Branksome Park Minutes July 21st 2010




  • Terry Stewart President
  • John Sprackling Chairman
  • Wayne Hancock Vice-Chairman
  • Carol Parkin Secretary/Minutes Secretary
  • Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer
  • Keith Alcroft Planning Officer
  • Cllr Mrs May Haines ditto
  • Cllr Neil Sorton ditto
  • Ken Sanson Chairman, Sandbanks Assn

Approx 10 Members/Wardens


JS welcomed MH & NS and all those present.

Apologies: Apologies Parajumpers Jacka Herr received from Bob & Phyllis Young, William Mutlow

Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 09 JUNE 2010


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported…

1.   Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments

2.   Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane (Development of land at York Road to create a 116 bed care home with an associated Day Centre) – Appeal withdrawn on 16/06/10.

3.   Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – No new developments

4.   Quay Thistle Hotel site   – ditto

5.   Old Orchard House. 39-61 High Street – ditto

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements parajumperjackorse – update:

JS reported…

17 Over Links Drive (Application to demolish existing and erect 2 detached houses granted on 31/01/08) – It has been reported that there has been some activity on this site over the last day or two. An earth moving unit is on site and some ground work undertaken. JS has contacted the Planning Enforcement Officer as there are a number of conditions which should have been complied with before this development commenced.

19 Mornish Road (Tree replacement) – This is still under discussion and actions are underway

138 Canford Cliffs Road NS reported that he had seen a report in the Bournemouth Echo of a successful proceedings brought by the Council against the developers, Poole Property Ltd, about their unauthorised felling of a protected tree at 138 Canford Cliffs Road. The Court fined Poole Property Company £11,000 (the maximum fine for the felling of a single tree is £20,000) Even though NS thinks this is a paltry sum in comparison to the value of the site, he thinks it is substantial enough to send the correct message that Poole Council intend to act in these circumstances.

55 Canford Cliffs Road (Removal of the gates, railings, fence and hedge, and the erection of a low stone wall with planting behind) – A Breach of Condition Notice against Barrington Homes required work to be completed by 29/06/10.

Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road (Erection of blue oblique glass screens positioned around the timber decking area located at the front of the property) – The smoked glass screens have been removed..

15A Westminster Road (Erection of railings over 1 metre high partly along the frontage of 15a Westminster Road, being adjacent to a highway. The boundary treatment then changes to a double close boarded fence over 1 metre high which continues along the frontage of Westminster Road,being adjacent to a highway and then turns South-West and continues down the boundary with Dalkeith Road being also adjacent to a highway)– No new developments

2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road (Boundary treatment) – A new hedgerow will be planted once the work at 4-6 Compton Avenue has been completed.

Community Working Group (CWG), Progress re Sir Michael Pitt”s recommendations & IDeA Report: JS reported that the date of the next CWG meeting had been changed to 28/07/10 and if any member had an issue to raise would he/she liaise with Roy Pointer.

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: No new developments

Council Tax 2010/11 & Council”s Budget Monitoring report: In the absence of William Mutlow, JS reported that, as part of the £1bn saving announced by the Coalition Government last month, Poole had suffered in-year grant cuts of £2.9m pa. As a result, the Council have introduced a number of austerity measures to make sure it under-spends this year – it will need that leeway because it is unlikely that it will feel the full effect of the permanent cuts with only 6 or 7 months of the year remaining.

At the Southern Poole Chairmens” Liaison Group meeting on 28/06/10, John McBride, Poole”s Chief Executive, told those present that the Leader of the Council, Cllr Brian Leverett, is proposing a meeting with Residents” Associations in September 2010 to discuss next year”s Budget.

TS pointed out that ANY questions can be raised by Residents’ Associations, as long as the question is registered beforehand.

All expenditure over £500 is due be posted on the BoP website but, as JMcB said, this will have to be fine-tuned as individual Adult Social Care costs, for instance, are likely to be covered by the Data Protection Act. J McB also spoke of the idea of “Armchair auditors”- residents with access to the Internet monitoring the Council”s expenditure.. JMcB feels that this will act as a powerful deterrent to wasteful expenditure.

TS said that he is very impressed that JMcB has taken on board the current government’s ‘Big Society’ belief in moving as much power as possible down to local level, thus giving Residents’ Associations the opportunity to make constructive suggestions

Poole Partnership: JS reported that, last Tuesday he had attended a Poole Partnership Local Development Framework meeting in his capacity as Poole Partnership Steering Group representative for Residents” & Tenants” Assns and Community Groups. At this meeting, Nicolas Perrins, Senior Planning Officer, Planning and Regeneration Services gave a presentation by entitled “New direction of travel of Government policy for Planning and implications for Poole”. JS said that he would include the text of the Powerpoint presentation in the Minutes…

Direction of change

Decentralisation and Localism Bill – handing power back to local government and communities (Big Society):

1.   Slim downed National Planning Guidance focus on sustainable development (No definition of Sustainable Development);

2.   Scrapping of Regional Spacial Strategies (RSS);

3.   Planning and Housing decisions to rest locally;

4.   Compulsory consultation on development plans and planning applications;

5.   Recent revision to PPS3 (Planning Policy Statement 3) – re-classification of garden land as Green field – to stop “garden grabbing” (Core Strategy seeks to do this);

6.   New designation to protect green space above that of Public Open Space;

7.   Permissive approach to planning applications once National Framework in place;

8.   Third Party right of appeal;

9.   Abolition of Government Offices and introduction of Local Enterprise Partnership (Economic Development Role) – joint working across sub-regions;

10.   However, LDF (Local Development Framework) work is set to continue within new framework

…The revocation of RSS is not a signal for local Authorities to stop making plans for their area. Local Planning Authorities should continue to develop LDF Core Strategies and other DPDs reflecting peoples aspirations on important issues such as climate change, housing and economic development” (CLG, 6th July 2010)


  • Major legislative reform to planning system to follow – will take time!
  • Local authorities to ensure housing, commercial and social needs are met but how will this be managed?
  • What will be put in place to ensure proper strategic planning to ensure cross-boundary co-ordination?
  • How will regionally significant infrastructure be co-ordinated?
  • What of s106/CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) and development mitigation?
  • How will authority manage greater public involvement?

Chairman”s note: Wayne Hancock kindly attended the first meeting of the newly formed Poole Partnership Vision Group (which replaces the Poole Partnership Steering Group) in my place and his report is set out below.

Report on the Poole Partnership Vision Group meeting 22 Jul 2010 Civic Centre, Poole

Although Richard Dimbleby had expressed his desire to stand down as chairman, he agreed to chair the meeting and it was hoped that a volunteer would come forward to take his place.

Adrian Dawson was elected Vice Chairman for the meeting and will consider whether to accept the role more permanently.

With the pressure on services due to cuts in government funding, the strategy document 2010 to 2026 will have to be changed and some items removed. Great emphasis was made of working together and sharing resources wherever possible. However, this should not to be at the expense of retaining a ‘Poole’ identity.

This partnership is to run from 2010 to 2026 and it is not yet known what will be the requirements in, say, five years time owing to the recent change in government. At the moment, new policies are appearing quite quickly, i.e. David Cameron’s ‘Big Society,’ where it is envisaged that local authorities and local groups will have their say and even be empowered to run local services which were previously run by the government. It is a turbulent time.

The big three issues are :

1. Deficit reduction

2. Decentralisation

3. Localism – localism – localism

A large number of ‘Target’ driven services are being decentralised and power is being handed down to local communities, i.e. PCTs. The government is removing the barriers and burdens currently standing in the way of local communities carrying out tasks. There is no ‘blueprint’- what works for one area may not work for the one next door. Issues that concern people will not just ‘go away’, but they will now have the means to do something about them. There are NO RULES – what you want you will try to get. It appears to be a ‘power to the people’ move. How will it really work? No-one knows at this stage.

Councils are expecting to supply a smaller number of services and it will be up to the local community to provide those no longer provided, i.e. libraries run by volunteers. Obviously this will have an impact on jobs – are people are saying ‘will I lose my job to a volunteer?’.

Social Enterprise is a new way of arranging to provide a service. For example, a church may set up and run a prison. However, Social Enterprise should not be at the cost of local people losing their jobs to organisations farming out the work to other areas. Concern was expressed at companies like BUPA and Virgin obtaining contracts at the expense of local businesses.

Government policy will drastically change the way things are done and poses the question who is responsible for what? Where will the power go?

Concern was expressed as to whether volunteers could be found to carry out the tasks required and, if so, would they have the knowledge and where-with-all to be able to carry them out satisfactorily? Also,

what happens if the services which are supposed to be provided are not, or are poorly managed?

It was the feeling of the meeting that the role of the vision group (PPVG) would be to set out the ideals; it would then be the responsibility of the management group (PPMG) to make things happen.

It was also felt that the role of the partnership program was to provide a forum for local communities. However, that requires all local community groups to be contacted and made aware of the partnership and how the partnership can assist them with their goals. A question was raised – how does the partnership report back to the local groups, communities and residents?

Finally, three papers were made available :-

1. HM Treasury – The Spending Review – June 2010

2. HM Government – The Coalition: our programme for government

3. Conservatives – Control Shift – Returning power to local people – Responsibility Agenda, Policy Green Paper No 9

Item 2.5 of the HM Treasury document lists 9 criteria for the allocation of resources.

End of Report

Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road : MH reported that she had attended last Wednesday”s Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area committee meeting where it was said that before any decisions, fund-raising etc. it is necessary to determine exactly where services and utilities are, as there is no definitive map of these. In order to do this, an exploratory trench would need to be dug at a cost of approximately £700.

Roy Pointer mentioned that it should be known by law exactly where the utilities are.

MH said that discussions she had had with the traders on Haven Road had come ‘full circle’ as they deem the loss of car parking space is not desirable, and they suggest that trees should be planted in tubs.

KA pointed out that the plan calls for only one parking place to be lost.

SA reported that he had detected opposition to this scheme, at the Area Committee meeting, from people other than the traders on Haven Road.

When asked what kind of trees were intended, KA answered that it wasn’t known yet, that he had been told by Mr. Osborne at the Council that this would be decided when the scheme was definite.

There was some discussion as to whether in the present climate was it correct to be spending money on something not essential. Mike Parkin, a regular user of Haven Road, suggested that in the making of car parking in Haven Road more difficult, there was a negative safety aspect to be considered.

JS suggested that we had a show of hands as to whether to proceed with this scheme or not.

Put the scheme on the “back burner”        5

Proceed with the scheme                        4

Therefore JS asked MH to report back to officers that the Association would not be able to fund this scheme.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – Officers are meeting with local residents on 26/07/10

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – No new developments.

Bessborough Road – The Canford Cliffs Land Society have arranged the vegetation beside the footpath from Bessborough Road to Haven Road (next to the Electricity sub-station) to be cut back. MH said that, although the Land Society was organising this, the work is actually being done through the Community Pay Back Scheme and therefore the labour costs are nil.

