PRESENT: Terry Stewart (TS) President

John Sprackling (JS) Chairman

Carol Parkin (CP) Secretary

John Gunton (JG) Magazine Editor

Cllr Mrs May Haines (MH) Canford Cliffs Ward Councillor

Cllr Tony Woodcock Parkstone Ward Councillor

25 Members/Wardens


JS welcomed those present

Apologies: Apologies received from Wayne Hancock, Mike Parkin, Keith

Alcroft, Roger Allen.& Brian Lockwood

Accuracy: JS said would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the

meeting held on 11 FEBRUARY 2015..




Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported..

1. Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments
2. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
3. Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto
4. Old Orchard House – ditto
5. Land at West Quay Road ditto

Terry Stewart reported that Poole Quays Forum had had a meeting with Richard Carr about 27 – 31 West Quay Road (Outline proposal for the demolition of the existing premises and the erection of a part 13, part 5 storey mixed use building comprising of a cafe (A3 use) / commercial unit (B1 use) / restaurant (A3 use) and 64 residential apartments(C3 use) with associated access and underground parking.

Poole Quays Forum still maintains total opposition to these proposals. TS will circulate the details of the objection and would encourage as many people as possible to object. Chairman’s note: The Vision for Poole Group’s letter of objection is circulated with these Minutes.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

Victoria Education Centre ( Landscaping to the new entrance) No new developments
Martello Corner, Martello Road (also known as 83 Canford Cliffs Road) –(Change of use of residential garage to dentists surgery} -.The Council

Planning Enforcement team are progressing this matter, albeit, slowly. 16 Western Avenue (Erection of Single Storey Garden Room) – The appeal is being validated – it is, currently, taking longer for the Planning Inspectorate to validate appeals.

Community Working Group (CWG): Next meeting is the Annual General Meeting on 18 March 2015. The Association is still looking for a volunteer to replace Terry Stewart. All are encouraged to attend the AGM.

TS gave a brief description of the responsibilities of the CWG – they deal with Planning management, policies, theories and new Government legislation.

Council Budget Monitoring report (2014/15) & 2015/16 Budget: JS said that the next Council Budget Monitoring Report (1 April to 31 March 2015) is unlikely to be presented to Cabinet until June 2015.

Public Rights of Way

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No new developments.
Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto
Bessborough Road – ditto

Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): No new developments. WH

Community Engagement: No new developments JS/TS

Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm: Roy Pointer apologised for his absence, due to the need to send in final representations to the Planner Inspectorate today, as the Examination closed at midnight.

RP had sent a note to JS in which he reported that there would now be a three month period for the panel to make a report to the Secretary of State (Ed Davey) and he has a further three months to make a decision. He alone makes the decision. There is still a record level of interest and opposition to the project which is unprecedented in the history of wind farms in UK.

Meanwhile, PCBA has produced some postcards for circulation with Pines and Chines encouraging people to write to the CEO of Electricite de France giving their own views on the devastation the project would cause to the local environment and tourism without saving any carbon dioxide simply because of the need for constant back up from fossil fuels. We hope all members will write in.

Postcards will be included in the next issue of the Association’s ‘Pines and Chines magazine’ which will be distributed in April. These postcards will also be available from UKIP’s local office at 185 Bournemouth Road, Parkstone.

Further information is, as always, available on the saveourdorsetseaside.co.uk web site. A further update will be given next month.

Road Safety concerns: Burton Road, Canford Cliffs Road & Accident at junction of Leicester Road, Bury Road and Wilderton Road – JG reported

that ‘the lorry’ is no longer on Burton Road.

Cllr MH said that there will soon be a Pelican Crossing on Canford Cliffs Road opposite Compton Acres.

JG reported that the Speed Monitoring Group is very active. During their hour on Canford Cliffs Road in January, twelve of the passing cars were recorded exceeding the speed limit. Since then there has been police presence on this road because of the data reported to them by the Speed Monitoring Group.

Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan SPD)

Cllr MH said that as this does not come under any committees that she normally sits on, so was unable to comment on this.

JS said that he had attended last Wednesday’s Poole Beach Hut Association’s

AGM at which the two guest speakers were, Bruce Grant-Braham, the

Chairman of the Poole Tourism Partnership and Anthony Rogers, Recreation

Manager, Borough of Poole. Mr Grant-Braham referred to the Tourism Strategy

For Poole 2006-2015 which needs updating. The Council contributes 60% to

the Partnership expenditure and the balance is paid for by Members.

Mr Rogers said that the new Beach Huts at Flaghead, Branksome Chine & Branksome Dene Chine should be completed by July 2015. The Council is looking into the feasibility of more huts.

One interesting point was that when the Council first started short term lets there were 99 beach huts available – this is now down to 55. It appears that they have finally come to realise that Long Term Let is more profitable for them as they do not have the associated expenditure of Short Term Let.

The installation of CCTV along the promenade should be completed by the end of this month.

Bob Lister on Poole Beach Huts Association reported that they had suggested to the Council that they installed solar powered lighting along the promenade.

JS said that he gets the impression that Sustaining Poole’s Seafront SPD is no longer a priority. Cllr MH says that ‘it is going through the system’.

Bob Lister feels that the installation of ‘overnight pods’ may create a problem, the same as Party Houses.

Cllr. MH has written to the Council expressing BL’s fears and that this will go through the system.

‘Party houses’ – As Steve & Jen Cameron are spending a year in Spain, JS asked Colin Brade if he would be prepared to take over their role – it was agreed to discuss this after the meeting.

Colin Brade who is the Association’s representative at Parkbury, said that a flat had recently sold at the asking price despite the potential buyers wanting a discount because of the ‘party house’ problem,

Chairman’s note: I am told that the lady who bought a flat fought hard for a lower price and eventually got a £2,000 discount.

Cllr MH says that the Council is gearing up for complaints once the season begins at Easter, but that the main operator of these houses is beginning to move into Bournemouth.

Cllr TW says that the Council are going to try to change the law so that there is the capability of re-classifying these houses, so that they are a different type of residence showing that they are available for short term party use. This will take some time, but it is hoped that it will eventually alleviate the problem.


Succession planning: JS said that he now served as Chairman for 12 years and feels that it is time to ‘hang up his boots’ and for the Association to look for ‘new blood’ The earliest magazine he holds is Autumn 1984 (No 21) and it seems the previous longest serving Chairman was the late Ralph Dymond

(1992 to 1997). Terry Stewart has written an article on the subject of recruitment in the Association’s Spring 2015 ‘Pines & Chines’ magazine.


Pine Drive – MH said that she is continuing to ‘chase’ the relevant officers. MH Uniting the Conurbation (Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch) – JS announced that the supporters’ meeting will take place on Monday, 13th April 2015 at 7.30pm at the Wessex Room of Wessex Hotel, West Cliff Road,

Bournemouth BH2 5EU.


Martin Heath expressed concern about the formation of the Dorset Leaders Growth Board (DLGB), which will cover the whole of urban and rural Dorset.

The DLGB has already taken its first steps but, so far, there appears to have been no consultation and Martin wondered just how many Poole and Bournemouth councillors know what’s going on.

Chairman’s Note: A North Dorset District Councillor writes

The danger is that the Dorset Growth Board will now ‘bounce’ the whole of urban and rural Dorset into accepting an over-arching Combined Authority while preserving our existing creaky institutions.


The question is whether the Growth Board cronies can persuade all nine existing councils to swallow their line by falsely saying “There Is No Alternative.” Regarding the question of DLEP (Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership) and the funding of local development projects, the Cities Growth Commission reported last October: ”“The Local Growth Deals announced in July 2014 were initially intended to enable single pot financing of strategic economic priorities agreed by LEPs and local authorities. By the time they had been through the Whitehall machine, they amounted to little more than central government approval of finance and delivery of specific local projects that happened to align with ministerial priorities. Such centralisation veiled as localism needs to stop.”

The ‘bottom line’ is of course that our rural and urban growth areas have hugely differing needs. And while you see the need for a single unitary authority for rural Dorset, UTC (Uniting the Conurbation) is making an unanswerable case for a single unitary authority for the conurbation!”

Refreshing the Core Strategy and review of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – The Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Area Committee meeting on 11 February 2015 was very poorly attended.

One of the Agenda items was a presentation on the review of (a) Poole’s Core Strategy and (b) the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

The Core Strategy is currently being refreshed which, principally, involves deciding on how to increase house building to 700 per year – either by increasing housing density, expanding into the Green Belt – or building upwards. The consultation closes on 31 March 2015 and a final draft of the plan will be published for comment (known as the ‘Pre-Submission’) in Autumn 2015.

As JS mentioned at the last meeting, the CIL review is also underway. The Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule proposes a CIL rate per sqm of £1,300 for Sandbanks and £370 for Branksome Park & Lilliput – the current rate is £150.

‘Pines & Chines’ Spring 2015 magazine – The draft magazine is being circulated for proof reading and it is hoped that this will be available for distribution in early April 2015. JS feels that the distribution of the magazines ought to be handled as speedily as possible because of the up-coming AGM. However, asking people to collect the bundles from his house hadn’t worked as well as thought, and that this time he will contact those concerned by e mail.


