BPCCRA Minutes April 14th 2010




  • John Sprackling Chairman
  • Keith Alcroft Planning Officer
  • Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer
  • Bob Young Magazine Advertising
  • Carol Parkin Minutes Secretary
  • Cllr Mrs Carole Deas Ward Councillor
  • Cllr Mrs May Haines ditto
  • Cllr Neil Sorton ditto


JS welcomed CD, MH & NS, all those present and Carol Parkin, the Assn”s Minutes Secretary

Apologies: Apologies received from Terry Stewart (Rotary meeting), Michael Bond, Ray & Janice Wylde

Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 10 March 2010.


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported…

1.            Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – No new developments

2.            Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – Application for 116 bed care home with an associated Day Centre) is now to be the subject of an appeal to be determined at a Planning Inquiry. NS pointed out that the council”s plan for this key brownfield site is that it should be used as a Science Park.

3.            Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – No new developments

4.            Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto

5.            Old Orchard House. 39-61 High Street – A payment of £153,173.64 was received from Coltham (Orchard) Ltd and banked on 02/02/10.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

JS reported…

75 Canford Cliffs Road (Alterations to existing entrance to form new vehicular access with gates) – The works closing the unauthorised entrance have been completed.

55 Canford Cliffs Road (Front boundary treatment and gates does not comply with Branksome Park Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan) – A Breach of Condition Notice against Barrington Homes was served on 29/03/10. The notice requires the removal of the gates, railings, fence and hedge, and the erection of a low stone wall with planting behind, to be undertaken in the next 3 months. The reason for the long compliance period is that there are new owners living at the property, and the developer will need time to secure access on to the property from them to carry out the works.

Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road (Erection of blue oblique glass screens positioned around the timber decking area located at the front of the property) – No new developments (Owner required to comply within two months from 05/03/10)

19 Mornish Road (Tree replacement) – No new developments (Preparation for presentation of the details of this case to legal advisers are underway)

15A Westminster Road (Erection of railings over 1 metre high partly along the frontage of 15a Westminster Road, being adjacent to a highway. The boundary treatment then changes to a double close boarded fence over 1 metre high which continues along the frontage of Westminster Road,being adjacent to a highway and then turns South-West and continues down the boundary with Dalkeith Road being also adjacent to a highway)– No new developments (Legal documents are being prepared in order to prosecute the developer for failing to comply with an enforcement notice also served regarding the boundary fence)

2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road (Boundary treatment) – No new developments.

Compton Acres – (Planning permission for non ancillary offices on the site was granted on 07/12/98 but it appears that this non ancillary use has been relocated to a different area on the site. The LPA is seeking to establish whether an application to regulate this change is required) – No new developments.

Community Working Group (CWG), Progress re Sir Michael Pitt”s recommendations & IDeA Report: Roy Pointer reported on the Residents” Associations and Community Groups Annual meeting on  10/03/10 and said that the Minutes of the meeting would be circulated the Minutes of tonight”s meeting.

The next Community Working Group meeting is fixed for 05/05/10.

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: No new developments

Council Tax 2010/11 & Council”s Budget Monitoring report: William Mutlow reported on the Council Budget Monitoring Report (01/04/09 – 28/02/10) presented at last night”s Cabinet meeting.           

The Year End Forecast £2.5m Surplus is an increase of £397k over that reported at last month”s meeting. However there is an increase over last month”s “Year End Forecast” for Cost of Portfolio Controlled Services (£2.001m) and the subsequent Net Operating Expenditure (£3.049m) that is mainly offset by a newly introduced item “Impairment” with a Year End Forecast (£3.546m). MH gave her meaning of’ ‘impairment’ and offered to follow this up. JS said he would ask the Head of Financial Services for an explanation of the term “Impairment Adjustment”.

The Capital Budget for 2009/10 has been reduced from £49.5m down to £28.9m due to significant slippage, reported throughout the financial year, and will be carried forward to future years.

John Fox asked if the Council could let us know more about what is ‘Statutory’ expenditure and what is ‘discretionary’ expenditure JS said that he will endeavour to get some clarification on this.

Poole Partnership: JS reported that, at last night”s meeting, the Cabinet approved the Partnership”s revised terms of reference and two changes of name…           

  • The Steering Group is to be renamed the “Poole Partnership Vision Group” and its role redefined to clarify its responsibility of maintaining a strategic overview of the work of the Partnership,with a more inclusive membership more representative of Poole’s partners and community.
  • The Performance Management Group is to be renamed the “Poole Partnership Management Board” and its role redefined to clarify its role as the executive board, responsible for the overall management of the Partnership, ensuring delivery of the Partnership’s priorities.

JS said he also attended the Local Development Framework Working Group meeting yesterday afternoon Agenda items included…

“Harbouring a Lifetime of Opportunities” – Draft Refreshed Sustainable Community Strategy 2026 – the update of the Sustainable Community Strategy, follows on from the State of the Area Debate.

Third Local Transport Plan 2011 – 2016 – Timetable for delivery…

Jan – May 2010            Consultation & evidence gathering

June – August 2010            Prepare Draft Plan

Sept – November 2010 Consult on Draft Plan

Dec 2010/Jan 2011 Prepare Final Plan

Feb 2011 Approval process

March 2011 Publication & Submission

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – Local Planning Authorities were permitted to make use of the CIL scheme from last Tuesday (06/04/10),

Conservatives will scrap CIL, if elected and replace with a “local based tariff”. However, all parties agree on the importance of infrastructure planning and delivery. Likely that the CIL principle will re-emerge with a different name meaning current work will not be abortive. CIL to replace Section 106 agreements by 2014.

Poole”s timetable for the introduction of the scheme is as follows…

  • Preferred Options Consultation – Summer 2010
  • Pre-submission Consultation – End 2010
  • Examination – Summer/Autumn 2011
  • Adoption – End 2011

Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: Keith Alcroft reported on the slots online progression of the discussion on planting trees on Haven Road, in Canford Cliffs. There has now been some movement on this.  KH had attended a discussion on the options at the Council Offices.  The Council needs to have further discussions with Transportation, as it transpires that there will be a need to remove two or three of the car parking spaces on the North side of Haven Road to accommodate the trees. It was pointed out to the Chairman that this idea might not find favour with either the traders on Haven Road or the residents.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – JS reported that the Council carried out some works to the lower section of the path where the unmade section meets the tarmac on 20/03/10.

A resident of Westminster Road remains concerned about this and the Rights of Way Officer has suggested a site meeting. The suggested date/time is 29th April at 10am. JS said that if anyone was interested in joining the meeting, please let him know.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – No new developments.

Bessborough Road – ditto

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden) CD reported that she had not been able to make any progress on this and that the Council attitude seemed to be that the planting had been done and therefore it was a fait accompli.   However, CD is not very happy about this, especially in view of all the help that has been offered to the Council and feels that we should have a meeting with the Council again. There was some discussion on the area that had been ‘opened up’ by the Council to provide a view of the harbour. MH has viewed this area and wonders if, in fact, the Council have carried out work in the correct area.

Use of Assn”s Capital Reserve & Canford Cliffs Library Noticeboard: – SA wondered if the Association would be able to retain a small part of this board for its own use i e advertising events etc. It would only need to be an A5 size.

Public Liability Insurance (PLI) – JS is pursuing.

Poole Council”s Business Transformation Programme – Chairman”s note: Brian Gell is monitoring this on behalf of the Assn..

BPCCRA Spring 2010 Magazine & AGM Chairman”s note: It is hoped that the magazine will be available for distribution during the week commencing 19th April.


Keith Alcroft reported

Former Cafe building, Compton Acres (Change of use of former cafe building A3 to playschool D1) – The Wise Owl Pre-school currently operates from a Church Hall in Ashley Cross which is to be disposed of for development. It is proposed that the pre-school will cater for 30 children, 20 in the morning and 10 in the afternoon. Access will be via Compton Acres car park and the gate on Canford Cliffs Road will be kept locked. Residents had had similar assurances when the cafe was operating but delivery vans often parked in Canford Cliffs Road and used this entrance. It was agreed that the Association would take no action unless asked to do so by members.

24 Cliff Drive (Extension to existing beach hut & relocate steps (revised Scheme) – Application granted on 26/03/10.

The three day Planning Inquiry re 11 Leicester Road (a) Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme) (APP/Q1255/A/ 09/2118175) & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling & associated buildings (revised scheme) (APP/Q1255/E/09/2118176) will commence on 20/04/10 at The Guildhall, Market Street, Poole at 10.00am. It would be good if as many members as possible could attend to show the strength of feeling, as this will be an important test case for Branksome Park

JS reported…

The Cottage, Kingsgate, 7 The Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a block of 5 apartments and associated garages) – Application was refused by Planning Committee on 25/03/10.

5 Highmoor Road (Demolish existing building and erect 1 block of 9 apartments with basement parking, bin & cycle stores) – Application was due be determined at tomorrow”s Planning Committee meeting but this has been deferred.

Other current planning issues

2 Tower Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect 3no. detached houses with integral garages) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 16/02/10.

11 Westminster Road (Demolition of the existing building and construction of three detached houses with associated parking and access. (revised scheme – Application registered on 25/01/10. Local concerns.

7 Lakeside Road (Erect a three storey block of six x two bed flats and one three bed duplex with basement parking. (Revised scheme) – Application registered on 26/02/10. Application has been “Red- carded”.

24 Ravine Road

(a) (Demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling with integral garaging. (Revised scheme) Amended plans received 08/12/09 and 25/01/10) – Application refused under delegated authority on 29/01/10 is now the subject of appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2122302) to be determined by Written Representations. The final date for Statements & representations was 29/03/10.

(b) (Erection of replacement dwelling (revised application) – Application registered on 31/03/10.

2 Crawshaw Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect two 3-bed detached houses with associated parking) – Application registered 24/02/10. Local concerns.

Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 10/12/09 is now to be the subject of a “Written Representations” appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2120940) and not a Hearing. The final date for Statements & representations was 10/03/10.

6 Durrant Road Demolish existing dwelling and erect x2 detached dwellings. (Revised Scheme) As amended by plans received 01/10/09) – Application refused under delegated authority on 11/12/09, now the subject of Written Representations appeals (APP/Q1255/A/10/2121180). The final date for Statements & representations was 10/03/10

Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

4-6 Compton Avenue (Non material amendment of planning permission 06/12687/005/F to extend basement parking, an additional staircase, two roof lights, convert half gable window to full height) – Application registered on 14/10/09. There is a technical issue regarding the minor amendment, in relation to correctly linking the amendment scheme to the section 106 agreement of permission 07/12687/006/F which the LPA are trying to sought out with the agent.

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application.            An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property. This property is up for sale at is “offers” in excess of £2m.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council”s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

4.            ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS reported that the total funds as at 31st March amounted to            £36,366.10

5.            ANY OTHER BUSINESS

“Celebrating Public Art in Poole” – This exhibition is taking place in the Dolphin Centre today & tomorrow (Thursday)

Overhanging Hedge at Kenilworth Court, 3 Western Road – MH has met with the complainant and Transportation Services will be taking the appropriate action.

Ward Walks – NS reported on the “Ward Walk” carried out earlier in the day with MH The areas covered were: MacAndrew Road, Bodley Road, Beaumont Road, Doyne Road. Dalkeith Road west of The Avenue, The Avenue end of Buccleuch Road and Ettrick Road.

NS & MH are recommending to officers that all possible is done to preserve the character of these areas.

Crime in the area – Wayne Hancock reported that 90 bicycles had been stolen over the last 12 months and wished to draw members attention to this. MH said that she would raise this at next meeting of the Parkstone, Penn Hill & Canford Cliffs Safer Neighbourhood Team at Parkstone Yacht Club, Pearce Avenue, Poole Wednesday 28 April, 6pm – 7pm

Pot Holes – Mrs. Daphne Howells asked if anything were to be done about the large number of pot holes on the roads in the area that had appeared since the winter frosts. JS said that he felt sure that this was on the Council’s “radar”.

Tree Management Policy – William Mutlow drew members attention to the fact that, at yesterday”s Cabinet meeting, Cabinet Members approved a Tree Management Policy covering trees on Council-owned green spaces, woodlands and highways (Planning issues such as Tree Preservation Orders and trees in Conservation Areas were outside the scope of the Policy),

Until now the Council have provided a reactive service concentrated on non-statutory tree work applications.

NS confirmed that a pro-active planned service is to be provided which should significantly reduce the number of complaints from residents.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm

Date of next meeting: The next meeting is the AGM on Saturday 15th May 2010 at 10.30 am in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm”s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

BPCCRA Minutes March 10th 2010




  • John Sprackling  Chairman
  • Keith Alcroft            Planning Officer
  • John Defty          Treasurer
  • Stan Alfert              Data Protection Officer
  • Bob Young          Magazine Advertising
  • Val Short             Minutes Secretary
  • Cllr Carole Deas             Ward Councillor
  • Cllr Neil Sorton                         ditto
  • Ken Sanson          Chairman, Sandbanks Assn
  • 20 Members/Wardens


JS welcomed CD & NS and all those present.

Apologies: Apologies received from Terry Stewart (Holiday), Cllr Mrs May Haines, Roy Pointer & William Mutlow who are attending the Annual Community Groups meeting, Roland Cunnell & Ray Wylde. Late apologies from John Fox.

Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 10 February 2010.


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported…

  1. 1. Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) developmentNo new developments
  2. 2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – ditto
  3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
  4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto
  5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – Coltham (Orchard) Ltd was due to make a Employment contribution under the S106 agreement of £104,910.35 on 01/01/10 but this has not yet been received.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

JS reported… 

Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road (Erection of blue oblique glass screens positioned around the timber decking area located at the front of the property – Enforcement Appeal APP/Q1255/C/09/2112004) The Inspector dismissed both appeals on 05/03/10, upheld the enforcement notice served and varied the period of compliance from “14 days” to “two months”. This restaurant is currently being offered for sale for £100.000.

75 Canford Cliffs Road (Alterations to existing entrance to form new vehicular access with gates) No new developments

55 Canford Cliffs Road (Front boundary treatment and gates does not comply with Branksome Park Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan)ditto

        19 Mornish Road (Tree replacement) ditto

        15A Westminster Road (Erection of railings over 1 metre high partly along the frontage of 15a Westminster Road, being adjacent to a highway. The boundary treatment then changes to a double close boarded fence over 1 metre high which continues along the frontage of Westminster Road,being adjacent to a highway and then turns South-West and continues down the boundary with Dalkeith Road being also adjacent to a highway)ditto

        2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road (Boundary treatment)ditto

              Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: No new developments

              Council Tax 2010/11 & Council”s Budget Monitoring report: NS reported that the current forecast underspend is £1.3m/£1.4m on a turnover of £100m, after of deduction of a “windfall” Housing & Planning Delivery Grant of £1.1m.

              Poole Partnership: JS reported that he had attended the Stronger Communities Partnership meeting on  03/03/10.  The principle item on the Agenda was the update of the Sustainable Community Strategy, following on from the State of the Area Debate.

              Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: KA reported that Cllr May Haines is trying to arrange a meeting, but this is unlikely to happen before Easter.

              Public Rights of Way:

              Westminster Road end of Dalkeith RoadThe Authority has made the decision to improve the lower section of the path as the unmade section meets the tarmac. The works will be carried out on 20/03/10. At this time the stones that have been erected will be moved to the side but left on site for collection by the owner, the kerb stone and ditches will be removed to create a 2.5m wide section of ramped footpath suitable for pedestrian use and DDA compliant (Disability Discrimination Act).

              The works will photographed and catalogued and should in the future these works be damaged, the stones re-erected or any other obstruction placed on this or any other section the Authority will recover their reasonable costs from the person/s responsible

              Buccleuch Road to Lakeside RoadSA said he is “chasing”  This has been ongoing for 3 years; last year SA was informed “ “they” thought it was a highway and that someone vaguely remembered driving down it in the past”  Local residents want it to be registered as a footpath or byway.  SA will continue to remind the council every year.

              NS commented that there is only one Rights of Way officer, so action does not happen swiftly!

              Bessborough Road – No new developments.

              Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

              Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): JS reported that the plants that five different plant species been selected for the two beds in the sunken garden.

              The cost will be £469.41 for 115 plants total (5 different plant species selected to make up this 115) and the Council were hoping that this could be funded by the Assn.

              Daphne Howell informed the meeting that she is very disappointed by how Pinecliff Gardens looks now, she outlined the history of the gardens, which were previously lawns with borders and then planted with colourful flowers each year.  More recently the flower beds had been replaced with ‘Mediterranean’ style planting, which has not flourished and now looks very bedraggled.

              DH suggested that all the plants should be removed, the soil covered by black plastic and pebbles with just a few attractive colourful drought resistant plants. After some discussion it was agreed that CD should liaise with DH and arrange a meeting with the officers and report back.

              The possibility of a volunteer group to either assist with the planting, and maybe maintain the garden was also discussed.

              It was agreed to defer a decision on whether the Assn should contribute to the planting until the other options had been investigated.

              Canford Cliffs Play area –  CD is still chasing this, but it will not be done until some time next year.

              NS commented that the upgrade of 22 play areas identified under the Playbuilder Scheme has to be completed by 2011, so these play areas have to be dealt with first.

              Use of Assn”s Capital Reserve & Canford Cliffs Library Noticeboard:  JS reported that the Canford Cliffs Library noticeboard is now in place but disappointment has been expressed about the legibility of the recognition.

              Members agreed that the Assn should request the wording to be changed to black or some other colour which is more legible

              Public Liability Insurance (PLI) –  JS is pursuing.


              KA reported…

              24 Ravine Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect replacement dwelling with integral garaging. (Revised scheme) Amended plans received 08/12/09 and 25/01/10) – Application refused under delegated authority on 29/01/10 is now the subject of appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2122302) to be determined by Written Representations. The final date for Statements & representations is 29/03/10.

              JS suggested that Members might like to write to the Planning Inspectorate (using the on-line facility available via the Planning Inspectorate”s website <http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/england/public/planning/appeals/search/>) to show the strength of local feeling.

              4 Lawrence Drive (Demolish existing buildings and erect 1 block of 8 apartments with assoc parking) – Application refused on 05/03/10.

              2 Crawshaw Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect two 3-bed detached houses with associated parking) – Application registered 24/02/10.  Local concerns.

              JS reported…

              1 Westminster Road East (Demolish existing and erect a 3 storey single dwelling and garage with associated vehicular access) – Application refused on 04/03/10.

