Branksome Park Minutes September 8th 2010





  • Terry Stewart President
  • John Sprackling Chairman
  • Wayne Hancock Vice-Chairman
  • Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer
  • Bob Young Magazine Advertising
  • Cllr Mrs May Haines
  • Cllr Neil Sorton

Approx 15 Members/Wardens


JS welcomed the three Ward Councillors and all those present. JS also thanked Sam Waldron for stepping in as Minutes Secretary.
Apologies: Apologies received from Keith Alcroft, Carol Parkin, Chris Stracey & Ken Sanson
Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 11 AUGUST 2010, subject to the item about (a) “Cars parked in Ravine Road” and (b) “Pinecliff Gardens  (Sunken garden)”
In the case of (a), MH has asked that the paragraph should be amended to read “the situation is that the transporter is allowed to park up for the purposes of loading and un-loading ONLY and should not be parked up. With regards to the forecourt cars, they can be parked there but subject to the normal restrictions. The traffic wardens will be asked to patrol that area more frequently to ensure that these cars do not exceed the restriction, otherwise they will be ticketed.
In the case of (b), SA said that his concern was that the 3rd party insurance should cover all individuals working at the Sunken garden in Pinecliff Gardens. He feels that the Assn must have confirmation from the Council that this is the case.

2. MATTERS ARISING Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported…

1.    Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments

2.    Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – Another planning application has been registered for this site but details have yet to be posted on the BoP website.

3.    Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – No new developments

4.    Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto

5.    Old Orchard House. 39-61 High Street – ditto

6.    Land at West Quay Road (Mixed use regeneration and new public quayside to include; the demolition of a listed gate post and all existing buildings on site; the redevelopment of the site with 440 residential units provided in six apartment blocks with basement parking and courtyard) – TS said that the building is ugly, ignores planning guidelines and is too dominant. The Society of Poole Men, Poole Old Town Conservation Group and Dorset CPRE have formed a new “Vision for Poole” Committee to fight this application and pressure Councillors to tighten design rules for the 10 redevelopment sites within the regeneration area.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

JS reported…

17 Over Links Drive (Application to demolish existing and erect 2 detached houses granted on 31/01/08 but number of conditions should have been complied with before this development commenced)
Chairman”s Note:An undertaking has been requested that before any further on-site works are carried out that the owner seeks advice from an ecological adviser how best to prevent the risk of protected species entering the development area, and that he will erect some form of tree protection to ensure that no further damage to tree roots occurs.

19 Mornish Road (Tree replacement) – ditto

55 Canford Cliffs Road (Removal of the gates, railings, fence and hedge, and the erection of a low stone wall with planting behind) – ditto

15A Westminster Road (Erection of railings over 1 metre high partly along the frontage of 15a Westminster Road, being adjacent to a highway. The boundary treatment then changes to a double close boarded fence over 1 metre high which continues along the frontage of Westminster Road,being adjacent to a highway and then turns South-West and continues down the boundary with Dalkeith Road being also adjacent to a highway)– ditto

2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road (Boundary treatment) – ditto

Community Working Group (CWG): The next CWG meeting is fixed for 22/09/10. JS reminded members that an annual up-date on Sir Michael Pitt”s independent review & the IDeA Peer Review of planning matters in Poole is due to be presented to the Council Efficiency and Effectiveness Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 23/09/10.

Roy Pointer referred to the Ward Walk Report and pointed out that there were no time scales/actions.    He will be following this up at the next CWG meeting
RP for consultation and comments are invited.