Withdrawal of various bus services – At a Portfolio Holder Decision meetingheld on 23 February 2015, the following changes affecting the buses in this area were agreed…

Route 50 Mondays to Saturdays (Winter)

*Following detailed negotiations, Go South Coast have said that they will continue to operate this service without the Borough of Poole funding.

Route 50 Sundays (Winter)

*Following detailed negotiations, Go South Coast have said that they will continue to operate this service without the Borough of Poole funding.

Route 20 Mondays to Saturdays and Route 52 Mondays to Saturdays


The consultation highlighted the high level of duplication of these services between Lilliput and Poole with services operating 3 minutes apart. Following detailed negotiations, Go South Coast have said that they will continue to

No further action operate this service without the Borough of Poole funding (£16,200) if the route of the Yellow Buses 20 service is varied to remove as much as possible of the duplication.

The Yellow Buses Route 20 currently operates between Sandecotes Road and Ashley Cross via Compton Avenue, Lilliput Road, Sandbanks Road, Elgin Road, Pottery Road, Sandbanks Road and Britannia Road (Salterns Road on outward journey).

The original proposal put to the Route & Branch group was to cut out the section of route between Compton Avenue and Pottery Road and instead run from Sandecotes Road to Pottery Road via Alton Road and Conifer Avenue.

The group asked that Yellow Buses be contacted to request the following variation to this proposal: from Sandecotes Road then via Alton Road, Broadwater Avenue, Pottery Road, Elgin Road, Sandbanks Road then as current route. This variation would benefit any passengers wishing to access

Lilliput Doctors’ Surgery and provide a new all-year round service to Whitecliff. Yellow Buses have agreed to amend the route variation to include Broadwater Avenue but will not agree to taking the service off Pottery Road. This is due to the additional mileage involved, the relatively few passengers they have identified using route 20 to access Lilliput Surgery and the number of passengers on Pottery Road travelling to/from areas not served by the Wilts & Dorset 52 route.

The benefits of this are the £16,200 saving by not supporting the GSC winter 52 contract and the more direct service (with shorter journey time) for through passengers. The disadvantage of this option is the removal of the bus from Compton Avenue. However, this section of route does not have high bus usage.

Of 953 passenger journeys surveyed on route 20, only 24 (2.5%) involved passengers boarding or alighting on Compton Avenue. These passengers would need to access route 20 at the stop on Sandecotes Road or alternatively access route 52 on Lilliput Road. Passengers currently using route 20 on Lilliput Road, the section of Sandbanks Road between Lilliput and Elgin Road, and on Elgin Road, would no longer have the 20 service but would have route 52. Passengers from these roads wishing to travel to Bournemouth and Castlepoint would need a change of bus (either at the Civic Centre onto frequent services or onto the less frequent 50 at Canford Cliffs). 63 (6.6%) passenger journeys have been identified as being affected by this.


JS reported that no representations had been lodged by the Association during the past month.

Other current planning issues

142 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolition of existing dwelling, the erection of 3 detached dwellings, the development and creation of additional access, and associated landscaping) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Association on 17 December 2014

146 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing chalet bungalow erect a 4-storey, with roof garden and basement parking (6 storeys in total) comprising 10 self contained flats) – Application refused on 30 July 2014 but is now subject to ‘Written representations’ appeal lodged on 27 August 2014. Still awaiting Inspector’s Decision letter.

2 Burton Road (Certificate of Lawfulness of existing use of building as a separate unit of residential accommodation) – Original application withdrawn but new application was registered on 12 January 2015.

16 Western Avenue (Erect Single Storey Garden Room (Partly Retrospective) Application refused by Planning Committee on 20 January 2015.



16 Nairn Road (Demolition of existing three storey house and replacement with new three storey house) – Letter of objection lodged by the Association on 01

December 2014 but application granted on 15 January 2015.

Norfolk Lodge Hotel, 1 Flaghead Road (Demolition of existing buildings and the construction of 18 apartments with basement car parking, landscaping, access and associated services) – Application registered on 26 September 2014. CCLS is taking professional advice with a view to formulating objections..

Compton Acres, Canford Cliffs Road (Erection of building comprising 20 Apartments with basement parking; re-arrangement for the existing Compton Acres parking area, and demolition of the existing office building set within the current car park) – This site has been acquired by Ortus Homes a subsidiary of

McCarthy & Stone.

5. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS reported that the total Association funds as at 28 February 2015 amounted to £34,417.25. The accounts to 31 December 2014 have been signed off by Schofields. JS thanked Schofields and Paul Fearnley.



‘Hustings’ for May’s General/Local Elections – This event will take place at All Saints Church Hall, Western Road at 7.30pm on Wednesday 29 April 2015 – all prospective MPs have agreed to attend, although the Vicar of All Saints is still waiting to hear from Robert Syms.

JS said that he planned to invite the prospective Canford Cliffs Ward Councillors to our meeting on 08 April 2015. In order to ensure equal allocation of time between the participants, the prospective candidates will be allowed to speak for two minutes in order to outline their hopes/aims and we will not allow follow-up questions, although candidates will have an opportunity to meet members at the end of the meeting.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting will be on Wednesday 08th April 2015 at Committee Room (formerly Lounge), Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road)

The meeting closed at 8.30pm.

Summer 2014 Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter

Watch Coffee Morning at the Haven Hotel Friday 12th September 10.30am 12noon

Come to this popular annual event and meet members of Neighbourhood Watch and local Police officers. £2 entrance donation (includes Coffee, Tea & Biscuits)
The Safer Neighbourhood Team Police officers will attend to answer your questions on policing matters and give free advice on home security and personal safety.
Browse around the various stalls and stands of local groups, charities, clubs, associations & businesses. Everyone welcome
(Haven Hotel, 161 Banks Road, Poole BH13 7QL)

Watch Information Centre

Visit the Canford Cliffs Library on the first Friday of every month 10.30am12noon.
Meet a member of Neighbourhood Watch and a local Police officer. Speak to them about any issues or concerns about local safety. Ask for advice on home security. Discuss problems informally. There is a small stock of safety & security items.

Small free shortterm car park at the side of the library.

Please download the Newsletter here: Branksome-Park-Canford-Cliffs-Neighbourhood-Watch-Newsletter-2014-Summer

Canford Cliffs Conservation Area Change

Poole Council are proposing to alter the conservation status of certain roads in the area. Their full report is available here:  http://www.boroughofpoole.com/planning-and-buildings/urban-design-and-conservation/heritage-conservation-areas-and-listed-buildings/

On 29th of July 2014 local residents held a meeting to discuss this proposal and the minutes of this meeting follow.


PRESENT: Terry Stewart (TS) John Sprackling (JS)

Chairman Vice-Chairman Membership Secretary

Hon Secretary Magazine Editor

Canford Cliffs Ward Councillor

Senior Urban Design and Conservation Officer Planning Policy & Implementation Manager

Wayne Hancock (WH) Michael Parkin (MP) Carol Parkin (CP) John Gunton (JG)

Cllr Neil Sorton (NS)

Aliis Kodis (AK) Nigel Jacobs (NJ)

Approx 70 Members/residents

1, Introduction

JS began by thanking everyone for their attendance and introduced Aliis Kodis. Senior Urban Design and Conservation Officer and Nigel Jacobs, Senior Urban Design and Conservation Officer.

2. Presentations by Nigel Jacobs (NJ), Planning Policy & Implementation Manager & Aliis Kodis (AK) Senior Urban Design and Conservation Officer.

NJ began by thanking the Association for the invitation to give a presentation on the proposed changes to the Canford Cliffs Conservation Area and explained the general context as to why it was thought these were necessary.

AK then covered the following issues (A copy of AK’s presentation will be circulated with these Minutes)

1. What Conservation Area designation seeks to preserve and what constitutes ‘Special Interest’

2. The purpose of the Review

3. Current Policy relating to the existing conservation areas

4. The areas we surveyed

5. The two main issues to emerge from the consultation so far:

· the suggestion to de-designate the Beach Road conservation area, and

· the suggestion to remove Canford Cliffs Road from the Branksome Park conservation area

6. The suggested new approach to dealing with planning applications in Branksome Park

3. Question & Answer session

Q What are the intentions re Pinecliffe Road?

A Pinecliffe Road will stay in the Conservation Area.

Q If the speed limit in Canford Cliffs Road is 30mph how does it get to be designated as a ‘fast’ road?

A It is a wide road and people do speed down there.

A discussion followed about the fact that this road should be designated a ‘fast’ road, as the speed limit was definitely 30mph. Others referred to other roads within Branksome Park where the 30mph speed limit is not observed such as Western Ave and why Canford Cliffs Road, in particular, should be described a

a ‘fast’ road.

Q What exactly is being gained by removing Canford Cliffs Road from the Branksome Park Conservation Area (BPCA)?

A After surveying it, this particular road is not ‘characteristic’ to the rest of the BPCA.

NJ said that Planning Applications not approved by the Council are constantly being overturned by the Inspectorate on Appeal and the Council is aware that by not updating their outdated policy they are vulnerable to having costs awarded against them.

A resident asked for an example and AK cited an example of where the Council’s decision had been overturned because the Inspectorate didn’t agree with the reasons for refusal, but couldn’t remember which specific property this was.

Chairman’s note: This case may be the allowed appeal against 08/25076/009/F (Alterations to existing access and erection of entrance gates and piers) 79 Canford Cliffs Road. Both sides claimed costs, but none were awarded.

