BPCCRA Minutes June 8th 2009


HELD ON 8TH JUNE 2009 at 7.30pm



Terry Stewart President

John Sprackling Chairman

John Defty Treasurer

Keith Alcroft Planning Officer

Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer

Bob Young Magazine Advertising

Cllr Mrs May Haines Ward Councillor

Ken Sanson, Chairman, Sandbanks Assn

22 Members/Wardens

Welcomes: JS welcomed all those present, especially any present for the first time. JS also welcomed Karen Corbett who had kindly agreed to take notes of the meeting.


Apologies: Cllr Neil Sorton, Michael Bond, John Gunton, Val Short (Minutes Secretary), Richard Dimbleby, John Fox. Brian Hambleton & Roy Pointer.

Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 08 April 2009.


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that…

1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – No further developments

2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – ditto

3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto

4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – The applicants are intending to submit an application shortly and it is hoped that this “will take on board comments made in response to the Public Consultation exercise.”

5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – No further developments

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

Fitzmor Homes Ltd (Vol. liquidation creditors) sites – The advertisement board at 7 Balcombe Road and oversize ‘For Sale’ board at 18 Balcombe Road have been removed.

75 Canford Cliffs Road – The appeal against the Enforcement Notice re the formation of the second entrance was dismissed on 15/05/09 and the owner has been instructed to remove the existing fence and re-instate the boundary wall at the newly created entrance within 3 months.

138 Canford Cliffs Road – The Notices have been displayed in the immediate area reporting wilful damage to a tree on 09/05/09 but, to date, these have not resulted in anyone coming forward with information.

150 Canford Cliffs Road – The Section 215 Notice was served on 15/05/09 with a compliance date of 16/06/09, so the Council cannot do anything further until after this date.

Progress re Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendation: At the Full Council meeting on 12/05/09, Cllr Mrs Stribley stood down as Deputy Leader of the Council – to be replaced by Cllr Collier. I think that Cllr Mrs Stribley also stood down as Conservative Group Leader.

Cllr Mrs Stribley remains Chairman of the Planning Committee for the coming Municipal Year and the number of Committee Members has been increased from the current eight to nine.

No decision has been made regarding Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendation that “a record should be kept of Councillors abstaining and voting for and against the motion. It seems that this recommendation is meeting resistance in some quarters and before reaching a

decision, the Head of Planning & Regeneration is carrying out research into the practice of other Councils in this respect.

Residents Working Group meeting (13/05/09) – JS said that Roy Pointer had reported that 10 individuals had attended the meeting representing 10 Residents’ Assns spread throughout the Borough and most of the time was spent exploring its role.

JS said that he will circulate Minutes of meeting with the Minutes of this meeting.

A similar meeting is planned for developers.

The next meeting is scheduled for 8 July at 2pm. Chairman’s note: Roy Pointer has subsequently contacted me to say that he is now available to attend this meeting as the Assn’s representative.

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: No further developments.

Council Tax 2009/10 & Council’s Budget Monitoring report: William Mutlow reported that the Council’s Budget Monitoring – Financial Outturn Report for the period 1 April 2008 – 31 March 2009 shows a £1.683m surplus.

Chairman’s note: WM also referred a number of differences between the Council Budget Monitoring statement for December 2008 and that for March 2009 but this does not take account of two statements covering the periods 1 April 2008 – 31 January 2009 and 1 April 2008 – 28 February 2009 presented at subsequent Cabinet meetings and I have asked WM if he might see if these clarify some of his queries.

WM referred to adjustments relating to Financial Reporting Standard (FRS)15. These guidelines require that costs that should not be capitalised, where they are not directly attributable to bringing a physical asset into working condition. Examples include

preparing procedures for how a new system/asset will operate, training of staff in the use of the asset, promoting the new service/asset, the cost of alternative arrangements (hiring alternative accommodation) whilst the property is built, etc.

As a consequence of this guidance, certain expenditure previously recorded as capital thought-out the year has now been transferred and shown as chargeable to revenue.

Poole Partnership: JS reported that the Steering Group meeting due to be held on 22/04/09 was cancelled. The next meeting has been fixed for 24/06/09 but JS has sent his apologies as he will only just returned home from his operation.

Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Pedestrian refuge at junction of Penn Hill Ave and Spur Hill Ave: William Mutlow reported that as Penn Hill Ave had been designated as part of the Prime Transport Corridor from Lindsay Road to Ashley Cross, more traffic is using this road. This has made it difficult for the elderly to crossing difficult to cross this road and a refuge in the centre of the road is urgently needed.

This issue was raised at the Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill area meeting on 03/06/09 and residents were informed that there are currently 39 sites on the Council’s list, 7 of which have a higher ranking than this site. Two of these 7 facilities are likely to be installed in this financial year. At the next Area meeting, residents are to be told how the priorities are determined.

The meeting was attended by a number of residents from the Abbeyfield Home at the junction of Spur Hill Ave and Penn Hill Ave and WM emphasised the importance of attending Area Committee meetings to show Ward Councillors the strength of local feeling.

Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: Keith Alcroft reported that he had not made much progress. He is experiencing resistance from Transportation Services who are looking to produce a Borough-wide policy for trees in an urban

environment in conjunction with the Conservation Officer for Planning & Regeneration Services.

MH said that the Canford Cliffs Land Society are exploring the idea of palm trees in planters, which would avoid the problem of root spread, and an on-site meeting with an Urban Design Team officer has been arranged for next Wednesday

MH felt that this might be an appropriate solution as an interim measure while the discussions on a Borough-wide policy for trees in an urban environment are ongoing

Bella Rosa, 37 Haven Road – JS reported that a retrospective application for the screen was lodged on 11/05/09 at the request of Planning Enforcement Dept. Following the visit by the Planning Enforcement and Transportation Services officers visited on 04/02/09, it

was agreed that the line of sight is obscured but, as yet, no report has been posted on the BoP Planning Application website from Transportation Services.

Chairman’s Note: A ‘Written Representations’ appeal against the Enforcement Order was lodged last month but, in order not to waste public funds responding to an enforcement appeal unnecessarily, the enforcement notice has been withdrawn and the Enforcement Officer’s concerns over the retention of the screens have been forwarded for the attention of the case officer.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – No further developments

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – ditto

Bessborough Road – ditto

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

Canford Cliffs Chine: KA reported that, following the recent downpour, a large amount of leaves and detritus has washed onto the beach and is being cleared up by a digger.

MH said that the possibility of using youth offenders to do some planting had been discarded on the grounds of the cost of supervision and is not going to happen. It was suggested that residents might be willing to help but MH felt that, as the Council took rhododendron away, it was not fair to residents ask to assist with the remedial work

Fossilised tree discovered at Branksome Chine: JS reported that the fossilised tree is now in place at Branksome Chine next to canoe lifeguards station beside the Beach Office. The current explanatory notice is to be replaced with a permanent board in due course.

KA commented that a large sign had been erected in the place originally proposed but which had been deemed inappropriate by the Head of Leisure Services

Chairman’s note: The information board in question has been there for several weeks and, for those with limited mobility, the disabled parking bays are sited well away from the sign

The refuse bins beside the fossilised tree have been removed, as has the ‘old’ notice board. I assume that the proposed explanatory board is to be put in place in due course.

Canford Cliffs Play Area/Pinecliff wildlife trail: JS reported that the official unveiling of the play sculptures took place on 07/05/09.

Double Yellow Lines on Woodside Road: JS reported that this proposal had been rejected by the two Penn Hill Ward Councillors who attended the Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting held on 03/06/09.

Use of Assn’s Capital Reserve: JS invited Kathleen Hurley to put her request for a donation towards an extension to the existing Meeting Room at the Canford Cliffs Library to enable members to attend regular meeting, and would also provide room for educational projects for both young and old.

KH said that, as ‘Friends of Canford Cliffs Library’, they are the victims of our own success and have outgrown the Meeting Room. Approx 70 people are members but only about 20 at a time can attend the regular Monday Coffee morning due to lack of space.

The plans are quite modest, the extension the Friends have in mind would cost approximately £20,000. Ward Councillors support the Friends, but Poole Council have informed the Friends that there is unlikely to be any cash for some time to come.

The Friends have prepared an application to the Grass Roots association for a grant of £5,000, but they advise the Friends to delay sending this in until the Friends can say where the majority of the money needed will come from.

The Friends currently have funds totalling around £3,500 and the purchase of a Coffee Machine is in the pipeline

JS asked those present how much of our current reserves (around £34,000) they felt that the Assn should commit to support project.

Roy Fluellen suggested 50% but JS, from the chair, thought that this was being over-generous.

SA suggested £5000 but to be conditional on the funds being released only when agreement to go ahead with the extension was guaranteed. SA was concerned that if the funds were handed over now, these might get swallowed up in the administrative costs of getting the project off the ground.

TS supported a donation of £5,000 and asked if the Canford Cliffs Land Society had been asked for their support. KH said that the Land Society had seemed reluctant to release funds for this project.

Kevin Goldstein Jackson suggested a donation of £4,000 and said that we should seek a plaque/board to include the Assn’s name in recognition of contribution.

A member suggested the possible release of 50% to get the project started.

SA reminded members of the £5,000 spent on the abortive Luscombe Valley Judicial Review and said that this donation needs to be put on a formalised footing, as the Assn is spending other peoples money and would expect to see success of the project.

JS put the matter to the vote with a show of hands. A donation of £5000 was agreed (14 voting in favour) An alternative of £4000 received 6 votes in favour)

KH thanked the Assn and said its generosity was appreciated.


KA reported…

12 St Clair Road (Construct 2 detached dwellings with associated parking. (Revised Scheme) – Application registered on 08/05/09. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 09/06/09.

11 Westminster Road (Demolish existing dwelling & erect a block of 5 2-bed apartments with basement parking & bin store) – Application registered on 29/05/09. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 09/06/09.

11 Leicester Road

(a) Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling & outline application erect a 59 bedroom care home, bin and cycle store and associated parking (15 casino online spaces) with some matters reserved – Applications refused by Planning Committee on 16/04/09.

(b) Outline application to erect a 59 bedroom care home (class C2) with associated parking (15 spaces), bin & cycle store (revised scheme) – Application registered on 29/05/09. KA is waiting to hear from neighbours.

(c) Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling & associated buildings (revised scheme) – Application registered on 19/05/09. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 29/05/09.

The Avenue/Western Road Traffic Lights (A 12m Slimline Streetworks pole with shrouded antennas and one telecommunications cabinet) – application was refused on 05/06/09.

Other current planning issues

7 Ventry Close (Erect a link-detached 3-bedroom dwelling (revised scheme) – Subject to ‘Written representation’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/09/2102722) The date for final comments

from the appellants and LPA is 29/06/09. The date of the site visit has yet to be announced.

Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house(Revised Scheme) – Letter of objection registered on behalf of Assn on 03/04/09.

36 Links Road (Demolish part of existing bungalow and erect 2 storey house. Demolition of remainder of existing bungalow after completion of new build) – Application granted on 22/04/09

14 Nairn Road

(a) Demolish existing bungalow and erect a four storey 6 bed house – Appeal (APP/Q1255/A/09/2094445) dismissed on 28/05/09.

(b) Demolish existing bungalow and erect a four storey 5 bed house. (Revised Scheme) – Subject to Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/09/2100972) on 30/06/09.

(c) Demolish existing bungalow & erect a four storey five bed house (Revised scheme) – Application registered on 15/05/09 and has been ‘red-carded’.

Victoria School, 12 Lindsay Road

(a) Erect modular classroom building comprising 3 classrooms, entrance hall and toilet facilities) – .Application withdrawn on 14/03/09.

(b) Extension to existing classrooms and loft conversion to offices – Application registered on 22/05/09.

(2 Tower Road Conservation area application to demolish existing dwelling & erect 3 detached dwellings with associated parking) Application registered 17/12/08. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 23/01/09. If the officers are not minded to refuse this application under delegated authority, this will be decided by the Planning Committee at a date yet to be announced.

3 Tower Road (1 x 3 bed detached dwelling) – Application registered on 19/05/09. A note dated 27/05/09 from the Urban design and Conservation Officer recommends refusal.

Land adj. 2 Mornish Road (Conservation area application to erect a 5-bed detached house with integral garage, access from Mornish Road (Revised scheme) – Application subject to Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/09/2098623) on 08/07/09.

20 Balcombe Road

(a) Demolish existing and erect 3 detached houses. As amended by plans received 15/09/08

(b) Demolish existing dwelling and erect 5 no. 2 bed apartments. As amended by plan received 11/09/08. Appeals against the refusal to grant (a) & (b) were withdrawn on 17/04/09.

(c) Demolish existing and erect 3 detached houses (Revised Scheme) – Application refused on 27/05/09.

16-18 Durrant Road (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with single linked basement garage) – application granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08 and subject to complaint by local residents to Local Government Ombudsman. One complaint was dismissed and it is assumed the other was too.

Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts) – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Amended plans lodged on 12/05/09.

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

4. REPORT RE SOUTHERN POOLE CHAIRMENS’ LIAISON GROUP MEETING (20/05/09) – TS reported that, in addition the usual routine topics, Cllr Peter Adams gave a talk on Sustainable Communities Act (SCA) 2007

  • · The Council has adopted this discretionary legislation but have no powers to raise tax to fund its operation.
  • · The aim of the SCA 2007 is to improve the ‘wellbeing’ of community by encouraging suggestions from residents.
  • · New original ideas are being looked for with the first set required urgently since the first half-yearly collection ends late July.
  • · Examples might include the right of objectors to appeal a planning decision rather like developers can.
  • · Ideas can be accepted at Council level or promoted up to Secretary of State level.

Cllr Adams also spoke about (a) the £1.2m Playbuilder scheme to improve play areas around the Borough (b) adult electronic equipment in Poole Park, (c) Upton Park review and (d) the provision of headquarters for the Canoe Club at the former site of the outdoor swimming pool in Park Lake Road.

In answer to a question from a member, MH said that no decision had been made about the make-up of the Residents’ panel to review the ideas put forward under the SCA 2007

5. REPORT RE NEWTOWN & PARKSTONE AREA COMMITTEE MEETING (13/05/09) – As no one present had attended this meeting, there was no report.

6. REPORT RE CANFORD CLIFFS & PENN HILL AREA COMMITTEE MEETING (03/06/09) – JS said that a number of the issues discussed at the meeting had been dealt with earlier but he mentioned South East Dorset Transport Study and suggested that members may like to collect a questionnaire from the Public Library. TS said that the survey was costing £5/6m but said that this was required to obtain the necessary funding for various road improvements in the area. JS has received an invitation to a Wider Reference Group meeting on 01/07/09 in his capacity as Poole Partnership Steering Group representative for Residents’ & Tenants’ Assns and Community Groups but he suspects that he will still be convalescing from his operation, TS will attend in his stead.

7. ACCOUNTS TO DATEJD reported that the that funds at the end May was around £34,000.

JS said that Bob Young is hoping that if all those who have indicated that they would like to place an advert in the Assn’s Autumn 2009 magazine, this should bring in around £2,650 which would, more or less, cover the cost of the magazine.


Flytipping in Dover Road – JS reported that a second incidence of flytipping has occurred in Dover Road. On the first occasion it was a lorry load but this time it was a ’skip’ load. Maggie Mills reported that, thanks to the intervention of Cllr Collier, this has now been cleared

Kevin Goldstein-Jackson congratulated the Council on the “fantastic response” in clearing rubbish dumped in the Martello Woods.

Public Liability Insurance (PLI) – Following the demise of the Dorset Federation of Residents’ Assns, the Assn no longer has PLI cover. JS is pursuing.

Ventry Close – 5 new members attended meeting. A Ventry Close resident asked if anything could be done about the traffic noise along Lindsay Road, particularly replace the current stone surface with tarmac. Concern was also expressed about speeding vehicles in Lindsay Road.

JS agreed that the problem had worsened since Lindsay Road had become a Prime Transport Corridor to Ashley Cross but he had written to the Council about this 2/3 years ago and was told that re-surfacing of Lindsay Road was a low priority.

JS said that he would pick this issue up again

Canford Cliffs Traders Assn Fund raising event – MH informed the meeting of this event, with ‘bring and share’ lunch to be held at 16 De Mauley Road on Wednesday, 17th June 12 noon – 5pm.

51 Chaddesley Glen – Bob Milligan raised a concern about this newly built property in Chaddesley Glen which seems higher than agreed planning consent. MH agreed to investigate.

SA felt that BM should not raise his hopes that any action would be taken as, in his

experience, developers seem to breach height restrictions with impunity.

Rock Groynes at Branksome Chine – Rose Rogers said that she was “horrified at the rock groynes on ‘our lovely beach” but JS said that these were now a ‘fait accompli’ and, in his opinion, were not as obtrusive as he once feared.

JS closed the meeting at 8.35pm.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is Wednesday 8th July 2009 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

BPCCRA Minutes May 2nd 2009





Mr Terry Stewart President

Mr John Sprackling Chairman

Mr John Defty Hon Treasurer

Mr Keith Alcroft Planning Officer

Mr John Gunton Magazine Editor

Mr Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer

GUESTS: Robert Syms MP

Cllr Mrs Carole Deas

Cllr Mrs May Haines

Cllr Neil Sorton

And approx 70 Members/Wardens of the Association


The Chairman thanked everyone for coming along. In particular he welcomed the guests mentioned above. JS advised that the Guest Speaker, Stephen Thorne, Poole’s newly appointed Head of Planning and Regeneration would join the meeting at approximately 11am after the official business had been dealt with.


Apologies were received from Terry Smith (Secretary), Reg & Cecilia Grimston & Roland Cunnell.

3. AGM 2008 MINUTES: Accuracy & Matters Arising

The Chairman reminded members that the Minutes of the AGM held on 3rd May 2008 had been included in the Autumn 2008 magazine. The Chairman said that he had not been contacted about their accuracy and asked for a show of hands to approve the Minutes as no queries had arisen. This was given and the Minutes were approved.


The Chairman proposed to limit his report to the up-dating of items included in the Spring magazine as follows:

Poole’s Local Development Framework

The period of legal challenge in relation to Poole’s Core Strategy ended yesterday (01/05/09)

Site Specific Allocations policy – A local Planning Consultants firm, Matrix, have been engaged by the Council to prepare Character Area assessments for the Borough and a meeting with Council officers and Matrix took place yesterday (01/05/09). Alongside this work, policies within the current Poole Local Plan are being reviewed. 69 sites for redevelopment have been selected and discussions are due to take place with developers. The Council are still looking at a potential transit site for travellers – space for 8 pitches are required in addition to the site for settled travellers at Mannings Heath.

Sir Michael Pitt’s independent review of planning matters in Poole

JS referred to response by Cllr Mrs Stribley, Chairman of the Planning Committee, to a letter from Roy Godfrey, Chairman of Broadstone Residents’ Assn letter which appeared in the letter’s section of Thursday’s Daily Echo.

The gist of the letter was that…

  • · Senior officers have already put in place mechanisms to minimise the possibility of any unlawful activity.
  • · As part of our ongoing communications strategy, the Council will be having regular meetings with Residents’ Associations.
  • · While, at his request, no changes were made during Sir Michael’s investigation, after the Annual Council on 12th May, no permanent member of the Planning Committee will also be a member of Cabinet, thereby clearly demonstrating the separation of the roles of policy from development and delivery.
  • · The matters covered by Recommenation 7 have been resolved within the ruling Conservative group.
  • · The newly appointed Head of Planning and Regeneration will be conducting a full and comprehensive review of the development control process to make any possible improvements in efficiency and service delivery.
  • · While the majority of Sir Michael’s recommendations have been or are being implemented, councillors are unlikely to implement them all, but for very good reason. For example, at the present time we do not feel it appropriate to seek increased remuneration for Planning Committee members.
  • · Matters covered under recommendation 7 Have been resolved.

