Agenda For Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & District Residents’ Association Executive Meeting Held On 11th November 2015



WEDNESDAY 11th NOVEMBER 2015 @ 7.30 pm


7.30 pm.

1. Apologies/Accuracy of Minutes (07th October 2015)

2. Matters arising (Not covered under “Review”)

Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel etc sites – update

John Sprackling

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update


Community Working Group


Council Budget Monitoring report (2015/16) & 2016/17 Budget

William Mutlow

Public Rights of Way

Richard Dimbleby etc

Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden)

Wayne Hancock

Community Engagement

Terry Stewart

Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm

Roy Pointer

Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan DPD) Terry Stewart

Succession planning

John Sprackling

Uniting the Conurbation (UTC)

John Sprackling

Refreshing the Core Strategy and Review of Community Infrastructure

Terry Stewart

Levy (CIL)

Improving Association’s communications

Michael Parohn

Autumn 2015 ‘Pines & Chines’ magazine

John Gunton

Leaning garden wall at (?)25 The Avenue

Cllr May Haines

Branksome Park & plot sizes

Trccy Holmes

8.00 pm.



New Housing Development

 Keith Alcroft


Accounts to date

John Sprackling


Date of next meeting

John Sprackling

8.30 pm.

6. Any other business

Any other business should be advised to the Chairman at the meeting. Items raised during the evening may be put on the Agenda for the following month.

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 09 December 2015 at 7.30pm – The Committee Room, Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road

To be concluded by ‘Mulled wine & Mince pies’

Dates for your diary:

Branksome Park Residents Association Minutes October 2015

Terry Stewart (TS) John Sprackling (JS) Keith Alcroft (KA) Michael Parkin (MP) Carol Parkin (CP) John Gunton (JG)

Cllr Mohan Iyengar (MI)

19 Members/Wardens
Planning Officer Membership Secretary Secretary/Minutes Secretary Magazine Editor Canford Cliffs Ward Councillor


JS welcomed those present, particularly, Cllr Mohan Iyengar.

Apologies: Cllr Mrs May Haines, Ken Sanson (Sandbanks Assn), Stan Alfert &
Wayne Hancock. JS said that it was, with great regret, that he had to inform those
present that Wayne had called to see him the previous week and informed him that,
for personal reasons but coloured by the attitude of certain Western Ave residents to
his involvement in the ’12A’ issue, he wished to step down as the Association’s Vice- JS Chairman with immediate effect.

JS went on to say that he was pleased to report that Wayne had kindly agreed to continue his involvement with the Sunken Garden project and will, also, continue to act as the Association’s representative on the Community Working Group.

Accuracy: JS said would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 09 SEPTEMBER 2015


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported.. JS

Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments
Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto
Old Orchard House – ditto
Land at West Quay Road – ditto
Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update: JS Victoria Education Centre (Landscaping to the new entrance) – No new developments

Martello Corner, Martello Road (also known as 83 Canford Cliffs Road) -(Change of use of residential garage to dentists surgery} – Appeal lodged 14/07/15. Date of site visit not yet announced.

TS said that ‘there should be no commercial ventures in the Branksome Park Conservation Area, other than Doctors’ but JS reminded him that the precedent has already been set by the Children’s Nursery at 2 Lindsay Road.

16 Western Avenue (Erection of Single Storey Garden Room) – No new developments

8 Haig Avenue (TPO tree destroyed (EN/14/00707). Appeal against Tree Replacement Notice dismissed by Planning Inspectorate on 25/09/15.

Community Working Group (CWG): The CWG meeting was held on 24 Sept 2015 WH but, in the absence of WH, it will be necessary to await the publication of the Minutes
Saturday 17 October 2015
of the meeting. ACTION
The Council is consulting on the change to its planning neighbour notification arrangements. Consultation on a Draft Revised Statement of Community Involvement document is taking place over a six week period commencing on Friday 2 October 2015 and closing on Friday 13 November 2015. The document can be viewed and downloaded from the Borough of Poole website at: involvement/

Council Budget Monitoring report (2014/15) & 2015/16 Budget – In the absence of WM William Mutlow, JS said that an update on the Medium Term Financial Plan (2016/17
to 2019/20) is being presented Tuesday’s (13/10/15) Cabinet meeting.

Public Rights of Way
Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – No new developments RD

Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): In the absence of WH, JS reported that the WH Royal Horticultural Society judge had awarded Level 4 ‘Thriving’. Wayne writes “We
scored 82 points, an improvement on last year’s 77 points, which is great. We need
86 points for ‘Outstanding’, so we are nearly there!

I will be contacting the Council about the mosaics, as it looks as though they are now holding us back.”

Community Engagement: The draft Minutes of the Review of Council Governance TS Arrangements Working Party meeting held on 07 September 2015 have yet to be
posted on the BoP website.

At the last Area Committee meeting on 15 June 2015, it was suggested that the Area Committee boundaries should be reorganised so that Canford Cliffs, Penn Hill & Parkstone were grouped together, as this was a more natural community of interest and Cllr MH said that he said that he could see no reason why this could not be dealt with in isolation,

Cllr MI said that, since the Area Committee meeting, he now has a much broader and deeper understanding of this and cannot guarantee that this will happen.

Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm: Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm: In the RP absence of Roy Pointer, JS said he is not sure if Navitus are lodging an appeal but
believes that this is unlikely.

Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan SPD): that TS the report on Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan SPD):has been deferred to the Cabinet meeting on 08 December 2015.

The item has been deferred pending further editing to reduce the size of the document. This relates mainly to removal of pictures and some re-wording. It is essentially the same content following the consultation last year. The item has been rescheduled for December Cabinet.

Cllr MH said that the document is being strengthened as well as reduced.

TS said that a formal request has been put in that this should be available for public awareness before the cabinet meeting as there have been a number of changes. Chairman’s note: At the Area Committee meeting, some Councillors present supported the call for the document to be posted on the BoP website in advance of the publication of the Agenda & supporting papers for the December Cabinet meeting on 01 December 2015.

Succession planning: No new developments. JS

Uniting the Conurbation (Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch) – TS reported JS that there have been two alternative proposals put forward. Firstly, Poole,
Saturday 17 October 2015
Bournemouth, Christchurch and East Dorset District Councils are considering the ACTION idea combined council with all the subsequent financial savings and, secondly, Dorset
County Council are proposing for one council for the whole of the county.

Peter Viney pointed out that this almost happened in the early seventies but discussions collapsed, entirely due to the fact that nobody could agree on a name.

Refreshing the Core Strategy and review of Community Infrastructure Levy TS (CIL) – TS said that one element of the revised Core Strategy relates to the provision
for Travellers

An analysis for the draft Core Strategy has confirmed that both Poole and Bournemouth have now considered every possibility for both temporary and permanent Traveler sites and neither authority can find suitable sites. The Councils are now depending on a change in the law that may allow authorities such as Poole and Bournemouth to send Travellers to sites in the rural areas, but of course the rural District Councils are opposed to this.

There have been very few problems this year, compared with previous years. The main problem was on Baiter Car park where a number of caravans had encroached. A formal request has been put in that the access to the car park be narrowed making it too narrow for caravans.

Improving association’s communications – MP said he would chase up why MP distribution of The Village magazine had not gone to every residence in the BH13
area as promised.
It was pointed out that there are not letter boxes for every residence and this may have been part of the problem.


25 Forest Road (Variation of condition 2 of APP/12/01565/F to erect a detached garage for unit 1 and alter parking layout for units 2 & 3 and reduction in 2 spaces for existing nursery) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the Association on 24 September 2015.

16 Western Avenue (Erect a single storey garden room (Retrospective) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the Association on 24 September 2015.

Peter Viney pointed out the Planning Department had told him that the Acoustic report could not be done until after the last date for objections as ‘the owner is away on holiday’ He went on to say that the owner of the property doesn’t live there.

JS asked Cllr MI to look into this for the Association.

Salterns Marina
Chris Stracey asked if everybody had had a card detailing the proposed development at Salterns Marina. This was distributed to residents in BH12, BH13 and BH14.

TS said that he had lodged a letter of objection on behalf of the Southern Poole Chairmens’ Liaison Group. The proposed two buildings are seven storeys high which will be very visible across Poole Bay, it is a very ugly design, all the proposed flats will only be accessible down one small road which is already overloaded.

Chris Stracey said that his main objection was that he could not see the need for 73 more flats in the area.

12A Western Ave & the 3⁄4 rule: At the request of the Chairman, TS took the chair for this item on the Agenda.
TS pointed out that there are tight legal requirements of producing Local Plans and
Saturday 17 October 2015
the Council has been following these legal requirements in producing multiple documents.

In March 1981, the Conservation Area was created then in November 1981 the Council produced a supplementary planning guidance and in that there was a relevant statement ‘The Bury family divided the estate into large building plots.”

are still in place and are an important factor in shaping the layout and form of the area.

TS went on to say that there is a certain amount of uncertainty as to whether the covenants can be enforced and when an application is approved which breeches the covenant, it is up to the covenant holder to try to enforce those covenants.

JS said that the covenants are still active, and the current owner of the covenants is Stanborough Construction Ltd. However, McCarthy & Stone challenged Stanborough’s claim for £50,000 or so, via the Lands Tribunal, when it built its sheltered housing complex at 14/4A The Avenue, on the grounds that the Covenants had been varied/waived so much over the years that these were, no longer, enforceable. Stanborough did not defend McCarthy & Stone’s claim and this was dismissed by the Lands Tribunal.

In March 2004, the Poole Local Plan First Alteration had two policies – H10 said that plots should not be less than 0.75 of an acre and B23 said that plots should be maintained in the size consistent with the area. Later on, in an alteration, the requirement for those two policies was dropped.

In March 2006, consultation on the Branksome Park Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan commenced and this was was adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) in December 2006). This retained those two policies.

In September 2007, there was a new document – the Poole Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (DPD).

In May 2008. the next document, replacing the Poole Local Plan, was the Poole Core Strategy and the policies H10, BE23, BE24 in the Poole Local Plan were removed.

Chairman’s note: At the Association’s AGM on14 May 2011, I pointed out that the public consultation on the Poole Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) closed on 27 May 2011, and said ‘that there is some concern that policies H10, BE23, BE24 in the Poole Local Plan are being lost and these are not adequately covered by policy PCS 23 in the Poole Core Strategy’.

TS attended the Public Examinations with Planning Inspectors into the Site Specific Allocations and the Core Strategy and, at that time, raised the question of the size of plots, but the Planning Inspector did not ask for these policies to be retained.

Revision of Poole’s Core Strategy is in progress and, although this has been subject to public consultation, so far, nothing has been said about this issue.

This whole matter is complicated and would require detailed investigation into the Poole Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document.

