Minutes of January Meeting – Branksome Park and Canford Cliffs District Residents Association

Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Wednesday 11th January 2017 at 7.30 pm.

Present Roger Allen (RA)              Vice Chair

Terry Stewart (TS)                           President

May Haines (MH)                     Ward Councillor, Deputy Leader Conservative Group

Mohan Iyengar (MI)                  Ward Councillor, Conservative

10 Wardens and Members

Welcome and Apologies

Bob Reid Chair, Carol Parkin Secretary and minute secretary, Mike Parkin membership secretary, Paul FernleyTreasurer, John Gunton magazine editor,
ChrisStracey, Tracy Holmes, Martin Heath Julie Reid.

Roger Allen opened the meeting at 7.30 as Chair and Minute Secretary combined.

Minutes of the meeting 14th Dec 2016

The Chair explained that the Secretary Carol Parkin was unwell and hadn’t been able to write up the minutes as normal. Bob Reid had prepared the shortened version that was presented to members for approval. Terry Stewart proposed their adoption which received unanimous support.

Matters arising
Parking issues were to the fore and in effectthe discussions moved straight onto item 4 on the January agenda.

Item 4: On Road parking charges, latest update, raising parking charges
MH didn’t have the information as what the rise in parking charges would be but confirmed that BOP will be conducting a benchmarking exercise with other authorities.
TS said it was unfortunate that the detail was only notified three days before and that all traders were objecting. TS went on to say that town centres are facing big challenges with business retail shops closing and more charity shops opening. We have a marketing team to promote the town centre and raising car park charges is counterproductive to their work.
MI said that the decline of Poole town centre goes back many years with contributory factors being high rents and the rail line which crosses the pedestrian thoroughfare. He pointed out that BOP is investing £3.5 million and Legal & General’s contribution brings the total investment up to £10 million. This represents a huge investment and BOP has to balance the books.
StanAlfert (SA) asked if the new charges would be higher than Bournemouth. MH replied that the benchmark exercise would determine this. She went on to say that BOP would be funding the repairs to address the structural problems of the car park over WH Smith. SA expressed concern that if parking fees are raised to high there could be an actual loss of revenue as well as a negative impact on the businesses.
TS identified that parking fees in district car parks are doubling. TS said that he would conduct a research study and produce a matrix of current car parking fees against proposed increases.
MH and MI made the case strongly that BOP is facing a funding crisis. RA suggested that BOP could put forward a matrix for increases in community charge against services that would be saved etc. and then go out for a referendum. MH said that research shows the likely result would be a no to any increases above the cap and that the cost of a referendum at £120.000 is not affordable.

Item 5: Planning

Unfortunately our Planning Officer Tracy Holmes was out of commission after a riding accident, notwithstanding she kindly emailed a list of planning applications for discussion. RA read through the list many of which were new applications and some refusals. Please see Tracy’s Planning List which is a separate document attached.
The discussion centred on The HMO saga on Pinewood Road. The HMO is now closed. The owners have dropped plans to build a nursing home changing back to a block of flats and that application has now been changed to a bigger block of flats.
MH confirmed that she is monitoring the situation.
SA has concerns over the seemingly never ending situation at 4 Bracken Hill with applications for a larger house being refused and then going to appeal again and so on. The residents of Bracken Hill, some of which are members would like to see the RA backing a continual refusal of these out of character house designs.

Paul Fernley will be asked to check our memberships along Bracken Hill.
John Sprackling (JS) referred to the application at 8 Martello South where the
Planning Committee overturned an officer recommendation. JS and TS separately said that the committee overturns officer recommendations for refusal quite often and in so doing totally ignores the BOP Core Strategy. JS agreed that he would review the history of officer recommendations being overturned by committee. SA said that this part of the world appeared to overturn more decisions than was the norm.

Items 6 & 7 Plans for the Civic Centre reception and the closure of public toilets
These two items were discussed at the same time as the public and the press have linked the cost of remodelling the reception with the savings to be gained by closing public toilets.
MH opened the discussion by saying that there is no statutory requirement for BOP to provide public toilets at all. Her view is that the Civic Centre reception and cash office are very dated. There are issues around client confidentiality which would be improved if there were private interview facilities. And that advances in technology mean that a cash machine could be installed to receive payments and for those troubled by using such a machine help and support would be on hand. The saving from installing a cash machine would be in staff costs, and that redundancy costs had been factored into the calculations. The cost of for the work would be £216,000 of which £150,000 would come from existing budgets. The cost of maintaining the toilets earmarked for closure would be £72,000 and it wouldn’t stop there. The toilets in question are old and out of date and would in reality require capital investment to keep them going as well as scheduled maintenance. MH referred to the “Pay Back” of the costs for the reception project which would come in over a number of years.
RA asked if the project had actually been approved in principle, how the socalled “Pay Back” works as there isn’t actually an income stream being invested in and just because there is spare money in a budget shouldn’t mean it has to be spent on a project given the dire financial situation. MH replied that the pay back would be a result of savings on staff wages, and held to her position on the need for remodelling the reception justified the spend from existing budgets.
SA said that if the pay back was being calculated over a number of years and the building did become redundant in the relatively near future then the figures cannot be justified. The membership generally remained very circumspect over the perceived pay back. Roy Pointer confirmed his doubts over the pay back notion too and asked MH through the chair why they were intending to spend this money given the challenging financial situation if as the plan for conurbation develops the Civic Centre might well cease to be. MH stuck to her position that the reception is outdated and the work is essential.
In simple terms the general view at the meeting was that it’s not whether in an ideal world the changes that MH envisages should be carried out. Rather that the project should be delayed in the face of the move to form a conurbation which our council has now voted for. Following what had become an impasse between our Ward Councillor and the members.
Stan Alfet proposed a resolution as follows.
Discretionary expense that is not essential in the light of forthcoming prospects for change should be deferred for two years until we know more about future arrangements concerning the conurbation to bring Poole, Bournemouth and Christchurch together and how this may affect Poole Civic Centre.
The proposal was seconded by Roy Pointer and carried with a unanimous vote in support.
It was agreed that TS would distribute the details of our resolution the following day.
SA asked for our disappointment over the closure of the public toilets to be
recorded. SA asked why BOP couldn’t look at the continental model for public toilets where prefabricated toilet pods are placed into public areas with a charge levied for use. RP mentioned that Wessex water have toilet schemes. RA said that in some areas toilet blocks have been sold for development as bars or cafes on the agreement that the operators will provide a public toilet.
MI said that he would he would follow up with BOP to explore business and
commercial opportunities with council WC’s. MH said that vandals inhibit
development of public toilets. SA said we should explore commercial options and not let vandals win the day.

Item 8: Beach Road car park
RP said that the date for submissions had been extended and he is crafting a
response accordingly. It was felt that the RA should be seen to be active where such a large project is being considered.
Item 9: Accounts
Copies of the 2016 accounts had been circulated. RA said that a late payment for advertising was now in which would bring the magazine within budget. The overall position remained much the same. It was mentioned that Sundries and Meeting costs were well over budget but other headings were either spot on or under.
It was suggested that the budget for 2017 should be reviewed to take account of the reality of sundries and that the budget needs to include likely costs for ad hoc meetings required during the progress of our various campaigns. RA said he would liaise with the Treasurer in this regard. RA thanked the Treasurer for his work.


TS referred to the report that made the claim that there had been a powerful
response to the consultation regarding the merger of Poole, Bournemouth and Christchurch and asked MH if a response of 3% could be considered as such. MH responded that the data against norms suggest the response was good and there was little adverse comment. RP by 31.01.17 all nine Dorset Councils will have voted on their various plans for amalgamations.
Mike Wrigley asked a question of MH as to where he can find information on
regeneration projects.
Before closing the meeting RA thanked our Ward Councillors for attending and paid particular tribute to May Haines who had come under fire somewhat but had held her ground and made many valuable points. RA said that we all very much appreciate her hard work and dedication as a councillor.