Harry Alexander raised the legal aspect and said that, if Poole Council followed the Conservation process in its due form i.e. not taking money for the application then the Planning Application could be decided by the Council without having to go forward to the Inspectorate.

NJ disagreed strongly. He said that the reasons for re-designating some of the Conservation Areas is so that the Council’s policy is ‘robust’.

Q How are the residents to know where the Branksome Park Conservation Area begins and ends, if the natural boundary of Canford Cliffs Road is not used.

A Any resident affected by any changes would be notified by the Council. Q What is simpler than having a long straight road as the boundary.
A A long straight line, though logical, only makes sense if it works.

Q What’s to stop flats being built towards Penn Hill end or further up Canford Cliffs Road as the Council has already allowed the building of flats on Canford Cliffs Road near Compton Acres on both sides of the road.

A Council policy is not to allow flats to be built in a road consisting predominantly of houses.

A resident stated that blocks of flats are creeping along Canford Cliffs Road and this is being driven by developers. It seems to him that, when the Conservation. Area status is removed the Eastern side of Canford Cliffs Road, this will lead inexorably to more flats and that the Council’s proposed changes are being driven by the fear of litigation and costs. None of the proposed changes are going to be of benefit to the residents

This statement was greeted with a large round of applause.

In response, NJ replied ‘I’ll take this as a statement’ – the resident then asked ‘who is going to benefit from this change?’

A Repeated that the Council has to have justification for keeping things as they are.

Q Once again, what is driving this change?

NJ said that, at this stage, the changes are only a proposal. The boundary review proposal is a consequence of an assessment of the conservation area against the criteria for designating such areas.

Another resident said that, in 21 years, there has been no change to the Eastern side of Canford Cliffs Road, except to No.1, and once again, what is driving this decision as it is of no benefit whatsoever to the residents

One member couldn’t see why the Northern side of Lindsay Road, which had a higher density of traffic than Canford Cliffs Road should remain in the Conservation Area, whilst Canford Cliffs Road should be taken out.

A It is felt that the general character of Lindsay Road made it worth maintaining in the Conservation Area, despite the traffic.

Q As there are only six properties in Western Avenue which are classified in the Survey report that are deemed to be ‘positive’ and everything else is deemed ‘negative’ and, as there is also a fair amount of ‘fast’ traffic, when does this road lose its Conservation Area status?

A It is not necessarily the buildings alone in Branksome Park that are important, but the general character. You will find that there is a lot of green in Western Avenue.

A resident retorted that “There is also a lot of green on Canford Cliffs Road”.

Q What are we trying to preserve if an Inspector cannot see it from the road, and is therefore not interested. There are several houses on Canford Cliffs Road that are worthy of preserving, despite what the Council’s Survey report says. “I don’t agree with your survey at all.”

It was pointed out that the findings in the Council’s Survey report were not consistent with what is physically there and some worthy buildings had been scored negatively.

Once again – what are they trying to conserve.

A In terms of Conservation Area status, one has to be able to see the buildings from the public highway. If they are not seen they are not adding to the public amenities of the area, therefore they do not score and thus appear negatively.

A resident pointed out that, if the Council remove the Eastern side of Canford Cliffs Road from the Conservation Area, it is ‘leaving the door wide open’ for another Planning decision to be appealed against and then there will be another block of flats on Canford Cliffs Road and that will erode the character of the area. So far, the character of the road has NOT been eroded. Since 1981, when the Conservation Area was first introduced, there has been very little change to the Eastern side.

The Beach Road Conservation Area (BRCA) was then raised and a resident said that the BRCA was a woodland so why must that be taken out of the Cons. Area.

A Landscape alone is not a reason for designating a Conservation Area.

A member pointed out that Beach Road Car Park is unpopular because the road has to be crossed to access the beach, and there have been several accidents on this road.

Q Are trees on Council-owned land subject to TPOs. A No. not normally.

A resident stated that the only thing wrong with Beach Road Car Park is the lack of proper signage.

NJ agreed and said that he would be taking that up with Transportation Services again.

Aimee Alexander stated that, by sacrificing these Conservation Areas, the whole vista as seen from the Harbour will be changed, and all the years of hard work to put these Conservation Areas in place will be sacrificed at one stroke.

Q Why was Beach Road designated as a Conservation Area in 1990 and now it is proposed to be de-designated.

A The Council view is that it appears to have been designated purely for landscape reasons, and the view now is that it doesn’t justify Conservation Area status.

NJ said that he was not saying that the Council does not value the area as a verdant pleasant area, but that it just does not meet the criteria as a Conservation Area.

A resident stated that, because of the difficulty actually finding Beach Road Car Park, tourists are put off visiting the area and move on.

Bertie Bowman asks if he may call on the Council to arrange a similar meeting for the Lilliput and Neighbourhood Association.

Q If Compton Acres is removed from the Conservation Area doesn’t this leave it open for this to be the next housing development.

A The reason it is proposed that this area be removed from Conservation Area status is that it is already a Grade ii Park and Garden, which actually provides it with more protection than Conservation Area status. The Council feel there is no need for this duplication.

Q So are you saying that the protection status will be no worse than presently.

A Correct

Q If you ignore the residents’ opinions on these issues is there any comfort you can give us that the three-quarter acre rule of the Covenants in Branksome Park will afford us some protection.

A Planning consent may be gained, but it may not be able to be implemented, as release from the Covenant will be required.

Q Will those of us who have a three-quarter acre plot on the Eastern side of Canford Cliffs Road still be protected from a neighbour wishing to split his plot because of the Covenant, should the Conservation Area status be taken away.

A Yes.

JS intervened at this point and said that, as many of the Covenants had been varied & waived over the years, he thought not and made reference to the Lands Tribunal case involving McCarthy & Stone, 14/14A The Avenue and (The) Branksome Park Association Ltd. As he understood it, the case was dismissed as (The) Branksome Park Association Ltd did not contest this. NJ thanked JS for his clarification on this matter.

Chairman’s note: I’ve always understood it to be the case that, if the Local Planning Authority give consent to a Planning Application, the Lands Tribunal will not over-rule this unless there is an overwhelming reason for doing so.

Q What is the reason for taking Beach Road out of the Conservation Area

A The flats do not meet the criteria for designating this a conservation area.

Q Is Luscombe Valley in the Conservation area. A No

Q It is obvious from the tone of the meeting that residents are far from happy with the proposed plans. What action can be taken by the residents to re-address the balance should the Council decide to go ahead with this plan.

A As we are still within the consultation period, so residents can send their views to the Council.

You can also lobby your Ward Councillors. There is no right of appeal once this has been decided by the Council.

Q Is there an option to make representations through the Residents Association.

A That would be at the discretion of the Chairman.
Chris Stacey stated that, after speaking to people in another part of the country

they felt that there was no point in having Conservation Areas, as the Council allows any sort of building anywhere. CS thought that the meeting was a waste of time as no one will take any notice of what is being said here and things will just carry on as normal.

JS said if residents were unhappy, they should lobby their Ward Councillors and when the changes and results of Public Consultation are reported to the Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee, attend this meeting in force, to show the strength of public feeling.

Cllr NS said, in so many words, that he was ‘gearing himself up’ to receive a large number of e-mails on this subject

JS thanked Nigel Jacobs & Aliis Kodis for attending the meeting and answering residents’ questions and concluded the meeting at 07.30pm.

4. Next Steps

  •   The ten week Public Consultation ends on 3 September
  •   The Council will take account of public comments
  •   Changes and results of Public Consultation will be reported to the Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee to be held later in the year. Chairman’s Note Meetings are fixed for 6 November 2014 and 22 January 2015

Agenda Branksome Park Canford Cliffs Residents Association Meeting August 2014



7.30 pm.


  1. Apologies/Accuracy of Minutes (09th June 2014)
  2. Matters arising (Not covered under “Review”)

    Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel etc sites – update Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update Community Working Group
    Council Budget Monitoring report (2014/15)

John Sprackling ditto

Public Rights of Way
Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden)
Localism Act/Community Engagement
Navitas Bay Offshore Wind Farm
Road safety concerns Burton Road
Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan DPD) John Sprackling & Proposal for On-Street Pay & Display on selected roads adjacent to beach
Gypsy and Travellers Sites
Party houses
Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Conservation Areas Boundary Review
Uniting the Conurbation
Succession planning

8.00 pm.

  1. New Housing Development
  2. Accounts to date
  3. Date of next meeting

8.30 pm.

6. Any other business


Keith Alcroft John Sprackling John Sprackling

Any other business should be advised to the Chairman at the meeting. Items raised during the evening may be put on the Agenda for the following month.

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 10th September 2014 at 7.30pm – The Committee Room, Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road)

Meeting re Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Conservation Areas Boundary Review on 29 July

Meeting re Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Conservation Areas Boundary Review on 29 July at 6.00pm at Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre, 401 Poole Road (Access via Lindsay Road)

Notwithstanding the Drop-in event at All Saints Church Hall, Western Road on Thursday 24 July from 3.00 to 7.00pm, the association share your concerns and have arranged a Public meeting devoted, solely, to the above subject – see above. As you might expect, the proposed changes to the following Conservation Areas are generating a lot of interest in the area covered by our Association.