TS then asked those at the meeting with concerns about this issue to tell the meeting about their concerns and what they required the Association to do about them.

One member was concerned about maintaining standards in Branksome Park and did not want to see developments which are unsuitable for the area.

TS advised that a group of those concerned could make formal recommendations to the Planning Department to reinstate these policies, as the Core Strategy is in the process of being revised.
Saturday 17 October 2015
Secondly, any concerns could be raised, formally, at the forthcoming Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting. JS will send the contact for the Area Committee meeting to Nick Holmes, who asked how to have an issue raised on the Agenda. Chairman’s note: Tracy & Nick Holmes attended the meeting, and whilst Cllr MI was supportive, Cllr Peter Pawlowski said that he felt that current policies were adequate.

TS answered Tracy Holmes’ questions about 12A Western Avenue.

John Edwards is concerned that a precedent will be set making it difficult to raise objections in the future.

TS pointed out that a number of plots have been changed in size over the last twenty years in the Conservation Area.

Nick Holmes said that, although plots had already been subdivided. they were still in excess of 0.75 of an acre.

Peter Viney related some history of previous subdivisions of plots where Planning Officers insisted in the plots remaining were more than 0.75 acre and maintained that a precedent would be set with the subdivision of 12A.

TS suggested looking at the document Branksome Park Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan SPG which refers to policies H10 and B23. These policies are still in the document protecting the Conservation Area.

Nick Holmes raised all the concerns as to why this matter has been dragging on since April 2015. TS suggested a detailed request to Stephen Thorne personally, putting forward all the points he raised, asking for an explanation.

TS suggested putting forward any objections as a ‘community issue’ by way of a petitions. He suggested a meeting with Cllr Peter Pawlowski, who is a Ward Councilor for forward all the points he raised, asking for an explanation.

TS, also, suggested putting forward any objections as a ‘community issue’ by way of petition. He suggested a meeting with Cllr Peter Pawlowski, who is a Ward Councilor for the area and also Chairman of the Planning Committee.

Nick Holmes asks the Association if they would be willing to lend their support to this issue in the form of a financial contribution towards the costs involved. JS said that this is what has been done before and asks Mr. Holmes to put together a list of projected costs and then the Committee would vote on the amount the Assn. would be willing to donate.

Cllr MI agreed to try to find out what exactly is holding things up with this issue. excess of 0.75 of an acre.

Other current planning issues

2 Dalkeith Road (Sever land and construct a detached house with integral garage) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the Association on 02 September 2015.

66, 68 & 68A Lilliput Road (Outline planning application for the demolition of the existing properties and the erection of two separate apartment buildings containing 20 flats in total with associated access, cycle and bin stores) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the Association on 26 July 2015.

Ormonde Nursing Home, 12 Pinewood Road (Outline application for alterations, extensions and conversion of the building to six flats with associated parking and landscaping) – The Association lodged a letter of objection to this application on 13 August 2015.

Compton Acres, Canford Cliffs Road (Erection of building comprising 20 Apartments with basement parking; re-arrangement for the existing Compton Acres parking area, and demolition of the existing office building set within the current car park) – No new developments
Saturday 17 October 2015
Autumn 2015 ‘Pines & Chines’ magazine – the magazines for distribution on Friday ACTION this week or early the following week.

Leaning garden wall at (?)25 The Avenue – Cllr MH will follow up.


JS said that it was too early for the Treasurer to JS produce his report of the Association’s funds to 30 September 2015 but as at 31
August 2015 the total funds were £33,404.46


Canford Cliffs Village Christmas Lights – JS proposed a donation of £750, as in
previous years, towards the Christmas lights and this was approved. All

Date of next Meeting: Wednesday – 11 November 2015 – Committee Room (formerly Lounge), Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road

The meeting closed at 8.40pm..
Saturday 17 October 2015

Agenda For Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & District Residents’ Association Executive Meeting Held on 09th September 2015



WEDNESDAY 09th SEPTEMBER 2015 @ 7.30 pm



1.Apologies/Accuracy of Minutes (12th August 2015)

2.Matters arising (Not covered under “Review”)

Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel etc sites – update

John Sprackling

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update


Community Working Group


Council Budget Monitoring report (2015/16) & 2016/17 Budget

William Mutlow

Public Rights of Way

Richard Dimbleby etc

Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden)

Wayne Hancock

Community Engagement

Terry Stewart

Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm

Roy Pointer

Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan DPD) Terry Stewart

Succession planning

John Sprackling

Pine Drive

Cllr May Haines

Uniting the Conurbation (UTC)

John Sprackling

Refreshing the Core Strategy and Review of Community Infrastructure

Terry Stewart

Levy (CIL)

Improving Association’s communications

Michael Parohn

Autumn 2015 ‘Pines & Chines’ magazine

John Gunton

Leaning garden wall at (?)25 The Avenue

Cllr May Haines

8.00 pm.


New Housing Development

Keith Alcroft


Accounts to date

John Sprackling


Date of next meeting

John Sprackling

8.30 pm.

6. Any other business

Any other business should be advised to the Chairman at the meeting. Items raised during the evening may be put on the Agenda for the following month.

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 14 October 2015 at 7.30pm – The Committee Room, Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road) NB This date may have to be changed as it clashes with Area Committee meeting

Dates for your diary:

14 October 2015 – Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting – To be advised 02 September 2015 – Newtown & Parkstone Area Committee meeting – ditto

Minutes Of Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & District Residents’ Association for September 2015




John Sprackling (JS)


Wayne Hancock (WH)


Keith Alcroft (KA)

Planning Officer

John Gunton (JG)

Magazine Editor

Cllr Mrs May Haines (MH)

Canford Cliffs Ward Councillor

19 Members/Wardens



JS welcomed those present, particularly, Cllr Mrs May Haines and those attending for the first time.

Apologies: Terry Stewart, Carol & Mike Parkin

Accuracy: JS said would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the

meeting held on 12 AUGUST 2015, apart from one correction regarding the JS Christmas Lights in Canford Cliffs Village – the lights will be switched on Friday,

27 November, 2015, not 25th as reported in last Minutes


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported..


1.Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – The Council has received an application for consent to Assign the Lease at Dolphin Quays. The consent to the assignment was offered in April 2015 subject to Licence. The Licence has yet to be completed

2.Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – No new developments

3.Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto

4.Old Orchard House – ditto

5.Land at West Quay Road – ditto

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:


Victoria Education Centre (Landscaping to the new entrance) No new developments

Martello Corner, Martello Road (also known as 83 Canford Cliffs Road) –(Change of use of residential garage to dentists surgery} – Appeal lodged – Interested Party Comments due 25 Aug 2015 Appellant/LPA Final Comments due 15 September 2015

16 Western Avenue (Erection of Single Storey Garden Room) – The Planning Enforcement Team served a Planning Control Notice on 16 Western Avenue yesterday (08/09/15) to establish current ownership and other parties with an interest in the land. It is understood that a new application should be lodged this week.

Chairman’s note: Application registered on 09/09/15.

8 Haig Avenue (TPO tree destroyed (EN/14/00707). Appeal against Tree Replacement Notice – awaiting outcome of Hearing on 18th August 2015.

Community Working Group (CWG): Meeting fixed for 24 Sept 2015 – the Council


is planning to change its planning neighbour notification arrangements and the CWG

will be informed about this at this meeting.

Wednesday, 09 September 2015


Council Budget Monitoring report (2014/15) & 2015/16 Budget – William Mutlow


reported on the Council Budget Monitoring report covering the period 1 April 2015 to


30 June 2015 – this forecasts a small surplus of £0.3m for the year 2015/16.

Cost pressures of £0.8m emerging in Children’s Services. Forecast includes higher

placement costs for Looked after children and cost pressures within the Adoption


Other services are forecasting Net Savings with the most significant being £0.4m

from Transportation, with reduced expenditure from Concessionary Fares and other


Vacancy management and an ongoing brake on expenditure are continuing to apply.

There remains uncertainty regarding a number of significant budgets, and there is no

longer a contingency within the annual budget to manage any unforeseen events.

There are a number of in-year changes to funding currently expected from the

Government’s post election announcements over the summer including the delay of

the implementation of Part 2 of the Care Act until 2020. The main provisions due for

implementation in April 2016 were to introduce a cap on residential care costs paid

by individuals and to significantly increase the capital threshold above which people

are required to contribute to the costs of their care.

The Council has already invested in systems, staffing and other costs funded by

government grants to prepare for implementation. We are awaiting further

announcements and no provision has been made within the current year forecast for

any funds to be returned.

The in year position needs to be seen within the context of the current £5.5m deficit

in the budget for 2016/17, acknowledged by Cabinet on 28 July, and the further

growth pressure expected from Children’s Social Care, the impact of the new Living

Wage on costs in the care sector and the Government cuts under review.

2016 High Season Parking Period should begin on 1st March from 2016 onwards.

Movement on reserves

The balance on earmarked reserves at the 1 April 2015 was £24.2m, with £3.6m

programmed to support the 2015/16 Budget. £2.578m of the expenditure variances

relates to the use of specific earmarked reserves in support of their intended


As reported at last month’s meeting of the Association, the 3 year Medium Term

Financial Plan includes the assumption that Council Tax will rise by 2% per year

Reasons for significant Forecast Revenue Variances greater than £100,000

People Theme £512k Total Variances Cost Pressures

£421k Looked After Children: Pressures in residential care costs partially offset by

savings within fostering placements.

£180k Adoption Services: A number of children requiring greater support than

budgeted, together with an increase in other costs due to national changes.

£175k Children in Need & Independent Living: Increase in number of care leavers

requiring support.

£254K ASC – Residential Care & Community Based Services: The number of clients

needing support is over budget on residential care partially offset by savings in

community services and direct payments. Relating to older people the pressure is

£349k, with other age groups saving (£95k).

£287k saving in ASC – Care Act (Part 1) Implementation: Local deferred payment

scheme required few changes to implement the national scheme from April 15. This

had reduced spend from this one off non ring-fenced grant.

£168K saving in ASC – Employee Costs: Vacancies within social work and

commissioning teams.

£68K saving in ASC – Other: Grant announced after the budget was set to support

Wednesday, 09 September 2015


the expected increase in Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding (DOLS) cases.


£5k Other: Net Pressures.

Place Theme Variance a Saving of £557k

£153K saving in Transportation Concessionary Fares. Actual costs were 3.7% lower

in the first 2 months. The forecast assumes the 2014/15 trend of journey numbers in

the remaining 10 months. The actual level of activity is influenced by external factors

such as the weather.

£284k saving in Other Transportation. Savings made up from street lighting

electricity £93k, from additional parking and other income £73k, from expenditure

savings on bus subsidies £47k and from net other costs £71k.

£120k saving in Other Variances made up from Town centre management £45k and

from facilities management £75k.