The meeting closed at 8.45pm

Roger Allen
BPCCRA Vice Chair
13th January 2017

Branksome Park Canford Cliffs & District Residents’ Association Minutes October

Branksome Park Canford Cliffs & District Residents’ Association


For monthly meeting 9th November 2016 at 7.30p.m. in the Lounge, rear of St. Aldhelm’s Parish Church (access via Lindsay Road)
1 Welcome and Apologies.
2 Minutes of meeting 12 October 2016.
3 Matters arising.
4 On Road Parking Charges, latest update.
5 The new Magazine.
6 Planning issues.
7 Resident Parking Scheme.
8 Accounts
9 A.O.B
The next meeting will be on the 14th December 2016
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Minutes of monthly meeting held Wednesday October 12, 2016 at 19.30

PRESENT Bob Reid Chairman

Roger Allen Vice Chairman

Carol Parkin Secretary/Minutes Secretary

Mike Parkin Membership Secretary

Terry Stewart President

Tracy Holmes Planning Officer

Approximately 30 wardens and members.

APOLOGIES Cllr May Haines, Cllr Mohan Iyengar,

Stan Alfert, Chris Stracey, Neil Denning, Dawn Goodson.

Peter and Patricia Osborne, Judy and Alan White, Mary Parsons

Sarah Holt, Irene Ashton, Paul Fearnley, John Gunton.
The Chairman extended a welcome to those present.

The minutes of the meeting held in September were accepted as a correct record.

BR gave an update on the licence for the beach volley ball event, which he said should have been ‘Beach sports’ event. On the previous minutes.
He went on to say that the minutes of the Licensing Committee have now been posted on-line.
The Licensing Committee have passed this, but have changed the ending time from 1.00am to 11.00pm.

John Sprackling said that he had asked Frank Wenzel why the report marked ‘confidential’ was not on the website, and why it was marked ‘confidential’. He has now asked the Committee clerk why the report is marked ‘confidential’ and he is still awaiting a reply. JS feels that the Council keep too many things close to their chest.

Our Steering Group is still following this very closely. Roy Pointer reported that they are still waiting for the Council to come back with a revision to their answer to our freedom of information request.

14 Pinewood Road. The Association sent in an objection to this planning application to change the building into a House of Multiple Occupancy. This is already being run as an HMO even though planning has not been granted. The Chairman said that he had had a meeting with Stephen Thorne Head of Planning and Regeneration and was told that a decision would be made in a week. Cllr MH red-carded this application but will not be able to speak at the meeting as she is out of the country. She has delegated a substitute. Irene Ashton of the Association who lives behind the proposed HMO will also speak if possible. There was some discussion amongst the members about this Application; mainly on the length of time this has been able to operate as an HMO without Planning Approval, and therefore criticism of the Planning Department. Mr. Stuart Sherring asked ‘what is the future intention’, as there are several Planning Applications to be considered.
The Chairman answered that Stephen Thorne’s position is that every Planning Application has to be considered, however inappropriate it might be. Therefore if this Application is refused the owners will then proceed with the other application. RA suggested a straight forward letter and question to the Council – ‘Who would be liable if there were an accident or a fire?’ TS suggested a formal letter copied to our Councillors setting out the facts. BR said that that was why he had the meeting with Stephen Thorne, but he hadn’t asked a question about liability. BR said that he would do another letter. Martin Heath pointed out that the eight week statutory period can be extended and that BR should also ask what reason it was extended in this case.

8 Martello Road South
Martin Heath has requested that this Application be red carded. He would like to question whether flats can be approved at this address as it is an area of low housing density.

22 Balcombe Road or 2 Burton Road
‘Erect Two Storey Dwelling in the Grounds’
JS told the meeting that there was already Planning Permission to convert this large house into two, and the owner has now asked for permission to retain this as one house and build a further house to be built in the garden. This is in the Conservation Area and it infringes the criteria of low density housing. Tracy Holmes said that the Planning Department are looking at this favourably as it will have no impact on the character of the area.

1 Beaumont Road
This is where trees were ring barked. John Sprackling reported that 12 people went to the Judicial Review in London to support Alex Roden. Alex did a splendid job of representing herself in front of the judge.
This was a review of the Planning Inspector’s decision to allow three houses when the local council had refused it. Even though the tree report was flawed, the Inspector allowed it. There will be a written judgement in a few weeks.
The Application is now for three houses; one house facing one road and two facing the other road.
JS said that the Canford Cliffs Land Society (CCLS) hope that the decision is to hand before the eight weeks period for the Planning Application.

14 Chester Road
This Application has been turned down. This is now being appealed.

5-7 Chaddesley Glen
The Application for two apartment buildings has now been approved.

4 Brackenhill
There are several applications. The first was for two dwellings. This was turned down.
There was then an application for one dwelling which was approved.
There is now another application for two dwellings.

29 Brudenell Avenue
The Application is to demolish the existing dwelling and erect two new ones. This application has only just come in.

66 Lillyput Road
The application for twenty apartments has been granted.

6 Tower Road
The application to convert the gatehouse to separate accommodation has been refused.

46-48 Tower Road
McCarthy Stone have had pre-consultations about their plans for this address and subsequently a display at the front of St. Aldhem’s Church. BR left a copy of McCarthy Stone’s poster for members at the meeting to see if they wished. This plan is for 28 retirement flats and the design looks as if it will be sympathetic to neighbouring properties.

BR and RA had a meeting with Steve Dean from the Council to see what exactly the Council intends to do about extending the residents’ parking scheme down Chester Road, Eaton Road and Ormonde Road.
Mr. Dean gave the facts so far. When this scheme was first set up the residents were asked if they wanted to join it. At that time those in those in Chester, Ormonde and EatonRoads didn’t. Some four years later a further review showed that those in Ormonde Road did wish to join, but the others still did not. At the current time the Council has no plans to have residents’ parking schemes anywhere.
The current problem is that employees of LV use these roads for parking as their own car park is not sufficient. BR suggested using the Beach Road car park and providing a Park and Ride scheme.
Mr. Dean is going to look at this suggestion.
RA said that we have a situation now where the Council will not indulge in something costly if it doesn’t fit in with current policies, and extending the Residents’ Parking Scheme does not.
The CEO at LV has submitted a letter saying that his workers are doing nothing illegal by parking on these roads which do not have residents parking, and the demonstrations against them are therefore illegal.
BR suggested that the residents of Chester Road approach their Councillors, as we in the Association have done all that we can. Mr. Dean will write to LV suggesting that they consider using the Beach Road car park for a Park and Ride scheme.
In reply to a comment from Mike Wrigley RR read out the results of a Transportation Advisory Group report from 2003 to determine residents’ wishes to extend the scheme.
In Ormonde Road there were 11 responses, in Eaton Road there were 7 and in Chester Road there were 18. In Ormonde Road 9 of the responses were ‘yes’ and 2 were ‘no’, in Eaton Road three responses were ‘yes’ and 4 were ‘no’ and in Chester Road, 3 responses were ‘yes’ and 15 were ‘no’.
It was pointed out that traffic on the road and employees at LV had increased dramatically since then. RA re-iterated that the facts are that the policies of the Council that were in place when Zone K was created no longer exist, and the only recourse left is to approach the Ward Councillors to ask them if they would table a notice of motion in the council chamber to re-instate this policy. This of course would have to be supported by the rest of the Councillors.
After more comments from the residents of Chester Road, RA said that the Association has spent a lot of time on this question, we have had meetings and established the simple facts that the policy the residents would like to still be in place is no longer there and he feels that the Association can do no more on this.