Beach Road – It is proposed that the Beach Road Conservation Area be removed. It is not considered that Conservation Area status is the right tool to protect landscape for landscape sake. However, should it be decided that the designation remain then it is considered that the flats and car park should be removed from the Conservation Area as these are not positive features. It is also considered that should it be deemed to retain the status then it would be logical to consult on the creation of a new Conservation Area at Branksome Dene Chine which displays the same characteristics as the other two chines at Beach Road and Canford Cliffs.

Recommendation: to consult on the de-designation of the Beach Road Conservation Area.

Branksome Park – The character of Canford Cliffs Road has been significantly eroded and its removal from the conservation area is recommended. The other boundaries were also re-assessed to ensure they reflect the landscape character of the area. It is the trees and soft landscape i.e. the setting that give the area significance rather than the properties themselves.

Recommendation: to consult on proposed changes to the boundary of the Branksome Park Conservation Area.

Canford Cliffs – As with Beach Road it is proposed to remove the designation for the same reason, that Conservation Area status is not the appropriate tool to protect landscape. However, should it be decided that the designation remain then consideration should be given to including those positive buildings within Flaghead Road, St. Clair Road and Cliff Drive.

Recommendation: to consult on the de-designation of the Canford Cliffs Conservation Area.

Canford Cliffs North – The Borough of Poole Characterisation Study 2010 concluded that the current boundaries are ‘irregular and rather arbitrary’, and it recommended that the boundaries are amended to create a more cohesive area. The conservation area appraisal survey highlighted there was little to distinguish the conservation area from the surrounding streets and it is recommended to

rationalise the boundary and include additional positive buildings to give more cohesion to the area.

Recommendation: to consult on the inclusion of additional positive buildings within the Canford Cliffs North Conservation Area and consequent changes to its boundary.

Chester Road – No change.

Compton Acres – As a Grade II* Registered Park and Garden, the landscape and its setting already have more protection than conservation area status provides, so its validity as a conservation area is questionable.

Recommendation: to consult on the de-designation of the Compton Acres Conservation Area.

Evening Hill – The character of this conservation area has been significantly eroded through plot subdivision and the rationale behind its designation has been lost.

Recommendation: to consult on the de-designation of the Evening Hill Conservation Area.

Harbour Heights – It is questionable whether the character of this small group of buildings is of sufficient special character to be a conservation area. However, if it is decided that the conservation area should be retained, the Church of the Transfiguration should be considered for removal from the conservation area as it is of a different architectural style and age than the other buildings.

Recommendation: to consult on the de-designation of the Harbour Heights Conservation Area.

Haven Road – No Change.

The Avenue – Properties to the east of the existing conservation area between Cassel Avenue and the boundary of Bournemouth Borough Council were appraised together with those along the north side of Mountbatten Road, and considered to be of sufficient quality to be included in the conservation area.

It is therefore proposed to treat those remaining conservation areas in Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill as one. In addition, other than for Haven Road, it is proposed that an article 4 Direction be considered to manage gates, fences, driveways and boundary treatment.

Recommendation: to consult on changes to the boundary of the conservation areas and to introduce an Article 4 Direction to manage gates, fences, driveways and boundary treatment.


Poole West Safer Neighbourhood Team will be touring their patch, with the Dorset Police Sheducation trailer in tow, from
Tuesday 15 July 2014 – Saturday 19 July 2014.
They will be offering crime prevention advice and items (bike locks, alarms etc)
The Force tractor will be in attendance at the final event on 19 July as well as a Dorset Fire and Rescue Service fire engine for people to have a look around.
Neighbourhood Watches/Horse Watch/Urban Heaths will also have stands to promote the good work that they do.

Poole West Roadshow – Upton

Poole West Roadshow

Branksome Park Canford Cliffs Residents Association Meeting July 2014


PRESENT: Terry Stewart (TS) President

John Sprackling (JS) Chairman

Wayne Hancock (WH) Vice-Chairman

Michael Parkin (MP) Membership Secretary

Keith Alcroft (KA) Planning Officer

Carol Parkin (CP) Hon Secretary

John Gunton (JG)  Magazine Editor

Cllr Mrs May Haines (MH) Ward Councillor

Cllr Peter Pawlowski (PP) Ward Councillor

Approx. 30 Members/Wardens


JS welcomed those present, particularly, our two Ward Councillors and Mohan Iyengar, who is standing as prospective Conservative Councillor for Canford Cliffs Ward to replace Cllr Neil Sorton.


Apologies: Apologies received from Cllr Neil Sorton, Steve & Jen Cameron
(Party House Action Group), Martin Heath & William Mutlow


Accuracy: JS said would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 11 JUNE 2014.

Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update:
JS reported..


Victoria Education Centre (Landscaping to the new entrance) No new JS developments

(Overhanging vegetation) – The overhanging hedging has

about allegedly excessive charges imposed by Continental Landscapes for removing branches blocking roads, following storm damage. The resident had been informed that this would be ‘at cost’ but had subsequently received a bill for £2,500. Residents would be best advised to ask for an estimate before agreeing for work to be carried out,

Community Working Group (CWG): Next CWG meeting to be held on 3
September 2014. JS said he would distribute the Minutes of last month’s
All meeting with the Minutes of this meeting.

TS reported that he had taken Steve Cameron (Party House Action Group) to this meeting. Steven Thorne was asked by TS to give the Council’s position on the matter of Party Houses. However, even though requested by TS, Stephen Thorne’s statement of the Council’s planning policy re Party Houses was not included in the minutes of this meeting.

  1. Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments
  2. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
  3. Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto
  4. Old Orchard House – ditto
  5. Land at West Quay Road ditto

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

31 Western Avenue

been cut back.

JS said that, although unrelated to this topic, he had been contacted by a


Wednesday, 09 July 2014


Council Budget Monitoring report: (2013/14): JS said that a 17 page update report on the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2014 to 2018 is being presented to the Cabinet at next week’s meeting with no Executive Summary. The current estimated Cumulative MTFP – Net Funding Gap is 2015/16 £5.0m 2016/17 £10.8m 2017/18 £13.5m

Public Rights of Way

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No new developments.
Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto
Bessborough Road – ditto
Footpaths 82/128 (at the rear of 48 Panorama Road to the small beach) – No new developments.

Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): JS reminded those present that the Royal Horticultural Society’s visit to the garden is to take place on 14 July at 11.30am.

Localism Act/Community Engagement: TS reported that two years ago the Government passed the Localism Act which encourages Councils to devolve power down to the residents of the electorate. Unfortunately nothing much has happened recently.

There has been a lack of communication from Poole Council down to the residents on a number of issues. For example, even though there have been four Council meetings on the subject of ‘travellers’, there has not been a single communication to the resident leaders who have been leading the campaign against the ‘travellers’. TS feels that there should be an onus on the Council that, where there is a major concern/ the results of Council decisions should be communicated to the residents.

There was a meeting with the Council Leader some five months ago, when she promised to have a meeting with residents to improve communication, but this has still not taken place.

Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm: Roy Pointer began by thanking all those who had taken the trouble to register with the Planning Inspectorate’s (PINS) website.

There have been 2,728 people who registered.

This is a record of the number of people who have registered against any windfarm. RP will keep residents apprised of the next steps. There was an article in the Bournemouth Echo when this was announced. Local Authorities now have to produce ‘Local Impact’ reports; PCBA is feeding in information to these. LIRs have to include all impacts that the wind farm would have on the locality; not just planning issues.

The next event will be a preliminary meeting called by PINS when the Examining Panel is appointed. They will be appointed by PINS and their job will be to examine the application by Navitus. The earliest date for the Prelim. meeing will be some time in August and all IPs will be able to attend.

As the Government have received a very strong message from UNESCO prior to the determination of the application, RP felt in no doubt that the status of the Jurassic Coast as a World Heritage Site would be lost should the project go ahead.

Road Safety concerns – Burton Road: No objections were received to the advertisement of the proposal to extend the yellow lines at the junctions of Balcombe Road with Burton Road. The yellow lines will be extended very shortly, and drivers should find it much easier to use the junctions once this has been done.





Wednesday, 09 July 2014


Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan DPD)
& Proposal for On-Street Pay & Display on selected roads adjacent to TS beach areas:

A report from the Sustaining Poole’s Seafront Working Party is being presented at Monday’s Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee and some of the key points to have emerged from the recommendations of the working party are:

  •   The purpose of the document should change from that of a financially driven response to the need to invest in the seafront to a strategy for the enhancement of the seafront based on the type of place that it should aspire to be.
  •   Caution has been expressed about adhering to the original ideas where they may actually compromise a more wholesale approach to redevelopment, for instance at Sandbanks.
  •   The provision of additional beach huts is accepted and would help to satisfy demand.
  •   Hotels are considered a more risky and volatile proposal and are not considered the most suitable option.
  •   The provision of a boardwalk between Shore Road and Sandbanks is favoured and it is considered that this should be provided in the short term.
  •   The watersports hub originally proposed to centre on Branksome Chine was considered more appropriate at Branksome Dene Chine
  •   Additionally off street car parking should be considered with the potential for a single deck multi storey car park at Sandbanks to be investigated.
  •   The Working Party is very much against the proposal to reduce the parking in Sandbanks car park, and they have recommended that additional car parking be provided at Sandbanks.
  •   The main ethos is that we move away from this ‘how we make money’ approach that the original plan had, and we need to protect our family oriented venue.
  •   The infrastructure needs to be improved or replaced as it is failing after so many years of use. Cllr. PP hopes that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and then the Cabinet will back the working party. CP pointed out that the Council had paid an awful lot of money for a report by consultants who had little idea of the local needs and pointed out that surely the Council themselves had enough local knowledge of what is needed. Cllr PP agreed with this in principle and said that it is a lesson to be learnt for the future. JG asked if it is true that there is a proposal to sell the Beach Road car park. Cllr PP said that there was indeed such a proposal by the Strategic Car Parking Review, but this had been abandoned. There is, however, a proposal for better use to be made of this Car Park.