Footpath 82 Spur – At special meeting of Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Area Committee held on 19/07/10, Members granted the Definitive Modification Order to add this footpath to the Definitive Map.

Almost certainly, the Sandbanks Boatyard & Marina Co Ltd will appeal

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden) MH reported that the Canford Cliffs Play Area is scheduled for 2001/2012. However, TS reported that Cllr Peter Adams had told him that this will not now be progressed. MH will double check to clarify this situation.

CD was not present to report on the current state of the sunken garden. However, JS said that Simon Legg was keen to set up a meeting.

Use of Assn”s Capital Reserve – No new developments.

Public Liability Insurance (PLI) – JS is pursuing.

Poole Council”s Business Transformation Programme – The Council”s Business Transformation Programme and Efficiency Review Programme are to be merged. A fully updated report is to be presented at the Council Efficiency and Effectiveness Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 23/09/10.

Funding for Westbourne Medical Centre and the NHS Dental Practice in Westbourne

Jim Wilson believes that the withholding of funds from both the medical & dental practices may have possible serious implications on the ability of those two individual practices being able to continuing carrying on over the medium to long term, even in their present state. This, of course, is going to be subject to whatever occurs when the present governments plans for change come to fruition and whether either of those practices have been able to retain the patients that exist.

JS proposed that a meeting with the non-executive members of the board should be put under way.

Chairman”s Note: Subsequent to the um Ihre Identitat und Ihr Recht auf die Gelder meeting, it has been agreed the the Association should take no further action at the present time and await the further communication next month from Anne Swan, Interim Chief Executive of NHS Bournemouth and Poole, as promised in Angela Schofield, Chairman, Bournemouth and Poole Teaching Primary Care Trust letter dated 12/07/10.

Overhanging Hedge at Kenilworth Court, 3 Western Road. MH reported that after considerable discussions with the residents of of the block he Mr. Hertz(?) the representative of the Managing Agent at Kenilworth Court, managed to secure agreement from the majority to have the hedge removed in the next few weeks with replanting to take place 6 months later. One of the residents however, contacted the council and asked if it would be possible instead to keep the hedge in-situ until the replanting takes place. This was deemed to be a reasonable request and this is where MH left it for now – that the replanting MUST be carried out before Christmas.

MH will put it on record that this is the case, so that if it is not done, the council themselves can take action.


Keith Alcroft reported

Former Cafe building, Compton Acres (Change of use of former cafe building A3 to playschool D1) – Temporary permission granted for two years from 28/06/10.

Chairman”s note: £41,258 capital funding from the “Early Years Quality & Access Capital Grant (2008-2011) is to be allocated to the Wise Owl Pre-school at Compton Acres following termination of the rental agreement for their current premises but applications must show the applicant’s sustainability and commitment to delivering a service for at least three years and this will be reflected in the funding agreement with the Local Authority.

6A Dalkeith Road (Demolish existing property and build new contemporary dwelling) – Application registered on 10/05/10 and letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 25/05/10. Application withdrawn on 05/07/10.

Other current planning issues

Land at 5 Brackenhill (Sever land and erect a three bed detached single storey dwelling, with attached single garage at lower level) – Application registered 01/06/10. Local concerns.

4 Lawrence Drive (Demolish existing buildings and erect 1 block of 8 apartments with assoc parking) – Application refused on 05/03/10 is now the subject of an appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/10/2128771) The final date for statements & representations was 01/07/10

11 Leicester Road (a) Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme) (APP/Q1255/A/09/2118175) & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling & associated buildings (revised scheme) (APP/Q1255/E/09/2118176) – Appeals dismissed by Planning Inspector on 17/06/10.

The Cottage, Kingsgate, 7 The Avenue

(a) Demolish existing and erect a block of 5 apartments and associated garages) – Application was refused by Planning Committee on 25/03/10 but subject to “Written representations” appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2126736) Final date for statements & representations was 02/06/10.

(b) Erect a detached house on land adjacent to The Cottage and erect detached garage to The Cottage.

– Application registered on 01/06/10.

5 Highmoor Road (Demolish existing building and erect 1 block of 9 apartments with basement parking, bin & cycle stores) – Application granted, subject to Unilateral Undertaking at Planning Committee meeting on 08/07/10.

2 Tower Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect 3no. detached houses with integral garages) – Application refused on 05/05/10.

11 Westminster Road (Demolition of the existing building and construction of three detached houses with associated parking and access. (revised scheme – Application refused on 17/05/10 is now the subject of a appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/10/2129589) statements & representations is 20/07/10

24 Ravine Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling with integral garaging. (Revised scheme) Amended plans received 08/12/09 and 25/01/10) – Application refused under delegated authority on 29/01/10 is now the subject of appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2122302) to be determined by Written Representations. The date for final comments was 06/05/10.

2 Crawshaw Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect x 2 detached dwellings with on site parking. (Revised Scheme) – Application registered 25/05/10. Amended plans lodged on 14/07/10.

Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 10/12/09 is subject of a “Written Representations” appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2120940) The date for final comments was 31/03/10.

6 Durrant Road

(a) Demolish existing dwelling and erect x2 detached dwellings. (Revised Scheme) As amended by plans received 01/10/09) – Application refused under delegated authority on 11/12/09, now the subject of Written Representations appeals (APP/Q1255/A/10/2121180). The date for final comments was 31/03/10.

(b) Demolish existing dwelling and erect 2 No semi-detached dwellings with attached garages (Revised Scheme)– Application refused by Planning Committee on 08/07/10.

Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

4-6 Compton Avenue (Non material amendment of planning permission 06/12687/005/F to extend

basement parking, an additional staircase, two roof lights, convert half gable window to full height) – Amended plans lodged on 13/05/10..

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property. This property is up for sale at is “offers” in excess of £2m.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council”s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.


Chairman”s Note: I omitted to cover this item in my efforts to conclude the business of the meeting quickly. The Guest Speaker was Poole”s Chief Executive, John McBride, and much of what JMcB had to say and other topics discussed have been reported elsewhere in the Minutes.


Chairman”s Note: Again, I omitted to cover this item in my efforts to conclude the business of the meeting quickly.

The subject of the new cycle lanes in Penn Hill Ave was discussed at length, particularly as there is no room for cycle lanes at Woodside/Kingsbridge Roads end of Penn Hill Ave. Cllr Parker proposed a review of the scheme after it”s been operation for a while.

The mini-roundabout at the junction of Kingsbridge/Highbridge Road was also the subject of some concern, as pantechnicons using this route, which the Council, in its infinite wisdom, has designated as a Prime Transport Corridor between Poole & Bournemouth find it difficult to negotiate this roundabout.

One pantechnicon recently driving over the roundabout has caused the surface to break up.

One Penn Hill Ave resident, present at the meeting, suggested a one-way system using Balmoral Road, Sandecotes Road and Kingsbridge Road.


JS reported that the total funds as at 30th June amounted to £36,023


Alexandra Park Lodge – The Council are planning to demolish this property and replace it with a single storey Childrens” Centre at a cost of £280,000. It is intended to submit an application with the intention of it being considered by Planning Committee on 19th August in order for the works to be completed in sufficient time for service delivery from March 2011.

The Children’s Centre will serve families living in the Parkstone, Penn Hill, and Canford Cliffs area.

There is to be two consultation events, both to be held at Alexandra Bowls Club at 10.00am 29th July and 6pm on 11th August. Flyers and information for local residents and parents will be delivered by the end of this week. There is a feeling that it is not just residents who back onto the park who need to be consulted but other groups that use the park on a daily basis. It is also felt that two short notice meetings at the Bowls Club notified by a flyer to residents at the end of this week does not constitute a proper consultation. It is suggested that this on a par with the letter the Council sent regarding the Playbuilder scheme which, again, was only posted to residents who actually backed onto

Bournemouth and Poole’s Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme -TS said that there was some confusion over the BSF programme Ashdown College still to be funded? MH reported that this case still has to be put forward, and the outcome is still uncertain.

Parkstone, Penn Hill & Canford Cliffs Safer Neighbourhood Team meeting & Canford Cliffs Christmas lights – MH reported two dates for the future.

The Safer Neighbourhood Team will meet on Wednesday July 28th 7.00pm at the Conference Room, Civic Centre, Poole and looking ahead, the Canford Cliffs Christmas lights will be switched on on Haven Road on November 12th.

Parking in Ravine Road – Mike Parkin asked if MH had had her chat with the Mazda Car showroom on Haven Road re their use of the car parking spaces on Ravine Road. MH said that this still has to be done.

24 Ravine Road – Mike Parkin gave an up-to-date report on the planning application, currently, under Appeal for 24 Ravine Road. A site visit by the Inspectorate scheduled for July 28 has now been postponed. The house on this site has now been demolished.

Roland Cunnell said that he had “phoned the Planning Inspectorate to enquire about the site visit by the Inspector to land adjacent to 1 Over Links Drive and had been told that tis had not yet been arranged..

The meeting closed at 8.10pm and was concluded with a “glass” and “nibbles.

Date of next Meeting: Wednesday 11th August 2010 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm”s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

Branksome Park Minutes 9th June 2010




  • Terry Stewart President John Sprackling Chairman
  • Wayne Hancock Vice-Chairman
  • Keith Alcroft Planning Officer
  • Bob Young Magazine Advertising
  • Carol Parkin Minutes Secretary
  • Cllr Mrs Carole Deas
  • Cllr Mrs May Haines
  • Cllr Neil Sorton
  • Ken Sanson Chairman, Sandbanks Assn
  • Approx 10 Members/Wardens


JS welcomed CD, MH, NS & KS and all those present.

Apologies: Apologies received from Stan Alfert, Roy Pointer & Chris Stracey

Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 14 April 2010.


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported…
1.    Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments

2.    Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane (Development of land at York Road to create a 116 bed care home with an associated Day Centre) – Application refused on 29/03/10 now subject to a three day Planning Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/10/2126019) commencing on 05/10/10.

3.    Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – No new developments

4.    Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto

5.    Old Orchard House.

39-61 High Street – ditto

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:
JS reported…
Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road (Erection of blue oblique glass screens positioned around the timber decking area located at the front of the property) – The smoked glass screens have now been replaced by clear glass.

55 Canford Cliffs Road (Removal of the gates, railings, fence and hedge, and the erection of a low stone wall with planting behind) – A Breach of Condition Notice against Barrington Homes requires work to be completed by 29/06/10.