In answer to a query from the floor, JS agreed it would appear that Cllr Stribley would no longer be able to stay in her current role. These posts are announced on the night and there is no prior notice. JS advised he would be attending the meeting on 12 May.

Chairman’s note: Agenda for next Thursday’s Planning Committee which shows the number of Committee Members reduced from the current eight to seven with Cllr Mrs Stribley (Chairman), Cllr Mrs Walton (Vice-Chairman) and Cllrs Allen, Mrs Butt, Mrs Long, Wilkins and Wilson

Cllr Carole Deas asked if she could comment on Cllr Stribley’s letter in last week’s Echo and JS asked that this be included under AOB at the end of the meeting.

Planning Enforcement, Tree Preservation Orders/Tree replacements

150 Canford Cliffs Road – The Planning Enforcement Officer wrote to the owner’s solicitors, Morgan Hall in Ilford last Wednesday inquiring about progress on boarding and securing the property as more rubbish and detritus has been dumped on the site. The officer is now considering a formal notice to secure compliance with his earlier request.

Lindsay Road to Station Road Prime Transport Corridor The long awaited public work of art at the junction of Penn Hill Avenue and North Lodge Road is due to be installed at the end of this month.

An Assn member, William Mutlow has been doing his best to raise the profile of the difficulty being experienced by the elderly residents living in the Abbeyfield House at the junction of Spur Hill Ave and Penn Hill Ave in crossing Penn Hill Ave at this point. Mr Mutlow raised this matter again at last Wednesday’s Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting and Cllr Mrs Stribley said that the Council were looking at the possibility of installing a pedestrian refuge at this point.

Canford Cliffs Village – The proposal to plant trees in Haven Road is being progressed by Keith Alcroft, our Planning Officer

Fossilised tree discovered at Branksome Chine – Plans to mount this on a plinth at Branksome Chine are well advanced.

Poole Quaythe Assn has for some years taken a close interest in the properties on the Quay (two of which are on Borough-owned land), which were formerly owned by Orb Estates or its subsidiaries.

Quay Thistle Hotel site – Plans for the development of this site with more than 150 homes, a four-star hotel, plus shops and restaurants, were recently put on casino online display in Poole’s Dolphin Centre. A planning application is expected in May.

The 150-bed hotel on the east end of the site, including a conference centre and restaurant and lounge at quay level, would be the first phase of the project – with the demolition of the Quay Thistle and the residential development only going ahead when the economic climate improves.

Swan Inn site – An application for the Swan Inn (Change of Use from Retail (Class A1) to Museum/visitor attraction (Class D1) was approved on 03/04/09 but an article in Thursday’s Daily Echo reports that Viv Endecott, who runs the Blyton-themed Ginger Pop Shop at Corfe Castle, had planned to transform the property into the Enid Blyton Story Centre but this will not materialise after failing to reach an agreement with the holders of the intellectual property rights to Blyton’s work. Ms Endecott is now looking at other alternative themes for the museum.

As reported in the Spring 2009 magazine, as long ago as 13/11/07, Dr Smith the high-profile boss of the company behind the ‘Quayside’ (former Dolphin Quays) development was ordered to pay nearly £41 million by way of confiscation and given 12 months to pay

With Robert Sym’s help, JS’s enquiries have recently revealed that Dr Smith has not fully satisfied the Order and so enforcement receivers have been appointed to identify and liquidate his assets in order to satisfy the Order. This action “involves a considerable amount of time and court related applications and is still going on”

Portacabins at Whitecliff Recreation Ground – the services to the Portacabins are being disconnected and some internal preparation work started last Wednesday. Other work in preparation to remove the Portacabins from the site is being undertaken shortly.

The Portcabins are all being put to use within the Council and this will be in the public domain shortly.

Luscombe Valley Judicial Review – some members may be unaware that a group of nearby residents took the Council to the High Court for a Judicial Review to challenge the Planning Approval of the application to build 6 blocks of flats next to the Luscombe Valley Nature Reserve.

The Assn took Solicitor’s advice about whether the Assn should become involved in this matter and the advice the Assn received was that the Assn could do so provided that the Assn was simply a ‘pure funder’. On this basis, the Assn made a total donation of £4,000. I attended the Court Hearing and, on my arrival home on Day 1, I sent an e-mail to the Luscombe Valley Residents’ Group pointing out that an incorrect statement had been made in Court by the Council’s Barrister but, I committed an indiscretion by copying this in to the Barrister himself. It was clearly not my intention to intervene in the proceedings but simply to point out an error in the statement made in Court.

JS said that it was planned meet next week with members of the Group to discuss this.

David Riley wished to raise a point and it was agreed that this could be covered under AOB at the end of the meeting.

Vice Chairman – the Chairman advised that the Association is still looking for a Vice Chairman and JS thanked the President, Terry Stewart, for covering this role and for his support during the year


John Defty advised there was nothing further to add to the Income and Expenditure Account included in the Spring 2009 magazine. He advised that his telephone number and email address are noted in the magazine and he was available to answer any queries in relation to the Accounts.


Peter Schofield had audited the Accounts and has agreed to continue for a further year. JS asked for approval by the meeting and this was given by a show of hands..


Terry Stewart advised that John Sprackling had acted as Chairman for a number of years, holding monthly meetings and working hard on the Association’s behalf and he proposed that John Sprackling continue in his role. This proposal was carried by a show of hands. (and applause!)


JS advised that the members of the current executive committee were willing to stand again but that from April 2010 they will be looking for a Minutes Secretary. A show of hands carried the motion that the current Executive continue for a further year.

President Terry Stewart

Chairman John Sprackling

Vice Chairman Vacant

Treasurer John Defty

Membership Secretary Michael Bond

Planning Officer Keith Alcroft

Secretary Terry Smith

Data Protection Officer Stan Alfert

Magazine Editor John Gunton

Magazine Advertising Bob Young

Minute Secretary Val Short


JS welcomed the Guest Speaker and Mr Thorne thanked the Association for inviting him to speak.

Chairman’s note: The text of Stephen Thorne’s talk runs to 5 pages and I’ve arranged for this to be edited down to a suitable size to include in the Minutes and this will be added to the Minutes in time for their inclusion in the Assn’s Autumn 2009 Magazine.

In answer to a question from the floor (Denis Riley), concerning his predecessor, TS advised that PW was a skilled operator and if applications were within the rule of law then they would be approved and the Inspectorate are only implementing the policies of government.

Cllr Deas stated she was much encouraged by Mr Thorne’s approach and would look forward to being able to meet him.

Ian Walker asked if Cllr Stribley had influenced the Council’s decision on engaging Mr Thorne. TS advised no, he had been interviewed by a panel of 8 people and cross examined by each one.

Denis Riley wanted JS to accept blame for his unwanted intervention in the Luscombe Valley meeting at a cost to the Association of £4,000. JS advised that he heard what Mr Riley had to say and that he had attended the meeting as a private person and not on behalf of the Association and as previously stated he would be attending a meeting to discuss this.

William Mutlow asked Mr Thorne what his stance was with regard to retrospective planning applications and enforcement in terms of building regulations and development. TS advised that a retrospective application has to be treated as a fresh application. They are not considered criminal offences and are within the law whereas listed building and tree preservation are in a different category. On enforcement, unfortunately it is not easy and has to be in the public interest and if there is nothing wrong with the project it would be wrong to waste public money where it turns out to be perfectly within the law.

Stan Alfert raised the point that people do not know about an application that may affect them until it is too late, i.e. the house next door might get a letter but there is no notice posted so that the people opposite would be unaware of any project that may affect them. He pointed out that in particular people in Lakeside Road were unaware of the development of flats.

ST advised these were in accordance with the 1992 regulations but agreed that we need to clarify where we notify those close to the development.

Kevin Goldstein Jackson noted that the applications only had a scale of 1:100 and it was not possible to determine heights of buildings in relation to the trees shown on plans and asked if anything could be done about this.

ST replied that distances from boundary to boundary and heights are given but was not sure about heights and would investigate this on his return to the office.

In answer to a query from Ben Hurley on enforcement, TS said this must be in the public interest but invited him to come in and see him personally or a member of the team. In answer to BH’s query about flooding, TS said that he has set up a meeting with his opposite number in the Environment Agency in order to achieve consistency.

JS then invited Mr Robert Syms, MP to say a few words.

Mr Syms thanked Mr Thorne for his impressive talk and welcomed his approach and where he saw the future of the Borough of Poole. He appreciated that there had been a problem with attracting the necessary expertise and that possibly with the current downturn there may be an opportunity to attract people from the private sector into the public sector. With regard to enforcement, he felt that the value of development, particularly in parts of Poole, would have to be recognised by Parliament and raise the fines accordingly. Currently developers go ahead happy to pay the meagre fines imposed.


JS advised that the cost of the Local Authority Notice Board planned for the outside of Canford Cliffs Library, had risen from £599 to £1050? And this would be discussed at the next monthly meeting.

JS wished to thank John Gunton for the magazine and special thanks to Oliver and Annie May for their contributions on display in the refreshment area of the church hall.

John Gunton advised that the Association had reserves of £32,000 and although it must be borne in mind that funds must be kept for legal costs, he felt that the Association could use say £5000 to go to projects within the area – such as tree planting and he asked if this met with general approval. There was agreement to this and JG said that any suggestions would be welcome – if possible to come along and discuss at the next monthly meeting.

Cllr Deas referred to Cllr Stribley’s recent letter in the press. It was reported she had been brought the council into disrepute by interrupting a Planning Committee meeting and had been suspended from the Conservative Group. CD had been trying to assist a resident who was badly treated and felt it her duty as a Councillor to interrupt the meeting. The Chairman had put a different spin on this and although suspended she is still a Councillor. At the hearing yesterday, they had no choice but to accept the truth and accepted there were extenuating circumstances. CD hopes that the truth will come out and that she was only acting in the interests of the residents.

Denis Riley wished to acknowledge all the work the Chairman did for the Association but wished to wished to state that the Chairman’s email following the hearing of the Luscombe Valley Group had cost the Association £4,000 in donation and in another £50,000 to the donors involved. Did the Chairman appreciate what he had done? JS advised DR that he accepted that he had sent the e-mail but that he had clearly not understood the implications. He will be meeting with the LVG as previously advised. He wished to state, however that he had attended the Court Hearing in a personal capacity and not on behalf of the Association and that the Association was not involved.

John Gunton wished to express his appreciation of the work the Chairman did for the Association.


There being no further questions, the Chairman closed the meeting at 12.00am and invited members to stay for refreshments.

BPCCRA Minutes April 8th 2009


HELD ON 8TH APRIL 2009 at 7.30pm



Terry Stewart President

John Sprackling Chairman

John Defty Treasurer

Keith Alcroft Planning Officer

Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer

John Gunton Magazine Editor

Val Short Minutes Secretary

Cllr Mrs Carole Deas Ward Councillor

Cllr Mrs May Haines ditto

12 Members/Wardens

Welcomes: JS welcomed Cllr Mrs May Haines and all those present, especially any present for the first time. Cllr Mrs Carole Deas also joined the meeting a little later.


Apologies: Bob & Phyllis Young

Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 11 March 2009.


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that…

1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – No further developments

2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – ditto

3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto

4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – JS has, at last, received a copy of the 26 week Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) and was advised on 23/03/09 that the Development Team were just entering Week 8. JS said that he would set out the actions for the remaining weeks in the Minutes.

Week 9
– Public exhibition held
– Members updated necessary following the public exhibition
– Terence O’Rourke (TO’R) to circulate summary of comments from the public exhibition
– Architects (EPR) to amend scheme if necessary following comments from the public exhibition
– EPR Issue final drawings
– Hyder update
– TO’R to produce supporting planning statement
– EPR to produce D&A (?Design & Access Statement)
Week 10
– All material for submission to TO’R
– Application submitted
Week 11
– Application validated and and registered
– TO’R manage and monitor submitted application
Week 12 -19
– Formal consultation of statutory consultees
– TO’R manage and monitor submitted application
Week 20
– Case officer to summarise main comments received to date and to confirm the heads of terms for any legal agreement
Week 21
– Joint development team review meeting to discuss consultee comments and heads of terms

– TO’R circulate minutes of meeting

Week 22 -23
– Case officer to prepare report to committee
– TO’R manage and monitor submitted application
Week 24
– Case officer to prepare published report to committee
– TO’R to prepare presentation to committee
– Committee – officer’s report published
Week 25 -26
– Application to Planning Committee committee

– TO’R to provide any outstanding information order to get the decision notice issued
– case officer to notify the applicant team the Committee decision and or any matters that need to be resolved before a decision notice is issued
‘ Once outstanding matters have been resolved, legal decision notice to be issued and agreement to be signed in an agreed time-scale
Week 27
– End of 16 week determination period

5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – No further developments

JS reported that the Frequently Asked Questions about the 2nd Harbour Crossing have now been posted on the BoP website. The link is<http://www.boroughofpoole.com/go.php?structureID=categories&ref=C49B92A281F38B> JS said that he had been under the impression that this would include the answer to the question regarding the costs incurred to date in relation to the overall cost of £37.5m (Taken from Summary Report of the Audit Commission’s Report ‘Full Sail Ahead ‘Borough of Poole Audit 2007-2008′ published in February 2008). JS said that just before he left home for tonight’s meeting, he had received a note from the Head of Legal & Democratic Services to say that ”the information that you seek is already in the public domain in a number of reports, in particular, report to Council last December.”

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

Flat 6, 20 Flaghead Road (Requirement for obscure-glazed glass) – MH advised JS on 24/03/09 that “the obscured glazed window was fitted over the weekend. Mr & Mrs Smith are very pleased that there is now closure on this case.

Fitzmor Homes Ltd sites at 49 & 49a Haven Road & 7 Balcombe Road & 18

Balcombe Road (Oversize ‘For Sale’ board) – The flags and advertisement board at 49 & 49a Haven Road have been removed.

75 Canford Cliffs Road – Enforcement Notice re the formation of an unauthorised vehicular entrance subject to ‘Written representations’ Appeal

(APP/Q1255/C/08/2086204) Date for Final comments was 24/12/08

Progress re Sir Michael Pitt’s recommendations & Meeting with Residents’ Associations on 25/03/09

Sir Michael Pitt’s Report – JS reported that target dates for Recommendations 1, 3, 4, 5 & 6 is May 2009 and for recommendation 2 is June 2009).Roy Pointer reported on the meeting with Residents’ Associations; repesentatives on 25/03/09, chaired by Cllr Mrs Ann Stribley, Chairman of the Planning Committee, attended by Stephen Thorne, Head of Planning & Regeneration, Peter Watson, Head of Planning Design & Control Services, Michael Garrity, Senior Planning Officer and approx 30 residents.

The Core Strategy for the Local Development Framework has now been amended and adopted following the Inspector’s report on 19th February and can be viewed on the Council website.

The threshold for affordable housing has dropped to 6 dwellings (with benchmark target of 40%). The inspector’s recommendation for renewable energy generation is 10/20% of energy needs – it was not made clear what this actually means.

The Spatial Strategy calls for 10,000 new homes (500 pa) by 2026 and the creation of 13,700 new jobs in Poole. The focus of most development will be in areas which are currently developed and have existing business development. Revitalising the town centre includes 35,000 sq m of retail development and the relocation of the bus depot and a new bus station.

Flat development can continue on streets or parts of streets where flats predominate, but with added conditions restricting hard surfaces and avoiding loss of gardens and trees.

Residents within areas which they consider as having special character and are not part of existing Conservation Areas, may wish to ask for these to be included in the draft Site Specific policy document, which is due for Pre-submission public participation in Oct/Nov 2009, with formal submission in Feb 2010.

MH mentioned ‘Placechecks’ and said that she would send the website link to JS – see Chairman’s note below..

Community Infrastructure Levy is being introduced payable by developers. This is an extension to existing Section 106. “Community infrastructure” can be wide ranging, but more information is needed to understand this properly.

RP then referred to Peter Watson’s presentation on ‘Issues raised by participants’

Enforcement – PW said that where more than one enforcement unit is involve, one unit should take lead on the complaint but this may not then get priority wished for by the complainant.

Third Party Challenges – PW said that the fact that residents don’t like the decision is no reason to challenge.

Communication and Notification – Since Sept 2008, new consulting procedures have been put in place and residents on other side of road are now notified. Yellow notices only apply in Conservation Areas. Letters of objection are not acknowledged, but can be viewed on the BoP Planning Application website.

JG asked if you have objected before, will you be notified again if any change?

Chairman’s Note: At the meeting, the answer given was ‘No’ which is correct if it’s simply amended plans but original objectors will be notified if it’s a new application.

Consistency – Every proposal must be considered on its individual merits and in accordance with the Development Plan. Conditions may be waived once impact is known – Sometimes overlooking windows can only be tested once the building is completed

Retrospective ApplicationsPW said these can be made – law says so

Private/Public Interests (Party Wall Act and Covenants etc) – The Local Planning Authority cannot get involved as these are matters outside the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act.

Appeal Costs – These can now be claimed in all classes of appeal – by both sides

Tree Protection – PW said that trees need to be protected and don’t expect sympathy if you buy in to a treed plot!!

Houses in Multiple Occupation – The Government are currently consulting in this area. JS said that this is a problem in the area covered by Talbot View Residents’ Assn.

Stephen Thorne announced that he is setting up a Consultation Working Group with 6 representatives of Residents Associations throughout the Borough. JS reported that the provisional date for the first meeting is 13 May 2009 at 14.30.

RP concluded by saying that there were 101 issues raised by participants at the meeting, but too late in the evening for much discussion. Lots of questions did not have time to be raised. Stephen Thorne will be at the Assn’s AGM, so hopefully this will be an opportunity to put questions then.

Chairman’s note: MH has copied me in to the note below from Nigel Jacobs of the former Strategic Planning Services Unit dated 18/07/07 and also the link to the

Placecheck website <http://www.placecheck.info/> for the Placecheck ‘pro-forma’.


“…a placecheck provides evidence of particular features of a place, this may be important features such as trees, equally it can identify areas for improvements or where change could help facilitate improvement to an area. In essence it is an audit of a defined location. Remember this is about place not individual buildings.

It is therefore a body of evidence that can be used to inform discussion about a place and changes that may be proposed. In time it may inform a policy approach and more detailed guidance that is set out in supplementary planning documents. On its own, it

does not and cannot have the same weight as a policy or adopted SPG (Supplementary Planning Guidance) but it can provide the context for consideration of a planning application and its findings can then be discussed with relevant bodies to inform appropriate future policies for an area.

The placecheck can therefore support existing policies through a more detailed analysis of a location, acting as a piece of research that could aid the decision making process, whether this be by the Council or in an appeal situation.

What placecheck is not is an anti development tool but a positive tool to ensure that where change happens that this change has regard to those features of importance through involving local residents.

Often when residents are objecting to development they fail to look at the wider context of the street looking narrowly at the individual application. Placecheck allows for residents to think about the wider locality i.e. what is the pattern of development, scale of buildings, relationship between buildings and spaces. Having undertaken this work and providing it is objective it can provide a single point of reference for all within the given location.”

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: No further developments.