    Chairman’s note: Mohan Iyengar advises me that he attended the Economy Overview & Scrutiny meeting on 14 July and writes “During one of the latter items on ‘Safeguarding Poole’s Seafront’, officer, Nigel Jacobs, reported that the council was no longer making any recommendation to introduce parking charges into residential streets near to beaches. Provisionally, good news. But once the minutes emerge, let’s scrutinise that commitment.”

    Gypsy and Travellers’ Sites – TS reported that there were several invasions TS last year and so far there have been three this summer. He pointed out that Bournemouth Council take a much firmer line in dealing with this and they ‘lock
    down’ their parks with guards to stop travelers getting into them. He feels that

    Poole Council should be a little more proactive in dealing with this problem.

Wednesday, 09 July 2014


‘Party houses’: In the absence of Steve Cameron, JS reported that the week before last, representatives of the Group met with Zeitgeist Television regarding a potential programme on Channel 4 television. It has now been confirmed that, following its presentation to Channel 4, they have confirmed that they intend to go ahead with the programme.

Cllr Peter Pawlowski said that he had had a meeting with the Head of Legal Services and is trying to push for the use of Planning Contravention Notices to deal with this problem. The Council is still seeking Counsel opinion but this is not likely to be available for at least another month.

Cllr MH reported that Planning Enforcement has now received 40% response to their street survey, which will be used to present to Counsel.

21 Canford Cliffs Avenue, which has been used as a party house. has now been sold and will become a family home.

Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Conservation Areas Boundary Review – JS said this seems to be generating a lot of interest and invited Cllr PP to say a few words about this.

Cllr PP reported that the Planning Officers had decided to review all the Conservation Areas. The Planning Inspectorate are obviously not putting the same weight on preserving these areas as the Council, as many planning decisions have been overturned, and the Planning Officers want to get to a state where whatever is published is more defendable.

JS asked if the Association should hold a separate meeting devoted, solely, to this subject – this was agreed;

The Council is organising a A Drop-in event at All Saints Church Hall, Western Road on Thursday 24 July from 3.00 to 7.00pm

The webpage on the the BoP website can be found via

http://www.boroughofpoole.com/planning-and-buildings/urban-design-and- conservation/heritage-conservation-areas-and-listed-buildings/.

An extract from the report presented to the Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 5 June 2014 will be included in the Minutes – see below.

Chairman’s note: A Public meeting has been arranged to discuss the Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Conservation Areas Boundary Review on 29 July 2014 at 6.00pm at Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre, 401 Poole Road (Access via Lindsay Road). Aliis Kodis, Senior Urban Design & Conservation Officer, Planning Policy & Implementation Team, Planning & Regeneration Services will attend the meeting to make a short presentation and answer questions

Canford Cliffs/Penn Hill Conservation Areas

Beach Road – It is proposed that the Beach Road Conservation Area be removed. It is not considered that Conservation Area status is the right tool to protect landscape for landscape sake. However, should it be decided that the designation remain then it is considered that the flats and car park should be removed from the Conservation Area as these are not positive features. It is also considered that should it be deemed to retain the status then it would be logical to consult on the creation of a new Conservation Area at Branksome Dene Chine which displays the same characteristics as the other two chines at Beach Road and Canford Cliffs.

Recommendation: to consult on the de-designation of the Beach Road Conservation Area.

Branksome Park – The character of Canford Cliffs Road has been significantly Wednesday, 09 July 2014


eroded and its removal from the conservation area is recommended. The other boundaries were also re-assessed to ensure they reflect the landscape character of the area. It is the trees and soft landscape i.e. the setting that give the area significance rather than the properties themselves.

Recommendation: to consult on proposed changes to the boundary of the Branksome Park Conservation Area.

Canford Cliffs – As with Beach Road it is proposed to remove the designation for the same reason, that Conservation Area status is not the appropriate tool to protect landscape. However, should it be decided that the designation remain then consideration should be given to including those positive buildings within Flaghead Road, St. Clair Road and Cliff Drive.

Recommendation: to consult on the de-designation of the Canford Cliffs Conservation Area.

Canford Cliffs North – The Borough of Poole Characterisation Study 2010 concluded that the current boundaries are ‘irregular and rather arbitrary’, and it recommended that the boundaries are amended to create a more cohesive area.

The conservation area appraisal survey highlighted there was little to distinguish the conservation area from the surrounding streets and it is recommended to rationalise the boundary and include additional positive buildings to give more cohesion to the area.

Recommendation: to consult on the inclusion of additional positive buildings within the Canford Cliffs North Conservation Area and consequent changes to its boundary.

Chester Road – No change.

Compton Acres – As a Grade II* Registered Park and Garden, the landscape and its setting already have more protection than conservation area status provides, so its validity as a conservation area is questionable.

Recommendation: to consult on the de-designation of the Compton Acres Conservation Area.

Evening Hill – The character of this conservation area has been significantly eroded through plot subdivision and the rationale behind its designation has been lost.

Recommendation: to consult on the de-designation of the Evening Hill Conservation Area.

Harbour Heights – It is questionable whether the character of this small group of buildings is of sufficient special character to be a conservation area. However, if it is decided that the conservation area should be retained, the Church of the Transfiguration should be considered for removal from the conservation area as it is of a different architectural style and age than the other buildings.

Recommendation: to consult on the de-designation of the Harbour Heights Conservation Area.

Haven Road – No Change.

The Avenue – Properties to the east of the existing conservation area between Cassel Avenue and the boundary of Bournemouth Borough Council were appraised together with those along the north side of Mountbatten Road, and considered to be of sufficient quality to be included in the conservation area.

Wednesday, 09 July 2014


It is therefore proposed to treat those remaining conservation areas in Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill as one. In addition, other than for Haven Road, it is proposed that an article 4 Direction be considered to manage gates, fences, driveways and boundary treatment.

Recommendation: to consult on changes to the boundary of the conservation areas and to introduce an Article 4 Direction to manage gates, fences, driveways and boundary treatment.

Succession planning: No new developments 3 NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENT

JS said that the Association had not made any representations on any Planning KA Applications since its last meeting.

Other current planning issues

146 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing and erect 3 – 5 storey building with rooftop garden; and surface level and basement parking to form 10 self contained flats) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Association on 20/05/14.

Compton Acres, Canford Cliffs Road (Erection of building comprising 20 Apartments with basement parking; re-arrangement for the existing Compton Acres parking area, and demolition of the existing office building set within the current car park) – This site has been acquired by McCarthy & Stone Retirement Lifestyle Ltd. Despite the demolition of the former office at Compton Acres, “there are several other ‘prior to commencement conditions that have not been discharged at this time“.

Norfolk Lodge Hotel, 1 Flaghead Road – There is to be a Public Consultation All about the proposal to redevelop this site to provide 20 later living apartments at Harbour Heights Hotel on 23 July 2014 2.00pm to 7.00pm

4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS was unable to report the total Association
funds as at 30
th June 2014 as Paul Fearnley is currently away. JS


Pine Drive – JS said that a resident has raised the issue of the double-yellow
lines at the Western Road junction of Pine Drive. He is informed by
MH Transportation Services that Pine Drive is not Public Highway (Council records
show this as a private road). Cllr MH to investigate.

Itinerant in Chaddesley Glen – JS is in contact with Poole’s Housing and Community Services who are the lead service for this situation. The relevant officers are looking into the issues JS has raised and will consider the best way forward including JS proposal of a meeting.

Uniting the Conurbation (UTC) – JS reported that he had attended a UTC Steering Group meeting on 30 June. He said that he would include the Chairman’s Press Release in the Minutes.

Uniting the Conurbation welcomes the government’s recently announced a £66.3m investment in our local economy which Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (DLEP) says could result in the creation of 25,000 jobs, the building of more than 3,000 homes and the generation of up to £500m in public and private investment.

It is nevertheless odd to see that such a large injection of public funding was not secured directly by our elected local government authorities but by a

Wednesday, 09 July 2014


“partnership” which is dominated by a small group of unelected business people.. It is also very strange that, although the original invitation to our conurbation to bid for a City Deal stipulated that it must “contain proposals for stronger governance” across our “economic area,” the DLEP Strategic Economic Plan (the basis of the bid) says nothing of substance about this.

We must have on-going and meaningful dialogue between our representatives in local government and the businesses community which drives economic growth. Queen Victoria’s day was the heyday of municipal enterprise, whose initiative and breadth of vision created an infrastructure which allowed industry to prosper. Unfortunately the view from Whitehall seems to be that such dialogue was not taking place and Indeed, today’s fractured structure of local government in the South-east Dorset Conurbation is clearly not up to such a mighty task. Does that make it right to hand the purse-strings of public funding to an unelected body such as DLEP?