Business Improvement Theme Variance a Saving of £325k

£159k saving in Human Resources. The main variance is additional income of


£166k saving in Other Services. The main items are employee savings from

Corporate Management Team £73k and Corporate Strategy £44k.

Public Rights of Way


Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – The sandbags serving to obstruct this

route have been removed by the Council. It, currently, recognises this route as an

unrecorded Public Right of Way.. .

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – No new developments

Bessborough Road – This road is owned by Canford Cliffs Land Society. The

Society is, currently, in conflict with the developers of the former Norfolk Lodge Hotel

regarding access.

Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): WH said that the report of of the Royal


Horticultural Society judge’s visit was expected at the end of this month. Volunteers

are still needed. WH is still waiting to receive from the Council the renewed License

to allow the Association to officially manage the garden.

Community Engagement: Cllr MH reported on the third meeting of the ‘Review of


Council Governance Arrangements Working Party’ which was held on the preceding

Monday (07/09/15). About 12 members of the public were present.

Discussions on changes to the current Overview & Scrutiny Committees have been


Area Committees will continue but the Working Party is looking at ways of widening

the scope of these meetings. Other alternatives being considered are Focus

Groups. ‘Themed’ meetings. Consultation is continuing and, at the time of the

Association’s meeting, no date had been set for the next Working Group meeting.

Chairman’s Note: The Minutes of the meetings held on 13 July and 03 August 2015

have still to be posted on the BoP website.

Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm: Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm: Roy


Pointer gave an update on Navitus Bay. The decision will be published by the

Secretary of State this Friday 11 September, exactly 12 months from the opening of

the Examination process in line with the Planning Act 2008. He very much hoped

that the Application would be refused bearing in mind the effort put in by residents in

the wider area and the support of all local Councils (Poole excepted), MPs, National

Trust and the New Forest Parks Authority.

He referred to the recent piece in the Daily Telegraph indicating refusal of the project

but had nothing on which to base the article although Emily Gosden is a respected

journalist in the sector.

If the project is approved there is limited scope to challenge. The route is via Judicial


Review but the grounds are very limited e.g. Law, process compliance and

reasonabl ness of the decision but not the merits of the case e.g., visual intrusion,

Wednesday, 09 September 2015

PCBA will look at the process if an adverse decision is given.


Chairman’s Note: RP writes “I’m delighted to say that on 11th September, Secretary

of State Amber Rudd issued the decision refusing permission for the wind farm as

well as a smaller option proposed at the eleventh hour by the developer. This

represents a major achievement for the thousands of residents who objected, and

for the work of Poole and Christchurch Bays’ Association in giving focus and weight

to the planning arguments against this deeply unpopular proposal. It is a good

example of how residents can influence decisions on national issues working

with MPs, local councils and other interested groups.”

Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan SPD): A


report is due to be presented to Cabinet at its meeting on 13 October 2015 seeking

resolution to adopt the Plan at the Full Council meeting on 17 November 2015.

Cllr MH was unable to shed any light on this but said that there had been three

rounds of consultation on this. We shall have to wait and see what the report comes

up with.

Chairman’s Note: The report should be posted on the BoP website around 06


Succession planning: No new developments.


Pine Drive – It has been established that Pine Drive is a recognised Right of Way


from Chester Road leading all the way to Leicester Rd/Penn Hill junction..



Uniting the Conurbation (Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch) – No new



Chairman’s Note: It has been announced that Bournemouth, Christchurch, East

Dorset and Poole are jointly exploring the possibility of a single, brand new Council

to cover their respective geographic areas. This would see all functions undertaken

by the existing councils in these areas being delivered by a new single unitary


Andrew Flockhart is to be recommended to take over as Poole’s Chief

Executive at the Full Council meeting on 29 September.

Refreshing the Core Strategy and review of Community Infrastructure Levy


(CIL) – A summary of responses to Draft Core Strategy, has just published and a

report is available via –


A report on the revised CIL proposals will be published as part of a report due to be

presented at the Economy and Overview Committee on 5 November, where the

Council will be seeking endorsement to publish the draft version of the charging

schedule for formal comment before submission to the Secretary of State for

Examination. The Council plans to publish it for 8 weeks over December 2015 to

January 2016, which is two weeks longer than normal to account for the holiday


Improving association’s communicationsIn the absence of MP, JS reported


that the new ‘Canford Cliffs Village’ magazine, which is currently being distributed

throughout BH13 and part of BH14, includes a page about the Association and a

page about the Sunken Garden.


KA reported


27 Forest Road (Demolish existing house and erect 5 houses with associated

parking) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the Association on 24 August 2015

but application granted on 01 September 2015.

2 Dalkeith Road (Sever land and construct a detached house with integral garage)

Wednesday, 09 September 2015


– Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the Association on 02 September 2015.


Chris Stracey raised concerns about the inconsistency of approach by the Local

Planning Authority in the case the various applications at Avalon, off Sandbanks

Road when compared with recent applications in Crawshaw Road. In both cases,

the applications involved sub-division of plots where trees were an issue. In the

case of Crawshaw Road the applications were allowed but in the case of Avalon,

the applications were refused

Cllr MH said that in the case of 14-16 Avalon, the proposed properties were taller

than those there at present, did not fit in with the character of the area and not

enough amenity space.

JS suggested that CS ask WH to take this up at the forthcoming Community

Working Group meeting.

Then followed a lengthy and, at times, heated discussion about 12A Western



Avenue (Erection of new single storey house) – Application registered 20 April 2015.

Tracy Holmes opened the discussion by saying that she was confused by the

process and sought answers to the following questions

1.Plot size precedent, as there will be two dwellings on a single plot of less than 1½ acres

In the view of the Association, this is not a plot severance and, if it ever existed, the 3/4 acre rule no longer applies. Members were informed of this in the Autumn 2014 magazine. JS said that, as far as he was aware, the only reference to the 3/4 rule is included in the Covenants held by (The) Branksome Park Association Ltd and Covenants are not a planning issue.

2.The reason why no objection was raised to this proposal

The proposal was viewed from a planning point of view. The existing Grade ii listed one bedroom bungalow cannot be altered. Thereby precluding any extensions. A replica style bungalow matching the existing & grouped together would be a unique asset to Branksome Park. It would not compromise policy PCS23 in Poole’s Core Strategy.

It would not breach the Branksome Park Management Plan as the proposed bungalow would be well masked from Western Ave – the additional planting proposed to the boundary would mask the flat roof bungalow from the adjoining properties.

The bungalow would sit on the disused Tennis Court & not compromise any trees or roots

3. The wider community were unaware of this proposal & plans to safeguard the community from similar requests

Because of the limited number of members who take an ‘active‘ role in the work of the Association, it has been the Association’s practice for some years now to adopt are-active approach to planning applications rather than pro-active and we rely on residents contacting us when they are concerned about planning applications.

JS said that, in his experience, it is important that, where a resident is concerned about a neighbouring development to, immediately, ‘lobby’ his/her neighbours to garner support for his/her objections.

JS invited those present to contact him for a copy of the List of the Planning

Applications which he receives for the Council on a weekly basis.

Chairman’s note: Only one request received to date.

4. Misinformation about the plot size of 8 Withingham Road

JS explained that explained how he came to make a mistake about the plot size of this property, which had been subject to sub-division, following the purchase of

adjacent land from the Victoria Education Centre.

Wednesday, 09 September 2015


Peter Jackson made the point that both the Council’s Urban Design & Conservation


Officer and Tree Officer had raised concerns about the proposal.

Stuart Rhys-Williams felt that the Association had ‘missed the boat’ and was allowing

the character of Branksome Park to be changed. He proposed that an Extraordinary

General Meeting of the Association should be held as soon as possible to rally

support for the re-introduction of the ¾ acre rule.

John Buckley supported this proposal and JS promised to send those members

calling for an EGM, a copy of the Rules of the Association.

Cllr MH said that the officer was due to make his decision the following week and, if

the application is due to be approved, this will be ‘Red-carded’.

Christine Norman questioned how the plot is, currently, registered with the Land

Registry and if it was known if there was any proposal by the owner to register the

two plots separately.

Stan Alfert encouraged those present who had not yet sent letters of objection to do

so as a matter of urgency and suggested they search the BoP Planning Application

website for suitable wording.

John Gunton that, in view of the apparent level of opposition to this proposal, he was

expecting more Western Ave residents to attend the meeting.

Roy Pointer felt that it was up to residents to object and garner support from

residents and thought it unfair to ‘have a go’ at the Executive.

Peter Jackson proposed that a letter of objection should be sent on behalf of the

Association, seconded by Stan Alfert, and this was, overwhelming, agreed by those

present with two abstentions.

Tony Holmes said, in conclusion, that if the application is not turned down, he will not

let the matter rest. Mr Horden has been given permission on three occasions to

extend his current property.

Stan Alfert referred to 2 Dalkeith Road (Sever land and construct a detached house

with integral garage). This was a first application to propose a sub-division in

Buccleugh Road and should be opposed.

Other current planning issues

66, 68 & 68A Lilliput Road (Outline planning application for the demolition of the existing properties and the erection of two separate apartment buildings containing 20 flats in total with associated access, cycle and bin stores) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the Association on 26 July 2015.

Ormonde Nursing Home, 12 Pinewood Road (Outline application for alterations, extensions and conversion of the building to six flats with associated parking and landscaping) – The Association lodged a letter of objection to this application on 13 August 2015.

Wateridge House, 5 Burton Road (Outline application to demolish the existing building and erection of 5 no. 2 ½ storey detached houses) – Application recommended for Refusal by Planning Committee at its meeting the following day..Chairman’s note: This application was refused.

Compton Acres, Canford Cliffs Road (Erection of building comprising 20 Apartments with basement parking; re-arrangement for the existing Compton Acres parking area, and demolition of the existing office building set within the current car park) – The developers have yet to comply with Condition 12 and it is noted that there appears to be no provision for coach parking.

Wednesday, 09 September 2015

2015 ‘Pines & Chines’ magazine – This is in the process of being



compiled and will be delivered to all members during October

Leaning garden wall at (?)25 The Avenue – Cllr MH will follow up.


ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS said the figures for the Association’s funds as at


31st August 2015 were not yet available.


Date of next Meeting: The date of the next meeting clashes with the Canford Cliffs

& Penn Hill Area Committee meeting to be held on Wednesday – 14th October 2015, All so the Association’s next meeting will be held on 07 October 2015 at Committee

Room (formerly Lounge), Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road)

The meeting closed at 9.00pm

Branksome Park Residents Association Agenda 12th August 2015



WEDNESDAY 12th AUGUST 2015 @ 7.30 pm

Wine and ‘nibbles’ will be available in the garden area of the Church Hall after this meeting.