              The Cottage, Kingsgate, 7 The Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a block of 5 apartments and associated garages) – Application registered on 08/02/10. Previous applications to Demolish existing property and erect 5 replacement Townhouses) withdrawn.

              CD said that she has written to the Head of Planning & Regeneration about the driveway to the site and he has agreed to speak with the officers about this.

              29 Links Road (Demolish existing dwelling and sever land to erect 2 detached town houses) – Application granted subject to Unilateral Undertaking at Planning Committee meeting on 11/02/10.

              Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 10/12/09 is now to be the subject of a “Written Representations” appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2120940) and not a Hearing. The final date for Statements & representations is 10/03/10.

              Other current planning issues

              5 Highmoor Scott Koenigsberg, gm of free casino games at Zynga, told The Daily Telegraph that “old school gamers” who're a “much more engaged” kind of player as well as japan developed Montopia and Ayakashi games, he stated: “Many in our free casino games attract a really broad swathe of gamers however these free casino games are suitable for an infinitely more male audience who're a lot more engaged. Road (Demolish existing building and erect 1 block of 9 apartments with basement parking, bin & cycle stores) – Application registered 03/02/10.  Local concerns.

              11 Leicester Road

              (a) Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme) – (APP/Q1255/A/09/2118175)

              (b) Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling & associated buildings (revised scheme) – (APP/Q1255/E/09/2118176)

              Planning Inquiry has been fixed for 20/04/10 and three days had been set aside for this.  This will be an important test case for Branksome Park

              6 Durrant Road Demolish existing dwelling and erect x2 detached dwellings. (Revised Scheme) As amended by plans received 01/10/09) – Application refused under delegated authority on 11/12/09, now the subject of Written Representations appeals (APP/Q1255/A/10/2121180). The final date for Statements & representations is 10/03/10

              24 Cliff Drive (Extension to existing beach hut & relocate steps (revised Scheme) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 08/01/10.

              Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively.  MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

              4-6 Compton Avenue (Non material amendment of planning permission 06/12687/005/F to extend basement parking, an additional staircase, two roof lights, convert half gable window to full height) – Application registered on 14/10/09.  There is a technical issue regarding the minor amendment, in relation to correctly linking the amendment scheme to the section 106 agreement of permission 07/12687/006/F which the LPA are trying to sought out with the agent.

              8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application.   An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.  This property is up for sale at is “offers” in excess of £2m.

              60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council”s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

              4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS thanked John Defty who stepped down at this meeting having served as Hon Treasurer for eight years and presented a “bottle” as a token of the Assn”s appreciation.

              John Defty”s role is being taken over by Paul Fearnley.

              Chairman”s Note: JD has sent a signed copy of the Terms of Engagement to Schofields.  I should have sought agreement to the change in bank signatories but I will need to action this at our next meeting.

              5.                ANY OTHER BUSINESS

              Warning about external post boxes: A letter had been circulated by Dorset Police warning residents about a spate of ID theft after post has been stolen from external post boxes in the wall or at the gate of large houses in the area. The letter makes particular reference to large properties however external post boxes are often used for blocks of flats and apartments where residents prefer the security of restricted access.

              CCTV – The Oasis, Lindsay Road has suffered several thefts of bicycles from its “compound” at the rear of the premises. CCTV has recently been installed, which has proved extremely effective in assisting the police to identify, and subsequently apprehend, the miscreants.

              National Organisation of Residents” Associations AGM – JS reported that he attended the National Organisation of Residents” Associations AGM in London and the Guest Speaker was Robert Upton, Deputy Chair of the Infrastructure Planning Commission (Chairman: Sir Michael Pitt) which started its work on 01/03/10.

              Poole Council”s Business Transformation Programme – One of our members, Mr Gell, is taking a great interest in this project, which has now been running three years and is concerned about the poor communication about this project to residents.

              BPCCRA Spring 2010 Magazine: – Copy required by 29th March in order to have the magazines ready for distribution during the week commencing 19 April.

              Friends of Poole Park AGM – To be held at the Civic Centre on 22/03/10 at 7.00pm

              Minutes Secretary – JS thanked Val Short who stepped down at this meeting having served as Minutes Secretary for six years and presented a pot of primroses as a token of the Assn”s appreciation.

              Val Short”s role is being taken over by Carol Parkin.

              The meeting closed at 8.30pm

              Date of next meeting: The next meeting is Wednesday 14th April 2010 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm”s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

              BPCCRA Minutes February 10th 2010


              HELD ON WEDNESDAY 10th FEBRUARY 2010 AT 7.30PM



              • John Sprackling  – Chairman
              • Keith Alcroft – Planning Officer
              • Stan Alfert  – Data Protection Officer
              • Val Short – Minutes Secretary
              • Cllr Mrs May Haines  – Ward Councillor
              • Cllr Neil Sorton – Ward Councillor
              • 20 Members/Wardens


              JS welcomed MH NS, those present for the first time and all those present.

              Apologies: Apologies received from Terry Stewart (Holiday), John Defty, Bob & Phyllis Young, Peter DuLieu, Ken Sanson, Chairman, Sandbanks Assn

              Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 13 January 2010.

              2. MATTERS ARISING

              Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported…

              1. 1. Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) developmentNo new developments
              2. 2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – A planning application to erect a 116 bed care home with an associated Day Centre.was registered on 18/01/10.
              3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – No new developments
              4. Quay Thistle Hotel site
              5. 5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – a statement in the accounts for Coltham Orchard Ltd for the year to 30/11/08 seems to contradict 3.5 of the report of former Head of Planning Control & Design presented to the Planning Committee on 11/12/08. The Head of Legal & Democratic Services does not feel that this is material from a planning point of view “at this stage”.  JS is pursuing this with BDO Stoy Hayward LLP, the accountants acting for Coltham Orchard Ltd.

              Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

              JS reported…

              75 Canford Cliffs Road (Alterations to existing entrance to form new vehicular access with gates) – Amended plans refused on 07/12/09. The owner has been asked to undertake the works to reinstate the boundary by 22/03/10.

              55 Canford Cliffs Road (Front boundary treatment and gates does not comply with Branksome Park Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan) – a formal notice is being served.

              19 Mornish Road (Tree replacement) – Preparation for presentation of the details of this case to legal advisers are underway.

              15A Westminster Road – Planning Enforcement Officer was visiting site on 04/02/10 to see if the Notice served last year has been complied with yet.

              Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road – No new developments.

              2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Roadditto

              Community Working Group (CWG), Progress re Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations & IDeA Report: Roy Pointer reported on CWG meeting held on 20/01/10…

              Pre-application advice – Concern has been expressed about the delay in the pre-application advice appearing on the website. Stephen Thorne has agreed to look into speeding up the process but said that it is not essential for them to be displayed before a determination just as long as they are displayed.

              Ward Walks – The Spring Ward Walk is planned for 14th April 2010.  Residents should bring matters to their Councillors that they wish to be discussed during the walk. NS reminded members that Ward Walks are not intended for discussing particular planning applications, just the general character of the area.

              Sea Defences and Flooding – The group were informed that an external consultant has been commissioned to look into what flood defence measures are required to protect the town centre up to 2026, including costs. .

              Major applications and developments – The level of engagement with the community representatives was questioned with regard to major applications and developments.

              Newsletter – a 2nd edition of the Planning & Regeneration Unit’s newsletter is currently being worked on the next and the aim is to release  this by 19th February.

              Annual Meeting – The Community Working Group has now been running for a year and it was always the intention that it will have a 50% refresh at the point of the annual meeting.  RP said that the Assn has been one of the most active contributors to the group we should do what it can to retain its seat on the Group.

              JS said he would circulate the full Minutes of the meeting with the Assn’s Minutes.

              Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: JS reminded members that comments on Poole & Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan are required by 17/02/10. A  comment form can be downloaded from the website  www.twobays.net

              Council Tax 2010/11 & Council’s Budget Monitoring report: JS reported that the Council’s 2010/11 Budget was presented at last night’s Cabinet meeting and a 2.9% rise in Council Tax is to be recommended at next week’s Council meeting.

              William Mutlow reported that the Council’s Financial Monitoring Report as at 31/12/09 shows a current forecast underspend of just under £1.9m.  This includes a provisional Housing & Planning Delivery Grant of £1.1m recently received from Central Government   Without this the underspend would have been £0.8m..  The unearmarked reserves for the next financial year is £6.7m – £7m’

              At the last meeting, WM queried the Council’s use of ‘Earmarked Reserves’ which were not shown in the Original Budget, seemingly to ‘balance the books’ . Adam Richens, Head of Accountancy

              “…Earmarked Reserves are amounts set aside to support one-off costs pressure associated with a specific project or programme where the expenditure will fall over more than one period of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP). They are not included in the budget book due to the uncertainties around the exact timing of the expenditure.

              As an example in September 2008 the Council established a £300,000 earmarked reserve to be applied in support of the Carbon Management Programme over the MTFP period.

              Within the Council’s December 2009/10 Budget Monitoring report (Appendix A8) £73,000 has been identified as the forecast expenditure to be spent in supporting the Carbon Reduction Programme in 2009/10. The £3.149m total use of earmarked reserves figure (Appendix A1) includes the estimated drawdown of this £73,000.”

              Poole Partnership: JS reported that the State of the Area Debate meeting has been re-scheduled for  tomorrow (11/02/10).

              Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: MH reported that Highways have reprinted the maps from the internet, hopefully they will be better, but it is probably as good as they will get!

              Public Rights of Way:

              Westminster Road end of Dalkeith RoadNo further developments

              Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Roadditto

              Bessborough Road – ditto

              Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

              Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden):   MH reported that the Canford Cliffs Play Area had been “put on hold”.

              JS reported on the meeting with Simon Legg and Karen Elborn, Natural Habitats Supervisor, Borough of Poole which took place on 20/01/10.  Also present were Cllrs Mrs Haines, Neil Sorton, Keith Alcroft & Ian Lewis, Chairman of Dorset Lake Residents’ Assn.

              The planting in the sunken garden is be improved and the shrubbery immediately below the Southern wall is to be cut back to allow a better view in the direction of the Isle of Wight.  It may be possible, in the longer term, to remove the holm oak on the cliff face to provide a better view of the harbour.

              It has been suggested that the Assn should take advantage of the Green Card scheme which allows local residents, community groups and other organisations to apply for new or improved leisure related facilities in parks or other open spaces across the Borough. The Green Card application form can be downloaded from the BoP website and JS is looking for a volunteer willing to take this forward.

              Use of Assn’s Capital Reserve & Canford Cliffs Library Noticeboard:  JS reported that the Canford Cliffs Library noticeboard is on order.

              Public Liability Insurance (PLI) –  JS is pursuing.

              Mobile ‘Phone Mast, Elgin Road: A Prior Approval application to remove the existing 12 metre pole and replace with a 15 metre high pole & an additional cabinet at ground level was granted on 18/10/10.


              KA reported…

              Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 10/12/09 is now the subject of appeal (APP/Q1255/A/10/2120940) to be determined at a Hearing. The final date for Statements & representations is 10/03/10.

              Roland Cunnell suggested that Members might like to write to the Planning Inspectorate (using the on-line facility available via the Planning Inspectorate’s website <http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/england/public/planning/appeals/search/>) to show the strength of local feeling.

              7A Bury Road (Demolition of the existing bungalow and detached garage and an amended proposal for a new 3 storey detached dwelling) – Appeal dismissed on 03/02/10.

              JS reported that the application for 29 Links Road (Demolish existing dwelling and sever land to erect 2 detached town houses) is due to be determined at tomorrow’s meeting of Planning Committee. The officer’s recommendation is to ‘Grant Subject to Unilateral Undertaking’.

              NS reported that the Planning Inquiry for 11 Leicester Road has been fixed for 20/04/10 and three days had been set aside for this.  This will be an important test case for Branksome Park

              (a) Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme) – (APP/Q1255/A/09/2118175)

              (b) Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling & associated buildings (revised scheme) – (APP/Q1255/E/09/2118176.

              Other current planning issues

              6 Durrant Road Demolish existing dwelling and erect x2 detached dwellings. (Revised Scheme) As amended by plans received 01/10/09) – Application refused under delegated authority on 11/12/09, now the subject of Written Representations appeals (APP/Q1255/A/10/2121180). The final date for Statements & representations is 10/03/10

              24 Cliff Drive (Extension to existing beach hut & relocate steps (revised Scheme) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 08/01/10.

              4 Lawrence Drive (Demolish existing buildings and erect 1 block of 8 apartments with assoc parking) – Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 20/11/09.  Amended plans lodged on 18/11/09 and application has been ‘Red-carded’.  Note from Tree Officer dated 19/01/10 – “No objection”.

              The Cottage, Kingsgate, 7 The Avenue (Demolish existing property and erect 5 replacement Townhouses) – Amended plans lodged on 30/11/09.

              10 Nairn Road (Demolish the existing house and erect 2 x 4 bedroom maisonettes with associated parking) – Application registered on 24/08/09.  Letter of objection by Assn lodged on 10/10/09.  Amended plans lodged on 27/11/09.  Letter of objection from Natural England registered on 07/12/09.

              Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively.  MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

              19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – S106 details to be submitted before determining.

              4-6 Compton Avenue (Non material amendment of planning permission 06/12687/005/F to extend basement parking, an additional staircase, two roof lights, convert half gable window to full height) – Application registered on 14/10/09.  There is a technical issue regarding the minor amendment, in relation to correctly linking the amendment scheme to the section 106 agreement of permission 07/12687/006/F which the LPA are trying to sought out with the agent.

              8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application.   An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

              60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions


              Warren Lever, Environment and Design Team Leader gave an interesting and informative insight into

              • Character Appraisals in Conservation Areas
              • Design Judgement and Assessment for planning applications
              • Character and By Design/PPS1 – raising the bar.
              • Characterisation Work of Borough

              NS:    What is professional relationship between design officer and case officers?

              WL:  The design officer can offer advice, but the case officer is not bound to follow the recommendations

              NS:  Should they not be on the ‘same side’?

              WL:  Not always.  There needs to be more training on design issues for planning officers.  ‘Building for life’ assessment is driving up quality.

              Roy Pointer:  The character of buildings in Branksome Park has not been consistent in the developments during the past 10 years or so (e.g. Thunderbirds / traditional) and there is no longer a defined architectural style.  New development cannot rectify the mistakes.

              WL:  Planners need to assess the character of the street, although it is easier to define the character in some places than in others, and then try to guide in the right direction.

              A member  It sets a precedent if “thing” is built in the middle of “good stuff”, this can lead to problems.

              WL:  The prevailing grain and form of buildings in the area is the main guideline and sometimes the inspectorate with agree, sometimes not.

              A member: Who decides where conservation areas are to be?

              WL:  The local authority.  The aim is to raise the quality of the area, but you have to draw a line somewhere. A definite character trait is needed, and adjacent areas are also important.

              SA: To what extent will planners change attitudes to ‘bits in the middle’?

              WL  This comes back to the issue of Borough-wide Conservation Area guidelines.

              Chris Stacey  There is a large amount of anger in the area over the characterisation of the Lilliput area being turned into a ‘Florida seafront’ with characterless properties not of lasting quality.  The constant building sites and associated traffic is upsetting local residents as it has been going on for some time.

              WL  It is hoped that characterisation work will help with policies.

              NS  Conservation area status gives greater powers to the local authority.

              1. CANFORD CLIFFS & PENN HILL AREA COMMITTEE MEETING (04/02/09)  As TS was not present there was no report but the Agenda included reports on
              • Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken Garden) – see above
              • Tower Road (Request for parking restrictions) – The Traffic Panel met on 25/11/09 and recommended no action.
              • Pedestrian lights at the Branksome Railway Hotel – It is argued that, before timing of the lights was changed, pedestrians were having a disproportionate effect on traffic congestion.

              Chairman’s note: I do not accept this argument as, if a pedestrian presses the button and gets and immediate response, the traffic has to stop.  If a pedestrian presses the button and has to wait for a minute, the traffic will still have to stop. However, I fear that this is a lost cause.

              5. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JS reported that JD had asked to step down as Hon Treasurer and he has approached another member to take over this role.  The individual is willing to do so but already has e regular commitment on the 2nd Wednesday of each month which means that he would not be able to attend the Assn’s monthly meetings, although he will be able to attend the AGM.

              No member raised any particular objection to the idea of the treasurer not being able to attend meetings, as cash statements will distributed in the normal way and any queries can dealt with by

              e-mail/telephone, as the need arises.

              Chairman’s note: The total funds at 31st January 2010 stand at £34,571.89.

              6.ANY OTHER BUSINESS

              Minutes Secretary – JS said that he had been seeking someone to succeed Val Short but, so far, without success.

              Chairman’s note: I’m pleased to say that Carol Parkin, who is a Trustee of Canford Cliffs Village Hall,

              has kindly agreed to take over the role of Minutes Secretary from 14/04/10.

              The meeting closed at 9.00pm

              Date of next meeting: The next meeting is Wednesday 10th March 2010 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

              BPCCRA Minutes January 13th 2010




              • Terry Stewart – President
                John Sprackling – Chairman
                John Defty  – Treasurer
                Keith Alcroft – Planning Officer
                Bob Young  –  Magazine Advertising
                Stan Alfert – Data Protection Officer
                Val Short – Minutes Secretary
              • Cllr Neil Sorton – Ward Councillor
              • Ken Sanson – Chairman, Sandbanks Assn
              • 15 Members/Wardens


              JS welcomed NS & Ken Sanson and all those present.

              Apologies: Apologies received from Cllr Mrs Carole Deas (visiting elderly relative) & Cllr Mrs May Haines (re-scheduled Environment Overview & Scrutiny meeting)

              JS said that he had  ‘phoned Warren Lever, Environment and Design Team Leader, Borough of Poole, and put off his visit until the Assn’s next meeting on 10/02/10.

              Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 09 December 2009.

              2. MATTERS ARISING

              Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported…

              1.   Quayside (former Dolphin Quays) development – Driftwood Brasserie on the 1st floor was opened on 12/10/09 but closed last month and is expected to re-launched sometime in 2010. .
              2.    Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – a planning application for a Care Home is to be submitted at the end of this week.
              3.    Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – No new developments
              4.    Quay Thistle Hotel site – Andy Taylor, Head of UK Property, Stenham Property Limited wrote to JS on 05/01/10 “Following the recent debt restructuring I have arranged a meeting with our professional team next Friday to look afresh at the various development proposals which have been prepared for the site. Following this I hope to meet Poole Borough Council before the end of January.”