This is a time of very expensive and disjointed local government. The challenge for Whitehall is to grasp the nettle and give our conurbation a single unitary authority which will provide stronger governance for our economic area and meaningful dialogue with the business community. That is the democratic way forward and the need is truly urgent.

There was no other AOB – The meeting closed at 8.00pm and adjourned to the Parish Centre garden for Wine & ‘nibbles’.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting will be on Wednesday 13th August All 2014 at Committee Room (formerly Lounge), Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms
Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road)

Wednesday, 09 July 2014

Association of Dorset Watches

You are invited to attend a meeting on Wednesday 2nd July, 2014 at the Sandbanks Hotel when Martyn Underhill, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset will speak at a public meeting arranged by the Association of Dorset Watches (ADW).

Time: 3.30pm – 4.30pm

Venue: Sandbanks Hotel, 15 Banks Rd, Poole. BH13 7PS

Free Tea & Coffee will be served 3.30pm – 3.45pm

This is a free event. There is no charge.


Limited places are available.

To reserve your place :

EMAIL – send your name & phone nr to pathalliday@talktalk.net or

TEXT – text your name to mobile phone nr. 07749 386 006 or

TELEPHONE – 01202 700 911 and leave a voicemail message

Car Parking

There is a large free car park at the hotel. As a visitor to the hotel, it is important to register your vehicle details on arrival at reception.

If the hotel car park is full there is ‘Pay & Display’ on-street parking which costs about £1.20 an hour. There is also a small ‘Pay & Display’ public car park on Shore Road very close by.

If you would like to know more about the role of the PCC and his work, please visit his website:


If you would like to know more about the Association of Dorset Watches, please see the ADW website:







Terry Stewart (TS) President

John Sprackling (JS) Chairman

Wayne Hancock (WH) Vice-Chairman

Carol Parkin (CP) Hon Secretary

John Gunton (JG) Magazine Editor

Approx. 50 Members/Wardens


JS welcomed those present.

Apologies: Apologies received from Cllrs Mrs May Haines & Neil Sorton, Paul

Fearnley, Keith Alcroft, Roger Allen, Ian Cross & Chris Stracey.

Accuracy: JS said would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the

meeting held on 12 MARCH 2014.


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported..

1. Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments

2. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto

3. Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto

4. Old Orchard House – ditto

5. Land at West Quay Road ditto

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

Victoria Education Centre ( Landscaping to the new entrance ) No new


31 Western Avenue (Overhanging vegetation) – ditto

Community Working Group

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The next meeting takes place on 28 May 2014 – deadline for questions was 19 May. Next meeting to be held on 3 September 2014.

Council Budget Monitoring report: (2013/14): WM said that he is concerned that the Council is now producing its Budget Monitoring Report quarterly instead of monthly and so he will report on the Budget Monitoring report (1 January to 31 March 2014) at the Association’s next meeting on 11 June, as this is due to be presented to the Cabinet the previous day. WM expressed concern over this and feels that residents are not being kept informed as to how the budget is performing, now that the report is quarterly. As the last Budget Monitoring Report was in February, quite a time has elapsed before residents receive the next report. The Council’s reserves are at their minimum, there has to be many cuts made and, therefore, many changes.

In reply to a query from the members at the meeting, WM says that he thinks that the Budget Monitoring Report should revert to being monthly. TS said that he supports this view.

Public Rights of Way

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No new developments.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto

Bessborough Road – ditto

Footpath 85 (Adjacent to 2A Shore Road) – ditto

Footpaths 82/128 (at the rear of 48 Panorama Road to the small beach) – the objectors have withdrawn, so the order for Footpath 82 is now unopposed, with the Sealed Orders returned to the Council.

Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): JS reported that the PLI renewal letter, policy and receipt for payment had been received from TCV. WH reported that the RHS will visit the garden in July and offer suggestions as to how best to proceed with the garden.

Poole Council’s Efficiency Review Programme (ERP): An update should be included in the Council Budget Monitoring report (1 January to 31 March 2014)

due to be presented to the next Cabinet on 10 June.

Localism Act/Community Engagement: JS reported that a cross-party Working Group has been established to review the Council’s decision making process. The Council currently operates with a Leader & Cabinet but some Members would prefer a Committee system to give ‘backbench’ Members a greater say in the decision making process. A second round of recruitment interviews for a new Chief Executive concluded on 16 May but failed to select a suitable candidate. It is expected that the Council will now have to employ an expensive Head-hunter. It is felt that Poole’s reputation has been damaged.

Chairman’s note: It was reported in the Daily Echo dated 24 May that “Senior councillors will reconvene in the near future to review the recruitment process and consider available options, including a possible option to postpone the appointment of a new chief executive until after the local elections in Poole in May 2015.”

Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm Roy Pointer reported on the problems of getting an audience with Poole Council to speak against Navitus. Bournemouth Council seems to be much more pro-active in respect of the Offshore Windfarm and its residents’ representations, whereas Poole Council ignore approaches. TS added that Navitus have had two meetings with Poole Councillors, one of which was in private, and it seems that the Council is determined not to let Poole residents have a similar public meeting.

RP handed round some postcards and encouraged residents to object to the Offshore Windfarm using the cards as a guide. There is still time to register on the Planning Inspectors’ website if anyone wishes to make any observations, and RP urges as many as possible to do this. Further help is at the PCBA web site www.saveourdorsetseaside.co.uk. Bournemouth Council held a meeting, at which the Poole and Christchurch Bays Association made their case to oppose Navitus Bay, and the developers were able to make their case. 86% of the public who attended the meeting thought that the proposal should not proceed. The PCBA presentation received a standing ovation.

RP read out part of a letter which had been sent to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport from UNESCO. The letter talks about the potential impact of the proposed Windfarm on the Jurassic Coast, which is the only natural world heritage site in England. The sense is that the proposal would drastically affect the setting of the coast and views from it. The appearance would change from a natural setting largely free from man made structures to one where the setting is dominated by man made structures. This is seen as a strong indication that the World Heritage status would be removed were the wind farm to proceed.

Road Safety concerns Lindsay Road/St Aldhelm’s Road & Burton Road: JS reported that the pedestrian operated Traffic Lights near junction of Lindsay Road & St Aldhelms Road were due to be operative that afternoon.

JS also reported that Traffic Management Order to extend the existing ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ restrictions by 5m at the junctions with Burton Road and Balcombe Road has been advertised. Closing date for representations is 05 June. JS assumes that this will be confirmed at next Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Area Committee meeting on 18 June 2014.

JS then handed over the floor to George Crawford who spoke on behalf of a large number of Burton Road & Balcombe Road residents, who had attended the meeting specifically to air their concerns about several traffic issues relating to these roads and the ‘Party House’ at Burton Manor, 2 Burton Road.

GC pointed out that the problem of camper vans and industrial vehicles up to 3.5 tons has been worsening over the last 18 months or so. This is exacerbated bythe Council selling parking permits for only £50 per annum or so. The vehicles mainly arrive on a Friday afternoon and stay until Monday morning.

The residents of Burton and Balcombe Road have requested that the signs limit the vehicles to ‘cars only’ as in other parts of Poole, but to no avail.

GC has been battling this problem with all avenues open to him through the Council, but has been able to get no satisfactory response. Robert Syms, our Conservative MP, visited recently and was very sympathetic, although it was pointed out that he has little leverage as far as the local council is concerned.

There then followed various horror stories resulting from this problem by those attending the meeting.

Stan Alfert suggested that the question of parking close to the entrance of houses and thus creating a risk when leaving the property as the view of the road is obstructed, should be taken up with Transportation Services.

TS said that the only way to make the Council take any action is to embarrass it..

JS pointed out to TS that GC has done everything possible, except contact the media. GC said that he plans to set up a meeting with the new Chief Executive, once he/she is appointed.

JG wished to thank GC with his help in ‘Speedwatch’ and JS asked if any other members were willing to help, one morning a month and, if so, to contact JG who is the co-ordinator.

Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan DPD) & Proposal for On-Street Pay & Display on selected roads adjacent to beach areas: The next meeting of the Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee is fixed for 5 June 2014 and the Agenda is due to include two items of particular interest to the Association, namely…

(a) Sustaining Poole’s Seafront SPD – Working Group

(b) To consider the Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & Ashington Conservation Area Reviews – and Recommendation for Public Consultation.

JS has asked for an update at the next Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Area Committee meeting on 18 June 2014.

Chairman’s Note: I am informed that, starting 6th until 30th May, Branksome Chine toilets are being refurbished. The Council has agreed to have portaloos available and also have the Disabled Toilet in use.

The first phase of beach hut construction work due to take place at Flaghead and Branksome Promenade (West) during May and June has been postponed until later in the year. The council did not feel the tenders received offered value for money for Council Tax payers and is, therefore, planning to combine the works with the second phase planned at Branksome Promenade (East) and Sandbanks.

All affected beach hut tenants have been contacted.

Subject to planning, the Council aims to complete all the works during the coming Autumn and Winter.

The Council will, however, be carrying out some initial work at Flaghead over the next couple of weeks to remove any asbestos containing materials and are continuing with plans to construct nine new huts at Canford Cliffs using a different procurement and construction method. The Beach Office can be contacted for further information on 01202 70818.