1.Apologies/Accuracy of Minutes (08th July 2015)

2.Matters arising (Not covered under “Review”)

Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel etc sites – update

John Sprackling

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update


Community Working Group


Council Budget Monitoring report (2014/15)

William Mutlow

Public Rights of Way

Richard Dimbleby etc

Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden)

Wayne Hancock

Community Engagement

Terry Stewart

Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm

Roy Pointer

Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan DPD) Terry Stewart

Succession planning

John Sprackling

Pine Drive

Cllr May Haines

Uniting the Conurbation (UTC)

John Sprackling

Refreshing the Core Strategy and review of Community Infrastructure

Terry Stewart

Levy (CIL)

Use of Council’s ‘Pop up’ shop at 58 High Street

John Sprackling

Improving Association’s communications

Michael Parkin

Capacity of Lilliput Surgery and local Dental practices to cope with

Cllr Mohan Iyengar

additional new residents

8.00 pm.


New Housing Development

Keith Alcroft


Accounts to date

John Sprackling


Date of next meeting

John Sprackling

8.30 pm.

6. Any other business

Any other business should be advised to the Chairman at the meeting. Items raised during the evening may be put on the Agenda for the following month.

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 09 September 2015 at 7.30pm – The Committee Room, Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road)

Dates for your diary:

14 October 2015 – Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting – To be advised 02 September 2015 – Newtown & Parkstone Area Committee meeting – ditto

Minutes Of Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & District Residents’ Association August 2015




John Sprackling (JS)


Wayne Hancock (WH)


Carol Parkin (CP)


Keith Alcroft (KA)

Planning Officer

John Gunton (JG)

Magazine Editor

Michael Parkin (MP)

Membership Secretary

Cllr Mrs May Haines (MH)

Canford Cliffs Ward Councillor

8 Members/Wardens



JS welcomed those present, particularly, the two Ward Councillors

Apologies: Cllr Mohan Iyengar, Colin Brade, Chris Stracey, Ray and Janice Wylde

& Ken Sanson (Chairman, Sandbanks Assn)

Accuracy: JS said would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the


meeting held on 08 JULY 2015..


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported..


1.Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments

2.Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto

3.Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto

4.Old Orchard House – ditto

5.Land at West Quay Road – ditto

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:


Victoria Education Centre (Landscaping to the new entrance) No new developments

Martello Corner, Martello Road (also known as 83 Canford Cliffs Road) –(Change of use of residential garage to dentists surgery} – Appeal lodged – Interested Party Comments due 25 Aug 2015 Appellant/LPA Final Comments due 15 Sep 2015

16 Western Avenue (Erection of Single Storey Garden Room) – Elite Skills Arena are considering the submission of an amended planning application and, in these circumstances, it would not be appropriate to serve an enforcement notice,

8 Haig Avenue (TPO tree destroyed (EN/14/00707). Appeal against Tree Replacement Notice to be determined at Hearing on 18th August 2015.

Community Working Group (CWG): Next meeting fixed for 24 Sept 2015 – the


Council is planning to change its planning neighbour notification arrangements and

the CWG will be informed about this at this meeting.

Council Budget Monitoring report (2014/15) & 2015/16 Budget – William Mutlow


reported on the background to the setting of the Council’s Budget for 2016/17

and its Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2015 – 2018.

National Context:

In January 2015 Parliament approved the new “fiscal charter” for Budget

Responsibility. This commits the government to a goal of balancing day-to-day

Government spending (the structural deficit) by 2017/18. Put another way the

Wednesday, 14 August 2015

Government are trying to equalise the £24,000 per annum that it generates in income



per household against the £27,000 pa that it spends per household. Such an

approach should also ensure that national debt is falling as a percentage of the

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2016/17. The Treasury have indicated that to

meet these targets any new government would have to make additional tax rises or

spending cuts of around £30bn.

It is clear that austerity will be something the Council will need to plan for a

considerable time to come.

As at February 2015:

The MTFP cost pressures were £12m in 2015/16; £9.1m in 2016/17: & £6.3m in

2017/18 giving an accumulative figure for the 3 year period of £27.4m.

The approved Budget identified Savings of £12m in 2015/16; £3.3m in 2016/17; &

£3.3m in 2017/18. This resulted in a Funding Gap of £0 in the current Financial Year;

£5.8m in 2016/17 and £3.0m in 2017/18

The Latest Position as at July 2015:

The NET FUNDING GAP is £0 in Current Financial Year; £5.6m in 2016/17 and

£3.0M in 2017/18. (a total of £8.6m still to find)

At this stage, no attempt has been made to update the MTFP relating to some of the

key issues highlighted in the Chancellor’s Summer Budget, including the impact of

the Living Wage, the Insurance Tax, and the 1% public sector pay limit for the next 4

years. This 1% limit does not apply directly to Local Government but has been

normally used by the employer’s side as an indication of the affordability of any

settlement. The MTFP will be updated after any settlement.

ALSO any developing current Financial Year cost pressures are not reflected in the

above figures. Early indications are that Children’s Services cost increases are likely

be significant

As part of the budget setting process the Council has a well defined process of

refreshing the Council’s MTFP at the end of July each year. At this stage, it is

intended to reflect the impact of the Chancellor’s Summer budget in the next October

update report to Cabinet.

The Council could face pressures of up to £18m over the term of its administration

(2015 to 2020). It is clear that the Council will need to look to creative and innovative

solutions underpinned by the culture of a strong and effective system of financial

management. Council will clearly be well served by making effective and early key

and potentially difficult decisions and recommendations agreed by Cabinet on 14th

July and 28th July will be significant in that regard.

Proposals which will generate positive returns include building additional Beach Huts,

investing in a Corporate Solar P V Energy programme, delivering the promised

£10.5m investment in street lights and LED Lamps.

Public Rights of Way


Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No new developments.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto

Bessborough Road – ditto

Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): WH reported that an RHS judge had visited


and a result is expected towards the end of next month. WH hopes that we do as

well, if not better than last year. He has made a little booklet with photographs,

showing what has been done. WH was congratulated on his part in this work..

Community Engagement: JS met with Leader of the Council, Cllr Mrs Janet Walton


on 16 July 2015 and had had a broadly based discussion on this subject. The Council

Governance Arrangements Working Party also met on 29 July 2015 – the Minutes

have yet to be posted on the BoP website.

Wednesday, 14 August 2015


Bay Offshore Wind Farm: Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm: Roy Pointer




reported that the decision on Navitus Bay is almost certain to be published on

September 11, 2015.

RP wished to thank everyone who had helped in the campaign; lately those who had

distributed some of the 20,000 cards asking members to write to the PM, and, of

course, those who had written.

Recent approaches have been made to Chewton Glen hotel since the forest cables

run much closer than originally planned and the new development in Bournemouth

(Terrace Mount) in light of visual impact.

Half a dozen of our local MPs (with the exception of Robert Syms) have had a useful

meeting with the PM; this was arranged by Richard Drax MP.

Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan SPD):


JS reported that he and his wife had visited Elite Skills Area proposals on display at

the Haven Hotel Sandbanks on 30 July 2015. The proposals include “16 x 2/3

person overnight studios with private outside spaces and communal shower facilities.

Four x 3/4 person overnight studios with private outside space and private shower

facilities, Two large retail units….Beach Huts…and Catering Facilities)

John Montgomery of Tanner & Baker advised JS that he had had Pre-application

discussions with Stephen Thorne & Richard Genge. The proposals are intended to fit

the aspirations set out the Sustaining Poole’s Seafront Supplementary Planning

Document Consultation Draft Summer 2013, which has yet to receive the approval of

the Council.

Mr Montgomery also believes that the final plans will comply with the Poole Borough

Council Act and is in discussion with the Planning Dept about this.

Banquets Catering (South Coast) Ltd currently holds the leases for the beach

restaurants and kiosks from Branksome Dene to Sandbanks and, as JS understand

it, this does not permit any other concessionaire to operate along the seafront. As the

leases have a number of years to run, any variation of the lease would have financial


Succession planning: No new developments.


Pine Drive – MH said that she will ‘chase’ Steve Dean.


Uniting the Conurbation (Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch) –No new



Refreshing the Core Strategy and review of Community Infrastructure Levy


(CIL) – JS said that he is aware of instances of outstanding CIL and it is hoped the

Council are ‘chasing’ these up.

Use of Poole’s Pop up Shop at 58 High StreetThis facility ceases at the end of


this month and JS said that the Association might want to look at this again, when its


next available.


Improving association’s communicationsMP reported that he had a very


fortuitous chance meeting with Neil Armstrong who was taking photographs along

Haven Road and of the Village Hall. It transpired that he produces a number of the

free magazines and was intending one to be published by the beginning of September called ‘Canford Cliffs Village’. Over a drink of coffee at MP’s home, plans were explained. 7,000 copies of this magazine will be delivered to each home in the BH13 area and some in the BH14 area, plus estate agents etc. in the area.

From this first meeting, Mr. Armstrong met with some members of the Executive of

the Assn. After this, with an understanding of what Mr. Armstrong needed, JS, WH, Wednesday,RP, JG14andAugustMP put2015together a paper on what our Assn. stands for and its activities,

course appealing for new members. This will cover two pages and will be no

and of



cost to the Assn.

Capacity of Lilliput Surgery and local Dental practices to cope with additional


new residents – This will continue to be monitored..




KA reported


66, 68 & 68A Lilliput Road (Outline planning application for the demolition of the existing properties and the erection of two separate apartment buildings containing 20 flats in total with associated access, cycle and bin stores) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the Association on 26 July 2015.

29 The Avenue (Sever plot and erect a 2 storey dwelling in location of existing sunken garden/swimming pool) – Appeal dismissed

Ormonde Nursing Home, 12 Pinewood Road (Outline application for alterations, extensions and conversion of the building to six flats with associated parking and landscaping) – The Association lodged a letter of objection to this application on 13 August 2015.

Other current planning issues

Wateridge House, 5 Burton Road (Outline application to demolish the existing building and erection of 5 no. 2 ½ storey detached houses) – Application recommended for Refusal by Planning Committee at tomorrow’s meeting.

Compton Acres, Canford Cliffs Road (Erection of building comprising 20 Apartments with basement parking; re-arrangement for the existing Compton Acres parking area, and demolition of the existing office building set within the current car park) – The developers have yet to comply with Condition 12 and it is noted that there appears to be no provision for coach parking.

5. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS reported that the total Association funds as at 31st JS July 2015 amounted to £34,073.46.


Party Houses – At around 4.00pm on Saturday, 8 August, there was an unacceptable level of noise emanating from the property. JS reported this on the Emergency hotline (0800 506050) and it seems that a number of other residents had ‘phoned in too, as the lady operator immediately knew what he was going to say when he said “2 Burton Road”.