              TS referred to the financial reports on the Thistle Hotel site and asked if the Council were confident that the developer is viable.
              NS replied that the Planning Application needed to be dealt with first, then it is implicit that before the council enters into any negotiation all public enquiries are made.  Even if the Planning Application were approved on appeal there would be no obligation on the council to sell or lease land to anyone unsuitable.

              5.    Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street

              Chairman’s note: A statement in the accounts for Coltham Orchard Ltd for the year to 30/11/08 seems to contradict 3.5 of the report of former Head of Planning Control & Design presented to the Planning Committee on 11/12/08 and JS is seeking clarification from the Head of Legal & Democratic Services about this.

              Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

              JS reported

              15A Westminster Road – No new developments.
              Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road – ditto
              2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road – ditto

              TS has suggested the inclusion of ‘Key Planning Enforcement successes’ in the Community Working Group Newsletter.  This is particularly relevant in view of yesterday’s enormous media coverage about home owners and developers in Poole who are suspected of damaging protected trees in the Sandbanks & Branksome Park to provide better sea views or enhance the development potential of their sites.

              Roy Pointer felt that the Assn should make it known that it supports the Local Planning Authority in all that it is doing to address this issue. It was agreed that

              • BPCCRA does not condone this behaviour.
              • We have a system of wardens looking out for this.
              • We will report any problems to the Council.
              • We support the Council’s determination to enforce rigorously where criminal damage to trees is identified and any publicity given to this is welcome.
              • We are pleased that the media are taking interest in a topic about which we feel strongly.

              NS was called to look at a tree in Haven Road 5 years ago, he also inspected the property which benefited from the damage to the tree, but nothing could be proved.
              William Mutlow witnessed branches being removed from an oak tree adjoining his property by tree surgeons in the early morning, when WM contacted the council he was informed that the developer had telephoned to say that dead branches needed to be removed.
              Concern was expressed that, although there is an exemption to the rules for trees that are dead, diseased or dying, no examination or investigation is made if a developer or tree surgeon telephones the council and informs them that the tree is dead, diseased or dying.
              RP offered to put this on the agenda for next weeksí Community Working Group meeting, please email examples or case studies.  Items of a general nature also required for the agenda.

              Community Working Group (CWG), Progress re Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations & IDeA Report: RP reported that next CWG meeting is on 20/01/10.
              Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: RP reminded members that comments on Poole & Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan are required by 17/02/10. A  comment form can be downloaded from the website  www.twobays.net

              Council Tax 2010/11 & Council’s Budget Monitoring report: William Mutlow commented, once again, that the Revised Budget at 30/09/09 showed significant variances to the figures shown for Original Budget. JS said that he write to the Head of Financial Services about this.
              The Council’s 2010/11 Budget is due to be presented at the Cabinet meeting on 09/02/10.

              Poole Partnership: JS reported that State of the Area Debate meeting scheduled for Monday (11/01/10) was cancelled and no new date has been set.

              The Local Development Framework Working Group meeting scheduled for yesterday was cancelled – the next meeting is fixed for 13/04/10.

              Richard Dimbleby, chairman of the Poole Partnership, a member of the South West Regional Council of the Learning and Skills Council and a governor of the Arts University College, Bournemouth.is the new chairman of the Community Foundation for Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole.

              The Community Foundation helps secure and distribute funding for local community groups and helps individuals and businesses looking to put money back into the community.
              Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: KA reported that he had been passed copies of the utilities maps for the parade by MH a couple of weeks ago. KA said that the copies are difficult to read and he plans to make arrangements to see the originals
              TS pointed out the planting season will end in March but KA said that it would not be possible to progress this before then.

              Public Rights of Way:

              Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – Richard Dimbleby has been passed a letter dated 21/12/09 from Sophia O’Sullivan – Rights of Way Officer is following this up.
              Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – No further developments
              Bessborough Road – ditto

              Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

              Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff Gardens (Sunken garden): A meeting with Simon Legg and Karen Elborn, Natural Habitats Supervisor, Borough of Poole has been fixed for 20/01/10 at 2.30pm.

              Use of Assn’s Capital Reserve & Canford Cliffs Library Noticeboard:

              TS reported that the Canford Cliffs Library noticeboard would be installed on the outside wall under the existing Library sign, which would be raised to accommodate it.  The existing sign is blue and the aluminium lockable noticeboard could be a similar colour. The cost, inclusive of VAT and installation, would be £960.  There was overwhelming support from the meeting to spend up to £1000, provided the noticeboard had toughened glass, TS to ascertain.  TS to have authority to make decisions on colour, etc.

              Public Liability Insurance (PLI) –  JS is pursuing.

              Mobile ‘Phone Mast, Elgin Road: No new developments


              KA reported…
              24 Cliff Drive (Extension to existing beach hut & relocate steps (revised Scheme) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 08/01/10.
              11 Leicester Road
              (a) Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme)
              (b) Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling & associated buildings (revised scheme) – Both applications applications, which were refused under delegated authority on 21/08/09, are now the subject of appeals (APP/Q1255/A/09/2118175 & APP/Q1255/E/09/2118176) to be determined at a Planning Inquiry. The final date for Statements & representations is 2nd February 2010.
              Chairman’s note: Members might like to write to the Planning Inspectorate (using the on-line facility available via the Planning Inspectorate’s website <http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/england/public/planning/appeals/search/>) to show the strength of local feeling.
              Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 10/12/09.
              St Ann’s Hospital
              (a)Erect two 2-storey buildings on site to accommodate a 12 bed Psychiatric Care Unit and 48 long stay bed spaces. New combined entrance & extensions to existing 1980’s acute ward block. Demolition of 1970 block. Associated car parking, hardstanding & landscaping. Amended Plans 19/11/09) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 10/12/09.
              (b) Listed Building application to replace existing metal escape staircase, alterations to reception counter & demolition of 70’s block and repair to west end of building) – Application ‘Granted with Conditions’ ‘by Planning Committee on 10/12/09.

              Other current planning issues
              19 Torbay Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect 3 no. 4-bedroom detached houses with associated parking) – application granted ‘Subject to Unilateral Undertaking’ on 23/12/09.
              46-48 Tower Road (Demolish existing houses and erect 14 flats with basement and surface parking)
              -application granted ‘Subject to Unilateral Undertaking’ on 31/12/09.
              Land adj. 2 Mornish Road (Erect a 5-bed detached house with attached garage, access from Mornish Road. (Revised Scheme) – application granted ‘Subject to Unilateral Undertaking’ on 22/12/09.
              4 Lawrence Drive (Demolish existing buildings and erect 1 block of 8 apartments with assoc parking) – Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 20/11/09.  Amended plans lodged on 18/11/09 and application has been ‘Red-carded’.
              75 Canford Cliffs Road (Alterations to existing entrance to form new vehicular access with gates) – Amended plans lodged on 02/12/09.
              The Cottage, Kingsgate, 7 The Avenue (Demolish existing property and erect 5 replacement Townhouses) – Amended plans lodged on 30/11/09.
              29 Links Road (Demolish existing dwelling and sever land to erect 2 detached town houses) – Application registered on 26/10/09 and has been ‘Red-carded’.
              10 Nairn Road (Demolish the existing house and erect 2 x 4 bedroom maisonettes with associated parking) – Amended plans lodged on 27/11/09.
              Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively.  MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.
              19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – S106 details to be submitted before determining.
              4-6 Compton Avenue (Non material amendment of planning permission 06/12687/005/F to extend basement parking, an additional staircase, two roof lights, convert half gable window to full height) – Application registered on 14/10/09.  There is a technical issue regarding the minor amendment, in relation to correctly linking the amendment scheme to the section 106 agreement of permission 07/12687/006/F which the LPA are trying to sought out with the agent.
              8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application.   An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.
              60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

              4.    ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JD reported that the total funds as at 31st  December amounted to just under £33,700.    JD

              5.     ANY OTHER BUSINESS

              NS reported on the following two matters

              1. Proposed Chester & Forest Road Conservation Area: This was one result from the Ward Walks which NS & MH had taken part in with officers.  JS said he had been told that there was positive response from residents of the roads in question and a public consultation meeting was being held shortly.

              2. Closure of Branksome Dene car park: The Car Park will be closed for essential works from 25th – 29th January. The essential works will include the roots of trees and shrubs, which are making access to the car park hazardous for cyclists and pedestrians.  Transportation Services and Leisure Services Arboricultural Officer Andy Osbourne will determine which roots are causing the problem before undertaking the appropriate . The Community Centre have been consulted and agreed the dates and all beach hut tenants/owners have been notified.

              Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting: JS reminded members of the meeting on 20/01/10 at 7.00pm at the Main Hall, Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

              The meeting closed at 8.15pm

              Date of next meeting: The next meeting is Wednesday 10th February 2010 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road) To include presentation by Warren Lever, Environment and Design Team Leader, Borough of Poole.

              BPCCRA Minutes December 9th 2009


              HELD ON WEDNESDAY 9th DECEMBER 2009 AT 7.30PM



              Terry Stewart President

              John Sprackling Chairman

              Keith Alcroft Planning Officer

              Bob Young Magazine Advertising

              Val Short Minutes Secretary

              Cllr Mrs May Haines Ward Councillor

              Cllr Neil Sorton ditto

              Ken Sanson Chairman, Sandbanks Assn

              15 Members/Wardens


              JS welcomed NS & MH and all those present.

              Apologies: Apologies received from Cllr Mrs Carole Deas, John Defty, Michael Bond & Chris Stracey.

              Accuracy: JS said that he had omitted to include Bob Young from the list of attendees but, subject to this amendment he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 11 November 2009.

              2. MATTERS ARISING

              Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that…

              1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – Skelton Group Investments Ltd are in negotiations with Tesco to open a Tesco Express on the ground floor.

              2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – No new developments

              3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto

              4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – The re-development of the Thistle Hotel is to be treated as a standard Planning Application at a Planning Committee soon

              5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High StreetNo new developments

              Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

              JS reported

              15A Westminster RoadNo new developments.

              Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road – Retrospective application to erect glass screens to front and side of decking at front of property was refused on 03/07/09. The Enforcement appeal (APP/Q1255/C/09/2112004) is the lead appeal and this appeal and the ‘Written representations’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/09/2108355 will be dealt with by the same Inspector at the same time. Final comments were due on 16/11/09.

              2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput RoadNo new developments.

              51 Chaddesley Glen – The garage has been built in accordance with the Approved Plan 07/07351/008/F dated 27/12/07, therefore a new planning application is not required

              Community Working Group, Progress re Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations & IDeA Report: RP reported on the Community Working Group meeting which he had attended on behalf of the Assn on 25/11/09.

              RP said that the Local Planning Authority had produced a useful Permitted Development Summary and JS said that this would be distributed with the Minutes. This is also available on the BoP website.

              Thistle Hotel – At this time it is not seen as necessary for a special Committee for the Thistle Hotel application, it should be covered under normal business; depending on numbers wishing to attend.


              Stephen Thorne agreed to look into speeding up the process of the pre-application advice appearing on the website.

              Residents’ Associations database – Still under construction. It was suggested that as the Poole Partnership website already provides a channel to feedback through to an association rather than individuals, a separate RA website was not necessary.

              Ward WalkThis looked at general issues onlyreport not in public domain.

              First Council/Planning NewsletterThis is available on the BoP website. RP suggested it needs more detail to be useful.

              Preservation and enhancement of conservation areasWarren Lever has been invited to attend a meeting in Jan/Feb – NS will follow this up.

              Section 106 Agreements new system is being developed for up-front payments which should speed things up. Audit trail to be provided to identify where money gets spent.

              Lack of levels on plans – RP had questioned this. It was generally agreed that levels need to be put on drawings, particularly on applications for sloping sites – RP will follow up.

              Reinstatements after Developer work is carried out – it was suggested that a letter go out with every approval stating what is expected, ‘Considerate Constructors Guide’. NS suggested reporting any debris or mess on the BoP website

              Sea Defences and Flooding – Stephen Thorne is actively looking into this. Possibility of addressing a future meeting.

              JS said he would distribute the full Minutes of the CWG meeting with the Assn’s Minutes.

              Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: RP reported on the Poole & Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan Review – Key Stakeholder Group meeting which he had attended on behalf of the Assn on 26/11/09

              What is it? This is the latest report on Policy for protecting the coastline and preventing flooding along the area of the coast from Durlston Head, south of Swanage to Hurst Spit, east of Milford on Sea.

              Who is doing it? It is a combination of Defra, Environment Agency, Hampshire and Dorset CCs and the Local Authorities along the strip.

              Why now? It is 10 years since the last study was published and this version updates the Policy in the light of earlier consultation and study work by the authorities and consultants Royal Haskoning who are doing the study work.

              How is the Policy described? It gives recommendations for the coast divided up into locations (stretches of coast) and compares what was said at SMP1 with the current recommendations. Three timescales are used to describe future approach to planning; the next 25, 50 and 100 years respectively. One of four approaches is used in each timeframe to describe the way in which protection should be carried out. These approaches are ‘Hold the Line’, ‘No Active Intervention’, ‘Managed Realignment’ and ‘Advance the Line’. One of each of these strategies is selected for each stretch for each of the three timeframes.

              Where can I see the proposals for the stretches that I am interested in? The Policy Summary map is shown on page 6.17 of the SMP which can be found at www.twobays.net. Chapter 6 also contains definitions and summary tables showing more detail for each stretch of coastline.

              What does it suggest for the stretch covered by BPCCRA? For the first 50 years the idea is to hold the line; thereafter there is considered an opportunity to advance the line seawards to improve and enhance the amenity area in front of the cliffs to the aesthetic and economic benefit of the area. Advancing the line is rare in the UK and the idea is seen as a radical alternative to more traditional coastal treatments. As for Poole harbour, the north side would be a ‘hold the line’ strategy, whereas harbour south would get no active intervention. There is no question of a barrier being placed across the harbour entrance at Sandbanks; this would lead to such a radical change in the environment in the harbour that it is rejected. More detail is shown on the plan.


              What are the detailed construction ideas? There are none at this stage in the process; this is the policy stage; ‘what outcomes do we want’. The ‘how do we achieve it’ and ‘who pays what’ stages come later.

              How can I comment? Download a comment form from the web site and return it by 17/02/10. It is hoped that BPCCRA will submit a response on behalf of its members and this might offer feedback on the whole report not just the portion relating to its area.

              Ben Hurley pointed out that the whole of the bay used to depend on sand eroding from Canford Cliffs and being deposited in Bournemouth. In the future, Poole Old Town will be flooded as sea levels rise.

              Council Tax 2010/11 & Council’s Budget Monitoring report: William Mutlow reported that as at 30/09/09 the Council’s year-end forecast surplus is currently estimated to be £367,000. NS said that the year-end forecast at 31/10/09 was very similar but it should be borne in mind that that the overall budget is £100m.

              WM commented that, once again, that the Revised Budget at 30/09/09 showed significant variances to the figures shown for Original Budget.

              Chairman’s note: I think that the following paragraph from the Council Budget Monitoring (1 April 2009 – 31 October 2009) presented at the Cabinet meeting held the previous day may clarify the position.

              3.3 It may aid understanding of Appendix A1 to this Council Budget Monitoring Report to establish that £3,794,000 of the variance reported at the cost of portfolio controlled services level relates to the use of specific earmarked reserves for the purposes they were intended for. Detailed analysis of how earmarked reserves are being drawn down is highlighted within Appendix A3 to Appendix A8.

              Poole Partnership: JS reported that he had attended a meeting of the Poole Partnership on 12/11/09 to discuss the present Sustainable Community Strategy which covers 2006 to 2012. This is to be reviewed to cover the longer term and is to be the subject for the State of the Area debate on 11/01/10 17.30-21.00

              JS was unable to attend the Poole Partnership Steering Group meeting on 02/12/09 as he was attending a funeral in Croydon. Agenda items include…

              1. Draft revised terms of reference and membership for Poole Partnership Steering Group and Performance Management Group.

              It is proposed that the Steering Group is to be renamed the “Poole Partnership Vision Group” and its role redefined to clarify its responsibility of maintaining a strategic overview of the work of the Partnership, with a more inclusive membership more representative of Poole’s partners and community.

              The Performance Management Group is to be renamed the “Poole Partnership Management Board” and its role redefined to clarify its role as the executive board which is responsible for the overall management of the Partnership, ensuring delivery of the Partnership’s priorities.

              2. ‘One Place’ Chairman’s Note: the results of the Comprehensive Area Assessments were published on the Internet earlier in the day. Poole has a green flag for Housing and no red flags have been identified for Poole

              JS said that he was due to attend a Stronger Communities Partnership meeting this afternoon. The Agenda included a presentation by Safer Poole Partnership on Community Cohesion and updates on

              • Bourne Valley Neighbourhood Management Project
                Migrant Impacts Fund
              • the Environment for the third sector

              Sustainable Community Strategy

              Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: KA reported that Urban Planning had produced a sketch. MH & KA had met with Planning & Transport and had put forward some alternatives. Some progress had been made.

              The Christmas Lights in the Village were switched on by the Mayor on 13/11/09. JS congratulated all


              those involved with this very happy occasion.

              Ravine Road car park – JS said that a number of residents had raised concerns that, two weeks ago, the hedges along Western Road have been cut back substantially. NS said that he had contacted the Head of Leisure Services who had apologised that this was not notified to Ward Councillors in advance.

              JS said that he would include the full text of the reply from the Head of Leisure Services in the Minutes.


              Works has been carried out with the aim of creating a more effective and significantly tidier hedge – an issue that has been raised a number of times. The plan was to level the hedge at 4 – 5ft to help encourage uniform regrowth and add additional plants to thicken it up.

              In carrying out the works however it became clear that many parts of the hedge were failing and quite a lot of the rhododendron appeared to be diseased – an issue being increasingly reported across the UK (e.g., http://www.forestry.gov.uk/pramorum). The original plan therefore would not have solved the problem of an untidy hedge in ultimate decline.

              A rather more ambitious and long term approach was therefore adopted. The hedge has been cut back to around 3ft to encourage branching and thickening of the hedge. Cutting back to this height will allow the grounds team access to add significant new plants – we’re looking at around 150 additional plants along the length of the hedge which will help reinvigorate and restoring it to a standard in keeping with the area.

              The Council expect the rhododendron to put on around 1ft of height during the next 12 months and while it will need to annual prune the hedge, to keep it tidy and encourage branching regrowth, its height will be managed to eventually return to the 5ft – 6ft height previously agreed.

              It should be stressed that without these works the hedge would have continued its slow decline which, given the site’s importance both to local residents and tourism, would not have been ideal.

