BPCCRA Minutes December 8th 2010





  • Terry Stewart President
  • John Sprackling Chairman
  • Wayne Hancock Vice-Chairman
  • Keith Alcroft Planning Officer
  • John Gunton Magazine Editor
  • Bob Young Magazine Advertising
  • Carol Parkin Secretary
  • Cllr Mrs May Haines Ward Councillor
  • Cllr Neil Sorton ditto
  • Ken Sanson, Chairman, Sandbanks Assn
  • Approx 15 Members/Wardens


JS welcomed Cllrs Mrs Haines & Sorton and all those present.

Apologies: Apologies received from Stan Alfert, Geoff Solomon & Chris Stracey
Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 10 NOVEMBER 2010.


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported…
1.    Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments

2.    Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – Planning application for an 80 bed care home with associated facilities refused by Planning Committee on 11/11/10. Chairman”s note: I have been notified that an appeal against this decision has been lodged by the applicant.

3.    Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – No new developments

4.    Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto

5.    Old Orchard House. 39-61 High Street – ditto

6.   Land at West Quay Road (Mixed use regeneration and new public quayside to include; the demolition of a listed gate post and all existing buildings on site; the redevelopment of the site with 440 residential units provided in six apartment blocks with basement parking and courtyard) – TS reported that there was a public exhibition of the proposed design of the new development and there was an overwhelming vote against this design by the 155 or so people who had viewed the exhibition. In consequence, the Planning Department has asked the developer to think again and they have appointed a new architect. They have said that new design will be available at the end of January, 2011, which will go forward to the Planning Committee in February.
There are now four conservation bodies campaigning as they are very concerned over the development of some of these sites – including the proposals by the Poole Harbour Commissioners to build a very large marina off Hamworthy Park, which is very unpopular
TS also reported that two big developments in West Quay Road have both refused to make any contribution towards affordable housing as they are not making enough profit.
WM felt that it is far too easy for the developers to show that they are making losses and therefore cannot afford to make contributions towards affordable housing.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update: JS reported…

1 Cliff Drive Complaint received regarding extra windows being installed at this property. Following discussions with contractors Celebration Developments and Greenwood Associates, an application to regularise the development is being submitted.

17 Over Links Drive (Application to demolish existing and erect 2 detached houses granted on 31/01/08 but number of conditions should have been complied with before this development commenced) – No new developments.

19 Mornish Road (Tree replacement) – ditto

55 Canford Cliffs Road (Removal of the gates, railings, fence and hedge, and the erection of a low stone wall with planting behind) – ditto

15A Westminster Road (Erection of railings over 1 metre high partly along the frontage of 15a Westminster Road, being adjacent to a highway. The boundary treatment then changes to a double close boarded fence over 1 metre high which continues along the frontage of Westminster Road, being adjacent to a highway and then turns South-West and continues down the boundary with Dalkeith Road being also adjacent to a highway)– ditto

2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road (Boundary treatment) – ditto

24 Ravine Road (Overhang on right hand side of garage is 800mm but should be 200mm) – Retrospective application refused on 26/10/10.

Land adj to 20A Chaddesley Glen (Land be reinstated) – An enforcement notice was due to be served requiring the land be reinstated. The damage to the trees is also under investigation. A revised scheme to erect detached garage, store, brick piers and wall was lodged on 09/11/10.

Community Working Group (CWG): In the absence of Roy Pointer who arrived later in the meeting, JS    JS/WH reported that the next CWG meeting is on 26/01/11. RP has had to tender his apologies for the meeting and JS has offered to take his place. This would have been the last meeting that RP was permitted to attend under the two year rule and Wayne Hancock has kindly agreed to take RPs online casino place at future

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: JS reported that the majority of the Shoreline Management    RP Policies for the coastline of Poole have remained the same as those of the original document. There have been some minor changes in policies for some sections of the coastline and he would include details in the Minutes – see below
• The Policy for the length of coastline around Holes Bay has been split so the coast adjacent to the urban area can remain “hold the line” and the length of more natural coast adjacent to Upton House is classified as “no active intervention” allowing the existing natural erosion to continue. • The Policy for the length of coastline between Lake Pier and Rockley Point has changed to selected “hold the line” to allow natural erosion of the coast adjacent to Ham Common and protection of the coast adjacent to Rockley Caravan Park.
• The Policy for the eastern side of Lytchett Bay is changed in the medium to long term to “hold the line” to allow for the possible construction of new defences required to manage potential flood risk.

Council Tax 2010/11 & Council”s Budget Monitoring report: William Mutlow reported on the Council Budget Monitoring (1 April 2010 – 31 October 2010) report presented at the previous night”s Cabinet meeting.    The budgeted deficit for 2010/11 has been reduced to £68,000 from the £640,000 deficit last month.
However, significant pressures remain within Adult Social Care and in a number of the Council”s income streams, which are too volatile to predict and could add further pressure to the amounts already assumed within the Budget.
JS reported that the council had been reviewing the boundaries in Poole with a view to reduction in the numbers of Councillors, however, at the previous night”s Cabinet meeting, those attending were told that there will be no reduction in 2011 and it is not likely to be before 2015 that the Boundary Commission will look at the boundaries. NS asked if the Association had any views on this situation. TS replied that we would be loathe to lose any of our three Councillors as we wish to have as good a representation as possible.
There were no further comments on the number of Councillors we have for our Ward.