Gypsy and Travellers’ Sites – TS reported that there have already been three invasions into parks, car parks etc. and the Council’s suggestion that these areas are protected by gates, blocks of stone etc. are having no effect.

Travellers come here early to attend the Dorset Steam Fair, and are quite open in stating that they have come to Poole ‘to have a holiday’.

Stan Alfert reported that Bournemouth handles the situation with travellers there very well and are completely effective in keeping them away.

Chairman’s note: At its meeting on 20 March, the Planning committee refused the applications for the Temporary Stopping Sites at Creekmoor and near B&Q at Fleetsbridge.

Strategic Car Parking review (SCPR) – The proposal for On-Street Pay & Shears

Display on selected roads adjacent to beach areas is now being dealt with by the Sustaining Poole’s Seafront Working Group – see above.

‘Party houses’: JS handed over the floor to Jen & Steve Cameron who are leading the newly formed Party House Action Group.

JC opened her remarks by saying that both she and her husband have found the level of impotence by Poole Council on the matter of ‘Party Houses’ to be unbelievable.

JC says that she would welcome any suggestions as to where they can go now, as they feel they have exhausted every avenue open to them.

The use of the media was being investigated.

JS agreed to contact the agent selling three houses in Burton Road telling them that they must divulge any detriments of these houses to prospective purchasers, as the developers themselves are not obliged to.

Peter Young suggested that a ‘vote of no confidence’ in Poole Council on the subject of Party Houses was passed. This was fully supported by those at the meeting with a few abstentions, as the extent of the ‘vote of no confidence’ was not fully understood.

The meeting gave JS the authority for the Association to make a donation to the Party House Action Group to assist it in obtaining Counsel’s opinion on this matter.

JS will need some indication of how much this will cost.

Chairman’s note: I attended a meeting of the Party House Action Group on 17 May. Robert Syms MP & Cllr Mrs May Haines were present along with approx 20 residents who were impacted by this continuing nuisance

The principle outcomes were…

1. Cllr May Haines met with Planning Services on Monday, with a view to speeding up the Planning Enforcement process. The feeling of the meeting was that there is already ample evidence and the Council’s proposal to produce questionnaire/street survey is unnecessary – the nature of letting is sufficient to establish ‘Change of use’. It seems that there has been a lack of co-ordination between the various Council Departments. Complaints have been lodged with Planning & Regeneration, ECPS (Environmental & Consumer Protection Services) & a Libby Peek of the Anti-social Behaviour Team. Many complaints have not been acknowledged.

2. The previous week, Andy Dearing, Planning Enforcement Team Manager & Casey Derrett had started to conduct interviews/take statements from some residents affected by the Party Houses.

3. Cllr May Haines has sought the advice of the Head of Legal & Democratic Services, Tim Martin, who is supportive but felt more evidence was required before he could recommend the Council to seek Counsel’s opinion.

4. Robert Syms was due to meet Stephen Thorne & Cllr Mike White on Friday (23 May) Chairman’s note: Steve Cameron & I are meeting Robert Syms on Friday (28 May) to “update” us.


In the absence of KA on holiday, JS reported

146 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing and erect 3 – 5 storey building with rooftop garden; and surface level and basement parking to form 10 self contained flats) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Association on 20/05/14. Other current planning issues 17 Avalon (Alterations and extensions to the existing dwelling) – Local concerns.

10 Nairn Road (Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a block of 5 flats) – The site visit for this appeal took place on 20 May 2014. The file is still with the Inspector and it is estimated that the decision should be ready for issue towards the end of June/beginning of July.

4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS reported that the total Association funds as at 30th April 2014 amounted to £37,944.26.


Mohan Iyengar – Mr Iyengar is standing as prospective Conservative Councillor for Canford Cliffs Ward to replace Cllr Neil Sorton who is standing down in May 2015. Mr Iyengar will be attending the Association’s next meeting to introduce himself. A suggestion has been made that the Association fields its own candidate.

There was no other AOB and the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting will be on Wednesday 11th June 2014 at Committee Room (formerly Lounge), Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road)





PRESENT: Mr Terry Stewart President

Mr John Sprackling Chairman

Mr Paul Fearnley Hon Treasurer

Mr Keith Alcroft Planning Officer

Mr John Gunton Magazine Editor

Mr Roger Allen Advertising Manager

Mrs Joan Bailey Acting Minutes Secretary

GUESTS: Martyn Underhill, Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner – Guest Speaker

Robert Syms MP

Cllr Mrs May Haines – Canford Cliffs Ward Councillor

Cllr Neil Sorton – ditto

PC Nick Lee

Ken Bearcroft – Parkstone Bay Association

And approx 120 Members/Wardens of the Association

1. WELCOME : The Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and welcomed today’s speaker,

Martin Underhill, Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner, Robert Syms MP, Ken Bearcroft, Chairman,

of the Parkstone Bay Association and PC Nick Lee. He then introduced each member of the

Executive Committee.

2. APOLOGIES : Apologies were received from Wayne Hancock (Vice Chairman). Carol Parkin (Hon

Secretary) Peter Schofield, John Morison, Kevin Goldstein-Jackson & Ken Sanson, Chairman,

Sandbanks Association.

3. AGM 2013 MINUTES : Accuracy & Matters Arising The Chairman said that the Minutes of the

AGM held on 27th April 2013 had been included in the Autumn 2013 magazine. He had not been

contacted about their accuracy and asked for a show of hands to approve the Minutes as no queries

had arisen. This was given and the Minutes were approved.

4. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT : The Chairman said that he proposed to limit his report to the up-dating of

items included in his Chairman’s Report in the Spring magazine as follows:

Community Engagement Working Party (CEWP) – This is an Agenda item for Tuesday’s

Cabinet meeting, when it will be discussing a document Engaging with communities in Poole’.

Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Including proposal for On-Street Pay & Display on selected roads

adjacent to beach areas) – This was formerly known as the Beach Master Plan. JS said that he gets

the impression that the Council is getting the message that residents do not want to see an overcommercialisation

of our beaches and this subject is due to be included on the Agenda for the next

Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 5 June 2014.

Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm – Roy Pointer to provide an update about this under Any Other


Gypsy & Traveller Encampments – This is an Agenda item for Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting. JS

reported that that day’s Daily Echo included a story that security staff with dogs had turned away a

number of suspected travellers’ vehicles from King’s Park in afternoon of the previous day and that a

‘lock-down’ on public spaces and council car parks has been re-imposed for the weekend after the

Authority received information that local sites might be targeted.

Poole Harbour Commissioners (PHC) – A public display of the Port of Poole Master Plan is to be

held in the North Lounge Passenger Terminal at the Port of Poole on Monday 28th

April 2014 from

3.00pm to 7.00pm to enable public inspection of the key documents.

Membership Secretary – The Association is still looking for someone to fill this role.

Conclusion – The Chairman expressed his personal thanks to Committee members and Road

Wardens for all their work on the Association’s behalf and to members for their valuable support.

5. TREASURER’S REPORT : Paul Fearnley’s Income and Expenditure Account for the Year Ended 31

December 2013, as displayed on the reverse of the Agenda, shows a deficit for the year of approx

£1,800 as opposed to a surplus the previous year.

The deficit arises from two main items of expenditure, one being the Association’s contribution to

PCBA of £1,250 and the second one due to an effort to increase membership of the Association

which involved distributing the magazine to every resident in the BH13 and BH14 postcode areas.

Membership did increase but not as much as hoped for. PF advised the campaign was not solely to

increase subscriptions but to ensure a stronger force when supporting/fighting local issues. Currently

membership stands at 2,698 members.

PF made a plea to members to pay by Standing Order which makes life a bit easier for him and also

to please check existing Standing Orders where often the amount is out of date and there has been

a change of bank, etc. Mr Fearnley was given a round of applause for all his hard work during the


6. APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR : Peter Schofield had audited the Accounts and has agreed to

continue for a further year. JS asked for approval by the meeting and this was given by a show of



Terry Stewart thanked John Sprackling for all his hard work as Chairman and, as JS is willing to take

on the responsibility of Chairman of the Association for a further year, JS asked whether there were

any other nominations as Chairman. As there were not, JS was unanimously voted as Chairman for

the coming year.

8. ELECTION OF EXECUTIVE : JS asked for any nominations for the Executive Committee positions

before proceeding with the election of the existing Executive Committee, who had all indicated their

willingness to stand. As there were no nominations, the current Executive Committee were

unanimously elected en bloc. A show of hands carried the motion.

President Terry Stewart

Chairman John Sprackling

Vice Chairman Wayne Hancock

Treasurer Paul Fearnley

Membership Secretary Vacant

Planning Officer Keith Alcroft

Secretary/Minute Secretary Carol Parkin

Magazine Editor John Gunton

Magazine Advertising Roger Allen

JS appealed for a Membership Secretary to come forward as currently the position is being

undertaken by Paul Fearnley in addition to his role as Treasurer. The role is not too onerous but

does require someone with access to a computer.

9. GUEST SPEAKER : JS welcomed Martyn Underhill, Dorset’s Police & Crime Commissioner, who

has been in the post for around 16 months but has already made his mark. MU has re-introduced

the Marine Surveillance team, reduced the cost of the Police helicopter by joining forces with the

neighbouring authority. MU has encouraged Neighbour Watches, set up Victim Forums, Community

Speedwatch Groups and, on Monday, is due to receive a Community Engagement award at the

Police HQ at Winfrith from an organisation set up to scrutinise the performance of Police

Commissioners in England and Wales. The Chief Executive of this organisation says “Mr Underhill’s

work was an excellent example of how PCCs can engage with the public.”