              Public Rights of Way:

              Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No further developments

              Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto

              Bessborough Road – ditto

              Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

              Canford Cliffs Play Area: No further developments

              Use of Assn’s Capital Reserve & Canford Cliffs Library Noticeboard:

              TS reported that the officer involved with the procurement of the Canford Cliffs Library Noticeboard has requested quotes from the BoP’s appointed suppliers for signs and noticeboards and has yet to receive these. TS commented that this seems to be taking an extraordinarily long time to resolve.

              From time to time, the Assn is approached for financial support where residents engage professional help in opposing planning applications. It has been suggested that the Assn should agree criteria for financially supporting neighbour objections, so as not to establish an open precedent. JS suggested that this is discussed at the Assn’s next meeting.

              Public Liability Insurance (PLI) – JS is pursuing.

              Mobile ‘Phone Mast, Elgin Road: Prior Approval application (To remove existing 12 metre telegraph pole mounting 1.7 metre shrouded antennas and deployment of 1no. 15 metre high telegraph pole & 1no. additional cabinet at ground level) registered on 26/11/09.

              JS has informed Chris Stracey that, as this is a ‘Prior Approval application’, this will be deemed as ‘Granted’, if this is not refused within the 56 day period from the date of registration. If the officer is minded to recommend approval of this application, there may be a case for calling for one of the ‘emergency’ Planning Committee meetings set up for this purpose.


              KA reported…

              4 Lawrence Drive (Demolish existing buildings and erect 1 block of 8 apartments with assoc parking) – Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 20/11/09. Amended plans lodged on 18/11/09 and application has been ‘Red-carded’.

              Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Application to be determined by Planning Committee tomorrow (10/12/09). The officer’s recommendation is to refuse.

              St Ann’s Hospital

              (a)Erect two 2-storey buildings on site to accommodate a 12 bed Psychiatric Care Unit and 48 long stay bed spaces. New combined entrance & extensions to existing 1980’s acute ward block. Demolition of 1970 block. Associated car parking, hardstanding & landscaping. Amended Plans 19/11/09) – Application to be determined by Planning Committee tomorrow (10/12/09). The officer’s recommendation is to refuse.

              (b) Listed Building application to replace existing metal escape staircase, alterations to reception counter & demolition of 70’s block and repair to west end of building) – Application to be determined by Planning Committee tomorrow (10/12/09). The officer’s recommendation is to ‘Grant with Conditions’

              11 Westminster Road (a) Demolish existing and erect a block of five flats with basement parking &
              (b) Demolish existing and erect three detached two storey dwellings with integral double garages
              – Applications refused on 24/11/09.

              KA reported…

              20 Balcombe Road (Demolish existing and erect 3 detached houses (Revised Scheme) – Application refused on 27/05/09. Appeal allowed by Planning Inspector on 02/12/09 and partial costs were awarded relating to the second reason for refusing planning permission based on the Council’s concerns about adverse effects on trees.

              RP suggested that the Assn should write to the Council to congratulate it on its efforts to defend its decision to refuse this application.

              Other current planning issues

              75 Canford Cliffs Road (Alterations to existing entrance to form new vehicular access with gates) – Amended plans lodged on 02/12/09.

              The Cottage, Kingsgate, 7 The Avenue (Demolish existing property and erect 5 replacement Townhouses) – Amended plans lodged on 30/11/09.

              29 Links Road (Demolish existing dwelling and sever land to erect 2 detached town houses) – Application registered on 26/10/09 and has been ‘Red-carded’.

              19 Torbay Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect 3 no. 4-bedroom detached houses with associated parking) Application registered on 05/11/09. Local concerns.

              10 Nairn Road (Demolish the existing house and erect 2 x 4 bedroom maisonettes with associated parking) – Amended plans lodged on 27/11/09.

              46-48 Tower Road (Demolish existing houses and erect 14 flats with basement and surface parking)

              Application registered on 02/10/09. Affordable Housing Report lodged on 23/11/09.

              Land adj. 2 Mornish Road

              (a) Conservation area application to erect a 5-bed detached house with integral garage, access from Mornish Road (Revised scheme)Appeal allowed on 24/07/09.

              (b) Erect a 5-bed detached house with attached garage, access from Mornish Road. (Revised Scheme) – S106 details to be submitted before determining.

              Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

              19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – S106 details to be submitted before determining.

              4-6 Compton Avenue (Non material amendment of planning permission 06/12687/005/F to extend basement parking, an additional staircase, two roof lights, convert half gable window to full height) – Application registered on 14/10/09. The current situation is as follows…

              • · All relevant required contributions were paid upfront on the original application on the site 06/12687/005/F.
              • · A subsequent revised scheme was submitted on application no.07/12687/006/F, this application has an incomplete section 106 agreement, hence the failure to issue a consent thus far.
              • · Linking the plans submitted in respect of a minor amendment to the yet unresolved planning application no.07/12687/006/F is the issue which is currently being discussed with the agent.


              8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

              60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

              4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – In the absence of JD, JS reported that the total funds as at 30th November amounted to just over £33,462. As and when all advertising bills have been settled the cost will have been 3p per copy! This, of course, is all down to Bob Young`s increase in advertising revenue.

              5. ANY OTHER BUSINESS

              Chester Road/Forest Road Conservation Area (Under consideration) – JS has invited Warren Lever to speak at the Assn’s next meeting to be held on 08/01/10. NS will follow this up.

              JS said that, out of the 23 Conservation areas in Poole, 9 fall within the area covered by the Assn.

              6 St Osmonds Road – Rose Rogers thanked JS for the information which he had supplied about the change of use at this site.

              There being no other AOB, the meeting closed at 8.15pm and was concluded with mulled wine and mince pies.

              Date of next meeting: The next meeting is Wednesday 13th January 2010 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

              BPCCRA Minutes November 11th 2009


              HELD ON WEDNESDAY 11th NOVEMBER 2009 AT 7.30PM



              Terry Stewart President

              John Sprackling Chairman

              Michael Bond Membership Secretary

              Keith Alcroft Planning Officer

              John Gunton Magazine Editor

              Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer

              Val Short Minutes Secretary

              Cllr Mrs May Haines Ward Councillor

              Cllr Neil Sorton ditto

              Ken Sanson Chairman, Sandbanks Assn

              15 Members/Wardens


              JS welcomed NS & MH and all those present.

              Apologies: Apologies received from John Defty & Peter DuLieu

              Accuracy: JS said that he had omitted to include Keith Alcroft and John Defty from the list of attendees but, subject to this amendment he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 14 October 2009.

              2. MATTERS ARISING

              Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that…

              1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – D-day plaque has been installed and was re-dedicated this afternoon.

              2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – No new developments

              3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto

              4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto

              5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – ditto

              Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

              JS reported

              75 Canford Cliffs Road – Planning application for alterations to existing entrance to form new vehicular access with gates was lodged on 12/10/09. Once agreed, the owner will not be able to make subsequent changes without the risk of formal action being taken against him under the article 4 direction

              15A Westminster Road – Lowering of both the railings and the fence adjacent to the highway to 1 metre or remove them in their entirety was due to be completed by 03/10/09. The Planning Officer has written to the developer’s agent requesting some details on a revised boundary treatment, which, in principle, is acceptable. It is felt that, as this is a corner plot, it would be unfair on the current owners to require them to remove the existing boundary treatment (as required in the enforcement notice) without an alternative scheme to replace the existing so that they can secure their land, that is why the Local Planning Authority (LPA) are still trying to negotiate a solution.

              Other current planning enforcement issues

              Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road – Retrospective application to erect glass screens to front and side of decking at front of property was refused on 03/07/09. Subject to ‘Written representation’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/09/2108355) The deadline for statements/representations was 28/08/09.

              2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road – Hedging to be replaced but the Head of Planning Enforcement is seeking clarification to see if owners are waiting until the dormant season at the end of October.

              51 Chaddesley Glen – A new planning application has been requested due to noticeable alterations to the double garage located to the rear of the property. The Agents had asked for the proposal to be treated as a minor amendment to that previously approved on 27/12/07.

              JS reported that he had had a meeting last week with Mark Hitchcott, one of the Planning Enforcement officer and both he and Mr Hitchcott had found the meeting very helpful.

              JS had commented that some residents still mistrust the planning process and he was asked to encourage residents to contact the Planning Enforcement Team directly so that they can explain their actions face to face. This will assist the Council in overcoming residents’ mistrust of the system and demonstrate to residents that the Council do take residents’ concerns seriously and attempt to resolve them even if they sometimes fall outside their sphere of influence.

              Mr Hitchcott accepted that enforcement action can seem painfully slow but, if all else fails, the Council do prosecute transgressors. So far this year, the Council have prosecuted two persons for not complying with Enforcement Notices upheld on appeal at 85 Ringwood Road and rear of 115-121 Commercial Road, and, most importantly, after these prosecutions we have secured compliance with the Notices.

              Supporting evidence is needed if the Assn. is asked to represent individuals in matters concerning planning enforcement. NS offered to look into any suspect planning applications, but he, also, can only act on evidence, not rumours.

              MH advised that Bella Rosa (formerly BH13) have appealed, so until the appeal is heard Planning Enforcement are unable to act.

              Community Working Group, Progress re Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations & IDeA Report: JS reported that the next CWG meeting has been fixed for 25/11/09 and Roy Pointer will attending as the Assn’s representative.

              Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: The Poole & Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan Review – Key Stakeholder Group meeting on 26/11/09. Again, Roy Pointer will attending as the Assn’s representative

              Council Tax 2010/11 & Council’s Budget Monitoring report: Wlliam Mutlow gave a brief outline of the presentation made at the Newtown & Parkstone Area Committee meeting on 28/10/09, which will also be given at the forthcoming Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting.

              The forecasts contained in the presentation are concerned mainly with next year’s budget, rather than looking at the long term (4-5 years) It states that “the rate of Council Tax will be assumed at no more than 5% in any given year in the MTFP (Medium Term Financial Plan) period for financial planning purposes”’ – the average increase reported in the national press was 1.6%. The average increases for Unitary Authorities is forecast to be the highest at 2.63%

              Following some discussion on the need for an increase in Council Tax, NS commented that efficiency savings are being looked at, but that the problem still remained of Poole being the 3rd lowest funded authority in the country. It does not cost any less to fund services in Poole, yet we are awarded less per head for essential services e.g. education. The average wage in Poole is low and the average house price is high, 15 times higher than the average wage, thus making it difficult for local people to buy homes.

              It was suggested that the Council should make every effort to ensure that all members of the public are aware of the lack of funding from Central Government.

              Poole Partnership: JS reported that will be attending a breakfast meeting of the Poole Partnership tomorrow (to review the Sustainable Community Strategy)

              Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: No progress had been made on the proposal to plant trees.

              The Christmas Lights in the Village will be switched on by the Mayor at 6.00 p.m. on Friday 13th November 2009. There is a mulled wine reception at the Kitchen Haven showroom from 5.30 p.m. to which everyone is welcome.

              Public Rights of Way:

              Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No further developments

              Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto

              Bessborough Road – ditto

              Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

              Canford Cliffs Play Area: No further developments

              Use of Assn’s Capital Reserve & Noticeboard at Canford Cliffs Library: See AOB

              Public Liability Insurance (PLI) – JS is pursuing.

              Mobile ‘Phone Mast, Elgin Road: Chris Stracey reported that Richard Dunk from Vodafone had seen one of Poole’s Planning Officer last week and discussed the proposed works. The proposal is to increase the height of the existing mast from 12 metres to 13.7 metres and that O2 will put an aerial transmitter on to the mast as well. This means that the mast will be wider at the base because of the additional height and O2 will put another cabinet to house the new equipment at the base alongside the Vodafone cabinet. Richard Dunk said that the Planning Officer was receptive to the idea as O2 want more masts and this sharing idea would save O2 having to put up its own mast.

              CS feels sure that our local Residents will not be too happy about this as this seems like “the thin edge of the wedge” and could lead to more and more transmitters being added to existing masts. He will be speaking to Dr Goodridge in Elgin Road. His house is right next to the mast and he organised the protest when the original mast went up. Although the original action failed, CS thinks that this is a development which is very unwelcome as what is to stop more and more transmitters being added to the mast?

              Masts of 13.7m will require planning consent and so residents will have to opportunity to lodge letters of objection. On the matter of health, it is believed that the highest risk exists where the rings of radiation from two or more masts meet.


              KA reported…

              4 Lawrence Drive (Demolish existing buildings and erect 1 block of 8 apartments with assoc parking) – Application registered on 16/10/09

              10 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing and erect a two storey, five bed detached dwelling with rooms at basement level and in the roof space with dormer and velux windows. A detached double garage with a dormer window (revised scheme). (Topographical survey submitted 14/9/09, as amended by plans received 26/8/09, 30/9/09 and 8/10/09). – Application granted with conditions by Planning Committee on 22/10/09.

              21 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing and erect a two storey five bed detached dwelling with integral garage and basement) – Application granted with conditions by Planning Committee on 22/10/09.

              11 Westminster Road

              (a) Demolish existing and erect a block of five flats with basement parking.– Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 22/10/09.
              (b) Demolish existing and erect three detached two storey dwellings with integral double garages – Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 24/10/09.

              Roland Cunnell said that he had concerns about Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Letter of objection registered on behalf of Assn on 03/04/09. Application was expected to be considered at the Planning Committee meeting on 19/11/09 but this had, again, been deferred.

              This application is in Penn Hill Ward, it has been ongoing for several years and the latest deferral is due to an arboriculturalist’s report having been received. All relevant documents are available to view on line. It was suggested that Mr Cunnell personally arrange a meeting with the Head of Planning & Regeneration, Stephen Thorne to discuss the matter.

              JG asked if KA could look at 29 Links Road (Demolish existing dwelling and sever land to erect 2 detached town houses)

              Dinah Rogers asked if KA could also look at the application for 19 Torbay Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect 3 no. 4-bedroom detached houses with associated parking).which was registered on 05/11/09.

              JS reported that he had attended a meeting of the Local Development Framework Working Group the previous evening and, at this meeting, up-dates were received on…

              1. SE Dorset Multiple Modal Transport Study by Rick Clayton, Transportation Services – RC provided us with a high level analysis of responses to Survey questionnaire.

              2. Site Specific Allocations by Bill Gordon, Strategic Planning – There has been 51 responses which areavailable on BoP website. Officers are now looking at the remaining 200 ’saved’ Development Control policies and hope to reduce these to 40/50. This will be subject to further informal consultation.

              3. Sustainable Community Strategy Review by Hilary Evans, Community Planning Manager.- The present Strategy covers 2006 to 2012 and needs to be longer term.  Project Team are reviewing this.

              4. IDeA – Peer Review by Nigel Jacobs, Planning Policy&Imp. Manager – A meeting with Service Unit Heads was held last week to discuss a more co-ordinated approach to planning. Quarterly Newsletter is being progressed.

              JS said that he and his wife had attended the Planning Inquiry re 20 Balcombe Road Demolish existing and erect 3 detached houses (Revised Scheme) – Application refused on 27/05/09) the previous day and today

              In addition to challenging the refusal for the three properties, the appellants challenged the requirement for a contribution for around £12,000 under the South East Dorset Transport Contributions Scheme Adopted 2009. An article in yesterday’s Daily Echo reported that the Planning Inspector questioned the Recreational and Transportation contributions re 147 Banks Road.

              Other current planning issues

              The Cottage, Kingsgate, 7 The Avenue (Demolish existing property and erect 5 replacement Townhouses) – Application registered on 22/10/09

              St Ann’s Hospital (Erect two 2-storey buildings on site to accommodate a 12 bed Psychiatric Care Unit and 48 long stay bed spaces. New combined entrance & extensions to existing 1980’s acute ward block. Demolition of 1970 block. Associated car parking, hardstanding & landscaping)– Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 04/10/09.

              10 Nairn Road (Demolish the existing house and erect 2 x 4 bedroom maisonettes with associated parking) – Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 10/10/09.

              46-48 Tower Road (Demolish existing houses and erect 14 flats with basement and surface parking)

              Application registered on 02/10/09

              Land adj. 2 Mornish Road

              (a) Conservation area application to erect a 5-bed detached house with integral garage, access from Mornish Road (Revised scheme)Appeal allowed on 24/07/09.

              (b) Erect a 5-bed detached house with attached garage, access from Mornish Road. (Revised Scheme) – Tree Impact Assessment lodged on 29/07/09.

              Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

              19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Amended plans registered on 24/08/09.

              20 Balcombe Road (Demolish existing and erect 3 detached houses (Revised Scheme)

              – Application refused on 27/05/09) – Application subject to Public Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/09/2107902) which commenced yesterday (10/11/09) and concluded today.

              4-6 Compton Avenue (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of flats (10 in total) with basement parking,bin and cycle stores. (Revised Scheme Block A). Revised plans received 05.02.2008) Application was registered as long ago as 18/12/07. The revised scheme application has not yet been approved, This is being held up because the section 106 agreement cannot be agreed and because of changes in ownership. The main building remains substantially the same as previously approved, but there are some additional out buildings, changes to the basement and additional ventilation shafts from the original approval, these may be subject to future enforcement action if the Local Planning Authority (LPA) cannot secure appropriate planting/landscaping, Planning officers are currently considering these changes. This property was purchased only three months ago and the LPA are in the process addressing the outstanding matters with the new owners.

              8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

              60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

              4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – In the absence of JD, JS reported that the total funds as at 30th October amounted to just over £34,000.

              5. ANY OTHER BUSINESS

              East Cliff and Bournemouth Town Centre Residents’ Association – Chris Stracey attended the meeting of this Assn at the Ocean View Hotel on Saturday

              The meeting was chaired by former Cllr David Clutterbuck and was attended by four local Councillors Anne and Michael Filer, David Kelsey and David Smith (who is on the Bournemouth Town Planning Board) and about 50 residents.

              The possibility of having one or more of the Assn’s meetings on a Saturday morning or afternoon was ‘floated’ but this was left for further discussion at a later date.

              CS reported that matters discussed at the meeting included..

