Terry Stewart President Bob Reid Chairman
Carol Parkin Secretary/Minutes Secretary Mike Parkin Membership Secretary Roger Allen Magazine Advertising
Dugald Eadie Planning Officer Cllr. Mohan Iyengar
Cllr. May Haines
Approximately 30 members and wardens The Chairman welcomed those present. APOLOGIES
John Gunton, Paul Fearnley, Roy Pointer, Linda Brook, Julie Reid, Steph Stephenson. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JULY 12, 2017
The Chairman explained why these minutes were longer than usual.
There were no comments from the members about these minutes and so they were approved. TRAVELLER INCURSIONS
Since the last Association meeting The Chairman went along to a meeting at the Council where Traveller Incursions was discussed. The Council are rather tied with the rules and laws from the Government.
The Association made a presentation at the meeting at the Council where the Associations views and opinions were presented by John Gunton along with details of the assault and the car damage, which the Council listened to carefully. They appeared to be concerned that the police were not being active enough and will speak with the PCC, Martyn Underhill.
The idea of Temporary Stopping Place (TSP) on a rotation basis was mooted, in order that there could be a site to which the Travellers could be directed. Travellers used to have a permanent site allocated to them in Poole, but this was taken away as they ‘trashed’ it. There is no TSP in Poole currently. DE brought up the question of definition of Traveller, as the ones we have in Poole appear to be ‘tourists’. The Chairman said that this is another whole new issue. A member pointed out that when he visited Winchester last month a large proportion of the Travellers illegally camped in the car park there were French. There was then general discussion on ‘Travellers’. John Sprackling said that there was presently a Traveller presence on the car park at Sandbanks. Cllr MI then brought us up to date with progress so far made by the Council. There is general agreement that there needs to be adjustment to the law but that Poole Council are unable to do this. He has had a meeting with the PCC’s office about police inactivity towards Travellers. They insist that they can do nothing until the law is changed. There is no support at the Council for having rotating TSPs. There is still the reticence of the population of Poole to have a site in proximity to where they live, but more importantly, no one rotating site would be large enough. There is the question as to whether there should be a TSP outside the Borough in a rural area, but the stipulation is that we must have a site
within the borough, and this is part of the law that Poole Council would like to be changed because of the constriction of space within the borough.
We’re still waiting a Government decision on this but plans need to be made because of the budget. Cllr Haines detailed the shared services Poole Council already has with Bournemouth.
For instance, there is now only one Head of Legal and Democratic Services, HR, Financial Services, and IT.
There has been a voluntary redundancy programme in order that each section of Corporate Services may reach its target of 20% saving.
The Seafront and library services are currently being negotiated.
TS asked how much had to be saved and Cllr. MH told him that it is about £10.8Million but as this is a work in progress there cannot be an exact figure.
MP asked if anybody is monitoring that those who take redundancy are not rehired as consultants. Cllr.MH said that this is very unlikely to happen.
JS said that he would like more detail to be provided when consultants are hired.
DE said that he hoped that our Council had some concept of ethics. It was pointed out that Stephen Thorne, who was the Head of Planning, had been re-hired on a consultancy basis!
Cllr MI explained that even though some beachfront services were shared, Poole seafront remains in the ownership of Poole Council, and the same for Bournemouth.
TS brought up the question of lack of information from Poole Council; Cllr MI agreed that there is still work to be done on communications.
This is a working group between the Council, the traders of Canford Cliffs and the residents of Canford Cliffs. Things are now beginning to happen. We had hoped that Steph Stevenson from HNB would be able to come to our meeting to give us a talk about the aspirations for Haven Road, though Canford Cliffs Village, but, unfortunately, she is unable to attend. However, the proposed plans for Haven Road are on display in HNB salon until the 15th of September. Steph Stevenson is extremely disappointed that she couldn’t be at the meeting, and hopes to be able to be at the next meeting of the Assn. to talk about that proposals for Haven Road. However, things are now going ahead, albeit very slowly due to Council resources and commitments.
A bid for CIL money to be used has been launched.
Work on the new Tesco in Haven Road should begin quite soon. PINECLIFF GARDENS
Roger Allen reported that things are going well with the garden and it is applying for a Green Flag Award. PLANNING APPLICATIONS
APP/17/01005/F 24/08/2017
2a Martello Park (Martello Lodge) Increase existing approved 4 storey block to 5 storeys. Neighbours in South Lodge, having accepted the original plan, are not happy with the extra floor. All blocks around that area are 4 storeys. Red card is expected.
APP/17/01157/F 23/08/2017
1-5 Lindsay Road McCarthy & Stone proposal for 37 retirement apartments to replace 5 bungalows. Advance consultation has already taken place. 5 letters, of which 2 object, 3 approve (unusual).
APP/17/01114/F 15/08/2017
43 Western Road Replace existing 5 bedroom house with three blocks of flats (10 in total) Difficult to see how this can be justified in Conservation Area (existing house is listed in Poole Council documents). 18 objections so far – Dover Road residents quite active, objection from BPCCRA
APP/17/01164/F 9/08/2017
1,1A Canford Cliffs Avenue Demolish existing bungalow and erect two 4-bed detached houses. See comments on 5 Canford Cliffs Avenue below. 4 objections from immediate neighbours, particularly concerned about impact on road, which has a cultivated central reservation. Also, a complete change to the style of the properties.