JS had a call from an Environmental Control officer that evening at around 8.30pm, who said that he had just come on duty and would visit the site to ascertain the current position.

Cllr MH said that the Environmental Control officer had visited the site on the Friday & Saturday evenings but had heard no noise. JS suggested that those renting the house must have visiting the nightspots in Bournemouth at that time.

Autumn 2015 ‘Pines & Chines’ magazine – John Gunton would like material for the magazine by this month.

Leaning garden wall at (?)25 The Avenue – JS had reported this in May 2015. Cllr MH will follow up.

Christmas Lights in Canford Cliffs Village – Cllr MH reported that the lights will be switched on on November 25, 2015.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Wednesday – 09th

Wednesday, 14 August 2015






September 2015 at Committee Room (formerly Lounge), Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road)

The meeting closed at 8.15pm..

Minutes Of Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & District Residents’ Association Executive Meeting Held On Wednesday 08 Jul 2015





John Sprackling (JS)


Wayne Hancock (WH)


Carol Parkin (CP)


Keith Alcroft (KA)

Planning Officer

John Gunton (JG)

Magazine Editor

Cllr Mrs May Haines (MH)

Canford Cliffs Ward Councillor

Cllr Mohan Iyengar (MI)


15 Members/Wardens



JS welcomed those present, particularly, the two Ward Councillors

Apologies: Roy Pointer, Chris Stracey, David & Ann Giles & Ken Sanson (Chairman,

Sandbanks Assn)

Accuracy: JS said would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the


meeting held on 10 JUNE 2015..


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported..


1.Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments

2.Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto

3.Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto

4.Old Orchard House – ditto

5.Land at West Quay Road the proposed Harris development on the ‘between the bridges’ site is no longer being pursued,.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:


Victoria Education Centre (Landscaping to the new entrance) No new developments

Martello Corner, Martello Road (also known as 83 Canford Cliffs Road) –(Change of use of residential garage to dentists surgery} – Appeal lodged on 19/05/15 but the Planning Inspectorate currently has a 10 week delay in validating appeals, this appeal is currently going through that process.

Cllr MH reported that the initial delay was because Mr. Edwards did not want the appeal to be subject to a Hearing and so it was due to be determined by ‘Written representations’, but the objectors are now petitioning for it to be a Hearing.

16 Western Avenue (Erection of Single Storey Garden Room) – Site visit took place on 24 June 2015.

8 Haig Avenue (TPO tree destroyed (EN/14/00707). Appeal against Tree Replacement Notice to be determined at Hearing on 18th August 2015.

Community Working Group (CWG): Next meeting fixed for 24 Sept 2015.


Council Budget Monitoring report (2014/15) & 2015/16 Budget – Nothing to



Public Rights of Way


Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No new developments.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto

Bessborough Road – ditto

Wednesday, 08 July 2015


Gardens (Sunken garden): WH reported that the RHS judge will visit on




Tuesday, 14 July at 11am. He is hopeful of obtaining the new licence from Poole

Council shortly. WH had sent Cllr MI photographs of the trees obscuring the view

from the gardens and had suggested it would be nice to have some felled. Cllr MI

said that this was being looked at currently.

Community Engagement: JS that he had been invited to meet the Leader of the


Council, Cllr Mrs Janet Walton for a discussion on this subject.

Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm: JS reported on behalf of Roy Pointer that


20,000 cards have been delivered around the coast from Swanage to Milford urging

residents to write to the PM to stop the approval. RP thanks those who helped in the

patch covered by the Association. Many have received standard replies; this

suggests that a large number of people have written in, which is good. JS has

received a reply to the letter sent on behalf of the Association.

RP asks if anyone is prepared to do another road or two e.g. Lakeside, De

Mauley/Spencer area, Bingham area, Burton houses end. He thinks these are fruitful

areas that have not been covered.

The decision has been delegated to a Junior Minister, Lord Bourne not the Secretary

of State and the decision is due to be announced on or before 11 September.

Poole Council Leader has given support along with other local council Leaders to

encourage ALL Councillors to write in. This will support the efforts of our MPs.

Recent Adjournment Debate in the House led by Richard Drax MP attended by our

local MPs. This keeps the case in the spotlight.

PCBA met with Bournemouth Council and Ashley Fox MEP to explore European

angles to the process and decision. Mr Fox has taken some questions away, which

has gained Media coverage.

The proposal has been getting a lot of media coverage in Echo letters lately. RP

encourages anyone to write in with their comments as counters to the Greens. See

recent letter from John Gunton.

Road Safety concerns: Burton Road, Canford Cliffs Road & Road surface of


Ravine Road: A resident contacted Poole Council last Monday about the height of


the ferns and undergrowth on Leicester Road at the junction with Wilderton Road as


it was at a height where oncoming traffic was no longer clearly visible. This was

cleared this morning – excellent service.

Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan SPD):


Agenda item 12 at next Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting seeks approval of capital

expenditure of up to £3.620m for Phase 2 of the Beach Hut Project (see table below),

and an additional estimated £174K to fund one-off shortfalls in annual beach hut

rental income during construction. Project scale, construction, phasing and final costs

are subject to ground and building surveys, planning permission and procurement

Wednesday, 08 July 2015

seem to be too many double-decker beach huts proposed for Canford Cliffs




(152 new ones) and JS questioned if is it worth developing the small pavilion at Canford Cliffs into a café because it won’t do much business out-of-season as people can’t drive up to it to park as they can at Branksome Beach and at Sandbanks? Cllr MH suggests that this is perhaps to offer a catering option to walkers, but she is querying this Banquets Catering (South Coast) Ltd currently hold the leases for the beach restaurants and kiosks from Branksome Dene to Sandbanks and this does not permit any other concessionaire to operate along the seafront.

JS said that it is surprising that so few beach huts are being proposed for Sandbanks

– JS asked Cllr MH to query this as Sandbanks is the most popular area. She says this is because they are struggling to find locations to build extra huts at Sandbanks.

Officers will continue to explore further commercial opportunities as part of ongoing work to improve seafront facilities and revenues.


Succession planning: No new developments.


Pine Drive – MH said that Steve Dean is looking into this.


Uniting the Conurbation (Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch) –No new




Refreshing the Core Strategy and review of Community Infrastructure Levy


(CIL): –No new developments


Use of Poole’s Pop up Shop at 58 High Street – Cllr MH said that there is no


charge for the use of this but the shop is only available until the end of August. She


will send JS contacts of who to approach to book the use of the shop.


Improving association’s communications – MP is continuing to try to contact


blocks of flats which are not members of the Association to invite them to join.


Capacity of Lilliput Surgery and local Dental practices to cope with additional


new residents – JS asked Cllr MI to keep an eye on this situation.



KA said that he had nothing to report but JS referred to Wateridge House, 5 Burton

Road (Outline application to demolish the existing building and erection of a 3 ?


storey block of 10 no. flats) – Application registered on 09/04/15. Cllr MH thinks that

this application will be recommended for refusal.

Other current planning issues

10 Grasmere Road (Variation of Condition 2 of permission APP/14/00805/F to

substitute approved plans with the plans submitted under this application)

Application registered 21/04/05. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the

Association on 11/05/15. Granted by Planning Committee at meeting on 18 June


Compton Acres, Canford Cliffs Road (Erection of building comprising 20

Apartments with basement parking; re-arrangement for the existing Compton Acres

parking area, and demolition of the existing office building set within the current car

park) –

This site has been acquired by Ortus Homes a subsidiary of McCarthy &


This is still a ‘current’ application.


ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS reported that Paul Fearnley was currently on


holiday and the amount of total Association funds as at 30 June 2015 was not currently available.

Wednesday, 08 July 2015





Party Houses – Colin Brade reported that there had been a problem with a ‘Poole


party; at Belmont, 4 Burton Road – this was reported to the Council and there have


been no problems since.


Blockage of roadside drains by storms on 03/04 July – JG reported problems with


outside drains that had occurred during the storm last Friday. CB and Cllr MH

reported their own problems with the drains at that time, but Cllr MH thinks that this

was, hopefully, a one-off occurrence

Proposed Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting on 29 July 2015 – This

has been cancelled.

Poole Park Life Heritage Lottery bid – The Poole Park Heritage Group have launched

a fund-raising project to celebrate the park’s 125th anniversary.

In July, August and September there will be prizes awarded, with the 125th person to

upload their photo each month receiving a Sony H300 camera worth £149 from the

Tesco at Branksome.

And Poole-based telecoms business Grapevine have supplied two tablets to enable

volunteers to capture and upload images of visitors from anywhere in the park.

More businesses are also being encouraged to take part.

WH proposed that the Association should make a donation to this project. JG

suggested a donation of £500 which will be equivalent to £5,000 as Heritage Lottery


Fund will match fund donations tenfold. This was put the vote and agreed

unanimously by a show of hands.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting will be on Wednesday – 12th August 2015 at


Committee Room (formerly Lounge), Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre

(Access via Lindsay Road)

The meeting closed at 8.00pm and concluded with wine & nibbles in the side garden







PRESENT: John Sprackling (JS) Chairman
Wayne Hancock (WH) Vice-Chairman
Carol Parkin (CP) Secretary
Mike Parkin (MP) Membership Secretary
Keith Alcroft (KA) Planning Officer
John Gunton (JG) Magazine Editor
Cllr Mrs May Haines (MH) Canford Cliffs Ward Councillor
13 Members/Wardens


JS welcomed those present, particularly Cllr Mrs May Haines. JS congratulated MH
on her appointment as Deputy Leader with Portfolio responsibilities for HR, ICT, Legal
& Democratic, Strategy Asset Management (Estates excluding Transport) Finance &
Budgets, Revenue & Benefits & Customer Service – this news was greeted with a
round of applause. JS went on to say that Cllr Mohan Iyengar has been appointed
Chairman of the Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Cllr Peter Pawlowski JS
is now Chairman of the Planning Committee.


Apologies: Roy Pointer & Chris Stracey


Accuracy: JS said would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 13 MAY 2015..




Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported..                    JS


  1. Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments
  2. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
  3. Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto
  4. Old Orchard House – ditto
  5. Land at West Quay Road ditto


Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:



Victoria Education Centre (Landscaping to the new entrance) No new developments
Martello Corner, Martello Road (also known as 83 Canford Cliffs Road) –(Change of
use of residential garage to dentists surgery} – Appeal against Enforcement Order
lodged on 19 May 2015.
16 Western Avenue (Erection of Single Storey Garden Room) – Deadline for
Interested Party and Appellant/LPA Final comments has passed.
8 Haig Avenue (TPO tree destroyed (EN/14/00707). Appeal against Tree
Replacement Notice to be determined at Hearing on 18th August 2015.
Community Working Group (CWG): Minutes of CWG meeting on 13 May 2015 WH
have been circulated – next meeting fixed for 24 Sept 2015.
Council Budget Monitoring report (2014/15) & 2015/16 Budget – William Mutlow WM
reported on the Council Budget Monitoring Report (1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015)
presented at the Cabinet meeting the previous day. The Council’s revenue financial
outturn was a surplus of £2,507m, which has been added to the Financial Planning
Reserve to support the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP).


