to make property transactions more transparent. Their intent was to offer ‘an olive branch’ to the Assn, who they feel would benefit by the information that they could make available

SA and others were concerned that the magazine should not be used to promote one Estate Agent.

TS suggested that AB should submit an article for editorial assessment, this was agreed..

Branksome Beach Restaurant – JS said that he had been approached by Resource Advertising to ask if they might be able to purchase the Assn’s data base. JS said that the restaurant re-opened on 04/02/08

SA said that he had taken legal advice when the Data Protection Act came in to force and, at present, the list of members is totally confidential and should only be available to the auditor or an officer.

NS was not aware of the law, but passing on a name without permission could quite possibly be illegal and would, in any case, create a precedent.

BH pointed out the danger of the list being sold on.

It was agreed that selling the list of members was outside the rules of the Assn.

Chairman’s note: The following article appeared in Daily Echo dated 14/01/08.

Cooking up something

Branksome Beach restaurant has been granted planning permission to alter its landmark building by installing state-of-the-art windows into its first floor terrace area to make the most of the stunning views over Poole Bay, the Purbecks and the Isle of Wight.

The restaurant at Branksome Chine will have a fresh new look on the first floor. In addition to the new windows, the interior is to be completely redecorated and terrace bar refurbished. The ground-floor open-plan kitchen will be re-furbished with Charvet kitchen equipment. Outside both terraces will enjoy new furniture.

Branksome Beach’s general manager Nadine Frost said: “The restaurant will close for a short period of lime so work can be completed quickly. We will close from January 7 until February 4 and will re-open not only with a brand new look but also a new spring menu.”

Branksome Beach has employed local interior designer, Mirco Design.

16 Torbay Road – Diana Rogers advised that an Enforcement Notice has been issued but JS said that, as far as he could recall, this does not appear on the Planning Notices Log.

JS to follow up with the Planning Enforcement Officer.

Poole Sports Centre – John Gunton asked if council could help ensure the future of the Sports Centre in the Dolphin Centre. NS pointed out that the Sports Centre has never been owned or run by the council.

Parkstone & Newtown Area Committee meeting (06/02/08) – William Mutlow reported on this meeting and said that the play area at Whitecliff Recreation Ground is to be improved at a cost of £200,000 which will come from Planning Obligations money. 30m cable zip wires are to introduced for use by all

Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS25) Development and Flood Risk – Ben Hurley referred to Planning Inquiry which he had attended the previous day re 46-48 Tower Road, where the appellants tried to justify the need for the proposed 14 flats in view of the restriction on other development in flood risk areas in Poole.

62 Haven Road – Ben Hurley alleged that there had been unauthorised felling of pine

trees at this site – logs there now. Application No. 07/04207/010/R granted 28/06/07 includes permission to fell T3 – a split stem pine only

Traffic signs at Westbourne Giratory – Ben Hurley wondered why traffic for the Beaches is directed down The Avenue rather than along Lindsay Road and up Canford Cliffs Road


which is has a much wider carriageway.

Possible meeting with Head of Strategic Planning – Roy Pointer reminded JS that it had been agreed that we would ask the Head of Strategic Planning to attend a meeting and JS was actioned to make this arrangement.

JS closed the meeting at 8.50pm.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is on Wednesday 12th March 2008 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)