Council Tax 2009/10 & Financial Monitoring report: JS said that he normally provide William Mutlow with a copy of the Council’s Financial Monitoring Report but the latest report for the period 01/04/08 to 28/02/09 is not due to be presented to the Cabinet meeting until 14/04/09.

William Mutlow referred to Cllr Leverett’s letter to residents in the latest issue of ‘Poole News’ and quoted the following two extracts…

“Reduced planning applications and land fee charges, together with the fall in interest rates, will cost the Council £2.2m next year. In addition, there is an increased call on our services as more people apply for Council Tax and revenue benefit. We must also provide an extra £1.7m in Adult Social Services to support services for older people. Our costs have risen too with extra waste disposal charges, including a significant increase in landfill tax.

…However, in order to deliver our usual services we need to increase Council Tax by 4.8% this year.”

WM referred to an article in the National press in February which said that wage increases in public sector were 3.5% compared to 1.5% in the private sector. Cllr Leverett’s reference to ‘usual’ services may not be affordable in the current financial climate.

Statement by Cllr Mrs Carole Deas – Carole Deas asked if she might address the meeting and JS agreed. CD referred to her recent expulsion from the Conservative Group and one of the reason was for voting against the 2008/09 Budget. At the Council meeting considering the budget in February 2009, CD & Cllr David Gillard had voted against on this single issue, as a matter of conscience, in view of the disastrous economic downturn facing the country.

At the Assn’s last meeting. CD had referred to increases in members’ allowances of up to 67%, CD had been challenged about this read from a table of Special Responsibility Allowances awarded to 21 members in the Borough of Poole in 2008 (see table below), some of which were postponed until April 2009.

Three Conservative Councillors had voted to abstain when these increases were put tothe vote in 2008. on the basis it was an inopportune time in a period of financial


CD believes the figures have been misrepresented to avoid the true implications of inflation-busting increases.

Roy Pointer asked about the reason for the increases and CD replied that there had been”some increase in some responsibilities”. JS said that the increases had been agreed by the Independent Remuneration Panel but CD alleged that the Panel initially recommended no increases and they were asked to reconsider the matter.


Increases in Councillor Special Allowances

Nos Benefiting 2008/09 2007/08 % Inc

Above Inflation Increases
Portfolio Holder 8 10707 8325 29%
Overview/Scrutiny Chair 6 4283 2498 71%
Planning Chair 1 8566 4163 106%
Con Political Gp Leader* 1 4283 3331 29%
LD Political Gp Leader* 1 4283 2931 46%

Minimal Increases
Council Leader 1 21415 20813 3%
Deputy Council Leader 1 12849 12488 3%
Licensing Chair 1 4283 4163 3%
TAG Chair 1 2570 2498 3%
* Political Group Leaders also get an additional £50 per group member


Poole Partnership: JS reported that he will be attending a Steering Group meeting on 22/04/09.

Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Speeding: No further developments.

Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: KA reported that a meeting between officers, scheduled to take place this afternoon, didn’t take place. KA said that the officers’ latest concern is about car doors, etc banging into trees. KA informed the officer that the Canford Cliffs Land Society AGM and the Assn’s AGM, which are due to take place shortly and he would like to be in a position to give an up-to-date report on this matter.

Bella Rosa – MH reported No progress at moment. The owners were going to submit application for clear surround but it had been made clear that that this had previously been refused. No planning application yet. MH will try to get hold of the Enforcement Officer.

Chairman’s Note: MH has since copied me in to a note from the Enforcement Team Leader dated 09/04/09 which reads “an Enforcement Notice was served today on the premises with one month for compliance unless an appeal is made before that date.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road – nothing new to report.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road SA said that it will be one year in May/June since relevant application was submitted and he is still waiting. It was agreed that SA should ‘chase’ on behalf of Assn between now and end of June

Bessborough Road – nothing new to report.

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this. JS said that TS had kindly provided him with two useful publications issued by the Charity Commission.

Canford Cliffs Chine: MH said that she still waiting to hear from the Head of Leisure Services.

BPCCRA Spring 2009 Magazine & AGM (02/05/09) – JS thanked all those responsible for the collation and distribution of the magazine and said that all the preparations have been made for the AGM on 02/05/09. JS said that if anyone has any question which he/she may wish to put to Stephen Thorne, in advance of the meeting, please let JS know.

Fossilised tree discovered at Branksome Chine: KA reported that the fossilised tree is to be erected on a plinth with explanatory notice at Branksome Chine to the left of the Beach Office beside canoe lifeguards station.


KA reported…

Land adj 1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a new detached house(Revised Scheme) – Letter of objection registered on behalf of Assn on 03/04/09.

36 Links Road (Demolish part of existing bungalow and erect 2 storey house. Demolition of remainder of existing bungalow after completion of new build) – Letter of objection registered on behalf of Assn on 08/04/09.

11 Leicester Road Outline application to demolish existing dwelling and associated outbuildings. Erect a 59 bedroom care home, bin and cycle store and associated parking (15 spaces) with some matters reserved) Application to be determined by Planning Committee on 16/04/09. The Officer’s recommendation is to ‘Refuse’.

7A Bury Road (Demolish existing and erect replacement 2 storey dwelling with basement (revised scheme) – application refused on 18/03/09.

14 Nairn Road (a) Demolish existing bungalow and erect a four storey 6 bed house – Subject to Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/09/2094445). Date for final comments was 25/03/09.

(b) Demolish existing bungalow and erect a four storey 5 bed house. (Revised

Scheme) – application refused on 18/03/09.

Judicial Review Hearing re 1, 2 & 3 Alington Close & 2a & 2b Shore Road (Demolish existing and erect 6 x two/ three storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking, accessed off Alington Close and associated works and landscaping) (Amended scheme) – The Judge accepted Ground 1 – The summary of the reasons for granting permission was inadequate. The reasons were not spelt out sufficiently but there was no objection in principle to the development and the failure was of limited scope and application and the Judge used his discretion to dismiss the claim.

The Council’s deputy Barrister asked for costs of £33,000, but following a challenge by the claimant’s Barrister, Justice Sales accepted that the amount claimed appeared excessive and ordered a reduction to £22,000. The shortfall of at least £11,000 will have to be met by Council Tax payers but the exact shortfall will not be known until the Solicitors, Sharpe Pritchard submit their final bill.

SA reminded those present that, although we contributed £4,000, we are not committed to any further costs.

1 Alington Close, 2a and 2b Shore Road (Demolish existing properties and erect six detached houses with detached and integral garages, with single access from Alington Close) – Application refused by Planning Committee on 26/03/09.

Other current planning issues

Victoria School, 12 Lindsay Road (Erect modular classroom building comprising 3 classrooms, entrance hall and toilet facilities) – .Letter of objection lodged on

behalf of Assn on 01/03/09.

2 Tower Road (Conservation area application to demolish existing dwelling & erect 3 detached dwellings with associated parking) Application registered 17/12/08.

Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 23/01/09. If the officers are not minded to refuse this application under delegated authority, this will be decided by the Planning Committee at a date yet to be announced.

Land adj. 2 Mornish Road (Conservation area application to erect a 5-bed detached house with integral garage, access from Mornish Road (Revised scheme) – Application subject to ‘Written representations’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/09/2098623)

Date for final comments is 29/04/09.

20 Balcombe Road

(a) Demolish existing and erect 3 detached houses. As amended by plans received15/09/08 Application subject to Planning Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/09/2093512). Date

for final comments was 16/03/09.

(b) Demolish existing dwelling and erect 5 no. 2 bed apartments. As amended by plan received 11/09/08. Application subject to Planning Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/09/2093513). Date for final comments is 09/03/09.

16-18 Durrant Road (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with single linked basement garage) – application granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08 and subject to complaint by local residents to Local Government

Ombudsman (LGO). The LGO’s provisional findings received on 08/11/08 were that the Council did nothing wrong but final decision is still awaited.

Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts) – ApplicationNo: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH

will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Amended plans lodged on 11/12/08.

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

4. REPORT RE SOUTHERN POOLE CHAIRMENS’ LIAISON GROUP MEETING (30/03/09) – TS reported that, following Sir M Pitts’ recommendations, the Group has written to Poole’s Chief Executive seeking an improvement in relations between Residents’ Assns and the Council.

The group received a presentation from Bernard Merna, the owner of Compton Acres who claimed that hotel will not be visible from anywhere except Lilliput Road. It is likely that Mr M will reduce the number of apartments from seven to five to avoid having to make an Affordable Housing contribution. Mr M said that there were very few days when car park is full. The number of visitors has been declining despite spending tens of £1,000s on improving gardens. TS reminded those present that if Compton Acres were to go bankrupt, the Council will then take ownership of the Gardens.

5. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JD reported that funds at the end March were £34,150 – less magazine cost £2,500, offset by advertising income coming in.


Big Green Fortnight (Friday 15th May – Sunday 31st May 2009 – JS said that he’d been asked by Tony Hamilton of Agenda 21 if he would promote this event. JS will distribute a note about this with the Minutes.

Canford Cliffs Play Area – MH reported that funding has been approved. Canford Cliffs Land Society will match funding. Postponed but hoping for Spring next year.

Pinecliff wildlife trail – JS is advised that this project is still ongoing, the sculptor who is making the wooden animals is being chased by on of the officers in Leisure Services and the Council intend to have it completed by the summer holidays.

Parkstone, Penn Hill & Canford Cliffs Safer Neighbourhood Partnership – JS reminded members of the Public Meeting on Wednesday 22nd April from 6-7pm at the Sandbanks Hotel, Banks Road, Poole.

Lindsay Road/Station Road corridor – WM has written to Transportation Services for pelican crossing at junction of Penn Hill Ave and Spur Hill Ave. as people already finding it difficult to cross and it will become more so as progress is made with proposals to improve the Lindsay Road/Station Road route as a Prime Transport Corridor. WM said that an assessment is to be made.

Double Yellow Lines on Woodside Road – WM said that, at the Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting on 04/02/09, as a result of suggestion from Cllr Mrs Stribley, it was recommended by the Traffic Panel to impose No Waiting 8am-6pm

Mon-Sat restrictions in Woodside Road. There was no discussion on this item.

Chairman’s Note: The proposed Traffic Regulation Orders were due to be advertised as part of the 2008/09 programme.

Use of Assn’s Capital Reserve – JG referred to the fact that the Assn had £32,000 or so ‘in the kitty’ and asked if we need this amount. JG suggested that we ask for suggestions at the AGM as to how to spend some of this, e.g. £5,000.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is the AGM on Saturday 2nd May 2009 in

All Saints Church Hall, Western Road, Branksome Park at 10.30am

The next monthly meeting will be on Wednesday 10th June 2009 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

JS closed the meeting at 8.35pm.

BPCCRA Minutes March 11th 2009





Terry Stewart President

John Sprackling Chairman

John Defty Treasurer

Michael Bond Membership Secretary

Keith Alcroft Planning Officer

Bob Young Magazine Advertising Manager

Val Short Minutes Secretary

Cllr Mrs Carole Deas Ward Councillor

Cllr Mrs May Haines ditto

Cllr Neil Sorton ditto

12 Members/Wardens

Welcomes: JS welcomed Cllrs Mrs Carole Deas, Mrs May Haines and Neil Sorton and all those present.


Apologies: Stan Alfert, Ken Sanson (Chairman, Sandbanks Assn) Henry Feilden & Chris Stracey

Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meetings held on 11 February 2009.


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that…

1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – Douglas Cook of the Society of Poole Men had asked a question at the Informal meeting with Residents’ Association representatives on 30/01/09 about the reinstatements of the paving around the Quayside development. It seems that there are problems not only in the length of time required to order the specialist paving, but also the fact that there are also outstanding defects which the current developer is still responsible for. Considerable work has been undertaken to keep this to a minimum and expedite the necessary repairs – the Council are still working on this.

2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – Metnor’s High Court challenge which was due to be heard on 02/03/09 was withdrawn at the eleventh hour.
It seems that the new Core Strategy has offered Metnor grounds for optimism. Brian Ham, director of Metnor, was quoted in the Daily Echo as saying: “We are more upbeat about things. It is a positive outcome for us. The inspector thought the site was appropriate for health-related uses. On this basis we thought that, although there is still work to do with the council, it makes more sense to work within that framework than a High Court challenge.”

3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – It was reported in the Daily Echo dated 26/02/09 that a planning application has been submitted for the former Swan Inn on Old Orchard, with its iconic green tile frontage, to become the Enid Blyton Story Centre. This is the brainchild of Viv Endecott, who runs the Blyton-themed Ginger Pop Shop at Corfe Castle.

4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – JS is still awaiting a copy of the draft Planning Performance Agreement and has now requested this under the Freedom of Information Act.

NS said he would also check when the Frequently Asked Questions about the 2nd Harbour Crossing were going to be posted on the BoP website.

5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – No further developments


Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

Flat 6, 20 Flaghead Road (Requirement for obscure-glazed glass) – MH explained that the glass had been ordered but then the supplier ‘went bust’, it has been re-ordered from Dorset Glass and should be replaced imminently.

Fitzmor Homes Ltd sites at 49 & 49a Haven Road & 7 Balcombe Road & 18

Balcombe Road (Oversize ‘For Sale’ board) – The flags and advertisement board at 49 & 49a Haven Road have been removed.

75 Canford Cliffs RoadEnforcement Notice re the formation of an unauthorised vehicular entrance subject to ‘Written representations’ Appeal

(APP/Q1255/C/08/2086204) Date for Final comments was 24/12/08

Sir Michael Pitt’s independent review of planning matters in Poole – JS reported

on the meeting with Sir Michael Pitt on 23/02/09 at which representatives of five Residents Assns were present to receive Sir Michael’s report which was officially published that day. The following day, the Head of Financial Services was quoted in the Daily Echo as saying that the recommendations would “all be implemented in due course” JS said that ‘Time will tell’.

JS said that he would list the seven recommendations in the Minutes – see below. Chairman’s note: In the case of certain recommendations, the reason may not be immediately clear and I have added the explanation from Sir Michael’s report.

1st recommendation:

That senior Officers review the Council’s Risk Register and ensure that ‘the likelihood of the risk’, ‘the impact of the risk’ and ‘the mitigating actions’ relating to Development Control, unlawful behaviour and damage to the reputation of the Council are given appropriate priority and that this aspect of the Council’s corporate governance is considered regularly by top management and Planning Services.


5.9 Whilst there is every reason to have confidence in the Council’s top team, there is a need for constant vigilance and challenge. A vital part of the Council’s corporate governance is its approach to risk management, which provides the appropriate processes for systematically reviewing and assuring resilience. In areas with exceptionally high property values, such as Poole, the risks of unlawful behaviour are higher and therefore the response must be proportionate to that risk. The Chief Executive, Monitoring Officer and Section 151 Officer all have special statutory responsibilities in relation to the conduct of the Council’s business. They have a duty to ensure that the Council is resilient and that the possibility of unlawful behaviour is taken seriously throughout the organisation.

2nd recommendation:

Senior Members and Officers should redouble their efforts to explain Council planning policy and the reasons for their advice and decisions. This should be backed up with a rolling communications strategy developed by Officers.

3rd recommendation:

The Council should accelerate the planned remodeling of the membership of its Planning Committee and/or Cabinet in order to strengthen the Planning Committee’s independence and comply fully with the advice of the Audit Commission contained within the Corporate Assessment 2008.

4th recommendation:

The Council should review the standing of the Planning Committee within its political structure and invite the independent Panel on Members Allowances to more fully recognise the responsibilities and workload of Chair and Members.

5th recommendation:

The Council should review the way minutes of the Planning Committee are


presented and when decisions are not unanimous, a record should be kept of Councillors abstaining and voting for and against the motion.

6th recommendation:

Given the challenges within the Borough, the Council should commission a comprehensive review of its arrangements for controlling development conducted by an experienced, senior and qualified Planning Officer. The terms of reference of the review should take into account the contents of this report.

7th recommendation:

That the Administration seeks an urgent and permanent resolution to the on-going disagreements within the Group.


5.18 …there has been media coverage of the suspension of two Members from the Council’s controlling Group. The exact reasons for the suspension are confidential to the Group although it is widely known that there are strong differences of opinion in relation to Development Control. The Members concerned have aligned themselves closely with residents and believe that the amount of new development taking place is excessive. One Member in particular has been highly critical of the decisions of the Planning Committee and expressed views publically.

5.19 It is not uncommon for individual Councillors to find themselves publically at odds with other Members of their political Group. Usually, after a period of time these difficulties are resolved and the impact on the reputation of the Council is kept to a minimum. Leading Members have worked hard to try and resolve the differences. However, the Council is being damaged by this lengthy and on-going dispute and several witnesses believe that this problem has gone on for far too long.

NS asked if he might read the following statement and JS agreed…


Planning has always been a sensitive issue in Canford Cliffs Ward, not least because of high property values.

For some time persistent rumours as to irregularities in the planning process have been circulating not only in Poole but in the wider arena such as the Local Government Association in London. Poole Council’s Chief Executive, rightly concerned about the reputational damage to the Council, called in Sir Michael Pitt, a well respected and authoritative figure on the national stage.

Sir Michael interviewed senior staff, Councillors and leading members of certain Residents Associations. Sir Michael Pitt’s report has recently published, and is on the Council’s website. I will be quoting Sir Michael verbatim.

Sir Michael tells us that September 2006 saw the beginning of a seven month investigation by Dorset Police. I for one was completely unaware of such police involvement. Sir Michael tells us that an un-named Councillor lodged with Dorset Police a dossier containing separate allegations of planning irregularities from eleven residents or organisations in Poole. Sir Michael says that Dorset Police took the allegations seriously, and considerable police resources were expended following up leads, talking to witnesses and collecting evidence. The Police Report summarises the findings and found no evidence to support the allegations. The conclusions of the Police investigations were “there is insufficient evidence to substantiate these allegations or to warrant any further investigation at this time subject to any further evidence coming to light”. *

In paragraph 5.4 of his Report Sir Michael says that he was impressed by the thoroughness of the Police investigations and there was nothing in any of the files or paperwork which he had read which gives cause for concern.

Sir Michael reports, following his own investigations: “Based on the interviews, papers and reports considered during the course of the Review, there is no evidence


to substantiate any of the rumours suggesting Members or Officers of the Council are

involved in unlawful activity relating to development control.”

Sir Michael made seven recommendations of a broadly administrative nature. I can confirm that such recommendations are being dealt with or will shortly be implemented.

Sir Michael says in his Report that there is a serious breakdown in the relationship between some residents and the Borough Council. I would point out that a meeting

has already been arranged for later this month between the new Head of Planning Stephen Thorne and representatives of local Residents Associations, when hopefully bridges can start to be mended. As John Sprackling is quoted as saying in the Echo dated 24th February “This represents an opportunity to turn over a new leaf”.

Speaking purely for myself, I consider that there was a surprising omission from Sir Michael’s Report – the role of the Planning Inspector, where a locally taken planning decision can be overturned by the Inspectorate in Bristol. I would like to instance 10 Canford Crescent (a bungalow) and 14 Canford Crescent (a two-storey house). In both cases I persuaded the Planning Committee to refuse permission for flats. However, the respective applicants appealed and the Planning Inspectors in Bristol granted permission for flats. This sort of example may help to fuel the public perception that (wrongly) the Council “allowed” flats in a road hitherto free of flats. I would also point out that the overturning of a Council planning refusal on unsound planning grounds runs the risk of the Council – that is the Council taxpayer – being liable for the applicants’ costs.