APP/17/01084/P 25/07/2017
19 Canford Cliffs Road Demolish garage and erect new detached house, creating new entrance where there is an existing pedestrian gate. As usual. This will increase the density of housing. No objections so far.
APP/17/01070/P 20/07/2017
9 Martello Road South Demolish existing bungalow and replace with three dwellings. Further increase in density of housing in this area. Main objection from neighbour in Oratory Gardens, worried about overlooking windows and impact of basement construction.
APP/17/00962/P 13/07/2017
2 Mornish Road Demolish existing house and replace with single dwelling. No objections.
APP/17/00997/F 10/07/2017
5 Canford Cliffs Avenue Demolish existing house and replace with 2 detached houses. 8 letters of objection – appears to be a threat to the whole stretch of land to Widdicombe Road. Several neighbours say that there are “covenants” which should prevent this.
APP/17/00957/F 3/07/2017
19 Wilderton Road Demolish existing house and erect block of 6 flats. Blatant follow-on from approval for single dwelling on 19 May 2017. 7 objections, including BPCCRA. Allowing a block of flats in this part of the road would be against the principles of the Conservation Area.
APP/17/00785/F 13/06/2017
11 Martello Road South Demolish existing house and erect block of 14 flats. This is an expansion of the existing approved plan for 9 flats. 4 letters of objection, but note that residents already tried hard to prevent original application, and will probably do less now. On 28 July 2017, Robert Syms MP wrote to the Chief Executive of Poole Borough Council to object to this proposal.
APP/17/00742/F 02/06/2017
22 St Clair Road Demolish existing 3 flats and erect 2 no 4 bed houses with parking Unusually, 5 letters of support, only 1 objection, concerning privacy. Current building is an “eyesore”.
WITHDRAWN on 3 August 2017. Applicant knew that planning officer was going to refuse it, and it is likely that an amended version will be proposed. The Planning officer was clear that the buildings were too big for the site and the area.
APP/17/00206/F 15/02/2017
5 Ormonde Rd
Alterations, extensions and conversion of existing house to form 4 cluster houses with new vehicular access, parking and bin storage. Neighbourhood opposition with representatives attending the May BRCCRA monthly meeting. At least 20 letters of objection. Revised proposal on 9/08/2017, reducing to 3 dwellings, but neighbours still objecting. DECISIONS
APP/16/01623/F 28/10/2016 46-48 Tower Road
28 retirement apartments (McCarthy & Stone) Grant 3/08/2017
Variation on existing approval, some controversy about location/ traffic issues. APP/17/00405/F 22/03/2017
2 Western Ave
Plot severance and erection of detached dwelling with access from Canford Cliffs Road. Refused 28/07/2017
Strong objections seem to have worked (for now). Impact on trees was a major factor. Appeal made on 30/08/2107 (as expected) Appeal quotes 12A Western Avenue as a “model” to justify splitting the site.
APP/16/01353/F 1/09/2016
22 Balcombe Road New 2-storey house in plot carved out of existing.
Grant 28/07/2017
Some controversy due to increase in density, but numbering suggests that this was expected.
APP/17/00594/F 21/04/2017
11 Newton Road Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement Grant 14/06/2017
APP/17/00697/F 18/05/2017
7 Chaddesley Glen
Demolition of existing dwelling, to be replaced with block of 4 flats.
Grant 20/07/2017
Main point is that planning already exists for a similar building. The “right of light” issue raised by neighbours is a legal matter, and does not affect planning decision.
APP/17/00669/P 18/05/2017
6 Pinewood Road
Demolish existing dwelling and replace with 8 flats and basement parking Refused 13/07/2017
Reasons for refusal are consistent with the many objections. Slight inconsistency with original pre-app advice. PINES AND CHINES MAGAZINE
Just a reminder that anything for the forthcoming issue of the magazine should be given to John Gunton by Friday 15th September.
The Accounts are available with the Chairman if anyone wished to look at them. We currently have £32,658 in the account.
Terry has been the President of the Association for some years and has been with the Association for 25 years.
Terry is moving out of the area and is resigning his duties as President. Chairman presented him with a local painting in order that he might remember his association with Poole.
Terry thanked the Association and remarked that our Association is remarkably active in the area. He wished to pay tribute to John Sprackling who was Chair of the Association for 14 years, and to Bob Reid, the current Chairman. ANY OTHER BUSINESS
The Chairman has had an e mail from Cllr. MI detailing the restoration of the landslip at Cliff Drive. If anyone wants to see this contact Bob Reid and he will send a copy.
The latest Neighbour Hood Watch newsletter is available here at the meeting if anyone wishes to take one. John Sprackling informed the meeting that the group Unite the Conurbation are fully supporting
The amalgamation of Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch Councils. The ‘minded to’ notice may be received on Friday 15th. If this letter is not received, the Unite the Conurbation Group want to send a letter to Sajid Javid (Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government) to encourage him to make a decision. JS went on to say that the group wanted to get an idea or how people feel about this and asked that we could have a show of hands of those who support the unification of the conurbation. There was overwhelming support and two people against the idea.
Cllr. MI asked what the reasons were for being against this plan. The main reason was the fear that Poole would lose its identity and be steamrollered by Bournemouth.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm.
Branksome Park and Canford Cliffs Residents Association C/O Bob Reid (Chair)
46 The Oasis, 45 Lindsay Road Branksome Park Poole BH13 6AP
Website www.pinesandchines.co.uk