- John Sprackling – Chairman
- Keith Alcroft – Planning Officer
- Stan Alfert – Data Protection Officer
- Val Short – Minutes Secretary
- Cllr Mrs May Haines – Ward Councillor
- Cllr Neil Sorton – Ward Councillor
- 20 Members/Wardens
JS welcomed MH NS, those present for the first time and all those present.
Apologies: Apologies received from Terry Stewart (Holiday), John Defty, Bob & Phyllis Young, Peter DuLieu, Ken Sanson, Chairman, Sandbanks Assn
Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 13 January 2010.
Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported…
- 1. Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments
- 2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – A planning application to erect a 116 bed care home with an associated Day Centre.was registered on 18/01/10.
- Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – No new developments
- Quay Thistle Hotel site –
- 5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – a statement in the accounts for Coltham Orchard Ltd for the year to 30/11/08 seems to contradict 3.5 of the report of former Head of Planning Control & Design presented to the Planning Committee on 11/12/08. The Head of Legal & Democratic Services does not feel that this is material from a planning point of view “at this stage”. JS is pursuing this with BDO Stoy Hayward LLP, the accountants acting for Coltham Orchard Ltd.
Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:
JS reported…
75 Canford Cliffs Road (Alterations to existing entrance to form new vehicular access with gates) – Amended plans refused on 07/12/09. The owner has been asked to undertake the works to reinstate the boundary by 22/03/10.
55 Canford Cliffs Road (Front boundary treatment and gates does not comply with Branksome Park Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan) – a formal notice is being served.
19 Mornish Road (Tree replacement) – Preparation for presentation of the details of this case to legal advisers are underway.
15A Westminster Road – Planning Enforcement Officer was visiting site on 04/02/10 to see if the Notice served last year has been complied with yet.
Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road – No new developments.
2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road – ditto
Community Working Group (CWG), Progress re Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations & IDeA Report: Roy Pointer reported on CWG meeting held on 20/01/10…
Pre-application advice – Concern has been expressed about the delay in the pre-application advice appearing on the website. Stephen Thorne has agreed to look into speeding up the process but said that it is not essential for them to be displayed before a determination just as long as they are displayed.
Ward Walks – The Spring Ward Walk is planned for 14th April 2010. Residents should bring matters to their Councillors that they wish to be discussed during the walk. NS reminded members that Ward Walks are not intended for discussing particular planning applications, just the general character of the area.
Sea Defences and Flooding – The group were informed that an external consultant has been commissioned to look into what flood defence measures are required to protect the town centre up to 2026, including costs. .
Major applications and developments – The level of engagement with the community representatives was questioned with regard to major applications and developments.
Newsletter – a 2nd edition of the Planning & Regeneration Unit’s newsletter is currently being worked on the next and the aim is to release this by 19th February.
Annual Meeting – The Community Working Group has now been running for a year and it was always the intention that it will have a 50% refresh at the point of the annual meeting. RP said that the Assn has been one of the most active contributors to the group we should do what it can to retain its seat on the Group.
JS said he would circulate the full Minutes of the meeting with the Assn’s Minutes.
Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: JS reminded members that comments on Poole & Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan are required by 17/02/10. A comment form can be downloaded from the website www.twobays.net
Council Tax 2010/11 & Council’s Budget Monitoring report: JS reported that the Council’s 2010/11 Budget was presented at last night’s Cabinet meeting and a 2.9% rise in Council Tax is to be recommended at next week’s Council meeting.
William Mutlow reported that the Council’s Financial Monitoring Report as at 31/12/09 shows a current forecast underspend of just under £1.9m. This includes a provisional Housing & Planning Delivery Grant of £1.1m recently received from Central Government Without this the underspend would have been £0.8m.. The unearmarked reserves for the next financial year is £6.7m – £7m’
At the last meeting, WM queried the Council’s use of ‘Earmarked Reserves’ which were not shown in the Original Budget, seemingly to ‘balance the books’ . Adam Richens, Head of Accountancy
“…Earmarked Reserves are amounts set aside to support one-off costs pressure associated with a specific project or programme where the expenditure will fall over more than one period of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP). They are not included in the budget book due to the uncertainties around the exact timing of the expenditure.