I would remind you that, notwithstanding the above difficulties, the Independent Audit Commission has just announced that it has, for the second year, awarded the highest 4-star rating to Poole Council – only one of four local authorities in the South West. The Commission said that Council services provide good value for money and adjudged that Poole Council is “improving well”.

This accolade is all the more commendable in the light of the poor Government funding – we have all heard of the Fair Funding for Poole Campaign. The per capita grant for Poole is £196 per head of population. The average for all English Unitary (all purpose) authorities is £367. In Poole only 29% of the Council’s income comes from Government grant, whereas the average for all English Unitary authorities is 50%.

The balance of course has to come from the Council taxpayer. If we had received a Government grant similar to Bournemouth (where the per capita grant is £334) we could have cut Poole’s Council Tax by 27%.

JS invited questions following NS statement…

John Fox asked why Poole’s under-funding by Central Government cannot be put in the press?

NS replied that there had been a press release in the Echo.

John Fox suggested that the council should publish the facts (in Poole News?) so that all residents in Poole could be made aware of this injustice.

JD asked which government minister was in involved in the Rate Support Grant.

NS replied that it was something like Communities and Local Government and added that the lowest funded authorities tended to be those that were ‘right wing’.

MB referred to NS comment regarding the role of the Planning Inspector, where a locally taken planning decision can be overturned by the Inspectorate in Bristol. But, it was pointed out that the Council was successful in defending around 75% of all appeals.

CD referred to the “unnamed councillor” reputed to have lodged a dossier with the police. She said she had been at a meeting where a resident had provided ‘evidence’ pertaining to planning irregularities. CD was later advised to lodge this with the police, partially on the advice of the Conservative Councillors’ Association (CCA).

CD had wanted to be sure she was doing the right thing.

In response to a question about the time-scale during which the Sir Michael Pitts’ seven recommendations are to be implemented, MH said that this would be


monitored by the Council Efficiency and Effectiveness Overview and Scrutiny Committee and their next meeting is on 19/03/09

JS said that, as mentioned in NS statement, Cllr Mrs Stribley had invited two representatives from each Residents’ Assn to attend a meeting to meet the new

Planning Head, Stephen Thorne, on 25/03/09 to discuss Planning issues and questions. JS said that he proposed to ask the following questions and asked members if there was any other question they would like to be put.

1. Will there be a change of approach to ‘Retrospective’ applications?

2. Will there be a more robust approach to Non-Compliance with Planning Conditions?

3. Can we expect to see a reduction in the instances of Inconsistencies in planning decisions?

4. Reluctance to publish Pre-application consultations in the public domain

5. Lack of transparency in relation to negotiation of Affordable Housing contributions

KA asked if the Planning Application notification procedure could be the subject of another review as he regularly receives complaints from resident that they only hear about applications within a few days of the deadline for representations

JS said that Derek Hanson of the Luscombe Valley Assn had asked if he would also

put the following points…

  • · Chairmanship of Planning Committee to have a fixed term, say 4 years.
  • · No Cabinet member to be Chairman of the Planning Committee.
  • · Increase the membership of the Committee to include one member from each Ward.
  • · Committee meeting minutes to be more detailed and record how each Member voted.
  • · Section 106 money to be kept separate and used only for planning related infrastructure.
  • · All meetings, including Pre-application consultations, between developers and representatives of the Planning Department to be recorded and minuted.
  • · More robust approach to ‘Retrospective’ applications and Non-Compliance with Planning Conditions
  • · Take action over inconsistencies in planning decisions

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: As Roy Pointer was not present, there was no report.

Council Tax 2009/10 & Financial Monitoring report: As William Mutlow was not present, there was no report but NS advised of an additional Budgetary ‘pressure’ as, whereas there was a Budget provision for an increase in staff salaries of 2.45%, the Independent Arbitrator had set this at 2.75%.


Poole Partnership: JS reported that the Poole Partnership Steering Group meeting which was due to take place on 02/03/09 was postponed.

Stronger Communities Partnership meets on 18/03/09 but JS said that, contrary to his expectations, the Agenda does not include any item on the Sustainable Communities Act.

TS said that Cllr Peter Adams and the Head of Legal & Democratic Services, Tim Martin are making presentations on the Sustainable Communities Act at all Area Committee meetings. The Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting is on April 29,

Chairman’s note: A Working Party to determine the Council’s response to Sustainable Communities Act is being set up, comprising three Conservatives and two Lib/Dems, who will report to the Cabinet on 07/07/09, who will, in turn, make a recommendation to the Full Council on 21/07/09, in time to meet the deadline on 31/07/09.


Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Speeding: – No further developments.

Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: KA reported that

some progress had been made, but the ‘tree’ man wants a bigger pit for planting and

the ‘highways’ man says that will make it difficult to provide a good surface for pedestrians – Trees and Highways will liaise to find a solution, then a decision can be made on the type of trees to be planted. It is doubtful that this will happen in time for the trees to be planted this season.

Bella RosaNo Planning Application has been submitted as yet for the screening that has been erected. MH will chase.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road nothing new to report.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road ditto

Bessborough Road – ditto

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this. TS said that he would be willing to help with this.

Canford Cliffs Chine: Peter Adams was hoping that members of the public would help with the planting, but MH was not sure of the current situation. MH will chase.

Premises Licence application for ‘Orton Rigg’, 53 Cliff Drive – JS reported that the Premises Licence had been granted.

BPCCRA Spring 2009 Magazine & AGM (02/05/09) – JS reported that the magazine should be ready for distribution at the end of next week.


KA reported…

11 Leicester Road Outline application to demolish existing dwelling and associated outbuildings. Erect a 59 bedroom care home, bin and cycle store and associated parking (15 spaces) with some matters reserved) Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 12/01/09. NS said that he is closely monitoring this application and will ‘red-card this if the officers are minded to ‘Grant”.

Victoria School, 12 Lindsay Road (Erect modular classroom building comprising 3 classrooms, entrance hall and toilet facilities) – .Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 01/03/09.

31A Western Avenue (Demolish existing dwelling and erect a five bed detached dwelling) – Application refused on 02/03/09.

62 Haven Road (Erect 3 x 4-bed houses) Appeal allowed by Planning Inspector on 03/03/09.

2 Tower Road (Conservation area application to demolish existing dwelling & erect 3 detached dwellings with associated parking) Application registered 17/12/08. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 23/01/09. If the officers are not minded to refuse this application under delegated authority, this will be decided by the Planning Committee at a date yet to be announced.

Land adj. 2 Mornish Road (Conservation area application to erect a 5-bed detached house with integral garage, access from Mornish Road (Revised scheme) – Application subject to ‘Written representations’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/09/2098623)

Date for final comments is 29/04/09.

JS reported that, although the application for the Wind Turbine application at Tesco, Branksome was granted by Planning Committee on 12/02/09, one of the lead protestors is planning to write to Tesco, with guidance from the Assn, pointing out that if they go ahead, this could have ‘commercial implications’.

The Judicial Review Hearing re 1, 2 & 3 Alington Close & 2a & 2b Shore Road (Demolish existing and erect 6 x two/ three storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking, accessed off Alington Close and associated works and

landscaping) (Amended scheme) is to be heard in High Court next Tuesday (17/03/09).

IRavine Lifestyle Limited is named as the only Interested Party.


Roland Cunnell said he had received notification that a new application had been registered re 1 Over Links Drive but this had yet to appear on the BoP Planning Application website. JS assured RC that this should appear soon.

Other current planning issues

14 Nairn Road (a) Demolish existing bungalow and erect a four storey 6 bed house) – Subject to Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/09/2094445). Date for final comments is


(b) Demolish existing bungalow and erect a four storey 5 bed house. (Revised

Scheme) – Application registered on 06/01/09. Local concerns. NS has ‘red-carded’

the application.

7A Bury Road (Demolish existing and erect replacement 2 storey dwelling with basement (revised scheme). Date Registered: 22/01/09. Local concerns. NS has

offered to ‘red-card’ the application.

16-18 Durrant Road (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with

single linked basement garage) – application granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08 and subject to complaint by local residents to Local Government

Ombudsman (LGO). The LGO’s provisional findings received on 08/11/08 were that the Council did nothing wrong but final decision is still awaited.

Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts)Application

No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH

will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Amended plans lodged on


8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) –

Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JD reported that the audited accounts for 2008 were completed last month and showed a total of £31,917. This month’s accumulated fund was £34,105, but the cost of producing the magazine would come out of this.

JD asked if JS would send a letter of thanks to Peter Schofield for kindly auditing the Assn’s accounts for the year to 31/12/08.

JS reported that CountryWide Property Management have now paid for their advert in the Spring 2008 issue of the Assn’s magazine but Key Drummond remain a non-payer.


Proposed Wind Farm, off Old Harry RocksTS said that, in principle, CPRE approved of off-shore wind farms, but no details of what is planned are available, so more information is needed before a decision can be made on whether to oppose the proposed off-shore wind farm near Old Harry. CPRE are currently fighting against an on-shore wind farm near Wool.

JS said that his attention had been drawn to the House of Lords debate on 09/03/09 on the Marine and Coastal Access Bill [HL] Lord Greenway (Crossbench) is quoted as saying “…The Government and other noble Lords will be aware that the proposed offshore wind farm site off the Jurassic Coast in Dorset has been moved nearer Poole. I am not certain whether that will please the rich residents of Sandbanks…”

Parkstone, Penn Hill & Canford Cliffs Safer Neighbourhood Partnership – JS reminded members of the Public Meeting on Wednesday 22nd April from 6-7pm at the Sandbanks Hotel, Banks Road, Poole.

Statement by Cllr Mrs Carole Deas – CD asked if she might make a statement and JS agreed.


CD said she had received numerous telephone calls offering support. The reason she had been expelled from the Conservative Group was for voting against increases in members’ allowances of up to 67%, she had felt this was inopportune in light of the

current economic situation and had voted against the Budget. CD had also been

accused of issuing a press release without authorisation; this was actually issued by a solicitor and had first been faxed to Conservative office. CD apologised for this upset, and said her main concern had always been to do her best for residents. She felt that more could and should have been done, and that she was sorry that David Gillard had been expelled for supporting her.

There had been five Cabinet members sitting on the Planning Committee that passed the Luscombe Valley planning application.

CD had been a member of the Conservative Party since the age of 17, she is a Conservative and believes in Conservative principles. She has applied to CCA for an appeal, there is already an outstanding appeal and, perhaps, the two appeals can be considered together. Sir Michael Pitt has asked for a speedy end to all this anxiety. CD will continue to represent residents, but until the appeal had been heard does not know whether she can continue as a Councillor.

NS pointed out that the reasons for expulsion did not mention the word ‘Planning’.

A member asked if this matter could be discussed but JS ruled that this was not a subject that the Assn should get involved with and this was generally supported by those present.

Fossilised tree discovered at Branksome Chine

Chairmens’ note: our Planning Officer, Keith Alcroft, has taken an active interest in this fossil on behalf of the Association.

He prepared an initial sketch of a suitable plinth and carefully chose and showed a prominent central location for its setting in Branksome Chine. This being the Associations preferred position.

Clive Smith, Head of Leisure Services, wrote to me on 02/03/09 “My view is that whilst I’m grateful to Keith for the work he has put into this I don’t think the site in the car park is practical. The site we suggested near Branksome Dene Chine is practical but far less visible. I have asked my team to have another look to see if there is anything in between.

We believe that it may be possible that Dean Dyball would be happy to make a contribution by way of sponsorship to its setting and the Association might also consider a donation to this project for the benefit of the people of Poole and visitors alike.

JS closed the meeting at 8.35pm.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is on Wednesday 8th April 2009 in the

Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

BPCCRA Minutes February 11th 2009





John Sprackling Chairman

John Defty Treasurer

Michael Bond Membership Secretary

Keith Alcroft Planning Officer

Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer

John Gunton Magazine Editor

Bob Young Magazine Advertising Manager

Val Short Minutes Secretary

Cllr Neil Sorton Ward Councillor

15 Members/Wardens

Welcomes: JS welcomed Cllr Sorton and all those present.


Apologies: Cllr Mrs May Haines, Terry Stewart, Ben Hurley & Richard Dimbleby

Accuracy: Bob Young has pointed out that, At the last meeting Keith Alcroft had said that the Association was to oppose the 2 Martello Park application, and the letter was going out the next day. Also, Councillor Deas said that she had red-carded the same Application. This was omitted from the Minutes but JS confirmed that a letter of objection was registered on 15/01/09.

Stan Alfert also said he had attended last month’s meeting but his presence had not been recorded.

JS said that, subject to these amendments, he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meetings held on 14 January 2009.


Poole Pottery/Old Orchard/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that…

1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – No further developments

2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – JS was advised by the Planning Inspectorate on 19/01/09 that “At this time we are still deciding whether or not this case (Metnor Property Group PLC v SSCLG & Borough of Poole Council) is to be defended. This process will be completed soon, as the High Court has scheduled the hearing for 2nd March 2009.”

3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – No further developments

4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – JS still awaiting a copy of the draft Planning Performance Agreement. NS said that he would follow this up.

NS said he would also check when the Frequently Asked Questions about the 2nd Harbour Crossing were going to be posted on the BoP website.

5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – the 1st Employment Contribution of £50,000 due on 01/01/09 was paid on 20/01/09. At last night’s Cabinet meeting, in his report on Car parking income – Forecast out-turn 2008/09, the Head of Transportation Services said that “…the original budget for 2008/09 assumed £34,000 for income from the Orchard Plaza development… The £34,000 relating to the Orchard Plaza has been removed from the budget for 2009/10″

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

Flat 6, 20 Flaghead Road – Gee Developments were informed on 14/11/08 stating that they had one month from that date to install the glazing – yet, two months later, the glazing still has not been installed. NS was asked if he might look at this.

13 Branksome Towers – Unauthorised High Fence was due to be removed on or about 19/01/09


Fitzmor Homes Ltd sites at 49 & 49a Haven Road & 7 Balcombe Road & 18

Balcombe Road (Oversize ‘For Sale’ board) – No further developments.

75 Canford Cliffs Road – Application for alterations and extension to garage granted on 16/12/08. Stop Notice served on 14/08/08. Enforcement Notice re the formation of an unauthorised vehicular entrance subject to ‘Written representations’ Appeal

(APP/Q1255/C/08/2086204) Date for Final comments was 24/12/08

116 Panorama Road JS said that it had been reported in the Daily Echo that a Branksome Park resident had been convicted of attempting to destroy the protected tree in Sandbanks and was fined £7500, including costs and victim surcharge at Wimborne Magistrates Court on 26/01/09.

The Chairman of the Planning Committee had written to JS to ask why it was proposed to “exclude the individual from publicity and criticism in circumstances which would have seen the full blast of publicity had the offence been committed by someone else?”

After a short discussion, it was agreed that the Assn. very much regrets that one of its former members was involved but as the locality in which the offence occurred is not within the area covered by this Assn. no further action would be taken.

Sir Michael Pitt’s independent review of planning matters in Poole – JS reported

on the meeting with Sir Michael Pitt on 29/01/09 at which representatives of five Residents Assns were present.

NS stressed that Sir Michael’s report had found no trace of corruption within the Planning Dept.

There had been an article in the Daily Echo in which a representative of a Hamworthy Residents’ Assn. put forward an unreasonable point of view regarding people being in post too long leading to allegations of corruption.-

JS said that he would include his notes of the meeting in the Minutes (See below)

Sir Michael, in his introduction, said that…

  • · He was about 80% through the investigation
  • · He has found “absolutely no evidence of corruption”
  • · He will be coming forward with recommendations to improve development control
  • · The ‘end game’ is to produce the final report in draft form, “written in measured terms”, which will be presented to officers for correction of any factual errors but they will not be permitted change outcomes. There will then be a private presentation to Members and the report will then be placed in the public domain
  • · The Police enquiry in (?) 2006 lasted six months and 13 different lines of complaint were investigated. Some witnesses were questioned under caution. Sir Michael sat in police station and read every page of the reports. He commented that the investigating officers had been extraordinarily thorough.
  • · He is studying every paper he has received. He has been surprised by volume.
  • · He said that Planning Design & Control Services needs to be viewed against a good council which is functioning well.

Sir Michael had asked, prior to the meeting, for considered views on the way Borough Council might be improve the way it engages with residents and developers and undertakes its development control responsibilities and the following suggestions were made but not necessarily in the order set out below.

  • · Chairmanship of Planning Committee to have a fixed term, say 4 years.
  • · No Cabinet member to be Chairman of the Planning Committee.
  • · Increase the membership of the Committee to include one member from each Ward.


  • · Committee meeting minutes to be more detailed and record how each Member voted.
  • · Section 106 money to be kept separate and used only for planning related infrastructure.
  • · All meetings, including Pre-application consultations, between developers and representatives of the Planning Department to be recorded and minuted.
  • · More robust approach to ‘Retrospective’ applications and Non-Compliance with Planning Conditions
  • · Take action over inconsistencies in planning decisions

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: JS said that Roy Pointer had agreed to take over from Peter Jackson as the Assn’s representative on this item.

JS reported that a meeting about the Poole & Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan Review had been fixed for next month

Chairman’s note: The first Key Stakeholder Group has been set for 23rd March 2009 at 18:00.at Bournemouth Town Hall.

Council Tax 2009/10 & Financial Monitoring report: William Mutlow reported that the Financial Monitoring Report for the period 01/04/08 to 31/12/08 predicts a surplus of £1,680,000 (see below), plus Capital savings of £1,200,000 largely made up by not having to spend as much as forecast in various areas

(£850,000) Treasury Management, Investment Income, Borrowing costs

(£780,000) Adult Social Services (Residential and Homecare costs)

(£470,000) National Concessionary Fares Scheme

(£140,000) Transportation Services (Energy costs, savings, efficiencies)

(£100,000) Children’s Services (Children Looked After etc)

(£40,000) Net other variations

£190,000 Parking Services Income (including decriminalized parking income)

£250,000 Planning Application Fees (net of Planning Delivery Grant reserve)

£260,000 Land Charges Income

(£1,680,000) Current predicted surplus

The projection £1.6m could be less due to extra costs in Planning and with almost 40% of the budget to be spent in the last quarter, the system is very volatile (which WM had forecast some time ago). £2m worth of Capital items had been re-profiled to next year, and the projections for next year are too close to this year, e.g. cost of concessionary bus passes is under for this year due to the poor weather, the cost for next year could be higher if the weather is good.

NS reported a difference of £1m between the cost of the concessionary bus fares and the Government grant, this scheme would work better in ‘holiday’ areas if it were limited to local residents only.

If a journey requires catching two buses, or ‘hopping on and off’ on a long stretch of road such as Ashley Road in Parkstone, then two charges are generated, an additional problem caused by the large number of tourists using bus passes is that local people are often unable to get on the buses, especially those going to Swanage.

KA suggested that the Council should make representations to Central Government about winter/summer charges. NS said that, specialist transport consultants, the TAS Partnership, have been jointly commissioned by Poole and Bournemouth Borough Councils to review the reimbursement rate paid to bus operators for concessionary passengers in the light of uptake and usage during 2008/09..There are now over 31,000 passes in circulation in Poole Poole, a take up of 79% of the over-60s.

NS said that the drop in planning application fee and land search fee income of £½m is due to slump in housing.