              • · Improvements to Bournemouth Seafront, Surf Reef at Boscombe, Boscombe Pier & “Lump of Granite” art work by Boscombe Pier – People cycling in a dangerous manner along the seafront and the cliff top There is 7 miles of sea front, obviously a massive task. A good start has been made at Boscombe with the construction of the Surf Reef and it was generally felt that the whole area by Boscombe Pier has improved, good cafes, new shops etc. Some doubt was expressed about the cost of the Reef (£3mil) and whether it was any good and there was a general thumbs down in respect of the art work generally known as “the lump of granite” (Shades of the art work at Penn Hill????) on the roundabout by the pier. Some further improvements to the Pier were suggested (no facilities) and complaints made about wet suits obstructing the area. More beach huts are required, possibly 1000.Other comments concerned improvements to Bournemouth Pier, Happylands looks awful, Westover Rowing Club lease (£37 pa!!!!) runs out this year and Toft steps by the lift needs attention.
              • · People cycling in a dangerous manner along the seafront and the cliff top – Same problem as Sandbanks Sea front.
              • · Shelters and seats on the Cliff Top – More seats and shelters are required but Residents worried about these being used by alcoholics and drug users/pushers. One Clifftop shelter destroyed by bad weather 4 years ago has not been replaced
              • · Parking meters – Parking meters have been delayed by technical and procedural problems. Apparently they fill up with water when there is rain. Amusing point raised in that people pull off the “Not in Use” Yellow stickers on the meters and put money in and then get very upset when there is no sign of a ticket!  DOH! However, ”meters are go” for the end of this month.
              • · Road and verge cleaning and maintenance & Litter problems – Many Residents complained about the lack of street cleaning esp. leaves and maintenance of the verges. Litter everywhere and many verges destroyed by parking cars.
              • · Cliff End Hotel adjoining Keviston Court & Normandy Hotel – Usual problems with these two Hotels in that Developers are supposed to be carrying out works/demolition there are failing to do so (probably no money because of the recession) and the sites have become dumping grounds for all kinds of rubbish. What’s David LLoyd up to? No one knows.
              • · Proposed Drug Management Centre in Lansdowne Road (Crime Reduction Initiative programme) – Many objections raised by Residents and Businesses  in respect of the proposed Centralised Drug Facility at the Lansdowne. One main objection is that addicts will be sent there from all over the country, especially from London. Where will they stay? Will their friends come with them? Who is going to pay for their accommodation? Matter to be debated in the Town Hall on the 8th Dec at 10 a.m. Council is against the proposal, Police are for it.
              • · Work to turn Holdenhurst Road into a Boulevard – Work is proposed to turn Holdenhurst Road into a Boulevard with centre of the road Pedestrian Islands and Trees. (Sounds like Canford Cliffs proposal??).
              • · Speeding in Kynveton Road – A mobile speed camera will be made available on non specified days for two weeks
              • · Budgets – All the above will be subject to budgetary constraints. Suggestions made by Councillors that Residents could take better ownership of problems such as litter clearance and could take responsibility for clearing minor items of rubbish on verges/pavements outside their properties/businesses. Pointed out that Residents could be prosecuted under Health and Safety laws if sweeping of leaves off pavements by residents caused a slippery surface and passers-by fell over.

              Canford Cliffs Library Notice BoardTS had met with the Library Manager and it was agreed that the noticeboard would be placed on the wall at the bottom of the library. It would be large enough to display 16 A4 sheets and the library staff will be responsible for putting up the posters. It was cheaper to attach the noticeboard to the wall than to mount it on posts.

              Car parking in Whitecliff Road A proposal to put double yellow lines along the north side of Whitecliff Road had been turned down, but a small length of double yellow lines on the corner of Sherwood Avenue was accepted.

              Night economy in Lower ParkstoneThere is a need for a taxi rank in Lower Parkstone due to the night economy of Poole being centred in Ashley Cross. Apparently patrons of the Parkstone venues subsequently travel by taxi to Bournemouth in the early hours of the morning. A suitable site for a taxi rank is being discussed.

              S106 Transport & Recreational Contributions In answer to a question from William Mutlow about how much is received and spent in each area, TS commented that this had been asked previously and that there was a document available giving this information. There are different types of contributions ,e.g. Recreation and Leisure, Transport.

              The Recreational Contributions have to be spent in the ward or an adjoining one, e.g. a play park may extend into an adjoining ward, although some Recreational contributions could be spent in Poole Park or Upton Park.

              Developers query why they should pay Transport contributions which cover other areas in Dorset, but the Council have to stand firm on this ruling. It was suggested that any queries about Transport contributions should be addressed to Steve Dean in the first instance.

              Town Green ApplicationsBranksome Recreation Ground is being processed, although there is a possibility of a Public Inquiry. Baiter and Harbourside Park will not be looked at until Branksome has been decided, but there will be no upgrades or improvements in the meantime.

              There being no other AOB, JS closed closed at 8.45pm.

              Date of next meeting: The next meeting is Wednesday 9th December 2009 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road) NB To be concluded by Mulled Wine and Mince Pies.

              Next Area Committee Meeting will be on Wednesday 18th November at Loch Road Baptist Church Hall

              BPCCRA Minutes October 14th 2009


              HELD ON WEDNESDAY 14th OCTOBER 2009 AT 7.30PM



              Terry Stewart President

              John Sprackling Chairman

              John Gunton Magazine Editor

              Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer

              Val Short Minutes Secretary

              Cllr Mrs May Haines Ward Councillor

              Cllr Neil Sorton ditto

              Ken Sanson Chairman, Sandbanks Assn

              15 Members/Wardens


              JS welcomed NS & MH and all those present.

              Apologies: Apologies received from Cllr Mrs Carole Deas (Flu) Bob & Phyllis Young, William Mutlow, Michael Bond

              Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 09 September 2009.

              2. MATTERS ARISING

              Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that…

              1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – No new developments

              2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – ditto

              3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto

              4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – amended plans lodged on 24/09/09

              5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – No new developments

              Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

              JS reported

              75 Canford Cliffs Road – Removal of fence and re-instatement of the boundary wall at the newly created entrance was due to be completed by 15/08/09.

              15A Westminster Road – Lowering of both the railings and the fence adjacent to a highway to 1 metre or remove them in their entirety was due to be completed by 03/10/09.

              Other current planning enforcement issues

              Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road – Retrospective application to erect glass screens to front and side of decking at front of property was refused on 03/07/09. Subject to ‘Written representation’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/09/2108355) The deadline for statements/representations was 28/08/09.

              2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road – Hedging to be replaced but the Head of Planning Enforcement is seeking clarification to see if owners are waiting until the dormant season at the end of October.

              51 Chaddesley Glen – A new planning application has been requested due to noticeable alterations to the double garage located to the rear of the property. The Agents had asked for the Cisco 642-414 proposal to be treated as a minor amendment to that previously approved on 27/12/07.

              Community Working Group, Progress re Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations & IDeA Report

              JS reported that the 27 page Improvement & Development Agency (IDeA) Report has been posted on the BoP website. The report comments that the Local Planning Authority should engage with all residents and groups and not just those who are the most vocal.

              TS said that Stephen Thorne is very happy with conclusions of the independent audit of planning processes – not such a clear set of recommendations as Sir Michael Pitt, but various ways of improving the Planning Committee, including re-arranging the layout in the room and improvements to sound so that everyone can see and hear clearly.

              JS said that he would set out the 15 Key recommendations in the Minutes

              Achieving outcomes

              1. Ensure better awareness and ownership of the Core Strategy among officers and Members through a range of means.
              2. The senior management team needs to ensure that the planning and regeneration service acts itself and is seen by other council services to act as a service to deliver the corporate regeneration agenda.

              Integration and collaboration

              1. Ensure that front line staff have appropriate information and training to apply the policy framework effectively and consistently
              2. Plan and launch a comprehensive customer focus and engagement cisco 640-816 programme

              Leading and engaging the community

              1. Linked to the above, map out improved processes for engagement between planning officers and the asset management service to ensure that planning advice is being actively sought prior to the preparation of disposal details for council sites
              2. Review the operation of the Planning Committee to improve the service it provides for the community.
              3. Develop a more comprehensive approach to engagement with customers and stakeholders that is corporately led through officers and members
              4. Consider the use of the existing Area Committees as an additional forum for engagement with the local community including looking at models of area committees elsewhere which deal with planning matters


              1. Ensure that the Head of Planning has the resources to complete the restructure and create sufficient support that allows him to play a more strategic role to lead the service through the required change
              2. In line with recommendation 4 above, strengthen the service customer focus through a range of initiatives,
              3. Ensure better monitoring of S106 obligations through a specific policy and processes, allocating responsibility for S106 monitoring to one dedicated officer, and the introduction of a corporate S106 monitoring group

              Innovation, learning and excellence

              1. Introduce processes for effective learning from appeals that were upheld, and from service complaints.
              2. Adhere to good Human Resouces management practice by ensuring that all staff have regular one to one meetings and appraisals
              3. Introduce mechanisms within the service to ensure that staff are actively listened to and are engaged in service improvements.

              Shared knowledge and evidence

              1. Poole should build on knowledge sharing and joint working with a wider range of developers and partners

              RP reported that he had attended the Community Working Group (CWG) meeting on 30/09/09. Key points arising…

              • Agenda and Minutes to be posted on BoP website in due course. Keith Pegram is updating site.
              • Ward Walks planned by Stephen Thorne to get local Councillors out into the wards to review key planning, transport, environment, social issues. A Ward Walk took place toady; Residents’ Assns to notify issues of interest to their Ward members. As It is an exercise designed for listening rather than debating. it was felt that the event should be confined to Officers and Members.
              • Quay Thistle development – request for special Planning Committee not progressed as yet.
              • Web Access Module (WAM) being upgraded. Should allow Pre-Application meeting notes to be added to application files. CWG concern that this should be done before a decision is taken, not merely as an historical record. ST to investigate the practicalities.
              • Trees on application sites – decisions are taken in accordance with British Standard; covers amenity value, visibility, health, life cycle, crown thinning etc. Key dimensions are, not less than 2m from the edge of canopies and foundations to be clear of root zone. Where existing footprint to be built on, can grant even if within assumed root zone or under canopy since no detriment occurs.
              • Fines for illegal felling with costs for replacement go into the central pot and are not ring-fenced for replacement trees. (We might want to pursue this further?). Russ Fisher is the Senior Officer concerned. Trees on public land cannot be TPOd.
              • Poole Newsletter – ST has agreed to develop a pilot. Terry S. has agreed to critique and when published on web, feedback will inform future issues. Likely to be quarterly.
              • Resident Assn database still being drawn up; only want to include bone fide groups rather than (the many) ad-hoc local groups formed for specific issues. May want to push progress on this?
              • Town and village greens – building on. Chinese wall in Council between Licensing Committee. that decides on appropriation of land to be developed and Planning. Committee. that decides on the merits of a planning application. Relevant to Branksome Rec. and Broadstone Rec.
              • Householder Planning Appeals – HM Planning Inspectorate decreed that for small developments. eg. extensions, the Inspector will simply review the file papers as they were at time of original decision and will not take further reps. No ‘second bite at the cherry’.
              • Planning Committee voting. Coloured cards now in use; R,Y,G to be stencilled on for the colour blind. Room arranged so that members face public. Method to be continued for the time being. Not recording votes but public free to sit in and note down votes. Medium term plan to get meeting web cam so that proceedings can be viewed on web. ST has agreed idea with Chief Executive but budgets to be sorted etc. Keith Pegram will action.
              • Political-v-Quasi judicial role and membership of Planning Committee. Pro-rata political seats is common practice and no chance of changing in ST opinion.
              • Flooding risks – lot of confusion in responsibilities from Environment Agency downwards. ST keen to get more clarity on roles/responsibilities/funding. Also the move for design risk from 1/50 to 1/100 to 1/200 year flood event needs to be clarified. ST will pursue and apprise us in due course.
              • New information on Planning Applications – Residents’ Assns keeping up to speed. Decisions are due 56 days from a valid deposit of an application. Plan to use WAM to generate e-mail to relevant RAs when new/updated information received. Clearly depends on WAM implementation.
              • AOB

              D-Day plaque for Poole Quay now delivered and will be installed facing the Quay inside Dolphin Quays before 11/11/09.

              Minutes – target to issue them a week after the meeting.

              Ward Walks – NS said that he & MH had taken part in a Ward Walk with Richard Genge and a tree officer, they looked at Salter Road and Grasmere Road where new properties have to be built up 1m for flood protection, making them higher than existing properties. Chester and Eaton Roads are at present largely unspoilt and ideally should be kept that way. The most important aspects are landscaping and trees. Planners should require developers to leave space for good landscaping, often this is not the case. Also looked at Lakeside Road and Haven Road from Loch Fyne to Flaghead. The intention of the walk was to provide a general overview of the area.

              Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: The Poole & Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan Review – Key Stakeholder Group meeting has been postponed to 26th November

              Council Tax 2010/11 & Council’s Budget Monitoring report: In the absence of WM, JS reported on the financial reports presented at last night’s Cabinet meeting.

              JS said that Cllr Leverett had outlined the assumptions and principles to be observed in the on-going development of next year’s Budget, one of which is that the increase in Council Tax will be levied at no more than 5%.

              JS said that he would include the assumptions and principles in the Minutes (see below)

              (i) the assumption of an on-going revenue contribution to capital of £1m per annum over the period of the MTFP (Medium Term Financial Plan) subject to work now on-going to review the capital strategy

              (ii) to minimise the use of Supported Borrowing Approvals as much as possible further to (sic)

              (iii) that Council Tax will be levied at no more than 5% in any given year over the period of the MTFP

              (iv) that the balance of released reserves not needed for other purposes may be used to fund one-off costs pressures in 2010/11 subject to Cabinet approving the relevant requests for growth through Stage 2 of the on-going MTFP process

              (v) the organisation will avoid building growth into the base budget position for 2010/11 that it could not reasonably expect to sustain over the remainder of the MTFP period.

              The latest Council 2009/10 Budget Monitoring report shows a projected year-end surplus of £209k.

              There is also a reduction in 2009/10 Capital Programme of £13,395m. This is the result of re-profiling of around £15m to future years (£8m Poole Bridge £6.5m in the schools area and 0.5m of waste strategy). There is no associated Personnel impact.

              Chairman’s note:
              In his note to me WM says “Looking at the original Budget/Revised Budget/Year End Forecast three portfolio areas stand out….”

              Children’s Services – Saving of (£353,000 net)

              £109,000 Harnessing Technology – Contributions from schools

              (£140,000) Statutory priorities Hot School Meals – Re-profiled into 2010/11

              (£155,000) Statutory priorities Health and Safety contingency for urgent works – Re-profiled into 2010/11

              (£167,000) Primary capital needs analysis, master planning and detailed design – Re-profiled into 2010/11

              Local Economy including Transportation – Saving of (£114,000)

              Due to a combination of both lower journey numbers and reimbursement rates compared to budget, it is now estimated that the Council will underspend by £114k on the £2.7m Concessionary Fares budget. However the reduction in reimbursement rates is a consequence of the Council removing the cap on

              average fares an action that has resulted in a bus operator submitting a capacity claim amounting to £0.5m (this potential liability has not been factored into the forecast and is the subject of further discussions).

              Resources – Saving of (£137,000)

              As part of the July Council Budget monitoring report it was established that when resources within Service Units are identified as available due to the consequence of changing circumstance, be that due to one-off events or due to lower actual provisions for price or volume increases than was assumed within the base budget, they will be redirected in support the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP).

              During the month there has been a further adjustment due to the provision made for energy costs.

              Poole Partnership: JS reported that he had attended the Poole Partnership Steering Group meeting on 30/09/09.

              A review of the Partnership Governance Arrangements is being carried and changes are being recommended which include “increased representation by elected members, non-executive directors and representation across the equality strands.”

              During a discussion of the allocation of Poole’s Performance Reward Grant, members of the Steering Group representing the Bournemouth & Poole Primary Care Trust (PCT), Fire & Rescue etc cautioned embarking on any new projects which involved revenue expenditure as they are facing ‘zero growth’ budgets for the forthcoming year.

              There was a lively discussion about joint working across the conurbation. Both the Police and the PCT have already combined their resources.

              JS pointed out that a joint meeting of Poole and Bournemouth Partnerships in 2007, we were told that the Bournemouth Borough Council and the Borough of Poole had adopted a ‘Convergence Model’ whereby the presumption between the two Councils was that they would always work together unless there was any compelling reason why they should not. He went on to say that he thought there was scope for more joint working but Councillors would need to take the initiative because officers would want to maintain the ’status quo’. Predictably, John McBride took exception to this and pointed to the Multi-Area Agreement, Schools for the Future etc.

              In response, JS pointed there has been no progress report from the ‘Jointly Commissioning Building Consultancy Services Working Party’. This was announced at the Cabinet meeting on 10/02/09 but no timescale for this initiative was set out in the officer’s report. He is sure that there are other areas where a similar approach could be adopted. For instance, Libraries etc, do we really need two Heads of Cultural Services?

              JS said that members may recall that he mentioned that Comprehensive Area Assessments were being introduced from April 2009 at the Assn’s meeting on 08/07/09. To quote…

              By way of background, the new system of Comprehensive Area Assessment introduced from April 2009 requires Local Authorities and other public agencies to account collectively for how well they are doing. An area risk assessment into the prospects for the area and the quality of life for local people forms a key part of the comprehensive area assessment.”

              Martin Green (Audit Commission) gave an up-date and said that the results for all Local Authorities will be posted on the website on 10/12/09.

              A small task group to include the Chair and representatives of the Borough of Poole, Dorset Police, NHS Bournemouth & Poole, Dorset Fire and Rescue and Poole CVS is reviewing Poole’s Sustainable Community Strategy. suggested that areas which need addressing are…

              • · Impact of introduction of more personalised care in the area of Social Services
              • · Un-anticipated ‘baby boom’
              • · Changes in economy
              • · Joint working across conurbation
              • · More emphasis now on sustainability/equalities agenda
              • · More emphasis now on Social/Community enterprise

              Sustainable Communities Act – TS asked for an up-date.

              NS replied that Poole and Bournemouth are working together on the Comprehensive Area Assessment which is designed to improve the whole community and improve efficiency and economy. Local govt need to prioritize tasks as there are so many requirements that they are fast approaching an ‘overload’ situation.

              TS said that he felt Poole’s response to the Sustainable Communities Act was dominated by elected representatives, whereas this was supposed to be members of the public.

              Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: MH met with Warren Leaver, who is arranging for sketches to be put together showing a total revamp of the whole shopping area, and an initial draft proposal. MH will chase this.

              Public Rights of Way:

              Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No further developments

              Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto

              Bessborough Road – ditto

              Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

              Canford Cliffs Play Area: JS said that it is not yet possible to deliver this project owing to the more immediate demands of the time-critical delivery of 22 Playbuilder play area improvements in other wards across the Borough.