As an example in September 2008 the Council established a £300,000 earmarked reserve to be applied in support of the Carbon Management Programme over the MTFP period.
Within the Council’s December 2009/10 Budget Monitoring report (Appendix A8) £73,000 has been identified as the forecast expenditure to be spent in supporting the Carbon Reduction Programme in 2009/10. The £3.149m total use of earmarked reserves figure (Appendix A1) includes the estimated drawdown of this £73,000.”
Poole Partnership: JS reported that the State of the Area Debate meeting has been re-scheduled for tomorrow (11/02/10).
Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: MH reported that Highways have reprinted the maps from the internet, hopefully they will be better, but it is probably as good as they will get!
Public Rights of Way:
Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No further developments
Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto
Bessborough Road – ditto
Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.
Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): MH reported that the Canford Cliffs Play Area had been “put on hold”.
JS reported on the meeting with Simon Legg and Karen Elborn, Natural Habitats Supervisor, Borough of Poole which took place on 20/01/10. Also present were Cllrs Mrs Haines, Neil Sorton, Keith Alcroft & Ian Lewis, Chairman of Dorset Lake Residents’ Assn.
The planting in the sunken garden is be improved and the shrubbery immediately below the Southern wall is to be cut back to allow a better view in the direction of the Isle of Wight. It may be possible, in the longer term, to remove the holm oak on the cliff face to provide a better view of the harbour.
It has been suggested that the Assn should take advantage of the Green Card scheme which allows local residents, community groups and other organisations to apply for new or improved leisure related facilities in parks or other open spaces across the Borough. The Green Card application form can be downloaded from the BoP website and JS is looking for a volunteer willing to take this forward.
Use of Assn’s Capital Reserve & Canford Cliffs Library Noticeboard: JS reported that the Canford Cliffs Library noticeboard is on order.
Public Liability Insurance (PLI) – JS is pursuing.
Mobile ‘Phone Mast, Elgin Road: A Prior Approval application to remove the existing 12 metre pole and replace with a 15 metre high pole & an additional cabinet at ground level was granted on 18/10/10.
KA reported…
Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 10/12/09 is now the subject of appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2120940) to be determined at a Hearing. The final date for Statements & representations is 10/03/10.
Roland Cunnell suggested that Members might like to write to the Planning Inspectorate (using the on-line facility available via the Planning Inspectorate’s website <http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/england/public/planning/appeals/search/>) to show the strength of local feeling.
7A Bury Road (Demolition of the existing bungalow and detached garage and an amended proposal for a new 3 storey detached dwelling) – Appeal dismissed on 03/02/10.
JS reported that the application for 29 Links Road (Demolish existing dwelling and sever land to erect 2 detached town houses) is due to be determined at tomorrow’s meeting of Planning Committee. The officer’s recommendation is to ‘Grant Subject to Unilateral Undertaking’.
NS reported that the Planning Inquiry for 11 Leicester Road has been fixed for 20/04/10 and three days had been set aside for this. This will be an important test case for Branksome Park
(a) Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme) – (APP/Q1255/A/09/2118175)
(b) Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling & associated buildings (revised scheme) – (APP/Q1255/E/09/2118176.
Other current planning issues
6 Durrant Road Demolish existing dwelling and erect x2 detached dwellings. (Revised Scheme) As amended by plans received 01/10/09) – Application refused under delegated authority on 11/12/09, now the subject of Written Representations appeals (APP/Q1255/A/10/2121180). The final date for Statements & representations is 10/03/10
24 Cliff Drive (Extension to existing beach hut & relocate steps (revised Scheme) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 08/01/10.
4 Lawrence Drive (Demolish existing buildings and erect 1 block of 8 apartments with assoc parking) – Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 20/11/09. Amended plans lodged on 18/11/09 and application has been ‘Red-carded’. Note from Tree Officer dated 19/01/10 – “No objection”.
The Cottage, Kingsgate, 7 The Avenue (Demolish existing property and erect 5 replacement Townhouses) – Amended plans lodged on 30/11/09.
