BPCCRA Minutes March 10th 2010




  • John Sprackling  Chairman
  • Keith Alcroft            Planning Officer
  • John Defty          Treasurer
  • Stan Alfert              Data Protection Officer
  • Bob Young          Magazine Advertising
  • Val Short             Minutes Secretary
  • Cllr Carole Deas             Ward Councillor
  • Cllr Neil Sorton                         ditto
  • Ken Sanson          Chairman, Sandbanks Assn
  • 20 Members/Wardens


JS welcomed CD & NS and all those present.

Apologies: Apologies received from Terry Stewart (Holiday), Cllr Mrs May Haines, Roy Pointer & William Mutlow who are attending the Annual Community Groups meeting, Roland Cunnell & Ray Wylde. Late apologies from John Fox.

Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 10 February 2010.


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported…

  1. 1. Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) developmentNo new developments
  2. 2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – ditto
  3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
  4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto
  5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – Coltham (Orchard) Ltd was due to make a Employment contribution under the S106 agreement of £104,910.35 on 01/01/10 but this has not yet been received.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

JS reported… 

Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road (Erection of blue oblique glass screens positioned around the timber decking area located at the front of the property – Enforcement Appeal APP/Q1255/C/09/2112004) The Inspector dismissed both appeals on 05/03/10, upheld the enforcement notice served and varied the period of compliance from “14 days” to “two months”. This restaurant is currently being offered for sale for £100.000.

75 Canford Cliffs Road (Alterations to existing entrance to form new vehicular access with gates) No new developments

55 Canford Cliffs Road (Front boundary treatment and gates does not comply with Branksome Park Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan)ditto

        19 Mornish Road (Tree replacement) ditto

        15A Westminster Road (Erection of railings over 1 metre high partly along the frontage of 15a Westminster Road, being adjacent to a highway. The boundary treatment then changes to a double close boarded fence over 1 metre high which continues along the frontage of Westminster Road,being adjacent to a highway and then turns South-West and continues down the boundary with Dalkeith Road being also adjacent to a highway)ditto

        2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road (Boundary treatment)ditto

              Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: No new developments

              Council Tax 2010/11 & Council”s Budget Monitoring report: NS reported that the current forecast underspend is £1.3m/£1.4m on a turnover of £100m, after of deduction of a “windfall” Housing & Planning Delivery Grant of £1.1m.

              Poole Partnership: JS reported that he had attended the Stronger Communities Partnership meeting on  03/03/10.  The principle item on the Agenda was the update of the Sustainable Community Strategy, following on from the State of the Area Debate.

              Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: KA reported that Cllr May Haines is trying to arrange a meeting, but this is unlikely to happen before Easter.

              Public Rights of Way:

              Westminster Road end of Dalkeith RoadThe Authority has made the decision to improve the lower section of the path as the unmade section meets the tarmac. The works will be carried out on 20/03/10. At this time the stones that have been erected will be moved to the side but left on site for collection by the owner, the kerb stone and ditches will be removed to create a 2.5m wide section of ramped footpath suitable for pedestrian use and DDA compliant (Disability Discrimination Act).

              The works will photographed and catalogued and should in the future these works be damaged, the stones re-erected or any other obstruction placed on this or any other section the Authority will recover their reasonable costs from the person/s responsible

              Buccleuch Road to Lakeside RoadSA said he is “chasing”  This has been ongoing for 3 years; last year SA was informed “ “they” thought it was a highway and that someone vaguely remembered driving down it in the past”  Local residents want it to be registered as a footpath or byway.  SA will continue to remind the council every year.

              NS commented that there is only one Rights of Way officer, so action does not happen swiftly!

              Bessborough Road – No new developments.

              Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

              Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): JS reported that the plants that five different plant species been selected for the two beds in the sunken garden.

              The cost will be £469.41 for 115 plants total (5 different plant species selected to make up this 115) and the Council were hoping that this could be funded by the Assn.

              Daphne Howell informed the meeting that she is very disappointed by how Pinecliff Gardens looks now, she outlined the history of the gardens, which were previously lawns with borders and then planted with colourful flowers each year.  More recently the flower beds had been replaced with ‘Mediterranean’ style planting, which has not flourished and now looks very bedraggled.

              DH suggested that all the plants should be removed, the soil covered by black plastic and pebbles with just a few attractive colourful drought resistant plants. After some discussion it was agreed that CD should liaise with DH and arrange a meeting with the officers and report back.

              The possibility of a volunteer group to either assist with the planting, and maybe maintain the garden was also discussed.

              It was agreed to defer a decision on whether the Assn should contribute to the planting until the other options had been investigated.

              Canford Cliffs Play area –  CD is still chasing this, but it will not be done until some time next year.

              NS commented that the upgrade of 22 play areas identified under the Playbuilder Scheme has to be completed by 2011, so these play areas have to be dealt with first.

              Use of Assn”s Capital Reserve & Canford Cliffs Library Noticeboard:  JS reported that the Canford Cliffs Library noticeboard is now in place but disappointment has been expressed about the legibility of the recognition.

              Members agreed that the Assn should request the wording to be changed to black or some other colour which is more legible

              Public Liability Insurance (PLI) –  JS is pursuing.


              KA reported…

              24 Ravine Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling with integral garaging. (Revised scheme) Amended plans received 08/12/09 and 25/01/10) – Application refused under delegated authority on 29/01/10 is now the subject of appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2122302) to be determined by Written Representations. The final date for Statements & representations is 29/03/10.