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: Roy Pointer pointed out that the Environmental Statement is out Council Tax 2010/11 & Council”s Budget Monitoring report: William Mutlow reported that the latest Corporate Financial Monitoring report for the period from 01/04/10 to 31/07/10 shows a surplus of £216K.
As a result of Government cutbacks and increased pressures such as Adult Social Services, reduction in Planning Services/Building Regulations Service fees etc, the revised General Fund pressure has risen from £8,434m for June 2010 to £9.986 for July 2010 but total reductions found to date have increased from £8,616m to £10,202.
The capital projects currently in hand will continue but the prospect for new capital projects will, of course, depend on the finance being available.
TS reported that the Council are organising a Financial Workshop for representatives of all Residents’ Associations to discuss next year”s Budget in the Committee Suite at the Civic Centre on 24 September 9.30 – 12.30/13.00.
Cllr Leverett will be writing to shortly to invite their attendance. The number of representatives per Residents” Assn has yet to be announced.

Poole Partnership: –

JS reported that the Stronger Communities Partnership meeting scheduled for 08/09/10 was cancelled.
There are likely to be some important developments over this month and October which could have an influence on the work of the Stronger Communities Partnership, including the governments spending review and developments with their Big Society agenda. As a result, it was felt that it would be more useful to meet later in the year, once a better understanding is known how these issues will affect this group.
The outcome of the Poole Partnership Management Board which met on 02/09/10 has yet to published in the public domain.
TS asked JS if he would like to say a word about the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
The LEP was lodged with the Department for Business Innovation and Skills on Monday and was endorsed by the Cabinet at their meeting last night. Following the dissolution of the Regional Development Agencies, Poole, Dorset and Bournemouth Councils have got together to submit an Expression of Interest in forming a LEP.    This will have an independent chairman – Gordon Page (who heads up Hamworthy Engineering).
NS said that the LEP will supersede the Wessex Multi-Area Agreement which is a multi-faceted enterprise. HC asked if a copy of the Expression of Interest is available on the BOP website. JS said he will enquire. Roland Cunnell said that Mr Page used to be Leader of the Dorset Training Enterprise Council

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – Meeting with Public Rights of Way Officer and local residents took place on 26/07/10 – the officer needs more information.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – No new developments.

Bessborough Road – ditto

Footpath 82 Spur – ditto

Possible Charitable Status for Assn:

JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden):

MH reported that £30,000 has been allocated for the play area but MH is putting in a bid for more money from the s106 funds.    It is hoped to install one or two adult keep fit equipment, if funds allow. It is anticipated that the childrens” play equipment if unlikely to be installed until next spring and should be available for use by next summer
WH said he is currently waiting to hear from Cllr Mrs Deas about another proposed meeting with Simon Legg in connection with the sunken garden in Pinecliff Gardens.
Policy for financially supporting objectors to Planning Applications: JS said that to start off the discussion on this item, SA had made a number of suggestions as follows..

1. Case by case decision by Sub-committee reported to membership at meeting a.s.a.p.

2. Normally maximum £1000 but not exceeding 50% of costs, anything larger to be discussed at a meeting and approved.

3. Must be member but immediate joining would have to be allowed.

4. If above complied with and outside our area, must get consent of local Residents” Assn, if any.

5. Reconsider this policy when we have spent £10,000 or after 2 years

6. Above applies to applications. Only applicable to appeals if we take passive role but individuals not precluded from action on their own account.

The Assn must be kept in picture so that it doesn”t support any events that happen and the Assn has “egg on its face”.
NS said that the Assn should only contribute in exceptional cases.    The decision of who to support should be subject to a strict vetting procedure by a small sub committee made up of the chairman, the planning officer, and A N Other. Their recommendation would then be put to the meeting.
William Mutlow felt the Assn should set strict guidelines.
Martin Heath pointed out that there was only a limited time scale for objecting to planning applications but JS pointed out that if the application is red-carded representations can be lodged right up the date of the Planning Committee Meeting.
Roy Pointer felt that we should only support applications in our own area.
It was agreed that JS, KA & Roy Pointer would get together to agree a resolution to be put at the next meeting.

Public Liability Insurance (PLI) – JS is pursuing.

Poole Council”s Business Transformation/Efficiency Review Programme:

An updated report on this programme is due to be presented to the Council Efficiency and Effectiveness Overview and Scrutiny   Committee meeting in February 2011.