The current balance is £30,201. Copies are available should anyone wish to see the details.
In this amount is the expenditure on the Magazine which was £2,449 which was for this colour edition.
RA reported that there was an additional £1500 of advertising in this Autumn Magazine, and he hopes to maintain this in the Spring edition. He passed around a copy of the magazine and pointed out that he and John Gunton had negotiated a price for the printing of this colour edition at no extra cost to that we paid previously for the black and white edition.

TS reported on the Community Working Group (CWG). Wearing his CPRE (Campaign for the Protection of Rural England) hat TS asked a number of questions. He said that as a borough we are facing a serious housing problem. The borough needs to build a further 14000 homes, and in TS’s opinion there is just not the room. In order to meet this requirement of 14000 homes the Council

Wish to build higher in the centre of Poole to create a greater density of homes and build a further 5000 homes on our green belt. Government policy is not to build on the green belt and if the Council wishes to do so they must show exceptional circumstances why this policy must be breached.

He feels that the Council’s Core Strategy which says buildings in the centre of Poole along the river should be no higher than six storeys is being ignored. It appears that the Core Strategy is being pushed aside.

There are intentions to build a town of 2500 home at Canford Magna. This would be a breach of the Green Belt conditions.

JS commented that the LPA (Local Planning Authority) have had very little time in which to produce these plans, and if we don’t produce a plan that is acceptable to the Planning Inspectorate Poole will have no say in what is built here. TS agrees with this but says that there must be the support of the local people that the green belt is built on. BR said that Stephen Thorne had told him that the Council had to look at where they could possibly build something, and when Canford Magna Golf Club closed and land is available for building, the Council have to look at this and show the Government that this has been considered. There could then be many reasons that building does not take place here and if it does not, the green belt here is even more protected as it would not be considered for building again.
RA feels that the design of the building is of extreme importance, whether it is 4, 6 or 8 storeys high.
A borough can either be expanding or contracting. Poole must remain attractive to new ventures by expanding, not trying to stop things. TS pointed out that CPRE is not trying to stop things, but modify them to fit in with local and Government policy.
BR pointed out that the number of new homes has been forced onto Poole Council and they must show where it is possible to build. If the green belt is not to be touched, there appears to be only one other place, and buildings must be higher. Roy Pointer said that brownfield sites must be considered as presently they are not. TS feels that the problems with housing all across the country is partly caused by developers refusing to build on brownfield sites.
William Mutlow pointed out that Poole has no register of the number of sites that have planning permission in perpetuity that are sitting empty. RA asked that William e mail him examples of these as he does not believe planning permission can be given ‘in perpetuity’ but expire in three years.

Roy Pointer told the meeting that we are now owners of a projection screen. CP asked if we had insurance for this and Roy said that it was ’work in progress’.

Wayne Hancock asked if the Association could contribute a small sum – say £100 – towards an evening out to which Wayne would like to treat his volunteers at Pinecliff Gardens, to thank them for all their hard work over the years. The garden was recently awarded ‘Outstanding’ by the RHS.

RA said that this needed to be discussed by the committee even though a majority of the committee members present at the meeting agreed. RA asked WH how many volunteers he had.

He replied that it would be about 10 or 12, and RA asked if the names of the volunteers could be given to the committee.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday November 9, 2016, at 7.30pm in the lounge at St. Aldhem’s Parish Centre.

The meeting closed at 8.45pm.

To learn more about the Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs and District Residents Association please see the pines and chines site http://www.pinesandchines.co.uk

Agenda of Monthly Meeting October 2016


For monthly meeting 12th October 2016 at 7.30p.m. in the Lounge, rear of St. Aldhelm’s Parish Church (access via Lindsay Road)


  1. Welcome and Apologies.
  2. Minutes of meeting 14th September 2016.
  3. Matters arising.
  4. Update on the Licencing Hearing for Beach Volleyball event.
  5. On Road Parking Charges, latest update.
  6. Planning issues.
  7. Resident Parking Scheme.
  8. Accounts
  9. O.B
  10. The next meeting will be on the 12th October 2016

Branksome Park Canford Cliffs & District Residents’ Association Minutes September

Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Wednesday 14th September 2016 at 19.30

Present Bob Reid (BR) Chairman
Terry Stewart (TS) President

Tracy Holmes(TH) Planning Officer for Branksome Park
Cllr Mohan Iyengar(MI) Ward Counsillor
18 wardens and members.

Welcome and Apologies
Roger Vice-Chairman, and Zofia Allen, Carol (CP)and Mike Parkin Secretary and Membership Secretary, John Gunton magazine editor, Paul Fearnley Treasurer, and members Vivienne Evans, Dawn Goodson, Christine Norman, John Cribb and Sarah Holt.
Cllr May Haines (MH) Ward Councillor

BR thanked Julie Reid for helping to make notes for the minutes of the meeting, in the absence of CP
2 Minutes of meeting 13th July 2016
These had been circulated and a few were available at meeting for new members or reference.
3 Matters arising
William Mutlow (WM) pointed out that his comments had not been included in the minutes regarding Julian Osgathorpe as the Executive Director for Corporate Services for Bournemouth Borough Council and the Borough of Pooel.
Submitted by John Sprackling (JS) with reference to item 7. We are still waiting to learn the official outcome of the Licensing Sub Committee on 26 July 2016.

MI Agreed they should be online by now and explained that the confidential element would probably be due to requirements of the Legal Department.
BR pointed out that Martin Heath (MRH) has had a letter confirming that the Licence was granted with an end time of 11pm rather than 1am and restrictions on noise levels. Copies of the letter were available.
BR pointed out that the membership forms, separate from the magazine are already available and comply with ICO data protection requirements. BR also announced that following from the June meeting when questions were asked about the four empty shops in Canford Cliffs. There has been a development in that Mandy Payne, Economic Development Officer at Borough of Poole came to a meeting with JS, BR and George Perrins of the Land Society and discussed ways in which the appearance of the shops could be improved

Various options were discussed and it is hoped some progress can be made. She hopes to set up a Traders Collective.
MI filled us in with the information that he has been talking to Mandy about this and she has great experience in the field business promotion professionally, He did advise caution as the four shops pay full business rates and there will be legal restrictions on what can be done. The shops are family owned and their accountant baulked at spending £2000 on improving them.
On completing the matters arising TS proposed accepting the minutes and JS seconded.
4 On Road Parking Charges, Update after the Cabinet meeting.
BR informed that the Steering Group had been meeting regularly and is awaiting to hear when the Poole Cabinet will next consider the proposal. Cllr May Haines had indicated that it probably would not be at its October meeting.
We are carrying out preliminary work for a Judicial Review if necessary should the decision be to go ahead with the meters. And have started preliminary enquiries on legal advice to that end. Any such action would be referred to members for approval.
Roy Pointer(RP) reminded members that we have issued a newsletter, on our strategy and objections copies of which are available on the website. Following a number of unsatisfactory responses to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, RP had referred them to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for review. The latter had instructed Poole Council to provide better answers by 12th October. This £1/2 million project is claimed to ease congestion in Sandbanks area and to contribute to the 25 year Seafront Development Plan the only part of has been approved are some new beach huts.
RP explained that the public meeting in March and Poole Committee meetings had been filmed for a TV programme called “Parking Wars” to be screened on Tuesday next.
MI said that he could not add to what Janet Walton or MH have said and he said that Council would keep this proposal alive as it is their duty to consider all proposals that could raise money.
Martin Heath (MRH) said that Cabinet have never discussed congestion in detail and the project was simply about making money.
A member pointed out that the only congestion is on Sandbanks and most of the roads earmarked for meters are not congested
RP confirmed that when asked, the Council, admitted they had not recorded any complaints about congestion or the lack of parking.
A member said that living in Bingham Avenue for 15 years parking congestion had never reached their road.
Several members pointed out that you cannot legally use parking charges on roads simply to bring in funds.
Several other members spoke against the proposed scheme but no one spoke in favour.
A member said that the congestion at Sandbanks became worse after the Council took away the feeder lane to the car park.
He had also talked to the senior transport officer who told him that ‘people needed to change their attitude to the car and make more use the buses’ but all agreed that a family going to the beach would not do that, the buses are very infrequent and the “equipment” needed for a family day at the beach made the bus impractical.
5 Neighbourhood Watch
BR announced that Neighbourhood Watch had a coffee morning at Sandbanks Hotel last Friday 9th September and Pat Halliday invited us to take a table to promote what we do. BR, RP, JS attended and as a result we found some new residents who have now joined up. And we explained to others how we are opposing the parking scheme and other areas we help with. We work closely with N. W. as some of our concerns overlap e.g. Party Houses
BR also pointed that their Newsletter is available and has dates for future events.