              Chairman’s Note: £30,000 has been allocated to provide a ‘natural play’ area for young children at Canford Cliffs Chine.

              Use of Assn’s Capital Reserve: JG is still collecting ideas for possible use of capital reserve – so far suggestions include an extension to Canford Cliffs Library, art for public display and the sunken garden in Pinewood Gardens.

              Public Liability Insurance (PLI) – JS is pursuing.

              Mobile ‘Phone Mast, Elgin Road – No further developments


              KA reported…

              St Ann’s Hospital (Erect two 2-storey buildings on site to accommodate a 12 bed Psychiatric Care Unit and 48 long stay bed spaces. New combined entrance & extensions to existing 1980’s acute ward block. Demolition of 1970 block. Associated car parking, hardstanding & landscaping)– Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 04/10/09.

              10 Nairn Road (Demolish the existing house and erect 2 x 4 bedroom maisonettes with associated parking) – Letter of objection lodged by Assn on 10/10/09.

              11 Leicester Road (Demolish existing & Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme) – Applications refused on 20/08/09.

              12 St Clair Road (Construct 2 detached dwellings with associated parking. (Revised Scheme) – Application granted by the Planning Committee at their meeting on 17/09/09.

              Other current planning issues

              11 Westminster Road

              (a) Demolish existing and erect a block of five flats with basement parking.
              (b) Demolish existing and erect three detached two storey dwellings with integral double garages – Applications registered on 29/09/09

              46-48 Tower Road (Demolish existing houses and erect 14 flats with basement and surface parking)

              Application registered on 02/10/09

              Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Letter of objection registered on behalf of Assn on 03/04/09. Application was expected to be considered at the Planning Committee meeting on 17/09/09 but has been deferred.

              19 Torbay Road – no further action until the application is submitted.

              10 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing and erect a two storey, five bed detached dwelling with rooms at basement level and in the roof space with dormer and velux windows. A detached double garage with a dormer window (revised scheme). (Topographical survey submitted 14/9/09, as amended by plans received 26/8/09, 30/9/09 and 8/10/09). – To be determined at next Thursday’s Pllanning Committee meeting. Officer’s recommendation is to ‘Grant with Conditions’

              21 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing and erect a two storey five bed detached dwelling with integral garage and basement) – To be determined at next Thursday’s Pllanning Committee meeting. Officer’s recommendation is to ‘Grant with Conditions’

              7 Ventry Close (Erect a link-detached 3-bedroom dwelling (revised scheme) – ‘Written representation’ appeal dismissed on 23/09/09.

              Land adj. 2 Mornish Road

              (a) Conservation area application to erect a 5-bed detached house with integral garage, access from Mornish Road (Revised scheme)Appeal allowed on 24/07/09.

              (b) Erect a 5-bed detached house with attached garage, access from Mornish Road. (Revised Scheme) – Application registered on 29/06/09.

              Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

              19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Amended plans lodged on 24/08/09.

              20 Balcombe Road (Demolish existing and erect 3 detached houses (Revised Scheme) –

              Application refused on 27/05/09) – Application subject to Public Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/09/2107902) to be held on 10/11/09 at 10.00am at the Civic Centre.

              4-6 Compton Avenue (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of flats (10 in total) with basement parking,

              bin and cycle stores. (Revised Scheme Block A). Revised plans received 05.02.2008) Application was registered as long ago as 18/12/07. Most recent posting on BoP planning Application website is a letter from the Agents dated 19/08/08 referring to the outstanding signed Section 106 Agreement which was due to be “issued to Poole Borough Council shortly.” The flats have been largely constructed but it appears that no further work has been carried out on this site since the demise of Ravine Lifestyle. It states at 3.2 ‘Distributions’ of the Administrators’ Progress Report for Ravine Lifestyle dated 21/07/09 that “Clydesdale, the secured lender also had cross guarantees in place over 57 Haven, 4 & 6 Compton, 101 Lilliput and Future 3000. Due to significant shortfalls for the secured creditors in these companies no further realisations were possible for Clydesdale.”

              8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

              60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

              4. REPORT RE CANFORD CLIFFS & PENN HILL AREA COMMITTEE MEETING – Steph Quinn, Project Co-ordinator, Age Concern Bournemouth, was due to give a short presentation on Project Purple, Poole, which is a new initiative in Poole aiming to provide a range of social and health

              improving activities for the over 55’s across the Borough but this was cancelled at short notice.

              ‘For infomation only’ reports were presented re

              a) Playbuilder Improvements to Alexandra Park

              b) Prioritisation of Crossing Requests. Report re Pedestrian refuge in Penn Hill Ave to be presented at next meeting.

              c) Planning Obligations Funding – Information. TS asked for further information.

              5. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JD reported that the total funds at the end of September amounted to just over £34,100.

              6. ANY OTHER BUSINESS

              Noticeboard at Canford Cliffs Library – TS reported that, since the refurbishment of the library the available space for notices, etc was not so good, so it was proposed to provide a freestanding noticeboard the cost of which had originally been £500, but had suddenly become £1,000. There is to be a meeting with Cllr. Atkinson, TS & SA on 10/11/09.

              SA commented that, if the Assn is to make a donation towards the cost of the board, this should clearly show some recognition of this. A donation of £1,000 was approved by all present but JS said that he had asked the Canford Cliffs Land Society if the Society might be willing to contribute £500 towards this.

              The Axe Factor – JS said that the Daily Echo has launched a campaign called the Axe Factor, looking at the financial pressures on councils and other public bodies and savings they could make. A two page spread looking at Bournemouth Council will appear tomorrow (Thursday), with a similar feature on Poole next week.

              The Assn had been asked to put forward suggestions. Suggestions received prior to the meeting included

              • Reduce the number of Poole B.C. employees by 5 or 10%. This would be in line with other businesses.
              • Avoid employing expensive Consultants. Hopefully there’s enough ‘brain’ power already within P.B.C. to sort out their own problems.
              • Reduce the number of the co-ordinators, out-reach workers involved with racial integration etc.
              • They could save a lot of money at Hamworthy Outdoor Education Centre. It is losing more money this year than ever before
              • There are probably office jobs that could be cut or scaled down (i.e. from full time to part time etc)…but we are not in a position to assess specifics….but given that labour is the biggest ongoing cost scaling to part time is always a way to cut costs without dropping the job…but I doubt they’d entertain that option!

              And a plea for a service to be started/restored – removal of weeds from Poole’s pavements. Strong enough weed killers are now banned from our streets (illegal apparently) and weeds can only be removed manually. It is feared that the “streets will get worse and become quite tatty etc!”

              TS mentioned cost of cycleways, Penn Hill crossing and public art – none of which are funded by council tax

              Peter Dulieu thought that the Poole News was a waste of money, but that NS said that the cost is now being partially offset with advertising and commented that residents appreciate knowing how their money is being spent.

              Roy Pointer thought that we should challenge the rise in council tax. No justification for increase in the current economic climate. Significant savings could be made by having single units for several large depts.(e.g. IT) for the whole conurbation. MH commented that this could create problems of confidentiality for the two authorities.

              Town Green Application for Whitecliff Recreation Ground and Baiter Park – This was registered by Parkstone Bay Assn (PBA) with the Council on 09/07/09. PBA would welcome the Association’s support for this application.

              JS said that the Branksome Rec application is to be concluded first because it was the first to apply.

              This will almost certainly go to a formal inquiry and the estimated cost is £25,000.

              The Open Spaces Society believe that the Town Green status would NOT prevent the present maintenance regime or enhancements to improve public enjoyment of the open space but this is based on the opinion of Paul Clayden (Open Spaces Society 2007) and has no weight in law.

              TS said that he had discussed this with Cllr Don Collier as it is a Licensing Committee decision. There have been other applications for Town Green status. There is a three month delay from submission of the application which creates fears of a hidden agenda. DC has promised to arrange for clear guidelines of how this type of application will be processed.

              TS went on to say that we should try to protect parks and open spaces and would therefore support other Residents’ Associations, if asked to do so. It was agreed to support PBAs Town Green application for Whitecliff Recreation Ground and Baiter Park in principle, although it was felt that there were higher priorities for the Council to resolve first, not least next year’s Budget.

              If the Poole Town Football Club (PTFC) Stadium is built on Branksome Rec it will be in breach of Policy L9 of the Poole Local Plan. Local residents are forming an Branksome West Residents’ Association. There is to be a special Planning Committee meeting on 26/11/09 at Lighthouse to determine the PTFC application. One compromise being suggested is that 17% of Branksome Rec should be allocated for the Stadium and 83% given ‘Town Green’ status.

              6 St Osmonds Road – Rose Rogers believes that this property has been sold to Dave Wells. There appears to be lots of young people there which is causing local concerns. RR said that Andy Dearing, the Head of Planning Enforcement is investigating.

              There being no other AOB, JS closed closed at 8.45pm.

              Date of next meeting: The next meeting is Wednesday 11th November 2009 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

              Next Area Committee Meeting will be on Wednesday 118th November at the Civic Centre.

              BPCCRA Minutes September 9th 2009


              HELD ON WEDNESDAY 9th SEPTEMBER 2009 AT 7.30PM



              John Sprackling Chairman

              Michael Bond Membership Secretary

              Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer

              Bob Young Magazine Advertising

              Val Short Minutes Secretary

              Cllr Mrs May Haines Ward Councillor

              Cllr Neil Sorton ditto

              15 Members/Wardens


              JS welcomed NS & MH and all those present, especially those attending for the first time.

              Apologies: Apologies received from Terry Stewart, John Defty, Keith Alcroft, John Gunton, John Fox, Roy Pointer & Ken Sanson, Chairman, Sandbanks Assn

              Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 12 August 2009.

              2. MATTERS ARISING

              Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that…

              1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – No new developments

              2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – ditto

              3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto

              4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – ditto

              5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – ditto

              Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

              75 Canford Cliffs Road – Removal of fence and re-instatement of the boundary wall at the newly created entrance to be completed by 15/08/09. JS to ask Cllr Mrs Deas if she will follow up.

              Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road – Retrospective application to erect glass screens to front and side of decking at front of property was refused on 03/07/09. Subject to ‘Written representation’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/09/2108355 ) The deadline for statements/representations is 28/08/09.

              2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road – A number of breaches of Planning Conditions in relation to Application No: 06/11668/007/F have been highlighted by the LPA.

              51 Chaddesley Glen – A new planning application has been requested due to noticeable alterations to the double garage located to the rear of the property. The Agents had asked for the proposal to be treated as a minor amendment to that previously approved on 27/12/07.

              15A Westminster Road – Enforcement appeal dismissed and compliance with the following conditions required by 03/10/09 (i.e. three months from the date of Planning Inspector’s Decision letter (03/07/09)

              Lower both the railings and the fence adjacent to a highway to 1 metre or remove them in their entirety.

              19 Mornish Road – Tree replacement has not been carried out and it appears that there is no will to do so. The Local Planning Authority’s Planning Notice Log reads “Barrington Homes. Court July/August 2008. Both directors pleaded guilty and accept caution + paying our costs which include new tree. £3,500k” RP to raise this as a general point under AOB at the next meeting of the Community Working Group on 30/09/09.

              Progress re Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations following independent report into the control of development at the Borough of Poole: The Head of Planning & Regeneration provided an up-date on the key actions taken in relation to Sir Michael Pitt recommendations at the Council Efficiency and Effectiveness Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting on 03/09/09.

              JS said that he would include a note of the key actions taken in the Minutes – see below

              1st recommendation: That senior Officers review the Council’s Risk Register and ensure that ‘the likelihood of the risk’, ‘the impact of the risk’ and ‘the mitigating actions’ relating to Development

              Control, unlawful behaviour and damage to the reputation of the Council are given appropriate priority and that this aspect of the Council’s corporate governance is considered regularly by top management and Planning Services.

              A robust risk register with clear mitigation is now in place.

              2nd recommendation: Senior Members and Officers should redouble their efforts to explain Council planning policy and the reasons for their advice and decisions. This should be backed up with a rolling communications strategy developed by Officers.

              • · Member Hotline installed 01.04.09
              • · Cessation of non-availability of Planning Officers before 1430 from 07/04/09
              • · Customer Services and Communications Team engaged in service provision and training. Training planned for 06/08/09
              • · Pre-application discussions uploaded onto web at the point of an application being received 08/06/09
              • · Communications Strategy – Internal – Questionnaire and fact finding commenced
              • · Communications Strategy – External
              • · Head of Planning and Regeneration attended AGM of Branksome Park and Canford Cliffs Resident’s Association 02/05/09 and Broadstone Resident’s Association AGM on 21/05/09
              • · Community Working Group that includes Resident’s Associations formed 13.05.09 Further meetings scheduled for 08/07/09, 30/09/9, 25/11/09, 20/01/2010, 10/03/2010.
              • · Developers and Agents Working Group formed 25/06/09. Further meetings scheduled for 07/10/09 and 03/03/2010
              • · Working with Resident’s Association on ‘Place checking’ and character assessment
              • · Ward Walks initiative commenced 13/05/09 with Autumn and Spring dates of 14/10/09 and 14/04/10 scheduled
              • · Planning Charter initiated and draft completed for consultation in September.
              • · Strategic Development Team Concept initiated 19/06/09. Service Unit Head to attend Project management Group, Asset management Group and RTC Strategy group to ensure Corporate Projects are engaged with at an early stage
              • · Operational Development Team concept initiated 19/06/09. Points of Contact with units to be established and monthly meetings scheduled to ensure operational projects are brought to the attention of the Planning and Regeneration Unit at an early stage.
              • · Pilot scheme for Planning Committee to be live on the world wide web
              • · Improve communication with all stakeholders by upgrading the existing Planning Applications search website. This will include application tracking, notification of applications in any pre-defined area. If early November deadline missed earliest likely date for implementation is March 2010.
              • · Concerns by ICT & Customer First re resource capacity/lack of integration with single log on vision and GIS mapping project and benefits analysis
              • · ‘Place shaping for Poole’ Seminar – Scheduled for 06/11/09 IDeA and PAS to be invited to help

              3rd recommendation: The Council should accelerate the planned remodeling of the membership of its Planning Committee and/or Cabinet in order to strengthen the Planning Committee’s independence and comply fully with the advice of the Audit Commission contained within the Corporate Assessment 2008.

              • Training completed 09/06/09 and all Member training organised for 11/08/09

              Although it was recommended that Cabinet members should not sit on the Planning Committee, Cabinet members continue to sit as susbstitutes. At the Planning Committee meeting on 27/08/09, two of the seven members were Cabinet members.

              4th recommendation: The Council should review the standing of the Planning Committee within its political structure and invite the independent Panel on Members Allowances to more fully recognise the responsibilities and workload of Chair and Members.

              • · The Annual Council considered nominations to Planning Committee at its Full Council meeting on 12/05/09
              • · At member level, the issue of Members Allowances has been considered inappropriate to pursue in an Economic Recession and will be re-visited in 2011.

              5th recommendation: The Council should review the way minutes of the Planning Committee are presented and when decisions are not unanimous, a record should be kept of Councillors abstaining and voting for and against the motion.

              • · The Head of Planning & Regeneration has recommended in consultation with Chair/Vice Chair Planning, Solicitor to the Council, Democratic Services and the Communities Working Group that a pilot scheme of showing a red, green or amber card at the point of vote to record whether the member is voting for, against or abstaining from the motion. Trialled 18/06/09. This has been seen by all parties to be a favourable compromise to the recommendation of a recorded vote and does not require a change to the constitution. Committee members can request a record of the votes.
                • ‘The Head of Legal and Democratic Services has considered this issue and at present sees no reason as to why the style to the Minutes of the Planning Committee should be changed.

              The Head of Legal and Democratic Services’ decision is disappointing in view of the problems arising from the 7 Excelsior Road case which was referred to the Local Government Ombudsman.

              6th recommendation: Given the challenges within the Borough, the Council should commission a comprehensive review of its arrangements for controlling development conducted by an experienced, senior and qualified Planning Officer. The terms of reference of the review should take into account the contents of this report.

              • Awayday 31/03/09 with the Planning and Regeneration Unit to discuss Development Management and ‘place shaping’.

              • Awayday 20/04/09 with Team Managers to discuss accommodation, personnel issues and business plan

              • Regeneration Project Manager to be temporarily employed for 12 months from 07/09/09.

              • Masterplan refresh to reconcile conservation/regeneration tensions of the public. The ‘narrative of the town’

              • Design Forum initiative for sensitive schemes initiative commenced 12/05/09, with the aspiration of a cross boundary forum and commencement date of 01.09.09. Meeting taken place with Bournemouth Borough Council and the principle agreed.

              • High quality design guidance project initiated 12/05/09 to update the design guidance

              • Tour of Inspection for members initiative scheduled 16/09/09

              • New software system live date 02/02/09

              • Engagement of I&Dea to assist in executive/political understanding of Place Shaping as part of a tailored peer review through mixed forums and workshops. Peer Review dates 15-17/07/09. Report expected 01/09/09. Follow up visit programmed 02/09/09

              • Key activities schedule commenced

              • Formal presentation to Efficiency and Effectiveness Overview and Scrutiny Committee 03/09/09

              7th recommendation: That the Administration seeks an urgent and permanent resolution to the on-going disagreements within the Group.

              • Issue has been addressed by the Conservative Group

              Both Cllrs Mrs Carole Deas and David Gillard are qualified to sit on the Planning Committee but they are now ‘Independent’ and, unless more ‘Independent’ candidates are elected in May 2011, they are not eligible to sit on the Committee because of the requirement to maintain political balance.

              The Council nominated the Council Efficiency & Effectiveness Scrutiny Committee to oversee the implementation of the Action Plan following Sir Michael Pitt’s report and the Head of Planning & Regeneration up-dated Members on this at the Committee’s meeting on 03/09/09.

              Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: Roy Pointer has kindly agreed to attend the Poole & Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan Review – Key Stakeholder Group meeting on 28/09/09.

              Chairman’s note: Due to delays in the programme the meeting will now be held on 9th November by which time the draft Shoreline Management Plan document should be available.

              Council Tax 2009/10 & Council’s Budget Monitoring report: JS reported that the Budget for 2010/11 and MTFP for 2010/11 to 2012/13 is to be reported to Cabinet at it’s next meeting in October 2009.

              Some residents are very concerned about a likely large increase in household tax, especially people in certain parts of the ward who are on fixed incomes.