Funding for Westbourne Medical Centre and the NHS Dental Practice in Westbourne: JS reported  that he had received a letter dated 25/08/10 from Anne Swan, Interim Chief Executive of NHS Bournemouth and Poole.
“Thank you for your recent letter in support of the Westbourne Medical Centre requesting a premises extension. The Primary Care Trust has undertaken a comprehensive review of the health needs of the local population, reviewed existing services provided by the practice and the practice”s plans to develop services in the future.
I am extremely pleased to advise that we have agreed to fund an extension to the Westbourne Medical Centre and we are now in the process of agreeing the detail of this plan with the practice.
I hope this will reassure you of our commitment to develop services outside of hospital and we look forward to working with the practice as they take their plans forward.”
As members will be aware, Jim Wilson would also like the Assn to send a letter of support for the Westbourne Dental Practice. JS has suggested to JW that it might be politic if the Manager of the Westbourne Dental Practice could send JS a note confirming that he/she is being paid at a lower rate per treatment than similar dentists in the area and that he/she is happy for us (BPCCRA) to take up this matter with the PCT.

BPCCRA Autumn 2010 Magazine: The deadline date for material is last week in September. Hazel Clifton said that she would be submitting an article about the Canford Cliffs Village Hall.

3. NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENT In the absence of Keith Alcroft, JS reported that

The Cottage, Kingsgate, 7 The Avenue (Erect a detached house on land adjacent to The Cottage and erect detached garage to The Cottage) – Application is due to be determined at tomorrow”s Planning Committee.meeting. The officer”s recommendation is to “Grant with conditions”.
JS reported that he had been informed by Ian Lace this morning that Kingsgate residents had signed a Covenant between themselves and Seven Developments in relation to the above application. JS understands that this is on the basis that Seven Developments” appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2126736) against the Planning Committee”s refusal on 25/03/10 of the application for a block of 5 apartments and associated garages is withdrawn.

4 Lawrence Drive (Demolish existing buildings and erect 1 block of 8 apartments with assoc parking) – Application refused on 05/03/10 is now the subject of an appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/10/2128771) at 10.00am on 28/09/10 In the Council Chamber. JS encouraged members to attend to show the strength of    All feeling against this application.

Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 10/12/09 is subject of a “Written Representations” appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2120940). The “Start date” for this appeal was 27/01/10 but the site visit has yet to be arranged..
24 Ravine Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling with integral garaging. (Revised scheme) Amended plans received 08/12/09 and 25/01/10) – Application refused under delegated authority on 29/01/10 is now the subject of appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2122302) to be determined by Written Representations. Site visit took place on 17/08/10.
(b) Demolish existing dwelling and erect 2 No semi-detached dwellings with attached garages (Revised Scheme)- Application refused by Planning Committee on 08/07/10. Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

4-6 Compton Avenue (Non material amendment of planning permission 06/12687/005/F to extend basement parking, an additional staircase, two roof lights, convert half gable window to full height) – Application granted on.26/07/10 8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application.    An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property. This property is up for sale at is “offers” in excess of £2m.

Other current planning issues

1 Westminster Road East
(a) Demolish existing and erect a 3 storey single dwelling and garage with associated vehicular access
(b) Demolition of existing dwelling and garage. Erection of a 3-storey (part) single family dwelling, a garage and associated vehicular access and landscaping
Both applications refused under delegated authority on 04/04/10 & 29/06/10 are subject of a “Written Representations” appeals (APP/Q1255/E/10/2132669 & APP/Q1255/E/10/2132672). The “Start date” for these appeals was 22/07/10 but the site visit has yet to be arranged.

11 Westminster Road (Demolition of the existing building and construction of three detached houses with associated parking and access. (revised scheme – Application refused on 17/05/10 is now the subject of a appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/10/2129589) at 10.00 on 12/10/10

2 Crawshaw Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect x 2 detached dwellings with on site parking. (Revised Scheme) – Application registered 25/05/10. Amended plans lodged on 14/07/10.