MU advised that he had undertaken a review of the speed cameras policy in Dorset, because

residents view cameras as a “cash cow”, and the results are due soon. He also spoke about his

desire to equip every officer with a Body Worn Video. He explained this will be of help in areas such

as domestic abuse which is a hard area to convict at court without video evidence. In the USA and

Canada, it has also been shown that it reduces complaints against police by 40%, and the cameras

are also useful to protect the Police from being assaulted. On tasers, these are being used more and

more, because more and more officers are being trained. He spoke about his passion for early

intervention, if we could get every 5 year old to start schooling being able to read write and talk

properly…. We could change a generation. There are two pilots underway now in Dorset changing

behaviour for the 0-5’s, in Poole and Weymouth.

Community Safer Neighbourhood Partnerships: MU is liaising with Poole’s CSP and the Local

Authority. Meetings are chaired by Cllr Judy Butt. Some of the funding comes from MU.

Closure of police stations: There has been a 20% cut in budget, necessitating a 20% cut in staff, it follows
that a 20% cut in buildings is needed too.

Community Remedy: MU consults on CR in his local forums. He gave an example where the public

were consulted on suitable punishments for low level crime.

They were presented with 5 options and asked to prioritise, i.e. do you help vulnerable people, such

as help a vulnerable persons garden, help paint the village hall; assist with litter picking on beaches

or , assist with road clearance, etc. MU would have expected the top answer to be “help vulnerable

people” but the majority chose clearing roads and drains. A resident raised the point that the

questions asked at that forum may have occurred during the bad weather when there was severe

flooding and weather could therefore have had an effect on the outcome of such a “survey”.

MU agreed this was a good point and he would take this on board in future.

MU advised that as from 6th October 2014 he will take over the responsibility for issuing a menu of

punishments for low level crime.

From November there will be a victims website set up where you can go for help and assistance.

Mental health: MU is concerned that far too many people are being taken into police custody when

what they really need is medical attention. Last year, 157 mental health patients were taken into

custody, five of whom were 17 years old or under. From April, a triage scheme will operate so that a

mental health worker will be at the scene in addition to a police constable to assess whether medical

treatment is needed rather than police custody. Currently the situation is due to lack of hospital beds

which is an NHS issue.

Emerging Issues: MU outlined the increase in cyber crime, on-line crime, identity theft, phishing,

cyber bullying (where we are not ready for it as there is an increase in the 14-16yr old age group,

mainly among girls and where there needs to be advice for parents and victims on what to do and

where to go to for advice) and lastly sexting, where girls, in particular are persuaded to send

photographs of themselves to “boyfriends” on line and then find the pictures have gone global).

On human trafficking, sexual exploitation and human slavery, MU pointed out this is on the radar and

as recently reported in the National press there was a recent case of human slavery at a Ringwood

Road business.

On gypsies and travellers, MU calls this a “groundhog day” issue which occurs every year and has

yet to be resolved. He receives hundreds of emails during summer traveller time, when

unauthorised sites keep appearing. At the Planning Committee for Dorset to be held on 9th May

Dorset County Council will consider planning permission for a site for Dorsetshire but not for Poole

and Bournemouth. Local Authorities such as Poole and Bournemouth would like to share that site,

but cannot by law. MU predicts similar problems to last year in Poole. MU and Cllr Judy Butt will be

working together to lobby Government for a change in the law.

On Rave/Party Houses, MU advised that he had received 96 emails from residents on this subject to

date but questions whether it is primarily a Police issue; rather it is more one for the Local Authority.

He accepted it is a growing problem. The change in the law in October will have an impact on this,

and should strengthen the ability to deal with the houses. The SNT and Local Authority are taking

action and are engaged with all parties on this issue as the current law is clearly not good enough.

MU cannot change the law and he was pleased to see Robert Syms here today, who is also lobbying


Before handing over to PC Nick Lee who is the Police Constable working on the Rave/Party House

issue, MU advised he was also President of the Parkstone Rotary Club and he would like to promote

a fund raising event to be held at St Luke’s church on 31st May at which the Dorset and Gwent

Police Male Voice Choirs would be singing – all welcome to attend, tickets available from Select

Travel, Canford Cliffs.

PC Nick Lee – Rave/Party Houses: NL advised that this has been raised at MU’s local forums and

with Neighbourhood Watch. There is one Company responsible for the majority of lettings, DeLuxe

Holiday Homes, who also own properties elsewhere in the Borough besides Canford Cliffs. When

there is a problem he advised residents to ring 101 and Environmental Health at the time of any

disturbance giving details of the address where there is a disturbance and this will be logged on the file and officers will attend. He advised the police have been engaged with the Council
ater over the matter and that he is also working with DeLuxe Holiday Homes who are co-operating by displaying posters in their properties asking party goers to respect their neighbours.

Jenny Cameron (resident in Moorfields Road with neighbour a “party house”) explained she and her

husband had been suffering noise and disturbance every week-end for the last three years and

although the Police have been attentive she knows from experience that DeLuxe Homes have not

been bothering to deal with this by way of posters etc. DeLuxe Homes say that these are “family

holiday week-ends” but this is not the case – they are all single sex groups and young, heavy

drinking party goers (Tesco vans delivering alcohol throughout the night and early hours). She feels

the way to deal with this is for the Planning Department to invoke Change of Use from residential to


Robert Syms MP agreed this is commercial business and the matter has been raised with the Local

Authority who are looking into Change of Use. London has a total ban on these commercial

activities but he felt this would not sit right with this area in view of many genuine family holiday lets.

He advised that the Local Authority can have authority to close a house for 6 months under the Anti

Social Behaviour Act coming into force on 6th October when the matter can be dealt with between the

Police, the Local Authority and local residents.

Steve Cameron has been investigating all aspects and has come to the conclusion this is definitely a

Planning issue. He took the matter up with the Planning Department in November 2012 regarding

the change of use but the Council did nothing. He feels that the Local Authority and the residents

should have control over this but to date residents have not been involved in any discussions.

Cllr May Haines advised the LA is taking this seriously. Tim Martin, Head of Legal Services for the

LA has agreed the time has come for Planning to review the evidence they have to date. A meeting

has been held in Council along with the ASB team. Mr Thorne, Head of Planning Department, who

was at the meeting, is currently on leave but on his return Mr Martin will work with the Planning

Department to review the evidence.

Stewart Griffiths of Burton Manor, 2 Burton Road advised he was the owner of one of these houses

he had no evidence of any complaints. On the matter of health and safety, he produced

documentation to show he has had a fire risk assessment carried out, commercial insurance

certificate and Fire Regulations.

A resident in Elgin Road advised that over the last 2-3 years parties of youngsters have been arriving

at party houses in the road, causing disturbance between 2, 3 and 4am.

On another issue, Mr Dennis Riley resident, asked PC Lee about marijuana and cannabis farms. PC

Lee agreed this is on their radar and here the Police are reliant on residents to report any suspicious

activity in their area.

JS advised that in view of time constraints he would have to move on to Any Other Business but all

are welcome to come along to the next meeting of the Association to be held on the second

Wednesday in May at 7.30pm in the Committee Room, rear of St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (access

via Lindsey Road).

Chairman’s note:14 May clashes with the date of the Reconvened Annual Council meeting so it has

been agreed for the next meeting to be rescheduled this to the following Wednesday (21 May), so

that our Ward Councillors can attend. I was also planning to attend the Reconvened Annual

Council Meeting, to report back on the appointment of Cabinet & Committee Members etc.


Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm – Roy Pointer gave a short presentation on the Navitus Bay

Offshore Wind Farm. With regard to noise, if the project goes ahead Bournemouth, Poole and

Swanage residents will have to put up with high noise levels during construction over 4-5 years when

piling takes place.

The application for consent has now been deposited by the developer to the Planning Inspectorate

and a decision will be made on whether to accept it for Examination by 8th May 2014.

Part of the noise calculations used a Standard that is used for land based turbines and specifically not

for offshore; this suggests a level above the permitted maximum noise levels at the shore.

In addition to locals experiencing noise pollution there will be a large impact on tourism. The

developer’s survey showed 32% of visitors when questioned said they would not be returning to the

area during the construction period if the project goes ahead. RP showed a slide of the Skegness

wind turbines which illustrated his concerns.

He also advised there is a medical condition called Wind Turbine Syndrome which has been reported

in N. America and Australasia and which particularly affects people with certain pre-existing

conditions e.g. high blood pressure, migraine etc.

RP advised there is a presentation which is being held at the BIC on 10th May for Bournemouth

residents but so far Poole has not consulted local residents.

He urged everyone to take action to prevent the project going ahead by registering on the Planning

Inspectorate website (www.planningportal.gov.uk/infrastructure) and to support the “Stop Navitus

Bay” movement.

UKIP: JS informed those present that there would be a meeting that afternoon at The Grasshopper in

Parkstone at 3.00pm organised by UKIP.

11. REFRESHMENTS : The Chairman closed the meeting at 11.45am and invited everyone to partake of

the refreshments provided.

John Sprackling