This surplus is in ADDITION to the position reported at Dec 2015 (£0.595m) which was also transferred to support the MTFP.
The surpluses reported in the final quarter included…
Ordinary Residence Claims £1.195m – Release of provision following settlement of claims
NHS Adult Social Care Support £0.325m – Additional grant from NHS in January 2015
Dilapidations £0.237m Dilapidation provision released as no claim received withinperiod.
Business rates rebates £0.081m
Net service savings £0.669m
The movements greater than £100k in the final quarter were as follows..
£197k overspend Children – Social care
£198k saving Children – Education and other budgets
£460k saving Adults – Transfer to earmarked Reserves
£200k saving Adults – Age profile of outstanding debt reassessed for bad debt
£1.195m saving Adult Social Care (see above)
£325k additional grant for Adult Social Care (see above)
£113k saving Adults – General efficiencies (including staff vacancies and additional
income from catering services)
£119k overspend Culture & Community and Housing
£145k saving Public Health – Drugs and Alcohol Services
£100k saving Housing – Reduced Bad Debt Provision
Un-earmarked Reserves for 2015/16 Budget will remain at £6.25m
Earmarked Reserves at 31 Mar 2015 is £24.214m, after the application of the final
surplus for the year of £2.507m. This includes £11.584m Financial Planning Reserves
providing mitigation against the MTFP pressures; £4.115m held by Council in support
of partnerships with NHS, Schools and other stakeholders; £1.829m by way of
numerous Government. grants.
Capital spend for 2014/15 was £23.9m, which represents 87% of approved budget.
Public Rights of Way RD
Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No new developments.
Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto
Bessborough Road – ditto
Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): WH reported that a judge from the RHS will be WH
coming to look at the garden on July 14th. WH hopes that the garden does as well as
last year, if not better.
Community Engagement: No new developments. JS/TS
Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm: JS reported on behalf of Roy Pointer who was RP
due to return from holiday that day that, this month, Poole & Christchurch Bays
Association (PCBA) is mounting a major card campaign this summer encouraging
residents to write to the Prime Minister simply stating why Navitus Bay wind farm is a
bad idea and should be stopped.
20,000 cards need to be delivered in selected areas between Milford on Sea and
Durlston. If members can help by covering their road or part of it, please contact Roy
Pointer so that he can arrange for cards to be dropped off at you
address. Please advise the name of the road and how many cards you could take;
any help will be truly welcomed to stop this deeply unpopular proposal.
Road Safety concerns: Burton Road, Canford Cliffs Road & Road surface of MH
Ravine Road: Cllr MH reported that unfortunately there has been no resurfacing to Ravine Road, but a little work has been done in patching areas. Cllr MH pointed out that if a pothole was reported to the Council, they would come and fill it in the Leicester Road/Bury Road/Wilderton Road safety concerns and the


following two items are to be considered at next Wednesday’s Canford Cliffs & Penn
Hill Area Committee meeting
Location Est Cost Proposal
St Aldhelms Road £1,000 Loading Ban
Western Road/Mornish £1,000 Waiting Restrictions
Total £2,000


A number pedestrian crossings are proposed within the area covered by the Association and will be subject to agreement at a future Area Committee meeting.

Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan SPD): No TS
new developments.
‘Party houses’: It is reported in today’s Daily Echo that Bournemouth Council officers No
issued a 48-hour Closure Order for Parkgate, Branksome Hill Road where a large further
student party expected to attract up to 300 guests, which made it a criminal offence action
for anyone other than residents to enter the site for whole weekend.
This is the first time Bournemouth council had used new powers under the Antisocial
Behaviour and Policing Act 2014 to prevent potential
JS proposed that this item be removed from the Agenda until there any new problem
is reported.
Succession planning: No new developments. JS
Pine Drive – MH said that Steve Dean is looking into this. MH
Uniting the Conurbation (Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch) –No new JS
Refreshing the Core Strategy and review of Community Infrastructure Levy TS
(CIL): The Poole Core Strategy timetable will be delayed a year as, over the next
year, Poole will be engaging with other Councils in Dorset to firstly sign off the
Strategic Housing Market Assessment that identifies housing need and secondly undertake work at exploring options on where that housing should go. The Council does not have a duty to agree but it does have a duty to cooperate. In light of this strategic work,

CIL – the Council will continue to progress the review timetable, taking into consideration consultation responses with adoption expected in 2016.

Use of Poole’s Pop up Shop at 58 High Street – MH will make enquiries about cost/availability.


7 Chaddesley Glen (Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a pair of semi detached houses with integral garaging) – Application registered 09/04/05. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the Association on 07/05/15. Application withdrawn on 29/05/15.


Other current planning issues

10 Grasmere Road (Variation of Condition 2 of permission APP/14/00805/F to substitute approved plans with the plans submitted under this application)

Application registered 21/04/05. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the Association on 11/05/15. To be determined by Planning Committee at meeting on 18 June 2015.

Norfolk Lodge Hotel, 1 Flaghead Road (Demolition of existing buildings and the construction of 18 apartments with basement car parking, landscaping, access and associated services) – Application granted on 05/06/15.

2 Burton Road (Certificate of Lawfulness of existing use of building as a separate unit of residential accommodation) – Application refused on 28/05/15.

Compton Acres, Canford Cliffs Road (Erection of building comprising 20 Apartments with basement parking; re-arrangement for the existing Compton Acres parking area, and demolition of the existing office building set within the current car park) – This site has been acquired by Ortus Homes a subsidiary of McCarthy & Stone. This is still a ‘current’ application.

5. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS reported that the total Association funds as at 31 JS
May 2015 amounted to £34,066.56.
website more up to date has been on going. WH is liaising with Tom Thurston on this. JG
Roger Allen, who looks after advertising in the magazine has recently resigned due to
personal reasons. This means that we are without someone to look after the adverts
for our Autumn Magazine and JS asks that anyone who feels they can fill this post on
the Executive to please contact him. JG proposed that the Executive should thank
Roger for his work on behalf of the Association over the past three years. JS

MP reported that he is working on contacting all the blocks of flats in our area with a view to extending our block memberships.


Capacity of Lilliput Surgery and local Dental practices to cope with additional new residents – KA reported that two large developments are currently taking place in Lilliput Road and Compton Acres.

36 flats replacing four houses at 74, 76, 78 & 80 Lilliput Road and 20 retirement apartments under construction at Compton Acres.

This is going to put extra strain on local services – Lilliput Surgery and dental

practices amongst others. KA wonders if the Council has done anything about alerting10theJunesurgery2015 and dental practices of the impending loading on these extra

people.   ACTION
Cllr MH says she will put the problems arising from larges numbers of extra residents MI

to this area to Cllr Mohan Iyengar


Date of next Meeting: The next meeting will be on Wednesday – 08th July 2015 at Committee Room (formerly Lounge), Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road) NB Wine and ‘nibbles’ will be available in the garden area of the Church Hall after this meeting.

The meeting closed at 8.20pm.

Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & District Residents Association Meeting April 2015



Terry Stewart (TS) John Sprackling (JS) Wayne Hancock (WH) Carol Parkin (CP) Mike Parkin (MP) Keith Alcroft (KA) John Gunton (JG) Roger Allen (RA)

Cllr Mrs May Haines (MH) Cllr Tony Woodcock

Approx 35 Members/Wardens
Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary
Membership Secretary Keith Alcroft

Magazine Editor Magazine Advertising

Canford Cliffs Ward Councillor Parkstone Ward Councillor


JS welcomed those present

Apologies: Apologies received from Cllr Peter Pawlowski, Martin Heath & Roy Pointer

Accuracy: JS said would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 11 MARCH 2015.. JS


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported.. JS

  • Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments
  • Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
  • Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto
  • Old Orchard House – ditto
  • Land at West Quay Road – ditto

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

Victoria Education Centre (Landscaping to the new entrance) – No new developments

Martello Corner, Martello Road (also known as 83 Canford Cliffs Road) – (Change of use of residential garage to dentists surgery} – No new developments

16 Western Avenue (Erection of Single Storey Garden Room) – the Planning Inspector has written to the Agent “If we have not received all your appeal documents by 23 April 2015 we may not be able to proceed and your appeal may be turned away.”
Community Working Group (CWG): Next meeting is to be held on 13 May WH 2015. Wayne Hancock has kindly volunteered to replace Terry Stewart.

Council Budget Monitoring report (2014/15) & 2015/16 Budget: As reported WM at the last meeting, the next Council Budget Monitoring Report (1 April to 31
March 2015) is unlikely to be presented to Cabinet until June 2015.

Public Rights of Way
Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No new developments. RD Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto
Bessborough Road – ditto
Wednesday, 08 April 2015

Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): WH reported that work will begin again in WH the Sunken garden next week – Tuesday 14th April and WH would welcome any
new volunteers.

Community Engagement: No new developments. JS/TS

Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm: In the absence of Roy Pointer, JS drew RP attention to the postcards distributed with the Spring 2015 magazine inviting
residents to write to m. De Rivas <>, CEO of EDF Energy objecting to his companies plans to industrialise our coastline off Poole and Bournemouth.
Chairman’s note: It is ironic that the French government turned down plans to install Wind Turbines further off Mont St. MIchel, but EDF wants to desecrate our Jurassic coastline by putting the UK in breach of our only World Heritage natural site.

Road Safety concerns: Burton Road, Canford Cliffs Road & Accident at MH junction of Leicester Road, Bury Road and Wilderton Road – JG pointed out
that that he now holds the speed monitoring equipment and speed monitoring
can be carried out any time. He appealed to the meeting for more volunteers for

this – training would be given at the time.

Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan
SPD): No new developments. TS

‘Party houses’ – JS reported that Colin Brade has kindly agreed to keep a
‘watching brief’ over this issue but does not want to take over the lead of the SC Party House Action Group.

Succession planning: No new developments. JS

Pine Drive – MH said that she is continuing to ‘chase’ the relevant officers. MH

Uniting the Conurbation (Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch) – JS JS reminded members of the supporters’ meeting to be held on Monday, 13th April
2015 at 7.30pm at the Wessex Room of Wessex Hotel, West Cliff Road, Bournemouth BH2 5EU.

Stan Alfert said that some money has been made available to LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) from the Government for initiatives which would possibly put Poole, Bournemouth and Christchurch more under the control of Dorchester which he feels would increase the power of rural Dorset which would be completely different to the requirements of the conurbation.