6 Durrant Road
(a) Demolish existing dwelling and erect x2 detached dwellings. (Revised Scheme) As amended by plans received 01/10/09) – Application refused under delegated authority on 11/12/09, now the subject of Written Representations appeals (APP/Q1255/A/10/2121180). The site visit was fixed for yesterday (07/09/10).

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council”s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.


JS reported that the total funds as at 31st August amounted to £36,298.47.
JS said that he had met with Paul Fearnley this afternoon who is anxious to make the Assn”s financial procedures as efficient as possible. There are several ideas that PF has in mind…
1. Encourage as many as possible of the Assn”s payments made and received to be processed electronically. This will reduce the considerable time spent in handling cheques.
2. Close the Alliance and Leicester account (formerly Gyro) account but this will involve requesting many members to change their Standing Order details.
3. At present members pay an annual sub when they want to. It has been suggested that the Assn would have much more control over the receipt of subs if they were all due to be paid at the same time of the year. 4. Allocate every member with a unique reference number.
SA said that he was not opposed to the idea of a unique reference number but thought that it might be a good idea to introduce this gradually for new members only.
It”s been decided that whatever changes are made in due course, no precipitate changes will be made until members have had time to consider this over the coming months.


Parkstone Children”s Centre & Alexandra Park Lodge – JS reported that the Cabinet at last night”s meeting had re-affirmed its decision to go ahead with the building of this centre subject to the approval of the planning application which is to be determined at tomorrow”s Planning Committee meeting. Chairman”s Note: I”m told that the Planning Committee unanimously voted to refuse this application, apart from Cllr. Mrs Stribley who abstained

Canford Cliffs Village Hall – Hazel Clifton asked if the Assn would consider making a donation to the Village Hall towards its ever increasing maintenance expenditure. This year the Trustees have had several unexpected repairs. Firstly, three separate floods due to old clay pipes being cracked and blocked by tree roots. The pipes have had to be replaced with plastic ones and the “runways” cleared at cost of £3000. Secondly, the two boilers that run the heating for the main Hall and the Bridge Club below have been “condemned” and the Trustees are having to replace both boilers and remove asbestos, make good, etc. at a cost of £6000 .
Both these expenses were unexpected and the Trustees had already committed themselves to an extension to the store room to give extra space for storage of short mat bowls mats.
The Trustees do not receive any funding from the Council. The Canford Cliffs Land Society have been generous in the past but it needs to go to an EGM before it can give the Trustees any extra funding. The Hall”s takings just about cover its running costs and therefore the Trustees” funds are getting quite low.
SA suggested that if the Association makes a donation we should have the free use of the hall for the Assn” AGMs.    HC will pencil in Saturday 14th May 2011 for the meeting but JS wonders if this will clash with the Conservation Group Councillors Annual Meeting which is always held on the second Saturday in May.    MH to make enquiries.
Roy Pointer asked, if provision was being made for the storage of short mat bowls mats, could the club make a contribution but HC said that no club had been approached yet.
In answer to a question from SA, HC said that the Canford Cliffs Land Society had already made a recent contribution of £50,000.
TS suggested a donation of £3,000 and this was unanimously agreed by a show of hands.

Parking in Shore Road – MH said that she had received complaints from residents living in Shore Road and Brudenell Avenue about camper vans being used as “beach-huts” & overnight sleeping and watersports vans parking 24/7 in Shore Road by taking advantage of Beach Parking Permits. Residents feel that this is not fair, particularly as the water sports vans are running a commercial enterprise . MH has organised a petition which she invited members to sign and plans to present at next week”s Full Council Meeting.

The meeting closed at 8.35pm.

Date of next Meeting: Wednesday 13h October 2010 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm”s Parish  All Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)