6 New Council Options
BR said that the consultation for the amalgamation/reorganisation of councils started at the end of August and he outlined some of the options currently proposed and that there are “roadshow” drop in sessions, and the next one is outside Budgens in Broadstone on Friday. Also that the questionnaire and more information is online at BOP website.
Several members pointed out that the survey is available in local libraries and that only 20,000 have been posted out to individual homes.
BR pointed out that some of the cards giving the options were available provided by MH on Monday.
While the objective is to reduce costs and save money it was noted that over 70% of the budget is spent on child, and elderly services so savings by reducing some staff will not make a huge saving.
MRH said the financial basis on which the reorganisation is based has many flaws and does not show how the savings will be made unless you read the Local Partnerships’ Financial Analysis report which is difficult to follow.
Several members pointed out that there is little information available on which we are meant to make a decision.
A member was concerned that the financial planning was not properly done and that the planning and information available is very poor.
MRH pointed out that the Financial Analysis report shows that new Town Councils for Christchurch and Weymouth were being considered, but none for Poole and Bournemouth. It appears that existing Town and Parish Councils across Dorset are to remain. A member observed that if ceremonial Mayors were to be retained, then it would be necessary to have Town Councils.
A member queried whether there would be extra funding from the Government, but
MRH said that this has happened with the creation of Combined Authorities with elected Mayors and extra responsibilities, but was not applicable to the proposed Local Authority mergers.
BR mentioned the ORS firm doing the consultation, and MH pointed out that it is more market research than consultation.
A member noted that there had already been a consultation on a Combined Authority for Dorset.
Suggestions were made to combine the whole area as a unitary council but BR explained, and MI confirmed that the whole area would be too big.
MH discussed the funding around having Mayors.
TS clarified that there are two totally different exercises here. One is the merging of the nine councils into two Unitary Authorities, one urban and one rural. Separate from that there is the Dorset Authority which is linked in with the LEP. The LEP is the source of funding from Government but the LEP was being run my commercial managers with little democratic input so now they have made the leaders of the nine councils on the board and they have two responsibilities, one is transport for the whole county, and two the economic development for the whole county.
RP informed the meeting that on Monday MH had suggested the plan was to reduce staffing and other costs and save millions but that is unlikely to save very much.
BR suggested that MH, who had offered to talk to our committee could perhaps talk to our members at a meeting.
MRH was concerned that the harmonisation of council taxes was based on the assumption that Poole’s council taxpayers would be paying annual increases of 3.99% for the next 20 years, doubted the calculations and suggested that Poole residents will be paying an extra 3.99% for the next 20 years.
WM had also said that it would fall to the Tax payers to make up any shortfall.
The general feeling expressed by several members was that we had insufficient evidence on which to make a judgement so the consultation is largely irrelevant.
John Sprackling (JS) suggested we may need a public meeting to be more informed.
7 Planning issues
Report from Tracy Holmes was read out by BR

1 Beaumont Road, Poole, BH13 7JJ
Application: Demolition of the existing building and construction of three detached houses with associated parking and access (revised scheme)
9 Elmstead Road
Application: demolish existing dwelling and erect two new dwellings. Grant subject to conditions
The Gatehouse, 6 Tower Road West, Poole, BH13 6LA
Application: Use of The Gatehouse as a self-contained and non-ancillary unit of accommodation
33 Cliff Drive, Poole
Planning Committee : Grant with conditions installation of flue stack
5-7 Chaddesley Glen

Application for flats ongoing
14 Chester Road
Application for side extension: Appeal lodged
30 Tower Road
Application for 12 flats: Ongoing
15 b Bury Rd
Tree work application: Hearing today
HMO at 14 Pinewood
Following from my correspondence with Stephen Thorne, he has made an appointment to see BR.
2 Martello Park the original approved plan has been modified to raise the height by what appears to be 1 metre. Looking into this.BR

8 Residents parking scheme
BR informed the meeting that Roger Allen had contacted Steve Dean (SD) regarding the parking problem at Ormonde, Chester roads and that area.
BR referred to SD’s reply, thanking Roger for his introduction and said that POB council would want a positive and constructive relationship with the Residents Association and that he would pass the email to our ward councillors and to the Portfolio Holder for Transportation Drew Mellor
BR read out the final line of the email “I’ll look into the background of the situation and get back to you.
Mike Wrigley (MW) introduced Himself and Fanchea Clarke who live in Chester Road heard about us from Neil Denning and told the meeting that the problem of parking in Chester Road has increased dramatically over the last 4 years.
He further told members that since Zone K was implemented there has been no survey of the present situation and when contacting the Council they feel fobbed off. Every 6 months it goes round in circles.
MI pointed out that he has met with Neil and Mike and filled in the background.
Originally Chester Road residents did not want to join the scheme and forest road had Yellow lines painted.
MW responded that time has moved on and LV employees, and the Nursing Home staff are causing congestion now.
MI explained that in the current climate this is a very minor issue which Officers are not likely to reconsider the original decision.
BR suggested LV run a Park and Ride from the underused Beach Road carpark.
Julie Reid explained that from her daily commute, the current LV park and ride goes through the narrow railway bridge and causes congestion to which MI said without it the on road parking would be much worse.
BR also added that since the item of parking had appeared on the Agenda there has been a huge number of emails regarding this and where yellow lines should and should not be.

9 Accounts
BR said the balance on the accounts is still healthy at £30457.78 and members could take a copy of the details if they wished.

JS had brought to the Chairman’s attention that at the March Cabinet Meeting it was announced that Members were keen to ensure that work was started on the process of developing a commercial approach to the use of Council Assets as soon as possible.
At last weeks Cabinet meeting, we learnt that (a) the tender process had now been concluded and the Project will be moving forward with Deloitte as the council advisors and (b) Officers have produced an issue log- which enables specific actions agreed by the group to be progressed and reported back to the Regeneration Working Group.
The tender document included the “Poole Town Centre” and Sustaining Poole’s Seafront Supplementary Planning Documents. Are we permitted to know what Council-owned assets in Canford Cliffs Ward appear on the Council’s issue log.
JS explained that not all the Council properties are listed in the issue log. The question is what Assets in the Canford Cliff Ward are included.
MRH was concerned that items that had been ruled out for development in the SPD might come back in for consideration.

Terry Stewart (president) then briefed the members on The Draft Local Plan for Poole, put out for consultation. In this there has been an increase in the number of houses to be built, 11000 or 12000 houses and the whole conurbation would be 30000 houses which if you calculate is over 40000 cars in the borough. This seems over-development in an area bounded on the south and west by the sea and Bournemouth to the east, with protected heathland to the north.
So this will result in 12 stoery towers along the river. Higher density for many areas and encroaching onto Green Belt land such as at Canford Magna, and there is a campaign group to prevent this happening on green belt. TS thinks that 450 houses a year would be more realistic and not the 710 suggested by central government.
He went on to explain the problem of the brown field sites which developers find too uneconomic to build on so they lie derelict. He suggested the Developers have us “over a barrel” as there are over a million sites countrywide with planning permission but no developer will take them on.
We will circulate the details of the campaign to protect Poole’s green belt to those interested.