TS added that the money involved was in fact for two different projects, including improving access to the Port of Poole & Bournemouth Airport Nevertheless, there is concern that there is a pressure to merge all the councils in Dorset, but it is very difficult to get information on this.

Cllr Tony Woodcock expressed concerns about the removal of powers from elected Local Authorities in favour of unelected ‘Quangos’, reminiscent of the Regional Development Agencies.

Refreshing the Core Strategy and review of Community Infrastructure
Levy (CIL): TS said that the Southern Poole Chairmen’s Group (a group of ten JS local Residents’ Associations) have put in formal responses to the Core
Strategy. Poole Town Centre Planning and Urban Design Draft SPD
and the Community Infrastructure Levy. The proposal, for instance, is that developers in Sandbanks will have to pay a CIL of £1300/sq. metre which is a massive increase over the £150/sq. metre at present.

‘Pines & Chines’ Spring 2015 magazine – The distribution of the magazine is No well underway and JS said that he was grateful to everyone who responded to further
Wednesday, 08 April 2015
his e-mail and had called to collect their bundles from his home. Particular action thanks to Michael Parkin & John Gunton who assisted with the distribution of the
bundles to Wardens who are not on e-mail.

‘Hustings’ for May’s General/Local Elections – JS said that this item is not on All the Agenda but he reminder those present of this event to be held at All Saints Church Hall, Western Road at 7.30pm on Wednesday 29 April 2015 – all
prospective MPs have agreed to attend, although the Vicar of All Saints is still
trying to persuade Robert Syms to attend.


JS reported
146 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing chalet bungalow erect a 4-storey, with roof garden and basement parking (6 storeys in total) comprising 10 self contained flats) – Application refused on 30 July 2014 but is now subject to ‘Written representations’ appeal lodged on 27 August 2014. Planning Inspector’s site visit to take place the following day (09/04/15).

Norfolk Lodge Hotel, 1 Flaghead Road (Demolition of existing buildings and the construction of 18 apartments with basement car parking, landscaping, access and associated services) – Application approved by Planning Committee on 19 March 2015.

Other current planning issues

142 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolition of existing dwelling, the erection of 3 detached dwellings, the development and creation of additional access, and associated landscaping) – Application refused on 31/03/15.

2 Burton Road (Certificate of Lawfulness of existing use of building as a separate unit of residential accommodation) – Original application withdrawn but new application was registered on 12 January 2015.

16 Western Avenue (Erect Single Storey Garden Room (Partly Retrospective) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 20 January 2015.

Compton Acres, Canford Cliffs Road (Erection of building comprising 20 Apartments with basement parking; re-arrangement for the existing Compton Acres parking area, and demolition of the existing office building set within the current car park) – This site has been acquired by Ortus Homes a subsidiary of

JS has written expressing concerns concerned about the reduction in the agreed parking arrangements at Compton Acres. In a note dated 25/03/15 the planning officer has written to the Agent…

No.7 Provision & Parking. Whilst not requiring the submission of details to discharge this condition. I have noted a significant reduction in the level of parking across the scheme In order to comply with the condition please could, you provide details of how the reduction of circa 20 spaces has occurred how it could be overcome or mitigated for and what the arrangements for the allocation of residential parking are.”
McCarthy & Stone.


– JS reported that the total Association funds as at JS 28 February 2015 amounted to £34,716.09..


Open Day at Westbourne fire station – There will be an Open Day on 12 April 2015 10am to 4pm. All are very welcome.
All Road surface of Ravine Road – Mrs. Mackenzie brought up the issue of the roads in Canford Cliffs. She said she drives down Ravine Road several times a week and is appalled at the state of the road which is full of patches and potholes, and she asks why this can’t be considered for resurfacing. Several other members at the meeting agreed with her. Cllr. MH promised to investigate this.

Presentations by the prospective candidates standing in Canford Cliffs Ward – JS said that each candidates would be allowed to speak for four minutes in order to outline their hopes/aims and that there would be no follow-up questions, although would be an opportunity for members to meet candidates at the end of the meeting,

Chairman’s note: Since the meeting I have been advised that there are Labour and Green candidates standing in Canford Cliffs but I do not know the names of the individuals concerned.

Peter Pawlowski (Conservative) was unable to attend as he was on holiday.

Each candidate was introduced in alphabetical order.

David Baker (Liberal Democrat) – Mr Baker is on holiday but JS had agreed that Cllr Mike Brooke, the Leader of the Lib/Dem Group could speak in his place.

Cllr MB outlined what the Lib/Dem group stand for in Poole. They have been able to have a strong influence the decisions made by the Council, not least in maintaining Council Tax at its current level despite the proposal to increase this. The Lib/Dem party here in Poole put people first, for instance the old and vulnerable and young people. They want to build a stronger local community giving local people a say in the decision making process. A further important point is to improve the local environment and make Poole a beautiful place once again.

Geoff Chidley (& Jaqueline Bigwood (UKIP) – Neither Mr Chidley or Ms Bigwood could attend the meeting but JS had agreed that David Darling could speak in his place – David is standing in Penn Hill Ward.

David Darling began by thanking the Chair for this opportunity to speak for both Geoff Chidley and Jaqueline Bigwood who are UKIP representatives standing for election in the Canford Cliffs Ward. Both are unable to be here in person.

Mr. Darling moved to Poole from Surrey in the 1980’s, bought a boat, sailed the Atlantic and operated a charter business in the Caribbean for four years.

Mr. Darling would like to put something back into the community and joined UKIP. UKIP are putting forward 20 Councillor candidates and hope to provide more openness between residents and councillors. He would like to see more policing on the streets, sensible car parking, control over Party Houses, proper road surfacing. He would like to see all the political parties in Poole work together for the benefit of the people.

May Haines (Conservative)
Cllr. MH began by thanking the Chair for this opportunity to speak on her own behalf and spoke of her achievements during her term of office:

* Worked to maintain weekly black bin collections as this is a very important front line service for all

  Helped secure funding for Branksome Park Bowls Club so that much needed improvements could be made
  Worked robustly with Peter Pawlowski to compel officers to take action
No further action
Wednesday, 08 April 2015
on party houses
 Worked closely with residents and Keith Alcroft on planning matters

If re-elected MH will continue to work on planning issues, road maintenance, speeding, party houses and work to maintain vital front line services as we face further cuts in funding in future years.

Mohan Iyengar (Conservative)

Mr. Iyengar commenced by telling the meeting something of his background. Four years as a broker in the City, A GM at British Airways, both in London and overseas, and since then he has been in a consulting capacity mainly improving value for money without making investments.

He has helped in various councils throughout Britain, government departments and in many businesses in the private sector.

He feels that he would be the ideal person as a local Councillor should he be elected. His experience in Customer Services and public services, especially as Canford Cliffs does not fit into the statistics as a ‘normal ward’ being an older, more dependent population, would be extremely useful. He also feels that his experience would be useful in our tourist industry.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting will be AGM on Saturday 25 April 2015 at Canford Cliffs Village Hall at 10.30am

The meeting after that will be the second Wednesday in May, ie 13th May 2015.

The meeting closed at 8.20pm.
Wednesday, 08 April 2015




PRESENT: Terry Stewart (TS) President

John Sprackling (JS) Chairman

Carol Parkin (CP) Secretary

John Gunton (JG) Magazine Editor

Cllr Mrs May Haines (MH) Canford Cliffs Ward Councillor

Cllr Tony Woodcock Parkstone Ward Councillor

25 Members/Wardens


JS welcomed those present

Apologies: Apologies received from Wayne Hancock, Mike Parkin, Keith

Alcroft, Roger Allen.& Brian Lockwood

Accuracy: JS said would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the

meeting held on 11 FEBRUARY 2015..




Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported..

1. Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments
2. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
3. Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto
4. Old Orchard House – ditto
5. Land at West Quay Road ditto

Terry Stewart reported that Poole Quays Forum had had a meeting with Richard Carr about 27 – 31 West Quay Road (Outline proposal for the demolition of the existing premises and the erection of a part 13, part 5 storey mixed use building comprising of a cafe (A3 use) / commercial unit (B1 use) / restaurant (A3 use) and 64 residential apartments(C3 use) with associated access and underground parking.

Poole Quays Forum still maintains total opposition to these proposals. TS will circulate the details of the objection and would encourage as many people as possible to object. Chairman’s note: The Vision for Poole Group’s letter of objection is circulated with these Minutes.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

Victoria Education Centre ( Landscaping to the new entrance) No new developments
Martello Corner, Martello Road (also known as 83 Canford Cliffs Road) –(Change of use of residential garage to dentists surgery} -.The Council

Planning Enforcement team are progressing this matter, albeit, slowly. 16 Western Avenue (Erection of Single Storey Garden Room) – The appeal is being validated – it is, currently, taking longer for the Planning Inspectorate to validate appeals.

Community Working Group (CWG): Next meeting is the Annual General Meeting on 18 March 2015. The Association is still looking for a volunteer to replace Terry Stewart. All are encouraged to attend the AGM.

TS gave a brief description of the responsibilities of the CWG – they deal with Planning management, policies, theories and new Government legislation.

Council Budget Monitoring report (2014/15) & 2015/16 Budget: JS said that the next Council Budget Monitoring Report (1 April to 31 March 2015) is unlikely to be presented to Cabinet until June 2015.

Public Rights of Way

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No new developments.
Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto
Bessborough Road – ditto

Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): No new developments. WH

Community Engagement: No new developments JS/TS

Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm: Roy Pointer apologised for his absence, due to the need to send in final representations to the Planner Inspectorate today, as the Examination closed at midnight.

RP had sent a note to JS in which he reported that there would now be a three month period for the panel to make a report to the Secretary of State (Ed Davey) and he has a further three months to make a decision. He alone makes the decision. There is still a record level of interest and opposition to the project which is unprecedented in the history of wind farms in UK.

Meanwhile, PCBA has produced some postcards for circulation with Pines and Chines encouraging people to write to the CEO of Electricite de France giving their own views on the devastation the project would cause to the local environment and tourism without saving any carbon dioxide simply because of the need for constant back up from fossil fuels. We hope all members will write in.

Postcards will be included in the next issue of the Association’s ‘Pines and Chines magazine’ which will be distributed in April. These postcards will also be available from UKIP’s local office at 185 Bournemouth Road, Parkstone.

Further information is, as always, available on the web site. A further update will be given next month.

Road Safety concerns: Burton Road, Canford Cliffs Road & Accident at junction of Leicester Road, Bury Road and Wilderton Road – JG reported

that ‘the lorry’ is no longer on Burton Road.

Cllr MH said that there will soon be a Pelican Crossing on Canford Cliffs Road opposite Compton Acres.