              NS commented on increasingly tough times due to the current economic climate. Portfolio Holders were meeting with Heads of Service to discuss possible economies, ahead of the October/November Cabinet meeting. Savings already made, which include two positions in the Planning Dept. not filled, had been offset by £¼m in costs for an additional nine children taken into care.

              WM suggested that, when looking at the Medium Term Financial Plan, the Council should consider ‘zero’ budgeting and there was a need to make hard choices. This month’s report predicts a slight surplus at the end of year, but this is achieved by the use of £3.8m held in un-earmarked reserves. WM felt that just moving around large sums of money on paper, disguises the true state of the Council’s financial position.

              Poole Partnership: JS reported that last night’s Cabinet approved the Performance Reward Grant Allocation Process. Consideration of potential priorities for such funding will be considered at the Poole Partnership Steering Group meeting on 30/09/09.

              The Poole Partnership Governance arrangements and structures are currently being reviewed in the light of the good practice guidance from the Audit Commission. Proposals are to be presented to the next Steering Group meeting on 29/09/09 which will seek to deal with the two way communication about the Partnership and the roles of the Performance Management Group and the Steering Group and will include the need for a communication strategy and for the Steering Group to be more widely representative as well as a more clearly defined role of the Performance Group.

              On the communication theme, a revised website is now operative and Poole Partnership are seeking to include more regular Partnership articles in Poole News as well as the current use of press releases and various forums and community engagement.

              Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: MH reported that the Christmas Lights would be switched on, with refreshments and entertainment, at 5.30 – 6.00 pm on Friday 13th November.

              This will be preceded by carols in the afternoon by Lilliput 1st School.

              Public Rights of Way:

              Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No further developments

              Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto

              Bessborough Road – ditto

              Ray Wylde asked why no progress was ever reported. SA said that, in spite of numerous calls to the relevant dept. no progress had been made, as each time he ‘phoned, he spoke to a different member of staff, all of whom said they would look into it, but then never called back.

              Chairman’s note: SA has since received a note from the Technical Administrator, Transportation Services to say that the path from Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road is actually already adopted highway, thus it actually has a higher status of protection than a public footpath/bridleway.

              He goes on to say “It is still possible to add the path to the definitive map, but it would not be high on the council’s ‘to do’ list because with its current classification it is already safeguarded against development/encroachment, etc..”

              Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

              Canford Cliffs Play Area: MH & NS explained that the Council could Canford Cliffs Play Area: MH & NS explained that the Council could only provide so much funding for the play area, so the Canford Cliffs Land Society (CCLS) had agreed to ‘top it up’. CCLS had spoken to mothers in the area and a petition had been raised. The decision that there is a need for a play area was taken at an Area Committee Meeting. The play area will take up only a small area of the green.

              Use of Assn’s Capital Reserve: No new developments

              Public Liability Insurance (PLI) – JS is pursuing.


              In KA’s absence, JS reported…

              7A Bury Road (Demolish existing and erect replacement two storey dwelling with basement (Revised Scheme) – Application granted by Planning Committee on 27/08/09. Peter Viney is meeting up with the Head of Planning & Regeneration tomorrow to discuss the conduct of the Planning Committee meeting.

              31A Western Avenue (Demolish existing and erect replacement two storey dwelling with basement (Revised scheme) – the appeal against the Council’s refusal to grant these applications was allowed by the Planning Inspector on 27/08/09. The objectors may be meeting up with the Head of Planning & Regeneration tomorrow to discuss the implications of this decision in relation to future applications in the Branksome Park Conservation Area.

              11 Leicester Road (Demolish existing & Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme) – Applications refused on 20/08/09.

              Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Letter of objection registered on behalf of Assn on 03/04/09. Application was expected to be considered at the Planning Committee meeting on 17/09/09 but has been deferred.

              12 St Clair Road (Construct 2 detached dwellings with associated parking. (Revised Scheme) – Application is to be determined by the Planning Committee at their meeting on 17/09/09 (Evening)

              Other current planning issues

              19 Torbay Road – no further action until the application is submitted.

              10 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing and erect a two storey, five bed detached dwelling with rooms at basement level and in the roof space with dormer and velux windows. A detached double garage with a dormer window. (Revised scheme) – Application registered on 30/07/09.

              7 Ventry Close (Erect a link-detached 3-bedroom dwelling (revised scheme) – Subject to ‘Written representation’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/09/2102722) The date for final comments

              from the appellants and LPA was 29/06/09. The date of the site visit has yet to be announced.

              Land adj. 2 Mornish Road

              (a) Conservation area application to erect a 5-bed detached house with integral garage, access from Mornish Road (Revised scheme)Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/09/2098623) allowed on 24/07/09.

              (b) Erect a 5-bed detached house with attached garage, access from Mornish Road. (Revised Scheme) – Application registered on 29/06/09.

              Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

              19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Amended plans lodged on 24/08/09.

              20 Balcombe Road (Demolish existing and erect 3 detached houses (Revised Scheme) –

              Application refused on 27/05/09) – Application subject to Public Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/09/2107902) to be held on 10/11/09 at 10.00am at the Civic Centre.

              4-6 Compton Avenue (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of flats (10 in total) with basement parking,

              bin and cycle stores. (Revised Scheme Block A). Revised plans received 05.02.2008) Application was registered as long ago as 18/12/07. Most recent posting on BoP planning Application website is a letter from the Agents dated 19/08/08 referring to the outstanding signed Section 106 Agreement which was due to be “issued to Poole Borough Council shortly.” The flats have been largely constructed but it appears that no further work has been carried out on this site since the demise of Ravine Lifestyle. It states at 3.2 ‘Distributions’ of the Administrators’ Progress Report for Ravine Lifestyle dated 21/07/09 that “Clydesdale, the secured lender also had cross guarantees in place over 57 Haven, 4 & 6 Compton, 101 Lilliput and Future 3000. Due to significant shortfalls for the secured creditors in these companies no further realisations were possible for Clydesdale.”

              8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

              60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

              4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – In the JD’s absence, JS reported that funds at the end of August amounted to approx £34,230.

              JS said that JG has been in touch to say that he is hoping that the Autumn 2009 magazine will be ready for distribution by Friday 16 October.

              5. ANY OTHER BUSINESS

              Mobile ‘Phone Mast, Elgin Road – Chris Stracey Had spoken to a Surveyor (Richard Dunk of Tyco Electronics UK Infrastructure Ltd) at the Pottery Road/Elgin Road mast site who had informed him that Vodaphone are carrying out a national survey of all masts as they need more powerful ones. It is possible that he will be in contact with the Local Planning Authority in the coming weeks about replacing the existing masts with taller ones.

              Chairman’s note: Depending on these discussions any pre-application consultation that may result will include the Residents Associations.

              Private sewers – Mrs Shirley Critchley raised a question about sharing the cost of clearing a blockage of drain where this is connected to a private sewer. Following an emergency problem with the private sewers shared by seven properties in Links Road, Mrs Critchley had paid Wessex Water in advance to do the repairs, she had subsequently been re-imbursed by all except one of the other residents. In this instance, the amount outstanding was small, but Mrs Critchley was concerned that there could be a serious problem in the future if a large amount was involved. It was suggested by members that Mrs Critchley could contact the Small Claims Court, or the Land Registry as the shared responsibility would be in the Deeds. From 2011, water companies will be responsible for private sewers, but most probably costs would be passed on.

              There being no other AOB, JS closed closed at 8.20pm.

              Date of next meeting: The next meeting is Wednesday 14th October 2009 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

              BPCCRA Minutes August 12th 2009


              WEDNESDAY 12th AUGUST 2009 AT 7.30PM



              Terry Stewart President

              John Sprackling Chairman

              John Defty Treasurer

              Keith Alcroft Planning Officer

              Bob Young Magazine Advertising

              Val Short Minutes Secretary

              Cllr Mrs Carole Deas Ward Councillor

              Cllr Neil Sorton ditto

              10 Members/Wardens


              JS welcomed NS & CD and all those present, especially those attending for the first time.

              Apologies: Apologies received from Michael Bond, Stan Alfert & Ken Sanson

              Accuracy: JS said that, subject to this amendment, he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meetings held on 08 July 2009.

              2. MATTERS ARISING

              Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that…

              1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – The empty property rating legislation changed from 1 April 2008 to remove exemptions and discounts from empty property after the initial rate free period. From 1 April 2009 the de minimus threshold was amended 640-692 dumps from £2,200 to £15,000 meaning any empty property with a rateable value less than £15,000 is exempt. However, this legislation only applies to properties on the rating list. The owners of Quayside are liable for empty property rates on any of the units that are on the rating list i.e. the 5 units on the ground floor and those on the first floor if they are empty after the initial rate free period. Currently only one unit is actually empty and the owner is being charged accordingly. The remaining empty retail units are also just shells and therefore, not rateable.

              2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – No further developments

              3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – The Eileen Soper Illustrated World, featuring the work of author Enid Blyton’s celebrated illustrator Eileen Soper is due to open at the Swan Inn site by the end of this week, August 14.

              4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 03/08/09.

              5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – JS has asked Mike Randall, Vice-Chairman of Parkstone Bay Assn to put a question at the next Hamworthy East & West, Poole Town Area Committee meeting on 09/09/09 about the current ’state of play’ in relation to the Public Work of Art at Old Orchard Plaza (Described in report by Head of Transportation Services presented at the Area Committee meeting on 09/07/08 as ‘Installations Space’ to house small-scale performances of musicians/street entertainers. Serve as an exhibition space for local artists’ temporary public art. To exist as an attractive feature in the public realm when not being used for other activities.) TS referred to the Public Art at the Penn Hill/North Lodge junction and said that he thought this was due to be formed of two pieces, one at the Penn Hill junction and the other at the Archway Road/Bournemouth Road junction. JS said that he recalled that this was stated at the Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting in March 2008. JS said that he would follow this up.

              Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

              75 Canford Cliffs Road – Removal of fence and re-instatement of the boundary wall at the newly created entrance to be completed by 15/08/09.

              Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road – Retrospective application to erect glass 640-822 screens to front and side of decking at front of property was refused on 03/07/09. Planning Enforcement to pursue?

              2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road – A number of breaches of Planning Conditions in relation to Application No: 06/11668/007/F have been highlighted by the LPA.

              51 Chaddesley Glen – A new planning application has been requested due to noticeable alterations to the double garage located to the rear of the property. The Agents had asked for the proposal to be treated as a minor amendment to that previously approved on 27/12/07.

              Progress re Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations following independent report into the control of development at the Borough of Poole:

              The draft report, following the IDeA Peer Review, is likely to be available at end of this month.

              Stephen Thorne is to present an update on Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations at the next Council Efficiency and Effectiveness Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting scheduled for 03/09/09.

              Next Community Working Group Meeting to be held on 30/09/09.

              A discussion took place over the issue of whether or not Borough-wide concerns could be discussed at Area Committees. This follows the decision by a Legal & Democratic Services officer not to allow a question from Terry Stewart on he IDeA Peer Review and Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations. NS stated the Terms of Reference for Area Committee Meetings are that matters discussed must be pertaining to Ward or groups of Wards only.

              Chairman’s note: I’ve checked out the BoP website and Appendix 10 of the Constitution and the two references to Area Committees seem to be contradictory. I’m seeking clarification.

              Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: Roy Pointer has kindly agreed to attend the Poole & Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan Review – Key Stakeholder Group meeting on 28/09/09.

              Council Tax 2009/10 & Council’s Budget Monitoring report:

              JS asked NS if the 1st Draft of the Medium Term Financial Plan 2010-2013 would be presented at the Cabinet meeting on 08/09/09 but NS thought that this was unlikely.

              JS said that, in an article in yesterday’s Daily Echo, Cllr Leverett is quoted as saying ““Regrettably there’s going to have to be council tax rises above the rate of inflation,” This is even before this year’s Budget round has begun.

              JS reported that £1,082,446 has been cut from Poole’s Growth Point Capital Grant allocation for 2010 to 2011

              JS also reported that Dorset, Poole & Bournemouth have been chosen as one of 13 areas to pilot a new initiative, the ‘Total Place project’, to identify how local public agencies can better work together to deliver front-line services more efficiently.

              NS said that there is pressure on the budgets of all local authorities and initiatives such as Multi-area agreements was to make the money go further.

              JS reported that a ‘Matter for decision’ at the Cabinet meeting on 08/09/09 is to consider continuing Membership of the Dorset Camera Partnership and its financial implications.

              NS pointed out that the purpose of cameras is to cut the rate of accidents and injuries on the roads, not to raise revenue. Peter Dulieu added that the money raised by fines goes to the government, but can be given back to local authority, if road safety can be improved.

              Poole Partnership: JS reported that the Poole Partnership Performance Management Group (see below) met on 05/08/09 and their recommendations will be considered by the Poole Partnership Steering Group on 30/09/09 (1600-1800 Committee Suite, Civic Centre)

              Richard Dimbleby – (Co-Chair) Poole Partnership
              Brian Leverett (Cllr) – Borough of Poole
              Adrian Crook – Dorset Fire and Rescue
              Adrian Dawson – NHS B/mth & Poole

              Cathy Riordan – Jobcentre Plus
              Christopher Beale – Poole Council for Voluntary Service
              David Luckhurst – Government of the South West
              Debbie Hillier – NHS B/mth & Poole
              Lynn Hart – Dorset Police
              Martin Hiles – Dorset Police

              Richard Bristow – Poole Citizens Advice Bureau
              Sarah Hughes – Learning and Skills Council
              Stuart Dickie – Job Centre Plus
              Sue Farrell – Learning and Skills Council
              Trish Taylor – Learning and Skills Council (Dorset & Somerset)

              TS informed the meeting that the Sustainable Communities Act permitted local community panels to put forward to the local council schemes for improvements. TS was concerned that Poole’s local panel had only three members which had been asked to consider six proposals. JS said that he would distribute with the Minutes the report to the Full Council meeting held on 20/07/09 on the ‘Recommendations arising from the joint meeting held between the Sustainable Communities Act Working Party and Local Panel on 13 July 2009′.

              TS expressed the view that there is very low awareness amongst Poole’s residents of the activities of Poole Partnership and a lack of publicity and low contact with the forum it is meant to be representing. JS suggested an article in the Autumn 2009 BPCCRA magazine might be appropriate.

              Chairman’s note: I have sent a note to Richard Dimbleby suggesting that this is something we might address at the next Steering Group meeting on 30/09/09?

              TS also feels that, in my capacity as the Steering Group representative for Residents’ & Tenants’ Assns and Community Groups, I represent all tenants and residents in Poole, but I have “little contact or two-way information flow with Poole tenants”. I know that this challenge is not peculiar to me but to all of Poole’s Service Units and is currently being addressed, with her limited financial resources, by Sue Newell, Poole Council’s Improvement and Policy Officer – Equalities.

              Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road:

              KA reported that he had met Warren Leaver last week and reported that the council are undertaking the tree planting in Canford Cliffs Village.

              As regards the recently erected Bollards at Ravine Road end of service road behind row of shops in Haven Road between Ravine Road and Maxwell Road, NS stated that the bollards are on private land and there is a notice displayed to that effect.

              Public Rights of Way:

              Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No further developments

              Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto

              Bessborough Road – ditto

              Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

              Canford Cliffs Chine: KA reported that the Chine had been strimmed and tidied.

              Canford Cliffs Play Area: CD reported that the Play Area is on the list and work may start in October/November. A suggestion was made that gym equipment for adults could be included.

              Public Liability Insurance (PLI) – JS is pursuing.

              Conservation Areas under threat: TS reported that English Heritage are very concerned that Conservation Areas are not being protected in the way they should. All councils are required to report to English Heritage on Conservation Areas. There are no areas in Poole that are under threat.

              NS added that councils are required to review Conservation Areas every 5 years or so. Periodic reviews had recently been carried out for Sandbanks and Branksome Park.

              Travellers sites: JS reported that Poole, along with other Dorset councils, is appointing consultants at a cost of £250,000 to identify and recommend sites for the Dorset-Wide Gypsy and Traveller Development Plan, which would need to be adopted by each authority. The project is not due to be completed until 2012.


              KA reported…

              2 Tower Road (Conservation area application to demolish existing dwelling & erect 3 detached dwellings with associated parking) Application refused on 30/07/09.

              11 Westminster Road (Demolish existing dwelling & erect a block of 5 2-bed apartments with basement parking & bin store) – Application withdrawn 03/08/09

              7A Bury Road (Demolish existing and erect replacement two storey dwelling with basement (Revised Scheme) Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 05/07/09. Amended plans lodged on 06/08/09. NS has ‘Red-carded’ this application.

              JS reported that a Pre-application meeting re 19 Torbay Road had been held on 15/07/09. He proposed that the Assn should take no further action until the application is submitted.

              JS encouraged those present to attend the Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/09/2101686) on 18/08/09 at 10.00am re 31A Western Avenue (Demolish existing and erect replacement two storey dwelling with basement (Revised scheme)

              JS asked NS if he was aware that the Draft Section 106 Agreement for 11 Leicester Road

              (Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme) had been requested as long ago on 11/06/09. JS thought that it was time the Agents were asked to withdraw this application.

              The application (Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling & associated buildings (revised scheme) was registered on 19/05/09. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 29/05/09.

              Other current planning issues

              10 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing and erect a two storey, five bed detached dwelling with rooms at basement level and in the roof space with dormer and velux windows. A detached double garage with a dormer window. (Revised scheme) – Application registered on 30/07/09.

              7 Ventry Close (Erect a link-detached 3-bedroom dwelling (revised scheme) – Subject to ‘Written representation’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/09/2102722) The date for final comments

              from the appellants and LPA was 29/06/09. The date of the site visit has yet to be announced.

              Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Letter of objection registered on behalf of Assn on 03/04/09 and application has been ‘Red-carded’.

              14 Nairn Road

              (a) Demolish existing bungalow and erect a four storey 5 bed house. (Revised Scheme) Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/09/2100972) withdrawn on 23/06/09.

              (b) Demolish existing bungalow and erect a four storey five bed house. (Revised Scheme) Amended plans received 15/06/09 – Application granted on 10/07/09.

              Victoria School, 12 Lindsay Road (Extension to existing classrooms and loft conversion to offices) – Application granted with conditions on 30/06/09.

              3 Tower Road (1 x 3 bed detached dwelling) – Application withdrawn on 09/07/09.

              Land adj. 2 Mornish Road

              (a) Conservation area application to erect a 5-bed detached house with integral garage, access from Mornish Road (Revised scheme)Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/09/2098623) allowed on 24/07/09.