19 Mornish Road (Tree replacement) – A tree replacement notice was served and the Local Planning Authority (LPA) have looked into taking legal action for failing to comply with it. However, it turns out that it is not a criminal offence to fail to comply with a Tree Replacement Notice but a civil matter. There is, at the moment, financial resource issues across the public sector and the unit does not have the resource to pursue this civil matter.
JS reminded members that, at the beginning of the Budget round last September, he wrote to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Dr Brian Leverett, stating that the Assn and other Residents’ Assns regarded it as an unacceptable step to reduce the number of officers performing non-statutory duties such as Tree
Protection, Planning Enforcement and Economic Development. As a result, the budget for the Planning & Regeneration Service Unit was treated as a special case.
It was, unanimously, agreed the Assn should write to the Head of Planning & Regeneration, again, saying that it was the residents’ wish to see the Council actively pursue the tree replacement at 19 Mornish Road to protect Poole’s environment.

15A Westminster Road (Erection of railings over 1 metre high partly along the frontage of 15a Westminster Road, being adjacent to a highway. The boundary treatment then changes to a double close boarded fence over 1 metre high which continues along the frontage of Westminster Road,being adjacent to a highway and then turns South-West and continues down the boundary with Dalkeith Road being also adjacent to a highway)– No new developments

2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road (Boundary treatment) – A new hedgerow will be planted once all the work at 4-6 Compton Avenue has been completed.

Compton Acres – There is a small area of offices occupied by a company not associated with the gardens, However, due to the poor wording of planning consent 02/02998/039/F, permission for offices not necessarily ancillary to Compton Acres has been granted. This wording affectively undermines any enforcement action but as the offices let out are only a couple of rooms and, even if the permission was properly worded, it may well not of been expedient for the LPA to take action over such a small change of use.

Community Working Group (CWG), Progress re Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations & IDeA Report: JS reported that Roy Pointer had attended the Community Working Group meeting on 05/05/10 and said that the Minutes of the meeting would be circulated with the Minutes of tonight’s meeting.
TS has asked for a copy of the draft Community Engagement Forum mentioned in the CWG minutes but has not yet received this. JS said that he would follow this up.
The next Community Working Group meeting is fixed for 21/07/10, 2-4:30pm in the Study, Upton House

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: No new developments

Council Tax 2010/11 & Council’s Budget Monitoring report: In the absence of William Mutlow, JS reported on the Council Budget Monitoring Report (01/04/09 – 31/03/10) presented    WM at last night’s Cabinet meeting, which shows a provisional surplus of £3,433m which will be allocated to 2010/11 unearmarked reserves. NS confirmed that this was largely as a result of ‘one offs’ such as the Planning Reward Grant and cannot be relied on for next year. Another windfall was a refund from HMRC of non-domestic rates on Council property.

Poole Partnership: JS reported that, this afternoon, he had attended the Stronger Communities Partnership Meeting. Topics under discussion included…
•    New coalition government ‘Big Society’ policy and implications for the stronger communities agenda
•    The Stronger Communities section of Poole’s Sustainable Community Strategy 2010 – 2026
•    Draft Community Cohesion Strategy
TS pointed out that Eric Pickles, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, has issued a letter saying that future housing decisions should be devolved down to the relevant council, and he assumes that in future Poole Council will have control of major development sites, and asked JS if there was any comment on that at the meeting. JS replied that there had not been.
CD said that the Conservatives’ Green Paper on Planning was being issued as a White Paper and JS hoped that some of the proposals contained in this would, eventually, be implemented.
Martin Heath commented that it was important that Poole Council had robust policies, such as H4, in its Core Strategy and JS said that public consultation on the subject of ‘saved’ policies was due to take place soon. JS said he would let MH know when the consultation begins. He is already in touch with the appropriate officer about other ‘saved’ policies, namely, BE23 & H10.

Chairman’s note: It is anticipated that public consultation on the Issues & Options/Preferred Approach for proposed Development Management policies will commence on the 2nd August and close on the 1st October.

Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: MH reported on progress regarding planting trees on Haven Road, in Canford Cliffs. MH handed out some plans for the planting. These showed four new trees. The two reasons for this are a) that they serve as a traffic calming measure and b) to make the shopping parade a more attractive area.    The arboriculturist says that there would have to be the loss of two car parking spaces in order to make room for the planting of the trees. At a Traders’ meeting yesterday, MH spoke about the scheme but, unfortunately, there is rather a lot of opposition to this from the traders.    May pointed out that the Council have no funding available to pay for this scheme and she will check the actual cost per tree at the meeting next week. Canford Cliffs Land Society will also not be contributing to this scheme.
MH asked the plan could be circulated with the minutes so that residents could feedback their comments and suggestions, before she has the next meeting next Thursday.
There was a lot of discussion from the floor about the proposed scheme – proximity of the bus stop, double parking, parking on double yellow lines etc.
JS wound up this discussion by thanking MH and Keith Alcroft for all the work they have done on

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No new developments.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto

Bessborough Road – ditto

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden) MH reported that she is still pursuing the Canford Cliffs Play Area. CD gave an update on the Pinecliff sunken garden. This is still going ahead, albeit slowly, and the Council seem to be very pleased that there is local interest in this. CD hopes to hear more this week.

Use of Assn’s Capital Reserve – No new developments but the Notice Board at the Canford Cliffs Library is being well used and is much appreciated by the library staff.

Public Liability Insurance (PLI) – JS is pursuing.

Poole Council’s Business Transformation Programme – No new developments.

BPCCRA Spring 2010 Magazine: JS said that he would like to thank John Gunton for the distribution of the Magazine. Approaches have already been received for advertisements in our Autumn 2010 edition.

Funding for Westbourne Medical Centre and the NHS Dental Practice in Westbourne – Chairman’s note: I omitted to refer to this at our meeting. Members will recall that Jim Wilson raised this at the Assn’s AGM. JW wrote to me on 30/05/10… “…Westbourne Medical partners are meeting with the CEO of the PCT on Tuesday and it is possible that may wish to come back to me. In the meantime, perhaps the (BPCCRA) can give some thought as to who amongst its membership would like to associate themselves by representing the Association on a small oversight committee of say a maximum of one or two persons.”


Keith Alcroft reported

6A Dalkeith Road (Demolish existing property and build new contemporary dwelling) – Application registered on 10/05/10 and letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 25/05/10.

Land at 5 Brackenhill (Sever land and erect a three bed detached single storey dwelling, with attached single garage at lower level) – Application registered 01/06/10. KA will look at this one.

4 Lawrence Drive (Demolish existing buildings and erect 1 block of 8 apartments with assoc parking) – Application refused on 05/03/10 is now the subject of an appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/10/2128771) The final date for statements & representations is 01/07/10

Other current planning issues

Former Cafe building, Compton Acres (Change of use of former cafe building A3 to playschool D1) – Application registered on 06/04/10. Likely to be approved subject to a condition which would limit the use of the gate to outside of the playschool operation hours. The owners of Compton Acres still wish to use the gate for occasional service access which prevents its permanent closure. Any condition imposed would also restrict further accesses being created through the East (Canford Cliffs Road) & North (private road) boundaries as the above condition would not restrict this

11 Leicester Road (a) Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme) (APP/Q1255/A/09/2118175) & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling & associated buildings (revised scheme) (APP/Q1255/E/09/2118176) – Awaiting Planning Inspector’s Decision letter.

The Cottage, Kingsgate, 7 The Avenue
(a) Demolish existing and erect a block of 5 apartments and associated garages) – Application was refused by Planning Committee on 25/03/10 but subject to ‘Written representations’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2126736) Final date for statements & representations was 02/06/10.
(b) Erect a detached house on land adjacent to The Cottage and erect detached garage to The Cottage.
– Application registered on 01/06/10.

5 Highmoor Road (Demolish existing building and erect 1 block of 9 apartments with basement parking, bin & cycle stores) – Application was due be determined at Planning Committee meeting on 15/04/10 but this was deferred.

2 Tower Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect 3no. detached houses with integral garages) – Application refused on 05/05/10.

11 Westminster Road (Demolition of the existing building and construction of three detached houses with associated parking and access. (revised scheme – Application refused on 17/05/10 is now the subject of a appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/10/2129589) The final date for statements & representations is 20/07/10

7 Lakeside Road (Erect a three storey block of six x two bed flats and one three bed duplex with basement parking. (Revised scheme) – Application refused on 19/05/10.

24 Ravine Road
(a) (Demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling with integral garaging. (Revised scheme) Amended plans received 08/12/09 and 25/01/10) – Application refused under delegated authority on 29/01/10 is now the subject of appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2122302) to be determined by Written Representations. The final date for Statements & representations was 29/03/10.
(b) (Erection of replacement dwelling (revised application) – Application granted by Planning Committee at meeting on 03/06/10.
Other current planning issues

2 Crawshaw Road
(a) Demolish existing dwelling and erect two 3-bed detached houses with associated parking)
– Application withdrawn on 13/04/10.
(b) Demolish existing dwelling and erect x 2 detached dwellings with on site parking. (Revised Scheme) – Application registered 25/05/10. Local concerns.

Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 10/12/09 is subject of a ‘Written Representations’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2120940) The final date for statements & representations was 10/03/10.

6 Durrant Road Demolish existing dwelling and erect x2 detached dwellings. (Revised Scheme) As amended by plans received 01/10/09) – Application refused under delegated authority on 11/12/09, now the subject of Written Representations appeals (APP/Q1255/A/10/2121180). The final date for Statements & representations was 10/03/10.

Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

4-6 Compton Avenue (Non material amendment of planning permission 06/12687/005/F to extend basement parking, an additional staircase, two roof lights, convert half gable window to full height) – Amended plans lodged on 13/05/10..

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application.    An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property. This property is up for sale at is ‘offers’ in excess of £2m.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

4.    ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS reported that the total funds as at 31st May amounted to £35,726.


Vice- Chairman – JS reported that, following his plea for a Vice-Chairman at the Assn’s AGM, Wayne Hancock had volunteered to take on this role. JS thanked WH for agreeing to be Vice- Chairman and his appointment was, unanimously, approved with a show of hands.

Overhanging Hedge at Kenilworth Court, 3 Western Road – MH reported that the hedge encroaches onto the pavement, which is not wide to start with, leaving no room for two people to pass easily. She has arranged a meeting between herself, a Highways Enforcement Officer and a representative of Kennilworth Court. Where the hedge has already been cut back it looks rather unsightly, as Leylandii does not regenerate. Mike Parkin pointed out that these dead parts are quite dangerous as they are at eye level. JS expressed the hope that the Management Committee of Kenilworth Court might be willing to replace the existing hedge with another hedge.

Date of next meeting – This would normally be held on Wednesday 14th July 2010 but this clashes with next Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting. It was agreed to change the date of the Assn’s meeting to 21/07/10. This meeting will be concluded by ‘Wine & nibbles’ to enable members to meet socially.