JG reported that the Speed Monitoring Group is very active. During their hour on Canford Cliffs Road in January, twelve of the passing cars were recorded exceeding the speed limit. Since then there has been police presence on this road because of the data reported to them by the Speed Monitoring Group.

Sustaining Poole’s Seafront (Formerly Seafront Beaches Master Plan SPD)

Cllr MH said that as this does not come under any committees that she normally sits on, so was unable to comment on this.

JS said that he had attended last Wednesday’s Poole Beach Hut Association’s

AGM at which the two guest speakers were, Bruce Grant-Braham, the

Chairman of the Poole Tourism Partnership and Anthony Rogers, Recreation

Manager, Borough of Poole. Mr Grant-Braham referred to the Tourism Strategy

For Poole 2006-2015 which needs updating. The Council contributes 60% to

the Partnership expenditure and the balance is paid for by Members.

Mr Rogers said that the new Beach Huts at Flaghead, Branksome Chine & Branksome Dene Chine should be completed by July 2015. The Council is looking into the feasibility of more huts.

One interesting point was that when the Council first started short term lets there were 99 beach huts available – this is now down to 55. It appears that they have finally come to realise that Long Term Let is more profitable for them as they do not have the associated expenditure of Short Term Let.

The installation of CCTV along the promenade should be completed by the end of this month.

Bob Lister on Poole Beach Huts Association reported that they had suggested to the Council that they installed solar powered lighting along the promenade.

JS said that he gets the impression that Sustaining Poole’s Seafront SPD is no longer a priority. Cllr MH says that ‘it is going through the system’.

Bob Lister feels that the installation of ‘overnight pods’ may create a problem, the same as Party Houses.

Cllr. MH has written to the Council expressing BL’s fears and that this will go through the system.

‘Party houses’ – As Steve & Jen Cameron are spending a year in Spain, JS asked Colin Brade if he would be prepared to take over their role – it was agreed to discuss this after the meeting.

Colin Brade who is the Association’s representative at Parkbury, said that a flat had recently sold at the asking price despite the potential buyers wanting a discount because of the ‘party house’ problem,

Chairman’s note: I am told that the lady who bought a flat fought hard for a lower price and eventually got a £2,000 discount.

Cllr MH says that the Council is gearing up for complaints once the season begins at Easter, but that the main operator of these houses is beginning to move into Bournemouth.

Cllr TW says that the Council are going to try to change the law so that there is the capability of re-classifying these houses, so that they are a different type of residence showing that they are available for short term party use. This will take some time, but it is hoped that it will eventually alleviate the problem.


Succession planning: JS said that he now served as Chairman for 12 years and feels that it is time to ‘hang up his boots’ and for the Association to look for ‘new blood’ The earliest magazine he holds is Autumn 1984 (No 21) and it seems the previous longest serving Chairman was the late Ralph Dymond

(1992 to 1997). Terry Stewart has written an article on the subject of recruitment in the Association’s Spring 2015 ‘Pines & Chines’ magazine.


Pine Drive – MH said that she is continuing to ‘chase’ the relevant officers. MH Uniting the Conurbation (Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch) – JS announced that the supporters’ meeting will take place on Monday, 13th April 2015 at 7.30pm at the Wessex Room of Wessex Hotel, West Cliff Road,

Bournemouth BH2 5EU.


Martin Heath expressed concern about the formation of the Dorset Leaders Growth Board (DLGB), which will cover the whole of urban and rural Dorset.

The DLGB has already taken its first steps but, so far, there appears to have been no consultation and Martin wondered just how many Poole and Bournemouth councillors know what’s going on.

Chairman’s Note: A North Dorset District Councillor writes

The danger is that the Dorset Growth Board will now ‘bounce’ the whole of urban and rural Dorset into accepting an over-arching Combined Authority while preserving our existing creaky institutions.


The question is whether the Growth Board cronies can persuade all nine existing councils to swallow their line by falsely saying “There Is No Alternative.” Regarding the question of DLEP (Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership) and the funding of local development projects, the Cities Growth Commission reported last October: ”“The Local Growth Deals announced in July 2014 were initially intended to enable single pot financing of strategic economic priorities agreed by LEPs and local authorities. By the time they had been through the Whitehall machine, they amounted to little more than central government approval of finance and delivery of specific local projects that happened to align with ministerial priorities. Such centralisation veiled as localism needs to stop.”

The ‘bottom line’ is of course that our rural and urban growth areas have hugely differing needs. And while you see the need for a single unitary authority for rural Dorset, UTC (Uniting the Conurbation) is making an unanswerable case for a single unitary authority for the conurbation!”

Refreshing the Core Strategy and review of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – The Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Area Committee meeting on 11 February 2015 was very poorly attended.

One of the Agenda items was a presentation on the review of (a) Poole’s Core Strategy and (b) the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

The Core Strategy is currently being refreshed which, principally, involves deciding on how to increase house building to 700 per year – either by increasing housing density, expanding into the Green Belt – or building upwards. The consultation closes on 31 March 2015 and a final draft of the plan will be published for comment (known as the ‘Pre-Submission’) in Autumn 2015.

As JS mentioned at the last meeting, the CIL review is also underway. The Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule proposes a CIL rate per sqm of £1,300 for Sandbanks and £370 for Branksome Park & Lilliput – the current rate is £150.

‘Pines & Chines’ Spring 2015 magazine – The draft magazine is being circulated for proof reading and it is hoped that this will be available for distribution in early April 2015. JS feels that the distribution of the magazines ought to be handled as speedily as possible because of the up-coming AGM. However, asking people to collect the bundles from his house hadn’t worked as well as thought, and that this time he will contact those concerned by e mail.


Withdrawal of various bus services – At a Portfolio Holder Decision meetingheld on 23 February 2015, the following changes affecting the buses in this area were agreed…

Route 50 Mondays to Saturdays (Winter)

*Following detailed negotiations, Go South Coast have said that they will continue to operate this service without the Borough of Poole funding.

Route 50 Sundays (Winter)

*Following detailed negotiations, Go South Coast have said that they will continue to operate this service without the Borough of Poole funding.

Route 20 Mondays to Saturdays and Route 52 Mondays to Saturdays


The consultation highlighted the high level of duplication of these services between Lilliput and Poole with services operating 3 minutes apart. Following detailed negotiations, Go South Coast have said that they will continue to

No further action operate this service without the Borough of Poole funding (£16,200) if the route of the Yellow Buses 20 service is varied to remove as much as possible of the duplication.

The Yellow Buses Route 20 currently operates between Sandecotes Road and Ashley Cross via Compton Avenue, Lilliput Road, Sandbanks Road, Elgin Road, Pottery Road, Sandbanks Road and Britannia Road (Salterns Road on outward journey).

The original proposal put to the Route & Branch group was to cut out the section of route between Compton Avenue and Pottery Road and instead run from Sandecotes Road to Pottery Road via Alton Road and Conifer Avenue.

The group asked that Yellow Buses be contacted to request the following variation to this proposal: from Sandecotes Road then via Alton Road, Broadwater Avenue, Pottery Road, Elgin Road, Sandbanks Road then as current route. This variation would benefit any passengers wishing to access

Lilliput Doctors’ Surgery and provide a new all-year round service to Whitecliff. Yellow Buses have agreed to amend the route variation to include Broadwater Avenue but will not agree to taking the service off Pottery Road. This is due to the additional mileage involved, the relatively few passengers they have identified using route 20 to access Lilliput Surgery and the number of passengers on Pottery Road travelling to/from areas not served by the Wilts & Dorset 52 route.

The benefits of this are the £16,200 saving by not supporting the GSC winter 52 contract and the more direct service (with shorter journey time) for through passengers. The disadvantage of this option is the removal of the bus from Compton Avenue. However, this section of route does not have high bus usage.

Of 953 passenger journeys surveyed on route 20, only 24 (2.5%) involved passengers boarding or alighting on Compton Avenue. These passengers would need to access route 20 at the stop on Sandecotes Road or alternatively access route 52 on Lilliput Road. Passengers currently using route 20 on Lilliput Road, the section of Sandbanks Road between Lilliput and Elgin Road, and on Elgin Road, would no longer have the 20 service but would have route 52. Passengers from these roads wishing to travel to Bournemouth and Castlepoint would need a change of bus (either at the Civic Centre onto frequent services or onto the less frequent 50 at Canford Cliffs). 63 (6.6%) passenger journeys have been identified as being affected by this.


JS reported that no representations had been lodged by the Association during the past month.

Other current planning issues

142 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolition of existing dwelling, the erection of 3 detached dwellings, the development and creation of additional access, and associated landscaping) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Association on 17 December 2014

146 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing chalet bungalow erect a 4-storey, with roof garden and basement parking (6 storeys in total) comprising 10 self contained flats) – Application refused on 30 July 2014 but is now subject to ‘Written representations’ appeal lodged on 27 August 2014. Still awaiting Inspector’s Decision letter.

2 Burton Road (Certificate of Lawfulness of existing use of building as a separate unit of residential accommodation) – Original application withdrawn but new application was registered on 12 January 2015.

16 Western Avenue (Erect Single Storey Garden Room (Partly Retrospective) Application refused by Planning Committee on 20 January 2015.



16 Nairn Road (Demolition of existing three storey house and replacement with new three storey house) – Letter of objection lodged by the Association on 01

December 2014 but application granted on 15 January 2015.

Norfolk Lodge Hotel, 1 Flaghead Road (Demolition of existing buildings and the construction of 18 apartments with basement car parking, landscaping, access and associated services) – Application registered on 26 September 2014. CCLS is taking professional advice with a view to formulating objections..

Compton Acres, Canford Cliffs Road (Erection of building comprising 20 Apartments with basement parking; re-arrangement for the existing Compton Acres parking area, and demolition of the existing office building set within the current car park) – This site has been acquired by Ortus Homes a subsidiary of

McCarthy & Stone.

5. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS reported that the total Association funds as at 28 February 2015 amounted to £34,417.25. The accounts to 31 December 2014 have been signed off by Schofields. JS thanked Schofields and Paul Fearnley.



‘Hustings’ for May’s General/Local Elections – This event will take place at All Saints Church Hall, Western Road at 7.30pm on Wednesday 29 April 2015 – all prospective MPs have agreed to attend, although the Vicar of All Saints is still waiting to hear from Robert Syms.

JS said that he planned to invite the prospective Canford Cliffs Ward Councillors to our meeting on 08 April 2015. In order to ensure equal allocation of time between the participants, the prospective candidates will be allowed to speak for two minutes in order to outline their hopes/aims and we will not allow follow-up questions, although candidates will have an opportunity to meet members at the end of the meeting.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting will be on Wednesday 08th April 2015 at Committee Room (formerly Lounge), Rear of Branksome St Aldhelms Parish Centre (Access via Lindsay Road)

The meeting closed at 8.30pm.