Chairman’s Note: As mentioned at the meeting, the Head of Planning Design & Control Services wrote to me following Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting. I quote…

The 40% (reduction in Planning Applications reported by Cllr Parker) was an assumption based on potential fall off in application activity. To date the actual reduction is closer to 15% with the main impact falling on the high fee earning areas. Since the start of 2008 we have seen 3 full-time DC officer posts deleted/frozen on


the establishment – that is equivalent to a 25% reduction in case officers. Our current forecast for income is a £430k reduction”

JS reported that at last night’s meeting the Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council an increase in Council Tax of 4.8% for 2009/10.

Poole Partnership: JS reported that the Poole Partnership Website Communication Sub-committee met on 27/01/09 and a new Website will be set up shortly. This will include a list of Residents’ Assns.

‘A Joint Response’ meeting involving Bournemouth & Poole Partnerships is being held tomorrow (12/02/09) at AFC Bournemouth to look at actions which might be taken in this time of recession.

The next Poole Partnership Steering Group meeting is due to take place on 02/03/09.

Stronger Communities Partnership meets on 18/03/09 and the Agenda is likely to include discussion of the Council’s response to Sustainable Communities Act.

Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Speeding: – No further developments.

Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: KA reported that various Council officer staff holidays are delaying the matter. KA will monitor.

Bella Rosa – JS reported that MH had spoken to one of the Planning Enforcement Officers on 04/02/09 about Bella Rosa. Both this officer and an officer from Transportation Services have visited the site. It was agreed that the line of sight is obscured. the Planning Enforcement Officer spoke to the owners of Bella Rosa who have agreed to put in a planning application for the screening that has been erected. They have 2 weeks from Monday 2nd Feb to submit the application. If not, an enforcement notice will be issued.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road nothing new to report.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road ditto

Bessborough Road – ditto

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS has still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

Canford Cliffs Chine: MH was due to speak to Cllr Peter Adams but JS said that he had heard nothing further.


KA reported…

2 Tower Road (Conservation area application to demolish existing dwelling & erect 3

detached dwellings with associated parking) Application registered 17/12/08. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 23/01/09.

Land adj. 2 Mornish Road (Conservation area application to erect a 5-bed detached house with integral garage, access from Mornish Road (Revised scheme) – Application refused on 28/01/09.

21 Western Avenue (Conservation area application to demolish existing dwelling and erect single detached dwelling with garaging. (Revised scheme) – Application refused on 28/01/09.

2 Martello Park (Demolish existing bungalow and erect a block of flats with associated parking and bin store) – To be determined by Planning Committee tomorrow (12/02/09) Chairman’s note: Application was granted.

Wind Turbine application at Tesco, Branksome – To be determined by Planning Committee tomorrow (12/02/09) Chairman’s note: Application was granted.

14 Nairn Road (a) Demolish existing bungalow and erect a four storey 6 bed house) – Subject to Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/A/09/2094445). Date for final comments is 25/03/09.

(b) Demolish existing bungalow and erect a four storey 5 bed house. (Revised


Scheme) – Application registered on 06/01/09. Local concerns. NS has ‘red-carded’

the application.

7A Bury Road (Demolish existing and erect replacement 2 storey dwelling with basement (revised scheme). Date Registered: 22/01/09. Local concerns. NS has offered to ‘red-card’ the application.

JS reported that the Judicial Review Hearing re 1, 2 & 3 Alington Close & 2a & 2b Shore Road (Demolish existing and erect 6 x two/ three storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking, accessed off Alington Close and associated works and landscaping) (Amended scheme) to be heard in High Court on 17/03/09.

JS said that the Inspector’s Report into the Core Strategy is available via <http://www.boroughofpoole.com/downloads/assets/Inspectors_Final_Report.pdf>

and he would include he principal changes in the Minutes (See below)

a) The North Poole area to remain as safeguarded land

b) The threshold for affordable housing to be set at 6+ dwellings

c) A commitment to prepare a Flood Risk Management Strategy

d) The deletion of locally based carbon reduction requirements

e) A rejigging and expansion of the Implementation and Monitoring section, including the inclusion of more details of infrastructure projects.

Other current planning issues

11 Leicester Road Outline application to demolish existing dwelling and associated outbuildings. Erect a 59 bedroom care home, bin and cycle store and associated parking (15 spaces) with some matters reserved) Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 12/01/09.

62 Haven Road (Erect 3 x 4-bed houses) Awaiting outcome of Planning Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/08/2081952) held on 03/02/09

31A Western Avenue (Demolish existing dwelling and erect a five bed detached dwelling) – Application registered on 05/01/09. Local concerns.

Victoria School, 12 Lindsay Road (Erect modular classroom building comprising 3 classrooms, entrance hall and toilet facilities) – .Local concerns

16-18 Durrant Road (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with

single linked basement garage) – application granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08 and subject to complaint by local residents to Local Government Ombudsman (LGO). The LGO’s provisional findings received on 08/11/08 were that the Council did nothing wrong but final decision is still awaited.

Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts)Application

No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with

basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Amended plans lodged on 11/12/08..

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An

entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a detached house with integral garage) – application withdrawn on 27/03/08. Awaiting revised application.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) –

Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.


JS reported that TS has been appointed Chairman to succeed Ken Pottle who has held the position for 10 years. Matters discussed included…

  • Concern about the expenditure of £220,000 on the portacabins at Whitecliff Recreation Ground which are due to be removed shortly.

NS is on a committee to decide what best use can be made of the


portacabins for the benefit of council tax payers.

  • The Local Government Ombudsman has ruled that he has not seen any evidence that procedural fault by the Council has caused Dorset Lake Residents’ Assn any injustice in relation to 1 – 3 Compton Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats & 1 maisonette with basement parking Revised Scheme) which was granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08. However, the Council have accepted DLRA’s complaint that it exceeded the Stage 2 timescales for handling their complaint. The Strategic Director has apologised for the delay and officers have been reminded to follow published procedures.

5. REPORT ON CANFORD CLIFFS & PENN HILL AREA COMMITTEE MEETING (04/02/09) – JS said he had not attended the meeting but had been told that the six Councillors present outnumbered the members of the public who attended. Agenda items were covered in 20 mins, and a discussion on the Safer Partnerships and how to get more publicity then followed.

6. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JD reported that current funds at end of January are £33,450. Of the 81 blocks of flats invoiced as bulk subscriptions there has already been an 80% take up.

A letter of thanks had been received from the Canford Cliffs Traders for the £500 donation towards the Christmas Lights.

JS has still to write to Key Drummond and CountryWide Property Management as non-payers from the Spring issue of our magazine.


Premises Licence application for ‘Orton Rigg’ 53 Cliff Drive, Canford Cliffs

Environmental & Consumer Protection Services have received calls from local residents in regard to this application and have received letters of representation. The application has, therefore, been referred to a Licensing Sub-committee. The meeting is to be held on 26/02/09. The general rule is that only those living within 100 metres may object, but this is only a guide.

NS offered to investigate the ‘planning’side.

Informal meeting with Residents’ Association representatives on 30/01/09: The officer

responsible for circulating the notes of the meeting, including the questions and answer hopes to distribute these this week as soon as she has the responses to Mr Cook’s questions, which due to an error on the Council’s part, were not included on the list of questions that morning. She has yet also to be provided with the response given by some Councillors at the Meeting.

BPCCRA AGM on Saturday 2nd May 2009 at All Saints Church Hall, Branksome Park – JS has invited Stephen Thorne, RD ADC BTp, MRTPI, currently Head of Development Services, Salisbury District Council who has been appointed as Poole’s Head of Planning and Regeneration to be our Guest Speaker.

If Mr Thorne is unable to be the Guest Speaker. NS suggested that we might like to try Liz Wilkinson, Poole’s Head of Financial Services and if we do ask Ms Wilkinson you could say that NS had suggested it.

JG asked if he could have material for the Spring 2009 Magazine by the end of this month.

JS closed the meeting at 8.30pm.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is on Wednesday 11th March 2009 in the

Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

BPCCRA January 14th 2009





Terry Stewart President

John Sprackling Chairman

John Defty Treasurer

Keith Alcroft Planning Officer

Bob Young Magazine Advertising Manager

Ken Sanson – Chairman, Sandbanks Assn

15 Members/Wardens

Welcomes: TS welcomed our three Ward Councillors and wished all those present a belated Happy New Year..


Apologies: William Mutlow

Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meetings held on 10 December 2008.


Poole Pottery/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that…

1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – No further developments

2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – ditto

3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto

4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – JS met with Poole Council’s Regeneration Planning Manager (SF-A) & Head of Legal & Democratic Services on 19/12/08. It was agreed that SF-A would let him have a copy of the draft Planning Performance Agreement but this has not been received to date. NS said that SF-A is unwell at the moment and away from work. Hopefully he will be back soon.

5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – the first Employment Contribution payment of £50,000 is due on 01/01/09 and JS is seeking confirmation under the Freedom of Information Act that this has been paid.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:

13 Branksome Towers – Unauthorised High Fence, direct action shortly on or about 19th Jan 2009

Fitzmor Homes Ltd sites at 49 & 49a Haven Road & 7 Balcombe Road & 18 Balcombe Road (Oversize ‘For Sale’ board) – No further developments.

75 Canford Cliffs Road – Application for alterations and extension to garage granted on 16/12/08. Stop Notice served on 14/08/08. Enforcement Notice re the formation of an unauthorised vehicular entrance subject to ‘Written representations’ Appeal (APP/Q1255/C/08/2086204) Date for Final comments was 24/12/08.

Sir Michael Pitt’s independent review of planning matters in Poole – JS reported that he had received a letter from Sir Michael inviting him, Roy Godfrey, Chairman, Broadstone Residents’ Assn and Ann Smeaton, Secretary, Hamside Residents’ Assn to a meeting at the Civic Centre on 29/01/09.

NS explained that the Chief Executive decided that the best way to deal with the 640-864 exam rumours was to bring in a well known and respected figure to investigate.

JS said that he would set out the text of the letter in the Minutes.


Thank you for contacting me about the Review. As you might imagine, a significant number of residents 642-414 and developers have been in touch and I am writing in similar terms to all of them.


My brief is to investigate on behalf of the Council’s Section 151 Officer, Ms. Liz

Wilkinson, whether there is evidence of any unlawful behaviour relating to planning. I have examined a substantial amount of documentation and held discussions with a

variety of interests.

I am well aware of rumours circulating locally but, as yet, have not had any meaningful evidence drawn to my attention to substantiate unlawful activity. Further speculation will not help, but should you have in your possession any firm evidence relating to these rumours, it is your duty to make this known. I would be happy to receive any documents or a signed statement by recorded delivery at the above address and I will ensure that any material is immediately made available to the Police as appropriate.

In the course of the Review, I have become aware of requests for changes in the way the Borough Council engages with residents and developers and undertakes its development control responsibilities. In this respect it would be helpful if you could write and give me your considered views on the way this function might be improved, recognising that the arrangements for development control are strictly controlled by law and that the Council must meet its housing growth targets. I hope your contribution, if you decide to make one, can be positive and forward looking. It should reach me by Friday 16 January at the latest.

Finally, I have decided to meet privately with a small number of residents and developers, based on the representations I have received so far. I will be writing to those concerned in due course to arrange a suitable time and venue.

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: No new developments.

Council Tax 2008/09 & Financial Monitoring report: In the absence of William Mutlow there was no report but JS said that there was no new Financial Monitoring report as the Cabinet had not met since our last meeting.

JS mentioned the meeting with Representatives from Residents’ Association and Commerce and Industry on 30/01/09 to discuss the Council’s 2009/10 Budget and asked Roy Pointer if he might like to attend along with Terry Stewart and JS to represent the Assn. Chairman’s Note: RP has since advised me that he can’t attend the meeting as he has a meeting in London that day;

Poole Partnership: JS reported on last Tuesday’s (06/01/09) meeting of the Local Development Framework Working Group

The Council are expecting the Inspector’s report on the Core Strategy “within a fortnight”. JS thinks he’s right in saying that this will not be released into the public domain for another fortnight after that to allow the Council to study the Inspector’s findings. It is hoped that the Inspector’s letter will confirm that Strategic Planning are “on the right lines”.

A very quick presentation was given on the proposed Community Infrastructure Levy. We learnt that this is unlikely to be introduced until October 2009 and, although Councils will be empowered to levy this charge, it will be down to them to decide whether or not they do so. It seems that only those Local Authorities with an adopted Core Strategy will be permitted to operate the scheme.

There was also presentation on the SE Dorset Multiple Modal Transport Study. TS stated that the study is being done to justify an application for funding for the necessary infrastructure improvements such as the A31 link road to the Port and access to Bournemouth airport, due to the increase in population/housing/traffic in the conurbation.

Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Speeding: Following the Parkstone, Penn Hill & Canford Cliffs Safer Neighbourhood Partnership meeting on 29/10/09, Austin Kinnane, of Dorset Police wrote on 19/12/08…

“Speed checks have been carried out on numerous occasions in the areas identified as problem areas. To date, in the region of 50 warnings and/or fixed penalty tickets have been issued. In addition, other various motoring offences have been detected and appropriate actions have been taken. Enforcement operations will continue, however this approach is not really seen as a long term solution to the problem. The Borough of Poole Transportation Department are also considering the problem, an update/report


will be available from them before the next meeting.”

TS told members to be aware of speeding traps in the area of Canford Cliffs Road, Western Road, Lilliput Road, Lindsay Road and Shore Road.

The next the Parkstone, Penn Hill & Canford Cliffs Safer Neighbourhood Partnership meeting is on Wednesday 28th January, Committee Suite, Civic Centre, 6pm.

Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road:

KA is to attend a meeting on Thursday 15th January to discuss suitable positioning of trees in Haven Road. There are several illustrations showing trees in the Village in the 1920s in a book by Iris Morris.

JS reported that he had, at last, heard from Transportation Services regarding the screens at ‘Bella Rosa’ who write “If the screens require planning permission or are a breach of any planning conditions, then we would be consulted by Planning and

comment in respect of highway safety matters.” JS said that he would check Conditions via BoP Planning Application website.

Local Bus Services: JS said that he would take this off the Agenda as he had not been contacted about this for some time.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road nothing new to report.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road ditto

Bessborough Road – ditto

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS said that he had still to set up a small Sub-

Committee to look at this.

Action to prevent Travellers accessing Beach Road car park: JS said that he would take this off the Agenda as this was covered by MH report in last month’s Minutes.

Canford Cliffs Chine: KA said that he is awaiting a response from Cllr. Peter Adams. KA had suggested that planting similar to that at Flaghead and Branksome Chine could help to stabilize the cliffs. MH will speak to Peter Adams.


KA reported…

Wind Turbine application at Tesco, Branksome – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 17/12/08.

11 Leicester Road Outline application to demolish existing dwelling and associated outbuildings. Erect a 59 bedroom care home, bin and cycle store and associated parking (15 spaces) with some matters reserved) Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 12/01/09.

21 Western Avenue (Conservation area application to demolish existing dwelling and erect single detached dwelling with garaging. (Revised scheme) – Application registered on 05/12/08. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 13/01/09.

Land adj. 2 Mornish Road (Conservation area application to erect a 5-bed detached house with integral garage, access from Mornish Road (Revised scheme)Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn today (14.01.09)

2 Martello Park (Demolish existing bungalow and erect a block of flats with associated parking and bin store)– application registered 02/01/09. Local concerns.

JS reminded members that the Planning Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/08/2081952) re 62 Haven Road (Erect 3 x 4-bed houses) is to be held on 3td February 2009 and John Fox would welcome support from members by attenance at this Inquiry. Venue not yet known.

JS reported on the Judicial Review re 1, 2 & 3 Alington Close & 2a & 2b Shore Road (Demolish existing and erect 6 x two/ three storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking, accessed off Alington Close and associated works and landscaping) (Amended scheme) granted by Planning Committee on 01/04/08.


JS said that Ken Pottle, on behalf of the Southern Poole Chairmens’ Liaison Group, had received a letter from Russell Wileman, a Senior Solicitor for the Borough of Poole, following the Group’s request for the Council to ’settle out of court’ with the claimants.

JS said that he would set out the text of the letter in the Minutes.

JS said that he would be curious to know if the owners of the properties concerned and the applicant for the planning permission had made representations to the court.



Your Group’s note dated 5th December 2008 addressed to Cllr Dr Brian Leverett has

been passed to me for my attention, as I am the solicitor with the conduct of the defence of the application for the Judicial Review on behalf of the Council.

It appears that the thrust of your argument is that the Council should withdraw from defending the action on the basis that this would be the most prudent course of action to

save Council Tax payers’ money.

I must point out no-one can accurately forecast the outcome of litigation, but the

particular issue upon which the Judicial Review challenge is based strikes at the heart of the Council’s planning decision making process, criticising as it does the layout and make up of our standard Decision Notices, because of this and weighing up all the evidence produced thus far we are of the view that this must be defended.

Our view is that the Planning permission was granted properly and fairly after due ” and

proper consideration at the Planning Committee meeting, in sufficient and proper detail for any one to understand the reasons for granting it.

I must also point out that It is not possible to “settle out of court” in a Judicial Review case. If we withdrew, the hearing would still go ahead and the judge would still have to make his mind up on the evidence before him. Further and in any event, just because the learned judge decided that there is an arguable case does not mean that the full court will decide in the Claimants’ favour.

The application for the Judicial Review has also brought other parties into the proceedings; namely the owners of the properties concerned and the applicant for the

planning permission and they have a right to make representations to the court, so even if we were able to withdraw, they will still be able to present their case to the court and the court could well decide in their favour even without our input and leave the Planning Permission in place, but I should point out that since the Council considers it acted properly, it would not be incurring costs in defending this matter without the Claimants’ challenge.

You say there is the question of Council Tax Payers money to consider. I would remind you that if the Council is successful, as it expects to be, we would have the opportunity to seek to recover our costs from the Claimants, if the Judge agreed.

Yours sincerely

Other current planning issues

2 Tower Road (Conservation area application to demolish existing dwelling & erect 3 detached dwellings with associated parking) Application registered 17/12/08. Local concerns.

31A Western Avenue (Demolish existing dwelling and erect a five bed detached dwelling) – Application registered on 05/01/09. Local concerns.

8 Bury Road (Conservation Area application to demolish all buildings on site including foundations where appropriate / Demolish existing and erect detached house and garaging, summerhouse and tennis court and provision of parking area (Revised Scheme)– appeal allowed.

Victoria School, 12 Lindsay Road (Erect modular classroom building comprising 3 classrooms, entrance hall and toilet facilities) – .Local concerns

16-18 Durrant Road (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with single linked basement garage) – application granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08 and subject to complaint by local residents to Local Government Ombudsman (LGO). The LGO’s provisional findings received on 08/11/08 were that the Council did nothing wrong but final decision is still awaited.

1 – 3 Compton Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats & 1 maisonette


with basement parking Revised Scheme) – application granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08. The Dorset Lake Residents’ Assn website reports that the “Chairman has

had a conversation with an officer from the Ombudsman’s office, as a result of which she is persuaded that the Council has a case to answer, and she is now in the process of contacting Poole B.C. for their response.”

Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts)Application No:

08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications

were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn

advised of any further developments.

19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with

basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Amended plans lodged on 11/12/08..

5 Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect detached house with integral

garage) – Application refused on 27/11/08. Revised plans to be lodged shortly.

5A Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect detached house with integral

garage) – Application refused on 27/11/08. Revised plans to be lodged shortly.

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a detached house with integral garage) – application withdrawn on 27/03/08. Awaiting revised application.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check

tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JD reported that cash at the end of the year amounted to £31,642. Donations totalling £5,400 had been made during the year to various causes.