Lilliput Medical Centre (LMC) – The Elms Estate Assn (EEA) would welcome members’ support for the Council’s proposal to make a modest extension to the existing yellow lines at the junction of Elms Avenue/Sandbanks Road; also, to impose No Waiting and No Loading [at any time] restrictions.
Details of the proposals have been posted close to the Lilliput Medical Centre and published in the Advertiser [03/06/2010]. Full details can be obtained from Transportation Services [Steve Dean]
Any objections against or support for the proposal must be submitted by 01/07/2010
EEA fully supports the proposal which is designed to [1] avoid congestion at the junction of a very busy main road [2] prevent tail back from the entrance to the LMC car park [3] improve sight lines at the entrance to the car park.
It is anticipated that the proposal, in conjunction with constructive and ongoing discussions between EEA, the LMC landlord and occupiers regarding better layout and management of the car park, and designed to create more tuning space, will encourage more visitors to use the carpark instead of Elms Avenue. It is often the case that parking spaces remain unused because visitors experience problems at the entrance/exit and/or moving around the car park.

branksomepark,com website – The webmaster. Tom Thurston, posted his first ever ‘news’ item on 26/05/10 about the alleged arson attack at 11 Leicester Road the site. JS said that Tom would like other similar news items + photos to post on the website.

The meeting closed at 8.15pm

Date of next Meeting: Wednesday 21st    July 2010 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s    All Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

Chairman’s Note: Members may be interested in the following letter which I’ve just received.

Legal & Democratic Services
Borough of Poole, Civic Centre, Poole, Dorset BH15 2RU

Operator: (01202) 633633 Fax: (01202) 633706

DX No. 123820 POOLE 7

Direct Dial: (01202) 633036

Please ask for: Steve Cattle E-mail: Your Ref: Our Ref: SC/jab Date: 7 June 2010

Mr J Sprackling 23 Lindsay Road Branksome Park Poole BH13 6AN

Dear Sir/Madam

I write to advise you that a special Meeting of the Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Area Committee will be held
on Monday, 19 July 2010 at 10am in the Conference Room, Civic Centre, Poole to consider the making of a
Definitive Map Modification Order in respect of Footpath 82 (Spur) between Sandbanks Marina Yacht Boatyard and No.48 Panorama Road, Poole. The Constitution requires that Area Committees shall have responsibility to deal with various functions relating to public rights of way, including the power to make a Definitive Map Modification Order. This Meeting will be open to the public and an Agenda and Report will be available in due course. –
It is anticipated that a number of people would wish to make representations at the Meeting and, therefore, it has been necessary to devise guidance on who will be able to speak and for how long. Therefore, the following will apply for this Meeting: • Those persons wishing to speak at the Meeting must register with the Assistant Democratic Services Manager, either by telephone (01202 633026) or by e-mall: no later than 24 hours before the commencement of the Meeting on 19 July 2010
• Speakers will be decided on a first come basis • Up to a maximum of 4 people can speak for each side and speakers will be given no more than 5 minutes each, (up to a maximum of 20 minutes for each side) • At the end of the debate, speakers who have registered will be allocated a further one minute to sum up.
If you require clarification on any of the information contained in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me. As mentioned above, the Agenda and associated report will be available on the Council’s Website from Friday, 9 July 2010, or you may obtain a copy direct from me.
Yours sincerely

Steve Cattle

Assistant Democratic Services Manager

T.M. Martin LL.B Solicitor

Head of Legal & Democratic Services

BPCCRA Minutes May 15th 2010





  • Mr Terry Stewart President
  • Mr John Sprackling Chairman
  • Mr Paul Fearnley Hon Treasurer
  • Mr Keith Alcroft Planning Officer
  • Mr John Gunton Magazine Editor
  • Mr Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer
  • Mrs. Carol Parkin Secretary
  • Robert Syms MP
  • Cllr Mrs May Haines
  • Cllr Neil Sorton

And approx 50 Members/Wardens of the Association


The Chairman thanked everyone for coming along. In particular, he welcomed the guests mentioned above and the Guest Speaker, Warren Lever, Poole Council’s Environment and Design


Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs Carole Deas (Flight delayed), Michael Bond, Jamie Pride, Richard Dimbleby. Late apologies from Mrs I Ricketts.

3. AGM 2008 MINUTES:  Accuracy & Matters Arising

The Chairman reminded members that the Minutes of the AGM held on 2nd May 2009 had been included in the Autumn 2009 magazine.  The Chairman said that he had not been contacted about their accuracy and asked for a show of hands to approve the Minutes as no queries had arisen.  This was given and the Minutes were approved.


The Chairman proposed to limit his report to the up-dating of items included in the Spring 2019 magazine as follows:

Canford Cliffs Village & Canford Cliffs Play Area

Proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: There has now been some movement on this.  Cllr Mrs May Haines and Keith Alcroft, the Association’s Planning Officer, attended a discussion on the options at the Council Offices.   The Council needs to have further discussions with Transportation Services, as it transpires that there will be a need to remove two or three of the car parking spaces on the North side of Haven Road to accommodate the trees.  The Assn is aware that this idea may not find favour with either the traders on Haven Road or the residents.

Canford Cliffs Play Area: At the last Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Area Committee, it was agreed that the Planning Obligation Working Group together with Leisure Services reconsider the installation of the CC play area for the current municipal year as funding is already in place.

Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development, former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn, Old Orchard House, Quay Thistle Hotel & former Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane

Former Poole Pottery Site, Land at junction of Sopers Lane & York Road (Development of land at York Road to create a 116 bed care home with an associated Day Centre) – this application was  refused by the  Planning Committee meeting at their meeting on 25/03/10 and this is now subject to an appeal to be determined at a Planning Inquiry to be held in August or October 2010.  This key brownfield site has been designated for use as a Science Park.

Quay Thistle Hotel – The controversial application to demolish the existing hotel and erect a 149 bed hotel with 10 flats above; 133 flats in four blocks and a terrace of 11 houses was withdrawn, at the invitation of the Local Planning Authority, earlier this month.

Poole Borough Council – Committee Dates – At last Tuesday’s Full Council meeting, the current administration voted to change the start time of all Planning Committee meetings to 2.00pm. The new Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee is Cllr Mrs Judy Butt.  Cllr Mrs Janet Walton has had to stand down from this Committee as she has been appointed Portfolio Holder for Children & Young Peoples’ Services to replace Cllr Tony Woodcock.

Use of Assn’s Capital Reserve – The Assn has funded the new noticeboard at the Canford Cliffs Library: It has also offered financial assistance for the extension of Canford Cliffs Library and plants at the Sunken Garden at Pinecliff Gardens.  It may offer financial assistance with the plant of trees in Haven Road.

Vice Chairman – the Chairman advised that the Association is still looking for a Vice Chairman and JS thanked the President, Terry Stewart, for covering this role and for his support during the year


The Chairman advised there was nothing further to add to the Income and Expenditure Account included in the Spring 2010 magazine.


Peter Schofield had audited the Accounts and has agreed to continue for a further year.  JS asked for approval by the meeting and this was given by a show of hands.


Terry Stewart said how everybody must be immensely impressed, as to the thoroughness of John Sprackling as the Chairman of the Association, and even though there was some concern for John’s health in the future, he would like to propose that John continue as the Chairman, and asked for a seconder.  It was seconded by John Gunton and carried unanimously.

JS thanked everyone for their support and said that how much he enjoyed being the Chairman.  He went on to say that John Defty had had to resign from the Treasurer’s position to care for his wife


JS proposed that the following members be elected as the executive committee for the coming year. A show of hands carried the motion.

President Terry Stewart

Chairman John Sprackling

Vice Chairman Vacant

Treasurer Paul Fearnley

Membership Secretary Michael Bond

Planning Officer Keith Alcroft

Secretary/Minute Secretary Carol Parkin

Data Protection Officer Stan Alfert

Magazine Editor John Gunton

Magazine Advertising Bob Young

Funding for Westbourne Medical Centre and the NHS Dental Practice in Westbourne – Whilst our Guest Speaker setting up for his presentation, the Chairman invited Jim Wilson, a member of the Association, to speak about NHS financial support for two of its services in the area covered by the Association.

JW opened by telling the meeting that he was formerly Chairman of the Poole Primary Care Trust. Over the last few months, he has become increasingly concerned about the amount of money that is likely to be cut from NHS services in this area.  Despite what each of the political parties are saying major cuts are well underway.  Two examples of this locally are:

  1. The refusal by Bournemouth & Poole NHS Primary Care Trust to honour some of the Running Costs (excluding Capital costs) of the previously agreed extension to the Westbourne Medical Centre. The extension is to provide better medical services for residents in our area which are much needed and will be more so when the cuts start having some effect on our two local hospitals.
  1. Turning to the NHS Dental Practice in Westbourne, the PCT agrees that the practice does not receive the full cost tariff which is given to other dental practices in the nearby area. The Dental Practice has taken on nearly 1 million pounds of their own liability on premises to improve dental facilities and was previously given the indication that they would receive funding to support the dental practice.  However, doubt has now been expressed that this will be so.

JW believes it is in the Association’s interest to take an active interest in the Primary Care Trust’s decisions, and called for somebody in the Association to take on this responsibility.

The Chairman said that it would be put down on the Agenda for the Association’s next monthly meeting.


JS welcomed the Guest Speaker

NB Awaiting for Warren’s transcript for inclusion

Mr. Lever then took questions from the floor.

Dennis Riley opened by pointing out the awfulness of the area around Poole Bus Station.  Mr. Riley also pointed out that the density of Canford Cliffs was not being maintained; demolishing one house and building three or four in its place, or a block of flats for instance.

He also said that there was a trend to build blocks of flats higher than the three stories originally agreed.

Mr. Lever answered by saying that first of all the LPA recognises the shortfalls of the bus station area and is currently working hard to make changes.

In order to comply with the last Government’s building programme, tall blocks of flats need to be built, and all that the LPA can do is to try to ensure that they are the right design and in the right place.

JS asked Mr. Lever if he could comment on the sub division of plots in Canford Cliffs.

Mr. Lever replied that this is something for the LPA to look at.

Terry Stewart commented that he was glad that Mr. Lever admits that Poole does not have a vision for the future.

He pointed out that even though Poole Quay was a Conservation Area, the LPA have more or less  accepted a terrible design for the rebuilding of the Thistle Hotel site and asks when are we going  to get really good control of the design of our most historic sites within the borough.

Mr. Lever pointed out that approval had not been given by the LPA  to the design to rebuild the Thistle Hotel, but there is a Planning Performance Agreement, which is a different thing, and is essentially a project execution plan for an application not approval of the application as such.

Barry Weir asked Mr. Lever to confirm that the restraints on design do not apply outside of the Conservation Areas.

Mr. Lever confirmed that the restraints do not apply to demolition, although PPS 1 is overarching.

Roy Pointer asked Mr. Lever how the LPA deals with the situation where in previous years they have made a ‘mistake’ and allowed an unsuitable building to be built in a conservation area and an application is made for a similar design, quoting the previous one as a precedent.