Meeting closed at 8.45, The next meeting will be on 12th October 2016

To learn more about the Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs and District Residents Association please see the pines and chines site http://www.pinesandchines.co.uk

Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & District Residents’ Association Minutes Sept 2016

Minutes of the monthly meeting held on Wednesday 14th September 2016 at 19.30


Present             Bob Reid (BR)                         Chairman

Terry Stewart (TS)                   President

Tracy Holmes(TH)                   Planning Officer for Branksome Park


Cllr Mohan Iyengar(MI)          Ward Counsellor


18 wardens and members.


Welcome and Apologies

Roger Vice-Chairman, and Zofia Allen, Carol (CP)and Mike Parkin Secretary and Membership Secretary, John Gunton magazine editor, Paul Fernley Treasurer, and members Vivienne Evans, Dawn Goodson, Christine Norman, John Cribb and Sarah Holt.

Cllr May Haines (MH) Ward Councillor

BR thanked Julie Reid for helping to make notes for the minutes of the meeting, in the absence of CP


2 Minutes of meeting 13th July 2016

These had been circulated and a few were available at meeting for new members or reference.

3 Matters arising

William Mutlow (WM) pointed out that his comments had not been included in the minutes regarding Julian Osgathorpe as the Executive Director for Corporate Services for Bournemouth Borough Council and the Borough of Pool.


Submitted by John Sprackling (JS) with reference to item 7. We are still waiting to learn the official outcome of the Licencing Sub Committee on26 July 2016.

MI Agreed they should be online by now and explained that the confidential element would probably be due to requirements of the Legal Department.

BR pointed out that Martin Heath (MRH) has had a letter confirming that the Licence was granted with an end time of 11pm rather than 1am and restrictions on noise levels. Copies of the letter were available.


BR pointed out that the membership forms, separate from the magazine are already available and comply with ICO data protection requirements.


BR also announced that following from the June meeting when questions were asked about the four empty shops in Canford Cliffs. There has been a development in that Mandy Payne, Economic Development Officer at Borough of Poole came to a meeting with JS, BR and George Perrins of the Land Society and discussed ways in which the appearance of the shops could be improved.

Various options were discussed and it is hoped some progress can be made.

She hopes to set up a Traders Collective.

MI filled us in with the information that he has been talking to Mandy about this and she has great experience in the field business promotion professionally, He did advise caution as the four shops pay full business rates and there will be legal restrictions on what can be done. The shops are family owned and their accountant baulked at spending £2000 on improving them.


On completing the matters arising TS proposed accepting the minutes and JS seconded.


4 On Road Parking Charges, Update after the Cabinet meeting.

BR informed that the Steering Group had been meeting regularly and is awaiting to hear when the Poole Cabinet will next consider the proposal. Cllr May Haines had indicated that it probably would not be at its October meeting.

We are carrying out preliminary work for a Judicial Review if necessary should the decision be to go ahead with the meters. And have started preliminary enquiries on legal advice to that end. Any such action would be referred to members for approval.

Roy Pointer(RP) reminded members that we have issued a newsletter, on our strategy and objections copies of which are available on the website. Following a number of unsatisfactory responses to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, RP had referred them to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for review. The latter had instructed Poole Council to provide better answers by 12th October. This £1/2 million project is claimed to ease congestion in Sandbanks area and to contribute to the 25 year Seafront Development Plan the only part of has been approved are some new beach huts.

RP explained that the public meeting in March and Poole Committee meetings had been filmed for a TV programme called “Parking Wars” to be screened on Tuesday next.

MI said that he could not add to what Janet Walton or MH have said and he said that Council would keep this proposal alive as it is their duty to consider all proposals that could raise money.

Martin Heath (MRH) said that Cabinet have never discussed congestion in detail and the project was simply about making money.

A member pointed out that the only congestion is on Sandbanks and most of the roads earmarked for meters are not congested

RP confirmed that when asked, the Council, admitted they had not recorded any complaints about congestion or the lack of parking.

A member said that living in Bingham Avenue for 15 years parking congestion had never reached their road.

Several members pointed out that you cannot legally use parking charges on roads simply to bring in funds.

Several other members spoke against the proposed scheme but no one spoke in favour.

A member said that the congestion at Sandbanks became worse after the Council took away the feeder lane to the car park.

He had also talked to the senior transport officer who told him that ‘people needed to change their attitude to the car and make more use the buses’ but all agreed that a family going to the beach would not do that, the buses are very infrequent and the “equipment” needed for a family day at the beach made the bus impractical.

5 Neighbourhood Watch  


BR announced that Neighbourhood Watch had a coffee morning at Sandbanks Hotel last Friday 9th September and Pat Halliday invited us to take a table to promote what we do. BR, RP, JS attended and as a result we found some new residents who have now joined up. And we explained to others how we are opposing the parking scheme and other areas we help with. We work closely with N. W. as some of our concerns overlap e.g. Party Houses

BR also pointed that their Newsletter is available and has dates for future events.


6 New Council Options

BR said that the consultation for the amalgamation/reorganisation of councils started at the end of August and he outlined some of the options currently proposed and that there are “roadshow” drop in sessions, and the next one is outside Budgens in Broadstone on Friday. Also that the questionnaire and more information is online at BOP website.

Several members pointed out that the survey is available in local libraries and that only 20,000 have been posted out to individual homes.

BR pointed out that some of the cards giving the options were available provided by MH on Monday.

While the objective is to reduce costs and save money it was noted that over 70% of the budget is spent on child, and elderly services so savings by reducing some staff will not make a huge saving.

MRH said the financial basis on which the reorganisation is based has many flaws and does not show how the savings will be made unless you read the Local Partnerships’ Financial Analysis report which is difficult to follow.

Several members pointed out that there is little information available on which we are meant to make a decision.

A member was concerned that the financial planning was not properly done and that the planning and information available is very poor.

MRH pointed out that the Financial Analysis report shows that new Town Councils

for Christchurch and Weymouth were being considered, but none for Poole and

Bournemouth. It appears that existing Town and Parish Councils across Dorset are to

remain. A member observed that if ceremonial Mayors were to be retained, then it

would be necessary to have Town Councils.

A member queried whether there would be extra funding from the Government, but

MRH said that this has happened with the creation of Combined Authorities with

elected Mayors and extra responsibilities, but was not applicable to the proposed

Local Authority mergers.

BR mentioned the ORS firm doing the consultation, and MH pointed out that it is more market research than consultation.

A member noted that there had already been a consultation on a combined

authority for Dorset.

Suggestions were made to combine the whole area as a unitary council but BR explained, and MI confirmed that the whole area would be too big.

MH discussed the funding around having Mayors.

TS clarified that there are two totally different exercises here. One is the merging of the nine councils into two Unitary Authorities, one urban and one rural. Separate from that there is the Dorset Authority which is linked in with the LEP. The LEP is the source of funding from Government but the LEP was being run my commercial managers with little democratic input so now they have made the leaders of the nine councils on the board and they have two responsibilities, one is transport for the whole county, and two the economic development for the whole county.

RP informed the meeting that on Monday MH had suggested the plan was to reduce staffing and other costs and save millions but that is unlikely to save very much.

BR suggested that MH, who had offered to talk to our committee could perhaps talk to our members at a meeting.