JS said that he has still to write to Key Drummond and CountryWide Property Management as non-payers from the Spring issue of our magazine.

JS reported that the Canford Cliffs Traders’ Assn had asked if the Assn might make a donation for the Christmas lights in the Village.

SA was concerned that the Assn should only contribute if others are doing likewise.

MH explained that the 20+ members of the Traders’ Association pay £100 per annum, they also held a raffle in November to boost funds. The cost of having the lights put up and taken down amounted to £5,000. A grant of £1,800 was received from the Council last year. Contributions would be very welcome as this is for the benefit of the community.

NS added that a grant for up to £3,000 for this year to be match-funded by the Traders’ Assn will be made soon. The Council are keen to help encourage shopping in the local area.

SA proposed a donation of a similar amount to last year (£500). A vote was taken and this was agreed by majority.


In response to a question by TS, CD informed the meeting that the proposed Wind Turbine at Tesco had been red-carded.

JS closed the meeting at 8.10pm.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is on Wednesday 11th February 2009 in the

Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

BPCCRA Minutes December 11th 2008




PRESENT: John Sprackling Chairman

John Defty Treasurer

John Gunton Magazine Editor

Bob Young Magazine Advertising Manager

Ken Sanson – Chairman, Sandbanks Assn

James Pride – Chairman, Canford Cliffs Land Society

12 Members/Wardens

Welcomes: TS welcomed our Ward Councillors, Mrs Carole Deas, Mrs May Haines & Neil Sorton and all those present.


Apologies: Terry Stewart, Keith Alcroft, Michael Bond & William Mutlow

Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meetings held on 12 November 2008.


Poole Pottery/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that…

1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – The Driftwood Brasserie and Pitcher & Piano Licensing applications have been granted but, perversely, Driftwood Brasserie are to allowed to use the 1st floor Terrace area until 10.30pm but Pitcher & Piano can use this up to 11.00pm. Ben Hurley said that he couldn’t recall hearing the outcome of the Appeal against LPA’s refusal to grant the application to use the 1st floor open area in association with use of adjacent unit as a ‘bar/restaurant’. JS said that the appeal was dismissed (09/04/08)

2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – no further developments

3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto

4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – JS meeting with Poole Council’s Regeneration Planning Manager has still to take place.

5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – The owners have asked for the Legal Agreement to be re-worded to allow the payment of the Employment Contribution of £0.5m (plus admin fee) to be phased over a 4 year period commencing 1st January 2009 and the Recreational Contribution of £89,930.00 (plus admin fee) to be phased. 50% of the Contribution paid on the sale of the 50th Residential Unit and the balance of 50% shall be paid on disposal of the 100th Residential Unit. This request is to be considered by the Planning Committee at their meeting tomorrow.

Chairman’s Note: The amendments to the Legal Agreement dated 14/11/05 between Coltham (Orchard) Ltd and the Borough of Poole were agreed by the Planning Committee. The first Employment Contribution payment of £50,000 is due on 1 January 2009.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:
19 Mornish Road – JS reported that both directors of Barrington Homes had pleaded guilty and accepted caution + paying Council’s costs which include new tree – cost £6k

Fitzmor Homes Ltd sites at 49 & 49a Haven Road & 7 Balcombe Road & 18 Balcombe Road (Oversize ‘For Sale’ board) – No further developments.

75 Canford Cliffs Road – New application (Proposed alterations and extension to garage) registered on 23/10/08.

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: JS reported that Matt Crossman an official in DefRA’s Flood Management Programme Dept had written to Peter Jackson last week to say that “The approval for the beach control structures was conditional on the Borough of Poole committing to make information available on the need for the works and proposals for managing risk to swimmers near the rock groynes. Mr Crossman has written to John McBride clarifying this issue and requesting details of the format and timescales for public examination and confirmation that this would take place prior to completion of construction of the beach control structures.

JS said that the words ’stable doors’ and ‘bolted horses’ comes to mind.

NS said that all relevant risk assessments and safety requirements had been taken. The cost will fall on the general taxpayer and, although the cost of oil has now fallen, a contract has to be fair to both parties, costs could equally well have risen and it is not reasonable to expect to change now.

Roy Pointer asked if the Council ever got a price variation formula in the contract to avoid the oil price hike on the groynes? Although it is 100% central funded there is an economic saving which should be banked. JS said that he would follow this up.

Council Tax 2008/09 & Financial Monitoring report: JS reported that, as at 31/01/08 the overall position for the year is a forecast net £1.78m surplus.

JS reported that some progress has been made on the Corporate Asset Management Plan. Property Services’ move from Jade Manor Court to the Civic Centre Annexe resulting in revenue savings in the order of £100,000 pa. The Cabinet are still waiting for a report on the Business Transformation Plan.

Poole Partnership: JS reported that he had attended last Thursday’s ‘State of the Area 2008 – A Future for the Town Centre’ event.

NS reported that the meeting had been very successful with a lot of networking between NHS, Voluntary Sector, Social Services, etc.

Chairman’s note: The next meeting of the Local Development Framework Working Group will take place on Tuesday 6th January 2009

Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Speeding: – No further developments.

Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: JS said that he had contacted the Leader of the Council for his support for this project but is currently awaiting a response. James Pride, Chairman of the Canford Cliffs Land Society has written to JS pledging the Society’s support for the proposal.

JS commented on the successful Christmas Tree lighting ceremony in the Village and congratulated the Canford Cliffs Traders’ Assn on their part in this.

Chairman’s note: I spoke to Cllr Leverett briefly at the Planning Committee meeting (11/12/08) and he is conscious that he has still to get back to me about the tree proposal.

Local Bus Services: No further developments.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road nothing new to report.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road ditto

Bessborough Road – ditto

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS said that he had still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

Action to prevent Travellers accessing Beach Road car park: There can be no height restrictions on the entrance as service vehicles need access. The car park is being locked between 10pm – 6am. As there is no alternative site available, it is not possible to move travellers on.

Canford Cliffs Chine: There is a problem with debris being washed down the very steep slope onto the path thus creating dangerous, slippery conditions. It had been cleared up prior to a visit by MH, but each time it rains the problem reoccurs.


In the absence of KA, who was unwell, JS reported…

7 Lakeside Road (Erect 1 block of 7 flats with underground parking. (Revised Scheme) application refused on 01/12/08

62 Haven Road (Erect 3 x 4-bed houses) subject to a Planning Inquiry(APP/Q1255/A/08/2081952) fixed for February 2009. Statement of Common Ground, additional drawings and Daylight Report lodged with Planning Inspector on 08/12/08.

8 Bury Road Roy Pointer attended Tuesday’s Planning Hearing (Conservation Area application to demolish all buildings on site including foundations where appropriate / Demolish existing and erect detached house and garaging, summerhouse and tennis court and provision of parking area (Revised Scheme).

There was a debate as to whether the existing property is a Category A building, it was built in 1926, so not as old as some in the area. The new building is rather unlike others which have been built recently – it is a ‘butterfly’ design, 6,000 sq.ft. and probably not too far out of place in the conservation area. It will be set back from the road and may involve the possible felling of one tree.

The council are undertaking a review of the properties listed as worthy of retention in the Branksome Park Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan.

Victoria School, 12 Lindsay Road (Erect modular classroom building comprising 3 classrooms, entrance hall and toilet facilities)JS reported that a resident in St Aldhelms Road had written to him as Chairman for his views on this planning application. The resident felt that this seemed to be an attempt to drive a “coach and horses” through the Branksome Park Conservation Area and went on to express the view that, whatever one might think of Livability/Victoria school the Conservation Area is there to protect everybody’s interests. The school knew about the Conservation Area status when they bought and changed the use of the site.

There was a general consensus amongst those attending that any new building should be sensitive to the fact that the site is within the Conservation Area.

Judicial Review re 1, 2 & 3 Alington Close & 2a & 2b Shore Road (Demolish existing and erect 6 x two/ three storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking, accessed off Alington Close and associated works and landscaping) (Amended scheme) granted by Planning Committee on 01/04/08.

JS said that the Judge, HHJ Bidder QC sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge has said has said that “It is arguable that the Defendants failed to sufficiently set out its reasons for the grant of permission and, thus, failed to comply with the Article 22 (1) of the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995.” The Southern Poole Chairmen’s Liaison Group has written to the Leader of the Council and copied to all Ward Councillors & the Chief Executive that the Group believes that believe Cllr Dr Leverett and his fellow Councillors should encourage both parties to seek an ‘out of court’ settlement.

JS said that, at the Cabinet meeting on 09/09/08, Cllr Dr Leverett had said “The current Medium Term Financial Plan is more challenging than it’s ever been,”. The Group therefore questioned if it’s a sensible use of Council Tax payers money to pursue this case, when it’s the Council fighting its own residents about a site where the Planning Committee had previously rejected two similar applications and the Planning Inspector had refused a Planning Appeal.

Chairman’s note: Mandy Loader has written to me today (12/12/08) and I set out below an extract from her note…

“As you know we are now entering the final stage of the JR, and we met this evening (that’s the Luscombe Valley Association) to discuss next steps. You may also be aware that to date, and thanks in large part to your own direct and indirect involvement, we have raised enough to pay our legal bills… we are now entering the most expensive phase

By the way, PBC has one more week to decide on their course of action.”

Wind Turbine application at Tesco, Branksome – Henry Fielden from the Poole Road Veterinary Surgery opposite the store, said that he was concerned that the proposed wind turbine was very close to the petrol station, uses up 4 car parking spaces in too small a car park and, in his opinion, not enough local residents had been notified by the Local Planning Authority.

JS said that Jennifer Hamiliton-Smith, the general manager of Melton Court in Lindsay Road, has objected on behalf of the 112 residents of the sheltered development.

CD said that she will ‘Red card’ the application as she is concerned about the noise of turbines in residential areas. It was agrred that that the Assn would send letter of objection.

Other current planning issues

16-18 Durrant Road (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with single linked basement garage) – application granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08 and subject to complaint by local residents to Local Government Ombudsman (LGO). The LGO’s provisional findings received on 08/11/08 were that the Council did nothing wrong but final decision is still awaited.

1 – 3 Compton Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats & 1 maisonette with basement parking Revised Scheme) – application granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08 and subject to complaint by Dorset Lake Residents’ Assn to LGO. LGO is still investigating the complaint.

Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts) – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 24/06/08. Still a ‘current’ application.

5 Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect detached house with integral garage) – Application refused on 27/11/08.

5A Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect detached house with integral garage) – Application refused on 27/11/08.

1 Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect a block of 6 apartments with basement garage, bike store & associated vehicular access (revised scheme). – Application refused on 25/11/08.

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a detached house with integral garage) – application withdrawn on 27/03/08. Awaiting revised application.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – Confirmation awaited that the Council’s Arboriculturist visited both 60 and 60a to check tree issues and that letters sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.


Chairman’s Note: As time was pressing, I promised to include a note in the Minutes. The subjects discussed included…

TS reported the Secretary of State has delayed her response to the South West Regional Spacial Strategy until Easter 2009.

Dorset Lake Residents’ Assn – Lilliput School being enlarged by 200 pupils. Problems with road safety, parents parking too close to school

Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & Sandbanks Neighbourhood Watch – Discussion by members of the problems of cyclists on the pavement, even when there is a markedcycle lane on the road. The Safer Neighbourhood team will be out at Courthill School and Baden Powell Schools in the first week in December. Dangerous parking outside building sites was also discussed.

CPRE – The application for a loan for the Poole Bridge to be decided on 5th December but there would still be problems regarding access roads. Widening of the A31 is not scheduled till 2016.

Parkstone Bay Assn – Possibility that the Route 1 bus will be re-routed down the lower High Street.

Concerns regarding the plans for changing traffic lights in Commercial Road junctions with Springfield Road and Parr Street and re-routing traffic through Church Road. Also difficulties for pedestrians crossing Commercial Road to get to the bus stop. Building in flood plains was mentioned particularly regarding Turks Lane and Poole Quay (Thistle Hotel) proposed sites.

Canford Cliffs Land Society – Improvements to Bessborough Road, bulbs planted. Posts installed to prevent traffic using it as a through road. Thanks expressed by the group to the Land Society for the Christmas lights in the village and improvements to the Village Hall.

Sandbanks Assn – Pointed out that the ferry had started operating again after two months out of action. Proposed cycle lanes from Evening Hill to the Ferry to be considered at the T. A.G. meeting on 27th November. Sandbanks Yacht Company site still empty. There is to be a party on the Beach, 5th and 6th December, 4500 expected, 500 cars which the car park can accommodate.

Open Spaces Society – Still problems with Footpath 82 (Panorama Road to Davis Boatyard) Suggestion that the RMYC intends to extend the Marina with a new channel and a swinging pontoon. Dalkeith Road has a sign up ‘Private Road’ but the road is adopted so the sign needs re-wording as it may deter walkers and cyclists.

4. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JD reported that total funds this month we £30,500. This is down £3,800 on last month due to various legal costs, including Luscombe Valley.

JD said he had paid out the following sums this year..

50% of Consultant’s fee re 31 Western Ave Appeal Hearing £709.82

Legal advice from Blake Lapthorn, Oxford £840.71

Luscombe Valley Assn £6,000

JS said that, at the October meeting, John Defty asked for the names of Key Drummond and CountryWide Property Management to be minuted as non-payers from the Spring issue of our magazine. This was voted on and it was carried but it did not appear in the minutes. JS agreed to wrote a letter to the two firms involved.


Sand on Promenade – JS said that the Chairman of the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee had written to him yesterday to say that “Cllr Moore did raise your concerns. I have to tell you it wasn’t seen as a practicable solution. The Cttee voted unanimously to recommend that the clearance is done, and kept as a Poole operation. In terms of the costs, the £25,000 figure isn’t a direct cost figure but the calculated additional budgetary pressure as a result of taking up the option.”

JS closed the meeting at 8.20pm, which was concluded with mulled wine and mince pies.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is on Wednesday 14th January 2009 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

BPCCRA Minutes November 12th 2008





Terry Stewart President

John Defty Treasurer

John Gunton Magazine Editor

Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer

Bob Young Magazine Advertising Manager

12 Members/Wardens

Welcomes: TS welcomed our Ward Councillors, Mrs Carole Deas, Neil Sorton and all those present.


Apologies: John & Diana Sprackling (Holiday), Val Short (accident to foot), Michael Bond, Keith Alcroft (Holiday), William Mutlow & Ken Sanson (Chairman, Sandbanks Assn)

Accuracy: TS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meetings held on 08 October 2008.


Carole Deas invited a potential developer for 107 Lilliput Road to make a presentation on their proposal to demolish the half finished block of 12 flats and build 6 individual houses on the site, following the Richard Carr bankruptcy. The consensus of the meeting was that 6 lower profile houses were preferable to a high block of flats.

TS stated that we should encourage developers to consult residents before submitting major planning applications.


From here on TS read the reports from JS :

Poole Pottery/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that…

1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – The solicitors acting for the Dolphin Quays Residents Association have put forward a very strong case to restrict the lateness of the hours of the Driftwood Brasserie and Pitcher & Piano . The Licensing Sub-committee for the Driftwood Brasserie is Monday 17th November at 09.00 and the Pitcher & Piano hearing date is not fixed but might be Monday 1st December.

2. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – no further developments

3. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto

4. Quay Thistle Hotel site – JS has received a copy of the notes of the meeting held on 12/09/08 and Poole Council’s Regeneration Planning Manager has invited JS & others to a meeting to explain the ‘whole’ picture regarding this site from the Council’s perspective and explain his role in the site.

TS reported that the planning application for 260 flats with the doubling of the Thistle Hotel had been rejected. He was glad because the hotel had been hidden at the back of the site and the Environment Agency had stated that the site was liable to flooding.

5. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – no further developments.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:
TS said that JS had heard nothing further regarding the S210(1) unlawful felling summons re 19 Mornish Road.

Fitzmor Homes Ltd sites at 49 & 49a Haven Road & 7 Balcombe Road – No further developments.

75 Canford Cliffs RoadNew application (Proposed alterations and extension to garage)

registered on 23/10/08.


18 Balcombe Road (Oversize ‘For Sale’ board) – No further developments.

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: Mr Chris De Grouchy, Head of Flood Management Division has written to an objector unconnected with the Assn “I have written to John McBride, the Chief Executive of the Borough of Poole, to say that works can proceed subject to a commitment to produce information, to be made available for public examination, on the need for beach control structures and the proposals for managing risk to swimmers near the rock groynes.”

Council Tax 2008/09 & Financial Monitoring report: TS reported that Cllr. Brian Leverett had stated at the Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting that the Council’s 3 year Financial Plan faced steadily reducing Government grants, meaning several £million required cost savings. He hoped to be able to keep the Council Tax increase to 5% in April.

Poole Partnership: JS reported that the next Poole Partnership Steering Group and Poole Partnership Local Development Framework (LDF) meetings are to be held on 26/11/08 and 02/12/08. Chairman’s note: The LDF meeting has been cancelled due to “clash of dates”.

Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Speeding: – The new Safer Neighbourhood Partnership had chosen speeding as their top priority for the next 3 months..

Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: TS said that JS had contacted James Pride, Chairman of the Canford Cliffs Land Society about the proposal to plant trees in Haven Road. The Society are developing a plan to submit to the Council.

Local Bus Services: No further developments.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road nothing new to report.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road ditto

Bessborough Road – ditto

Update re ‘Branksome Park Conservation Area is at RISK’

TS reported that the appeal against the Local Planning Authority’s decision to refuse 31 Western Avenue (Demolish existing house (retain pool complex) and erect 1 no. detached house with integral garage) and Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling) was dismissed on 21/10/08.

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS said that he had still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

Action to prevent Travellers accessing Beach Road car park: MH to advise if there has been any further developments. TS reported that the Regional Plan required Poole to provide 15 residential sites and 12 transit sites. The Council were considering sites at Merley Hall Farm, Ashington, which generated 200 protesters at the Broadstone, Merley and Bearwood Area Committee meeting held on 22/10/08.

Canford Cliffs Chine: Keith Alcroft and MH had inspected the unsightly Chine with Cllr. Peter Adams, Cabinet Member responsible for Leisure Services in September, who said he would consult with his Officers and submit proposals for improvement – none seen so far.


TS reported on Keith Alcroft’s statement :

7 Lakeside Road (Erect 1 block of 7 flats with underground parking. (Revised Scheme) application registered on 09/09/08.

3 Lawrence Drive (Development:Demolition of existing and erection of 8 apartments with underground parking (Revised scheme) subject to ‘Written representations’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/08/2078484) The site visit was held on 04/11/08. Chairman’s note: MH writes “Planning Inspector has allowed the appeal …. which means that No 4 Lawrence Drive also recently refused will appeal. However as the Examination in Public has taken


place by the time this gets to the appeal stage, we may be able to rely on PCS6(iv).

Wind Turbine application at Tesco, Branksome TS reported that Tesco wanted to

erect 2 turbines 33 feet high. As a general rule, it is the Assn’s adopted practice to take a re-active approach only to planning applications and we have received no representations from residents about this application, although I sent a note to Jennifer Hamilton-Smith at Melton Court and a resident of one of the town houses at the adjacent Holly Lodge.

1, 2 & 3 Alington Close & 2a & 2b Shore Road (Demolish existing and erect 6 x two/ three storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking, accessed off Alington Close and associated works and landscaping) (Amended scheme).