              (b) Erect a 5-bed detached house with attached garage, access from Mornish Road. (Revised Scheme) – Application registered on 29/06/09.

              Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

              19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Arboricultural officer comments lodged on 02/06/09.

              20 Balcombe Road (Demolish existing and erect 3 detached houses (Revised Scheme) –

              Application refused on 27/05/09) – Application subject to Public Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/09/2107902) to be held on 10/11/09 at 10.00am at the Civic Centre.

              12 St Clair Road (Construct 2 detached dwellings with associated parking. (Revised Scheme) – Application registered on 08/05/09. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 09/06/09 and application has been ‘Red-carded. The Companies House website reveals that 12 St Clair Road Ltd (11 Ravine Road, Canford Cliffs, Poole, Dorset BH13 7HS Company No. 05796600) is still a ‘Active’ company but the accounts to 31/03/08 are overdue.

              107 Lilliput Road (Erection of 12 flats with basement parking, cycle and bin storage.(Revised Scheme)

              (as amended by plans received 26.06.09) – Application granted on 07/07/09.

              4-6 Compton Avenue (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of flats (10 in total) with basement parking, bin and cycle stores. (Revised Scheme Block A). Revised plans received 05.02.2008) Application was registered as long ago as 18/12/07. Most recent posting on BoP planning Application website is a letter from the Agents dated 19/08/08 referring to the outstanding signed Section 106 Agreement which was due to be “issued to Poole Borough Council shortly.” The flats have been largely constructed but it appears that no further work has been carried out on this site since the demise of Ravine Lifestyle. It states at 3.2 ‘Distributions’ of the Administrators’ Progress Report for Ravine Lifestyle dated 21/07/09 that “Clydesdale, the secured lender also had cross guarantees in place over 57 Haven, 4 & 6 Compton, 101 Lilliput and Future 3000. Due to significant shortfalls for the secured creditors in these companies no further realisations were possible for Clydesdale.”

              8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

              60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

              4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JD reported that funds at the end of July amounted to £34,299.20.

              JD said that it was unlikely that there would be any significant change in this figure until after the distribution of the Autumn 2009 magazine.

              JS said that the deadline for material for the Autumn 2009 magazine was the end of this month and he encouraged those present to write an article for the magazine should they so wish. If all the prospective advertisers go ahead with their adverts, the income generated should cover the cost of magazine and may show a small profit,

              5. ANY OTHER BUSINESS

              There being no AOB, JS closed closed at 8.10pm.

              Date of next meeting: The next meeting is Wednesday 9th September 2009 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

              BPCCRA Minutes July 8th 2009


              HELD ON 8TH JULY 2009 at 7.30pm



              Chair : Terry Stewart  President
              John Defty      Treasurer
              Keith Alcroft     Planning Officer
              Stan Alfert        Data Protection Officer
              Bob Young       Magazine Advertising
              Val Short          Minutes Secretary

              Cllr Mrs May Haines   Ward Councillor
              Cllr Neil Sorton                   ditto

              12 Members/Wardens

              Welcomes: TS welcomed all those present, especially any present for the first time.

              The meeting commenced with a unanimous vote of well wishes for John Sprackling.


              Apologies: John Sprackling (Still recovering from recent op),  Michael Bond

              Accuracy: KA has contacted JS about a correction needed on Page 3 in relation to the item on Canford Cliffs Chine.  This should be amended to read that the “leaves and detritus has washed onto the beach and is LYING in the trench formed by the digger, when clearing the sand from the base of the promenade wall.”

              William Mutlow made a point about the expectation of an increase in council tax of 5½%. He said there should not be an automatic annual 5% increase.

              TS said that, subject to this amendment, he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meetings held on 10 June 2009.

              2. MATTERS ARISING :

              Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: TS reported that…

              1.    Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development –  No further developments
              TS pointed out that there were retail units unlet after 3 years, which questioned plans for the Thistle site
              2.    Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – ditto
              3.    Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
              4.    Quay Thistle Hotel site – Application to demolish existing hotel and erect a mixed use development comprising of: a 149 bed hotel with 10 flats above; 133 flats in four blocks; a terrace of 11 houses; ground floor commercial and community space and a 273 space basement car park was lodged on 10/06/09.
              TS circulated a picture of the proposed hotel development and asked for members’ opinions.  Comments included “Not dynamic”; “Legoland” and “Out of keeping with area”.  It was agreed that KA register a formal objection on behalf of Assn.  WM stressed the importance of protecting access to the Quay for Poole residents.  The disabled parking and drop-off point will remain as it is now. TS stated concerns that the roofline was hard and square, and that the architectural design did not meet Conservation Area requirements or complement the Dolphin Quays next door or the Ballard Street residential area.
              5.    Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – No further developments

              Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

              75 Canford Cliffs Road – An application for a second entrance was lodged 03/06/09 but the  Urban Design & Conservation Officer says that she does “not support a second access at this site”.

              The appeal against the Enforcement Notice re the formation of the second entrance was dismissed and the inspector instructed the owner to remove the existing fence and re-instate the boundary wall at the newly created entrance with a compliance time of 3 months from the date of the notice namely 15th August. The Planning Enforcement Officer has informed JS that the date is already in his diary to carry out a monitoring visit. He goes on to say “Rest assured the matter is still being monitored.”
              150 Canford Cliffs Road – This site has been cleared, cleaned and secured using the Council’s default powers under s215(9) The anticipated legal charge will be in the region of £3-5k.
              51 Chaddesley Glen – Concern about the height of this newly built property in Chaddesley Glen. MH reported that the height was not excessive.
              Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road – Retrospective application to erect glass screens to front and side of decking at front of property was refused on 03/07/09.  Presumably Planning Enforcement will pursue?

              Progress re Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations following independent report into the control of development at the Borough of Poole:

              Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations were due to be monitored by the Council Efficiency and Effectiveness Overview and Scrutiny Committee but this item did not appear on the Agenda for the last meeting on 02/07/09 nor was it included in the Forward Plan.

              TS pointed out that Sir Michael’s recommendation (3) stated that Cabinet members should not be members of the Planning Committee – or even substitutes.  But 2 Cabinet members had been nominated as substitutes. MH explained that insufficient people were coming forward to be substitutes on Planning Committee as this required special training.  However, she had completed training and would be available as a substitute. Cllr. Carole Deas was also trained.  Sir Michael’s recommendation (5) stated that, if a decision was not unanimous then “a record should be kept of Councillors abstaining and voting for and against the motion.”  However, the Planning Committee had agreed to only record if there was a vote of the Committee. Sir Michael’s recommendation (6) had asked for a “comprehensive review” of controlling development. Stephen Thorne had started a Review using the Community Working Group and an equivalent committee of developers. He is also calling in an outside IDEA Group to do a full audit of Poole’s Planning process. Chairman’s note: Meeting fixed for 16/07/09.
              Community Working Group Meeting at Upton House

              Roy Pointer reported on the Community Working Group meeting held this afternoon.  The group comprises 8 representatives of 40 groups of residents.  Stephen Thorne was asked how he would get feedback from residents’ associations and it was agreed that agendas and minutes would be put on the website along with contact details.
              The meeting was mainly a presentation on the new Core Strategy and Stephen Thorne would welcome an invitation for him or his Manager to attend an Assn. meeting.  Subsequently it was agreed that the September 10 meeting was best.
              The Planning Committee will vote using a card system, red for refuse, green for grant, and orange for abstain.  All members will vote by holding up a card at the same time, and the chairman will only vote in the event of a tie, and will generally vote in line with planning recommendations.
              Third party appeals – developers can appeal, residents and the community can’t, too many individual appeals could get out of hand, so not good.  Ombudsman can judge.  Judicial review not to be entered into lightly. CPRE has been pressing for a change in national law.
              Consistency of planning decisions :It would be helpful if members could report any cases known where different decisions were made in similar applications in the same area.
              Pre-application consultation: Developers will be asked to convene a public meeting – hopefully this will happen.
              Pre-application advice, which is paid for, is confidential, but will be published on the Planning Application website once an application is submitted.
              External Audit of Poole’s Planning: Committee of 6 persons to judge what should be the council’s ‘best practice’.  To be reported by end August.
              Absence of levels on plans:  Rules often complied with in spite of absence on plans.  New website will automatically include levels.
              Car parking on development sites around Town Bridge could create a problem once development has taken place.
              Long periods of inactivity on applications will be improved.  Stephen Thorne is keen to liaise with individuals and associations.
              Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences:  No further developments.

              Council Tax 2009/10 & Council’s Budget Monitoring report: Following the Assn’s last meeting, JS contacted the Liz Wilkinson, Head of Financial Services and she accepted that the Council’s Budget
              Monitoring – Financial Outturn Report for the period 1 April 2008 – 31 March 2009 was not clear as it could be for the ‘lay reader’ and, JS suspects, to some Members too.  The monitoring is intended to concentrate on the ‘real’ variances to the budgeted position rather than non-impacting book entries. Ms Wilkinson said that she is looking into how this can be better explained and reported in future years, if the Council retain this general approach to speeding up its year end closedown and reporting work.

              Ms Wilkinson also hopes to better cross reference between different lines of entry across different accounting periods to help the reader make better sense of what is set out in future reports of this kind.

              Ms Wilkinson has invited representatives of the Assn to meet with Mandy May to go through any of this in more detail or any other matter relating to the accounts if we would find that of assistance.

              William Mutlow said that the latest Budget Monitoring report (1 April 2009 – 31 May 2009) shows major changes in the Council Budget, including one of £3.6million.

              Poole Partnership: JS was unable to attend the Steering Group meeting on 24/06/09 as he’d only  been home from hospital a couple of days before.

              One item on the Agenda was a presentation on the Audit Commission’s findings so far for Poole’s Comprehensive Area Assessment which can be viewed via <http://poole.poolepartnership.org.uk/CAA>. JS would encourage all members to take a look at this.

              By way of background, the new system of Comprehensive Area Assessment introduced from April 2009 requires Local Authorities and other public agencies to account collectively for how well they are doing. An area risk assessment into the prospects for the area and the quality of life for local people forms a key part of the comprehensive area assessment.

              In his capacity as Poole Partnership Steering Group representative for Residents’ & Tenants’ Assns and Community Groups, JS has been invited to attend a meeting of the Sustainable Communities Panel to be held on 13/07/09.  Other members of the Panel will be Cllr Gregory, Chris Beale – Director Poole Council for Voluntary Service and Adnan Choudry – Dorset Race Equality Council. TS stated that the Panel was meant to represent the whole community, so 3 Panel members were not enough. Was the Race Equality being politically correct since ethnic minorities were so low in Poole?

              Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Pedestrian refuge at junction of Penn Hill Ave and Spur Hill Ave: At the Assn’s last meeting a Ventry Close resident asked if anything could be done about the traffic noise along Lindsay Road.  JS contacted Transportation Services and has received the following reply.

              “While I can fully appreciate the concerns of local residents here unfortunately the situation remains unchanged in that based on the factors we have to take into account when prioritising roads for inclusion in the surfacing programme, Lindsay Road is still some way down the list. I know you would have heard this before but with extremely limited funds available for maintenance we have to target roads which are failing structurally, and while it is clear that the shape and surface texture of Lindsay Road does leave a lot to be desired, unfortunately these factors simply cannot be addressed at this time.
              And while I wouldn’t dispute that there is likely to more traffic now on Lindsay Road ( which is a classified road and therefore forms part of the highway network designed for through traffic), this is also true of many roads in the borough. However again this wouldn’t change the prioritisation in respect of road resurfacing – structural condition is the main factor.

              Sorry I can’t bring any more positive news”

              Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: Keith Alcroft reported that a meeting was held on 11th June with Warren Leaver. MH reported that a scheme with “build-outs” will be proposed that will look at the whole parade of shops.

              Public Rights of Way:

              Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No further developments
              Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road –  ditto
              Bessborough Road – ditto

              Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this
              Canford Cliffs Chine: No further developments

              Canford Cliffs Play Area: ditto

              Use of Assn’s Capital Reserve: ditto

              Public Liability Insurance (PLI) –  JS is pursuing.


              KA reported…

              7A Bury Road (Demolish existing and erect replacement two storey dwelling with basement (Revised
              Scheme)  Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 05/07/09.  NS commented that there was a definite loss of privacy for the owners of 18 Western Avenue.

              Other current planning issues

              11 Westminster Road (Demolish existing dwelling & erect a block of 5 2-bed apartments with basement parking & bin store) – Application registered on 29/05/09.  Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 09/06/09 and application has been ‘Red-carded’.
              31A Western Avenue Demolish existing and erect replacement two storey dwelling with basement (Revised scheme –  Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 19/05/09. Subject to Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/09/2101686) on 18/08/09 at 10.00am.
              11 Leicester Road
              (a) Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme) – Application registered on 29/05/09.  Letter of
              objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 15/06/09.  Application is to be ‘Red-carded’, if Planning Officer is minded to recommend ‘Grant’.
              (b) Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling & associated buildings (revised scheme) – Application registered on 19/05/09. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 29/05/09.
              7 Ventry Close (Erect a link-detached 3-bedroom dwelling (revised scheme) – Subject to ‘Written representation’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/09/2102722) The date for final comments
              from the appellants and LPA is 29/06/09.  The date of the site visit has yet to be announced.
              Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house (Revised Scheme) – Letter of objection registered on behalf of Assn on 03/04/09 and application has been ‘Red-carded’.
              14 Nairn Road
              (a) Demolish existing bungalow and erect a four storey 5 bed house. (Revised Scheme) – Subject to Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/09/2100972) on 30/06/09.
              (b) Demolish existing bungalow and erect a four storey five bed house. (Revised Scheme) Amended plans received 15th June 2009  – Application registered on 15/05/09 and has been ‘red-carded’.
              Victoria School, 12 Lindsay Road (Extension to existing classrooms and loft conversion to offices) – Application registered on 22/05/09.
              2 Tower Road (Conservation area application to demolish existing dwelling & erect 3 detached dwellings with associated parking) Application registered 17/12/08.  Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 23/01/09 and application is to be ‘Red-carded, if Planning Officer is minded to recommend ‘Grant’.
              3 Tower Road (1 x 3 bed detached dwelling) – Application registered on 19/05/09. A note dated 27/05/09 from the Urban design and Conservation Officer recommends refusal.
              Land adj. 2 Mornish Road (Conservation area application to erect a 5-bed detached house with integral garage, access from Mornish Road (Revised scheme) – Awaiting Inspector’s decision following Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/09/2098623) today.
              Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2  (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts) – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively.  MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.
              19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Arboricultural officer comments lodged on 02/06/09.
              20 Balcombe Road (Demolish existing and erect 3 detached houses (Revised Scheme) – Application refused on 27/05/09) – Meeting Note dated 02/06/09 states “the client was going to take the recently refused 3-house scheme to appeal. The client would also be requesting that the appeal be heard by way of a public inquiry.”
              12 St Clair Road (Construct 2 detached dwellings with associated parking. (Revised Scheme) – Application registered on 08/05/09.  Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 09/06/09 and
              application has been ‘Red-carded’
              107 Lilliput Road (Erection of 12 flats with basement parking, cycle and bin storage.(Revised Scheme) (as amended by plans received 26.06.09) The S106 contributions and admin fees were settled on 22/05/09.
              It is claimed that an affordable housing contribution is not applicable on this site as the building was predominantly built according to the current approval, and it is therefore deemed that it would be unfair and unreasonable for the LPA to request that the new affordable housing threshold is applied in this instance. JS has queried this.
              4-6 Compton Avenue (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of flats (10 in total) with basement parking, bin and cycle stores. (Revised Scheme Block A). Revised plans received 05.02.2008)  – Application was registered as long ago as 18/12/07. Most recent posting on BoP planning Application website is a letter from the Agents dated 19/08/08 referring to the outstanding signed Section 106 Agreement which was due to be “issued to Poole Borough Council shortly.”  The flats have been largely constructed but it appears that no further work has been carried out on this site since the demise of Ravine Lifestyle.  The first six monthly progress report to creditors dated 20/02/09 indicates that, at that date, this site, along with the freehold properties, 57 Haven Road, 101 Lilliput Road has still to be sold.
              2 Compton Avenue & 93 Lilliput Road (Erect a block of 6 flats and a block of 5 flats with associated parking. Access from Lilliput Road (Revised Scheme) as amended plans received 06.04.06) – a number of breaches of Planning Conditions in relation to Application No: 06/11668/007/F have been highlighted by the LPA.
              8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application.   An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.
              60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners
              requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

              4.    ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JD reported that funds at the end of June amounted to £34,263.

              5.      ANY OTHER BUSINESS –

              English Heritage – has severe concerns at conservation areas under threat and have asked for comments.  Let  JS know of any concerns.  Dorset has one of the largest number of conservation areas in the country.  NS commented that it is a Govt. requirement that conservation areas be reviewed on a regular basis.

              Travellers Sites – Each council has to specify permanent and transit sites for travellers.  Poole have funding to upgrade the permanent site at Mannings Heath, but have yet to decide where to locate a transit site.  Merley Lane was withdrawn due to many resident objections and Beach Road Car Park was not included in a list of potential sites. TS is pressing for the final shortlist to be published for Consultation.

              Rhododendrons in The Avenue – There have been a series of complaints about cutting down the rhododendrons along The Avenue.  The Council say it was necessary to improve visibility for car drivers and safety for pedestrians, but the contractors have virtually destroyed the rhododendrons by cutting them so low.

              Recently erected Bollards at Ravine Road end of service road behind row of shops in Haven Road between Ravine Road and Maxwell Road – The owners of the businesses want to know why these bollards have been erected. This cut through has been there for 25 years.  There have been no letters and no consultation.  Michael Bond is investigating. These bollards are on private land, there is a notice to this effect stating that a permit is needed to park and a penalty of £150 if towed away. The owners of shops are not happy and MH will raise this at the Traders Meeting. NS reported that the bollards had been erected on private land and were probably legal. Entry will have to be from the other end.

              Garden at Church of the Transfiguration – A member reported that following the removal of some trees at the Church of the Transfiguration, to which the Assn. contributed, plants and wildlife, including bats, are flourishing.

              Redevelopment of 19 Torbay Road – There is to be a Pre-application meeting with residents.  Rose Rogers and Alice will attend and report back.  Chairman’s note: The meeting with the Agents, Urban DNA and the architect Nick Hebden is to take place on the site at 8:00 pm on Wednesday 15th July 2009.

              TS closed the meeting at 8.42pm.

              Date of next Meeting:  The next meeting is Wednesday 12th August 2009  in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)