              JS suggested that Members might like to write to the Planning Inspectorate (using the on-line facility available via the Planning Inspectorate”s website <http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/england/public/planning/appeals/search/>) to show the strength of local feeling.

              4 Lawrence Drive (Demolish existing buildings and erect 1 block of 8 apartments with assoc parking) – Application refused on 05/03/10.

              2 Crawshaw Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect two 3-bed detached houses with associated parking) – Application registered 24/02/10.  Local concerns.

              JS reported…

              1 Westminster Road East (Demolish existing and erect a 3 storey single dwelling and garage with associated vehicular access) – Application refused on 04/03/10.

              The Cottage, Kingsgate, 7 The Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a block of 5 apartments and associated garages) – Application registered on 08/02/10. Previous applications to Demolish existing property and erect 5 replacement Townhouses) withdrawn.

              CD said that she has written to the Head of Planning & Regeneration about the driveway to the site and he has agreed to speak with the officers about this.

              29 Links Road (Demolish existing dwelling and sever land to erect 2 detached town houses) – Application granted subject to Unilateral Undertaking at Planning Committee meeting on 11/02/10.

              Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 10/12/09 is now to be the subject of a “Written Representations” appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2120940) and not a Hearing. The final date for Statements & representations is 10/03/10.

              Other current planning issues

              5 Highmoor Scott Koenigsberg, gm of free casino games at Zynga, told The Daily Telegraph that “old school gamers” who're a “much more engaged” kind of player as well as japan developed Montopia and Ayakashi games, he stated: “Many in our free casino games attract a really broad swathe of gamers however these free casino games are suitable for an infinitely more male audience who're a lot more engaged. Road (Demolish existing building and erect 1 block of 9 apartments with basement parking, bin & cycle stores) – Application registered 03/02/10.  Local concerns.

              11 Leicester Road

              (a) Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme) – (APP/Q1255/A/09/2118175)

              (b) Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling & associated buildings (revised scheme) – (APP/Q1255/E/09/2118176)

              Planning Inquiry has been fixed for 20/04/10 and three days had been set aside for this.  This will be an important test case for Branksome Park

              6 Durrant Road Demolish existing dwelling and erect x2 detached dwellings. (Revised Scheme) As amended by plans received 01/10/09) – Application refused under delegated authority on 11/12/09, now the subject of Written Representations appeals (APP/Q1255/A/10/2121180). The final date for Statements & representations is 10/03/10

              24 Cliff Drive (Extension to existing beach hut & relocate steps (revised Scheme) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 08/01/10.

              Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively.  MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

              4-6 Compton Avenue (Non material amendment of planning permission 06/12687/005/F to extend basement parking, an additional staircase, two roof lights, convert half gable window to full height) – Application registered on 14/10/09.  There is a technical issue regarding the minor amendment, in relation to correctly linking the amendment scheme to the section 106 agreement of permission 07/12687/006/F which the LPA are trying to sought out with the agent.

              8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application.   An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.  This property is up for sale at is “offers” in excess of £2m.

              60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council”s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

              4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS thanked John Defty who stepped down at this meeting having served as Hon Treasurer for eight years and presented a “bottle” as a token of the Assn”s appreciation.

              John Defty”s role is being taken over by Paul Fearnley.

              Chairman”s Note: JD has sent a signed copy of the Terms of Engagement to Schofields.  I should have sought agreement to the change in bank signatories but I will need to action this at our next meeting.

              5.                ANY OTHER BUSINESS

              Warning about external post boxes: A letter had been circulated by Dorset Police warning residents about a spate of ID theft after post has been stolen from external post boxes in the wall or at the gate of large houses in the area. The letter makes particular reference to large properties however external post boxes are often used for blocks of flats and apartments where residents prefer the security of restricted access.

              CCTV – The Oasis, Lindsay Road has suffered several thefts of bicycles from its “compound” at the rear of the premises. CCTV has recently been installed, which has proved extremely effective in assisting the police to identify, and subsequently apprehend, the miscreants.

              National Organisation of Residents” Associations AGM – JS reported that he attended the National Organisation of Residents” Associations AGM in London and the Guest Speaker was Robert Upton, Deputy Chair of the Infrastructure Planning Commission (Chairman: Sir Michael Pitt) which started its work on 01/03/10.

              Poole Council”s Business Transformation Programme – One of our members, Mr Gell, is taking a great interest in this project, which has now been running three years and is concerned about the poor communication about this project to residents.

              BPCCRA Spring 2010 Magazine: – Copy required by 29th March in order to have the magazines ready for distribution during the week commencing 19 April.

              Friends of Poole Park AGM – To be held at the Civic Centre on 22/03/10 at 7.00pm

              Minutes Secretary – JS thanked Val Short who stepped down at this meeting having served as Minutes Secretary for six years and presented a pot of primroses as a token of the Assn”s appreciation.

              Val Short”s role is being taken over by Carol Parkin.

              The meeting closed at 8.30pm

              Date of next meeting: The next meeting is Wednesday 14th April 2010 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm”s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

              BPCCRA February Minutes Posted

              To see the Branksome Park and Canford Cliffs Resident Association Meeting February 2010 minutes please click here


              • Cabinet meeting recommends 2.9% Council Tax Rise.
              • Canford Cliffs Play Area “on hold”.
              • Notice Board for Library ordered.
              • Carol Parkin appointed new Minutes Secretary from April 2010.
              • 11 Leicester Road Care Home Application – Planning Inquiry on 20/04/2010 at the Guildhall at 10:00 am. Please attend to show the strength of local feeling.

              Date of next meeting Wednesday 10th march, St. Aldhelms.