MRH was concerned that the harmonisation of council taxes was based on the assumption that Poole’s council taxpayers would be paying annual increases of 3.99% for the next 20 years, doubted the calculations and suggested that Poole residents will be paying an extra 3.99% for the next 20 years.

WM had also said that it would fall to the Tax payers to make up any shortfall.

The general feeling expressed by several members was that we had insufficient evidence on which to make a judgement so the consultation is largely irrelevant.

John Sprackling (JS) suggested we may need a public meeting to be more informed.



7 Planning issues  

Report from Tracy Holmes was read out by BR
1 Beaumont Road, Poole, BH13 7JJ

Application: Demolition of the existing building and construction of three detached houses with associated parking and access (revised scheme)


9 Elmstead Road

Application: demolish existing dwelling and erect two new dwellings. Grant subject to conditions


The Gatehouse, 6 Tower Road West, Poole, BH13 6LA

Application: Use of The Gatehouse as a self-contained and non-ancillary unit of accommodation


33 Cliff Drive, Poole

Planning Committee : Grant with conditions installation of flue stack


5-7 Chaddesley Glen

Application for flats ongoing


14 Chester Road

Application for side extension: Appeal lodged


30 Tower Road

Application for 12 flats: Ongoing


15 b Bury Rd

Tree work application: Hearing today


HMO at 14 Pinewood

Following from my correspondence with Stephen Thorne, he has made an appointment to see BR.


2 Martello Park the original approved plan has been modified to raise the height by what appears to be 1 metre. Looking into this.BR



8 Residents parking scheme


BR informed the meeting that Roger Allen had contacted Stephen Dean (SD) regarding the parking problem at Ormonde, Chester roads and that area.

BR referred to SD’s reply, thanking Roger for his introduction and said that POB council would want a positive and constructive relationship with the Residents Association and that he would pass the email to our ward councillors and to the Portfolio Holder for Transportation Drew Mellor

BR read out the final line of the email “I’ll look into the background of the situation and get back to you.”

Mike Wriggley (MW) introduced Himself and Fanchea Clarke who live in Chester Road heard about us from Neil Denning and told the meeting that the problem of parking in Chester Road has increased dramatically over the last 4 years.

He further told members that since Zone K was implemented there has been no survey of the present situation and when contacting the Council they feel fobbed off. Every 6 months it goes round in circles.

MI pointed out that he has met with Neil and Mike and filled in the background.

Originally Chester Road residents did not want to join the scheme and forest road had Yellow lines painted.

MW responded that time has moved on and LV employees, and the Nursing Home staff are causing congestion now.

MI explained that in the current climate this is a very minor issue which Officers are not likely to reconsider the original decision.

BR suggested LV run a Park and Ride from the underused Beach Road carpark.

Julie Reid explained that from her daily commute, the current LV park and ride goes through the narrow railway bridge and causes congestion to which MI said without it the on road parking would be much worse.

BR also added that since the item of parking had appeared on the Agenda there has been a huge number of emails regarding this and where yellow lines should and should not be.


9 Accounts

BR said the balance on the accounts is still healthy at £30457.78 and members could take a copy of the details if they wished.



JS had brought to the Chairman’s attention that at the March Cabinet Meeting it was announced that Members were keen to ensure that work was started on the process of developing a commercial approach to the use of Council Assets as soon as possible.

At last weeks Cabinet meeting, we learnt that (a) the tender process had now been concluded and the Project will be moving forward with Deloitte as the council advisors and (b) Officers have produced an issue log- which enables specific actions agreed by the group to be progressed and reported back to the Regeneration Working Group.

The tender document included the “Poole Town Centre” and Sustaining Poole’s Seafront Supplementary Planning Documents. Are we permitted to know what Council-owned assets in Canford Cliffs Ward appear on the Council’s issue log.

JS explained that not all the Council properties are listed in the issue log. The question is what Assets in the Canford Cliff Ward are included.

MRH was concerned that items that had been ruled out for development in the SPD might come back in for consideration.


Terry Stewart (president) then briefed the members on The Draft Local Plan for Poole, put out for consultation. In this there has been an increase in the number of houses to be built, 11000 or 12000 houses and the whole conurbation would be 30000 houses which if you calculate is over 40000 cars in the borough. This seems over-development in an area bounded on the south and west by the sea and Bournemouth to the east, with protected heathland to the north.

So this will result in 12 story towers along the river. Higher density for many areas and encroaching onto Green Belt land such as at Canford Magna, and there is a campaign group to prevent this happening on green belt. TS thinks that 450 houses a year would be more realistic and not the 710 suggested by central government.

He went on to explain the problem of the brown field sites which developers find too uneconomic to build on so they lie derelict. He suggested the Developers have us “over a barrel” as there are over a million sites countrywide with planning permission but no developer will take them on.

We will circulate the details of the campaign to protect Poole’s green belt to those interested.



Meeting closed at 8.45, The next meeting will be on 12th October 2016

Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & District Residents’ Association Minutes Aug 2016


Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & District Residents’ Association

Founded 1958


Minutes of monthly meeting held Wednesday 10 August 2016 at 7.30pm


PRESENT         Roger Allen (RA) – Vice-Chairman

John Gunton (JG)  – Magazine Editor

Cllr Mohan Iyengar (MI) – Canford Cliffs Ward Councillor


15 Members & Wardens


  1. Welcome and Apologies

Apologies: Cllr Mrs May Haines (Ward Councillor), Terry Stewart (President), Bob Reid (Chairman), Tracy Holmes (Planning Officer), Paul Fearnley (Treasurer), Mike Parkin (Membership Secretary) Carol Parkin (Secretary), David Reeves, Dawn Goodson, Zofia Allen & Martin Heath.


  1. Minutes of meeting 13 July 2016

Accepted as true record of last meeting, proposed by John Sprackling, seconded Chris Stracey and agreed by show of hands.


  1. Matters arising

Branksome Woods Tennis Courts –  Aaron Russell. Head Coach, is in negotiation with Council over new lease.


Cllr MI reassured members that the conversion of the clubhouse to a café is for club use only and not for public or evening opening. The proposed new floodlighting will use new technology lighting which can be focused on the tennis court area only and should not cause any light pollution.  MI said if it fails, it will be dealt with – there is no intention of causing problems.


Stan Alfert was still concerned that lights in evening would encourage evening use of café.


  1. On-street Parking Charges


RP reported that a Chairman’s Newsletter had been sent to all members updating the situation, particularly that the Cabinet had overturned the recommendation of the Place Overview & Scrutiny Committee and had asked Transportation to look at mitigation options, before the scheme was further considered as to whether it should go ahead.


The Association had asked a number of Freedom of Information (Fol) questions; answers had been unsatisfactory and were subject to internal review by the Council.


A Fol had also established that the Council had received no complaints about either congestion or lack of parking in the beaches area for the three years to 2015; this was considered a strong point against the scheme.


The consultation on the revision to the Poole Local Plan had shown Beach Road car park supporting 40 new dwellings; this runs counter to the need to maximise the existing car parking assets and was the subject of a further FOI..


RA reminded that charges from car parks only can go to Council General funds not on-street parking.


Stan Alfert made the point that Buccleuch Road is included in the plan but is never congested, whereas Tower Road West is congested from time to time but is not included in the plan. RA has suggested that the Association should enquire if anyone from the Council had walked the roads before the plan was drawn up.


Cllr MI explained the difficult financial position facing the Council and that it is required to produce a balanced Budget for 2017/18 or face being put into administration. If the road charging scheme was not to proceed then the Council would have to look at other means to raise revenue. He asked if ‘charging visitors’ might be more acceptable?  MI said that the Council would be remiss in its responsibilities, if it did not look into this.


RA then raised the issue of commuter parking in Ormonde Road which is just outside Zone K, the County Gates Residential Parking Scheme area. RA explained how the scheme operates and pointed out that commuter parking permits can also be purchased.