TS reported that the Association had only just received legal advice on the possibility of providing further financial support to the Luscombe Valley Assn, the group of residents who were taking the Council to the High Court for Judicial Review on this questionable planning approval. So the Executive would review on JS’s return from holiday. The group are now confident that they have adequate funds to progress the case Win big as the story unfolds in this mobile pokies online underwater tale, and select your coin size, select your preferred number of paylines, then click spin! The goal of Mermaids Millions pokies online is to get 3 or more of the same symbols running from left to right across the reels, to land a wild with King Neptune, or a scatter with the mermaids. to Court.

Chairman’s Note: Mandy Loader, the spokesperson for the Luscombe Valley Assn writes “…you’ll be pleased to hear that yesterday (20/11/08), despite the recommendation for grant and the avowal from the Case Officer that this massive, 3-storey block was designed to ‘disappear’ (you can imagine the guffaws), every single one of the six councillors on the committee voted against this proposal on the basis that it was detrimental to Evening Hill Grange and the Conservation Area.

The Judicial Review came up several times but Peter Watson was adamant that it had no bearing on 1, Shore Road. When Xena suggested deferral until the judge’s decision, Watson refused. It was good that I had the opportunity of pointing out that as the Design and Access Statement of 1, Shore Road was virtually a mirror image of the Design and Access Statement of the Luscombe Valley development, it had set a precedent that was possibly perverse.

Anyway, that’s good news for the moment. I’m pursuing lizards and dragonflies and hope an article about endangered species and the effect the development will have on them (got two experts who attest it will be serious) might be acceptable to Diana Henderson next week, just to keep us in the public eye until the Judge’s decision.”

Other current planning issues

16-18 Durrant Road (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with single linked basement garage) – application granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08 and subject to complaint by local residents to Local Government Ombudsman (LGO). The LGO’s provisional findings received on 08/11/08 were that the Council did nothing wrong. She does seem to have accepted everything they said without question which is disappointing and still believed to be incorrect. Andy Reed, one of the complainants says that he needs “to work through her response over the next couple of days and get back to her with some comments for consideration before any final decision is reached.”

1 – 3 Compton Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats & 1 maisonette with basement parking Revised Scheme) – application granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08 and subject to complaint by Dorset Lake Residents’ Assn to Local Government Ombudsman. DLRA have received two ‘holding’ letters stating that the Ombudsman is in the process of investigating the complaint.

Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts)Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications

were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn

advised of any further developments.

62 Haven Road (Erect 3 x 4-bed houses) subject to a Planning Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/08/2081952) The date for Final comments was 07/10/08

Land rear of 2 Mornish Road (Erect 3-storey house with detached garage to be

accessed from Mornish Road) – Local concerns. The application withdrawn on 06/10/08.

19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with

basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 24/06/08. Still s ‘current’ application.

5 Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect detached house with integral

garage) – Application registered on 03/10/08.

5A Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect detached house with integral


garage) – Application registered on 03/10/08.

1 Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect a block of 6 apartments with basement garage, bike store & associated vehicular access (revised scheme). – Application registered on 01/10/08.

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a detached house with integral garage) – application withdrawn on 27/03/08. Awaiting revised application.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – was subject to Written Representation appeal (GOSW Ref SW/THM/8147/1038). JS has just received a note from the Environment Team Casework Officer at the Planning Inspectorate that the records show that this case was withdrawn as “the appealant(sic) had sold the property and moved away.”

The condition requiring the replanting of replacement trees is now being followed up and the Council’s Arboriculturist will shortly be visiting both 60 and 60a to check tree issues. Letters will be sent to the owners requesting planting under Treework/Planning conditions.

4. Reports re

  • · Parkstone, Penn Hill & Canford Cliffs Safer Neighbourhood Partnership

meeting :

TS reported on the first meeting held on Oct. 29. This Partnership comprises Police,

Council, Neighbourhood Watch and other bodies with the objective of defining local

residents’ concerns on crime. Unfortunately, there had been no consultation with the Branksome Park, Canford Cliffs & Sandbanks Watch.

  • · Exhibition of the local sites that are part of the Site Specific Allocations document :

TS reported that there had been an exhibition of proposed development sites for our Wards. The only site he objected to was the proposal to build a Care Home on the Penn Hill car park, which was a major community amenity.

  • · Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting

TS reported that apart from Cllr Leverett’s financial report, the key discussion was on the proposals to install cycle lanes from Evening Hill to the Sandbanks car park. This would mean losing some parking along the Bay, with meters in side roads.

5. ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JD reported that the Association’s balance at October 31 was £34,442.


Public Examination Hearing Sessions into the Core Strategy – TS reported that he had appeared at 8 sessions of the Public Inquiry into how Poole would develop over the next 20 years. A summary of the key transport conclusions is set out at the foot of these miutes. A key development is that the Environment Agency has stated that much of the Old Town is liable for flooding, which means that the proposed regeneration sites in West Quay Road must install flood mitigation measures.

Suspension of Cllr Mrs Carole Deas – TS reported that Cllrs Carole Deas and David Gillard had been suspended by the Conservative Group for 3 months. No statement had been issued for this. The Southern Poole Chairmens’ Group had issued a unanimous protest since these Councillors were respected for their support for Residents’ concerns.

He also reported that the meeting of the Council with 14 Residents’ Associations on June 6th had been promised that John McBride, Council Chief Executive, would submit proposals for improving communication to Residents Associations. So far nothing had been heard, despite an additional request to the Cabinet Meeting. A request had been made for a meeting with Cllr Dr Brian Leverett and John McBride, but had received no reply.

To try to resolve the situation, he would be meeting Cllr Peter Adams, Vice Chairman of the Conservative Association on Nov. 14.

TS closed the meeting at 8.55pm.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is on Wednesday 3rd December 2008 in the


Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

NB Date brought forward as Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee has been fixed for 10/12/08.


  1. Poole’s Transport Policy
    1. The Highways Agency stated that the A31 was already over capacity, and the A35 was approaching capacity.
    2. The Highways Agency is proposing to dual carriage the bypass around Wimborne, and probably install a fly-over across the roundabout at Canford Bottom (the 5 junction roundabout to Wimborne, Colehill, etc).
    3. The Link from Poole Port to the A31 will involve turning Gravel Hill Road (from Poole to Wimborne) into dual carriage way up to the A31. This is questionable since the Canford Heath SSSI is to the East and the Delph Woods SSSI is on the West.
    4. The Council has admitted that the development of Poole will increase traffic flows in Poole by up to 24% in the 20 years to 2026.
    5. The Council admitted that the target of year on year decrease in car park movements was unrealistic.
    6. Also unrealistic was the 10% reduction in pollutants by 2010.
    7. There has been a 63% increase in bus use in the last 3 years, but much of this is free bus travel by the over 60s.
    8. Each new household will generate 4 additional trips (car or bus) each day on average.
    9. Yellow buses are being fitted with GPS units that will enable traffic lights to turn green if the buses are late.
    10. Park & Ride extra rail station car parks are planned.
    11. 2 bus lanes are proposed along Wallisdown Road – surely there is not the width for this ?
  1. Several Funding Categories for Transport Projects

1. The Council is hoping for £9 million loan from the Regional Investment Fund, for the 2nd Lifting Bridge, they should hear the result of their application on December 5..

    1. The A31/35 improvements will be funded by the Highways Agency.
    2. The A31 Link Road depends on the S.E. Dorset Transport Study, and then will have to be funded by Region, fighting for priority.
    3. Other transport projects to support housing growth will mostly have to be funded by developer contributions, according to the Secretary of State’s RSS modifications.
  1. Problem of Timing Uncertainty
    1. The Core Strategy says that the Old Town Regeneration Area (West Quay Road) cannot be started until the 2nd Lifting Bridge is built since the Environment Agency states much of the Old Town is liable to flooding and the new bridge is the designated escape route.
    2. The Strategy says that the Power Station, Pilkington and Wood sites cannot be started until the 2nd Lifting Bridges is completed, and Gallahers are refusing to pay the Section 106 contributions to pay for the bridge infrastructure.
    3. The S.E. Dorset Transport Study will take another year, and probably another year to develop the Business Case for the A31 Link Road, so timing of Regional funding is very uncertain.
    4. The A31 improvements will not be completed until about 2016 according to the Highways Agency, because of funding delays. Theoretically no major development can happen in Poole until the A31 is improved.

BPCCRA Minutes October 8th 2008





Terry Stewart President

John Sprackling Chairman

Keith Alcroft Planning Officer

Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer

Bob Young Magazine Advertising Manager

Val Short Minutes Secretary

10 Members/Wardens

Welcomes JS welcomed all those present.


Apologies: Cllrs Mrs May Haines & Neil Sorton, John Defty, Michael Bond, John Fox & Ken Sanson, Chairman, Sandbanks Assn.

Accuracy: SA said that the reference to ‘Shared Ownership had been in existence for 30 years’ at the foot of page 8 should read 20 years. JS said that, subject to the above amendment, he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meetings held on 10 September 2008.


Poole Pottery/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that…

  1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – no further developments.
  1. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – ditto
  1. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
  1. Quay Thistle Hotel site – The application to ‘Demolish existing hotel and erect a mixed use development of 260 flats, a 120 bed hotel, commercial space with basement parking accessed from Ballard Road’ which was due to be determined at the Planning Committee meeting on 25/09/08 was withdrawn at the ‘eleventh hour’. JS said that he had asked when the notes of the meeting held on 12/09/08 and the drawings tabled at that meeting would be posted on the BoP Planning Application website.
  1. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – no further developments.

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:
JS said that he had heard nothing further regarding the S210(1) unlawful felling summons re 19 Mornish Road.

Fitzmor Homes Ltd sites at 49 & 49a Haven Road & 7 Balcombe Road – No further developments.

75 Canford Cliffs Road – Application to demolish part of existing garage and erect new garage with pitched roof and rooms in roof space. Form new vehicular access and drive’ was refused on 20/08/08 and an Enforcement Notice has been served.

Roy Pointer referred to the oversize ‘For Sale’ board at 18 Balcombe Road and JS said that he would write to the Planning Enforcement Team about this

Chairman’s note: It is my understanding that the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisement) Regulations limits the maximum size of ‘For Sale’ boards to 0.5 sq m. (approx 2′ x 2′ 6″). Otherwise planning approval is required.

21 Wilderton Road – Chairman’s note: I have been told that this had been sold to a person who is going to live there. There are two ‘Sold’ boards outside this property and I have asked Mitchells, the Estate Agents, to remove one as Estate Agent’s ‘Sold’ boards should be limited to one per property

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: Roy Pointer asked if there had been any furtherdevelopments regarding the Environment Agency concerns. JS promised to make inquiries.

Council Tax 2008/09 & Financial Monitoring report: William Mutlow reported that, in his opinion, Council reporting procedures needed to be ‘honed up’. A surplus of £964,000 is forecast, but there are big expenditure overspends and a projected shortfall in Planning income of £¼m. WM felt that savings could be made on employee costs, of two vacant Planning Officer posts, one had been transferred, but the other had been held open until there is a recovery in the market. Capital expenditure has been reported as underspent for several years and WM felt that, as the Financial Monitoring process had been in place for eight years or so, it was time that the Council was better able to monitor this. WM advised caution regarding the predicted large surplus.

Poole Partnership: JS reported that the next Poole Partnership Steering Group and Poole Partnership Local Development Framework meetings are to be held on 26/11/08 and 02/12/08.

Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Speeding: JS said that he had recently received the Agenda and supporting papers for tomorrow’s Transportation Advisory Group meeting which includes an update on the progress on delivering the Transportation Services Unit’s 2008/09 Capital programme. JS said that he would include in the Minutes details of those schemes affecting our area

Ashley Road (Consideration of general Traffic Management measures to reduce congestion, avoid delays to buses whilst reducing air pollution and improving road safety. Options have been developed by partnering consultant Mouchel and will be put to Members shortly)

Alder Road/Poole Road (As above)

Ashley Cross (Alterations to the junction to improve the flow of traffic along the Prime Transport Corridor. Following completion of a preliminary design, the proposals were put out to public consultation in May, including an exhibition of the proposals. Reports have been submitted to both the Area Committee and Transportation Advisory Group (TAG). Proposals were approved for advertisement of Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) at TAG in August but the decision is awaiting completion of the “call-in” process)

Commercial Road/Station Road (An area wide scheme based around Parkstone Park to look at avoiding delays on Commercial Road whilst facilitating turning movements at Station Road. Proposals have been through the same process as the Ashley Cross scheme and are thereforenow awaiting the TRO advertisement process)

Bournemouth Road/ Richmond Road (Alterations to the traffic signals to ban the right turn (except for Buses) into Richmond Road, to improve traffic flow along the Prime Transport Corridor and to carry out mitigation measures to the surrounding residential roads (see Courthill Road 20mph Zone below). Following completion of a preliminary design, the proposals were put out to public consultation in April, including an exhibition of the proposals. Reports have been submitted to both the Area Committee and TAG but a decision has been deferred (subject to call-in process) pending an assessment after implementation of the Lower Parkstone proposalsmitigation measures to the surrounding residential roads (Courthill Road 20mph Zone)


1.      Penn Hill Avenue – Members recently approved a scheme to provide on road cycle lanes on both sides of Penn Hill Avenue. Waiting restrictions will be necessary along the majority of the north side of this road. Detailed designs are currently being finalised.

2.      Sandbanks Road to the Beaches and Ferry – Proposals for on road cycle lanes on both sides of the peninsula have been reported to the Area Committee. Following comments received there the proposals have been amended and some local consultation is to be undertaken, followed by another report to the Area Committee and then to TAG.

Canford Cliffs Village & proposal to plant trees in Haven Road: JS reported that he,

TS & MH had attended the Canford Cliffs Traders Assn 1st AGM on 24/09/08.

The Christmas lights in the village are to be switched on 21/11/08 in the presence of the

Mayor of Poole.

Farmers’ Market will open from 10.00 to 14.00 from January 2009

KA asked for the support of the Assn. for a tree planting project in Canford Cliffs Village.

The provision of deciduous trees would complement the existing single tree we already have and add to the existing four flower baskets at each corner of the Village.

They would mask the unsightly and drab upper floors of the shops and banks which in many cases are empty or merely used as store rooms and at the same time enhance and emphasise the ground floor frontages.

The provision of an avenue of trees is known to calm the speed of traffic.

They would also form an excellent setting for Christmas lights.

If the Assn agreed, KA suggested an approach be made to Canford Cliffs Land Society to see if they would support this suggestion after which a joint approach could be made to the Council.

Obviously cash will be needed for this proposal and we have in the past supported many appeals, most of which have been for professional fees with nothing tangible to show. With this initiative, like our forefathers, we could make a lasting investment into the beauty of the Village.

A member expressed concern about the trees blocking sight lines for traffic emerging from side roads.

The proposal that the Assn. should approach the Canford Cliffs Land Society was approved with a show of hands.

Skywalk Tower, Sandbanks (Application No. 06/12765/016/F): The LPA wrote to Seven Developments on 11/09/08 that “no further action will be taken on this proposal and it will be treated as being withdrawn”.

Local Bus Services: No further developments.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road Michael Shaw has asked the Council to investigate the legal status of the “Private Road” signs and the Health and Safety risk of “trench”

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside Road – nothing new to report.

Bessborough Road – ditto

Update re ‘Branksome Park Conservation Area is at RISK’

JS reported that the Appeal Hearing on 28/09/08 re 31 Western Avenue (Demolish existing house (retain pool complex) and erect 1 no. detached house with integral garage) and Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling) was well attended and the Inspector’s decision is now awaited.

Chairman’s note: I meant to have reported that David Ralph, Head of Strategic Planning had recently written to PJ to say that Central Government had issued new regulations in respect of the production of the Local Development Framework in an effort to speed things up (sic). The Council is no longer required to produce the Preferred Options document that it was working towards. As a result, the Council are undertaking some focused consultation during the autumn – Area Committees, exhibitions, workshops with stakeholders and residents groups – before placing a draft submission document on deposit early next year.

This latter part of the process is new – rather than submit straight to the Secretary of State, the Council place the document on deposit and consider whether it wants to make any amendments in the light of representations before submitting. The Council will be in touch over the coming weeks when it has some suggestions on policy development.

There will be an exhibition of the local sites, that are part of the Site Specific Allocations document from 6.15 till 7.00pm prior to the Canford Cliffs & Penn Hill Area Committee meeting on 29/10/08 at St Lukes Church

The 1st meeting of the Parkstone, Penn Hill & Canford Cliffs Safer Neighbourhood Partnership is also to be held on the same evening at 5.45pm at St Lukes Church,

Steve Cattle writes “It will be a busy night, but we can put up Displays in Kitchen area so people can view the info before the meeting.”

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS said that he had still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

Action to prevent Travellers accessing Beach Road car park: JS said that as MH was not present he could not say whether or not there had been any further developments.

Canford Cliffs Chine:

KA said a response had been received from Ranger, David Price but a note had been sent to Cllr Peter Adams requesting a considered reply to the points which he had raised.

Regarding the tractor which is currently used to scoop sand from the promenade and deposit it in heaps on the beach from where it then blows back across the promenade. KA pointed out that this was not a practical solution to the problem of sand on the promenade and was also very costly.

Social HomeBuy Pilot Scheme for Affordable Housing: JS said that he had heard nothing further from Chris Stracey so he would delete this item from the Agenda until Chris gets in touch again.


KA reported that…

140 Canford Cliffs Road (Erect 8 no.3 bed and 1 no.2 bed flats with  underground parking and cycle store) Application refused on 16/09/08. NB Application for 6 x 3-bed and 1 x 4bed flats was granted with conditions on 24/07/08

146-148 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing and erect three storey block of 9 flats with basement parking) Application withdrawn on 15/09/08.

7A Bury Road (Demolish bungalow and build a 3 storey dwelling with basement and parking) – application refused 17/09/08.

14 Nairn Road (Demolish existing bungalow and erect a four storey 6 bed house) – application refused on 02/10/08.

JS reported that the Assn has been asked for a further contribution to the group seeking Judicial Review regarding the Planning Committee’s decision on 01/04/08 to grant the application re 1, 2 & 3 Alington Close & 2a & 2b Shore Road (Demolish existing and erect 6 x two/ three storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking, accessed off Alington Close and associated works and landscaping) (Amended scheme).

However, the Assn is seeking an assurances from an independent firm of solicitors outside the area that, by contributing further funds and if the Council are successful in defending the claim and if the damages awarded were so large that these could not be met by the Luscombe Valley Assn, this Assn’s and the Executive’s personal assets would not be at risk.

SA asked if Keith Alcroft might look at 7 Lakeside Road (Erect 1 block of 7 flats with underground parking. (Revised Scheme) application registered on 09/09/08.

The original planning application, submitted by Ravine Lifestyle, which was approved, was for a block of flats which looked like a large house. The current application, submitted by Banner Homes, is for a ‘square’ block of flats. A local ‘letterbox drop’ was successful in increasing the number of letters of objection from 3 to 19, several of these objectors being members of the Assn. An amended application has been submitted by Banner Homes, but is still for a flat roofed block of flats rather than a block which looks like a large house.

Other current planning issues

3 Lawrence Drive (Development:Demolition of existing and erection of 8 apartments with underground parking (Revised scheme) subject to ‘Written representations’ appeal(APP/Q1255/A/08/2078484) Date for Final comments was 27/08/08.

6 Haig Avenue (Development:Demolish existing dwelling and erect a block of 5 flats and 1 detached dwelling with detached garages and new access from Haig Avenue. (Revised scheme) The application was granted by Planning Committee at their meeting on 25/09/08.