Mr. Lever replied that this could be difficult; however, if the prevailing character of the street is red brick for instance, an application going against this should be fairly easy to defend.

John Gunton asked about the Third Party Appeal procedure, and Mr. Lever replied that he was probably not the right person to talk about this.

The Chairman then thanked Mr. Lever for his presentation.


The Chairman welcomed Mr. Robert Syms (MP) who then gave a short talk.

Mr. Syms opened by explaining the arithmetic of Parliament following the election i.e. how the parliamentary seat numbers added up and led to the present situation of a Conservative/Lib.Dem Coalition.  David Cameron had to put aside Party interests in favour of national interest. The arrangement will require give and take between the two parties and Mr. Simms wishes both David Cameron and Nick Clegg well in doing the best for our country.

Mr. Syms then went on to tell the meeting about a Conservative Green Paper for Planning which addresses many of the concerns of people at the meeting, and that he expects a White Paper will be produced soon, setting out changes to the Planning system. For example, it is anticipated the White Paper will give more power to Local Authorities, and increased fines may be introduced that reflect property values to prevent developers riding roughshod over the system. He hopes that the changes will benefit Poole.

He finished off by saying that there has been a detrimental effect on suburban areas, not only in Poole, by classifying them as brownfield sites leading to a lot of inappropriate development, and he is sure that the new government will do its best to protect our environment and inheritance.


There being no further questions, the Chairman closed the meeting at 12.15am and invited members to stay for refreshments.

BPCCRA Minutes March 10th 2010




  • John Sprackling  Chairman
  • Keith Alcroft            Planning Officer
  • John Defty          Treasurer
  • Stan Alfert              Data Protection Officer
  • Bob Young          Magazine Advertising
  • Val Short             Minutes Secretary
  • Cllr Carole Deas             Ward Councillor
  • Cllr Neil Sorton                         ditto
  • Ken Sanson          Chairman, Sandbanks Assn
  • 20 Members/Wardens


JS welcomed CD & NS and all those present.

Apologies: Apologies received from Terry Stewart (Holiday), Cllr Mrs May Haines, Roy Pointer & William Mutlow who are attending the Annual Community Groups meeting, Roland Cunnell & Ray Wylde. Late apologies from John Fox.

Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 10 February 2010.


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported…

  1. 1. Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) developmentNo new developments
  2. 2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – ditto
  3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
  4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto
  5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – Coltham (Orchard) Ltd was due to make a Employment contribution under the S106 agreement of £104,910.35 on 01/01/10 but this has not yet been received.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

JS reported… 

Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road (Erection of blue oblique glass screens positioned around the timber decking area located at the front of the property – Enforcement Appeal APP/Q1255/C/09/2112004) The Inspector dismissed both appeals on 05/03/10, upheld the enforcement notice served and varied the period of compliance from “14 days” to “two months”. This restaurant is currently being offered for sale for £100.000.

75 Canford Cliffs Road (Alterations to existing entrance to form new vehicular access with gates) No new developments

55 Canford Cliffs Road (Front boundary treatment and gates does not comply with Branksome Park Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan)ditto

        19 Mornish Road (Tree replacement) ditto

        15A Westminster Road (Erection of railings over 1 metre high partly along the frontage of 15a Westminster Road, being adjacent to a highway. The boundary treatment then changes to a double close boarded fence over 1 metre high which continues along the frontage of Westminster Road,being adjacent to a highway and then turns South-West and continues down the boundary with Dalkeith Road being also adjacent to a highway)ditto

        2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road (Boundary treatment)ditto

              Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: No new developments

              Council Tax 2010/11 & Council”s Budget Monitoring report: NS reported that the current forecast underspend is £1.3m/£1.4m on a turnover of £100m, after of deduction of a “windfall” Housing & Planning Delivery Grant of £1.1m.

              Poole Partnership: JS reported that he had attended the Stronger Communities Partnership meeting on  03/03/10.  The principle item on the Agenda was the update of the Sustainable Community Strategy, following on from the State of the Area Debate.

              Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: KA reported that Cllr May Haines is trying to arrange a meeting, but this is unlikely to happen before Easter.

              Public Rights of Way:

              Westminster Road end of Dalkeith RoadThe Authority has made the decision to improve the lower section of the path as the unmade section meets the tarmac. The works will be carried out on 20/03/10. At this time the stones that have been erected will be moved to the side but left on site for collection by the owner, the kerb stone and ditches will be removed to create a 2.5m wide section of ramped footpath suitable for pedestrian use and DDA compliant (Disability Discrimination Act).

              The works will photographed and catalogued and should in the future these works be damaged, the stones re-erected or any other obstruction placed on this or any other section the Authority will recover their reasonable costs from the person/s responsible

              Buccleuch Road to Lakeside RoadSA said he is “chasing”  This has been ongoing for 3 years; last year SA was informed “ “they” thought it was a highway and that someone vaguely remembered driving down it in the past”  Local residents want it to be registered as a footpath or byway.  SA will continue to remind the council every year.

              NS commented that there is only one Rights of Way officer, so action does not happen swiftly!

              Bessborough Road – No new developments.

              Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

              Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): JS reported that the plants that five different plant species been selected for the two beds in the sunken garden.

              The cost will be £469.41 for 115 plants total (5 different plant species selected to make up this 115) and the Council were hoping that this could be funded by the Assn.

              Daphne Howell informed the meeting that she is very disappointed by how Pinecliff Gardens looks now, she outlined the history of the gardens, which were previously lawns with borders and then planted with colourful flowers each year.  More recently the flower beds had been replaced with ‘Mediterranean’ style planting, which has not flourished and now looks very bedraggled.

              DH suggested that all the plants should be removed, the soil covered by black plastic and pebbles with just a few attractive colourful drought resistant plants. After some discussion it was agreed that CD should liaise with DH and arrange a meeting with the officers and report back.

              The possibility of a volunteer group to either assist with the planting, and maybe maintain the garden was also discussed.

              It was agreed to defer a decision on whether the Assn should contribute to the planting until the other options had been investigated.

              Canford Cliffs Play area –  CD is still chasing this, but it will not be done until some time next year.

              NS commented that the upgrade of 22 play areas identified under the Playbuilder Scheme has to be completed by 2011, so these play areas have to be dealt with first.

              Use of Assn”s Capital Reserve & Canford Cliffs Library Noticeboard:  JS reported that the Canford Cliffs Library noticeboard is now in place but disappointment has been expressed about the legibility of the recognition.

              Members agreed that the Assn should request the wording to be changed to black or some other colour which is more legible

              Public Liability Insurance (PLI) –  JS is pursuing.


              KA reported…

              24 Ravine Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling with integral garaging. (Revised scheme) Amended plans received 08/12/09 and 25/01/10) – Application refused under delegated authority on 29/01/10 is now the subject of appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2122302) to be determined by Written Representations. The final date for Statements & representations is 29/03/10.

              JS suggested that Members might like to write to the Planning Inspectorate (using the on-line facility available via the Planning Inspectorate”s website <>) to show the strength of local feeling.

              4 Lawrence Drive (Demolish existing buildings and erect 1 block of 8 apartments with assoc parking) – Application refused on 05/03/10.

              2 Crawshaw Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect two 3-bed detached houses with associated parking) – Application registered 24/02/10.  Local concerns.

              JS reported…

              1 Westminster Road East (Demolish existing and erect a 3 storey single dwelling and garage with associated vehicular access) – Application refused on 04/03/10.

              The Cottage, Kingsgate, 7 The Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a block of 5 apartments and associated garages) – Application registered on 08/02/10. Previous applications to Demolish existing property and erect 5 replacement Townhouses) withdrawn.

              CD said that she has written to the Head of Planning & Regeneration about the driveway to the site and he has agreed to speak with the officers about this.

              29 Links Road (Demolish existing dwelling and sever land to erect 2 detached town houses) – Application granted subject to Unilateral Undertaking at Planning Committee meeting on 11/02/10.

              Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 10/12/09 is now to be the subject of a “Written Representations” appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2120940) and not a Hearing. The final date for Statements & representations is 10/03/10.

              Other current planning issues

              5 Highmoor Scott Koenigsberg, gm of free casino games at Zynga, told The Daily Telegraph that “old school gamers” who're a “much more engaged” kind of player as well as japan developed Montopia and Ayakashi games, he stated: “Many in our free casino games attract a really broad swathe of gamers however these free casino games are suitable for an infinitely more male audience who're a lot more engaged. Road (Demolish existing building and erect 1 block of 9 apartments with basement parking, bin & cycle stores) – Application registered 03/02/10.  Local concerns.

              11 Leicester Road

              (a) Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme) – (APP/Q1255/A/09/2118175)

              (b) Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling & associated buildings (revised scheme) – (APP/Q1255/E/09/2118176)

              Planning Inquiry has been fixed for 20/04/10 and three days had been set aside for this.  This will be an important test case for Branksome Park

              6 Durrant Road Demolish existing dwelling and erect x2 detached dwellings. (Revised Scheme) As amended by plans received 01/10/09) – Application refused under delegated authority on 11/12/09, now the subject of Written Representations appeals (APP/Q1255/A/10/2121180). The final date for Statements & representations is 10/03/10

              24 Cliff Drive (Extension to existing beach hut & relocate steps (revised Scheme) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 08/01/10.

              Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively.  MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

              4-6 Compton Avenue (Non material amendment of planning permission 06/12687/005/F to extend basement parking, an additional staircase, two roof lights, convert half gable window to full height) – Application registered on 14/10/09.  There is a technical issue regarding the minor amendment, in relation to correctly linking the amendment scheme to the section 106 agreement of permission 07/12687/006/F which the LPA are trying to sought out with the agent.

              8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application.   An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.  This property is up for sale at is “offers” in excess of £2m.

              60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council”s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

              4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS thanked John Defty who stepped down at this meeting having served as Hon Treasurer for eight years and presented a “bottle” as a token of the Assn”s appreciation.

              John Defty”s role is being taken over by Paul Fearnley.

              Chairman”s Note: JD has sent a signed copy of the Terms of Engagement to Schofields.  I should have sought agreement to the change in bank signatories but I will need to action this at our next meeting.

              5.                ANY OTHER BUSINESS

              Warning about external post boxes: A letter had been circulated by Dorset Police warning residents about a spate of ID theft after post has been stolen from external post boxes in the wall or at the gate of large houses in the area. The letter makes particular reference to large properties however external post boxes are often used for blocks of flats and apartments where residents prefer the security of restricted access.

              CCTV – The Oasis, Lindsay Road has suffered several thefts of bicycles from its “compound” at the rear of the premises. CCTV has recently been installed, which has proved extremely effective in assisting the police to identify, and subsequently apprehend, the miscreants.