Neil Denning said that this had been an ongoing problem and residents would like the County Gates Residential Parking Scheme area to be extended to include Ormonde Road. He had been in contact with various officers & Councillors for some time and was not making any progress. He had last contacted Cllr Drew Mellor, the Portfolio Holder, but had not received a reply. Cllr MI said that a Borough-wide parking review is currently underway.


RP said that he did not wish to take on more work but thinks this should be dealt with as a separate issue.


  1. Communication with members

RA said that he proposed to incorporate this item with item 8 on the Agenda.


  1.  Planning issues

Tracy Holmes was unable to attend the meeting but had provided RA with a list of current ongoing planning applications, in which the Association is taking an interest.


15b Bury Rd: Hearing re Tree Appeal postponed A new date will be set by the Planning Inspectorate in due course. Chairman’s note: Appeal Hearing re-arranged for 14 September 2016

5-7 Chaddesley Glen: Letter of support on behalf of objectors registered by Association.  Cllr MI said that this application is likely to be determined at September Planning Committee meeting with a strong officer recommendation to ‘Refuse’.

33 Cliff Drive: ditto. Chairman’s note: To be determined at Planning Committee meeting on 25 August 2016 with officer’s recommendation to ‘Grant with conditions’.

14 Pinewood Road: No decision regarding HMO, or conversion to flats. An extension of time has been allowed to 10th August.

Burnage Court, 6 Martello Park: Application granted with conditions, reserved matters for landscaping. Chairman’s note: Reserved matters application ‘Granted with conditions’ on 02 August 2016.

4 Brackenhill: Grant, demolish existing house and garage and construct one detached house.’ Stan Alfert pointed out that earlier application for two houses was still subject to appeal.


Other Planning applications within the area covered by the Association


7A Spencer Road: Grant with conditions, replacement of front boundary and alterations to property.

25 Chaddesley Glen: Grant with conditions, formation of new window.

4 Mornish Road: Planning permission granted to demolish existing dwelling and erect a new dwelling with integrated garage.

20 Bury Road: Granted variation of code 13.

2 Western Ave: Grant with conditions, alterations to existing dwelling.

30 Chaddesley Glen: Grant, demolition of existing dwelling and construction of two new dwellings.

7 Flaghead Road: Grant, demolish existing buildings and erect one 4 bed roomed house and garage.

37A The Avenue: Grant with conditions, two storey extension to rear and alterations to roof.

17 & 20 Baillie Park, 7-9 Forest Road: Grant with conditions, single storey extension.

15 Eaton Road: Refuse, demolition of existing garage and retaining wall, erect new garage, garden room and sun deck.

2 Haig Ave: Grant with conditions, extensions and alterations.

6 Burton Road: Refuse, extensions and refurbishments.


  1. Beach sports event, Licence

This year’s planned Beach Football event planned for end-July 2016 at Canford Cliffs Chine was cancelled.


A Licensing Sub-Committee meeting was held on 26 July 2016 to determine an application for a premises licence, presumably, for a next year’s event (A 5 day event Thursday – Monday for plays, films, live music, recorded music, performances of dance or similar and supply of alcohol. Times 09:00 – midnight on Thurs, 09:00 – 01:00 Friday, and Saturday and 09:00 -23:00 Monday. Also late night refreshment 23:00 until close each day as above. The committee decided that the each day’s events should close at 11.00pm.Chairman’s note: The Minutes of this meeting have yet to be posted on the BoP website.


John Sprackling expressed concern that the report for the above meeting was shown as ‘Confidential’ on the BoP website and Cllr MI said he would investigate.


  1. Autumn Magazine and Facebook

RA said that, prompted by the issue of the Chairman’s Newsletter about the Association’s campaign against the Council’s continuing determination to introduce On-street parking charges on roads adjacent to beaches, consideration had been given to the issuing of a Newsletter from time to time to supplement the half-yearly publication of the ‘Pines & Chines’ magazine.


This was not proceeded with as it was felt that the Association’s Wardens are largely elderly and it did not seem a good idea to burden them with this additional role. Distribution by post was also discounted as the cost would be prohibitive.


RA said that Bob Reid had had some success in contacting members via the two ‘Pines & Chines’ Facebook pages.  The On-street parking Newsletter had been posted on the two Facebook pages for 10 days at a cost of £60 and had resulted in 1,400 hits, of which 104 had read the Newsletter.


It was agreed that e-mail communication best suited the Association’s present membership.


RA reported that, in consultation with JG, the Autumn 2016 edition of Pines & Chines’ magazine will in photographs in colour.  For example, Wayne Hancock will be allocated two pages to promote the work of his team at the Pinecliff Gardens Sunken Garden.


It was suggested that…


(a) The Membership application form should be separate from the magazine with an invitation to introduce a friend.  This would avoid the necessity of having to remove this from the magazine with the resultant loss of text/advertisements on the reverse side of the relevant pages.


(b) The Association should “connect” with major businesses in the area such as Tesco in Poole Road. Wayne Hancock to speak with the Tesco Community Officer with regard to placing an advertisement in the magazine in return for some editorial space.


(c) The Association should do more to attract the under 30s


The deadline for material for the next magazine is 09 September 2016, with a target distribution date of 31 October 2016.


  1. Accounts

RA said that a copy of the Association’s latest cash position for the period 01 January to 31 July 2016 was available for any member who wished to see this.


  1. A.O.B

Purchase of Projection Screen – Chris Stracey had been tasked at the last meeting with sourcing a suitable screen and put forward three alternative to members.  After some discussion, Roy Pointer proposed and seconded by Stan Alfert to opt for an 8’ x 6’ Da-Lite Picture King Tripod Screen @ £351.00 plus soft carry case @ £61 = £494.40 inc VAT.  Agreed by show of hands.


Chairman’s note. An original budget of £1,000 was agreed (BPCCRA £500, Canford Cliffs Land Society £250 and Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & Sandbanks Neighbourhood Watch £250).


Medium Term Financial Plan Update – William Mutlow reported on this report presented at the Cabinet meeting on 12 July 2016.


The Council has estimated additional resources for the three years 2017/18 to 2019/20 of £9.7m but cost pressures over the same period amount to £21.2m. resulting in a shortfall of £11.5m.  For the year 2017/18, the current budgeted shortfall is £3.4m. This assumes a 3.99% increase in Council Tax.



Tony Clayton – JG reported the sad news that Tony Clayton, a long standing member of the Association and had assisted JG with the editing of the magazine had died on 22 July 2016.  JG and his wife, Charlotte and John & Diana Sprackling had attended Tony’s funeral on 08 August 2016.  It was agreed to send a letter of condolences to Tony’s wife on behalf of the Association.


  1. Date of next meeting – Wednesday, 14 September 2016 Committee room (formerly known as The Lounge), rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre (access via Lindsay Road)

Lord & Lady Shaftesbury support Charity Dinner for Canopy Appeal!


Lord & Lady Shaftesbury support Charity Dinner for Canopy Appeal!

Press Release: 9th June 2016



Patrons of Victoria Education Centre for Disabled Young People, Lord & Lady Shaftesbury, attended an intimate charity dinner last week in aid of the school’s ’Canopy Appeal’.


Guests were invited to a delicious 3 course meal, supplied for free by catering company ‘Alice Bee at Home’, owned by Alice Ogeleye.

Alice’s son, Tobi, who attended the school, sadly passed away last year at the tender age of 12 and Alice & her husband Femi wanted to give something back to Victoria Education Centre.


“Our son Tobi who had cerebral palsy, passed away last November and we wanted to thank the school for the wonderful work and the incredible support they offered Tobi and our family”.