Poole Partnership: – JS reported that he & TS attended workshop on 24/11/10 at the Civic Centre to    JS consider the implications of the recent Comprehensive Spending Review for delivering public services in Poole and explore the opportunities for working together to deliver services more effectively and efficiently. JS added that he was disappointed with the time it took to make the presentations
TS reported that we had had a financial workshop some six weeks previous to this. Those from the Association who had attended were of the view that this was a PR exercise on behalf of the council,  primarily to get the message across that what will happen in the form of cuts is going to be painful, as no specific information was available.
JS and WH also attended a “Great sharing event” at Great Western Hotel, Bournemouth on 26/11/10 hosted by the Principal of Bournemouth & Poole College to explore the use the College assets to serve the community. The College is attended by some 4,500 students but, for the most part, Bournemouth and Poole residents are unaware of the facilities available to general public.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No new developments.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto

Bessborough Road – ditto

Footpath 82 Spur – Sandbanks Boatyard & Marina Co. Ltd had until 25/11/10 to appeal against the Definitive Modification Order to add Footpath 82 Spur but the latest position has yet to be announced.

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden):    JS reported the Assn had received from Poole Council Asset Management & Property Services Unit a copy of the heads of terms that will become the basis of the Licence for the Sunken Garden for comment and also a plan of the site to mark the areas the Assn will be responsible for maintaining along with the Assn”s proposed timings for the works. It was agreed that JS would circulate this to the members of the Executive.
NS reported later in the meeting that, as Cabinet Member, he had recently signed-off the funding for the Canford Cliffs Play Area. The funding allocated was up to £50,000. Other work would include new bins and benches, signage and fencing. In addition to the above funds, the Land Society is willing to contribute £5,000 towards the scheme, specifically for seating, the reinstatement of views and other ground maintenance works.

Public Liability Insurance (PLI) – JS is pursuing.

Poole Council”s Efficiency Review Programme: JS reported that, at last night”s Cabinet, efficiency savings were reported in the current year 2010/11 of £215,000.

£000s Contract

116    Printing & Design Contract

34    Mobile Phone Contract

33    Self Insurance

32    Energy Contract

215    T otal

Parking in Shore Road: NS presented the petition to the Transportation Advisory Group meeting on 25/11/10 and it was recommended that a permit for commercial vehicles be introduced at a cost of £350 a year.


KA reported…

11 Westminster Road (Demolition of the existing building and construction of three detached houses with associated parking and access. (revised scheme – Appeal dismissed on 17/11/10

7 Lakeside Road (Erect a three storey block of six x two bed flats and one three bed duplex with basement parking. (Revised scheme) (as amended by plans received 29.04.10) – Appeal dismissed on 07/12/10.

Other current planning issues

The Nightjar, 6 Ravine Road (Fit new set of french doors to west elevation, erect new boarded timber fence and install a new extract system on roof at the rear) – Application registered on 04/10/10. Local concerns.
7 Ventry Close (Erection of 1no. dwelling and rationalisation of garage accommodation to no 7 Ventry Close) – Application registered on 15/10/10. Revised site location plan lodged on 03/12/10.
8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application.    An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property. This property is up for sale at is “offers” in excess of £2m.
60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council”s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

5.    ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS reported that the total funds as at 30th November amounted to £30,866.22


Twin Sails Bridge: JS reported that the Audit Commission”s Annual Audit Letter was presented at the    JS previous night”s Cabinet meeting. Concern is expressed in the letter over how Poole is going to repay £9.96 million it borrowed from the South West Regional Development Agency”s Regional Infrastructure Fund is part of a total project cost of £37 million. This is due to be repaid from future developer
contributions from the regeneration sites from 2013.
However, Annual Audit Letter says that “the economic conditions and the depressed housing market mean there is some uncertainty about the amount and timing of these contributions. Challenges to the application of the South East Dorset transport contributions policy also means that there is some uncertainty about planning contributions from this source”
Roy Pointer pointed out the two triangular shaped lifting leaves, symbolising the sails of a yacht, will only be visible when these are upright, whereas for the majority of the time these will be down. He wonders if, because of this, the bridge will be prove to be much of a draw to tourists.

Localism and Decentralisation Bill: TS reported that the Government are going to Introduce a Localism and Decentralisation Bill. This will give quite a lot of local power to Residents’ Groups, etc. It is expected that bodies like the Assn will be able to shape where they live in the manner of Parish Plans which have already been introduced in rural Dorset. These are developed by consulting all the local residents of the Parish and drawing up detailed plans of how that particular community wants that Parish to develop. These have been highly successful. TS expects a similar sort of process will be carried out in urban areas such as this. This may give the local Residents’ Associations the power to grant or refuse planning permission.

There being no AOB, the meeting closed at 8.15pm and was concluded with mulled wine and mince pies.

Date of next Meeting: Wednesday 12th January 2011 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm”s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)