- Mr Terry Stewart President
- Mr John Sprackling Chairman
- Mr Paul Fearnley Hon Treasurer
- Mr Keith Alcroft Planning Officer
- Mr John Gunton Magazine Editor
- Mr Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer
- Mrs. Carol Parkin Secretary
- Robert Syms MP
- Cllr Mrs May Haines
- Cllr Neil Sorton
And approx 50 Members/Wardens of the Association
The Chairman thanked everyone for coming along. In particular, he welcomed the guests mentioned above and the Guest Speaker, Warren Lever, Poole Council’s Environment and Design
Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs Carole Deas (Flight delayed), Michael Bond, Jamie Pride, Richard Dimbleby. Late apologies from Mrs I Ricketts.
3. AGM 2008 MINUTES: Accuracy & Matters Arising
The Chairman reminded members that the Minutes of the AGM held on 2nd May 2009 had been included in the Autumn 2009 magazine. The Chairman said that he had not been contacted about their accuracy and asked for a show of hands to approve the Minutes as no queries had arisen. This was given and the Minutes were approved.
The Chairman proposed to limit his report to the up-dating of items included in the Spring 2019 magazine as follows:
Canford Cliffs Village & Canford Cliffs Play Area –
Proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: There has now been some movement on this. Cllr Mrs May Haines and Keith Alcroft, the Association’s Planning Officer, attended a discussion on the options at the Council Offices. The Council needs to have further discussions with Transportation Services, as it transpires that there will be a need to remove two or three of the car parking spaces on the North side of Haven Road to accommodate the trees. The Assn is aware that this idea may not find favour with either the traders on Haven Road or the residents.
Canford Cliffs Play Area: At the last Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Area Committee, it was agreed that the Planning Obligation Working Group together with Leisure Services reconsider the installation of the CC play area for the current municipal year as funding is already in place.
Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development, former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn, Old Orchard House, Quay Thistle Hotel & former Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane –
Former Poole Pottery Site, Land at junction of Sopers Lane & York Road (Development of land at York Road to create a 116 bed care home with an associated Day Centre) – this application was refused by the Planning Committee meeting at their meeting on 25/03/10 and this is now subject to an appeal to be determined at a Planning Inquiry to be held in August or October 2010. This key brownfield site has been designated for use as a Science Park.
Quay Thistle Hotel – The controversial application to demolish the existing hotel and erect a 149 bed hotel with 10 flats above; 133 flats in four blocks and a terrace of 11 houses was withdrawn, at the invitation of the Local Planning Authority, earlier this month.
Poole Borough Council – Committee Dates – At last Tuesday’s Full Council meeting, the current administration voted to change the start time of all Planning Committee meetings to 2.00pm. The new Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee is Cllr Mrs Judy Butt. Cllr Mrs Janet Walton has had to stand down from this Committee as she has been appointed Portfolio Holder for Children & Young Peoples’ Services to replace Cllr Tony Woodcock.
Use of Assn’s Capital Reserve – The Assn has funded the new noticeboard at the Canford Cliffs Library: It has also offered financial assistance for the extension of Canford Cliffs Library and plants at the Sunken Garden at Pinecliff Gardens. It may offer financial assistance with the plant of trees in Haven Road.
Vice Chairman – the Chairman advised that the Association is still looking for a Vice Chairman and JS thanked the President, Terry Stewart, for covering this role and for his support during the year
The Chairman advised there was nothing further to add to the Income and Expenditure Account included in the Spring 2010 magazine.
Peter Schofield had audited the Accounts and has agreed to continue for a further year. JS asked for approval by the meeting and this was given by a show of hands.
Terry Stewart said how everybody must be immensely impressed, as to the thoroughness of John Sprackling as the Chairman of the Association, and even though there was some concern for John’s health in the future, he would like to propose that John continue as the Chairman, and asked for a seconder. It was seconded by John Gunton and carried unanimously.
JS thanked everyone for their support and said that how much he enjoyed being the Chairman. He went on to say that John Defty had had to resign from the Treasurer’s position to care for his wife
JS proposed that the following members be elected as the executive committee for the coming year. A show of hands carried the motion.
President Terry Stewart
Chairman John Sprackling
Vice Chairman Vacant
Treasurer Paul Fearnley
Membership Secretary Michael Bond
Planning Officer Keith Alcroft
Secretary/Minute Secretary Carol Parkin
Data Protection Officer Stan Alfert
Magazine Editor John Gunton
Magazine Advertising Bob Young
Funding for Westbourne Medical Centre and the NHS Dental Practice in Westbourne – Whilst our Guest Speaker setting up for his presentation, the Chairman invited Jim Wilson, a member of the Association, to speak about NHS financial support for two of its services in the area covered by the Association.