Alice continued, “Having recently set up a catering company, I wanted to offer a special evening of champagne & fine dining and in return guests were asked to donate towards their dining experience. Everyone was incredibly generous and the evening raised £2,500, which will go towards the school’s ‘Canopy Appeal’.”


Sue Stratis, Head of Support Services at the school, who was one of the guests at the dinner, explains, “Victoria Education Centre is a day and residential school in Poole, offering specialised, high quality care and therapy for young disabled people from 3-19 years old. All students have physical disabilities or complex medical conditions and many have additional needs including communication difficulties, learning difficulties and sensory impairments.”


Sue continues, “The ‘Canopy Appeal’ has been set up to raise funds for an 80m walkway between two buildings of the school, which desperately requires a covering, as disabled students are open daily to the elements as they cross between them. At a cost of approximately £90,000 the school has a way to go but thanks to the support of the guests at the charity dinner and Alice’s generosity, the school is one step closer to fulfilling this much needed facility.”


If you would like to get involved in fundraising or make a donation to Victoria Education Centre, please contact Sue Stratis on 01202 763697 or email vec@victoria.poole.sch.uk   for further information.


If you wish to find out more information regarding Alice’s company ‘Alice Bee at Home’, please call her on 07889 742653 or send an email to info@alicebeeathome.co.uk



Notes for Editors

About Victoria Education Centre


Victoria Education Centre is a day and residential school in Poole, Dorset offering specialised, high quality care and therapy for young disabled people from 3-19 years old. All students have physical disabilities or complex medical conditions and many have additional needs including communication difficulties, learning difficulties and sensory impairments. In 2013 the school opened a new state of the art aqua therapy pool providing a full range of sensory equipment, lighting and film projections to stimulate children with profound needs.  Victoria Education Centre is part of the Livability family of community services.


Visit the Victoria Education Centre website: http://www.victoria.poole.sch.uk

Email: vec@victoria.poole.sch.uk Telephone:
Sue Stratis on 01202 763697

Contact: Janet Miles, Head of Communications and Campaigns at Livability. Email: JMiles@livability.org.uk Tel: 020 7452 2084 | Mob. 07885 687 908


Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & District Residents’ Association 57th Annual General Meeting





SATURDAY 23rd  APRIL 2016 @ 10.30 a.m.


1. Welcome John Sprackling
2. Apologies ditto
3. Approval of Minutes of AGM held on 25th April 2015 ditto
4. Chairman’s Report ditto
5. Treasurer’s Report Paul Fearnley
6. Appointment of Auditor John Sprackling
7. Election of Chairman (Bob Reid has been nominated) Terry Stewart
8. Election of Executive Chairman
President: Terry Stewart
Vice Chairman: (Roger Allen has been nominated)
Treasurer: Paul Fearnley
Membership Secretary: Michael Parkin
Planning Officer: Vacant
Secretary/Minutes Secretary: Carol Parkin
Magazine Editor: John Gunton
Magazine Advertising: Roger Allen



  1. Guest Speakers: Cllrs Janet Walton & May Haines, Leader & Deputy Leader of Poole Council respectively will outline the ‘pros and cons’ of the potential South East Dorset Unitary merger in the context of the continued financial pressures.




  1. Any other business 11.45am
  2. Refreshments


Date of next meeting: Wednesday 11th May 2016 @ 7.30pm – Committee Room (formerly The Lounge) rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road)

Protected +70 Ft Monterey Pine Trees Bessborough, Bodley & Beaumont Roads


PROTECTED +70 ft MONTEREY PINE TREES Bessborough, Bodley & Beaumont Roads


I wanted to stop the felling of trees at 1 Beaumont Road through the High Court.   Since my action, six trees were killed by ring barking on Easter Monday and will be felled from tomorrow onwards.   I will continue to try to protect the remaining trees and seek replanting with like for like trees.

If you would like to support me, then please email:



Alex Roden 23 Bessborough Road


Summary of Events

  • Single dwelling at 1 Beaumont Road occupies a corner plot bordering Bodley, Bessborough and Beaumont Roads. Plot is unique as it has 22 trees on site and is surrounded by 18 mostly 70ft Monterey pines protected under TPO 1966.
  • Appeal made to Planning Inspector by property owners to fell three Monterey pines (middle of row of 9)

on 1 Beaumont Road bordering Bessborough Road was dismissed on 1 August 2011 due to the pines providing “high public amenity value to this residential part of Canford Cliffs” and removal “would leave a significant gap in the belt of pines and significantly reduce its landscape impact.”.

  • On 6 March 2015 landowners applied to Poole Council for demolition of existing single dwelling and

erection of three new dwellings.

  • Arboricultural Impact Assessment report by AJ Scott submitted on 24 March 2015 cites conflicting numbers of trees to be felled on different pages and schedules. Tree protection plan by AJ Scott submitted 24 March 2015 grades all 22 trees on 1 Beaumont Road to have life expectancy of less than

10 years.

  • Poole Council’s Russ Fisher on 1 May 2015 describes arboricultural report as “wholly inadequate”, “with glaring errors in both assessment and categorisation of trees”, “not fit for purpose, as defined by BS5837:2012 and should therefore be disregarded”.
  • Poole Council refuses planning 1 June 2015 for different reasons, the first reason being that it “would

be harmful to the immediate and future health of protected trees”.

  • Landowners appeal to Planning Inspector. On 11 February 2016 appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted subject to conditions, including “arboricultural method statement prepared by an arboricultural consultant …providing comprehensive details of construction works in relation to trees shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority, and implemented prior to the commencement of all demolition and development. All works shall be subsequently carried out in strict accordance with the approved details. In particular, the method statement must provide the following: ….9c a schedule of tree works conforming to BSe998:2010, Tree Work – Recommendations.” To date none of the conditions have been met.
  • Alex Roden commissions new tree report by Arboricultural Association approved Consultant. 17 March

2016 expert Mark Carter confirms criticism by Poole Council of tree report.

  • On 22 March 2016 Weightmans solicitors sends notice to landowners, developer Fortitudo, Poole

Council and Secretary of State that Alex Roden is challenging the Appeal decision in High Court.

  • On Good Friday morning, 25 March 2016, Richard Carr representing Fortitudo visited Alex Roden at her home three times confirming he did not need to fell the trees and he was “happy to enter into an agreement that in perpetuity we will not make application for any of the trees to be removed”, he requested Alex Roden to withdraw the judicial review.
  • On Easter Monday morning 28 March 2016 Richard Carr and two men with chain saws accessed 1

Beaumont Road and ringbarked 4 Monterey pines in a row including the 3 subject to the unsuccessful appeal in 2011, 1 Beech tree and a holly, without consent of landowners.

  • Police and Poole Council were notified that day.
  • Arboricultural expert has confirmed that the ringbarked trees will now die within 12-18 months’ time.
  • Weightmans 1 April 2015 writes to Poole Council informing that under “1990 Act and Regulation 13 of the 2012 Regulations it is an offence to wilfully damage a tree” “unless the work is necessary to implement a planning permission.”
  • Poole Council’s response 5 April 2016 was that “whilst the necessary pre-commencement conditions have not been complied with that does not prevent the felling of trees prior to the Commencement of Development.” “Whilst it is not accepted that ‘ring-barking’ was a necessary pre-requisite to the implementation of the planning permission given the authority in any event to fell these trees it would not be in the public interest to investigate that action when, in any event, the trees are to be felled.”
  • Weightmans on 6 April 2016 disagrees with Poole Council and its suggestion that “no offence has been

committed”, and “considers that the Council would be making an error of law if this is its interpretation

of the Regulation 14 exemption based on these facts”.

  • Awaiting decision from Judge whether case should go to full hearing of High Court Planning Court, decision expected early May 2016. Full hearing would be approx. six months later.