              National Organisation of Residents” Associations AGM – JS reported that he attended the National Organisation of Residents” Associations AGM in London and the Guest Speaker was Robert Upton, Deputy Chair of the Infrastructure Planning Commission (Chairman: Sir Michael Pitt) which started its work on 01/03/10.

              Poole Council”s Business Transformation Programme – One of our members, Mr Gell, is taking a great interest in this project, which has now been running three years and is concerned about the poor communication about this project to residents.

              BPCCRA Spring 2010 Magazine: – Copy required by 29th March in order to have the magazines ready for distribution during the week commencing 19 April.

              Friends of Poole Park AGM – To be held at the Civic Centre on 22/03/10 at 7.00pm

              Minutes Secretary – JS thanked Val Short who stepped down at this meeting having served as Minutes Secretary for six years and presented a pot of primroses as a token of the Assn”s appreciation.

              Val Short”s role is being taken over by Carol Parkin.

              The meeting closed at 8.30pm

              Date of next meeting: The next meeting is Wednesday 14th April 2010 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm”s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

              Parkstone, Penn Hill & Canford Cliffs Safer Neighbourhood Newsletter Feb 2010

              h3>Restorative Justice for victim

              The Parkstone, Penn Hill & Canford Cliffs Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) held a Restorative Justice session involving three offenders who were responsible for throwing eggs at a property. Following consultation with the victim, it was agreed that the offences should be dealt with under the new Restorative Reprimand scheme, which is being pioneered by Dorset Police. The youths listened to the victim and learned how their actions had made the victim feel. They also apologised to the victim directly, offered their pocket money to pay for cleaning the windows and offered to clean the victim’s car. Restorative Reprimands such as these can be issued for low-level crimes committed by young people aged 10 to 17 years old, if they admit the offence. Unlike a usual reprimand, it brings together the offender and the victim to try to put things right.

              Current Priorties

              From Public meeting on 27 October 2009. You have told us that the following issues are important in your neighbourhood:

              • Tackling domestic and commercial burglaries
              • Parkins around Baden Powell and St Peters Schools
              • Speeding around Broadwater Avenue

              Your Safer Neighbourhood Team Home Safety Checklist

              Following the busy period at the start of the New Year, it is easy to forget the simple measures that ensure the safety of you, your home and your personal possessions as we head into Spring. Dorset Police is asking residents to remain vigilant and be aware of who is calling at their door, in a bid to prevent distraction burglaries. Officials from all councils across Dorset and employees of utility companies will always carry identification with them so the advice is – if you are in any doubt about the person at your door, don’t let them in. All council staff are required to wear ID badges at all times which will be offered when carrying out visits. A limited number of council officials have powers to enter people’s homes without prior notice. A council spokesperson said: “We would never visit a resident without good reason and only in exceptional circumstances do we visit without prior notice. If people are suspicious of anyone visiting their home they should always check they are genuine before allowing them entry. “Genuine callers do not mind being asked for identification or waiting until you have telephoned the organisation they claim to be from, to verify their details.”

              If someone calls at your door and you are not expecting anyone, the advice from Dorset Police is:

              • Stop – Before you answer the door, stop and think whether or not you are expecting anyone. Check the back door is closed and locked and remove the key.
              • Chain – Put the door chain or bar on the door before opening the door and always keep it on when talking to the person on your doorstep. If you can, look through a window to see who is calling.
              • Check – Ask for and carefully check their identity card. Take the card and close the door leaving the caller on the doorstep. Do not let them in. Do not phone the number on the card as this may be fake. If the caller states they are from the council or other authority, look the phone number up in the phone book or on a recent bill. You will then be able to check the caller is genuine. Take your time. If the caller is genuine they will be happy to wait while you do this.

              Debbie Oldfield, Crime Prevention Advisor, Dorset Police, explained: “If you do get any suspicious callers at your door asking to come in, please call Dorset Police on 01202 222 222.”

              Safer Neighbourhoods is a commitment by Dorset Police to improving the quality of life in our communities by working together with partner agencies – including Borough of Poole and Dorset Fire and Rescue Service – to tackle the issues identified by local people as those that matter most.

              Get in touch with us today to find out how you can raise your issues. This is your chance to influence the service that we, the police, and our partners provide. Your opinions are important to us – this process will not work without you.

              New police station opens in Poole

              The new Poole Police Station opened its doors to the public on 17 December 2009. The station is located in the Joint Emergency Services Building on Wimborne Road, near Poole Stadium, and will be open from 7am to midnight Sunday to Thursday, and from 7am to 1am on Fridays and Saturdays.

              Chief Superintendent Lynn Hart, who opened the building, said: “I’m delighted to have opened this excellent community facility. The new police station is far more welcoming and accessible to members of the public than the old police station at Poole Civic Centre. “It also provides us with improved facilities, including 10 more cell spaces, for delivering   operational policing in Poole.”

              The Joint Emergency Services Building is shared by Dorset Police and Dorset Fire & Rescue Service.

              Priority Update

              You said: vehicles are speeding in Broadwater Avenue, St Peters Road and Banks Road

              We have: teamed up with colleagues from Dorset Safety Camera Partnership to conduct speed checks in these roads. Drivers found to be over the speed limit were issued with educational leaflets on the potential consequences of speeding in residential areas.

              You said: anti-social behaviour is occurring in Alexandra Park, Constitution Hill and Sandbanks

              We have: increased our high-visibility patrols in these areas, seized alcohol from anyone under the age of 18 and moved on those found to be engaging in anti- social behaviour.

              You said: beach huts and motor vehicles are being damaged

              We have: increased our high-visibility patrols and issued crime- prevention advice to beach hut owners and motorists.

              Behind Bars

              An unemployed man from Bournemouth has been sent to prison for three years after he attacked and injured a man in Poole.

              The 23-year-old pleaded guilty to wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, after the incident near Poole Quay in May 2009.

              Useful contacts

              Police (Emergency)            999 Crimes in progress or life threatening incidents

              To give information or report an incident which is not an emergency

              24 hour answerphone or email:

              24/7 you can use the ‘Report It’ and ‘Apply For It’ options on the ‘home’ page online at for any Council service issue listed below.

              Police (Non-Emergency)            01202 222222

              Lesbian & Gay Liaison Officer (LAGLO)            01202 269911

              Borough of Poole

              Environmental Issues

              • Abandoned vehicles • Noise nuisance • Litter bins • Fly-tipping • • Refuse collection • Dogs (strays/barking/fouling) • Graffiti – ‘Report It’

              Highways & Transportation Issues

              • Potholes • Street lighting faults • Flooding – ‘Report It’ Parks & Open Spaces Issues – ‘Report It’

              Community Safety Issues

              Anti-social behaviour – ‘Report It’ – email: Community Development – email:

              Social Services

              Adults Help Desk – email: Children & Young People – email:

              01202 261700

              01202 262200 01202 261306

              01202 633516 01202 633430

              01202 633902 01202 735046

              Raise your issues

              Safer Poole Partnership


              Poole Housing Partnership (PHP)


              Main Switchboard

              01202 633497/633805 01202 264444 01202 633633

              Citizens Advice Bureau                  01202 680838

              Home Watch Pat Halliday 01202 700911

              NHS Direct 0845 46 47

              Wilts & Dorset                  01202 673555

              Benefits Agency                  01202 446000

              Dorset out-of-hours medical service            0845 600 1013


              Benefits Fraud                  01202 333000

              Crimestoppers            0800 555 111

              Confidential anti-terrorist hotline            0800 789 321

              Next public meeting:


              To be confirmed. See for details

              Canford Cliffs Library, Western Road

              First Friday of every month 10:30 am – 12 pm

              Parkstone Library, Britannia Road

              Last Friday of every month, 10.00am-12pm

              Get in Touch

              Let us know what concerns you most.


              01202 222 222 or 07796 678451

              Write to:

              Parkstone, Penn Hill & Canford Cliffs SNT Poole Police Station, Wimborne Road, Poole, BH15 2BP




              Visit for more opportunities to raise issues in your neighbourhood.

              BPCCRA February Minutes Posted

              To see the Branksome Park and Canford Cliffs Resident Association Meeting February 2010 minutes please click here


              • Cabinet meeting recommends 2.9% Council Tax Rise.
              • Canford Cliffs Play Area “on hold”.
              • Notice Board for Library ordered.
              • Carol Parkin appointed new Minutes Secretary from April 2010.
              • 11 Leicester Road Care Home Application – Planning Inquiry on 20/04/2010 at the Guildhall at 10:00 am. Please attend to show the strength of local feeling.

              Date of next meeting Wednesday 10th march, St. Aldhelms.

              Entries for BPCCRA Residents Spring 2010 Magazine

              The Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs And District Residents Association welcomes any articles from Branksome Park/ Canford Cliffs residents for their Spring 2010 Magazine (Deadline: 27th March 2010)

              • Is there anything you particularly like, or dislike about our area?
              • Are you involved in a sport, club or charity? Would you like to tell everyone about it? Do you need new players or members?
              • Do you like writing? You could submit an article for the magazine?
              • Are there any issues in Branksome Park/Canford Cliffs that give you cause for concern? tell us about it and find others who share your point of view.
              • Are you happy with the state of This exam will cdl classes your overall ability to operate your vehicle safely through various traffic situations that you’d encounter as a licensed driver. Branksome Woods, Martello Woods, Pinecliff gardens, Canford Cliffs Chine etc.? Woudl you like to see any improvements?

              Please submit all entries to your Residents Association Committee (listed in BPCCRA Magazine) or contact

              BPCCRA Minutes February 10th 2010


              HELD ON WEDNESDAY 10th FEBRUARY 2010 AT 7.30PM



              • John Sprackling  – Chairman
              • Keith Alcroft – Planning Officer
              • Stan Alfert  – Data Protection Officer
              • Val Short – Minutes Secretary
              • Cllr Mrs May Haines  – Ward Councillor
              • Cllr Neil Sorton – Ward Councillor
              • 20 Members/Wardens


              JS welcomed MH NS, those present for the first time and all those present.

              Apologies: Apologies received from Terry Stewart (Holiday), John Defty, Bob & Phyllis Young, Peter DuLieu, Ken Sanson, Chairman, Sandbanks Assn

              Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 13 January 2010.

              2. MATTERS ARISING

              Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported…

              1. 1. Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) developmentNo new developments
              2. 2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – A planning application to erect a 116 bed care home with an associated Day Centre.was registered on 18/01/10.
              3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – No new developments
              4. Quay Thistle Hotel site
              5. 5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – a statement in the accounts for Coltham Orchard Ltd for the year to 30/11/08 seems to contradict 3.5 of the report of former Head of Planning Control & Design presented to the Planning Committee on 11/12/08. The Head of Legal & Democratic Services does not feel that this is material from a planning point of view “at this stage”.  JS is pursuing this with BDO Stoy Hayward LLP, the accountants acting for Coltham Orchard Ltd.

              Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

              JS reported…

              75 Canford Cliffs Road (Alterations to existing entrance to form new vehicular access with gates) – Amended plans refused on 07/12/09. The owner has been asked to undertake the works to reinstate the boundary by 22/03/10.

              55 Canford Cliffs Road (Front boundary treatment and gates does not comply with Branksome Park Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan) – a formal notice is being served.

              19 Mornish Road (Tree replacement) – Preparation for presentation of the details of this case to legal advisers are underway.

              15A Westminster Road – Planning Enforcement Officer was visiting site on 04/02/10 to see if the Notice served last year has been complied with yet.

              Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road – No new developments.

              2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Roadditto

              Community Working Group (CWG), Progress re Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations & IDeA Report: Roy Pointer reported on CWG meeting held on 20/01/10…

              Pre-application advice – Concern has been expressed about the delay in the pre-application advice appearing on the website. Stephen Thorne has agreed to look into speeding up the process but said that it is not essential for them to be displayed before a determination just as long as they are displayed.

              Ward Walks – The Spring Ward Walk is planned for 14th April 2010.  Residents should bring matters to their Councillors that they wish to be discussed during the walk. NS reminded members that Ward Walks are not intended for discussing particular planning applications, just the general character of the area.

              Sea Defences and Flooding – The group were informed that an external consultant has been commissioned to look into what flood defence measures are required to protect the town centre up to 2026, including costs. .

              Major applications and developments – The level of engagement with the community representatives was questioned with regard to major applications and developments.

              Newsletter – a 2nd edition of the Planning & Regeneration Unit’s newsletter is currently being worked on the next and the aim is to release  this by 19th February.

              Annual Meeting – The Community Working Group has now been running for a year and it was always the intention that it will have a 50% refresh at the point of the annual meeting.  RP said that the Assn has been one of the most active contributors to the group we should do what it can to retain its seat on the Group.

              JS said he would circulate the full Minutes of the meeting with the Assn’s Minutes.

              Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: JS reminded members that comments on Poole & Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan are required by 17/02/10. A  comment form can be downloaded from the website

              Council Tax 2010/11 & Council’s Budget Monitoring report: JS reported that the Council’s 2010/11 Budget was presented at last night’s Cabinet meeting and a 2.9% rise in Council Tax is to be recommended at next week’s Council meeting.

              William Mutlow reported that the Council’s Financial Monitoring Report as at 31/12/09 shows a current forecast underspend of just under £1.9m.  This includes a provisional Housing & Planning Delivery Grant of £1.1m recently received from Central Government   Without this the underspend would have been £0.8m..  The unearmarked reserves for the next financial year is £6.7m – £7m’

              At the last meeting, WM queried the Council’s use of ‘Earmarked Reserves’ which were not shown in the Original Budget, seemingly to ‘balance the books’ . Adam Richens, Head of Accountancy

              “…Earmarked Reserves are amounts set aside to support one-off costs pressure associated with a specific project or programme where the expenditure will fall over more than one period of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP). They are not included in the budget book due to the uncertainties around the exact timing of the expenditure.

              As an example in September 2008 the Council established a £300,000 earmarked reserve to be applied in support of the Carbon Management Programme over the MTFP period.

              Within the Council’s December 2009/10 Budget Monitoring report (Appendix A8) £73,000 has been identified as the forecast expenditure to be spent in supporting the Carbon Reduction Programme in 2009/10. The £3.149m total use of earmarked reserves figure (Appendix A1) includes the estimated drawdown of this £73,000.”

              Poole Partnership: JS reported that the State of the Area Debate meeting has been re-scheduled for  tomorrow (11/02/10).

              Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: MH reported that Highways have reprinted the maps from the internet, hopefully they will be better, but it is probably as good as they will get!

              Public Rights of Way:

              Westminster Road end of Dalkeith RoadNo further developments

              Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Roadditto

              Bessborough Road – ditto

              Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

              Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden):   MH reported that the Canford Cliffs Play Area had been “put on hold”.

              JS reported on the meeting with Simon Legg and Karen Elborn, Natural Habitats Supervisor, Borough of Poole which took place on 20/01/10.  Also present were Cllrs Mrs Haines, Neil Sorton, Keith Alcroft & Ian Lewis, Chairman of Dorset Lake Residents’ Assn.

              The planting in the sunken garden is be improved and the shrubbery immediately below the Southern wall is to be cut back to allow a better view in the direction of the Isle of Wight.  It may be possible, in the longer term, to remove the holm oak on the cliff face to provide a better view of the harbour.

              It has been suggested that the Assn should take advantage of the Green Card scheme which allows local residents, community groups and other organisations to apply for new or improved leisure related facilities in parks or other open spaces across the Borough. The Green Card application form can be downloaded from the BoP website and JS is looking for a volunteer willing to take this forward.

              Use of Assn’s Capital Reserve & Canford Cliffs Library Noticeboard:  JS reported that the Canford Cliffs Library noticeboard is on order.

              Public Liability Insurance (PLI) –  JS is pursuing.

              Mobile ‘Phone Mast, Elgin Road: A Prior Approval application to remove the existing 12 metre pole and replace with a 15 metre high pole & an additional cabinet at ground level was granted on 18/10/10.


              KA reported…

              Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 10/12/09 is now the subject of appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2120940) to be determined at a Hearing. The final date for Statements & representations is 10/03/10.

              Roland Cunnell suggested that Members might like to write to the Planning Inspectorate (using the on-line facility available via the Planning Inspectorate’s website <>) to show the strength of local feeling.

              7A Bury Road (Demolition of the existing bungalow and detached garage and an amended proposal for a new 3 storey detached dwelling) – Appeal dismissed on 03/02/10.

              JS reported that the application for 29 Links Road (Demolish existing dwelling and sever land to erect 2 detached town houses) is due to be determined at tomorrow’s meeting of Planning Committee. The officer’s recommendation is to ‘Grant Subject to Unilateral Undertaking’.

              NS reported that the Planning Inquiry for 11 Leicester Road has been fixed for 20/04/10 and three days had been set aside for this.  This will be an important test case for Branksome Park

              (a) Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme) – (APP/Q1255/A/09/2118175)

              (b) Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling & associated buildings (revised scheme) – (APP/Q1255/E/09/2118176.

              Other current planning issues

              6 Durrant Road Demolish existing dwelling and erect x2 detached dwellings. (Revised Scheme) As amended by plans received 01/10/09) – Application refused under delegated authority on 11/12/09, now the subject of Written Representations appeals (APP/Q1255/A/10/2121180). The final date for Statements & representations is 10/03/10

              24 Cliff Drive (Extension to existing beach hut & relocate steps (revised Scheme) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 08/01/10.

              4 Lawrence Drive (Demolish existing buildings and erect 1 block of 8 apartments with assoc parking) – Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 20/11/09.  Amended plans lodged on 18/11/09 and application has been ‘Red-carded’.  Note from Tree Officer dated 19/01/10 – “No objection”.

              The Cottage, Kingsgate, 7 The Avenue (Demolish existing property and erect 5 replacement Townhouses) – Amended plans lodged on 30/11/09.

              10 Nairn Road (Demolish the existing house and erect 2 x 4 bedroom maisonettes with associated parking) – Application registered on 24/08/09.  Letter of objection by Assn lodged on 10/10/09.  Amended plans lodged on 27/11/09.  Letter of objection from Natural England registered on 07/12/09.

              Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively.  MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

              19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – S106 details to be submitted before determining.

              4-6 Compton Avenue (Non material amendment of planning permission 06/12687/005/F to extend basement parking, an additional staircase, two roof lights, convert half gable window to full height) – Application registered on 14/10/09.  There is a technical issue regarding the minor amendment, in relation to correctly linking the amendment scheme to the section 106 agreement of permission 07/12687/006/F which the LPA are trying to sought out with the agent.

              8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application.   An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

              60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions


              Warren Lever, Environment and Design Team Leader gave an interesting and informative insight into

              • Character Appraisals in Conservation Areas
              • Design Judgement and Assessment for planning applications
              • Character and By Design/PPS1 – raising the bar.
              • Characterisation Work of Borough

              NS:    What is professional relationship between design officer and case officers?

              WL:  The design officer can offer advice, but the case officer is not bound to follow the recommendations

              NS:  Should they not be on the ‘same side’?

              WL:  Not always.  There needs to be more training on design issues for planning officers.  ‘Building for life’ assessment is driving up quality.

              Roy Pointer:  The character of buildings in Branksome Park has not been consistent in the developments during the past 10 years or so (e.g. Thunderbirds / traditional) and there is no longer a defined architectural style.  New development cannot rectify the mistakes.

              WL:  Planners need to assess the character of the street, although it is easier to define the character in some places than in others, and then try to guide in the right direction.

              A member  It sets a precedent if “thing” is built in the middle of “good stuff”, this can lead to problems.

              WL:  The prevailing grain and form of buildings in the area is the main guideline and sometimes the inspectorate with agree, sometimes not.

              A member: Who decides where conservation areas are to be?

              WL:  The local authority.  The aim is to raise the quality of the area, but you have to draw a line somewhere. A definite character trait is needed, and adjacent areas are also important.

              SA: To what extent will planners change attitudes to ‘bits in the middle’?

              WL  This comes back to the issue of Borough-wide Conservation Area guidelines.

              Chris Stacey  There is a large amount of anger in the area over the characterisation of the Lilliput area being turned into a ‘Florida seafront’ with characterless properties not of lasting quality.  The constant building sites and associated traffic is upsetting local residents as it has been going on for some time.

              WL  It is hoped that characterisation work will help with policies.

              NS  Conservation area status gives greater powers to the local authority.

              1. CANFORD CLIFFS & PENN HILL AREA COMMITTEE MEETING (04/02/09)  As TS was not present there was no report but the Agenda included reports on
              • Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken Garden) – see above
              • Tower Road (Request for parking restrictions) – The Traffic Panel met on 25/11/09 and recommended no action.
              • Pedestrian lights at the Branksome Railway Hotel – It is argued that, before timing of the lights was changed, pedestrians were having a disproportionate effect on traffic congestion.

              Chairman’s note: I do not accept this argument as, if a pedestrian presses the button and gets and immediate response, the traffic has to stop.  If a pedestrian presses the button and has to wait for a minute, the traffic will still have to stop. However, I fear that this is a lost cause.

              5. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS reported that JD had asked to step down as Hon Treasurer and he has approached another member to take over this role.  The individual is willing to do so but already has e regular commitment on the 2nd Wednesday of each month which means that he would not be able to attend the Assn’s monthly meetings, although he will be able to attend the AGM.

              No member raised any particular objection to the idea of the treasurer not being able to attend meetings, as cash statements will distributed in the normal way and any queries can dealt with by

              e-mail/telephone, as the need arises.