12 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing and erect a 2/3 storey replacement detached house. (Revised scheme) (as amended by plans received 25/09/08) – application granted with conditions on 08/10/08.

Tesco Store, Poole Road (Extensions to existing store at front and rear Installation of ATM Unit. Alterations to vehicular access and car park & Installation of enclosed entrance lobby) – applications granted with conditions on 25/09/08.

(a) Construction of 18 new beach huts) – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

62 Haven Road (Erect 3 x 4-bed houses) subject to a Planning Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/08/2081952) The date for Final comments is 07/10/08

16-18 Durrant Road (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with single linked basement garage ) & 1 – 3 Compton Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats & 1 maisonette with basement parking Revised Scheme) – both applications were granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08 and are currently subject to review by the Local Government Ombudsman.

Land rear of 2 Mornish Road (Erect 3-storey house with detached garage to be accessed from Mornish Road) – Local concerns. The application has been ‘Red-carded’. Amended plans lodged on 26/08/08.

16-18 Durrant Road (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with single linked basement garage ) & 1 – 3 Compton Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats & 1 maisonette with basement parking Revised Scheme) – both applications were granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08 and are currently subject to review by the Local Government Ombudsman.

19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 24/06/08. Still s ‘current’ application.

5 Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect detached house with integral garage) – Application registered on 03/10/08.

5A Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect detached house with integral garage) Application registered on 03/10/08.

1 Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect a block of 6 apartments with basement garage, bike store & associated vehicular access (revised scheme). – Application registered on 01/10/08.

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a detached house with integral garage) – application withdrawn on 27/03/08. Awaiting revised application.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – subject to Written Representation appeal (GOSW Ref SW/THM/8147/1038) Chairman’s note: I’ve just received a note from the Casework Officer, Environment Team at the Planning Inspectorate that “regarding case SW/THM/8147/1038 60A Kings Avenue the records show that it was withdrawn as the appealant(sic)had sold the property and moved away.”

4.      ACCOUNTS TO DATE – Chairman’s note: JD has provided his usual cash statement as at 30/09/08 and this is being circulated with the Minutes.


JS closed the meeting at 8.25pm.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is on Wednesday 12th November 2008 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)

BPCCRA Minutes September 10th 2008





Terry Stewart President

John Sprackling Chairman

Keith Alcroft Planning Officer

Stan Alfert Data Protection Officer

Bob Young Magazine Advertising Manager

Cllr Mrs May Haines Ward Councillor

Cllr Neil Sorton ditto

15 Members/Wardens

Welcomes JS welcomed Cllrs Neil Sorton & Mrs May Haines and all those present.


Apologies: Cllr Mrs Carole Deas (role had a fall in the Dolphin Shopping Centre earlier today), Val Short, Roy Pointer & Phyllis Young

JS thanked Diana Rogers for stepping in at the last minute to take notes of the meeting.

Accuracy: JS said that he would sign the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meetings held on 13 August 2008.


Poole Pottery/Quay Thistle Hotel sites update: JS reported that…

  1. Quayside (former) Dolphin Quays development – no further developments.
  1. Poole Pottery factory buildings in Sopers Lane – ditto
  1. Former Poole Pottery & Swan Inn site – ditto
  1. Quay Thistle Hotel site – Permission to demolish the hotel has been 642-414 certification refused but an article in the Daily Echo dated 26/08/08 quotes the Planning Officer as saying “We may approve the scheme for the redevelopment “ TS said that Cllr Bulteel had ‘Red-carded’ the application.
  1. Old Orchard House. 39-61. High Street – no further developments

Planning Enforcement, TPOs/Tree replacements – update:
JS said that he had heard nothing further regarding the S210(1) unlawful felling summons re 19 Mornish Road.

Fitzmor Homes Ltd sites at 49 & 49a Haven Road & 7 Balcombe Road -a letter was sent to Fitzmor Homes Ltd last month requesting the removal of the illegal advertisement board and flagpoles at this site within 14 days.

21 Wilderton Road – JS said that NS had had a note from the Planning Enforcement Officer. The owner is aware that if separate family’s and/or unrelated individuals occupied the property he would be susceptible to Planning Enforcement Action.

NS said there is an anomaly, as for rating purposes, it’s treated as three units but for planning purposes it’s one unit.

Poole Beaches and Coastal Defences: JS reported that planning consent to construct five rock groynes for coastal protection and replace existing steps with ramp for access at Branksome Dene Chine was granted at the Planning Committee meeting on 28/08/08.

Cllr Adams had asked JS to say that, at the time of the Assn’s last meeting, he was unaware that the application had been brought forward from the Planning Committee meeting on 25/09/08. NS said that he was also unaware of the change.

JS said that he had been informed by Cllr Roger West, a Bournemouth Councillor, last week that Nick Lyness of the Environment Agency that Defra will be writing to the objectors 642-617 dumps and that the Environment Agency will be having a “scrutiny” role in making sure that what is being proposed by Poole is good practice. NS said that the Council were acting under the advice of Wallingfords who were acting for Defra

Council Tax 2008/09 & Financial Monitoring report: In the absence of William Mutlow, JS said that at last night’s Cabinet meeting, that an underspend of £½m was reported as at 31/07/08. NS said that there are some worrying pressures such as the cost of energy and the concessionary fare scheme.

Poole Partnership: JS reported that, in his capacity as Poole Partnership Steering Group representative for Residents’ & Tenants’ Assns and Community Groups, he had attended a meeting on 03/09/08. The Transportation Services Capital Programme Manager presented a Powerpoint presentation about delivering the current Local Transport Plan and to share ideas which could influence future plans. This covered such issues as Air Quality; Accessibilty; Bus Strategy; Road Safety; Quality of Life; Asset Management & Highway Maintenance

One of the slides listed the roads in the Borough where there are concerns about air quality – see below. Ashley Cross is the cause for most concern but it is not yet sufficient to designate it an Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) under Part IV of the Environment Act 1995.


Poole sites close to the DfT threshold of 40mg/ m2
Ashley Rood
Commercial Road
Longfleet Road

Poole sites with increasing Air Pollution
Pottery Junction
Parkstone Road
West Quay Rood
Gravel Hill
Poole Road
Lindsay Road

NS said the need to improve the air quality problems at Ashley Cross was one of the justifications for the proposed new traffic system in this area.

Lindsay Road to Station Road Corridor/Speeding: No further developments.

Canford Cliffs Village: JS said that he had been invited to attend the Canford Cliffs Traders Assn 1st AGM on Wednesday 24th Sept at 6pm in the Village Hall MH confirmed that she would be attending this meeting.

Later in the meeting Ben Hurley referred to the possible closure of the Newsagents/General Store at 23 Haven Road. It is understood that the owners face an increase in their rent from £10,000 to £20,000 which they cannot afford. At JS’ suggestion,, MH agreed to raise this matter at the Canford Cliffs Traders Assn AGM NS said that tenants are at the mercy of landlords and the rent is determined by market forces.

TS said that he understood that another newsagent had agreed to buy the newspaper delivery round.

It is understood that the Spar store, 21 Haven Road is owned by the same landlord and face a similar rent increase. MH said that the Post Office is to be taken over by Spar,

Skywalk Tower, Sandbanks (Application No. 06/12765/016/F): MH said that the LPA is still awaiting the Environmental Impact Assessment. The planning officer dealing with this is currently on sick leave but MH will follow up.

Local Bus Services: No further developments.

Public Rights of Way:

Westminster Road end of Dalkeith Road Mrs Wylde reported that two large rocks have been placed at each end of this footpath, engraved ‘Private Road’ and cars seemed to be deliberately parked at weekends to prevent vehicular access, JS said that he would contact Michael Shaw bout this.

Buccleuch Road to Lakeside RoadSA said that he hadn’t heard anything more from the Council about this footpath but is aware that it is trying to find out who owns this footpath.

Bessborough Road – no further developments.

Update re ‘Branksome Park Conservation Area is at RISK’

31 Western Avenue (Demolish existing house (retain pool complex) and erect 1 no. detached house with integral garage) and Conservation Area application to demolish existing dwelling) JS reported that the Appeal Hearing (APP/Q1255/E/08/2067926) is due to be held on 23/09/08 at 10:00 at the Guildhall, Market Street, Poole and encouraged as many members as possible to attend.

Haig Ave & Lawrence Drive

3 Lawrence Drive (Development:Demolition of existing and erection of 8 apartments with underground parking (Revised scheme)subject to ‘Written representations’ appeal (APP/Q1255/A/08/2078484) Date for Final comments was 27/08/08.

6 Haig Avenue (Development:Demolish existing dwelling and erect a block of 5 flats and 1 detached dwelling with detached garages and new access from Haig Avenue. (Revised scheme) The application has been ‘Red-carded’.

Ben Hurley said that the recent Cliff Drive Appeal Hearing, the Planning Inspector made a particular point that he had to follow Central Government guidelines to increase density to 30 dwellings per hectare so we face a “rocky road ahead”.

Possible Charitable Status for Assn: JS said that he had still to set up a small Sub-Committee to look at this.

Action to prevent Travellers accessing Beach Road car park: MH said that there had been no further developments but would follow-up.

Canford Cliffs Chine: MH briefly referred to the meeting with Cllr Peter Adams, KA and Dr & Mrs Creasy to view the condition of Canford Cliffs Chine on 28/08/08, Cllr Adams was taken aback by fact that the vegetation had been cut back so severely. JS said that KA had written a report on this and he would distribute this with the Minutes.


KA reported that…

14 Nairn Road (Demolish existing bungalow and erect a four storey 6 bed house) – Application registered on 08/08/08. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 01/09/08. Ben Hurley thanked MH for ‘Red-carding’ this application.

12 Wilderton Road (Demolish existing and erect a 2/3 storey replacement detached house. (Revised scheme) – Application registered on 18/08/08. Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 01/09/08.

JS reported that…

75 Canford Cliffs Road

(a) Conservation Area application to demolish part of existing garage)Granted with conditions on 20/08/08.. This is with the proviso that there is a scheme submitted to ‘make good’ the building. This is due to the fact that the partial demolition of the garage is not considered to be acceptable – as long as the building is ‘made good’.
Demolition of part of existing garage and erect new garage with pitched roof and rooms in roof space. Form new vehicular access and drive – Refused on 20/08/08 and an Enforcement Notice has been served.

8 St Osmunds Road (Demolish existing house & erect a 2-storey house with vehicular access off St Osmunds Road) – granted on 12/08/08. Rose Rogers said that , following the Assn’s last meeting, she had asked Cllr Parker to ‘Red-card’ the application but JS explained that this was too late as the application had been approved the previous day,

Tesco Store, Poole Road (Extensions to existing store at front and rear Installation of ATM Unit. Alterations to vehicular access and car park & Installation of enclosed entrance lobby) – applications registered on 04/08/08. The Minutes of the Poole Council’s last Transportation Advisory Group meeting on 31/07/08 that…

“Tesco had reviewed the car park access arrangements (but) currently had no plans to further improve pedestrian facilities across the car park access but had been made aware of the petition by local residents and have agreed to bear this in mind should any opportunities for improvements arise in the future.”

JS said that he presume that this is Tesco’s ‘last word’ on the subject.

A member said that, whilst waiting in the car park for a short while, she had observed 24 cars using this as a cut through’. JS said that Tesco were well aware of this issue and it had been reported in the Daily Echo that the Company had written to at least one local resident asking him to desist.

1, 2 & 3 Alington Close & 2a & 2b Shore Road (Demolish existing and erect 6 x two/ three storey blocks comprising 32 flats with basement car parking, accessed off Alington Close and associated works and landscaping) (Amended scheme) granted by Planning Committee on 01/04/08. JS reported that the Case Documents are being considered by the High Court Judge to decide if the case is strong enough to justify a Judicial Review. The decision should probably be known in the next 4 to 6 weeks.

JS said that, if the Judge gives the go-ahead for a Judicial Review local residents should bring pressure to bear on all Ward Councillors throughout the Borough to press the Council to petition for a settlement rather than wasting Council Tax payers money fighting this case, bearing in mind that, at last night’s Cabinet meeting, the Leader of the Council, Cllr Dr Brian Leverett said “The current Medium Term Financial Plan is the more challenging than it’s ever been,”

MH referred to Canford Cliffs, Promenade 2 (a) Construction of 18 new beach huts) – Application No: 08/24380/005/F & (b) Conservation Area application to demolish 8 beach huts (nos 99-106) adjacent to Canford Cliffs Chine. Application No: 08/24380/007/U The applications were registered as long ago as 22/01/08 &13/02/08 respectively. MH said that these applications are for 2 storey constructions, these do not comply with the Council’s Supplementary Planning Guidance and the Head of Planning Design & Control Services and the Head of Leisure Services have reviewed the entire length of the promenade to see if there is a more suitable site(s). MH will keep the Assn advised of any further developments.

John Fox referred to 62 Haven Road (Erect 3 x 4-bed houses) subject to a Planning Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/08/2081952) The date for Final comments is 07/10/08. The developer in this caes has tried for one replacement house, then two, then a house on half the plot, and now three, all of which have been refused by the LPA. JF hoped that those members who were able, might to attend the Inquiry in due course. JS thought this was likely to be in December 2008.

Other current planning issues

Land rear of 2 Mornish Road (Erect 3-storey house with detached garage to be accessed from Mornish Road) – Local concerns. The application has been ‘Red-carded’. Amended plans lodged on 26/08/08.

7A Bury Road (Demolish bungalow and build a 3 storey dwelling with basement and parking) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of the Assn on 07/08/08.

140 Canford Cliffs Road (Erect 8 no.3 bed and 1 no.2 bed flats with  underground parking and cycle store) – Application registered on 24/07/08. NB Application for 6 x 3-bed and 1 x 4bed flats was granted with conditions on 24/07/08

146-148 Canford Cliffs Road (Demolish existing and erect three storey block of 9 flats with basement parking) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 06/08/08.

16-18 Durrant Road (Demolish existing and erect 2 blocks of 6 flats (12 total) with single linked basement garage ) & 1 – 3 Compton Avenue (Demolish existing and erect a block of 11 flats & 1 maisonette with basement parking Revised Scheme) –both applications were granted by Planning Committee on 17/04/08 and are currently subject to review by the Local Government Ombudsman.

Land rear of 2 Mornish Road (Erect 3-storey house with detached garage to be accessed from Mornish Road) – Application registered on 25/06/08. Local concerns. The application has been ‘Red-carded’.

19 Sandbourne Road (Demolish existing and erect 5 apartments over 3 storeys with basement parking and associated cycle and bin store) – Letter of objection lodged on behalf of Assn on 24/06/08. In a letter from Bournemouth Borough Council Planning Dept dated 18/08/08, it says “You will note that cliff stability is a particular issue for certain residents in this locale and therefore I would recommend that your suitably qualified engineers investigate this matter to their professional satisfaction.”

12 St Clair Road (Construct 2 detached dwellings with associated parking as amended by

plans received 14.07.08 (Revised Scheme) granted by Planning Committee on 24/07/08.

Earlier application subject to Planning Inquiry (APP/Q1255/A/08/2076118) but withdrawn on 27/08/08.

5 Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect detached house with integral garage) – Application withdrawn on 22/07/08. Revised plans expected.

5A Shore Road (Demolish existing dwelling and erect detached house with integral garage) – Application withdrawn on 22/07/08. Revised plans expected.

1 Over Links Drive (Sever land and erect a detached house with integral garage) – application withdrawn on 27/03/08. Awaiting revised application.

1 Shore Road (Demolish existing and erect 7 apartments on 4 floors with basement parking) – Application withdrawn on 28/07/08.

8 Shore Road – BPCCRA will continue to monitor possible tree work application. An entrance has been created on the Haven Road side of this property.

60A Kings Avenue (Tree Replacement Notices to replant 3 Scots Pines) – subject to Written Representation appeal (GOSW Ref SW/THM/8147/1038)

4.      ACCOUNTS TO DATE – JD said that the Assn’s net income was marginally below that reported last month. All bulk subscriptions had been received bar one which was expected later this month.


Government’s proposed Free Swimming scheme for 60+: JS reported that, at their meeting last night, the Cabinet is recommending to Council not to proceed with the Government’s proposed Free Swimming scheme for 60+ and under 16s at this time; until the proposals are fully funded by Government, and not time-limited to two years

Proposed year-round dog free area on a section of Sandbanks beach: JS reported that, at their meeting last Monday, Cllr Peter Adams called for a show of hand for this proposal and a majority of members of the Southern Poole Chairmens’ Liaison Group voted in favour of this proposal. MH commented that a dog ban is already in operation during the Summer months.

Community Safety Survey 2008: Rose Rogers raised concerns about the 12 page questionnaire which she had received from Opinion Research Services based in Swansea on behalf of the Dorset Police Authority (DPA). The form asks a lot of personal questions about health, housing etc

JS said that he had already been contacted about this by Geoff Solomon, a former Chairman of the Assn who was concerned amongst other matters, about the cost of the exercise, bearing in the underfunding that the DPA is experiencing.

Chairman’s note: GS has since received a reply from a Spencer Challenger on behalf of the Chief Constable…

“The Community Safety Survey is an annual survey. It satisfies a mandatory requirement for all Police Forces to consult the community around policing priorities and funding of the service. The survey is a valuable process for gathering a wide range of views in a structured way and allows the identification of priorities and ways of improving trust and confidence in local policing.”

Social HomeBuy Pilot Scheme for Affordable Housing: Chris Stracey referred to Central Government’s Shared Ownership scheme which is being promoted by the Department of Communities and Local Government’s and wondered, in view of large number of unsold flats in the Borough, the Council might wish to take advantage of the scheme.

TS said that he thought that there were about 1,500 unsold flats in the conurbation. He has been told that some of the ‘Affordable’ flats above ASDA in West Quay Road still remain unsold.

NS said that he would counsel extreme caution as he didn’t think that the Council Tax payer should take on the risk and this should be left to market forces.

SA said that Shared Ownership had been in existence for 30 years and was an ideal situation which had been adopted by many Housing Associations. It works quite well but properties have to conform to certain standards and flats in the area covered by the Assn were unlikely to fall in the category as ‘Affordable Housing’.

JS asked if CS would write a note to him on the subject and SA suggested that the known Housing Assns in Poole be contacted.

NS said that, following the departure of Simon Hendey, as Head of Housing & Community Services, Kelly Ansell, Principal Strategic Housing Manager was currently, Acting Head of Housing.

Mass Rally in Bournemouth: TS reported the CPRE are organising a Mass Rally on Saturday (13/09/08) in Bournemouth Town Square sponsored by six Councils opposing the Government’s plans for an additional 48,000 homes in the area.

Proposal to plant trees in Haven Road (Canford Cliffs Village) KA asked if consideration could be given to planting trees along the pavement in the village. There is only one tree at present.

JS said that he would put this on the Agenda for next month’s meeting.

Chairman’s note: KA writes “The provision of several leafy deciduous trees would complement the existing four flower baskets at each corner of the village. In addition they would mask the unsightly and drab upper floors of the shops which in many cases are empty or used as store rooms and would enhance the pleasant shop fronts below.

An avenue of trees is know to help to calm down traffic and their introduction would be a long term investment into the beauty of the village and would also form an excellent setting for Christmas lights.”

JS closed the meeting at 8.30pm.

Date of next Meeting: The next meeting is on Wednesday 8th October 2008 in the Main Hall at Branksome St Aldhelm’s Parish Centre (Entrance via Lindsay Road)