JW opened by telling the meeting that he was formerly Chairman of the Poole Primary Care Trust. Over the last few months, he has become increasingly concerned about the amount of money that is likely to be cut from NHS services in this area. Despite what each of the political parties are saying major cuts are well underway. Two examples of this locally are:
- The refusal by Bournemouth & Poole NHS Primary Care Trust to honour some of the Running Costs (excluding Capital costs) of the previously agreed extension to the Westbourne Medical Centre. The extension is to provide better medical services for residents in our area which are much needed and will be more so when the cuts start having some effect on our two local hospitals.
- Turning to the NHS Dental Practice in Westbourne, the PCT agrees that the practice does not receive the full cost tariff which is given to other dental practices in the nearby area. The Dental Practice has taken on nearly 1 million pounds of their own liability on premises to improve dental facilities and was previously given the indication that they would receive funding to support the dental practice. However, doubt has now been expressed that this will be so.
JW believes it is in the Association’s interest to take an active interest in the Primary Care Trust’s decisions, and called for somebody in the Association to take on this responsibility.
The Chairman said that it would be put down on the Agenda for the Association’s next monthly meeting.
JS welcomed the Guest Speaker
NB Awaiting for Warren’s transcript for inclusion
Mr. Lever then took questions from the floor.
Dennis Riley opened by pointing out the awfulness of the area around Poole Bus Station. Mr. Riley also pointed out that the density of Canford Cliffs was not being maintained; demolishing one house and building three or four in its place, or a block of flats for instance.
He also said that there was a trend to build blocks of flats higher than the three stories originally agreed.
Mr. Lever answered by saying that first of all the LPA recognises the shortfalls of the bus station area and is currently working hard to make changes.
In order to comply with the last Government’s building programme, tall blocks of flats need to be built, and all that the LPA can do is to try to ensure that they are the right design and in the right place.
JS asked Mr. Lever if he could comment on the sub division of plots in Canford Cliffs.
Mr. Lever replied that this is something for the LPA to look at.
Terry Stewart commented that he was glad that Mr. Lever admits that Poole does not have a vision for the future.
He pointed out that even though Poole Quay was a Conservation Area, the LPA have more or less accepted a terrible design for the rebuilding of the Thistle Hotel site and asks when are we going to get really good control of the design of our most historic sites within the borough.
Mr. Lever pointed out that approval had not been given by the LPA to the design to rebuild the Thistle Hotel, but there is a Planning Performance Agreement, which is a different thing, and is essentially a project execution plan for an application not approval of the application as such.
Barry Weir asked Mr. Lever to confirm that the restraints on design do not apply outside of the Conservation Areas.
Mr. Lever confirmed that the restraints do not apply to demolition, although PPS 1 is overarching.
Roy Pointer asked Mr. Lever how the LPA deals with the situation where in previous years they have made a ‘mistake’ and allowed an unsuitable building to be built in a conservation area and an application is made for a similar design, quoting the previous one as a precedent.
Mr. Lever replied that this could be difficult; however, if the prevailing character of the street is red brick for instance, an application going against this should be fairly easy to defend.
John Gunton asked about the Third Party Appeal procedure, and Mr. Lever replied that he was probably not the right person to talk about this.
The Chairman then thanked Mr. Lever for his presentation.
The Chairman welcomed Mr. Robert Syms (MP) who then gave a short talk.
Mr. Syms opened by explaining the arithmetic of Parliament following the election i.e. how the parliamentary seat numbers added up and led to the present situation of a Conservative/Lib.Dem Coalition. David Cameron had to put aside Party interests in favour of national interest. The arrangement will require give and take between the two parties and Mr. Simms wishes both David Cameron and Nick Clegg well in doing the best for our country.
Mr. Syms then went on to tell the meeting about a Conservative Green Paper for Planning which addresses many of the concerns of people at the meeting, and that he expects a White Paper will be produced soon, setting out changes to the Planning system. For example, it is anticipated the White Paper will give more power to Local Authorities, and increased fines may be introduced that reflect property values to prevent developers riding roughshod over the system. He hopes that the changes will benefit Poole.
He finished off by saying that there has been a detrimental effect on suburban areas, not only in Poole, by classifying them as brownfield sites leading to a lot of inappropriate development, and he is sure that the new government will do its best to protect our environment and inheritance.
There being no further questions, the Chairman closed the meeting at 12.15am and invited members to stay for refreshments.