              Chairman’s note: The total funds at 31st January 2010 stand at £34,571.89.

              6.ANY OTHER BUSINESS

              Minutes Secretary – JS said that he had been seeking someone to succeed Val Short but, so far, without success.

              Chairman’s note: I’m pleased to say that Carol Parkin, who is a Trustee of Canford Cliffs Village Hall,

              has kindly agreed to take over the role of Minutes Secretary from 14/04/10.

              The meeting closed at 9.00pm

              Date of next meeting: The next meeting is Wednesday 10th March 2010 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

              BPCCRA Minutes January 13th 2010




              • Terry Stewart – President
                John Sprackling – Chairman
                John Defty  – Treasurer
                Keith Alcroft – Planning Officer
                Bob Young  –  Magazine Advertising
                Stan Alfert – Data Protection Officer
                Val Short – Minutes Secretary
              • Cllr Neil Sorton – Ward Councillor
              • Ken Sanson – Chairman, Sandbanks Assn
              • 15 Members/Wardens


              JS welcomed NS & Ken Sanson and all those present.

              Apologies: Apologies received from Cllr Mrs Carole Deas (visiting elderly relative) & Cllr Mrs May Haines (re-scheduled Environment Overview & Scrutiny meeting)

              JS said that he had  ‘phoned Warren Lever, Environment and Design Team Leader, Borough of Poole, and put off his visit until the Assn’s next meeting on 10/02/10.

              Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 09 December 2009.

              2. MATTERS ARISING

              Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported…

              1.   Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – Driftwood Brasserie on the 1st floor was opened on 12/10/09 but closed last month and is expected to re-launched sometime in 2010. .
              2.    Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – a planning application for a Care Home is to be submitted at the end of this week.
              3.    Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – No new developments
              4.    Quay Thistle Hotel site – Andy Taylor, Head of UK Property, Stenham Property Limited wrote to JS on 05/01/10 “Following the recent debt restructuring I have arranged a meeting with our professional team next Friday to look afresh at the various development proposals which have been prepared for the site. Following this I hope to meet Poole Borough Council before the end of January.”

              TS referred to the financial reports on the Thistle Hotel site and asked if the Council were confident that the developer is viable.
              NS replied that the Planning Application needed to be dealt with first, then it is implicit that before the council enters into any negotiation all public enquiries are made.  Even if the Planning Application were approved on appeal there would be no obligation on the council to sell or lease land to anyone unsuitable.

              5.    Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street

              Chairman’s note: A statement in the accounts for Coltham Orchard Ltd for the year to 30/11/08 seems to contradict 3.5 of the report of former Head of Planning Control & Design presented to the Planning Committee on 11/12/08 and JS is seeking clarification from the Head of Legal & Democratic Services about this.

              Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

              JS reported

              15A Westminster Road – No new developments.
              Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road – ditto
              2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road – ditto

              TS has suggested the inclusion of ‘Key Planning Enforcement successes’ in the Community Working Group Newsletter.  This is particularly relevant in view of yesterday’s enormous media coverage about home owners and developers in Poole who are suspected of damaging protected trees in the Sandbanks & Branksome Park to provide better sea views or enhance the development potential of their sites.

              Roy Pointer felt that the Assn should make it known that it supports the Local Planning Authority in all that it is doing to address this issue. It was agreed that

              • BPCCRA does not condone this behaviour.
              • We have a system of wardens looking out for this.
              • We will report any problems to the Council.
              • We support the Council’s determination to enforce rigorously where criminal damage to trees is identified and any publicity given to this is welcome.
              • We are pleased that the media are taking interest in a topic about which we feel strongly.

              NS was called to look at a tree in Haven Road 5 years ago, he also inspected the property which benefited from the damage to the tree, but nothing could be proved.
              William Mutlow witnessed branches being removed from an oak tree adjoining his property by tree surgeons in the early morning, when WM contacted the council he was informed that the developer had telephoned to say that dead branches needed to be removed.
              Concern was expressed that, although there is an exemption to the rules for trees that are dead, diseased or dying, no examination or investigation is made if a developer or tree surgeon telephones the council and informs them that the tree is dead, diseased or dying.
              RP offered to put this on the agenda for next weeksí Community Working Group meeting, please email examples or case studies.  Items of a general nature also required for the agenda.

              Community Working Group (CWG), Progress re Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations & IDeA Report: RP reported that next CWG meeting is on 20/01/10.
              Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: RP reminded members that comments on Poole & Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan are required by 17/02/10. A  comment form can be downloaded from the website

              Council Tax 2010/11 & Council’s Budget Monitoring report: William Mutlow commented, once again, that the Revised Budget at 30/09/09 showed significant variances to the figures shown for Original Budget. JS said that he write to the Head of Financial Services about this.
              The Council’s 2010/11 Budget is due to be presented at the Cabinet meeting on 09/02/10.

              Poole Partnership: JS reported that State of the Area Debate meeting scheduled for Monday (11/01/10) was cancelled and no new date has been set.

              The Local Development Framework Working Group meeting scheduled for yesterday was cancelled – the next meeting is fixed for 13/04/10.

              Richard Dimbleby, chairman of the Poole Partnership, a member of the South West Regional Council of the Learning and Skills Council and a governor of the Arts University College, the new chairman of the Community Foundation for Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole.

              The Community Foundation helps secure and distribute funding for local community groups and helps individuals and businesses looking to put money back into the community.
              Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: KA reported that he had been passed copies of the utilities maps for the parade by MH a couple of weeks ago. KA said that the copies are difficult to read and he plans to make arrangements to see the originals
              TS pointed out the planting season will end in March but KA said that it would not be possible to progress this before then.

              Public Rights of Way:

              Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – Richard Dimbleby has been passed a letter dated 21/12/09 from Sophia O’Sullivan – Rights of Way Officer is following this up.
              Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – No further developments
              Bessborough Road – ditto

              Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

              Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): A meeting with Simon Legg and Karen Elborn, Natural Habitats Supervisor, Borough of Poole has been fixed for 20/01/10 at 2.30pm.

              Use of Assn’s Capital Reserve & Canford Cliffs Library Noticeboard:

              TS reported that the Canford Cliffs Library noticeboard would be installed on the outside wall under the existing Library sign, which would be raised to accommodate it.  The existing sign is blue and the aluminium lockable noticeboard could be a similar colour. The cost, inclusive of VAT and installation, would be £960.  There was overwhelming support from the meeting to spend up to £1000, provided the noticeboard had toughened glass, TS to ascertain.  TS to have authority to make decisions on colour, etc.

              Public Liability Insurance (PLI) –  JS is pursuing.

              Mobile ‘Phone Mast, Elgin Road: No new developments


              KA reported…
              24 Cliff Drive (Extension to existing beach hut & relocate steps (revised Scheme) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 08/01/10.
              11 Leicester Road
              (a) Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme)
              (b) Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling & associated buildings (revised scheme) – Both applications applications, which were refused under delegated authority on 21/08/09, are now the subject of appeals (APP/Q1255/A/09/2118175 & APP/Q1255/E/09/2118176) to be determined at a Planning Inquiry. The final date for Statements & representations is 2nd February 2010.
              Chairman’s note: Members might like to write to the Planning Inspectorate (using the on-line facility available via the Planning Inspectorate’s website <>) to show the strength of local feeling.
              Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 10/12/09.
              St Ann’s Hospital
              (a)Erect two 2-storey buildings on site to accommodate a 12 bed Psychiatric Care Unit and 48 long stay bed spaces. New combined entrance & extensions to existing 1980’s acute ward block. Demolition of 1970 block. Associated car parking, hardstanding & landscaping. Amended Plans 19/11/09) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 10/12/09.
              (b) Listed Building application to replace existing metal escape staircase, alterations to reception counter & demolition of 70’s block and repair to west end of building) – Application ‘Granted with Conditions’ ‘by Planning Committee on 10/12/09.

              Other current planning issues
              19 Torbay Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect 3 no. 4-bedroom detached houses with associated parking) – application granted ‘Subject to Unilateral Undertaking’ on 23/12/09.
              46-48 Tower Road (Demolish existing houses and erect 14 flats with basement and surface parking)
              -application granted ‘Subject to Unilateral Undertaking’ on 31/12/09.
              Land adj. 2 Mornish Road (Erect a 5-bed detached house with attached garage, access from Mornish Road. (Revised Scheme) – application granted ‘Subject to Unilateral Undertaking’ on 22/12/09.
              4 Lawrence Drive (Demolish existing buildings and erect 1 block of 8 apartments with assoc parking) – Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 20/11/09.  Amended plans lodged on 18/11/09 and application has been ‘Red-carded’.
              75 Canford Cliffs Road (Alterations to existing entrance to form new vehicular access with gates) – Amended plans lodged on 02/12/09.
              The Cottage, Kingsgate, 7 The Avenue (Demolish existing property and erect 5 replacement Townhouses) – Amended plans lodged on 30/11/09.
              29 Links Road (Demolish existing dwelling and sever land to erect 2 detached town houses) – Application registered on 26/10/09 and has been ‘Red-carded’.
              10 Nairn Road (Demolish the existing house and erect 2 x 4 bedroom maisonettes with associated parking) – Amended plans lodged on 27/11/09.
              Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively.  MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.
              19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – S106 details to be submitted before determining.
              4-6 Compton Avenue (Non material amendment of planning permission 06/12687/005/F to extend basement parking, an additional staircase, two roof lights, convert half gable window to full height) – Application registered on 14/10/09.  There is a technical issue regarding the minor amendment, in relation to correctly linking the amendment scheme to the section 106 agreement of permission 07/12687/006/F which the LPA are trying to sought out with the agent.
              8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application.   An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.
              60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

              4.    ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JD reported that the total funds as at 31st  December amounted to just under £33,700.    JD

              5.     ANY OTHER BUSINESS

              NS reported on the following two matters

              1. Proposed Chester & Forest Road Conservation Area: This was one result from the Ward Walks which NS & MH had taken part in with officers.  JS said he had been told that there was positive response from residents of the roads in question and a public consultation meeting was being held shortly.

              2. Closure of Branksome Dene car park: The Car Park will be closed for essential works from 25th – 29th January. The essential works will include the roots of trees and shrubs, which are making access to the car park hazardous for cyclists and pedestrians.  Transportation Services and Leisure Services Arboricultural Officer Andy Osbourne will determine which roots are causing the problem before undertaking the appropriate . The Community Centre have been consulted and agreed the dates and all beach hut tenants/owners have been notified.

              Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting: JS reminded members of the meeting on 20/01/10 at 7.00pm at the Main Hall, Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

              The meeting closed at 8.15pm

              Date of next meeting: The next meeting is Wednesday 10th February 2010 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road) To include presentation by Warren Lever, Environment and Design Team Leader, Borough of Poole.