10 Nairn Road (Demolish the existing house and erect 2 x 4 bedroom maisonettes with associated parking) – Application registered on 24/08/09. Letter of objection by Assn lodged on 10/10/09. Amended plans lodged on 27/11/09. Letter of objection from Natural England registered on 07/12/09.
Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.
19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – S106 details to be submitted before determining.
4-6 Compton Avenue (Non material amendment of planning permission 06/12687/005/F to extend basement parking, an additional staircase, two roof lights, convert half gable window to full height) – Application registered on 14/10/09. There is a technical issue regarding the minor amendment, in relation to correctly linking the amendment scheme to the section 106 agreement of permission 07/12687/006/F which the LPA are trying to sought out with the agent.
8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.
60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions
Warren Lever, Environment and Design Team Leader gave an interesting and informative insight into
- Character Appraisals in Conservation Areas
- Design Judgement and Assessment for planning applications
- Character and By Design/PPS1 – raising the bar.
- Characterisation Work of Borough
NS: What is professional relationship between design officer and case officers?
WL: The design officer can offer advice, but the case officer is not bound to follow the recommendations
NS: Should they not be on the ‘same side’?
WL: Not always. There needs to be more training on design issues for planning officers. ‘Building for life’ assessment is driving up quality.
Roy Pointer: The character of buildings in Branksome Park has not been consistent in the developments during the past 10 years or so (e.g. Thunderbirds / traditional) and there is no longer a defined architectural style. New development cannot rectify the mistakes.
WL: Planners need to assess the character of the street, although it is easier to define the character in some places than in others, and then try to guide in the right direction.
A member It sets a precedent if “thing” is built in the middle of “good stuff”, this can lead to problems.
WL: The prevailing grain and form of buildings in the area is the main guideline and sometimes the inspectorate with agree, sometimes not.
A member: Who decides where conservation areas are to be?
WL: The local authority. The aim is to raise the quality of the area, but you have to draw a line somewhere. A definite character trait is needed, and adjacent areas are also important.
SA: To what extent will planners change attitudes to ‘bits in the middle’?
WL This comes back to the issue of Borough-wide Conservation Area guidelines.
Chris Stacey There is a large amount of anger in the area over the characterisation of the Lilliput area being turned into a ‘Florida seafront’ with characterless properties not of lasting quality. The constant building sites and associated traffic is upsetting local residents as it has been going on for some time.
WL It is hoped that characterisation work will help with policies.
NS Conservation area status gives greater powers to the local authority.
- CANFORD CLIFFS & PENN HILL AREA COMMITTEE MEETING (04/02/09) As TS was not present there was no report but the Agenda included reports on
- Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken Garden) – see above
- Tower Road (Request for parking restrictions) – The Traffic Panel met on 25/11/09 and recommended no action.
- Pedestrian lights at the Branksome Railway Hotel – It is argued that, before timing of the lights was changed, pedestrians were having a disproportionate effect on traffic congestion.
Chairman’s note: I do not accept this argument as, if a pedestrian presses the button and gets and immediate response, the traffic has to stop. If a pedestrian presses the button and has to wait for a minute, the traffic will still have to stop. However, I fear that this is a lost cause.
5. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS reported that JD had asked to step down as Hon Treasurer and he has approached another member to take over this role. The individual is willing to do so but already has e regular commitment on the 2nd Wednesday of each month which means that he would not be able to attend the Assn’s monthly meetings, although he will be able to attend the AGM.
No member raised any particular objection to the idea of the treasurer not being able to attend meetings, as cash statements will distributed in the normal way and any queries can dealt with by
e-mail/telephone, as the need arises.
Chairman’s note: The total funds at 31st January 2010 stand at £34,571.89.
Minutes Secretary – JS said that he had been seeking someone to succeed Val Short but, so far, without success.
Chairman’s note: I’m pleased to say that Carol Parkin, who is a Trustee of Canford Cliffs Village Hall,
has kindly agreed to take over the role of Minutes Secretary from 14/04/10.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm
Date of next meeting: The next meeting is Wednesday 10th March 2010 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)